
Latest News

January 18, 2022

Remember when liberals believed in “My body, my choice”? Apparently, that applies onto to abortions, sex and recreational drugs. If you object to taking a vaccine, even if you might have medical issues or already have natural immunity, too bad: you will submit or else. At least that seems to be the opinion of a number of Democrats in a shocking new Rasmussen survey.

The survey found that 29% of Democrat voters would favor the government taking children away from parents who refuse COVID vaccines, 47% favor a government tracking program of the unvaccinated, 48% think the government should be able to fine or imprison anyone who publicly questions or criticizes the efficacy of current vaccines (FYI: I don't even favor imprisoning people who criticize ME), and a majority, 59%, favor allowing the government to force unvaccinated citizens to remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies. Fortunately, that last one is opposed by 61% of all likely voters, including 79% of Republicans and 71% of independents, both of which are still frighteningly low percentages.

But if you want to put anything COVID-related other than vaccines into your body, then may God have mercy on you, because the government doesn’t. Daniel Pisano has been on a ventilator at the Mayo Clinic in Florida for 28 days. He’s been given less than a 5% chance of survival. His family wants to try the FLCCC plan that includes Ivermectin, but the Mayo Clinic refused. His family went to court to try to force the clinic to let an outside doctor give it to him, but the judge denied it. They’re now left with no alternative but to leave him on a ventilator and hope for the best.

If you remember, President Trump signed the “Right To Try Act” that allowed terminally ill patients to try experimental treatments when there was no other hope. Ivermectin is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, it’s been used on humans since the 1980s and it’s the 420th most-prescribed medicine in the US. Despite claims that it helps save COVID patients, the FDA and CDC deny its efficacy and say it’s not approved for treating COVID.

My question: even if there's no approved studies showing that ivermectin helps, shouldn’t a person have a “right to try” it when the only alternative is to gasp for breath on a ventilator and “hope for the best”?

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