Rik Roberts (AKA Barney Fife) Hosts "LAW OR NAW?!"
October 28, 2024
Danny Gokey Gives a POWERFUL Performance of "I've Got You" LIVE
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Kamala’s campaign is setting new records for awfulness
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
You have to hand it to Kamala Harris – because she can’t figure out how to take it for herself.
I didn’t think it was possible for her campaign to get any worse, but at this late stage, she’s still setting new records for awfulness. The closeness of the polls is a frightening testament to how effective the politicized mass media has been at brainwashing the public. How else to explain the support for someone being President who can’t answer a simple question and who makes the dumbest campaign decisions I have ever seen, and I’ve been involved in a LOT of political campaigns.
For instance, Kamala is traveling today to Texas, a state she has no chance to win, but it’s about pushing unfettered abortion, so of course, she’s taking time out of her schedule with Election Day less than two weeks away. Texas is the state that’s been most impacted by the disastrous open border policies of Biden and Harris, so with illegal immigration being one of the top voter concerns, why not go down there and remind voters of her border debacle? Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called it “one of the dumbest political decisions I’ve ever seen.”
No wonder top Texas Republican office holders are demanding that if she’s finally going to visit Texas, it should be to apologize.
Earlier this week, Harris did a townhall on CNN with Anderson Cooper hosting. It was nearly as friendly a venue as “The View” and that was an embarrassing tongue bath. But it went so badly that Matt Margolis at PJ Media called it “a masterclass in self-destruction” and the biggest political disaster since Biden debated Trump. Even Anderson Cooper diplomatically admitted that he didn’t think she “sealed the deal,” although I’m sure that won’t keep him from voting for her, if he hasn’t already.
Like watching “Plan Nine from Outer Space,” it’s hard to pick a favorite bad moment, but one that’s getting a lot of attention was when she was asked what her weaknesses were and she replied with a word salad that never answered the question but somehow worked around to praising herself.
Her campaign is now resorting to relying on celebrities from Lizzo to Beyonce to Michael Keaton to try to drag Kamala over the finish line – because nobody can relate to the problems of struggling working Americans in the Biden-Harris economy like fabulously rich celebrities. This seems to be backfiring bigly. Michael Keaton’s post looked like a hostage video as he told regular people that Trump and Elon Musk didn’t really care about them or want to hang out with them. It was greeted with hundreds of derisive responses from people asking when they could come over to Michael’s house for a beer.
Last night, Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen tried to gin up some enthusiasm for Kamala at a rally in Georgia, but reports are that the crowd started leaving as soon as Springsteen finished and she started talking. Don Surber has an amusing piece that covers that, along with topics like why Kamala is so bad at retail politics and how she managed to hold a “one-person debate” on CNN and lose.
Not that the crowd were that impressed with Springsteen, either. Bob Hoge at Redstate.com reports that Bruce’s galloping TDS seems to have left him clinically depressed. After a dark and divisive rant about Trump being a “tyrant,” he mumbled through a dreary solo rendition of “Dancing in the Dark,” which includes these lyrics that sound like a description of Kamala’s campaign:
Cheer up, Bruce. If Trump gets elected, maybe you won’t have to declare your multi-million-dollar estate in New Jersey as a farm anymore just to get a tax break. (For those who don’t know that story, here’s a 2015 Billboard article about it.)
Now this is a scandal
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
One of the biggest political scandals in history that the media is burying (although some reporters are trying futilely to get straight answers out of Kamala Harris about what she knew and when she knew it) is the cognitive decline of Joe Biden. There was a concerted effort to cover that up and get him reelected for another four years, as the people around him prioritized their own hold on power over the security of the United States and its people.Reluctant as I am to believe anything in one of Bob Woodward’s books, his new one “War” includes both anonymous and on-the-record quotes from people who expressed concerns about Biden’s mental state more than a year before the election.
While Kamala and his other defenders claimed he was vigorous and sharp as a tack behind closed doors, these witnesses describe alarming episodes of him rambling incoherently at fundraisers, forgetting common words like “veteran,” and repeating the same story three times in the same words. One said, "It was ‘like your 87-year-old senile grandfather,’ wandering around the room, saying to women guests, ‘your eyes are so beautiful.’"
When you hear Kamala say anything about Trump, remember this. If she’d lie to you this badly about Joe Biden’s fitness to be President, what lie wouldn’t she tell about Donald Trump’s fitness to be President?
“Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling sums this story up perfectly
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
As I reported earlier this week, the carefully-constructed delusion about the medical necessity to mutilate confused children in the name of transgender rights is finally, blessedly crashing down. I already reported on the lawsuit that revealed how HHS official “Rachel” Levine and the trans cheerleading medical group WPATH conspired to hide evidence that there were no benefits to kids from their quackery.
Now, the latest outrage: Back in 2015, the NIH awarded a taxpayer-funded grant to study the effectiveness of puberty blockers on improving the mental health of children. Nine years later, the results have yet to be published, but study head Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy claimed the kids were in “really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years.”
In reality, a quarter of them were depressed or suicidal before treatment, and there was no change afterwards. Now, Olson-Kennedy has admitted that she withheld publishing the study for political reasons. She didn’t want it “weaponized” by opponents of the treatments because, as the New York Times reports, “the findings might fuel the kind of political attacks that have led to bans of the youth gender treatments in more than 20 states.”
I don’t need to comment on that because “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling already summed it up perfectly in a single X/Twitter post:
“We must not publish a study that says we’re harming children because people who say we’re harming children will use the study as evidence that we’re harming children, which might make it difficult for us to continue harming children.”
The Left's War on Christmas
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Every year around this time, we start hearing about the left’s War On Christmas, with the banning of terms like “Merry Christmas,” or even the word Christmas itself. Then, regular as clockwork, we get the smirking denials from the left that a “War on Christmas” exists. Like their denials of Biden’s cognitive issues and the endless failures of their economic policies, their certainty is impervious to all evidence. Latest case in point…The Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog, with its opulent gifts for the well-to-do, has become a Christmas tradition that always sparks fun conversations. But after 98 years, it is suddenly no longer called the “Christmas Book.” It’s now titled “A Neiman’s Fantasy,” and the generic cover shows a fashion model with no images suggestive of Christmas time. They’re referring to it as the “Holiday Book,” but it features no references to any holiday. Astoundingly, the company declared the change to be, “in the spirit of inclusivity as it welcomes customers of all backgrounds, religions and traditions to celebrate the season.”
What season? Yes, nothing screams “inclusivity” like erasing one of the most important holidays of Christians.
Many longtime Neiman-Marcus employees are furious over the change. This is what they feared would happen when the Dallas retailer was taken over by a new corporate owner. The CEO, Geoffroy van Raemdonck, announced last year that five percent of the workforce would be cut. One anonymous worker told the Daily Mail that if the CEO and his team “put as much time into running the business as they did on expressing viewpoints about DEI, we would be buying Saks or launching an IPO. Instead, my job is at risk because of our business failure.” Another said, “The book didn't need a name change. Personal opinions about inclusion - from Geoffroy and his leadership team - changed this.”
Neiman-Marcus may be the next company to learn the hard way the lesson of “Get woke, go broke.” But of course, they'll deny it's because they joined the War On Christmas. That doesn’t exist.
Trump may be poised for a victory; where does Jack Smith fit in?
October 28, 2024
Mike Huckabee
The sophisticated power play used by the “Justice” Department in Trump’s first term to safeguard their positions and their ginned-up “Russia” ploy was simply to open an investigation into him.
Really, it was that easy. That’s all they had to do. As with the current investigation of the Secret Service, it’s the little magic wand they wave when they don’t want to talk about something. Once they had their Trump “Russia” case on file --- for which the pretense, ridiculously, was Christopher Steele’s “dossier” funded by Hillary’s 2016 campaign, plus the fake “Alfa Bank” scandal, also exploited by her campaign --- they could clam up in front of congressional committees, limiting Congress’s oversight power with their non-answers. They could go into public hearings confident that their stonewalling would go unchallenged, with nothing revealed except their lack of transparency.
It’s the President’s job to hire and fire these top bureaucrats, who constitutionally “serve at the pleasure of the President,” but Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey was painted as an outrageously Nixonian attempt to obstruct justice because, why? Comey was officially investigating him. Check-MATE. These people had Trump boxed in, and that’s why he needs another term to handle them, now that he understands the game.
Trump is already working on “Special Counsel” Jack Smith (the quotation marks here mean he’s not a real one, having been appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland without ever being confirmed by the Senate), to get the January 6 case against him dismissed.
As reported by JUST THE NEWS, Trump’s attorneys asked on Thursday for a dismissal of the case against him. Their argument? Just what we said above and have always said, that Smith was unconstitutionally appointed. Florida U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, who’s been presiding over Smith’s OTHER case, the so-called “classified documents” case, dismissed it (Smith is appealing), ruling that “no legal statute gave Garland the authority to give Smith the amount of power he has as Special Counsel, and that the appointment violated the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution.”
Given Jack Smith’s stained history as a prosecutor, he was just the right person to do whatever was necessary to get Trump. He would charge ahead and never second-guess himself. But as Trump’s lawyers claim, Smith was a “private citizen” when he was appointed by Garland, and so, “Everything that Smith did since Attorney General Garland’s appointment, as President Trump continued his leading campaign against President Biden and then-Vice President Harris, was unlawful and unconstitutional.” Acknowledging that is the only sufficient remedy for Trump.
If the court agrees, it will end Smith’s J6 case against President Trump. Smith has just a few days, until October 31, to file his response.
Normally we don’t like to see a case thrown out on technicalities, but Trump’s accusers have gone around the Constitution so many times, we’ll take it. Otherwise, they’ll determine who will and who won’t occupy the chair in the Oval Office, and they also want to curtail Congress’s official oversight duties.
Trump himself, even after what he went through following Comey’s firing, has no qualms now about firing Smith, saying he’ll do it “within two seconds” of taking the Oval Office. He said this on a wide- ranging interview on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show last Thursday.
When asked which he would do, pardon himself or fire Smith, Trump said, “Oh, it’s so easy. It’s so easy. He’s a crooked person. I would fire him within two seconds.” (We’re thinking the best way to handle this would be to fire Merrick Garland, appoint a new AG and let THAT person fire Smith.)
As you know, Smith recently submitted a revised court filing to try to keep his J6 case against Trump going even after the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity. As NEWSMAX reports, “Smith’s latest tactic is to argue Trump ‘resorted to crimes’ and ‘used private actors and his campaign infrastructure to attempt to overturn the election results and operated in a private capacity as a candidate for office.”
He means Trump wasn’t acting in his official capacity while doing the things he’s accused of doing. Ending the case because he WAS carrying out presidential duties seems, again, like getting off on a technicality, but this might be the only way to get Smith to stop his sick, Captain Ahab-style pursuit (once he’s exhausted the appeals process, of course).
One other part of their interview, especially interesting in light of what Kamala says about Trump abusing power Hitler-style: When he was asked about pardoning Hunter Biden, he commented that political prosecutions “are bad for the country.” He also noted that when his rally fans in 2016 chanted “Lock her up, lock her up” about Hillary --- who really should’ve been tried for destroying evidence, obstruction of justice and mishandling classified material --- he told them to “take it easy, just relax. I could have put her in jail. But I didn’t want to do that. I thought it would look terrible [for the country].”
Here’s more of what Trump said about pardoning his rivals and trying to do what is best for the country. It seems to me that if he wants to be Hitler, he’s going about it all wrong.
What’s been obvious for some time is that the little dictator wannabes locking up their political opponents are actually the Democrats. Friends of Kamala. Or, if not true friends, at least political cronies trying to get her elected.
Trump is the one they paint as the relentless authoritarian. The Hitler, even. Miranda Devine at the NEW YORK POST has a great piece that looks at the accusations Kamala is making against Trump in the final days of the campaign, and she makes this stellar point: “There is no way to sugarcoat the fact that Harris, in her desperation as her campaign heads down the toilet, has just invited more assassination attempts on her political rival.
“She has green-lighted future efforts to murder him, with her carefully scripted, deliberately delivered official message from the official vice presidential residence in Washington DC. Using an American flag as a backdrop, just to add an obscene flourish.”
[Note: We saw her press conference, which was set up with the American flag to Kamala’s right and another flag to her left. This appeared to bear the insignia of the U.S. Vice President, and she gave her shockingly political speech from the Vice President’s residence. Some have accused her of violating the Hatch Act, which prevents federal officials from “using their official authority or influence to interfere with the outcome of an election.” To show how even-handed we are, we’re going to link to a NEWSWEEK fact-check on this; they say it’s a gray area at the level of VP but rule it “false” since the President and Vice President hold certain exemptions. Even if that’s true (we’re still checking legal experts ourselves), it was horrifically inappropriate for her to use the trappings of her office this way.]
On the other hand, it seems glaringly obvious that “Transportation Secretary” Pete Buttigieg is blatantly violating the Hatch Act and posting the evidence of it on his personal X account:
Is anything being done about this? Don’t count on it. This would seem to fall into the “D-Next-To-Your-Name” exemption from federal laws. As Derek Hunter writes at Townhall.com, “It’s not that the left has double standards – one for them, another for everyone else. They have standards for everyone else and absolutely none for them.”
PROGRAMMING ALERT: Dust off your easy chair or set your DVR because Miranda Divine will be my guest this weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN, the only show on TV that will give her a forum to discuss her new book about Biden family corruption and also judge a chili cook-off.
Yesterday, we talked about the left’s historical obsession with linking their enemies to Hitler. Here’s a piece with lots of examples of how George W. Bush was portrayed as LITERALLY HITLER. It does seem much worse now, with Trump, but it’s been bad for a long time, and it actually started when Hitler was still alive.
John Daniel Davidson at THE FEDERALIST has a warning about the left: “The purpose of constantly invoking the specter of a dictatorship under Trump is to condition Democrats to react violently if Harris loses.”
We know the Dems tend to do to us what they claim we’re doing to them. Case in point: Kamala’s always been “consistent and forceful,” Davidson says, “about one thing throughout her campaign: that Trump will destroy America if he’s re-elected. He’ll even use the military to round up people and put them into camps.
