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January 22, 2022

Good evening!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Tonight's stories include:

  • Bible Verse of the Day - Isaiah 43:18-19
  • A trip down Memory Lane
  • Biden’s America: Warrants as ID:
  • A Growing Rift
  • Weekend Feel-Good Story
  • "Huckabee" Preview:
  • RIP Comic Louie Anderson


Mike Huckabee

P.S. To subscribe to the advertisement-free version of the newsletter (delivering the morning and evening editions together in one email), go here.


Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:18-19

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in one of our newsletters, please email [email protected].

2. A trip down Memory Lane:

For those who are expressing shock that President Biden questioned the legitimacy of the upcoming elections during his press conference, I have to ask: “What rock have you been living under?” One of my writers said this has been going on so long that his late father used to tell him 30 years ago that “to hear them tell it, no Democrat ever lost a ‘fair’ election.”

At the link, David Harsanyi takes us on a trip down Memory Lane, to revisit the many “conspiracy theories” and “Big Lies” embraced and promoted by top Democrats to try to undermine confidence in US elections. Of course, it’s not insurrection when they do it, it’s “protecting democracy.”

3. Biden’s America: Warrants as ID:

Here’s something to think about the next time you’re at the airport and being forced to half-undress to comply with draconian TSA “safety” measures: Texas GOP Rep. Lance Gooden reports that his office discovered that the TSA allows illegal immigrants to use ICE arrest warrants and warrants of removal/deportation as ID to board airliners. What's next, wanted posters?

In a statement, Gooden said, “President Biden is putting millions of Americans at risk by allowing known criminals and potential terrorists to fly on U.S. airlines. A criminal alien shouldn’t be allowed to board a plane after presenting a warrant for their arrest. They should be detained and brought before a judge.”

Agreed, but then, you can’t expect the feds to stop every potential terrorist from getting on a plane. For instance, there are so many Trump voters and concerned parents to keep track of, it’s inevitable that the occasional outspokenly anti-Semitic terrorist supporter with a criminal record and mental problems is going to fly here from Great Britain. There’s just no way to stop it.

4. A Growing Rift:

One thing you can always count on with leftist grievance group political coalitions is that the groups will eventually turn on one another. Here’s a report on a surprise growing rift in the LGBT community, as trans women (men identifying as woman) are taking over female-only spaces that lesbians have carved out for themselves. The L’s in “LGBT” are not happy about it, creating an unlikely area of agreement between lesbian activists and conservatives fighting the trans takeover of girls’ sports.

One year on, one of the best things about the Biden Administration is how all that foreign policy experience and competence is making leaders in other nations respect America again. Oh, wait…

5. Weekend Feel-Good Story:

A big salute to Donald Huisenga for finally getting his high school diploma at 98. Now, he wasn’t a really bad student. He was weeks away from graduating when he was drafted and went off to fight in World War II, where he became a paratrooper and spent eight months in a German POW camp. Recently, the school board in his home town of Lake View, Iowa, voted unanimously to recognize him as a high school graduate and send him a diploma.

Congratulations, Mr. Huisenga! Now, you can finally go to college!

6. "Huckabee" Preview:

Join me tonight for a must-see episode of “Huckabee” on TBN! My guests will include Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, who has not only dropped many blockbuster news exposes but who’s the subject of a growing scandal about media collusion with politicized government agencies that are targeting journalists. You’ll also meet a Huck’s Hero who’s helping people escape human trafficking, and we'll pay tribute to rock legend and my friend, Meat Loaf. On the lighter side, you’ll be astounded by “digital illusionist” Keelan Leyser. Then get ready for some great music from Grammy-winning country singer/songwriter Paul Overstreet.

It all gets started tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

7. RIP Comic Louie Anderson

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I’m sad to have to report that on the same day we lost the big man of rock, Meat Loaf, we also lost the big man of comedy, Louie Anderson. He died in Las Vegas at 68, just three days after being hospitalized with large B-cell lymphoma, a form of cancer he had been privately battling.

