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September 19, 2024

If you want to be scared out of your mind a month-and-a-half before Halloween, watch this video from Monday night of Hillary Clinton speaking with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.  Beyond being creepy, it’s actually quite hilarious to hear her talk about the need for “objectivity” in journalism.

Hillary thinks the media need to be harder on Trump.  “The press is still not able to cover, uh, Trump the way that they should.  They careen from one outrage to the next...even though it threatens the physical safety of so many people...I don’t understand why it’s difficult for the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is…”  They need to “stick with it.”

She’s saying this the day after a second attempt was made on Trump’s life.

It’s generally not a good idea to try to read people’s minds, but in this case, we believe it’s safe to assume that Hillary lives to seek revenge on Trump and his supporters.  She will suck the life out of him (and us) any way she can.  Anything she can do at any given moment to hurt his chances of making it back to the White House will turn up as the Special of the Day on Hillary’s poison menu.

This treacherous woman believes she should have the power to determine what the media’s “consistent narrative” will be.  And she STILL tries to tie Trump to the Russians (just as the DOJ is trying to do again), saying, “Mueller indicted a lot of Russians, uh, who were engaged in direct election interference in boosting Trump back in 2016.”  She doesn’t mention that it later came to light that Putin had actually preferred a Hillary win.

The Russians wanted to sow chaos in America in 2016, as they always want to do, but any effort they made through their online “bots” was dwarfed by Hillary’s own efforts to fake the larger “Russia Russia Russia” narrative, through her own law firm Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, the Steele dossier, and the thoroughly-debunked Alfa Bank hoax that she personally furthered.  We all know about this through the findings in the Durham Report.  

But Hillary’s not talking about THAT, nor about the evidence of her own obstruction of justice and destruction of subpoenaed evidence acknowledged even by then-FBI Director James Comey, offenses she was excused for but that she’d eagerly put any Trump supporter under the prison for.  She’s talking about “people who deviate from the “consistent narrative” in a way that benefits Trump, because expressing support for Trump is, well, different, as everybody knows Trump is a wanna-be dictator and threatens our democracy.  (Never mind that it’s actual dictators who are known for demanding a “consistent narrative,” as she does.)

There should be “a better deterrence” for us, such as being “civilly, or even, in some cases, criminally charged.”  Yes, she actually said this.

Recall that when some of his supporters chanted “Lock her up, lock her up,” Trump lightly admonished them, saying that’s not what we do to political opponents in our country, and he let it go.  Gee, if he really wanted to be a dictator, he was going about it all wrong!

“[Hillary] rails against Russia, and yet she carries herself like a KGB sector chief,” observed FOX NEWS’ Laura Ingraham Tuesday evening, noting that “the memo clearly went out on Sunday:  Continue the attacks on Trump, unabated.  Do not let a little assassination plot interrupt their rage-and-revenge tour.”

As we reported yesterday (with plenty of examples), the left is already blaming Trump himself for the hostility he has faced.  It took them about a day to get back to that kind of talk, and not even that long in the most extreme cases of TDS.  You’ve seen the video montages over and over on FOX NEWS, showcasing the longtime hatred from the left.  So I hesitate to link to more of such bile today; you already know that, in Ingraham’s words, “The Democrats’ anger is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.”  She says she “finds it hilarious” to hear the media “prattle on” about MAGA when Trump supporters are at least “mad about actual outcomes...real issues...losing their jobs to foreign countries, losing our country to illegal immigrants.”

“And what many Americans outside the Beltway...may not be able to understand too well is just how obsessed with revenge today’s Democrats and their newfound bedfellows, the never-Trumpers, are,” she said.  The Biden-Harris team is “absolutely ruthless, toward not just Trump himself but [toward] the nation, for the past four years.”  That included pursuing Trump through lawfare, punishing small towns with a flood of immigrants, dealing harshly with J6 defendants, closing churches and schools during COVID, forcing experimental vaccines, and, of course, suppressing our online speech about any of this.