“What they’re doing is pushing a narrative that Trump is going to be a fascist dictator if he wins office and use the power of the presidency to go after ordinary Americans. That’s an extreme and frankly unhinged position with no basis in reality. You don’t say things like that unless you’re hoping to provoke a strong reaction, and the reaction Democrats are hoping to provoke is violent resistance to a Trump second term.”
If you thought some incarnation of Hitler had been elected to high office, and that he was going to round up your family and take them off to work camps, wouldn’t you want him taken out? Of course you would. You’d want him dead. And if he got elected and immediately fired the man who’d been prosecuting him, wouldn’t you think that was just evil? And might there be huge civil unrest because of it? The more it looks like a Trump win, the more enamored the Democrats will become of a scenario like that. It will be all they have left.
RELATED: Political analyst Mark Halperin is just one of a number of experts warning that because of all this red hot, ginned-up Trump Derangement Syndrome, if Trump wins, “I think it will be the cause of the greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.” He predicts it will result in alcoholism, broken marriages and fights at kids’ birthday parties (I’d say that’s the best-case scenario.) But he thinks we’ll be fine by Inauguration Day.
Let’s all hope and pray that the leftists reach the “acceptance” stage of grief sooner than that, although we know that for some of them, any excuse for a riot is a good excuse.
Franklin Graham, Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee: Christians Could CHANGE THE WORLD if They Did This!
October 27, 2024
October 27, 2024
Mike Huckabee
The BIGGEST Mistake Kamala Could Have Made! | Huckabee Today
October 26, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee
Winning the election is just the start. If we get there in a couple of weeks --- it’s looking good, but take NOTHING for granted --- we then have to make it all the way to Inauguration Day. And the left will not go gentle into that good night. Who knows how far they’ll go to shake things up before then --- and after? It’s going to get mean.
We do know much of it will necessarily involve an army of aggressive lawyers and partisan judges. But another piece of it involves taking a cue from what the European Union is already doing with great diligence and enthusiasm. That is, they’ll work even harder to shut down all communication from those they consider “right-wing extremists.” And since they define President Trump as a right-wing extremist, it follows that all his supporters are, too, and, like him, require their own “gag order.”
They will try this even though by now it should garner little more than a yawn when they describe Trump as worse than Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Attila the Hun, Chairman Mao, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Idi Amin and The Grinch, COMBINED. It’s really getting old: the Democrats have called every Republican presidential nominee “Hitler” since Thomas Dewey in 1944. (And that was when we were actually at war with Hitler.) This time, with Kamala as their candidate and her weaknesses on full display, that “dictator” stuff is all they’ve got.
The list of people they’ve likened to Hitler is long. For when you have time...
But, wait, you might say of our joke. Idi Amin was so evil, he was a cannibal! Would the left really go so far as to compare Trump to a cannibal? Sure they would! To the TDS-infected mind, he’s Jeffrey Dahmer. Besides, the cannibalism is true in a figurative sense, because he’s eating Kamala for lunch.
In truth, THE ATLANTIC didn’t go that far (yet); they held back and just said Trump was like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini combined. This sparked Margot Cleveland at THE FEDERALIST to quip, “When Hitler isn’t bad enough!”
Our riff on what THE ATLANTIC said is something called comic exaggeration, done to make a point.
But this kind of pointed ridicule is precisely what the left is most afraid of and obsessed with silencing. Gabe Kaminsky at THE FEDERALIST reports that the EU has released an 18-page report that warning that your use of humor and satire, even the sharing of funny memes, could be a sign you’re one of...THOSE. You know, right-wing conspiracy theorists. Nazi white supremacists. Domestic terrorists. Deploooooooorables.
We are not amused, they say. And, yes, that is the royal “we.” We know this because they behave like the ruling elite, assuming power through Divine Right.
Cracking down on humor and satire? Them’s fightin’ words in our book. This is being done by control freaks who think the ending of George Orwell’s novel “1984” is a happily-ever-after.
An EU-funded group called the Radicalization Awareness Network has partnered with them to combat “violent extremism” with “surveillance and security.” Yes, surveillance. Their report is titled “It’s not funny anymore. Far-right extremists’ use of humour.”
“This paper,” they say, “scrutinizes how humour functions as a potential factor in terms of influencing far-right extremist violence.”
“The most potent weapons known to mankind,” their report reads, “are satire and ridicule.” Yes, and that’s exactly why we all need them in our arsenal. Taking them away is like disarming the populace. Somebody needs to print up the bumper sticker: To take my sense of humor, they’ll have to pry it from my cold dead mind.
But then, the self-anointed ruling elite will prowl parking lots and scrape those bumper stickers off pickup trucks.
They themselves are generally humorless; they’ve designated most humor as unsafe. As Greg Gutfeld said Wednesday, the left has “cancer of the funny bone.” They know our humor loses its power when it can’t be shared, so that’s the kind of world they envision, with themselves in charge of what can be communicated. Accordingly, this group recommends de-platforming those who produce and/or share memes of which they disapprove. They’ll psychoanalyze each creator and pick apart each image to imbue them with motives and beliefs that likely aren’t even intended. One can see from examples in the EU report that this is what they have done.
Note: these people get the strangest ideas. For some reason, they have the bizarre notion that the “OK” hand sign, with the thumb and index finger touching, is code for white supremacy. But somebody just made that up. (It means “okay.”) Or the idea that Trump supporters are QAnon conspiracy theorists. As immersed in the news as my team and I are, when we first started seeing references to QAnon, we had to look it up, as we had no idea what it was. Yet they’d wipe me from the internet in a heartbeat.
At the same time, as Kaminsky writes, “There is no direct reference to left-wing extremism and whether individuals who promote radical ideas on all sides of the political aisle ought to face consequences.” Well, of course there isn’t. Antifa, knock yourselves out with the memes --- although, again, I don’t think we have to worry too much about YOUR sense of humor, because you don’t have one.
The report cites a number of “resources,” such as the Urban Dictionary, Tech Against Terrorism, Meme War Weekly, Know Your Meme, and the CARR Guide to Online Radical-Right Symbols, Slogans and Slurs. Does the right have a secret handshake, too? Good grief.
But here’s some good news on the censorship front: Though California Gov. Gavin Newsom has been trying hard to act as the humor police, state AG Rob Bonta has stipulated that California cannot legally enforce a law (AB2839) against “materially deceptive” political content, including memes and parodies of elected officials, from plaintiffs BABYLON BEE and law blogger Kelly Rickert.
Thanks to the Alliance Defending Freedom for successfully fighting this attempt by the State of California to flout the First Amendment. To quote BABYLON BEE CEO Seth Dillon: “Our job is hard enough when the jokes keep coming true, as if they were prophesies. Unfortunately for them, the First Amendment secures our right to tell jokes they don’t like.
RELATED: It’s too bad the Brits are cracking down on humor, because they’ve been such a great source of it over the years. John Cleese of the original Monty Python comedy team has had plenty to say about this, particularly with the rise of “content moderation” in the age of Trump and wokeness. Cleese famously said he doesn’t perform on college campuses any longer and has done many interviews and presentations on the subject of wokeness killing creativity; here’s one. In it, he makes the case that “all humor is critical” --- even if it’s a joke based on a weakness of all human beings --- and he passes along an insight from groundbreaking psychiatrist Robin Skinner about super-sensitive people: “If people can’t control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people’s behavior.” That is a brilliantly simple explanation for the left’s focus on “safe spaces,” “trigger warnings,” and the like.
If humor goes away, then the sense of proportion does, too. “If humor is gone,” Cleese says, “then as far as I’m concerned, you’re living in ‘1984.’”
The battle of celebrity billionaires
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Trump and Harris both have celebrity billionaires campaigning for them, but I think I’d rather have Trump supporter Elon Musk on my side than Harris-pushing Mark Cuban, whose candidate has such bad economic ideas that he’s forced to deny she really means it even as he attempts to promote her.
During a Harris campaign event in Arizona, Cuban was asked if Harris supports a big tax on unrealized capital gains. That means taxing the increase in value of assets, even if you haven’t sold them and taken the profit. Trump calls it “communism,” and even Cuban knows it’s an incredibly stupid idea and an economy killer. So he assured the questioner that Harris does not support that.
Problem is, she said in August that she did support it, and it’s one of the few idiotic leftist ideas she hasn’t taken back.
Elon Musk seems to be having a lot more fun stumping for Trump. Musk made a stunning revelation about one reason why he’s backing Trump and wants to head up a government efficiency office to eliminate needless regulations. It was a jaw-dropping story about all the idiotic demands California regulators put on SpaceX before they would clear letting their rockets land in the ocean. These ranged from studies of the likelihood of the rocket hitting a shark and then a whale, and forcing SpaceX to put headphones on a seal and play sonic boom sounds to study its reaction.
This is a must-read that’s already inspiring countless pro-Trump memes of headphone-wearing seals. It would be hilarious if you didn’t realize these loony bureaucrats were actually serious.
Of course, Musk is also being accused by leftists of violating election laws by giving away a million dollars a day to a random registered voter who signs his PAC’s petition. But he’s not paying for votes or paying anyone to register. Not like Mark Zuckerberg, who spent hundreds of millions of dollars in 2020 registering voters mostly in heavily-Democrat districts. Apparently, it’s okay for billionaires to buy votes only when they’re buying them from Democrat office holders. And it’s okay to promise free money for votes only if you’re offering them other people’s tax money.
Mike Huckabee
Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, has found something else that strongly suggests that “witness” Cassidy Hutchinson was lying under oath to the House J6 Committee.Recall that last week, it was revealed that then-Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who co-chaired the so-called “Select” Committee on January 6 with Democrat Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, had had unethical communications with Hutchinson as her testimony grew and evolved over time. (I suppose we should say “alleged communications,” but these conversations are right there to read.)
Now, a handwriting expert has determined that a note Hutchinson said had been written by her actually wasn’t. She testified at a public hearing on June 28, 2022, that Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and Eric Hirschmann, one of Trump’s attorneys, had dictated it to her. The note read: “ANYONE WHO ENTERED THE CAPITOL ILLEGALLY WITHOUT PROPER AUTHORITY SHOULD LEAVE IMMEDIATELY,” with the word “ILLEGALLY” marked out.
Hirschmann has always maintained that he wrote the note himself, and this is consistent with what the handwriting expert found. From Loudermilk’s press release: “As the Select Committee consistently did with all of Hutchinson’s testimony, they accepted and promoted her claim without any corroboration or seeking other evidence to substantiate her testimony.”
Okay, we already knew Hutchinson was lying --- her story about Trump grabbing his driver and trying to make him go to the Capitol is an obvious tall tale --- but this is just another example of the “Select” Committee bringing discredit upon itself.
The “US Citizenship Act of 2021”
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
One of the few revealing bits of information to come out of Kamala Harris’ interview with Bret Baier on Fox News was her praise for the “US Citizenship Act of 2021.” She painted that as a bipartisan immigration reform bill, but it actually included a mass amnesty for up to 22 million illegal aliens and a fast-track to citizenship for them. As John Binder at BREITBART reports, it also included an expansion of the “wildly unpopular” Diversity Visa Lottery that randomly hands out about 55,000 visas a year, some of which have gone to Islamic terrorists who killed Americans.
That bill would import even more people into the US at a time when the foreign-born population is already at a record 51.6 million.
Here’s just the latest shocking story of what happens when you open your borders to unvetted aliens. Tragically, I get more stories like this than I can run.
And even if Harris loses the election, brace yourself for the biggest mass assault on our border since they took office as thousands of illegal immigrants rush to get in before Trump takes over. Don’t believe me? 2,500 of them are already on the way. They must read the polls in Central America.
Local radio host says don’t vote early, is out of his freaking mind
October 23, 2024
by Laura Ainsworth, HUCKABEE writer/researcher
Monday, October 21, was the first day of early voting in Dallas County. The sun was shining and the birds were singing as I got ready to go to the polls with husband (and HUCKABEE co-writer) Pat Reeder. I was happy, happy, happy to finally be casting my vote for former (and, I hope, future) President Trump and everyone else on the ballot who did NOT have a “D” next to his or her name, as I absolutely cannot support any candidate still professing loyalty to the Democrat Party, given its dishonest leadership and horrible agenda.
Then I turned on the radio, earlier than usual, about 10:15, to WBAP-AM and heard a host I don’t usually hear, Casey Bartholomew. It sure took me out of my lovely mood. In fact, I’m still spitting nails over what he was telling his audience.
This was the second hour of his two-hour show, so admittedly, I didn’t hear everything that preceded the discussion in progress. But Bartholomew was ardently defending Election Day as THE ONLY day to vote. He apparently doesn’t care that Republicans are being asked --- begged --- to “bank” their votes in case something happens between now and Election Day. He’s always voted on the actual Election Day and, by gum, he’s going to do the same thing this year. In fact, he aggressively criticized those who vote early as people who care more about their own convenience than the seriousness of casting their vote. He was telling his listeners that they should all wait and vote on Election Day as he does.
Now, I grew up thinking of Election Day as sacred and casting my vote as a kind of sacrament. This year marks the first time, in fact, that I’ve voted early. But this situation is different. This time, it’s SO IMPORTANT for my vote to count that I just had to make sure it got in. (Never mind the story about some voting machines in Dallas County mis-tabulating ballots in their recent trial run but being certified for use anyway. That’s pretty horrifying, but there’s nothing I can do about it. At least if someone else’s “R” vote isn’t counted correctly, my “R” vote can help bridge the gap.)
So many things could happen on Election Day: What if the electrical grid is tampered with or otherwise fails? What if some locations run out of ballots? What if some of the machines go down or are found to have problems? What if there’s some “black swan” event we haven’t even thought of, designed to interfere with the process? What if there’s a tornado (We are in Texas, after all)?
And then there’s me: What if I get really sick and have to stay home? What if there’s a family emergency I have to take care of? What if I fall off the roof cleaning leaves out of the gutters and have to go to the hospital? What if my house burns down and everything is lost, including my ID? What if I’m in a wreck on the way to the polls? (Not that I wouldn’t crawl the rest of the way if I could.)
