It was such a relief during the presidential campaign last July when Michelle Obama was NOT named as Biden’s replacement on the ticket. As longtime newsletter readers know, that had been my worst fear. I had predicted it for two years, all the while hoping and praying I was wrong. But as recently as the Trump-Biden debate, I was quite sure of this, knowing the Democrats had an iron-clad obligation to choose a black woman and that Kamala was the worst disaster of a presidential candidate in living history. How could the Democrats, pathologically obsessed with winning, pick someone they knew could not win?
It was also obvious that President Biden couldn’t handle even four more weeks on the campaign trail, let alone four more years as President. It was obvious then that Democrats had been covering for him, even though some of them (this means you, Jake Tapper) are only now admitting this in ridiculous books that I hope gather dust, mold and flies on the shelves at Barnes & Noble. I assumed the Democrats were trotting out Biden to debate with Trump in the absolute certainty that he’d crash and burn. Then, of course, they’d install Michelle Obama as the new candidate. The media would go wild, and Obama II would be coronated. She was the only black female who had a chance of winning, and (most importantly) this would also ensure another term for the Obama Machine.
As for Kamala, the Democrat Mob --- I mean, Machine -- would make her one of those offers you can’t refuse
Well, the first part, Biden’s crash-and-burn, happened spectacularly, but the second part, the Michelle coronation, didn’t gel. I was never in my life so happy to be wrong --- it doesn’t happen very often, ha --- but ever since, this chain of events just hasn’t made sense to me. Why would the Democrats have deliberately CHOSEN Kamala? There had to be a puzzle piece we didn’t have.
Then I happened upon a piece from a little over a month ago in AMERICAN THINKER by Jerome Corsi that, if he’s right, explains it. The way he tells it, Michelle, not Kamala, actually was supposed to be the nominee. Looks as though I was right about this. It was all planned.
Corsi’s piece, overall, is about voter fraud, and why this time Democrats apparently didn’t try to rig the top of the ticket but might very well have used ballot fraud to win in some of the down-ballot races. Excellent, highly recommended reading, but the part specifically about Michelle is about seven paragraphs in.
According to his sources, “At the ‘Deep Party’ Central Committee level of the Democrat Party --- at the level of Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab and George Soros, the order went out that Harris needed to lose.” (Recall that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz was convinced that after Biden was “induced” (forced?) to withdraw from the race, Michelle Obama would be the nominee, as President Obama’s preference.)
Corsi explains that just under 30 minutes after post-debate Biden withdrew in a social media post on X, he posted again that after deciding “not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” he offered his “full support and endorsement for Kamala [Harris] to be the nominee of our party this year.”
Uh-oh. Recall that almost immediately after this, President Obama (no doubt hotter than a pistol) issued a flowery letter commending Biden for withdrawing but NOT endorsing Kamala. In fact, it didn’t mention Kamala at all. Hilariously, it said, “I believe that Joe Biden’s vision of a generous, prosperous, and united America that provides opportunity for everyone will be on full display at the Democratic Convention in August.” (Note: can’t resist saying that it was the GOP Convention, not the Democrat, that came across as generous, prosperous and united.)
According to Corsi, it wasn’t supposed to go this way at all. Biden, or someone controlling Biden, brought about this outcome. Biden throwing his support to Kamala was really like throwing a giant wrench into The Machine. All consideration of an alternative presidential candidate was over. As for their big plans for Michelle, this nominee was not to be.
And since Biden’s action of positioning Kamala before Michelle was an “unpardonable offense,” Corsi explains, they weren’t going to help her win. They would let HER crash-and-burn this time. Besides, RNC Chairman Lara Trump was keeping too close an eye on the presidential election for them to do the kind of rigging they’d need to do.
So, was Biden aware enough to pull the rug out from under the Obamas this deliberately, out of his tremendous distaste for them? Or was it just a blunder by an elderly man with a poor memory? We might not ever know, but either way, this might be the ONE THING we can be eternally grateful to Joe Biden for doing. And I can be grateful to Jerome Corsi for making sense out of this for me.
3 Special Elections Are Coming
We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November. Unlike a normal race, these elections are going to be short, savage and expensive -- and we’re ready to do everything we can to help! Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→
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