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September 16, 2024

On Sunday, President Trump’s golf game at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach was interrupted at the fifth hole by gunfire.

It’s not confirmed, at least at the time of this writing early Monday morning, that the alleged wanna-be assassin got off any rounds himself --- though some witness accounts sure make it sound as though he did --- but the Secret Service reportedly fired at him when they saw the muzzle of his AK-47, equipped with a scope, sticking just a few inches through the shrubbery and a chain-link fence at the edge of the course, only about 300-500 yards from the former President, which would be considered an easy shot for a moderately-skilled marksman.  They’d been doing a security sweep a few holes ahead of the President; good for them for spotting that bit of metal, and also for covering Trump and getting him quickly away from the scene in a secure golf cart.

The gunman took off in a black Nissan SUV, which they identified only because an eyewitness --- NOT Secret Service --- happened to be close by and had the presence of mind to take a photo of the license plate.  That enabled Martin County law enforcement to chase down the car and take the suspect into custody.

Here are the details from REDSTATE, along with some must-read background on the gunman. 

He’s apparently extremely anti-Trump and pro-Ukraine.

I'm sure media will report the background of the alleged assassin. From Twitter:

One X post shows the gunman’s Facebook page disappear in real time, right before your eyes.  What’s that about?

Reportedly, when Trump reached safety in the clubhouse, he joked about having a birdie putt on that hole and really wishing he could’ve finished it.  This comes just a couple of months after Trump survived another assassination attempt, that one during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where he obviously had the minimum allowable protection, if that.

Trump responded on Truth Social to the gunman’s attempt:  “There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first:  I AM SAFE AND WELL!  Nothing will slow me down.  I will NEVER SURRENDER!”

Local sheriff Ric Bradshaw, during a press conference Sunday afternoon, praised the Secret Service for doing everything they were supposed to do.  But as thankful as we are that they did see the assassin’s gun in time, we’re anticipating former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino sharing our anger about something else the sheriff said, uncritically:  that a SITTING President would’ve been given Secret Service protection at the perimeter of the golf course, but that Trump, being “at this level” just a candidate and former President, wouldn’t have been entitled to it.  Bongino is right --- they absolutely should be giving Trump that protection.  If the current administration is still denying that to him (which is just evil), he’s going to have to hang the cost and hire his own professional security team.

We’ve repeatedly noted that the Secret Service is supposed to provide security based not on the level of position but on the level of threat.  President Trump’s threat level is off the chart, arguably worse at this point than President Biden’s is.  It includes a serious threat by the Iranian government to render him dead, as well as a PREVIOUS ATTEMPT ON HIS LIFE that might or might not be related.  The Secret Service said they were going to step up President Trump’s security but apparently didn’t.  The fact that he still has inadequate security is extremely disturbing.

Eric Trump was, as described by Sean Hannity, “pretty emotional” in his reaction, saying, “How many more lives does my father have here?”

Sunday night, the FBI was at the golf course site collecting what evidence they could in a heavy downpour.  The biggest question we’ve got, though, isn’t about physical evidence.  It’s this:  how on earth did this gunman know to go to this particular place as a vantage point?  Did he somehow know Trump’s schedule in advance?  Or did he just have a hunch Trump might be at Mar-A-Lago this weekend, as Trump often golfs on Sundays, and decide to follow his motorcade to the golf course or wherever it might go?

Former FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker told FOX NEWS Sunday night that she’s concerned people will start to see news reports like this as “the new norm.”  It’s the unhinged rhetoric coming from the left that is causing people to think this way --- even to blame Trump himself for what is happening to him.  Makes sense; after all, who wouldn’t want to take out the reincarnation of Hitler?

She wanted to know what might be revealed by the entertainment system of the gunman’s car and also his digital footprint.  We do know his Facebook page has already been scrubbed.  (See RELATED READING, below.)

Parker also pointed out something quite stunning:  that there’s a bus stop on that road where the gunman lay in wait, very close at only about 225 feet away, and it wasn’t secured.

