They Just Sealed Texas’ FATE by RUNNING
July 26, 2021
Mike Huckabee
When some Democrat legislators in Texas didn’t like some legislation that would have made it harder to conduct election fraud, they didn’t stand and fight back in public debate. They high-tailed it to an airport, boarded a chartered private jet and flew to Washington, DC with cases of beer on board. They were all smiles and looked more like naughty college students proud of their latest pub crawl than serious public officials. By fleeing the state, they kept the Texas legislature from having a quorum and therefore unable to conduct business. Beside their actions being as petulant as a 5 year old having a meltdown in the grocery store because his mother selected Special K instead of Fruit Loops, things got kind of messy for them when their arrogant stunt fell apart in oh, so many ways!
They seemed so proud of themselves and posted photos of their Excellent Adventure with their maskless faces smiling bigly, shortly after arriving in Washington, the “mother ship” for those who love government more than liberty. They were honored as heroes and were seen hob-knobbing with the Vice-President, Speaker Pelosi, and White House staff. But soon as many as 8 of them tested positive for Covid, throwing official Washington into panic and throwing the renegade Texas legislators into lockdown/quarantine where one boo-hooing legislator lamented that she actually had to do her own laundry while holed up in her hotel room.
For a state whose origin was Col. William Travis and his small band of citizen-soldiers defending the Alamo despite being outnumbered by 20:1 against the troops of Santa Ana, the sight of Texas Democrats fleeing their duties in a private jet and swilling beer like a scene from Animal House was just the sort of image political ad-makers dream of. These off-duty Democrats continued to receive their taxpayer funded paychecks and live in nice DC hotels, but the narrative was not about “courageous Democrats fighting against legislation” but that of cowardly carriers of Covid who created a super-spreader event in the nation’s Capital and had become a shining example of hypocrisy, hubris, and humor, being ridiculed from every angle except the far left, who is beyond shame of any kind at any time.
The ultimate irony? (And irony is something leftists seem incapable of seeing) Is that the big issue that caused them to run like a 3 year old’s nose during allergy season was a bill to secure the integrity of elections which included requiring photo ID to vote. Even on their charter flight, they had to show a photo ID to the charter company, showed one to check into their hotel, showed one to get into the Capitol and to the White House, and showed one to go to the clinic where they tested positive for Covid. So since Democrats have said that having to show photo ID is racist and a return to Jim Crow laws, I guess that these Democrats have reverted to racism and decided to comply with Jim Crow laws after all.
In politics, the worst situation is not losing—it’s being ridiculed. And these Texas Democrats have conducted a clinic in more than Covid transmission—they have schooled the political world how to carry out the most ill-planned disaster since General Custer. And they still haven’t answered the question, “who paid for the millions it has cost for them to have their little excursion into political history?” To quote the great philosopher Forrest Gump, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”
Evening Edition - July 26th
July 26, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Sunday Standard - July 25
July 25, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...2020 Election Update
July 25, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I’m sure some readers wonder why I don’t write daily updates on all the 2020 election audits and questions and challenges. It’s because if I did, that’s all I’d ever have time to do. The general flow of these stories is that the auditors request information, the officials refuse to hand it over, the Democrats attack the auditors and say “Jim Crow” a lot, Republicans go to a judge to force the officials to turn over the evidence, the officials refuse again, the Republicans go back to court, lather-rinse-repeat.
Occasionally, the auditors will come up with something that stinks like week-old fish, and the election officials and Democrats will insist there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation that they would have seen if they’d only examined the evidence that the election officials and Democrats fought like panthers to keep them from seeing. Pardon me if I don’t want to cover that five times a day.
I bring it up only because that’s the basic story of the latest update to the Maricopa County, Arizona, audit story. The auditors reported last week that about 74,000 absentee ballots had been mailed in and counted for which they could find no records of anyone requesting them.
The county officials have now responded that the auditors were wrong and nearly 400,000 more ballots were requested than received back. The auditors said they didn’t accuse the county of criminality, they just said they couldn’t verify the records because the county officials kept fighting them to keep from showing the records. I won’t bore you with all the details and serial numbers of forms and he said/they said, etc., but if you want to see it, it’s here.
Read that and you’ll understand why I’m cautious about reporting any stories that come out of an election audit until they're verified. I do NOT want this newsletter to read like that every day.
I will point out, however, that just a couple of days after the election, I called on Joe Biden to join with Trump in requesting an open, bipartisan examination of the vote, warning that if he didn’t, a cloud of suspicions, whether legitimate or not, would hang over his Administration, undermine his credibility and make it difficult for him to unite the country and govern. I got attacked from the left just for saying that. Well, we’re now six months into the Biden Administration, and how is that plan of telling skeptics they’re crazy while fighting to keep the evidence hidden working out?
