
Latest News

August 28, 2024

Federal judge issues temporary block of Biden’s “Parole in Place” plan

A federal judge has placed a temporary block on President Biden’s “parole in place” plan, his latest attempt to grant amnesty to up to a million illegal aliens. Sixteen Republican states filed a lawsuit to stop the program, led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and America First Legal. The judge ruled that the plaintiffs’ arguments were “substantial and warrant closer consideration than the court has been able to afford to date.”

Paxton calls Biden’s plan an unconstitutional scheme “that would have rewarded over 1 million illegal aliens with the opportunity for citizenship after breaking our country’s laws—and incentivized countless more.” More details at the link:

IDF rescue hostage in Southern Gaza operation

Congratulations to the IDF, who announced Tuesday morning that they had rescued alive one of the hostages taken by Hamas 326 days ago on October 7, 2023. He’s 52-year-old Qaid Farhan Alkadi from Rahat, and he’s reportedly in stable medical condition. The IDF said, “Israeli security forces will continue to operate with all means to bring home the hostages." This came shortly after Hamas rejected another ceasefire deal. They continue to hold hostages, including eight Americans.

That link has some heartwarming photos you really need to see, along with some narrative-shattering facts that the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protesters will find hard to explain. Like the fact that the hostage rescued from Hamas and cared for by the Israelis is a Muslim. Also, here’s one for the Democrats to explain: the IDF rescued him from southern Gaza, which the Biden White House has repeatedly told Israel to stay away from.

Trump accused of politicizing event

After formerPresident Trump attended a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery for the 13 US military members killed in the botched Afghanistan pullout, CNN’s Jim Acosta and other leftists attacked him for “politicizing” the event. You certainly couldn’t say that for the people responsible for their deaths, since neither of them attended at all: Joe Biden remained on vacation, while Kamala Harris kept hiding from the press.

It’s probably just as well that Biden and Harris didn’t attend the ceremony, as the parents and other relatives of the fallen heroes wouldn’t have given them a very warm welcome. One Gold Star mom said she “100 percent” blames Biden for the death of her son, and another slammed the Administration for its lack of accountability, empathy and sympathy. She said, “At least say I’m sorry. At least apologize for a lack of leadership."

"A little piece of paper"

Something from the Democratic Convention you might have missed, between all the “joy” and the giddiness over the lie about Beyonce appearing: Here’s the president of the Human Rights campaign and top Kamala Harris surrogate Kelly Robinson dismissing the Constitution as a “little piece of paper.” She also said, “We can't just worry about protecting democracy. In this moment, we've got to reimagine it with people who look and love like us at the center.”

Message: Vote for Kamala if you’d like to scrap that little piece of paper called the Constitution and let people like this “reimagine democracy.”


If you thought the Democratic Convention was spreading a terrible contagion to America…well, you’re right, but not just the contagion of leftism. Turns out it was also a COVID superspreader event. Even some of Kamala Harris’ staffers tested positive. I don’t get it; haven’t these people all had at least 47 boosters by now?

Alice doesn't drink anymore

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I’ve always been a big fan of Alice Cooper and try to see him every time he plays DFW (I already have my tickets for next month in Fort Worth.) But people who think of him as a typical hard-partying shock rocker might be truly shocked to learn that it’s all a show.

“Alice” is just a villainous stage character played by Vince Furnier, a devoted Christian, family man and long-healed alcoholic and drug addict. Here’s a 30-minute interview he gave to pastor Greg Laurie, describing how the rock lifestyle of the 1970s nearly killed him and destroyed his marriage, and how Jesus saved him.


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