
Latest News

April 9, 2021

A few people who really are journalists are wondering why we STILL haven’t been given an official cause of death for Officer Brian Sicknick.

Recall that Sicknick, 42, was the Capitol Hill police officer who, according to initial reports of the January 6 breach of the Capitol Building, was fatally struck in the head with a fire extinguisher. Witnesses said he was taken out on a stretcher, a bloody gash on his head. “Journalists” later reported sensationally that Sicknick, a 12-year veteran of the force, had been attacked by the pro-Trump mob and beaten to death with a fire extinguisher.

But the witnesses were wrong, and so were the journalists who reported this over and over. Yes, sadly, Sicknick died late the next day, but we know he did not suffer an injury to his head. This kind of early misinformation is typical; initial reports of chaotic events are almost always way off the mark. But it’s been three months. And there seems to be an astounding lack of curiosity among the news media concerning what really ended Sicknick’s life.

A few are expressing concern. Stacey Matthews at LEGAL INSURRECTION has a new piece that dares to ask the question, why has the chief medical examiner in DC still not released the details of how Brian Sicknick died, and told us more about Ashli Babbitt’s death as well?

Five people who were on Capitol Hill during the rally ended up dying. As Matthews reports, Washington, DC, Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Francisco J. Diaz has determined that Kevin Greeson, 55, and Benjamin Phillips, 50, died from natural causes, in both cases heart attacks. Roseanne Boyland, 34, died of “acute amphetamine intoxication.” (THE NEW YORK TIMES had monumentally screwed up by originally reporting that she was “killed in a crush of fellow rioters during their attempt to fight through a police line.”) Ashli Babbitt, 35, died of a gunshot wound to her left shoulder; recall that she was shot by a member of Capitol Hill security.

As for the details surrounding her homicide, we don’t have those, either. As another real journalist, Glenn Greenwald, tweeted, “...not only have there been no investigations released or facts given about what the DC Medical Examiner is calling the ‘homicide’ of Ashli Babbitt --- who was unarmed --- they still have not even released the name of the officer who fatally shot her in the neck at close range.”

Gosh, could it possibly be that the media don’t want to be bothered when facts get in the way of their chosen narrative? Julie Kelly at AMERICAN GREATNESS says that’s the case in an opinion piece called “Media, Politicians Still Spreading the ‘Big Lie’ about Officer Sicknick."

Just hours after Sicknick died on January 7, the Capitol Hill Police Department issued a statement saying he had “passed away due to injuries sustained while on-duty. Officer Sicknick was responding to the riots on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol and was injured while physically engaging with protesters. He returned to his division office and collapsed. He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”

Surprisingly, even the WASHINGTON EXAMINER passed along the premature conclusion that “Sicknick died as a result of injuries sustained in the riot.” We found that wording in a story about the two Capitol Hill officers who committed suicide days after the riot. This is what happens in the media world; news outlets just keep picking up what others have reported, whether it’s accurate or not.

Sicknick’s death was certainly exploited to further the narrative of a deadly pro-Trump mob. His body lay in state in the Capitol rotunda. Kelly describes this as “a somber memorial attended by Joe Biden and his wife and well as lawmakers from both political parties –- the weekend before House Democrats launched their second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.”

After that, his remains were transported to Arlington Memorial Cemetery for another public ceremony attended by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and Republican congressional leaders.

By the way, the trial memorandum from Trump’s impeachment STILL INCLUDES the allegation that “the insurrectionists killed a Capitol Police officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher.” Ah, but it cites evidence: the (incorrect) January 8 story in THE NEW YORK TIMES. They were using this to construct a narrative: that Trump had incited murder.

Three months have passed since Sicknick’s death, and the DC Medical Examiner’s Office still isn’t disclosing the cause. A spokesperson for his office said in an email to AMERICAN GREATNESS, “The...medical examiners comply with the National Association of Medical Examiners’ (NAME) standard to determine the cause and manner of death within 90 days; however, for cases that are more complex, it could be longer.”

Kyle Becker at TRENDING POLITICS wonders about the delay as well, and also the fact that whoever shot Ashli Babbitt still has not been identified.

As long as they drag out releasing Sicknick’s cause of death, the media can continue with their story that he died in the line of duty and it’s all Trump’s fault. There is no evidence of this at all. Sicknick apparently seemed okay to his co-workers later that day when he returned to his office. Family members said they spoke to him that night and he seemed fine. His mother told the DAILY MAIL in an exclusive interview that she thinks he died of a stroke.

