
Latest News

April 20, 2021

The news that Patrisse Khan-Cullors, the “trained Marxist” co-founder of Black Lives Matter, has been spending millions of dollars on multiple homes in overwhelmingly white upscale neighborhoods is finally forcing some people to take a closer look at the yawning gap between that group’s untouchable media image and reality.

Khan-Cullors tried to blame the criticism of her actions on racist right-wing media attacking a black woman for trying to improve her family’s lives, but there are fellow BLM leaders and black community activists who are also demanding investigations.

Meanwhile, the mother of Breonna Taylor, who was killed in a police raid in Louisville, Kentucky, wrote a scathing Facebook post, blasting the local BLM chapter and Democratic State Rep. Attica Scott.

Tamika Palmer says that while several other community activists reached out to help her after her daughter’s death, she called BLM Louisville and Rep. Scott “frauds.” She said the BLM group claimed they’d been there for her from day one, but she’s never personally dealt with them. She said BLM Louisville raised money in her daughter’s name and never did a thing to help her family; and that she could walk into a room with all these people who claim to have been there for her, and they wouldn’t even know who she was.

There’s more at the link, including an accusation that BLM organizers had made death threats against people. You’ll have to go there to see Ms Palmer’s full post because she removed it from Facebook. I wonder why.

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  • Al Johnson

    04/22/2021 02:23 AM

    No one should be surprised. Marxists always rob their useful idiot followers by promising what they have no intention of delivering, by raising taxes and leaving the suckers with less money, and by stealing their freedoms and rights to control them.

  • Al Johnson

    04/22/2021 12:21 AM

    No one should be surprised. Marxists always rob their useful idiot followers by promising what they have no intention of delivering, by raising taxes and leaving the suckers with less money, and by stealing their freedoms and rights to control them.