I’m just about fed up to the eyeballs with the Democrats spinning that if Republicans criticize the outrageous politicization and weaponization of the DOJ and FBI that we’re “attacking law enforcement.”
Knowing my readers as I do, you’ll probably enjoy seeing this video clip of Donald Trump on election eve, predicting correctly that Wyoming GOP voters were going to say, “Liz Cheney…You’re FIRED!”
On Wednesday, NEWSWEEK ran an exclusive story saying the raid on Mar-A-Lago came following reports from an FBI confidential human source (CHS) –- that's official terminology for “mole,” “informant” and “spy” –- from inside Trump’s home.
That’s why McCarthy thinks the ‘Justice’ Department used this only as a pretext (a nicer word for fake reason) to get a warrant to search for what it’s REALLY looking for: anything to tie Trump to a Capitol riot offense.
Yesterday’s abuse of power by the FBI was so egregious that it seems likely to be a calculated provocation, to goad us into reacting in a way that gives them an excuse to crack down even more on conservatives as “domestic terrorists.”
The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the majority of the bill’s new revenues will come from taxing Americans making less than $200,000 a year.
Friday, House Democrats reversed their plan to wait until next month to try to push through another ban on so-called “assault weapons” and passed it by the narrowest of margins...