
Latest News

October 23, 2024

Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, has found something else that strongly suggests that “witness” Cassidy Hutchinson was lying under oath to the House J6 Committee.

Recall that last week, it was revealed that then-Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who co-chaired the so-called “Select” Committee on January 6 with Democrat Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, had had unethical communications with Hutchinson as her testimony grew and evolved over time.  (I suppose we should say “alleged communications,” but these conversations are right there to read.)

Now, a handwriting expert has determined that a note Hutchinson said had been written by her actually wasn’t.  She testified at a public hearing on June 28, 2022, that Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Eric Hirschmann, one of Trump’s attorneys, had dictated it to her.  The note read: “ANYONE WHO ENTERED THE CAPITOL ILLEGALLY WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY SHOULD LEAVE IMMEDIATELY,” with the word “ILLEGALLY” marked out.

Hirschmann has always maintained that he wrote the note himself, and this is consistent with what the handwriting expert found.  From Loudermilk’s press release: “As the Select Committee consistently did with all of Hutchinson’s testimony, they accepted and promoted her claim without any corroboration or seeking other evidence to substantiate her testimony.”

Okay, we already knew Hutchinson was lying --- her story about Trump grabbing his driver and trying to make him go to the Capitol is an obvious tall tale --- but this is just another example of the “Select” Committee bringing discredit upon itself.

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