
Latest News

September 25, 2024

If President Trump asks the President of Ukraine about the investigation of Hunter Biden’s obviously shady dealings with a corrupt energy company that reeks of influence peddling, that’s an attempt to use foreign affairs to boost his reelection chances and grounds for impeachment…

But when Biden and Kamala Harris fly the President of Ukraine to a battleground state six weeks before an election on a taxpayer-paid flight on a US Air Force plane, where he proceeds to make what amounts to an anti-Trump, pro-Harris campaign speech, that’s NOT an attempt to use foreign policy for political purposes and NOT an impeachable offense?

Well, a lot of conservative commentators and a group of House Republicans don’t agree with that glaring double standard and are throwing a flag on this play.

Do I think this will result in Biden and/or Harris’ impeachment? Of course not. Biden is on his way out in more ways than one, and hopefully, Harris is, too. Besides, a conviction would require a 2/3rds vote of the Senate, and I can’t imagine Democrats these days voting to impeach one of their own, even if he did something dangerous and downright treasonous, like, I don’t know…letting millions of unvetted illegal aliens, including violent criminals and terrorists, flood across the border. It’s funny how they’ve attacked Trump’s supporters by saying that they support him no matter what he does when they NEVER hold any of their own accountable, no matter what they do.

But at least an impeachment investigation would shine a light on the hypocrisy and behind-the-scenes dirty dealing to make this happen. Sunshine being the best disinfectant, that might help fight the toxic political environment. It would also send a message to foreign leaders to stay out of America’s elections, which I thought the Democrats claimed they wanted. Certainly, if (when) Trump returns to power, it might make Zelinskyy sorry he meddled in US elections.

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