This is an excellent report, with a detailed timeline. As told here, Sicknick’s mother was “unequivocal in her assertion that Officer Brian Sicknick was not struck on the head and as far as the family knows her son had a fatal stroke.”

"He wasn’t hit on the head, no,” she said. “We think he had a stroke, but we don’t know anything for sure. We’d love to know what happened.” But it seems the only story they’ve heard is the one Democrats find useful.

Another possibility is that he had a delayed reaction to the capsaicin in pepper spray or bear spray. He texted his brother the evening of the 6th, and told him, “I got pepper-sprayed twice.” The brother said he was “in good shape.”

On January 8, Sicknick’s father told REUTERS that on the 7th, as they rushed from their home in New Jersey to the DC hospital that had placed him on a ventilator, they were told he’d suffered a stroke and had a blood clot on his brain. He died before they could get there.

The family didn’t want his death politicized, but as the DAILY MAIL reports, “Less than 24 hours after his death, with no autopsy, no confirmation of any sign of blunt trauma, no investigation nor due process...Pelosi called for the ‘perpetrators’ of Sicknick’s ‘attack’ to be brought to justice and vowed, ‘We will not forget.’” Well, we won’t forget, either, how the Democrats exploited the as-yet unexplained death of a police officer for their own political gain.

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  • Helen ziller

    04/11/2021 10:32 PM

    I have thought from day 1 that the shooting of Babbitt was targeted and it is bad that we don't know who shot her and none of the details. It is also suspicious that they haven't released info about the cases.

  • Thomas D Eckel

    04/11/2021 02:49 PM

    Officer Sicknick's death might have been self induced. This idea seems to answer many unanswered questions. This is only hypothetical and is not meant to be disrespectable.

  • Daniel Pruitt

    04/10/2021 02:50 PM

    What's apparent, 3 months after the officer's death is that there's a bunch of ANTIFA hoodlums in the hallowed halls of Congress, especially in the democratic party, who will exploit the death of an officer for their own selfish gains

  • Jim Coyle

    04/10/2021 09:56 AM

    I happen to know Sicknick's father very well; as he was a plumbing contractor in town in the late 70's when I became an apprentice. He was my teacher for my first year (night school) apprenticeship program, and I remember when Brian was born. (1978 I believe) His father has long since retired and I don't see him too often. ( I used to see him in the plumbing supply store). I live no more than a mile from him, but in another town. I have had 3 kids graduate from Liberty University.

  • Shelley Keebaugh

    04/10/2021 07:20 AM

    Like the reader attached to this email... I’m worried about our future as well as my grandchildren’s. I always shake my head and wonder why we Republicans can’t get our act together. Why reactive and not proactive. Having a great plan ahead of time. Health insurance as an example. How do we gets kids today to see where we are headed without these good plans. I want courageous people in leadership. Am I expecting too much?? Thanks for your daily messages of hope. So appreciate you and yours.

  • Carol Masteller

    04/10/2021 06:40 AM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee, How do we get the official Congress record corrected?!? This is “re-writing” or “pre-writing” History. Thanks so much for all your info!


    04/10/2021 06:23 AM

    I was wary of working for the 2016 Trump campaign due to the NYTimes assertion that Trump only wanted to improve his brand. I googled Make America Great Again and learned that he had gone to the trouble to trademark it right after Romney's loss. I was also troubled by his "I never ask for forgiveness," the cornerstone of our Christian faith. However, I was convinced he would reverse the anti-Christian trend accelerated by the Obamas and I went to work for him. I asked for signs and was told I would have to purchase them. I bought three hundred and easily got my money back. It was a thrill to place a lifestyle poster of him at various venues and watch people take pictures of them next to it.

  • Fred Wichmann

    04/10/2021 06:23 AM

    The cremation reminds me of the late Justice Scalia's death. Here was a long time thorn in the side of liberals, staying in an out-of-the-way resort with a history of medical problems. A man as important as he pronounced dead over the phone, not required to have an autopsy (which can be demanded despite a family's wishes), embalmed for travel and viewing within 24 hours (which destroys potential lab evidence if someone changed their mind on the autopsy}, and then like Sicknick - cremated - the ultimate erasure of physical proof of something that might negate the narrative or, at least, expose loose ends.

  • Jim Scala

    04/10/2021 05:51 AM

    Too much has been swept under the rug. What happened to Pelosi's stolen laptop? Why is there no update on the pipe bombs, planted the night before?

    Conservative Americans are furious and demand answers.

