
May 2020

Date Title
5/4/20 Good News on the Virus Front
5/4/20 Morning Edition - May 4
5/4/20 Protecting Churches
5/4/20 President Trump holds a Townhall
5/4/20 MORE fun with research: debunking online rumors
5/3/20 Trust the Lord and tell the people
5/3/20 Morning Edition - May 3
5/2/20 Evening Edition - May 2
5/2/20 Guilty by his own standards
5/2/20 Morning Edition - May 2
5/2/20 Ainsworth: some perspective on hydroxychloroquine
5/1/20 Morning Edition - May 1
5/1/20 Evening Edition - May 1
5/1/20 May Day
5/1/20 CLEAR PROOF of Flynn set-up is just the beginning

April 2020

Date Title
4/30/20 At last, breakthrough comes in Mike Flynn case
4/30/20 Evening Edition - April 30
4/30/20 Morning Edition - April 30
4/29/20 Quick Mike Flynn update, plus a great article
4/29/20 Bill DeBlasio surpasses world record for double standards
4/29/20 Evening Edition - April 29 (UPDATED WITH LINK)
4/29/20 Steele was connected to EVERYBODY, by way of this lawyer
4/29/20 Where things stand
4/29/20 Morning Edition - April 29
4/28/20 Deny, Deny
4/28/20 It gets worse: Christopher Steele met with Hillary's lawyers
4/28/20 RIP Troy Sneed
4/28/20 Ainsworth: Surprise, a documentary on Michelle O.
4/28/20 Morning Edition - April 28
4/28/20 The Gov. replies to readers re: "Steele 'wiped' his documentation..."
4/28/20 Illinois Governor overreached says Judge
4/28/20 Evening Edition - April 28 (CORRECTED)
4/28/20 Story of the day
4/28/20 Asked a very stupid question, President Trump keeps his cool
4/27/20 FBI news: "Brady" evidence on Flynn finally coming out!
4/27/20 Morning Edition - April 27
4/27/20 A Contrarian Comment
4/27/20 No weekend briefing
4/27/20 Evening Edition - April 27
4/27/20 The path to reopening America
4/26/20 The Return of the Green New Deal
4/26/20 Morning Edition - April 26
4/26/20 Covid-19 News
4/26/20 The media outdid themselves this week
4/25/20 Great reader comment on Trump critics
4/25/20 Morning Edition - April 25
4/25/20 Evening Edition - April 25
4/24/20 Steele "wiped" his documentation, and not with a cloth
4/24/20 A Deeper Dive into media bias and fake news
4/24/20 Liberal trolls show their true colors
4/24/20 Biggest news of the day
4/24/20 RIP: Ian Whitcomb at 78
4/24/20 Police union says no to Houston Judge
4/24/20 Morning Edition - April 24
4/24/20 "Party of Tolerance," is not so tolerant
4/24/20 Evening Edition - April 24
4/24/20 Must-read for April 24
4/24/20 Former President Barack Obama breaks tradition
4/23/20 Georgia Democrat steps down from office after endorsing Trump
4/23/20 Morning Edition - April 23
4/23/20 Latest Coronavirus news
4/23/20 Evening Edition - April 23
4/23/20 Those wacky ChiComms: what have they been up to?
4/22/20 Welcome news: Barr says DOJ may side with citizens against government overreach
4/22/20 Evening Edition - April 22
4/22/20 Ainsworth: Michelle O update --- this appears to be happening
4/22/20 UPDATE on Paycheck Protection Program abuse
4/22/20 Morning Edition - April 22
4/21/20 Morning Edition - April 21
4/21/20 Spectacular must-read condemning the ChiComms and W.H.O.
4/21/20 COVID-19 News update
4/21/20 Evening Edition - April 21
4/21/20 Garbage from Harvard
4/21/20 It was the pundits, NOT Trump voters, who assumed Trump would lose in 2016
4/21/20 Federal Judge blocks Kansas Governor
4/21/20 The Gov. answers important reader concern about "Paycheck Protection"
4/20/20 Evening Edition - April 20
4/20/20 Follow-up: The real goal of Russia's 2016 "meddling"
4/20/20 Just stop with the class warfare rhetoric on "CARES" Act and PPP
4/20/20 Morning Edition April 20
4/19/20 Morning Edition - April 19
4/19/20 Evening Edition - April 19
4/18/20 Evening Edition - April 18
4/18/20 Morning Edition - April 18
4/17/20 Surprising, controversial study about virus infection rates
4/17/20 Evening Edition - April 17
4/17/20 Morning Edition - April 17
4/17/20 We're not stupid: footnotes imply real goal of Russian "collusion"
4/16/20 Morning Edition - April 16
4/16/20 More IG footnotes show the FBI was NOT "duped" by Russia
4/16/20 Evening Edition - April 16
4/16/20 Readers offer more insight into hydroxychloroquine treatment
4/16/20 Bergen-Belsen Anniversary
4/15/20 Evening Edition - April 15
4/15/20 Morning Edition - April 15
4/15/20 Fact-checking the WaPo "fact-checkers"
4/14/20 The Gov. answers reader letters on "politics" of hydroxychloroquine
4/14/20 President Trump is fed up
4/14/20 Morning Edition - April 14
4/14/20 Speaking of nasty bugs, how are things with the FBI?