What if I DIE?
Since I’m not a Democrat, I know I can’t vote if I’m dead, so the best strategy is to vote as soon as possible, while I definitely have a pulse. Now that I’ve voted, that vote will be my legacy if I happen to get hit by a bus on, say, November 4. Pat and I will be the first people ever to vote Republican after we’re dead.
I never used to have this sense of urgency about voting. If the election system is ever reformed the way I want it --- with in-person voting on Election Day and maybe just a few days before so crowds are manageable, no electronic machines (which ARE proven hackable), and absentee ballots by request for specific reasons only --- I might go back to voting as I always did. But that’s the “perfect world” that doesn’t presently exist.
I tried to give Casey Bartholomew the benefit of the doubt. Was he perhaps using reverse psychology to get his audience fired up about voting early? Nothing in his delivery suggested this at all. Was he trying to be deliberately provocative? If so, this subject is too important to be playing games with the audience. No, I think he was quite serious. Could be wrong, but I’m pretty good with nuance, and if his nuance was lost on me, it was probably lost on most people.
This host did his listeners a huge disservice. I hope they stayed on to listen to Dan Bongino, who gave them the antidote and maybe even helped nudge them to the polls on that first day of voting. He’s made it clear, as we have, that it’s important to get our votes “banked,” just in case anything interferes on Election Day. I was happy to see a long line at my polling place, and the vibe there was really good.
Have you voted yet?
(P.S. from Pat: I couldn’t tell who most of the people there were voting for, but I’m pretty sure that the guy in line behind me in the T-shirt with an AR-15 rifle and the slogan, “As long as we’re redefining things, this is a cordless hole-puncher” was voting for Trump.)
From Our “Everything You Know Is Wrong” Desk:
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Stories like this have been percolating for a long time, but Selwyn Duke at NewAmerican.com asks if we’ve reached the tipping point where people are realizing that plastic recycling is an expensive, inconvenient myth that’s finally unraveling.
As he notes, John Stossel has been raising the alarm for a while now that only 5% of the plastic returned for recycling in the US is actually recycled. The rest is incinerated, dumped into landfills or sent to other nations – where it’s probably incinerated or dumped into landfills, which is still better than dumping it into the ocean, which also happens.
One problem is that plastic is “extremely inexpensive to produce while recycling is costly.” There are about 40,000 different manmade polymers that all have to be treated differently. And here’s another mindblower for the green crowd: Plastic is not only a better packaging material for foods than other alternatives like paper, but in 93% of cases, it does the least environmental damage.
But as people are finally waking up to the pointlessness of most plastic recycling, the result is predictable: The government, which has been promoting plastic recycling relentlessly for years and pressuring businesses to go along with it, is now accusing the companies they pressured of misleading the public. For instance, California is suing ExxonMobil, “alleging it falsely promoted the recyclability of plastic.”
Maybe the best thing for the Earth would be simply to use only as much plastic as we need, send it to the dump when we’re through with it, and send a whole lot of meddling but scientifically ignorant politicians to the dump along with it.
Trump revels on the campaign trail, while Harris gets angry
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
With the presidential campaign in the home stretch, the differences between the candidates are becoming even more glaring, with the main one being authenticity. Trump is able to relate to everyone naturally, whether he’s talking to steelworkers, football fans or McDonald’s employees. Kamala Harris has to have everything scripted in advance, and even then, it can become a disaster (but not as big a disaster as when she ad-libs, like responding to a call of “Jesus is Lord” by saying, “You’re at the wrong rally.”)The two also seem to have switched campaign themes. It’s Trump who’s exuding “joy” as he revels in fun photo-ops with regular Americans, while Harris has turned to angrily attacking Trump in every speech. She’s getting so strident, some pundits have started comparing her to the late-stage campaigning of Hillary “Basket of Deplorables” Clinton. Rep. Dean Phillips, the one Democrat who dared to challenge Biden in the primaries and earned far more votes than Kamala (zero), also dinged her for focusing on slamming Trump instead of being “clear about what she believes.”
At this point, I’m not sure she even knows what she believes. Like, remember how she was against fracking before she was for fracking? Well, now she’s against it again. At least, she’s against more of it. She's attempting the rate flip-flop-flip. You try figuring her latest position out…
Meanwhile, Trump spent time Monday talking and joking with regular working guys at a Bronx barber shop. The most shocking news to come out of it was when the shop owner said that under Biden-Harris, his monthly energy bills have gone up from $1200 to $15,000! Trump told him that he will cut energy prices in half during his first year in office.
Harris had a townhall Monday with everyone’s favorite Republican, Liz Cheney. Instead of being an opportunity for voters to ask spontaneous questions, moderator Maria Shriver announced at the outset that all the questions had been “pre-determined.” Harris’ answers had also apparently been pre-written and rehearsed, which didn’t mean they were delivered convincingly.
Vulnerable Democrats in swing states are seeing how bad Harris’ campaign is and rushing to distance themselves from her. Even Obama’s 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina said on MSNBC that her campaign team looks “absolutely exhausted” because they have so many tough decisions to make and so little time “while everyone is telling them they’re a band of idiots, and they should do it their way.”
If it’s any consolation, I don’t think her campaign workers are idiots. That’s not where the problem lies. Or the idiocy. But make no mistake: This race isn't over. Ignore the polls and the pundits and keep turning out as if America's very existence depends on it, because it does.
“Draining the Swamp” update
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
People criticize Donald Trump for not “draining the swamp” as he promised, but this will give you an idea of how hard that is.
Under a Trump-era law allowing for more accountability of federal workers, 4,000 employees of the Veterans Administration were fired for reasons ranging from negligence and sleeping on the job to “grievous misconduct” such as patient abuse.
Now, an investigation by the America First Policy Institute has revealed that the VA failed to attend arbitration with the public employees’ union. Under a 2023 settlement, the Biden-Harris Administration agreed to reinstate 106 fired VA employees and pay 1700 of them a total of $130 million in back pay. It could have been worse: they could have been forced to rehire all of them and pay them $300 million in back pay.
Former Trump VA Secretary Robert Wilkie blasted the Biden Administration for surrendering to the government employees’ union, saying they had let down American veterans and taxpayers. He said, "Those fired for mistreating American veterans should not even be allowed near the VA, much less reinstated."
This is the problem with government employee unions: in the private sector, negotiations are between the workers and the people paying their salaries. In the government, negotiations are between the workers and politicians who benefit from the support of those workers, while the people who pay their salaries – we taxpayers – aren’t even allowed in the room.
Demanding reform of these laws would not be an attack on union workers, as the Democrats and the media would surely frame it. It would be a long-overdue reform to bring both fiscal sanity and accountability to government. Both veterans and taxpayers deserve no less.
RIP Thelma Mothershed Wair
October 23, 2024
Mike Huckabee
We want to offer our prayers and condolences to the family of Thelma Mothershed Wair, who died Saturday in a Little Rock hospital at 83 following complications from MS.In 1957, she was one of the black students who became known as the Little Rock Nine after they were sent to integrate Central High School. Their attempt to simply go to school was met with a mob of threatening segregationists and the opposition of Gov. Orval Faubus, who sent the National Guard to block them from enrolling. This was three years after the Supreme Court declared segregated classrooms unconstitutional.
It took Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sending members of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division to escort them into school on Sept. 25, 1957, to break the opposition. The students continued to be the target of harassment such as name-calling, but fortunately, they never faced any violence.
Wair went on to get a master’s degree in counseling and have a long and distinguished career as a teacher and counselor. She and the rest of the Little Rock Nine received the Congressional Gold Medal. You can read more about her incredible life at this link.
And from the Wayback Machine, here’s the speech I gave at Central High School on the 50th anniversary of its integration.
Trump breaks records with livestreamed Bongino interview
October 22, 2024
Mike Huckabee
In case you didn’t see Dan Bongino’s livestreamed, in-person interview with President Trump Friday morning...The podcast was done from Trump Tower, and it got underway while Trump was still on his way there. So if you’re short on time, fast-forward to about 32:00, and you’ll see him walk in. (Don’t worry; they still had plenty of time for the interview. This wasn’t like Kamala’s deliberately abbreviated 15-minute interview with Bret Baier. Not Trump’s style.) By the time Trump arrived, there were close to 300,000 viewers --- a record for the biggest live stream --- waiting to watch him. While they were waiting, they had seen some solid commentary from Bongino as well as some powerful ads for Trump’s social media platform Truth Social.
“This guy gets it, man,” Bongino said. “He made the Republican Party edgy again. We’ve run a bunch of stiffs, and terrible candidates...[who] might have been right on the issues but have been terrible on the message. You’ve gotta get that right. I think one of his lasting gifts to the Republican Party is gonna be...his very unique ability to make this party the home for working class voters again. And I think the greatest irony of all is [that] a very wealthy real estate developer in New York who understands, you know, union workers and everyone else became the guy who transformed the Republican Party back to the party of the working man.”
Bongino had a caution, too: “If we lose, free speech is finished.” Social media platforms are going to be controlled or shut down. It’s a global phenomenon; Elon Musk’s platform X is being threatened with bankruptcy over his refusal to toe the line on censoring so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation,” which means information that fails to further the leftist narrative. The courts will not save us, he said.
Once President Trump was settled in his chair, the first question Bongino had for him was naturally about the Secret Service. They’d spoken about the Butler assassination attempt the next morning, and Bongino was amazed that “you spoke about it as if you weren’t even there.”
“...If we get you into office, Mr. President, we need you safe,” he told Trump, asking him if he would commit to having some kind of commission of outside experts to reform the Secret Service.
Trump praised the agents he knew as “amazing” and said “they had a really bad day in Butler.” (Never mind that he himself almost had a REALLY bad day.) “I don’t know whose fault that is; I guess you go top level.” (He confirmed that he hadn’t known the then-director, Kimberly Cheatle at all.) They’d shown incredible courage, he said, in shielding him as they did.
He also praised the Secret Service for their handling of the second attempt, on his golf course in West Palm Beach. “That guy should’ve been nowhere near you,” Bongino told him. But Trump praised the agent who saw the barrel of the gun and reacted.
However, he did agree with Bongino. “Gotta be safe, gotta be safe.”
Trump had not seen the report that came out over the weekend, which Bongino characterized as “devastating.” It “confirms a lot of things that I’ve said, being an agent for over a decade of my life,” Bongino said. It’s part of a larger government attitude that someone like Trump from the private sector --- someone who actually has to get things done --- might not comprehend.
“You have these failed [government] agencies that blew it,” Bongino said. When he was in the Secret Service, they would joke about “yesterday’s technology today.” He wanted to know if Trump would perhaps include Elon Musk to do some “systemic wide review” of the FBI, Secret Service and other entities and to say “We’re not doing it this way anymore.” Produce results or you’re done.
“It’s all about the people,” Trump said. You have to have the best. “I know very little about that, although I’ve learned a lot in the last few weeks.”
“There were 107,000 people at that second rally in Butler,” he said, “and the place now has become a sort of “memorial site.”
“...They’re coming from all over the country,” he mused, likening it to “that place in Nevada where they have all the aliens.” (Yes, he was talking about Area 51 – and probably facitiously!) “The streets are just loaded with cars. They ride up and down and they honk.”
“It’s cute. It’s beautiful, actually.”
Anyway, “something went wrong, and you can’t let it go wrong,” he said, so it will have to be looked into. He seemed to be taking Bongino up on his offer to spearhead something like that. “You’d be a good person to look into that...that was your business, right?”
“It’s dangerous,” Trump said lightly. “I’ll tell you what, being President is a dangerous profession, and you can’t let it go wrong.” He meant dangerous for anyone who has ever been President, not just himself. Obviously, he’s been thinking about how many Presidents get shot compared to the small number there have been through our history.
“I never thought of that when I ran,” he said. “You think everything’s peachy-dory. But it’s a nasty business.” He noted the irony that in a way, he got “saved by illegal immigration,” referring to the chart that he turned his head towards at just the right moment.
Trump does wonder why the FBI hasn’t opened the three foreign apps on a phone possessed by the Butler shooter. He also asks why the second shooter would have six cell phones. They haven’t opened those, either, Trump said.
“I guarantee they opened them for January 6.”
“They [the shooters] look innocent, like nice country boys, but they may not be, so I’d like to see them open that up and fast.”
Not surprisingly, Bongino said, “I just don’t trust the FBI.” At this point, we all know the FBI spied on Trump’s campaign. “I have the names of the spies,” Bongino said.
“They actually spied on my campaign,” Trump said ruefully, “and then went after the people that went after the spies.”
“...And if you look, it was Biden and Obama and their group of people. And the Deep State, they wanted that forgotten as soon as possible.” The media wouldn’t cover it, either, and never apologized.
As for the media, Trump cited 60 MINUTES for editing their interview with Kamala Harris to substitute another answer (from “two pages later”) for the one she had given, saying it was “the worst scandal I’ve ever seen in broadcast history.” The original answer “showed she was crazy.” He wants 60 MINUTES to release the full video, and that might take a lawsuit. “I think I’m gonna sue them,” he said.
“It’s so bad, they should lose their license,” he said, “and they should take 60 MINUTES off the air.” He likened this to the old-style scandal over the show THE $64,000 QUESTION, with the answers given by the producers to a contestant in advance.
They had a laugh over the ridiculous David Muir, one of ABC’s debate hosts, for questioning everything while letting Kamala prattle on about various debunked hoaxes.
“I don’t know if a country can come back if they have a fake press,” Trump said. “They’re like policemen; they keep people honest. Democrats don’t have to be honest, because they’ll never be accused of anything.”
But someone like Eric Adams, who goes against the party on an issue like immigration? When he did that, Trump predicted he’d be indicted in six months. And sure enough.
“I know these people.”
They also talked about Jack Smith, “a sick puppy,” and his plans to release another so-called manifesto of unproven allegations before the election, which is blatant election interference. “I don’t even know what it is,” Trump said. “It has nothing to do with me.”
“And the judge [Tanya Chutkan] is allowing him to do it,” Trump said. He called her “an evil person.”
“They all said, ‘Well, make sure you don’t get Chutkan,’” he said. “And who did I get? I got Chutkan.”
