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October 7, 2024

“The abuse of the justice system, how they’re going after Donald Trump yet again, with this outrageously left-wing Obama judge, [Tanya] Chutkan, and this unconstitutional prosecutor [Jack Smith], where they change words around, create semantical distinctions, put it on the public record right before the election? We’ve never seen anything like this.”

That was just one in a long list of bullet points noted by Mark Levin on FOX NEWS Sunday night, outlining how the Democrats have corrupted the system and will continue to destroy it if they stay in power.  It’s this very system, including the Constitution itself, that is on the line this time.

Last week, we noted that even a CBS legal analyst had criticized Smith for his tactics.  Another condemnation NOT from the right came from CNN Senior Legal Analyst Elie Honig, who was appalled and called Smith’s move a “cheap shot” in an editorial last Thursday for NEW YORK magazine.  Read this and see if you wouldn’t have assumed it came from a conservative analyst:

“Jack Smith has failed in his quest to try Donald Trump before the 2024 election.  So instead, the special counsel has bent ordinary procedure to get in one last shot, just weeks before voters go to the polls.”  (Note:  some, in fact, are already voting.)

“Smith has now dropped a 165-page doorstop of a filing in federal court, on the issue of Trump’s immunity from prosecution.  Judge Tanya Chutkan --- who suddenly claims not to care about the impending election despite her earlier efforts to expedite the case to get it in before the very same election...duly complied with Smith’s wishes...”

Smith has “abandoned any pretense,” Honig says.  “He’ll bend any rule, switch up on any practice --- so long as he gets to chip away at Trump’s electoral prospects. At this point, there’s simply no defending Smith’s conduct on any sort of principled or institutional basis.”

Bob Hoge’s commentary on this in REDSTATE remarkably echoes Mark Levin, outlining point-by-point the various ways the Democrats have abused power and saying, “We have seen so many norms and hallowed traditions thrown into the woodchipper by the Biden-Harris regime and the Democrat/media complex that it’s hard to be shocked anymore.”  So, if you can’t be shocked, be angry, and get thee to a polling place at the earliest opportunity.

Now, just look back at what Attorney General Merrick Garland said on September 12: “Our norms are a promise that we will not allow this department to be used as a political weapon,” he lied.  “Federal prosecutors and agents may never make a decision regarding an investigation or prosecution for the purpose of affecting any election or the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.”

He forgot to add one thing:  UNLESS IT’S PRESIDENT TRUMP.  Smith excuses himself because Trump is a “threat to democracy.”  If Smith wants to see who the real threat is, he should look in the mirror.

With the timing of the release of this document, Trump’s attorneys will not have time to file their full detailed response until after the election.  On Thursday, the day after Smith’s indictment was unsealed, they did respond by saying, in part, that prosecutors used “fanciful and inaccurate language to describe actions by President Trump and his advisers that are subject to presidential immunity.”  The deadline for their full response has been set by Judge Chutkan as November 7, two days AFTER the election.  Does anyone sense a pattern here?

On Sunday, Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton had it out with Kristen Welker on “Meet The Press,” calling Smith’s actions “a temper tantrum from a deranged fanatic who is angry that he keeps losing time and time again in the Supreme Court over the course of his career.”  It’s “professional misconduct” for Smith to obtain special permission to put forth, 30 days before an election, this “unverified, un-cross-examined hearsay...four times as long as a normal brief.”  This is “a perfect example of actual election interference,” he said.  Here’s the video; they discuss the election and Jack Smith starting at about 5:30.

Julie Kelly wrote a detailed commentary, posted after Smith filed his revised indictment but before Judge Chutkan’s ruling that it be unsealed --- a ruling that compounded Smith’s error but fulfilled the overtly political purpose of them both.  Kelly also outlined the abuses by U.S. District Court Judge for DC Matthew Graves, who reportedly is on the short list for AG if Kamala Harris wins.  A must-read for when you have time.  (Kelly has been following both Graves and Chutkan closely ever since the January 6 cases started going to court.)

Julie posted an update a few days ago, after Judge Chutkan unsealed Smith’s 165-page indictment, newly “tweaked” in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity.  Smith calls this document his “Motion for Immunity Determinations,” alleged to provide the judge with a “framework” to determine what elements of his “barely-clinging-to-life indictment” are not covered by presidential immunity.  It’s a “garbage document,” she says, “that is only intended to hurt President Trump and the people around him.”

Her 10-minute video is not to be missed.  And if you know anyone who thinks this document actually reflects Trump’s behavior on that day, please send it to them as well.

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