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October 22, 2024

Funny thing about Nathan Wade, Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ “special” prosecutor for her shoddy Trump case.  The minute he’s sworn in to give testimony, he forgets...well, everything.  I’m surprised he can remember his own name.

He gave what TOWNHALL characterizes as a “damning deposition” before the House Judiciary Committee last week.  They released the 132-page transcript on Monday, and it is a howler.  If you want to read the whole thing, here it is…

If you don’t, just know that he said “I don’t know,” “I can’t recall” or “I don’t recall” almost 60 times.

And read the shocking details of what he did actually reveal, at the link below.  Essentially, we learn that Willis was already preparing to prosecute Trump before she even took office.   He said he had no relevant experience for the prosecutor position Willis gave him, to the point where he had to take training in RICO law.  It was Willis’ intention to indict Trump on a RICO violation --- racketeering --- which she did.  Yet she chose for her top prosecutor someone with no background in that.  It seems he had other talents that we won’t get into.  

Wade also admitted to multiple meetings with Biden-Harris White House officials (!!!), but this is where his memory got especially hazy.  He couldn’t remember even the most basic details, like whether he had been at the White House or some other place.  (Wade was billing the Fulton County DA’s Office $250 an hour for this work.)  He confirmed that he had met with “individuals associated with” the House Committee on J6 (!!!) several times in 2022 but would not give any details.  He said these associates were “lawyers” but did not give their names or say whom they represented.

One of the most ridiculous things he said was that he didn’t know the U.S. Marshals were attempting to locate him to serve him with a subpoena because he’d turned his phone off for four days while preparing for an upcoming arbitration.  (Just wondering, what if one of the other attorneys in that case had needed to reach him?)  He gave various excuses for not immediately accepting the subpoena, including that he had hurt his ankle playing basketball and was on pain medication.

One side effect of this medication must be lingering, almost total forgetfulness.

Luke Rosiak, a superb investigative reporter, has a good write-up as well.  Rosiak points out that Wade admitted he had never even worked in a DA’s office before and also wouldn’t answer questions about how his relationship with Willis might have affected the case.  “So now I’m getting confused,” he said, “because I didn’t think...I was coming here to answer questions about my personal life.”

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