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October 15, 2024

Dr. Stefan Weber, the famous Austrian “plagiarism hunter” who has outed plagiarist politicians in the German-speaking world, also works in English and says he’s uncovered multiple violations by Kamala Harris in her 2009 book, “SMART ON CRIME:  A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer.”  Conservative investigator Christopher Rufo reports that he’s independently confirmed these examples, which he says are “comparable in severity to the plagiarism found in former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis.”

Claudine Gay had to resign the Harvard presidency over her plagiarism, as well as her anti-Semitic comments.  In light of that, what kind of standards do we have for the U.S. Presidency?

One standard used to be that the candidate did not plagiarize.  When Kamala says she can’t think of anything she’d do differently from President Biden, I wonder if she remembered Biden had very credibly been accused of plagiarism, too.  He was knocked out of the 1988 Democrat presidential primary after it was found that he’d plagiarized a paper (five pages’ worth) during his first year in law school (he failed the course but made it up) and, during that primary campaign, “borrowed” the family history and public remarks made by British politician Neil Kinnock.

Rufo says Harris plagiarized “at least a dozen sections” of her book.  Hilariously, THE NEW YORK TIMES is now saying that Kamala’s plagiarism is “not serious,” given the size of the plagiarized portions, which are relatively small, they say, compared to the overall size of the book.  Gosh, I wish they’d specified the exact percentage of a book that’s okay to plagiarize, as that knowledge would be very helpful to me when I write my next one.

While she was San Francisco district attorney, Kamala co-authored the book with Joan O’C Hamilton and had it published for her 2010 campaign for California attorney general.  That’s according to Wikipedia, which ironically is one of the sources Kamala is alleged to have purloined from.

Yes, that’s right.  Kamala allegedly plagiarized from WIKIPEDIA.  When it came to writing her book, she was like the lazy C student who forgot her term paper was due and had to pull an all-nighter cribbing from Wikipedia.

The book SMART ON CRIME --- this quote is also from Wikipedia, haha --- “outlines her vision of how the criminal justice system should function.”  Judging from the way it has functioned under Biden-Harris, that must boil down to “not well.”  In fact, it’s hard to make any connection between Kamala Harris and a book called SMART ON CRIME, except in the most sarcastic way.

Dr. Weber says in his summary of findings, “Kamala Harris copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article into her book without providing proper attribution to Wikipedia.”  He also accuses her of fabricating a source reference, inventing a nonexistent page number.  There’s promotional material from Goodwill Industries that she used without attribution.  And in many instances, he says, “even when a source was cited with a footnote, the text was directly copied and pasted without using quotation marks.  Quotation marks would have been the most transparent and honest approach...”

“Further signs of dishonesty may be evident when sources were copied but specific details were altered, such as replacing a Subway store owner with a sandwich store clerk (p. 124) or highlighting Southeast Asia in the context of the US gang problem (p.184).”

As reported in BREITBART, Rufo says that in a discussion of high school graduation rates, she “lifted verbatim language from an uncited AP/NBC News report.”

“In another section of the book,” Rufo says, “Harris, without proper attribution, reproduced extensive sections from a John Jay College of Criminal Justice press release.  She and her co-author passed off the language as their own, copying multiple paragraphs verbatim.”  Rufo puts the two side by side, showing how blatant this is, an obvious cut-and-paste of entire paragraphs.  (The editor probably made those tiny punctuation changes, such as changing “%” to “percent,” per their stylebook.)

“In a section about a New York court program,” Rufo says, “Harris stole long passages directly from Wikipedia --- long considered an unreliable source.  [Indeed, she apparently passed along an inaccurate and unverified interpretation of a statistic.]  She not only assumes the online encyclopedia’s accuracy, but copies its language almost verbatim, without citing the source.”  And then, again, he lines them up side by side; it’s obvious.

And it’s enough plagiarism for TRENDING POLITICS to call it “rampant.”

Can you imagine the media uproar if, say, J. D. Vance were found to have plagiarized parts of his book HILLBILLY ELEGY?  He’s already posted about this on X, mocking the so-called “fact”-checkers and saying, “I wrote my own book.”

As BREITBART notes, it was just two months ago when the Harris campaign was caught plagiarizing Biden’s issue page from his campaign website, after she’d been criticized for not even having an issue page.

Harris campaign spokesman James Singer has responded to the allegations: “This is a book that’s been out for 15 years, and the Vice President clearly cited sources and statistics in footnotes and endnotes throughout.”  Okay, except when she didn’t.

Because we like this particular comment on Kamala’s candidacy and the corrupt media that bury any story that interferes with their agenda, we’re going to run it with quotation marks around it and attribute to BREITBART’S John Nolte, who wrote it:

“Look at how far Harris rose --- attorney general of California, U.S. Senator, Vice President, and Democrat presidential nominee, without the corporate media discovering this.  Think about that… think about all the corporate media outlets out there that are supposed to be vetting candidates and competing for scoops… Think of the endless resources available to them: billions of dollars and tens of thousands of staffers… And yet, they never bothered to vet Kamala’s book --- or they did, discovered the plagiarism, and hid it from the public.”

We’d be willing to bet it’s the latter.  Somebody probably knew about this and kept it under wraps for a long time.

If Kamala somehow finds herself cornered with a question about this, we have to wonder if she’ll throw her co-writer under the bus.  When the NEW YORK POST called to ask Joan O’C Hamilton about it on Monday, she said she was surprised to learn about the allegations.

“Oh, gosh,” she reportedly told the POST.  “I haven’t seen anything.  I’m afraid I can’t talk to you right now, though, I’m in the middle of something.  Let me go try to figure that out.”

She’s in the middle of something, all right.  Wonder if they’ve heard back yet.


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