They also discussed the “Select” Committee supposedly investigating the January 6 riot, the uncorroborated hearsay testimony that eyewitnesses swear never happened, and the committee’s wholesale destruction of records at the time they disbanded. “You’re supposed to go to jail if you destroy evidence,” Trump said. “Even in a civil case you go to jail.”
As for the business of Kamala being at DNC headquarters during the “discovery” of the pipe bomb, Trump said, “It’s a rigged deal. The whole thing is rigged.” And regarding the political prisoners still being held, “Nobody’s ever been treated like this. Maybe the Japanese during [the] Second World War, frankly…”
Bongino also mentioned that all messages from that day were wiped from Secret Service phones, hoping that could be investigated, too.
At about 56:00, you’ll just have to see the conversation, as Trump and Bongino banter about lighter stuff: What it’s like to be from Queens, the accomplishments of their wives, the jokes at the Al Smith dinner, the great mayorship of Rudy Giuliani, and other good-natured human things. And worse things, too, like the humiliating airlift out of Afghanistan.
Nice note: at the end of the interview, President Trump signed a baseball on-camera to be auctioned off --- 100 percent of the money going to OUR favorite charity, Samaritan’s Purse.
I've gotten more primary votes than Kamala Harris | Wake Up America
October 22, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Their final report isn’t expected to come out until December 13, but the House Task Force investigating the Secret Service failures related to two attempts on President Trump’s life has released an interim report that could hardly be more critical.
“Although the findings in this report are preliminary,” it reads, “the information obtained during the first phase of the Task Force’s investigation clearly shows a lack of planning and coordination between the Secret Service and its law enforcement partners before the rally.”
The Task Force is being led by Rep. Mark Kelly of Pennsylvania, who was there at the Butler rally during the shooting and represents that district.
When President Trump met with former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino for their livestream on Friday, he knew the report was out --- and that it was bad --- but wasn’t yet familiar with all the details. We’ll have more on the report tomorrow; meanwhile, here’s the story from FOX NEWS…
DA Fani Willis’ very special prosecutor has extremely bad memory
October 22, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Funny thing about Nathan Wade, Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ “special” prosecutor for her shoddy Trump case. The minute he’s sworn in to give testimony, he forgets...well, everything. I’m surprised he can remember his own name.
He gave what TOWNHALL characterizes as a “damning deposition” before the House Judiciary Committee last week. They released the 132-page transcript on Monday, and it is a howler. If you want to read the whole thing, here it is…
If you don’t, just know that he said “I don’t know,” “I can’t recall” or “I don’t recall” almost 60 times.
And read the shocking details of what he did actually reveal, at the link below. Essentially, we learn that Willis was already preparing to prosecute Trump before she even took office. He said he had no relevant experience for the prosecutor position Willis gave him, to the point where he had to take training in RICO law. It was Willis’ intention to indict Trump on a RICO violation --- racketeering --- which she did. Yet she chose for her top prosecutor someone with no background in that. It seems he had other talents that we won’t get into.
Wade also admitted to multiple meetings with Biden-Harris White House officials (!!!), but this is where his memory got especially hazy. He couldn’t remember even the most basic details, like whether he had been at the White House or some other place. (Wade was billing the Fulton County DA’s Office $250 an hour for this work.) He confirmed that he had met with “individuals associated with” the House Committee on J6 (!!!) several times in 2022 but would not give any details. He said these associates were “lawyers” but did not give their names or say whom they represented.
One of the most ridiculous things he said was that he didn’t know the U.S. Marshals were attempting to locate him to serve him with a subpoena because he’d turned his phone off for four days while preparing for an upcoming arbitration. (Just wondering, what if one of the other attorneys in that case had needed to reach him?) He gave various excuses for not immediately accepting the subpoena, including that he had hurt his ankle playing basketball and was on pain medication.
One side effect of this medication must be lingering, almost total forgetfulness.
Luke Rosiak, a superb investigative reporter, has a good write-up as well. Rosiak points out that Wade admitted he had never even worked in a DA’s office before and also wouldn’t answer questions about how his relationship with Willis might have affected the case. “So now I’m getting confused,” he said, “because I didn’t think...I was coming here to answer questions about my personal life.”
Democrat zealots are abusing power
October 21, 2024
Mike Huckabee
We hear a lot of scary stories from the Democrats about Trump wanting to jail his political opponents, even though he’s condemned the type of lawfare they’ve been using to try to jail him. But Trump is hardly the only victim of Democrat zealots abusing their power to jail their opponents. Just ask the people jailed for stepping inside an open door at the Capitol on January 6th and looking around for a minute before leaving. Or the peaceful pro-life protesters, some elderly and frail and one who survived concentration camps before coming to America, only to be imprisoned under the unconstitutional FACE Act for praying at an abortion clinic.
And here’s the latest injustice: Former Stockton, California, fire chief Ron Hittle was fired for attending a leadership conference in a church building. City officials claimed he attended a “religious event” while on duty as justification for firing him. But not only have speakers such as Bill Clinton appeared at that conference, his attorneys say the firing was a clear violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act barring religious discrimination. A lower court judge sided with the city, but the Liberty Institute is asking the Supreme Court to intervene and restore him to his job.
And of course, this isn’t limited to the US. Just ask the British Army veteran who was fined $12,000 and given a two-year conditional discharge for bowing his head and saying a silent prayer for his dead son in a “safe zone” around an abortion clinic where any activity supporting or denouncing abortion is prohibited. Yes, the police actually demanded to know the “nature of his prayer,” and the judge called his actions “deliberate.”
The sentence is being denounced as “outrageous,” like something out of Orwell’s “1984,” and one attorney said the country can "hardly sink any lower" in the abuse of basic human rights. The defendant said, “Today, the court has decided that certain thoughts – silent thoughts – can be illegal in the United Kingdom. That can’t be right.”
It isn’t right, but it’s up to the British people to remove from power those who abuse it, just as we did in 1776 and I hope we're about to do in November, 2024. As for that judge who sentenced him, I wouldn’t want to be her when she has to stand in front of the ultimate judge and explain why she thinks silent prayer is a criminal offense.
Andrew Sullivan's Must-Read column
October 21, 2024
I mentioned elsewhere that there would be a couple of stories about Democrats who deserve to face a REAL criminal investigation. Well, here they are…
Today’s MUST-READ: From Andrew Sullivan, not a conservative writer but a gay liberal journalist who can spot outrageous corruption when he sees it. And he sees it in shocking detail in the actions of Biden-Harris’ transgender Assistant Secretary for Health at HHS, Rachel Levine, and the pro-trans quacks at WPATH.
I already reported some of the details of this story. In short, we learned that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the biggest pushers of “transing” minors with or without parental consent, knew that there was “little to no evidence” that this barbaric butchery actually helped gender-confused children, but both they and Levine allegedly covered that up and continued to push it.
As Sullivan reports, the discovery phase of a lawsuit against Alabama’s ban on “transing” children has revealed that WPATH was concerned that phrases like “insufficient evidence” and “limited data” might “empower” groups “trying to claim that gender-affirming interventions are experimental.” In other words, the truth might undermine their narrative.
They shared this information with Levine at HHS, who was very concerned that listing “specific minimum ages for treatment…under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care.” In other words, the truth might have kept doctors from mutilating minors and set back the radical trans agenda. So Levine REMOVED the recommended minimum age limits!
Result: Because WPATH and Rachel Levine allegedly prioritized their radical sexual/political views over medical science, at least 14,000 American kids have received highly questionable chemical or surgical treatments that have left them permanently disfigured.
Sullivan calls the actions of Levine and WPATH “despicable.” He demands the resignations of Levine and “the heads of every so-called gay group that have pushed and lied about ‘gender-affirming care,’" along with possible legal consequences for doctors like those at WPATH who continued pushing this quackery while secretly knowing there was no evidence that it helped. As Sullivan notes, that’s not only a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, it’s the equivalent of female genital mutilation, which is illegal under federal law and in 41 states.
Sullivan sees this as medical quackery particularly aimed at gay teenagers who would have been fine if they’d been allowed to mature past puberty. He urges any gay man or lesbian who was misled into this malpractice to “start the lawsuits. It’s the only way. No gay men or lesbians will come to your aid. Kamala Harris and the gay groups sure won’t. ‘LGBTQIA+’ billionaires will sacrifice any number of gay kids if it means not being called ‘transphobic’ at a dinner party…A movement that began with defending gay men and lesbians is now sacrificing a generation of gay kids at the behest of trans extremists and critical gender theory.”
Rachel Levine should be immediately removed from office and face a criminal investigation, along with any other doctor who knowingly pushed this unconscionable butchery onto confused children. Maybe then, Democrats who have been calling their political opponents “Hitler” will finally notice that they’ve been harboring a Joseph Mengele of their own.
The Campaign for President Heats Up
October 21, 2024
Mike Huckabee
In dueling campaign events over the weekend, Donald Trump attended a Steelers-Jets football game in Pittsburgh, where the crowd erupted in cheers and chanted, “USA! USA!” when he appeared.
Trump also tweaked Harris’ unsubstantiated claim about once working at McDonald’s (apparently her only private sector job) by making fries and burgers and working the drive-through window at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s. Trump told one customer, “I’ve now worked for 15 minutes more than Kamala.”
The event was hailed as a huge success, yielding funny and relatable photos, videos and viral memes. There was also a moving moment when a female customer at the drive-through window implored Trump not to let America become like her native Brazil.
You can tell how successful it was by how Democrats are melting down over it…
Probably the worst response came when a pro-Harris X account unaffiliated with the campaign sniped that the McDonald’s had a health code violation last spring. They were ripped for attacking a small business over an extremely minor, months-old violation, just because they hate Trump. But hey, what else have they got?
Well, they have this…
Kamala Harris continued her well-known trajectory: The more people see and hear from her, the more they're reminded of why she should never be President. At a rally in Detroit, she appeared with hip-hop star Lizzo, who is so proud of her hometown that she declared, “They say if Kamala wins, then the whole country will be like Detroit. Proud like Detroit, resilient like Detroit. The same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry. Put some respect on Detroit's name.”
FYI: It’s Trump who’s promising to bring Detroit back to its former glory. What’s likely to be remembered from that rally is Lizzo saying, “If Kamala wins, then the whole country will be like Detroit.” I know that’s not what she meant, but it makes a lot more sense and will resonate with a lot of voters.
On Sunday, Kamala appeared at a black church in Stonecrest, Georgia, at an event ironically dubbed “Souls to the Polls.” She told the congregation, “Our country is at a crossroads, and where we go from here is up to us as Americans and we people of faith.”
As a person of faith, for once, I actually agree completely with Kamala Harris. However, I disagree completely about the direction she wants to take America from that crossroad.
As if it weren’t clear enough already, she’d made it crystal clear just one day before at a rally in Wisconsin. Two LaCrosse University students in the crowd shouted, “Jesus is Lord!” She gave them a nasty look and snarked, "Oh, you guys are at the wrong rally. No, I think you meant to go to the smaller one down the street." Her crowd roared its approval at her public rejection of Christianity. This after she’d just become the first Democrat since Mondale to skip the Al Smith Dinner for Catholic children’s charities.
To make it even worse, earlier that day in Wisconsin, a pro-Palestinian protester demanded of her, “What about the genocide?” and she replied that what he had to say was “real” and she “respects his voice.”
Studies have found that over 40 million Evangelical Christians don’t vote, even in presidential elections. I’ve tried hard this year to convince Christians to vote, and I hope that elevated early voting for Republicans is an indicator that they are. But these shocking statements by Kamala Harris show why it needs to be even higher. If all Christians voted their principles, they could determine every election in America and end the left’s weaponization of government against religious freedom for good.
Here's a monologue I did about that on “Huckabee” on TBN. If you’re seen it before, I hope you’ll share it with any fellow Christians who aren’t planning to vote.
And you should send this along, too. Tyler O’Neill of The Daily Signal is an Evangelical Christian, as well, and he offers three citations from the Bible about why it’s important for Christians to vote.
The Biggest Liar
October 21, 2024
Mike Huckabee
It’s horrible to contemplate, but California voters might be on the brink of sending Adam Schiff, Congress’s biggest liar (an astonishing accomplishment), to the Senate. But maybe America will be spared from that fate by having him sent to prison instead.
At the request of Just The News, retired FBI supervisory special agent Jeff Danik investigated allegations that for the past 20 or so years, Schiff has claimed on both election and mortgage documents that his two homes in California and Maryland are BOTH his “primary residence,” depending on which was convenient at the time. Danik dug up election and real estate documents from 2009, 2011 and 2013 that suggest Schiff was doing this, so he could run for office in California while getting better mortgage terms in Maryland. Legally, Americans are allowed to declare only one home as their primary residence.
There are growing calls for investigations, and if these allegations are confirmed, Schiff could be facing major ethics violations and even criminal prosecution. It would be divinely ironic if the man who’s made so many false charges against Donald Trump was brought down by his own contempt for electoral rules and genuine real estate fraud. Of course, that would require Congress to investigate him and the DOJ to prosecute him, so…maybe after January.
I hope it would also mean that we’d never again see another self-righteous movie from Hollywood (Shiff’s home district) about how terrible it is for a Congress member to wave around a blank piece of paper and claim it’s evidence of Russian agents in the White House.
AGT's Jack Williams Will Leave You SPEECHLESS! | Huckabee
October 21, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Hezbollah attempts drone strike on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home
October 21, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Over the weekend, Hezbollah attempted a drone attack on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s home. Fortunately, nobody was injured. Netanyahu called the assassination attempt a "grave mistake" and vowed that "This will not deter me or the State of Israel from continuing our just war against our enemies in order to secure our future." I would take him at his word if I were them.
Here’s how stupid that attack by Hezbollah was: Even a top Al Qaeda advisor is calling on Hamas to release its hostages, give up, and “end this chapter.” And Hezbollah wants to pick a new fight with Israel? That is dumber than dirt.
