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December 14, 2021

Wednesday is December 15, otherwise known as Bill Of Rights Day as designated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Bill Of Rights is 230 years old and starting to feel some serious wear and tear.

Believe it or not, our nation actually takes one day out of the year to pay homage to the Bill Of Rights, at least officially. The rest of the time, those ten amendments are largely trashed, as “progressives” try to dilute it, creatively misinterpret it, find ways around it, or add to it with new rights that were not intended. Leftists see this enumeration of rights mostly as an inconvenience, the dusty relic of a bygone age, believing that they, the geniuses who are so adept at running things (into the ground), should be able to assume power at will.

We’ve often quipped that today’s elected leaders, lawyers and bureaucrats read the Constitution the way W.C. Fields used to read the Bible –- looking for loopholes. But on Wednesday, it’s time for everyone to pay respect and think about what's at stake. For more about the Bill Of Rights, here’s a helpful website.

“The Bill Of Rights incorporates the basic rights every human being should have,” it says. Well, yes. But these rights are rare and precious indeed, and I don’t need to tell you that they’re gravely endangered even within our own country.

We found some surprising information on this website. For example, did you know that not all the states ratified the Bill Of Rights right away? They had enough votes in 1791, but Massachusetts, Connecticut and Georgia waited until 1939 to ratify it! No explanation given.

The Bill Of Rights, which can be viewed today in the Rotunda of the National Archives Building in Washington DC, was introduced by fourth U.S. President-to-be James Madison. (He originally drafted 19 amendments, but the list was whittled down to 10.) The Anti-Federalists had been hesitating to approve the Constitution as originally written, and it was Thomas Jefferson who suggested to Madison that a Bill Of Rights was what they needed, to guarantee “what the people are entitled to against every government on earth.”

New Jersey wast the first state to ratify it, in 1789, and the country completed this process on December 15, 1791. The bill codified our most fundamental rights: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to protest, due process, and equal protection under the law. (I already know what you’re thinking --- what has happened to all of these?) We also have the right to bear arms, the right against unreasonable searches and seizures, and more. It’s important to say that the government doesn’t grant us these rights; it recognizes that they belong to us by virtue of God’s grace and natural law. The Bill Of Rights was set up to prevent the government from abridging our liberties. Little did the founders know that 230 years later, the government would morph at will into a cheesy magic act and “poof!” make those rights disappear.

To that point, Jane Hampton Cook has a timely column in American Greatness, asking the question, “Have Americans Surrendered Their Liberties on the Bill Of Rights’ 230th Anniversary?”

She notes that The Bill Of Rights’ 150th anniversary happened to fall 8 days after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, bringing us into a war in two hemispheres, World War II, with no guarantee of victory. At that time, Americans could feel what an attack on liberty was, because it was sudden and literal, with bombs and guns.

FDR believed that nothing could make Americans surrender their rights. “What we face is nothing more nor less than an attempt to overthrow and to cancel the great upsurge of human liberty of which the American Bill Of Rights is the fundamental document,” he said. If they could, our enemies would once again impose “absolute authority and despotic rule.”

Roosevelt explained that under totalitarianism, “the individual has no right by virtue of his humanity, no right to a soul, a mind, a tongue or a trade of his own or to live where he pleases,” adding that his duty is “one of obedience only to Adolf Hitler.” We see this today in societies such as China, where the CCP demands loyalty and compliance from its people –- not to mention from others even in our country who would do business there, and those in our government who would hope to maintain negotiating privileges. They’re extremely touchy and we wouldn’t want to upset them.

Sadly, as Cook points out, the American people have shown FDR to be wrong by allowing their most basic rights to be trampled. This has happened on a variety of fronts; Cook in her column focuses on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consider this quote from Dr. Anthony Fauci: “There comes a time when you do have to give up what you consider your original right of making your own decision for the greater good of society.” And who decides what the right decision is for you to make for the greater good of society? Not you, goodness knows. It’s Dr. Fauci, of course.

It’s not my purpose here to get into the efficacy of vaccines and lockdowns, as –- note the irony –- I’d like to be able to make my general point about freedom without being blocked on social media. I’m vaccinated myself. We’re not talking about viruses right now unless you mean the metaphorical kind that are trying to weaken and even kill the Bill Of Rights. For that vital document to survive and mean anything, our love of freedom has to transcend other concerns.

“The rise of censorship, the rise of suppression of religious freedoms, of property rights, closing a million businesses without just compensation or due process...all of these –- and the rise of a kind of track-and-trace surveillance state has been troubling to people, both Democrats and Republicans,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said to Tucker Carlson on FOX News recently.