Sunday night, former NYPD inspector Paul Mauro reiterated on FOX NEWS what we’ve been saying that the level of protection is supposed to be commensurate with the level of THREAT.  We need to look “bureaucratically up the chain” to see who the culprits are, Mauro said.  He blames the President because “nobody ever gets fired.”

“The idea,” he said, “that with the resources of the American government, we can’t protect one human being who everybody knows [has a lot of people who’d like to take him out] --- they’re afraid he’s gonna win.  That’s what’s driving this...Two assassination attempts here, that’s not an accident.”

Mauro wants to hear from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who “has been MIA on the border...MIA on Butler.”  Mayorkas has had nothing to say about how the Service is being fixed.  We just keep seeing failure, over and over.  “Think of the signal this sends to our adversaries,” Mauro says of the two screw-ups.  It’s “a diminution of American stature,” he says, which certainly emboldens our enemies.  The message is, “It’s not that hard.”

“You have to assume there could be some real nefarious forces behind them, until you know there are not.”

Personally, I am glad that @GovRonDeSantis will conduct a FL led investigation. I'm sad to say that I have almost no confidence in feds doing this. The corruption at FBI, DOJ, & intel agencies have destroyed trust we once had.

NOTE:  The way Mauro describes how other countries see how easy it is to recruit “useful idiots” who can help them carry out assassinations reminds us of the 1974 movie THE PARALLAX VIEW, about a fictional organization that does this very thing.  Highly recommended viewing…

Jason Chaffetz agreed about the Secret Service: “This is just another complete failure.  How in the world do we get into this position?”  He was referring to the fact that it took an eyewitness just happening to be there to get the license number on the SUV.  “You can’t put a uniformed officer [or Secret Service agent] out there?”

“If that didn’t happen, we wouldn’t know where the...would-be shooter was.”

President Biden has been MIA on the subject, but stay tuned.  This week, Congress is expected to release a shocking report on the failures of the Secret Service.

Mark Levin also blamed the hate and delusion spewing from the media: “You know, if you watch MSNBC for about 15 minutes, the hate...and the contempt that pours out of their pores, from Joy Reid and, I mean, don’t get me started with a long list…”  According to them, it’s the Trump campaign that’s promoting “violence” with their “rhetoric.”  Sarah Arnold at TOWNHALL has a similar take on these deluded individuals…

Levin cited CNN as well.  Also, the things prosecutors say in their briefs are “so horrendous, what some of these judges have to say.  The Democrat Party controls the culture, they control the media, they control the propaganda...and that’s exactly what you’re seeing.  You’re seeing a one-party monopolistic system...And by the way, they hate you and me, too.”  To solve this, we’ve got to “boot these people out as fast as possible” and “take these agencies back.”

Look at how Trump himself is being blamed for this:  Lester Holt for NBC NEWS said Sunday night that “today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail.  Mr. Trump [and] his running mate J. D. Vance continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, resulting in bomb threats.”

So, it’s Trump’s own fault?  Could it perhaps be the media’s fault for relentlessly calling Trump a Nazi?  Excellent column from Matt Vespa...

And this certainly didn’t help:  Hakeem Jeffries inaccurately tied Trump to Project 2025 and a full-out abortion ban, and then after the assassination attempt, self-righteously tweeted, “Political violence has no place in a democratic society.”

Of course, when it comes to President Trump, blaming the victim is, pardon the expression, par for the course.

RELATED READING:  Mark Steyn has reason to be bitter, saying, “Two months after memory-holing the first near-successful assassination of an American President in four decades, the Secret Service figures it’s safe to start letting the gunmen near Trump again.”

Also, remember Alexander Vindman, one of a number of TDS-infected participants in Trump’s first impeachment?  His twin brother Eugene is running for Congress in Virginia, and Eugene’s sister-in-law Rachel has cracked jokes about both the attempts on Trump’s life.  Such lovely people.

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