RELATED: For anyone dumb enough to think that Hamas cares about the Palestinian people or that Israel is keeping humanitarian aid from them, it was reported that the secret bunker where Oct. 7th mastermind and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was found and killed was loaded with millions of Israeli shekels (that’s cash), stolen UN food rations and various luxury goods. That’s how these terrorists live while they let the Palestinian people they’re allegedly fighting for starve.
Andrew Klavan, of The Daily Wire, Details the SIGNIFICANCE Of the 2024 Outcome | Huckabee
October 21, 2024
The End of the Beginning
October 19, 2024
Kenneth Allard
The average American may not have heard of Yahya Sinwar or even attached much significance to his death this week. But clarification was not long in coming: the primary military leader of Hamas, the godfather of the October 7 massacre that killed more Jews at one time since the Holocaust, and a stone-cold killer whose murderous rampages targeted both Jews and Palestinians who had opposed him. In short, the Hamas equivalent of Osama bin Laden and an eminently ignoble creature to be returned to his Maker.One also has to be impressed by the gutsiness of the Israeli Defense Forces as well as the sheer chutzpah of Benjamin Netanyahu, absorbing the terrible shock of those initial attacks and then rallying his countrymen for an extended fight in the urban killing zones of Gaza. He deserves even greater credit for keeping the IDF hard at it, deploying and re-deploying them into the toughest combat there is.
Not for the first time, Mr Netanahu reminds me of Winston Churchill, summoning his country to battle against the Nazi blitzkrieg in northern France, through the heartbreak of Dunkirk and the hard-fought Battle of Britain. When Montgomery finally managed a desperate victory against Rommel’s Afrika Corps at El Alamein, Churchill kept his focus on rallying Britain for what still lay ahead. “The Germans have received back again that measure of fire and steel which they have so often meted out to others. Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” https://winstonchurchill.org/resources/quotes/famous-quotations-and-stories/
In much the same way, Israel understands far better than the strategically challenged Biden-Harris White House that, while new opportunities may emerge from their recent decapitation of the Hamas-Hezbollah leadership, the essential geo-politics of the Middle East remain unchanged. Iran is still intact: So are its client-countries surrounding Israel’s periphery, all armed with missiles, money and “technical advisors” from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp. So long as those facts remain unchanged, Iran also remains a potential nuclear power, a slow-motion Cuban Missile Crisis with every potential to create a second Holocaust against the very same people who fell victims during the first one.
That forbidding backdrop might provide the best way to appreciate Joe Biden’s characteristic missteps. Begin with the fact that Robert Gates, probably our best-ever secretary of defense, famously recalled in his memoirs that Mr. Biden had been disastrously wrong on every major defense issue over the previous four decades! https://www.yahoo.com/news/gates-slams-biden-memoir-reveals-194654938.html/
But more recently, there have been persistent indicators that either President Joe or maybe Candidate Joe was feeling heat from the left wing of the Democratic Party. Did they really have Israel’s back, despite their not-so-very subtle bows to the Democratic left? The strategic crossing point at Rafah, in southern Gaza has been a frequent object of presidential and vice-presidential ire, Ms. Harris frequently insisting the she could, after all, read a map. Which made it all the more embarrassing when Yahya Sinwar, was brought to divine justice from a building in Rafah attacked by an IDF infantry patrol, doing what infantrymen always do: Patrolling the ground and engaging the enemy with direct fire. Perhaps Ms. Harris could ask her running mate to explain such subtleties.
In an insightful article on US-Israeli tensions over recent days, Professor Charles Lipson reveals just how annoying White House knob-dickery has become: There is “also the unconscionable action of leaking highly-secret targeting information to the Washington Post, as soon as the Israelis shared it with the White House. That leak tells Iran where to concentrate their defensive efforts and where not to bother. The words that best describe that leak cannot be uttered in polite company.” https://thespectator.com/topic/follows-yahya-sinwar-death-israel-war-gaza-beyond/
Small wonder that Lipson concludes by suggesting that the combination of American hi-tech weaponry mixed with bad strategic advice means that Israel will likely act in its own best interests. So where do those interests lie? I think both Winston Churchill and Benjamin Netanyahu would probably argue that Israel’s interests require a two-state solution, the two states being Israel and a New Iran – i.e., one no longer governed by the ayatollahs and the IRGC. If the Iranian leadership is deposed by any means necessary, then its empire also goes away, literally from Gulf to Sea. However, you can rest assured that such bold ideas are strictly off-limits in the Biden Pentagon, the elite foreign-policy salons of Georgetown and as well as the Ivy League’s DEI-infested warrens. But let us hope that Israel has not forgotten who fights on their side!
COL (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point professor, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.
What's the Future of Gun Ownership in 2024? | Huckabee Today
October 19, 2024
President Trump attends the Al Smith Dinner in NYC
October 18, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Last night, President Trump was the keynote speaker at the Al Smith Dinner in New York City, a fundraiser for Catholic charities that brings people of different political views together for a good cause. In presidential election years, both candidates traditionally appear to make speeches taking humorous jabs at each other.
It’s a sign of how panicky the Harris campaign must be that she became the first major party candidate in decades not to appear in person (other than at the 2020 COVID virtual event), snubbing the dinner to campaign in a battleground state. Instead, she sent a video message featuring her and former “SNL” star Molly Shannon as Catholic school girl Mary Katherine Gallagher. Critics noted that it allowed someone else to do most of the talking and handie the jokes. It didn’t go over well in the room. Trump joked that the last candidate to skip the dinner was Walter Mondale, and it didn’t work out so good for him.
Trump, on the other hand, showed up in person, despite the room being packed with his political enemies, including Chuck Schumer, Bill DeBlasio, Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York Attorney General Letitia James, who’s abusing the powers of her office to try to bankrupt and imprison him.
Despite that, he gave a well-received speech that was sometimes funny (“Tradition holds that I'm supposed to tell a few self-deprecating jokes this evening. So here it goes. Nope. I've got nothing”… “I’m not worried at all about (White Dudes for Harris) because their wives and their wives’ lovers are all voting for me”) and sometimes serious. He reached out to Democrats and offered to work together to make New York and America great again. You know, like fascists do. Some complained that he was too political or went on too long, to which I would say, “It’s Donald Trump. What’s your point?”
(Full Trump speech here: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6363410527112)
I thought the most interesting thing about the event was the reaction to Trump, which was surprisingly warm, considering, as he pointed out, 75% of the people in the room probably hated him. The host, comic Jim Gaffigan, has been a harsh anti-Trumper on social media, but he seemed quite welcoming to Trump and even laughed at his jokes. Maybe he was just being a good host, but it seemed genuine. Some of Trump’s most strident political opponents, like Chuck Schumer, also laughed and shook Trump’s hand.
It showed that they can actually act like civilized adults if they force themselves to, or maybe that all their “Trump is a Nazi Hitler threat to democracy!!!” hysteria is just what Pat Moynahan used to call “boob bait for the Bubbas,” with the Bubbas in this case being the gullible nose-ringed undergrads and Chardonnay ladies that comprise the current Democrat constituency.
Or maybe it shows they’re growing resigned to the idea that Trump is going to be the next President so they’d better get over their hysterics and learn to work with him. That would be the healthiest thing for America, and a big relief to those who worry that a Trump win will result in a giant national temper tantrum of rioting.
RELATED: Poor Jim Gaffigan may have harmed his career in ultra-liberal show business by actually making jokes about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Of course, the mostly liberal crowd didn’t laugh: they have so little sense of humor, they think Stephen Colbert is a comedy genius. But you might appreciate some of his lines:
This isn’t part of that article, but I liked this comment from Gaffigan as well:
"I'm sorry. Why is Vice President Harris not here? I mean, consider this. This is a room full of Catholics and Jews in New York City. This is a layup for the Democratic nominee. I mean, in her defense, I mean, she did find time to appear on ‘The View,’ Howard Stern, Colbert and the longtime staple of campaigning, the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast. You know what I think it is? I think she doesn't like me."
Maybe he’s finally seeing the light. He should go on “Gutfeld,” where comics can actually say what they think, be funny without fear of humorous leftist scolds, and be seen by a much larger audience.
Mike Huckabee
On Thursday, for the conservative nonprofit the Steamboat Institute, George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley debated Harvard Law School Professor Randall Kennedy on the question “Does Harvard support free speech and intellectual diversity?” Not surprisingly, considering Prof. Kennedy is FROM Harvard, Turley took the opposing view, which, conveniently, he agrees with.
Isn’t it sad that this question even has to be debated? It should go without saying that an institution of higher learning would strongly support free speech and diversity of thought. But no.
Turley is extremely gracious in the way he writes about this, and we have to agree with him that “civility and substance” are always refreshing these days. (Full disclosure: Turley’s own son Aidan attends Harvard.) “I have great respect for Professor Kennedy and I believe that we were both able to fully present our opposing views in the area.”
Turley points out that this year, out of 251 institutions of higher learning, Harvard ranked “dead last” in free speech on the FIRE Survey. (FIRE is the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression.) If you’re politically on the left, you’re fine with this, he says; it feels “just right.”
“One of the tests of free speech,” he says, “is to try to understand how others feel,” as in, those who hold different views.
Turley cites some blatant examples. Here’s just one of them: in 2022, the Harvard Crimson conducted a survey that found “virtually every Republican had been eliminated from the faculty at most departments” (although it editorialized that “that was not a problem” [!]).
Another: “a breathtaking” 91 percent of political donations over $200 from Harvard faculty go to Democrat campaigns. That’s “off the charts,” he says, and “doesn’t happen randomly. It takes a concerted culture for a faculty to replicate their own views.”
“And, of course, those faculty members feel that they have total freedom, ‘cause of course they do.”
“Half of this country,” he says, “has views that are not represented on your faculty and in your student body.” And this is not good for living “a full intellectual life.” He doubted that they would want to change from “an environment that is an echo chamber.”
Turley makes a compelling case that the censorship and intimidation going on at Harvard is “not conducive to an education.” He notes that “this idea that Harvard is a victim of a vilification campaign is a little hard to accept. You’ve virtually cleansed your faculty of Republicans and conservatives.”
He addresses the matter of pro-Palestinian protests --- “From the river to the sea!” --- saying it’s “a very difficult question, because there happens to be a country there.” Jewish students see this as questioning their very existence in that space. He comes down to this: “We have to stop punishing people for the content of their speech, but you CAN punish people for CONDUCT.”
And what is conduct? Turley says this includes de-platforming (as social media does with conservative speech), occupying and trashing buildings at Harvard, harassing individual students, and tearing down pictures of Jewish hostages (as students did).
Kennedy says he considers such conduct as disinviting a speaker to be “a form of expression” and therefore permissible. Shouting down a speaker would be unacceptable, but stopping him or her from coming in the first place would be okay. What??
When Kennedy takes exception to the criticism that Harvard looks very different from America at large, Turley says that America at large, split among conservatives, liberals and moderates, “is actually a healthier environment than Harvard. I would take that environment any day. I would take that ‘rest of America’ that Prof. Kennedy refers to, as a better intellectual environment than this one.”
That’s because “there IS a diversity of thought.”
One can just imagine the reaction from the elitists at Harvard. Get the smelling salts!
But Turley goes even further. Regarding the unity of thought at Harvard Law, he says, “I don’t think you’re better lawyers for it.”
Whoo-ee. Watch the whole debate if you can. Turley is one of the top spokespeople on behalf of the First Amendment these days, which makes him a hero. He’s provided a link to the livestream; apparently this event started late, the video actually starts at 33:00.
Gosh, we see a problem with Prof. Kennedy’s opening statement. Harvard is considered one of the great universities in the world, he says, and “it could not be a great university if it did not support free speech…” You don’t have to be a distinguished law professor to poke that reasoning full of holes (Ever heard the phrase, “Coasting on your reputation”?) Indeed, Turley didn’t even bother to.
Once you’ve watched the debate, scroll down to the comments section and enjoy the worthwhile observations. We especially like this one:
“[Jonathan Turley] is the Ricky Gervais of academia. He points out what a joke academia has become since its flagship institutions have run aground on woke shoals. The bubble boys and girls who populate these oases from reality comprise the intellectual ’elite’ solely in their own minds. They are Potemkin intellectuals exhibiting all the trappings but not of the depth of real scholarship. They are in a stratospheric death spiral and most of us are anxiously awaiting the crash.”
At moments during this debate, Prof. Kennedy becomes defensive about his school, even a bit confrontational, with Prof. Turley being more polite and gentlemanly by comparison, calmly citing specific examples to make his point and remaining completely respectful even during disagreement. In that way, it was a little like Kamala Harris having a conversation with the always-professional Bret Baier.
To show “diversity of thought,” here’s how THE HARVARD CRIMSON wrote it up…
Contrast this with THE DAILY CALLER. We like the points made in this one…
By the way, canceling speakers and entertainers over politics is not just an on-campus thing. If they show support or even interest in Trump in any way, they might not be “a good fit” for that venue.
Since it mentions the “Flagrant” podcast that Trump appeared on, you might want to watch that. It was wide-ranging, funny and free-wheeling (Warning: occasional bad language.) Trump came for an hour and stayed for 90 minutes because everyone was having so much fun talking off the cuff about all kinds of subjects. Compare that to Kamala on Fox News, where she showed up 15 minutes late, recited memorized sound bites, then fled after 17 minutes with her handlers rushing her out the door
For once, I agree with Kamala
October 18, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Here’s an update on Kamala Harris’ disastrous interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. One moment that has been overlooked in the blazing heat of the dumpster fire, but deserves more recognition, is Harris’ claim that Trump is unfit for office because he allegedly threatened to turn the military on his political opponents.
Baier has since admitted that the wrong clip of Trump was run, and it was supposed to be a clip of him talking about “the enemy within” (Trump says he was talking about Marxists and fascists). To that, Harris responded, “He has repeated it many times, and you and I both know that. And you and I both know that he has talked about turning the American military on the American people. He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful protests. He’s talked about locking people up because they disagree with him. This is a democracy. And in a democracy, the president of the United States, in the United States of America, should be willing to be able to handle criticism without saying that he would lock people up for doing it. And this is what is at stake.”
