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January 15, 2021

Even the tech writer for the New York Times is slowly, haltingly, hesitantly beginning to wake up to the Orwellian nightmare of Big Tech flexing its power to crush free speech.

Of course, she bends over backwards to excuse and justify it…she surely knows she can’t voice her worries too strongly, or she’ll be “cancelled” by her own paper…or maybe the scary truth is only beginning to seep through the thick cocoon of leftist groupthink in which all Times writers dwell…but the fact that she admits at all to starting to feel a touch of the willies over the ruthless power of unaccountable Silicon Valley billionaires should tell you how bad it is. This is like the moment in “Jurassic Park” when the people notice ripples in their glass of water that are their first clue that a T-Rex is stomping toward them and about to devour everyone in its path.


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  • Ron Covington

    01/29/2021 08:29 PM

    The Dem Marxists are working their hardest to Kill the Constitution, the Conservative Americans and Free Market Capitalism. Let's give them a dose of they're own medicine. They need our Income Tax Withholding to prop up their 'Struggle'. So if every hard working conservative American took 2 weeks off, I'm Sick with Covid and I Must Quarantine, their schemes would collapse. Why draw it out over 8-10 Years? Kill the economy Now and get it over with. OR, make a list of Billionaire Dem companies and Boycott them. Like they want to do to Israel!!

  • Mex

    01/15/2021 04:05 PM

    We stupid morons got so accustomed to NEWS MEDIA bias that we don’t even see it as an arm of a political party. CNN is a $5B PAC. We have a biased media dictating what’s a crime and what’s a scandal. They make polls and Congress or the DOJ check if they’re covered. Our elections are stolen because they’re not a scandal. Big Tech served the death blow to conservatism. Today we have a Congressman recruiting the banking industry to put a contract on “Right Wing.” They didn’t just stole the election. They set themselves with absolute power.

  • John Stuart

    01/15/2021 11:21 AM

    The First Amendment says’ “Congress shall make no law .. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ...” Today the Democrats are using government sanctioned monopolies to do just that. In addition other Democrat aligned businesses like Amazon, insurance companies and banks are refusing to do business with people who engage is “wrongthink”. This government-capital alliance is the definition of fascism.

  • John Stuart

    01/15/2021 11:08 AM

    The First Amendment says’ “Congress shall make no law .. abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ...” Today the Democrats are using government sanctioned monopolies to do just that. In addition other Democrat aligned businesses like Amazon, insurance companies and banks are refusing to do business with people who engage is “wrongthink”. This government-capital alliance is the definition of fascism.

  • Thomas Lee Cloud

    01/15/2021 10:36 AM

    I appreciate you...!