He has also said this: “All of these rights that the founders of our country died for, sacrificed their properties, their livelihoods, to give us the Bill Of Rights, and all these rights over 20 months [of the pandemic] have been obliterated, taken from the American people.”

“Fear stops us from exercising critical thinking,” he said. “It allows us to believe that if we just do what we’re told, that is the only way to save our lives.”

“We’re lucky that there was a whole generation of Americans in 1776 who said it would be better to die than to not have these rights written down,” he said. “And they gave us that. They gave us the Bill Of Rights.”

Yes, but they were acting as the conduit; ultimately it was God who gave us the Bill Of Rights. Our rights have to be considered THAT SACRED. We certainly can’t let 21st Century control freaks take them away 230 years later.

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Comments 1-10 of 43

  • William Tams

    12/15/2021 10:26 AM

    I have also been vaccinated and had a booster shot. I also think our rights have been replace with mandates and edicts. We have lost the liberties that were put down in the original Bill of Rights. It seems only conservatives and some independents believe we have those rights.

  • Bob Boynton

    12/15/2021 10:19 AM

    I always thought that LIFE LIBERTY and PROPERTY(persuit of) would be nice.

  • Christen J Barrett

    12/15/2021 08:06 AM

    Dear Governor Huckabee, Thank you for bringing thoughtful truth to our lives each day! It’s very refreshing to trust what one is reading.
    I have a question and I wonder what you think, “why is biden still in office when he clearly is ruining our country? Why are more people not screaming dereliction of duty? Open borders, leaving citizens in Afghanistan, taking away energy independence, closing and ruining small businesses, lying about covid! The list goes on and on and mirrors behavior of a person who is an enemy of America!” I have a hard time understanding why we are all just sitting here basically allowing him to continue, it’s deeply troubling and I would appreciate your thoughts, again, thank you!!
    Christen Barrett

  • Mike Manoogian

    12/15/2021 07:17 AM

    I am most concerned about the unconstitutional 3rd world treatment of the January 6 defendants, the abuses of the January 6 congressional commission in its hunt for President Trump and his associates, and the gaslighting of our governments at all levels about COVID. These abuses lead to the question "What Bill of Rights?"

  • Charles McLaughlin

    12/15/2021 12:22 AM

    We need remind our caretakers that they serve us, not we them. Wouldn’t hurt to remind ourselves of that. If we did, there would be no need for term limits - we, the people, would ensure our congress people were term limited by not re-electing them time and again. But of course, that takes time, energy, and engagement. Better to zone out in front of the toob rather than disturb that gray matter between the ears. But really, at this time, we need to inform them “they” no longer have the consent of the governed, and make sure they understand it.

  • Larry L Price

    12/14/2021 08:14 PM

    Thank you for this article. It is right on. We must now go to the polls and vote for the right people who understand this. That is the only way we can turn this mess around.

  • Deborah Englar

    12/14/2021 07:38 PM

    If we don’t stand up for these rights now they are gone! I am so tired of the fear and mandates that are being circulated once again regarding omicron and any more variants that come from this COVID-19 madness. We have the right to say what goes into our body and what doesn’t. This administration day-by-day is attacking every American and bringing this country down in short order. I pray to the Lord daily that HIS justice will prevail And we will once again honor the Bill of Rights for what it says… About every American’s rights!! If we don’t stop this administrations madness, we will soon be living like Communist China or Russia. Stop the persecution of conservatives and Christians!

  • Patricia Mckinney

    12/14/2021 07:12 PM

    It amazes me that our citizens so quickly give up our rights I do have a question: What happened to the HIPPA laws? We are not to be required to disclose our health history to anyone other than those involved with our health care, doctors, insurance, etc?


  • Jim record

    12/14/2021 06:54 PM

    Without God the constitution and the bill of rights is words on a piece of paper. The progressive people and those on the left do not believe in God.

  • Lou Kelley

    12/14/2021 06:53 PM

    It is totally beyond my understanding how you can continue to support the C-19 Vax when it is killing and disabling far more people than C-19 ever did! Fauci and out government has and is lying to us on every hand about every aspect of the plandemic (and no I did not misspell that). FOIA information shows that in the first 2 1/2 months 1257 people died from the vaccine and more that 50,000 were injured by it. more that 2/3 of all new cases are fully vaxxed. And the proofs keep rolling on. Want more proof I can provide lots!