I’m glad she’s suddenly opposed to Presidents threatening their political opponents or talking about locking their critics up or turning the military against them, but she might want to pass that view on to the current President, Joe Biden. We’ve all seen the lawfare aimed at imprisoning Trump (Biden was just fantasizing this week about watching Trump be sentenced to prison)…
And let’s not forget Biden's comments about using F15 fighter jets against gun owners who might try to resist the government. Or that unhinged speech he gave in front of the blood red wall, accusing “MAGA Republicans” of not respecting the Constitution, the rule of law or the will of the public. He ranted that “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They are a threat to our personal rights and to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.”
Doesn’t sound very respectful of fellow Americans with differing views, does it? Maybe that would explain why his DOJ is working so hard to send pro-life Christians to federal prisons for peacefully protesting abortion.
Apparently, Biden’s violent and unhinged rhetoric about half of his fellow Americans has inspired one of his followers to send anonymous letters to Trump supporters in Pennsylvania, threatening their property, families and even pets.
And here’s yet another example of a Democrat who’s been fired up to commit harassment and violence by mindless Trump hatred, and who thinks it’s perfectly justified…
So for once, I agree with Kamala Harris. Nobody should be locked up or threatened for criticizing the government. The people who should be locked up are those who commit actual crimes, like threatening others with violence for not voting the way they prefer. Maybe she should give her boss and her own supporters that message.
The Best Day
October 18, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech warning remaining Hamas terrorists that if they release their hostages and surrender, they will live. If they continue to hold them, they will be hunted down and killed. He also describes simply and bluntly why this is necessary. It should be required reading in a lot of US colleges. I have a feeling it will also be welcome news to a surprising number of Palestinians and other Arabs in the region, many of whom are celebrating the death of Hamas leader Yahwa Sinwar. One called it the best day of his life.
Just this week, I told you about a leaked memo from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to Israeli defense officials, threatening to cut off military aid. It included praise for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) even though we know a number of its workers were involved in Hamas’ October 7th attack on Israel.
Flash forward to yesterday’s great news that Israel had killed Hamas leader and October 7th mastermind Yahwa Sinwar. Turns out that the ID carried by Sinwar’s bodyguard listed his occupation as “UNRWA teacher,” and the official UNRWA Twitter/X page had a black mourning band pasted over its logo. Do you think that might be enough to teach even the Biden-Harris Defense Department what UNRWA really is?
Kamala Harris congratulated Israel in a move that critics called an attempt to look presidential. But she left out the fact that last spring, she threatened “consequences” against Israel if they went into Rafah. She claimed she’d “studied the maps” and knew Hamas wasn’t there. Israel ignored her, and that’s where the IDF found Sinwar and many other Hamas terrorists.
Sen. Tom Cotton tweeted, “Sinwar would be alive today and terrorizing the world if she got her way. Kamala Harris cannot be trusted as commander-in-chief.”
To be fair, you could argue that she'd be as good at the job as Joe Biden, who issued a statement congratulating Israel and comparing the strike on Sinwar to the killing of Osama Bin Laden. He didn’t mention that he advised Obama not to order the strike on Bin Laden. Obama ignored him.
October 18, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Here is an interview I gave to Wendy Griffith at CBN.com about the importance of voting and the dire consequences to the nation when 40 million Christians don’t even bother to vote.
Our judges are doing their part to ensure that Americans believe that the election is trustworthy. Only kidding: they’re siding with Democrats to undo virtually every voting integrity measure.
In Nebraska, the State Supreme Court ruled that convicted felons can vote in the November election.
The Harris campaign celebrated a Georgia judge blocking a rule that election officials must hand-count ballots after they’re machine-counted.
The next day, a (guess where?) Fulton County, Georgia, judge declared an entire slate of new election rules to be “illegal, unconstitutional and void,” including the hand-counting rule above.
These stories can be added to the pile, along with California’s ban on asking voters to show ID.
I don’t print these stories to discourage you from voting. I relay them to show you which party is working 24/7 to make elections less secure (which I don’t believe they’re doing for purely altruistic reasons) and to make you so furious that you will not let anything keep you from voting, and taking as many like-minded people with you as possible. Make sure that the vote to stop this kind of thing is so overwhelming that it dwarfs any ballot chicanery that might be attempted.
Speaking of voting, here’s Kurt Schlichter on that very subject, and he has a message I want every Republican to hear:
A follow-up: Liz Cheney’s improper communications with J6 witness Cassidy Hutchinson
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Yesterday, we discussed the newly-discovered reason why the testimony of January 6 “Select” Committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson kept growing and changing during their so-called investigation. Her testimony grew to include such tall tales as Trump lunging to grab the steering wheel away from his driver so he could go to Capitol Hill (not only hearsay, but a physically impossible feat disputed by both Secret Service agents who were actually there). Recently uncovered encrypted messages suggest that committee co-chair Liz Cheney had been unethically coordinating with Hutchinson on her testimony, going around Hutchinson’s own attorney, Stefan Passantino, to do this. To account for Hutchinson’s evolving testimony --- ultimately she had SIX transcribed interviews --- a phony story was apparently concocted that Passantino had given her bad advice, leading almost to his disbarment, though charges were later dropped.
It was also Cheney who arranged for Hutchinson to have new, different counsel (from a short list of attorneys created by Cheney herself) and for them to work pro bono.
Our perspective --- we’re admittedly non-lawyers and have our own terminology --- is that this stinks to high heaven. For a legal perspective, we now have a column by law professor Jonathan Turley, who goes into more detail on all the things Liz Cheney was doing to shape a phony narrative for the cameras, including burying the evidence of Trump authorizing the deployment of the National Guard in advance of the rally.
Turley thinks that “ethical proceedings against Cheney are unlikely” over the disclosure of the ex parte communications with witness Hutchinson. (Well, of course they are.) But “the evidence seemingly contradicts public accounts of how Hutchinson decided to fire her counsel and change her testimony.” As much as we want to see accountability, we’d say it’s not as important as being able to view Hutchinson’s later testimony in the clear light of day, which we now can do.
Turley quotes Rule 4.2 of the Rules of Professional Conduct, which says “a lawyer shall not communicate or cause another to communicate about the subject of the representation with a person known to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the prior consent of the lawyer representing such other person or is authorized by law or a court order to do so.” We’d take that to mean that if anyone should be disbarred, it’s Cheney, not Passantino.
It appears that one mitigating factor for Cheney is that, judging from these messages, Hutchinson is the one who reached out to her about her testimony, not the other way around. We see little difference that this should make in Cheney’s subsequent behavior --- she should have flatly said, “I can’t talk to a witness” --- but for fellow attorneys looking for a reason to give Cheney, as a member of Congress, a pass, this might be enough. Turley says it’s “a gray area.”
He singles out this quote from Passantino’s conversation with JUST THE NEWS that we linked to yesterday: “I absolutely had no knowledge at the time that Congresswoman Liz Cheney was communicating with my client behind my back --- either directly, through her staff, or through cutouts.” (Passantino is presently pursuing a defamation lawsuit against Andrew Weissmann, an MSNBC legal analyst and former aide to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.)
Also noted by Turley: “Cheney and the Committee were aware that the account [of Trump and the limo driver] was directly and clearly refuted by the driver of the vehicle. However, they buried his account and highlighted that claim in its final report as being credible.”
One shocking thing we learned from Turley’s column is that Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House staffer who served as the handy go-between for Cheney and Hutchinson’s conversations, is now a co-host on THE VIEW. (We most definitely don’t watch THE VIEW and so had no idea.) Actually, this shouldn’t be shocking at all; it’s really just par for the course.
The Interview
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump both made appearances before questioners who were perceived as not being especially friendly. Trump appeared before a Fox News forum of women and a Univision townhall of Latino voters. As usual with Trump, he answered even uncomfortable questions and maybe won over a few people who were predisposed by the media to hate him. Here are links to stories on both of those appearances:
And now, to the one you’ve been waiting for, the interview that has Democrats howling and some analysts saying it ended Kamala’s campaign (I don’t believe that; if the majority of her followers cared about her being prepared, competent or even coherent, her campaign never would have started.) That would be Harris’ interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier. Stories about it have used the word “trainwreck” so many times, I can’t believe Pete Buttigieg wasn’t involved.
I don’t like to be too negative, so let me start out with some praise: She finally agreed to do a live interview with Fox News and actually showed up. That showed more courage than any other interview she’s done so far (of course, most of them were with fawning fans like “The View” and Stephen Colbert. And Trump shows up to hostile media outlets almost daily. Bret Baier interviewed him last year and didn’t go easy.) Plus, she reportedly showed up 15 minutes late, forcing the scheduled 25-minute interview to be cut to 15 minutes. Baier said her handlers were frantically waving off-camera after 15 minutes to wrap it up (I can imagine why, and not because of the clock.) And there are those who say she never would have agreed to it if her internal polling wasn’t brutal...
Nevertheless, she did show up, and for that, I give her credit.
But everything beyond that…Hoo boy! This interview proved why she has only talked to fan club members up until this point. Baier was the first real interviewer she’s faced, and she imploded like the Tropicana Hotel. Some are even comparing it to Biden’s campaign-ending debate performance.
Baier asked questions that she has been asked before and should have been ready for, about illegal immigration, how her policies differ from Biden’s, when she noticed Biden’s mental decline, etc. The difference was that Baier didn’t accept the same canned, robotic non-answers she’s given before and kept asking follow-up questions to try to get a clear answer. She seemed unprepared for that and became rattled, defensive and irritated.
Perhaps the moment that best summed it up was when she ended a typical evasive word salad response with “You and I both know what I’m talking about,” and Baier replied, “I actually don’t, what are you talking about?” This was in an interview in which I lost count of how many times she said, “Let’s be clear,” then proceeded to be about as clear as Mississippi mud.
I’m not going to go through every bad moment, or this would just be a full transcript. In fact, rather than tweeting the most damaging clips as campaigns usually do, the Trump campaign simply tweeted out the entire interview. It’s also sparked so many write-ups that I’ll link to some of the best:
And here’s Scott Pinsker of PJ Media on the scrambling fallout over the interview…
If I had to pick the most disturbing moment for me, personally, it would be her failure to apologize to the families of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin and Laken Riley for their deaths at the hands of criminal illegal aliens. Just saying “I am so sorry for (their) loss, sincerely,” when you at least indirectly caused it isn’t sympathy, it’s deflection.
But the line that will undoubtedly appear in hundreds of Trump ads was when Harris said, “You got to take responsibility for what happened in your Administration.” Yes, you do. So when will she start?
Democrats and the Harris-doormat media are frantically trying to spin this as a win for her…
…Or to accuse Baier of “ambushing” her (with predictable questions?) Joe Scarborough called him “shockingly rude,” which I would define as showing up 15 minutes late for a live TV interview – or calling someone a Nazi, Joe. But he was just being that rarest of things in 2024: a journalist doing his job, without regard to politics.
What this interview really exposed is something that even Democrats once understood: Kamala Harris is not presidential material, which is why she didn’t even make it to the Iowa Caucuses in 2020 and had to be handed the nomination without winning a single primary vote. If she can’t even withstand an interview with Bret Baier, how is she going to stand up to Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong-Un? It’s not sexist to ask that. I wouldn’t want a man in that job who couldn’t go face-to-face with our enemies, and I would never question whether a woman like Margaret Thatcher could do it.
In fact, here’s Trump dealing skillfully with an actual hostile interviewer just this week (FYI: Harris was invited to this same event, but declined.)
Here are more reactions to Harris’ Fox News interview from a number of sources. The best might be from Danny DeUrbina, who tweeted that “getting absolutely COOKED on Fox News right now is the closest Kamala has ever been to working the fries.”
I’ll give the last word to the Babylon Bee…
“Galileo Harris” and Trump
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Kamala Harris appeared on black radio host Charlamagne Tha God’s show Tuesday. Here are some of the most notable moments from that:
A couple of points worth underlining: When asked about slavery reparations, a controversial and divisive idea estimated to cost up to $12 trillion, she replied, “So my agenda, well, first of all, on the point of reparations, it has to be studied. There's no question about that. And I've been very clear about that position in terms of my immediate plan." Does that mean she’s in favor? Who can tell?
Also, when asked if she and Biden don’t have to take some responsibility for the massive surge of illegal aliens, she said this:
"No, Charlamagne. Within hours of being inaugurated, the first bill we passed before we did the Inflation Reduction Act, before we did the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, before we did the Safer Communities Act to deal with gun violence. The first thing we dropped was a bill to fix the broken immigration system, which, by the way, Trump did not fix when he was president."
That’s a lot of words that mean, “No, I refuse to take responsibility.” That bill not only wouldn’t have fixed the border problems, it was unnecessary. The border was open because Biden immediately undid all of Trump’s security measures with executive orders, and after years of blaming the results on Congress and claiming he couldn’t act unless they passed a border bill, he got close enough to the election that he finally imposed some security back by executive order.
(Speaking of Biden & Harris’ superb border security efforts, we just learned that 30% of the security cameras on the border are broken.)
Kamala Harris also appeared on Roland Martin’s Black Star Network show and was asked about Trump’s alleged fixation on violent crime in Democrat-run cities. She served up this world salad that quickly earned her the nickname “Galileo Harris.”
“I talked with somebody once who said, ‘You know, if you just look at, where the stars are in the sky. Don’t look [at] ’em as just random things, if you just look at ’em as points. Look at the constellation — what does it show you?’ So you just outlined it, Roland, what does it show you? That the cities that he picks on in terms of black population or black mayor or both. C’mon.”
Personally, I’d say when it comes to crime in Democrat-run cities, the fault lies not in our stars but in themselves, by which I mean the Democrats running them, regardless of race. In a related story, Walgreen’s just announced that it’s closing 1200 stores, or about a seventh of its locations.
They didn’t say which locations yet, but they’re already fleeing Democrat-run cities like San Francisco due to heavy financial losses from shoplifting and customers getting tired of having to wait for bulletproof cabinets to be unlocked to get a tube of toothpaste. I hope the Big Dipper won’t call me a racist for pointing that out.