With his large frame, sweet demeanor and self-deprecating jokes about his weight, Anderson burst into national fame during the comedy boom of the ‘80s with a star-making debut on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show.” He quickly became a mainstay in Vegas; appeared in a number of movies including “Coming to America” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off;” and popped up on many TV talk and variety shows, game shows such as “The New Hollywood Squares” (he even hosted “Family Feud” for three years), and sitcoms. Dennis Miller called him one of the few comics he would leave his dressing room early to watch.

He got three Emmy nominations and one win as Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy for playing the mother of two characters in the bizarre FX series, “Baskets” (it wasn’t about transgenderism; he was a male comic actor playing an overweight, older woman.) He also created and voiced the cartoon series, “Life With Louie,” based on his troubled childhood with 10 siblings. It showed how the bullying he endured over his weight helped him develop his sense of humor. He won two Daytime Emmy Awards for his performance. He also wrote four books, all self-help books from his personal viewpoint about dealing with childhood abuse, weight problems and self-esteem issues.

One of my favorite bits of his that remains timely was about how he complained to the government for years about a pothole in front of his house. Finally, he noticed some workmen pouring a driveway, asked if he could borrow a bucket of asphalt, dumped it in the hole himself…and neighbors streamed out of their houses, cheering him and throwing him an impromptu parade.

Those nostalgic for the days when comedians were funny and people didn’t scream about being offended by every joke might get a kick out of reliving Louie’s debut on Johnny Carson’s show from 1984. Here is it on YouTube. RIP, Louie.

8. I Just Wanted To Say:

Thank you for reading the Evening Edition.

For more news of my news coverage, visit my website here.

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  • jack macdonald

    01/24/2022 11:49 AM

    Just a note to thank you for your book which teaches children the foibles of socialism. That would be a welcome addition to the public school corriculum to replace CRT and other Marxist offerings. That clown that wrote the textbooks promoting communism should be jailed. The damage already done to young minds is incalcuable.

  • jack macdonald

    01/24/2022 11:45 AM

    Flash headline. Someone elected a corrupt moron to be leader of the free world. You would have to search extensively to find a more inept person for this job. The person who has never made a correct call on foreign policy is now in the midst of screwing up his latest opportunity.

    On another topic, we couldn't spend $5 billion to build a wall to protect us from an invasion, but we will spend many times that to support the illegals. Secondly, I watch commercials that are soliciting donations to house our wounded vets. I don't know how much of those donations reach the vets after deducting for the continually running adds and other overhead. These vets should have housing provided by The DOD as part of their budget. They were protecting all of us and their is no reason for taxpayers not to help them with housing and other needs. A small fraction of what this govt. wastes on welfare and multi trillion boondoggle infrastructure and greenie legislation could solve this. $10 billion dollars that this govt wastes every hour could build a lot of nice homes for our vets and as a taxpayer, I would rather seem my money spent on this versus illegals, planned parenthood and sent to our enemies.

  • Jerry

    01/23/2022 07:52 AM

    Keeping the southern border open the msm and the Oval Office are deflecting the serious problems this invasion is creating biden is playing Russian roulette by putting possible terrorists on our air planes transporting them to all parts of the country biden also busses people he has no idea who or what they are biden has been gambling with this country’s security most of his life biden has gotten away this for 49 years yes biden has played Americans for fools a long time.

  • Paul Kern

    01/22/2022 09:23 PM

    I think Mr. Huisenga with his life experience and surviving WW 2 has more knowledge and common sense than any of the "woke" college grads! They would try to stone him should he try to teach these spoiled and clueless "adult" children.

  • Thomas A Randall Sr

    01/22/2022 08:57 PM

    There is story on Trucking webpages about the Federal Gov. Stopping trucks from Mexico and Canada from entering the USA. If we think there is problem with the supply chain now just wait for all the freight coming from the other countries not getting here.

  • Floyd A Unger

    01/22/2022 08:45 PM

    Thank you


    01/22/2022 07:53 PM

    it happened again, it's not the first time--i received no "paid" newsletter. i went to the site and see there are both a.m. and p.m. edition posted, but no paid subscription to read. Pretty disconcerting. I realy don't like the ads, when i've paid to do away with them. Now, if you could only do something so that the readers could circumvent the website references. . . . . . . It might be almost a great as if you had sent out an option to have it read!!