  • Lester Jacobs

    04/09/2021 11:39 PM

    I agree with the question that your post supposes. There exists no valid reason to me for this delay to carry on any further - except for the fact that any information revealed will not - does not support the narrative already adopted by our Democratic party.

  • Beatrice Long

    04/09/2021 11:27 PM

    It's a sad affair to lose a member of your family it's ten fold when it's your child. The Dems have been disrespectful, irresponsible & down right liars! This was all a dog & pony show for the arrests they were working on so they could say "see it was those criminal Trump supporters who murdered Mr Sicknek". How utterly disgusting that whole bunch are. They need to release the ME'S findings both on the officer & Ms Babitt. They're doing their damnedest to hide something...but ofcourse with GF it's all you hear about!! I'm sick of it! ??

  • Marianne Aslin

    04/09/2021 11:16 PM

    You nailed this entire story Governor. Every plausible death explained and the two important ones still unexplained. Thank you and please stay on this.

  • Anne Amato

    04/09/2021 11:06 PM

    Exactly why have they NOT named the "Capitol police officer" who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt (sp)??? Is it possible that it was NOT an actual member of any law enforcement? After all, there were videos of people entering the Capitol bldg from the back entrances (transported by white busses), taking "selfies" with Capitol police....and this was BEFORE the people even began being encited to try to enter thru the front. All I saw on video was a black gloved hand discharging a pistol from behind a doorway. Is it possible that the shooter was actually one of those let in from the back????? Could THAT be why the name has not been released????

  • Sue Collins

    04/09/2021 10:48 PM

    It is time we all know the truth about this riot.

  • Carl T Smith

    04/09/2021 09:43 PM

    The Cover-Up is always Worse than the Crime itself but in this case, I could be wrong! the CCP tentacles might just run deeper than even I Imagined.

  • Carl T Smith

    04/09/2021 09:32 PM

    To anyone who wishes can see what's going on and DENY it's all orchestrated by Obama's Staff( Susan Rice, to FINISH his Fundamentally Changing America! Ever wonder WHY Obama never could complete the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence--We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that___ Omitted they are endowed by their Creator) ______that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness --To admit WE have a Creator would make him an Apostate and could be stoned to death by his Mullahs?

  • Edie Faylor

    04/09/2021 08:05 PM

    How can these so called journalists get away with this kind of nonsense. This reminds me of the years I spent behind the iron curtain and the Pravda like newspapers we received. Each year the facts were changed to suit the then current leadership. Kind of like in 1984!

  • Helen A. Person

    04/09/2021 08:02 PM

    Dear Governor, Thank you for bringing this story back to the public radar. It is despicable how the Democrats are politicizing anything and everything they believe will quench their thirst for power. There is no satisfaction, though, and they will not stop until we are literally in a civil war. With prayer, they will implode before that happens.
    Thank you for being a voice of reason and objective reporting asking relevant, reasonable questions.

  • Margaret Nelson

    04/09/2021 07:40 PM


  • Debra Mackney

    04/09/2021 07:32 PM

    I am ashamed of the American Politicians. They have done so much damage to this Nation's freedoms, identity, morality. How in the world do we correct what they have done?

  • Mark Mittelstaedt

    04/09/2021 07:11 PM

    Was Sicknick in possession of information that would be deleterious to...Hilary Clinton ? Just curious...

  • Larry G. Davis

    04/09/2021 06:43 PM

    What a sad state we are in when political leaders will stoop so low just to make the opposing party look bad. It breaks my heart that the parents of Mr. Sicknick had to be put through this type of treatment, all in the name of throwing dirt on a president that they hate.

  • Robert Wells

    04/09/2021 06:16 PM

    I’m a 21 year police veteran with investigative experience.

    How is this theory (not to be a conspiracy).
    1) no name/identification of Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt.
    2) no cause of death for Officer Sicknick.

    Could it be that Officer Sicknick shot Babbitt and suffering remorse over the incident, took his own life? This would be information that no one would like to make public.

    Why else are there no answers to the two pressing issues?

  • Nola Roden

    04/09/2021 04:52 PM

    These corrupt Dems need to go NOW!! They are ruining our country and for what it stands.

  • Rev RON Fenner

    04/09/2021 04:42 PM

    I don’t believe it was trumps people it was planned and the left wanted not. It’s like the virus. It did give them an opportunity to kill hundreds of older people plus take control over the sheeple. And just down the economy to about a stand still. America has become Germany 101. The church will sing louder as the so called crisis destroyed this country. With 42 million babies killed last yr I would think that just may be a pandemic of lawlessness running wild!