
Latest News

October 9, 2024

As FEMA is getting slammed for its slow, inadequate and even counterproductive response to Hurricane Helene, the officials in charge are trying to silence the criticism by branding it as “misinformation.” For instance, claims that nearly a billion dollars of its budget were spent on illegal immigrants. It’s true, but they claim it didn’t come from the emergency fund part of their budget, so it's false. Here’s a response that explains how ridiculous that is.

Incidentally, this Administration seems to be able to come up with hundreds of billions of dollars out of nowhere for everything from Ukraine to student loan bailouts, so why are they pleading poverty when it comes to FEMA doing its actual job?

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas was having none of this gaslighting, and neither were other conservatives, who remembered how FEMA’s response to Hurricane Katrina was savaged by the media to harm George W. Bush, when it looked like a textbook study in competence compared to today.

Another bit of alleged “misinformation”: that FEMA is unprepared for its primary job of dealing with emergencies because it prioritized woke nonsense like “diversity, equity and inclusion” and LGBTQ rights over helping the greatest number of people with actual disaster relief. Sadly for them, video has surfaced of webinars from 2022 and 2023 in which the leaders of FEMA discussed resetting priorities in exactly that way, transitioning (I’m sure they love that word) “from utilitarian principles where everything is designed for the greatest good, for the greatest amount of people, to disaster equity."

Congratulations, you’ve achieved equity: Under your incompetent oversight, everyone is suffering equally.

And now, the cure for a FEMA infected with woke paralysis: The Redneck Air Force and the Cajun Navy…if the feds will just get out of their way and let them rescue and help people.

RELATED: Seeing all those people at FEMA who seemed to think that DEI and LGBTQ were more important letters than SOS brings up an interesting question. Since Kamala Harris is asking Americans to vote for four more years of these massively destructive policies – and word is that she’s considering keeping all of Biden’s Cabinet picks if, Heaven forbid, she wins – I’d like her to answer this question:

Is there a single top Biden official who was chosen because he or she was actually qualified for the job rather than for political/crony reasons? Think about it:

We have a Homeland Security Secretary who lets millions of illegal aliens run right across the border; a Transportation Secretary who’s more concerned with “racist bridges” than preventing train derailments; an Attorney General who allows America-hating, judge-threatening, pro-life pregnancy center-burning criminals to go free while endlessly hounding Biden’s political opponents; a Pentagon that tragically botched the Afghanistan withdrawal; a Secret Service that can’t even keep a disturbed 20-year-old from setting up in plain sight to shoot a former President; and now, a FEMA that’s incapable of dealing with a disaster.

I can see why Kamala Harris would want to keep them. Compared to them, she looks almost competent. I said, “almost.”

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