We have to look at the rest of the campaign through this lens.  Many on the left wish the Butler, Pennsylvania, attempt on Trump’s life, or the one this Sunday on the golf course, had been successful, and they haven’t given up that sick dream.  I’m sorry to have to say it, but it’s just a recognition of reality:  some brainwashed people hate Trump so much and so irrationally that they don’t care what it does to the country if/when they succeed in stopping him.  And based on what they’ve said, we know that if they manage to do it, they’ll blame HIM (and us) for their despicable act, just like the abuser who tells his wife, “You made me hit you.”

Judge Jeanine Pirro had it right on Tuesday when she said, “The only way [Kamala] can beat Donald Trump is if they get him off the field.”  From all appearances, they believe this to be true and are acting accordingly.  But the consequences for our country would be dire “if we take down a man who was going to win for President because the left doesn’t like him.”  She does believe in divine intervention, though --- as do many more Americans now because of Trump’s momentous head-turn at the Butler rally ---  and says she’s confident Trump will survive this.

Watching Hillary talk about consistent narratives in that chilling way of hers, one can’t help but think that another incidence of divine intervention might have been Election Night 2016, when we all, figuratively speaking, dodged a bullet.

But the left refuse to own their inflammatory behavior and always deflect criticism.  Did you see FOX NEWS’ Peter Doocy’s exchange with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday?

Doocy: “How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the President, the Vice President and you pick a different word to describe Trump other than ‘threat’?”

KJ-P: (long pause) “Peter, if anything from this administration, I actually completely disagree with the premise of your question.  The question you are asking, it is also incredibly dangerous, and the way that you’re asking it, because the American people are watching.”

Doocy could have been much more specific about the venom that is being spewed at Trump, as it goes way beyond the vague word “threat.”  But even so, Trump’s adversaries refuse to even glance in the mirror that is being held up to them.  Doocy is the “incredibly dangerous” one, just for asking. Hillary would probably want him criminally charged for wrongspeak.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki was even critical of Trump’s immediate response to being shot, telling Sen. Elizabeth Warren that it “does scare me a little bit” to remember his cry of “Fight, fight, fight!”  When it comes to attacks on President Trump, the attitude from the left is blame-the-victim all the way.

Trump did try to be unifying after that first attempt on his life, but with the second one, his tone has understandably toughened.  It’s time to get down to business now to keep him safe.

RELATED STORY:  Investigative reporter John Solomon has learned more about the golf course gunman, telling Sean Hannity Tuesday night that when returning to Hawaii from Ukraine in June 2023 after three months in Kiev, the man made comments that caused immigration officials at the Honolulu Airport to interview him more deeply.  He said he’d been recruiting fighters for Ukraine from several countries including Afghanistan, Syria, Moldova and Taiwan.  He identified “his wife” as the person who was funding his travels.

You know, it’s impossible to imagine that someone like this hasn’t had run-ins with our intelligence agencies.

The Honolulu officials were concerned and referred him to the Homeland Security Investigative Unit, which “declined to further investigate him,” according to Solomon.  “This marks the fourth time between 2019 and this Sunday where federal agencies got a warning about [the gunman.]  It started in 2019 with a warning to the FBI that he might be in possession of weapons as a convicted felon, a man who once had a standoff with police over a weapon of mass destruction [a full machine gun].”

In 2022-2023, an American nurse twice contacted law enforcement about his “dangerous” and “predatory” behavior while he was in Ukraine.  Homeland Security flagged him, saying he needed to be further investigated after all.  But again, it didn’t happen, and he went right on with whatever sick plans he had, probably egged on by the constant drumbeat of harsh anti-Trump rhetoric.  As his son told the media after his arrest, they both hated Trump like “any reasonable person does.”

(By the way, his son also said that as far as he knew, his dad had only had a couple of traffic tickets.  Dad actually has a long rap sheet with over 100 run-ins with the law!)

AMERICAN GREATNESS has more on the gunman, saying his personal involvement in the Ukraine war “raises questions about his connections to the U.S. national security state.”  His social media history was quickly scrubbed, but some “quick-thinking citizen journalists” were able to archive much of it first.  This piece is a must-read, especially the comments by Sean Davis and others on X.  You’ll be hearing more about the wanna-be assassin’s interactions with the Helsinki Commission and --- oh yes --- certain members of Congress and their aides.  This just got bigger.

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