Trump also made an appearance Tuesday before the Economic Club of Chicago. Despite hostile questions from the Bloomberg interviewer, he parried them masterfully, earning multiple rounds of applause from the audience. Afterward, the Harris campaign tweeted that he was “rambling” and “angry.” Okay, let’s see her answer tough questions on the economy live for a couple of hours and show him how it’s done.
Yeah, I didn’t think so…
Here are five major takeaways from the event…
The Harris plagiarism scandal grows
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
The plagiarism scandal is getting worse around Kamala Harris’ 2009 book, “Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer” (that title had to be stolen from someone else, since no part of it applies to Kamala.) I reported yesterday that some substantial portions of it were found to have been copied from Wikipedia, which is not only plagiarism, it's lazy plagiarism.
Well, here are the latest updates:
It appears that in the same book, Harris cribs a story from the Rev. Martin Luther King and presents it as if it happened to herself.
Harris’ publisher accidentally CC'd Christopher Rufo, the journalist who broke the story, on an internal email revealing that they’re in damage control mode and see this as a “very sensitive topic.”
And the New York Times attempted to brush the story under the rug, first by claiming the stolen parts weren’t substantial enough to matter, thus establishing a new literary standard that “a little plagiarism” is okay. Then they tried the “Republicans pounce” trope and claimed that pointing out the plagiarism was racist. Then it turned out the plagiarism expert they quoted to exonerate Harris hadn’t even seen the entire book, just excerpts provided to him by the Times reporters.
As I always say, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” You may quote me on that.
Least Surprising Bombshell News of the Day:
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Despite being “fact-checked” by debate moderators who insisted he was wrong about violent crime being up, it turns out Donald Trump was right. The FBI claimed the violent crime rate was down by 2.1% from September 2022 to September 2023, but it was actually up by 4.5%.
The Biden Justice Department did everything possible to keep the revision quiet, making a stealth edit on their website to correct incomplete data. Researcher John R. Lott said the revision wasn’t apparent unless you downloaded the latest numbers and compared them to the previous numbers that had already been deleted from the website.
Now, maybe the media can turn its attention to disproving the equally laughable claim that more illegal aliens were coming in under Trump than under Biden.
Here’s more enlightening and entertaining reaction to the news…
New Heights of Hysterical Insanity
October 17, 2024
Mike Huckabee
On the subject of the left’s increasingly desperate attacks on Trump, it appears that Harris’ cratering in the polls now that voters are finally hearing from her is driving leftists to new heights of hysterical insanity, and it’s downright hilarious.It’s not a pleasant experience to watch someone in the final stages of terminal TDS. It’s similar to the end-stage of rabies: after creeping mental deterioration that might build for several years, the patient finally suffers from crippling disorientation, wild desperation, last-ditch aggression, perhaps in extreme cases even foaming at the mouth before total incapacitation and an utter, humiliating collapse. That’s the stage “Special Counsel” Jack Smith is entering now. (Note: we always put quotes around “special counsel” when used to describe Smith, as he was never confirmed by the Senate as required.)
Smith claims in a new court filing that President Trump “willfully caused his supporters to obstruct and attempt to obstruct” the certification of the 2020 election.
And how did he do that? Simply by summoning supporters to DC and holding a rally at all.
I am not kidding. You see --- we’ll try to get inside Smith’s perverse mind and explain this so it can be understood by sane people --- by holding this rally, Trump gave “false hope” to his supporters that Mike Pence could stop the proceedings. (Actually, if we understand correctly, Pence probably COULD have at least paused them, but he looked at his constitutional responsibilities as he understood them and thought the better of it. Right or wrong, that was his decision to make, and he made it.)
As far as Jack Smith is concerned, Trump’s right to peacefully assemble didn’t matter. Telling his crowd to be peaceful and patriotic didn’t matter. Even authorizing the National Guard ahead of time didn’t matter. He just shouldn’t have held a rally in the first place. For daring to do so, Trump is ultimately responsible for what the people in the crowd did and caused their misbehavior “willfully.”
Smith’s new filing was in response to Trump’s attorneys filing a motion to dismiss Smith’s superseding indictment on statutory grounds. That indictment is the one he redid after the Supreme Court ruled on presidential immunity.
The filing states it this way: “Contrary to the defendant’s claim … that he bears no factual or legal responsibility for the ‘events on January 6,’ the superseding indictment plainly alleges that the defendant willfully caused his supporters to obstruct and attempt to obstruct the proceeding by summoning them to Washington, D.C., and then directing them to march to the Capitol to pressure the Vice President and legislators to reject the legitimate certificates and instead rely on the fraudulent electoral certificates,”
This prosecution is so nuts, it could only be imagined by a brain in the final throes of TDS. Of course, Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is presiding over this case, appears to be as far along in her disease progression as Smith is. She’s given Trump’s attorneys until November 7 --- two days AFTER the election --- to file a motion to dismiss based on a claim of presidential immunity. Jack Smith will have until November 21 to respond to that immunity claim.
RELATED: Speaking of election challenges, NEWSMAX is reporting that “several Democrats have suggested they could challenge certification of a victory for former President Trump in the upcoming presidential election.”
Maryland Rep. Jamie Raskin is one of them. When asked if he’d accept a Trump victory, he said he would if the election had been “free, fair and honest.” But he “definitely” does not assume that a Trump win would BE free, fair and honest. Trump is “doing whatever he can to try to interfere with the process,” Raskin said, “whether we’re talking about manipulating Electoral College counts in Nebraska or manipulating the vote count in Georgia or imposing other kinds of impediments.”
Not that this would make him an election denier or anything. That label applies only to Republicans who question an outcome. Other Democrats who are already speaking similarly are House Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern of Massachusetts, and Senior Chief Deputy Whip Jan Schakowsky of Illinois (who also voted to reject George W. Bush’s electors in 2005).
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York says he anticipates the certification process to go forward on January 6, 2025, “without drama or consequences.” We shall see.
VICTIM of Barack Obama, SAVED by TRUMP, Speaks Out | Huckabee
October 16, 2024
Mike Huckabee
How To Use The MAFIA To Share the GOSPEL | Comedian Phil DiTommaso | Huckabee's Jukebox
October 15, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Dr. Stefan Weber, the famous Austrian “plagiarism hunter” who has outed plagiarist politicians in the German-speaking world, also works in English and says he’s uncovered multiple violations by Kamala Harris in her 2009 book, “SMART ON CRIME: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer.” Conservative investigator Christopher Rufo reports that he’s independently confirmed these examples, which he says are “comparable in severity to the plagiarism found in former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s doctoral thesis.”
Claudine Gay had to resign the Harvard presidency over her plagiarism, as well as her anti-Semitic comments. In light of that, what kind of standards do we have for the U.S. Presidency?
One standard used to be that the candidate did not plagiarize. When Kamala says she can’t think of anything she’d do differently from President Biden, I wonder if she remembered Biden had very credibly been accused of plagiarism, too. He was knocked out of the 1988 Democrat presidential primary after it was found that he’d plagiarized a paper (five pages’ worth) during his first year in law school (he failed the course but made it up) and, during that primary campaign, “borrowed” the family history and public remarks made by British politician Neil Kinnock.
Rufo says Harris plagiarized “at least a dozen sections” of her book. Hilariously, THE NEW YORK TIMES is now saying that Kamala’s plagiarism is “not serious,” given the size of the plagiarized portions, which are relatively small, they say, compared to the overall size of the book. Gosh, I wish they’d specified the exact percentage of a book that’s okay to plagiarize, as that knowledge would be very helpful to me when I write my next one.
While she was San Francisco district attorney, Kamala co-authored the book with Joan O’C Hamilton and had it published for her 2010 campaign for California attorney general. That’s according to Wikipedia, which ironically is one of the sources Kamala is alleged to have purloined from.
Yes, that’s right. Kamala allegedly plagiarized from WIKIPEDIA. When it came to writing her book, she was like the lazy C student who forgot her term paper was due and had to pull an all-nighter cribbing from Wikipedia.
The book SMART ON CRIME --- this quote is also from Wikipedia, haha --- “outlines her vision of how the criminal justice system should function.” Judging from the way it has functioned under Biden-Harris, that must boil down to “not well.” In fact, it’s hard to make any connection between Kamala Harris and a book called SMART ON CRIME, except in the most sarcastic way.
Dr. Weber says in his summary of findings, “Kamala Harris copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article into her book without providing proper attribution to Wikipedia.” He also accuses her of fabricating a source reference, inventing a nonexistent page number. There’s promotional material from Goodwill Industries that she used without attribution. And in many instances, he says, “even when a source was cited with a footnote, the text was directly copied and pasted without using quotation marks. Quotation marks would have been the most transparent and honest approach...”
“Further signs of dishonesty may be evident when sources were copied but specific details were altered, such as replacing a Subway store owner with a sandwich store clerk (p. 124) or highlighting Southeast Asia in the context of the US gang problem (p.184).”
As reported in BREITBART, Rufo says that in a discussion of high school graduation rates, she “lifted verbatim language from an uncited AP/NBC News report.”
“In another section of the book,” Rufo says, “Harris, without proper attribution, reproduced extensive sections from a John Jay College of Criminal Justice press release. She and her co-author passed off the language as their own, copying multiple paragraphs verbatim.” Rufo puts the two side by side, showing how blatant this is, an obvious cut-and-paste of entire paragraphs. (The editor probably made those tiny punctuation changes, such as changing “%” to “percent,” per their stylebook.)
“In a section about a New York court program,” Rufo says, “Harris stole long passages directly from Wikipedia --- long considered an unreliable source. [Indeed, she apparently passed along an inaccurate and unverified interpretation of a statistic.] She not only assumes the online encyclopedia’s accuracy, but copies its language almost verbatim, without citing the source.” And then, again, he lines them up side by side; it’s obvious.
And it’s enough plagiarism for TRENDING POLITICS to call it “rampant.”
Can you imagine the media uproar if, say, J. D. Vance were found to have plagiarized parts of his book HILLBILLY ELEGY? He’s already posted about this on X, mocking the so-called “fact”-checkers and saying, “I wrote my own book.”
As BREITBART notes, it was just two months ago when the Harris campaign was caught plagiarizing Biden’s issue page from his campaign website, after she’d been criticized for not even having an issue page.
Harris campaign spokesman James Singer has responded to the allegations: “This is a book that’s been out for 15 years, and the Vice President clearly cited sources and statistics in footnotes and endnotes throughout.” Okay, except when she didn’t.
Because we like this particular comment on Kamala’s candidacy and the corrupt media that bury any story that interferes with their agenda, we’re going to run it with quotation marks around it and attribute to BREITBART’S John Nolte, who wrote it:
“Look at how far Harris rose --- attorney general of California, U.S. Senator, Vice President, and Democrat presidential nominee, without the corporate media discovering this. Think about that… think about all the corporate media outlets out there that are supposed to be vetting candidates and competing for scoops… Think of the endless resources available to them: billions of dollars and tens of thousands of staffers… And yet, they never bothered to vet Kamala’s book --- or they did, discovered the plagiarism, and hid it from the public.”
We’d be willing to bet it’s the latter. Somebody probably knew about this and kept it under wraps for a long time.
If Kamala somehow finds herself cornered with a question about this, we have to wonder if she’ll throw her co-writer under the bus. When the NEW YORK POST called to ask Joan O’C Hamilton about it on Monday, she said she was surprised to learn about the allegations.
“Oh, gosh,” she reportedly told the POST. “I haven’t seen anything. I’m afraid I can’t talk to you right now, though, I’m in the middle of something. Let me go try to figure that out.”
She’s in the middle of something, all right. Wonder if they’ve heard back yet.
Jonathan Cahn Shares "The Dragon's Prophecy" and Examines the Attacks Against Israel | Huckabee
October 15, 2024
Dr. Kevin Roberts Talks Preserving America, Project 2025 and the 2024 Election | Huckabee
October 14, 2024
40 Million People Who Decide America's Future By Doing NOTHING! | Monologue | Huckabee
October 14, 2024
Kamala’s new VOGUE cover; there is so much wrong with this
October 14, 2024
by HUCKABEE writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth
The BREITBART headline captured it well: “Kamala Harris posed for second VOGUE cover as Hurricane Helene destruction and death toll mounts.”
Where did anybody get the idea that the Democrat Party was about compassion? Oh, I remember; it was from the Democrats themselves. (They also lie to me repeatedly that “Donald Trump never cared about anything but himself.”) And with their lousy sense of timing, they can’t even manage to LOOK compassionate, not even when it counts the most, right before an election. In other words, they’re not even good at faking it.
Kamala’s latest let-them-eat-cake moment was on October 7 --- yes, the anniversary of Hamas’ slaughter of at least 1,200 Jews, with hundreds more taken hostage, including Americans --- when she took time out of her busy schedule of leading efforts to help devastated hurricane victims (kidding) so she could pose for VOGUE with celebrity photographer Annie Lebovitz. The cover photo was previewed for the media on Friday.
Whoever orchestrates these things must have looked at Kamala’s slipping polls and decided she desperately needed a quick boost with...what, rich, left-leaning women? That in itself doesn’t seem like the best focus for the campaign, but it was their choice. On the other hand, they might not need to concentrate more on fundraising at this point, as they’ve reportedly raised A BILLION DOLLARS, not counting this in-kind contribution from VOGUE. They are rolling in money like Scrooge McDuck.
VOGUE --- I’ll get to them later --- gave Kamala the cover for their latest online edition, bumping singer Billie Eilish, who remains the cover of the print edition because there wasn’t enough lead time to bump her from that, too. (Eilish herself is such a leftist that she was presumably fine with this, maybe even honored to help beat Trump and elect a far-left non-white woman, never mind that the candidate is an idiot.)
As BREITBART reports, “On the day of the photoshoot, which was not on her official schedule, Harris posted on X a website and phone number that survivors could contact for FEMA assistance.”
(NOTE: This isn’t the first time Harris has been spirited away to an event that wasn’t on her official schedule. There’s also that little matter of her unscheduled visit to DNC headquarters, where a pipe bomb happened to be “discovered” at the entrance on January 6, 2021.)
Perhaps Kamala was just too busy picking out jewelry for the shoot to remember that many residents had lost their phones and computers in the flood.
