
More Stories Like This, Please:

September 25, 2024

A jury unanimously ordered Boise State University to pay $4 million -- $3 million for lost business, reputational damage, mental and emotional distress and personal humiliation plus $1 million in punitive damages from the school's former vice president of student affairs -- to the owner of the Big City Coffee shop, Sarah Fendley.

During the anti-police riots of 2020 (remember the ones where former “tough-on-crime prosecutor” Kamala Harris was raising money to bail out the rioters?), Fendley posted a “thin blue line” sticker at her downtown location to show her support for the police (at the time, she was engaged to an officer who had been paralyzed by a criminal in a shootout.) The usual student “activists” attacked her online, she explained her support for police, they attacked her even more, and she claims the school violated her First Amendment rights by shutting down her on-campus location in retaliation.

The school will appeal to the state Supreme Court. Let’s hope they make it $5 million.

“It’s time for private security, Mr. President.” That was Tyrus on Monday’s THE FIVE, talking directly to President Trump, and let’s hope Trump was listening (Tyrus is a former bodyguard for numerous celebrities and knows whereof he speaks.) This is what we said immediately after the first attempt on his life, when it seemed clear that, for whatever reason, the Secret Service hadn’t done its job.

Mike Lindell Update

September 24, 2024

One of the biggest victims of anti-Trump, corporate cancel culture has been Mike Lindell, who built a great American company, MyPillow, only to see major retailers blacklist his products because he dared to exercise his First Amendment right to question what he saw as serious irregularities in the 2020 election.
I reported yesterday that Trump had received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest union of police officers. Now, the Harris campaign is boasting of receiving the endorsement of a recently-formed organization called “Police Leaders for Community Safety,” which praised her for her prosecutorial track record and unwavering commitment to public safety and the rule of law.

64 very long days

September 23, 2024

Today marks 64 days since Kamala Harris was anointed as the Democrat nominee for President, and she’s yet to hold a formal press conference, only a few puffball interviews like the Oprah show that was practically a Kamala telethon and the ABC debate that featured her plus the moderators against Trump.

The Mark Robinson Scandal

September 21, 2024

North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is the Republican candidate for Governor, and he’s been hit with some sleazy allegations by CNN that he denied and called “tabloid trash.” They involve claims that Robinson left shocking anonymous comments on a porn website anywhere from 12 to 16 years ago.
In December 2022, Vice President and future presidential nominee Kamala Harris lamented to NPR, “Misinformation and disinformation has infiltrated information streams in our country.” Does she even realize that the huge lies she spewed during Tuesday night’s so-called debate with President Trump are a prime example of this?

Ambush not debate?

September 12, 2024

To anyone who really knows debate, it quickly became obvious that Donald Trump was in over his head Tuesday night. For one thing, Kamala Harris had clearly been well-coached and probably had the benefit of inside help, either by sophisticated electronics or prior familiarity with the questions.

Remembering September 11th

September 11, 2024

Wednesday, September 11th, marks 23 years since radical Islamic terrorists flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and would have flown a 4th plane into the Capitol or White House if it weren’t for passengers on that plane wrestling the controls away from the hijackers and bringing the plane down in Shanksville, PA.
Last night, Vice President Kamala Harris and the ABC “moderators” put the “bait” into “debate,” ganging up on Trump to bait him into losing his cool. Unfortunately, too often, he went for it, allowing himself to get distracted, angry and defensive and missing many opportunities to turn the focus back where it belonged, on issues of most concern to voters like the economy.

Kamala's economic plan

September 4, 2024

Stung by accurate criticism that her first economic proposals were either blatant rip-offs of Trump’s proposals (“no taxes on tips”) or long-discredited leftist nostrums guaranteed to make things even worse (price controls), Kamala Harris will reportedly release more of her economic plans today.
While FBI case agent Kyle Seraphin was investigating the January 6 pipe bombs, his team was tracking an individual linked to a DC Metrorail card, a 55-year-old Air Force contractor, as a person of interest. They had also discussed that this man might be a relative or acquaintance of the person who “placed” the bomb, who was thought perhaps to be, based on physical characteristics and other evidence, a black woman.
Hillary Clinton got a big cheer by saying of Kamala Harris, “Yes, she will restore abortion rights nationwide.” Moments later, she declared, “Kamala cares, cares about kids and families.” Does that mean if kids can manage to make it out of the womb without being dismembered, she’ll care about them?
A preliminary investigative report from Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins of the House Bipartisan Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump lays out what his committee believes to have been the sequence of gunfire at President Trump’s July 13 rally, saying that a member of the Butler SWAT team was the first to fire against the gunman, hitting his rifle from 100 yards away and disrupting his aim.
All right, that’s it. I know, we always say that “we watch the news, so you don’t have to.” And I was resigned to watching the coverage of yet another DNC Convention. I got through the first night, even President Biden’s wacky, angry, surreal, lie-filled late-night tirade, by thinking, “Well, at least I’ll never have to listen to anything THAT bad again!”
If you are wondering how to vote in this 2024 presidential election, the following information should end your dilemma. You may be trying to discern which candidate is the best choice to receive your vote. You may even try to analyze each candidate in detail, but this is a waste of time. The election comes down to Team Blue (Democrats) and the Team Red Team (Republican).
Last night, the Democrats took another step in their crusade to “save our democracy” by letting party elites officially anoint Kamala Harris as their nominee without any challengers or without her earning a single vote in the primary elections, which were won by someone else. Democracy!

A bounce back?

August 7, 2024

Tuesday morning, US stock futures bounced back a bit after Monday’s historic plummet, when the NASDAQ fell over 1,000 points for the first time ever. But we’re hardly out of the woods yet. The Dow dropped over 1,000 points on Monday, on top of big losses last week. As of this writing, the Dow is back up by about 480 points.