
Latest News

July 27, 2021

In politics, a “gaffe” is when someone slips up and accidentally tells the truth. Like when a co-host on “The View” agreed that it would be great to demand people provide ID before opening social media accounts to keep racists from having a forum.

Uh…isn’t asking someone to show an ID a form of racism itself? You know, “Jim Crow on steroids?” Also, hate to mention it, but demanding that people show proof of vaccination before being allowed to exercise various rights, another current hot liberal idea, is also demanding a government-issued ID.

President Biden also committed an accidental truth “gaffe” at last week’s CNN Townhall. In response to the White House’s jaw-dropping claim that it’s Republicans who want to defund the police, a reporter asked, “Are there people in the Democratic Party who want to defund the police?” Biden snapped, “Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?”

As Noah Rothman at Commentary magazine points out at the link, yes, there are a teeny-tiny handful of crazy conspiracy theorists who self-identify as Republicans. And Biden just compared all the Democrat Congress members, mayors, city council members, academics and others who’ve pushed the insane “defund the police” movement to a fringe group of nutjobs. Which, I have to admit, makes a lot of sense.

To be fair, when a Democrat President tells a lie so blatant that even the Washington Post calls him out on it, telling the truth is pretty much his last resort.

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