
Latest News

October 11, 2024

When former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went on CNN to discuss his new book, host Jake Tapper wanted mostly to get his take on something in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book.

Johnson surely would have rather talked about his own book.  But Tapper apparently thought this would be a way to elicit some remarks critical of Trump, so that was the strategy.  He wanted Tapper’s reaction to an unsourced allegation that Trump has talked to Putin as many as seven times after leaving the White House.

As we discussed yesterday, former UN Ambassador under Obama Susan Rice has already commented on this, suggesting that Trump had violated the Logan Act and thus had broken the law.

But according to Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, “None of...these made-up stories by Bob Woodward are true.”

Anyway, when asked about this on CNN, Johnson disappointed Tapper by saying, “I don’t know if that’s true, and I’m certainly not privy to the contents of those sorts of conversations.”

Not only did he not offer anything to support Susan Rice’s lame “Logan Act” allegations against Trump, but he proceeded to blast away at the whole “Trump-Russia” lie: “What I can tell our viewers is that when I had dealings with Trump over Russia, like when the Russians poisoned people in the U.K., it was actually the Trump administration that really...exceeded expectations.  They expelled 60 Russian spies.  It was the Trump administration that actually gave Ukrainians lethal weaponry --- the Javelin missiles to use against Putin’s troops.”

Talk about an awkward moment for Jake Tapper.  Take that, CNN!  Tapper quickly changed the subject to Johnson’s own book (which was the appropriate topic, anyway), so the Russia comments take up just the first couple of minutes in the video interview…

As BLAZE MEDIA points out, Johnson has also said that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump’s watch.

Here’s Johnson on Britain’s TIMES Radio: “I happen to believe that when Donald Trump says that had he been President in 2022, there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine, my view is that that is a credible assertion.  I really do think that’s credible.”



RELATED CORRECTION: I made reference a couple of days ago to Bob Woodward’s new book and some explosive comments allegedly made in private by President Biden. I apologize for forgetting to include the standard disclaimer about any Bob Woodward book:

“Warning: These alleged quotes come from anonymous sources and any resemblance to anything actually said by the person being quoted might be purely coincidental.”

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