REVOLVER NEWS has been looking into the fishy “pipe bomb” story ever since the events of January 6, 2021, and we’ve been updating periodically all this time. For months, we’ve been able to say with 100 percent confidence that the story told by the Biden administration about the alleged placement of pipe bombs near the DNC and RNC headquarters does not hold up, for a number of reasons. It’s time for those who were involved in activities related to this to face the music.
According to Julie Kelly, THE premiere J6 investigator who literally wrote the book on January 6 (called JANUARY 6; highly recommended), new FBI Director Kash Patel was asked a few weeks ago by Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, to turn over all records related to the J6 pipe bombs, and Patel apparently has done so.
Kelly says of the Deep State, “They’re pretending they are still looking for this individual. It’s part of the cover-up. A head fake before J6. They’re extremely nervous about FBI Director Kash Patel.”
Well, of course they are. Patel was brought in because he’s all for transparency. He knows that when you shine a flashlight on the roaches, they run.
FOX NEWS Digital, in an exclusive report, says Patel is “working aggressively” to comply “ahead of schedule” --- the deadline is March 17 --- with requests, “personally asking staff for updates” on when information is sent to the House and Senate. The documents reportedly come with “minimal redactions.” So far, the FBI has sent the House Judiciary Committee over 400 pages “on topics the committee had long been seeking,” going back to the Biden information.
In addition, the FBI turned over materials “related to the bureau’s engagement with social media entities and the now-disbanded Foreign Influence Task Force.” That should tell you what some of our upcoming stories will be about.
This has to be so refreshing for the Judiciary Committee after years of being stonewalled by FBI Directors James Comey and Chris Wray. It’s like the sun coming out. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, is reportedly receiving similar cooperation and is also expected to receive requested materials ahead of schedule. Let’s just hope the Old Guard didn’t destroy evidence before the new guys started assembling what they had.
The House Judiciary Committee promises more updates soon. As for the Senate, when asked to comment on Director Patel’s efforts, Sen. Grassley said, “Praise the Lord.”
Here’s one thing that has never made sense about the “official” story: Vice President-elect Kamala Harris left the Capitol Building that morning for no discernible reason to go to the Democrat National Committee Headquarters, when she was about to make history as the first black woman to be certified (at the Capitol Building) as Vice President of the United States. And after she allegedly had this brush with death, passing right by a supposedly active pipe bomb and later having to be evacuated, she never spoke of it.
We’ve had over four years to look at this, and no matter how you slice it, it just does not come out right. It makes no sense. There’s much more to this scenario that is untenable as well.
Victoria Taft at PJ MEDIA has just posted a good background piece if you’d like to review the details of the pipe bomb story. Here’s another mystery, as she describes it: “[The pipe bomber] was seen talking on a cell phone. Yet the FBI swore that the same cell phone technology used to track down hundreds, if not thousands, of people in Washington DC was now corrupted for this specific bomber on the night of January 5. That’s as interesting as the Secret Service text messages going missing at that time.”
In January of this year, the FBI’s Washington Field Office Assistant Director in Charge, David Sundberg, acknowledged to ABC NEWS that they’ve had a credibility problem over the past four years but cryptically added that “allegiances can change.” More detail here…
So there’s progress on the pipe bomber story. HOWEVER, after seeing an update on the effort to obtain the Seth Rich files, it’s hard to feel optimistic that we’ll get answers on his death, at least right away. The meager pages that have been released are reportedly filled with redactions and are only from a two-month period in 2012, leaving attorney Ty Clevenger, who has been working for years to get these, to say, “Lots of things in the Seth Rich indexes don’t pass the smell test.”
“Indexes” refers to the Vaughn Index, which is just a list, NOT the content, of the files, along with the stated reasons for the FBI’s decision to withhold them from the public. Here, the two reasons given most often for withholding the files were “to protect a person’s personal privacy” (a dead person?), and to not “interfere with law enforcement proceedings and investigations” (on a case this cold?).
Clevenger, acting as attorney for Texas businessman Brian Huddleson, filed a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) request in September 2017, hoping to find out whether Rich might have been the real source (as opposed to a Russian “hack,” which was claimed by the DNC but for which there is no evidence) for WikiLeaks’ publication in 2016 of revealing DNC emails.
Julian Assange, publisher of WikiLeaks, made cryptic comments in 2016 that suggested he might have been, though Assange made it clear that WikiLeaks never reveals a source. He even offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Rich’s killer. Of course, Assange might have brought up Rich’s name just to throw curious reporters off the track. But Rich was the DNC’s “voter expansion data director,” presumably with access to all the material they published.
Recall that in the early morning hours of a July day in 2016, Seth Rich was shot --- several times, if memory serves, including at least twice in the back --- while walking near his home in Washington DC in what police believed was a “botched robbery attempt.” (It was so botched that nothing at all was taken.) Speculation on the case was pretty well shut down at the time by threats of litigation, but as no one can really be sued for asking questions, we continued to ask them and still do.
We came across this typical piece from 2022 that takes the report of the murder at face value and dismisses doubts as “conspiracy theory.” Like many other write-ups, it is in error about one important thing when it says “the authorities found that the Russians were the source of the [DNC] leak.” That is wrong; even the forensic investigators at CrowdStrike had to admit they’d found no evidence of this.
Anyway, the FBI turned down Clevenger’s 2017 FOIA request in 2020, so a lawsuit was filed. This paltry list is still all he’s been able to get.
A technical expert for the plaintiff says the withholding of certain pieces of material suggests “evidence of coordination and activity the FBI does not want exposed.” It’s also difficult to create a timeline, as items are not listed in chronological order and many are not dated. As Clevenger summed it up to CONSORTIUM NEWS, “We will definitely challenge the indexes. The small number of files in the indexes indicates one of two things: files have been deleted or files have not yet been accounted for. Even the files listed in the indexes have been redacted excessively.”
Director Patel, this looks like another cover-up of criminal activity. Don’t let this stand.
Patel also should keep in mind that almost half of government managers have said they do not share President Trump’s agenda and would actively work against it. Since part of his agenda is to clean up the FBI, then presumably some officials still at the FBI might be thwarting him by redacting files, destroying evidence, whatever they thought they needed to do. Even now, on their way out the door...
We’ve been working hard to fill you in on the many “stop Trump” court cases, but there are over 50 such lawsuits currently in the system. The eminently helpful Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST has categorized and summarized the most important of these in one handy reference. For when you have time, this is highly recommended…
Here’s one more example of (possible) obstruction: Now that USAID is essentially ended and the few remaining projects have been folded into the State Department, a senior USAID official reportedly ordered remaining staff to convene at their now-former DC headquarters (which is slated to be emptied and to become the main office for Customs and Border Protection) for an all-day shredding session. If shredders were unavailable or kaput, they were to use the burn bags. We have no way of knowing whether there’s anything sinister about this or not, though it must’ve happened fast and the bags were marked “SECRET.”
However, since the report of this is from POLITICO, blame for this is automatically being placed on the “tumultuous way in which the Trump administration is dismantling the agency.” If you want a tutorial on how to slant a supposed “news” report, read this one.
For one last bit of Biden-era fakery, here’s a brief video made by Trump adviser Alina Habba after she discovered the TV studio used for Biden’s supposed Oval Office addresses. That’s right, here’s the real “fake Oval Office.”
COMING TOMORROW: How will the Biden administration’s constant reliance on the autopen affect his Executive Orders, appointments, the bills he signed into law, all of it? We’re looking closely at that.
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