Not only did Kamala get the cover --- “The Candidate for our Times,” ugh --- but there’s also a fluffy interview. VOGUE posted the following on X, and have your barf bags ready: “Only rarely are individuals summoned for acts of national rescue, but in July, Vice President Kamala Harris received one of those calls. With President Joe Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign, the world looked to Harris with hopes and doubts.”
Even the leftist DAILY BEAST called this a “gushy profile.”
If Kamala Harris is the candidate for our times, I would have to call our times The Era of Brainwashed Morons. On the bright side, the world looking at Kamala with doubts is the one thing the editors at VOGUE got right. Even so, they’d probably chalk those doubts up to misogyny and racism, not the fact that she is a mediocrity who, hand-in-hand with Joe Biden, is responsible in large part for massive increases in inflation, crime, uncontrolled immigration and global instability, failure on every front.
And speaking of Biden, do the rocket scientists running the fashion world actually believe he’s the one who made the decision to end his re-election campaign? Um, that was not his decision; he held on tooth-and-nail. It took that disastrous debate --- which he almost certainly was set up for --- and pressure from Democrat leadership to end the campaign for him. The “pro-choice” party gave him no choice.
Using the word “rescue” was particularly tone-deaf, as legitimate rescue efforts were going on throughout the Southeast. Real rescuers were recovering bodies while phony rescuer Kamala posed wearing, according to VOGUE, “her own Gabriela Hearst suit and Tiffany earrings.” This decidedly non-middle-class suit reportedly cost over $3,000. It looks okay in the photo --- which is much better than her first VOGUE cover --- but most of the time on the campaign trail, Kamala has looked as though she takes fashion advice from Hillary Clinton.
Recall that in all the time she was First Lady of the United States, the coolly sophisticated Melania was never once invited to be on the cover of VOGUE or other major fashion magazines, despite the fact that she’d had a successful modeling career and could be said to be as iconic fashion-wise as First Lady Jackie Kennedy. One has to wonder if the editors at these magazines got together one day for a long lunch at the Four Seasons and, over many bottles of fine chardonnay, decided to blackball her, much as snobby sorority sisters do during rush to exclude the girls they decide aren’t a good fit.
If (when!) Trump wins this time, and Melania is a second-time First Lady, their rejection of her is bound to be even nastier, but she seems not to care. It’s easy to understand why she keeps her distance from politics as much as possible, and it says a lot for President Trump that he supports her in this. I hate to see spouses used as campaign props.
Bob Hoge at REDSTATE examined a particular claim in VOGUE’s fawning Kamala article, which quotes California State Senator Scott Weiner (a story for another day) as saying “she was held in very high esteem” while working as a San Francisco city attorney in the early 2000s. Take a look at these dismal performance reviews from her time as a prosecutor, and you will come away with a much different impression. On a scale from 1 to 5, she and her team got mostly 2’s. She scored badly on such basic considerations as being “thorough, helpful and proactive” and showing “good judgment.” Oh, well, you don’t have to demonstrate those qualities as President; you just have to not be Donald Trump. This is a must-read…
REDSTATE’s Teri Christoph asks, “What in the world happened to VOGUE?” I would offer this: The fashion magazines, led by VOGUE’s Anna Wintour, have leaned Democrat for decades. Of course, they featured Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Jill Biden on their covers, and all three First Ladies have been portrayed as goddesses in their pages.
The political slant of fashion editors has long centered on two issues: sexual orientation and “women’s reproductive health” (abortion). They added “equity” and DEI. And then they went off the rails when Trump ran for President as a Republican and beat Hillary.
As I’ve said often, TDS is a terminal brain-wasting disease. Those brain cells aren’t coming back, and it’s not as if those afflicted have many to spare. Exceptions exist, of course, but the typical leftist fashionista reminds me of a beautifully groomed and pampered Afghan hound, but with far less intelligence.
The other thing that has always chafed me about VOGUE is that their content is not just geared to leftists but to very, very rich leftists who blithely jet around the world --- while showing they care about the planet by buying “sustainable” products --- and fill their custom closets with high-end designer “pieces” that individually can cost more than a new car. You know who I mean, the AOC supporters who’ll be paying $75,000 apiece this year (up from $50,000 a year ago --- inflation!) to attend the Met Ball, where they’ll chat about Donald Trump caring only about his rich friends.
Kamala’s people probably thought posing for pictures was a relatively safe campaign activity for her, as she didn’t have to TALK. But I think there will be a huge backlash from this photo shoot that they’re just too tone-deaf to anticipate, and it seems to have already started. Here’s a sample, coming from both the left and right…
BONUS FUN: Hilarious memes abound, of course. Here are a few from TWITCHY; these really get good about halfway down, starting with the cover of...VAGUE.
RELATED: The online magazine Evie was launched to give women an alternative to the increasingly leftist march of almost all women’s fashion and lifestyle magazines. This is an article about why it was needed…
And here’s its website, if you’d like an antidote to the toxic leftism of Vogue, Elle, et al…
A must-see: Boris Johnson torpedoes the “Trump-Russia” lies on CNN
October 11, 2024
Mike Huckabee
When former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson went on CNN to discuss his new book, host Jake Tapper wanted mostly to get his take on something in Bob Woodward’s upcoming book.
Johnson surely would have rather talked about his own book. But Tapper apparently thought this would be a way to elicit some remarks critical of Trump, so that was the strategy. He wanted Tapper’s reaction to an unsourced allegation that Trump has talked to Putin as many as seven times after leaving the White House.
As we discussed yesterday, former UN Ambassador under Obama Susan Rice has already commented on this, suggesting that Trump had violated the Logan Act and thus had broken the law.
But according to Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung, “None of...these made-up stories by Bob Woodward are true.”
Anyway, when asked about this on CNN, Johnson disappointed Tapper by saying, “I don’t know if that’s true, and I’m certainly not privy to the contents of those sorts of conversations.”
Not only did he not offer anything to support Susan Rice’s lame “Logan Act” allegations against Trump, but he proceeded to blast away at the whole “Trump-Russia” lie: “What I can tell our viewers is that when I had dealings with Trump over Russia, like when the Russians poisoned people in the U.K., it was actually the Trump administration that really...exceeded expectations. They expelled 60 Russian spies. It was the Trump administration that actually gave Ukrainians lethal weaponry --- the Javelin missiles to use against Putin’s troops.”
Talk about an awkward moment for Jake Tapper. Take that, CNN! Tapper quickly changed the subject to Johnson’s own book (which was the appropriate topic, anyway), so the Russia comments take up just the first couple of minutes in the video interview…
As BLAZE MEDIA points out, Johnson has also said that Russia would not have invaded Ukraine under Trump’s watch.
Here’s Johnson on Britain’s TIMES Radio: “I happen to believe that when Donald Trump says that had he been President in 2022, there would have been no Russian invasion of Ukraine, my view is that that is a credible assertion. I really do think that’s credible.”
RELATED CORRECTION: I made reference a couple of days ago to Bob Woodward’s new book and some explosive comments allegedly made in private by President Biden. I apologize for forgetting to include the standard disclaimer about any Bob Woodward book:
“Warning: These alleged quotes come from anonymous sources and any resemblance to anything actually said by the person being quoted might be purely coincidental.”
More whistleblowing: Secret Service has been hiding Trump’s lack of protection from the Inspector General
October 10, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has heard a new whistleblower claim that Secret Service leadership is denying government auditors access to some Trump campaign events to try to hide the fact that former President Trump “is not getting the highest level of protection.”Truth, Lies & Dezinformatsiya
October 10, 2024
Kenneth Allard
There is nothing so delightful as watching the current contretemps over the sluggish performance of the Biden White House defending its doltish record cleaning up after Hurricane Helene.Mike Huckabee
On Wednesday, we brought you the story about voting machines in Dallas County not performing well in routine tests, making tabulation errors and zeroing-out the overall vote totals by mistake.Attorney Scott Poynter Details WHY I'm SUING FACEBOOK | Huckabee
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
FEMA and Harris are in denial
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
As FEMA is getting slammed for its slow, inadequate and even counterproductive response to Hurricane Helene, the officials in charge are trying to silence the criticism by branding it as “misinformation.”A huge wake-up trumpet blast for Christians before the election
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
You know what we think of polls around here --- that they are to be taken with a whole shaker full of salt, if not the whole box.Surviving two hurricanes and the coming election storm
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Just as the Southeast is being deluged with wind and water this hurricane season, so news watchers like us are deluged with stories about the election and associated litigation. Everything’s related, in that these two monster storms will inevitably affect the election and, thus, the survival of our country as we know it.Mike Huckabee
One of the current scare stories being told by the Democrats is that Georgia’s pro-life laws prevented a young woman from receiving surgical care after a miscarriage and caused her death.Cissie Graham Lynch & Samaritan's Purse ON THE SCENE with Hurricane Helene Relief UPDATE | Huckabee
October 9, 2024
In case you missed it
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
I mentioned that Kamala Harris gave an “interview” to CBS’ “Sixty Minutes” that consisted of some headache-inducing word salads. But the show's full interviews with both Harris and running mate Tim Walz were released on Monday, and they proved that even in the friendliest of venues, neither is ready for prime time.Trump is gaining on Harris
October 9, 2024
Mike Huckabee
The Democrats may be trying to hide their panic at polls showing that the big advantage they think they will always hold with minority voters may be slipping away, due to their gross incompetence.Voter rolls STILL lack transparency leading into the election
October 7, 2024
Mike Huckabee
In researching a reader’s request for an update on various election-related lawsuits around the country, particularly in Nevada, we have found that it’s almost impossible to find a straightforward source for this information.This was a horrible dark spot in all of human history | Mike Huckabee | Wake Up America
October 7, 2024
A Virtual Tie
October 7, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Whenever I see polls showing a virtual tie between Trump and Harris, I’m always stunned at the ability of the mass media to brainwash the public.Even The BIASED MEDIA Can't Hide The TRUTH Driving The HEADLINES | Monologue | Huckabee
October 7, 2024
“Special Counsel” Smith receives widespread condemnation, doesn’t give a rat’s behind
October 7, 2024
Mike Huckabee
We’ve never seen anything like this.In interview, Melania Trump says she herself was “de-banked” and her charitable donations refused
October 7, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Former (and future, we hope!) First Lady Melania Trump has been doing interviews to promote her husband’s candidacy and also her new memoir MELANIA, and one with Maria Bartiromo just aired on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES. We’ll just turn the floor over to the two of them, but first would like to note a couple of things.The Vance-Walz Debate, Hurricane Helene Recovery & Oct. 7th All Have THIS In COMMON | Huckabee
October 6, 2024
Israel launches new strikes
October 4, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Maybe Biden’s not worried because he figures that by that time, the Democrats will have already transformed New York into hellish ruins.Mayorkas sends devastating warning about FEMA funds
October 4, 2024
Catastrophic Hurricane Helene
October 4, 2024
Mike Huckabee
As of Thursday, 194 people are confirmed dead in the aftermath of the catastrophic Hurricane Helene in Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina and Virginia.Release of “special counsel” J6 report on Trump is the most blatant election interference yet
October 4, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Right now, just one month away from Election Day 2024, with ballots going out and early voting already taking place in some states, you’re witnessing the most blatant attempt by the legal system to interfere with an election that you may ever see.Some good news
October 4, 2024
Mike Huckabee
At least one of the multiple disasters threatening America has been averted – or I should say, “delayed.” The longshoremen’s union agreed to a temporary new contract, which called off their strike after just three days, although it could be back on again in January, well after the election.A professional persuader/hypnotist analyzes Tuesday’s VP debate
October 3, 2024
Mike Huckabee
As promised, here’s that perspective on Tuesday’s Vice Presidential debate from trained hypnotist and persuader Scott Adams, and, yes, it does include a whiteboard with some funny caricatures of both Vance and Walz. (The Walz cartoon is quite reminiscent of Uncle Fester from THE ADDAMS FAMILY. I think you could put a light bulb in his mouth and it would light up.)O’Keefe’s investigation into alleged ActBlue money laundering is getting serious now
October 2, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Journalist and videographer James O’Keefe, who now runs his own company called O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), has been working for many months with the help of citizen journalists in a number of states to document what sure looks to be political money laundering on the part of “the” huge Democrat fundraising platform called ActBlue.The Vice Presidential Debate
October 2, 2024
Mike Huckabee
It struck me that Tim Walz and J.D. Vance were the perfect illustration of that before-and-after scenario.Iran launches missile attack against Israel
October 2, 2024
Mike Huckabee
Yesterday, Iran launched hundreds of ballistic missiles at Israel in retaliation for the IDF’s killing of the leadership of Iran’s terrorist buddies in Hamas and Hezbollah.
Fortunately, most of the missiles were intercepted and destroyed by Israel’s anti-missile defense system, and there were no reported casualties at this writing. However, at around the same time, there was a terrorist shooting attack at a train station in Jaffa that killed a young Israeli mother who was shielding her baby.
Now, an ominous quiet has fallen, as Iran awaits Israel’s response. I can’t help wondering if the mullahs are feeling like the dog that kept chasing a car and barking at it until it finally caught the car and realized it was about to get flattened.
For years, Iran’s militant Islamist leaders have threatened to attack Israel. Well, now, they have. Launching a barrage of ballistic missiles at a sovereign state is known as an “act of war,” and it wasn’t launched by some terrorist surrogates like Hamas or Hezbollah, but by the Iranian government itself. It was a rash, foolish and possibly suicidal act. Israel would be perfectly justified in responding with overwhelming force, taking out Iran’s military bases, its nuclear facilities and more.
Just as with the celebrations over Israel’s killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, I believe many Iranians would joyfully welcome Israel’s destruction of Iran’s war machine and the decapitation of their government, which uses that war machine to oppress its own people as much as it does to threaten its neighbors.
As Katie Pavlich reports, a clue that something bigger could be coming is that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement directed at the people of Iran, assuring them, “The people of Iran should know, Israel stands with you…When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than you think, everything will be different."
Meanwhile, President Biden gave orders to the US military in the region to shoot down any Iranian missiles targeting Israel. And both presidential candidates made statements, neither of which did much to bolster confidence in our current leadership in the Middle East.