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October 21, 2024

I mentioned elsewhere that there would be a couple of stories about Democrats who deserve to face a REAL criminal investigation. Well, here they are…

Today’s MUST-READ: From Andrew Sullivan, not a conservative writer but a gay liberal journalist who can spot outrageous corruption when he sees it. And he sees it in shocking detail in the actions of Biden-Harris’ transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS, Rachel Levine, and the pro-trans quacks at WPATH.

I already reported some of the details of this story. In short, we learned that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the biggest pushers of “transing” minors with or without parental consent, knew that there was “little to no evidence” that this barbaric butchery actually helped gender-confused children, but both they and Levine allegedly covered that up and continued to push it.

As Sullivan reports, the discovery phase of a lawsuit against Alabama’s ban on “transing” children has revealed that WPATH was concerned that phrases like “insufficient evidence” and “limited data” might “empower” groups “trying to claim that gender-affirming interventions are experimental.” In other words, the truth might undermine their narrative.

They shared this information with Levine at HHS, who was very concerned that listing “specific minimum ages for treatment…under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care.” In other words, the truth might have kept doctors from mutilating minors and set back the radical trans agenda. So Levine REMOVED the recommended minimum age limits!

Result: Because WPATH and Rachel Levine allegedly prioritized their radical sexual/political views over medical science, at least 14,000 American kids have received highly questionable chemical or surgical treatments that have left them permanently disfigured.

Sullivan calls the actions of Levine and WPATH “despicable.” He demands the resignations of Levine and “the heads of every so-called gay group that have pushed and lied about ‘gender-affirming care,’" along with possible legal consequences for doctors like those at WPATH who continued pushing this quackery while secretly knowing there was no evidence that it helped. As Sullivan notes, that’s not only a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, it’s the equivalent of female genital mutilation, which is illegal under federal law and in 41 states.

Sullivan sees this as medical quackery particularly aimed at gay teenagers who would have been fine if they’d been allowed to mature past puberty. He urges any gay man or lesbian who was misled into this malpractice to “start the lawsuits. It’s the only way. No gay men or lesbians will come to your aid. Kamala Harris and the gay groups sure won’t. ‘LGBTQIA+’ billionaires will sacrifice any number of gay kids if it means not being called ‘transphobic’ at a dinner party…A movement that began with defending gay men and lesbians is now sacrificing a generation of gay kids at the behest of trans extremists and critical gender theory.”

Rachel Levine should be immediately removed from office and face a criminal investigation, along with any other doctor who knowingly pushed this unconscionable butchery onto confused children. Maybe then, Democrats who have been calling their political opponents “Hitler” will finally notice that they’ve been harboring a Joseph Mengele of their own.

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