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September 3, 2021
- September 4, 2021

Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has an entertaining and informative write-up about two good stories out of Texas (the passage of the voter integrity bill and the Supreme Court allowing enforcement of the post-five-week abortion ban – FYI,, Chief Justice Roberts sided with the liberals in wanting to block that, but they were outvoted 5-4.)

Kruiser also talks about some of the apocalyptic hair-on-fire rhetoric dispensed by the Democrats in their anguish over the idea that Texans disapprove of election cheating and killing babies.

I fervently hope that this overheated verbiage is starting to lose its potency, like the boy who cried, “Wolf!” (or “Racist!”) It seems to me as if the left has a bag full of random red-hot words and phrases that they just throw wildly at anything that displeases them, in hopes it will stick even if it makes no sense. Like insulting black people by calling an ID requirement “voter suppression” or “Jim Crow on steroids” (most black Americans are perfectly capable of obtaining an ID and support having to show it to vote.)

But leave it to radical left Rep. Cori Bush to take this to new levels of incomprehensibility by tweeting, “I’m thinking about the Black, brown, low-income, queer, and young folks in Texas. The folks this abortion health care ban will disproportionately harm.”

Wow, applying logic to that is like trying to untangle the world’s biggest hairball. First of all, abortion isn’t “health care.” It’s the opposite: it’s killing a child in the womb. There is almost no circumstance in which abortion is considered a necessary procedure to protect a woman’s health.

Secondly, the way that black and brown people would be disproportionately affected by an abortion ban is that a lot more of them would be alive today. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 20 million black babies have been aborted. That’s more than the entire black US population in 1960. Also, 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located within walking distance of black or Latino neighborhoods. It should come as no surprise that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist eugenicist.

Third, young folks probably are disproportionately affected by any abortion law, since old people don’t get pregnant that often.

Finally, “queer” people are certainly disproportionately affected by abortion laws, as in “not affected AT ALL!” Is unplanned pregnancy really a big concern for male-male or female-female couples? Maybe some hire surrogates or get artificially inseminated to have kids, but if so, I doubt they’ll be running to abortion clinics afterward.

This just goes to show that the left has no intelligent arguments in favor of killing children in the womb, so they just reach into their bag of buzzwords (“Black!” “Young!” “Queer!” “Disproportionate!”) and throw out whatever they can grab in hopes it will fly by so fast that you won’t have time to think about it.

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  • David A Kingsella

    09/04/2021 09:38 AM


    I'm so glad that someone with common sense will go after the radical left on such an important issue. Your commentary is spot-on; abortion helps no one and hurts everyone. The unborn child is obviously hurt, but the damage to the mother is also collateral damage. My sister had an abortion as a teenager and never got over the trauma of it. It is also a loss to humanity; how many future Presidents, Generals, or productive American Citizens have we aborted?

    Thanks for all you do,

    Dave Kingsella