Mike Huckabee
Charlene Darling of “Mayberry” Fame Needs Help
July 25, 2021
Pat Reeder, Staff writer
I’m sorry to have to report that Maggie Peterson, most famous for playing Charlene Darling on the iconic “Andy Griffith Show,” is in need of financial help due to medical issues. Her longtime husband, musician Gus Mancuso, is suffering from Alzheimer’s and she was his caregiver before she suddenly began having serious health issues of her own. They had to give up their apartment and need full time care that insurance won’t cover. Their family has set up a GoFundMe page. You can read details and see a video by Maggie if you click on “older updates.” And please share this link:
Beloved as the only female amidst the “Deliverance”-like Darling clan (her bros played by bluegrass greats The Dillards), she also played a completely different role in an episode of the final season of the show and a third on an episode of “Mayberry RFD.” The same person popping up as different characters was a strange quirk in Mayberry, perhaps due to there not being enough people in small towns to go around.
Maggie would sometimes sing on the show with her sullen, silent siblings, on such memorable tunes as “Salty Dog” and “There Is A Time.” Here’s a delightful YouTube video of a reunion at which they performed the latter:
She also did commercials; had a regular role on “The Bill Dana Show;” one-shot roles on “The Odd Couple,” “Love American Style” and other TV shows of the era; and parts in the Don Knotts movie “The Love God,” Andy’s film “Angel In My Pocket,” and, of course, the TV movie “Return to Mayberry.” She was sometimes billed as Maggie Mancuso and later worked as a location scout.
(Side note: If you’re a Griffith Show fan, try to catch “Angel In My Pocket” if it comes on TV. It’s very Mayberry-like – it even has Jack “Howard Sprague” Dodson – but for some reason, it was hard to find for years. It finally came out on an import DVD last year, but it looks as if the mastering was done by Ernest T. Bass.)
Maggie was best known as an actress, but actually devoted more time to singing. She started out in a band with her brother Jim and two friends called Margaret Ann and the Ja-Da Quartet. They were noticed at a record convention by Andy Griffith’s manager, who encouraged them to come to New York. That led to some TV variety show shots, a few singles and a 1959 Warner LP called “It’s the Most Happy Sound.” It’s filled with Shakey’s Pizza Parlor singalongs such as “Swanee River,” “Mississippi Mud” and “My Cutey’s Due at Two to Two Today.”
While touring the Vegas-Tahoe-Reno lounge circuit with a musical act called Margaret Ann and the Ernie Mariani Trio, she was spotted by the Griffith show’s producer and director and asked to play Charlene, and the rest is TV Land history. She’s always been very grateful to “Griffith” fans for remembering her, and everyone who’s met her describes her as the sweetheart you’ve always imagined her to be.
If you have fond memories of Maggie with the Darlings (and who doesn’t?), I hope you’ll kick in a few bucks to help her and her family. To answer the obvious question: no, she gets no royalties from the show and hasn’t since the 1960s. Considering it plays constantly and is more popular than ever, someone must be making a fortune off of it. It would be nice if whoever that was would crack open their money vault and help Maggie, to pay her back for her invaluable part in creating a show that’s still universally beloved nearly 60 years later.
Evening Edition - July 25th
July 25, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - July 24
July 24, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - July 24
July 24, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - July 23
July 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - July 23
July 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Kamala Harris: take another look as Biden falters
July 23, 2021
Mike Huckabee
“So when I was a young girl, Uncle Sherman taught me to play chess. He said, ‘You need to know, life is like that chessboard. There gonna be all kinds of players on that board. They’ll have all kinds of different moves. You have to think strategically. You have to learn to think about what that tenth move will be before you make that first move. And if you’re smart,’ he taught me, ‘that pawn can take out that king.”
--- Kamala Harris, July 2019
With President Biden in the news because of the horrendous, incomprehensible performance he gave at a townhall meeting on Wednesday, it seems like a good idea to take another look at the person who is positioned on that chess board to take his place. We’ve known her lately as someone who seems in over her head, who is given huge areas of responsibility and then ducks them, who giggles and cackles uncontrollably and inappropriately. Who is she, really? How did she get to this position on the chess board, and what does it mean for the country if (when) she “takes out the king”?
On October 14, 2020, Trevor Loudon at THE EPOCH TIMES had a detailed article about her background, and it seems like a good time to revisit that.
Loudon, an author, filmmaker and public speaker from New Zealand, wrote the book “ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” and also filmed the 2016 documentary ENEMIES WITHIN. Here’s a trailer from that movie.
Of course, we knew Kamala was raised around radical leftists; her father was an professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University, where he used to say he was too far left even for them, and her mother was a longtime political activist, first in India and later in California. "Uncle Sherman" was an activist lawyer. Recall that Kamala, on the campaign trail, spoke of being wheeled through protest marches in a stroller, calling for “Fweeedom!!” (We don’t know if THAT story is true, but we do know for certain that her parents and their circle of acquaintances were radical left activists.
But there’s much more here, about specific organizations, their heroes (such as Fidel Castro and Che Guevara), and their ultimate aims. RedState has a good summary, which also first appeared in October 2020, of the information turned up by Loudon. (All of it was available to the curious BEFORE the election, even though the mainstream media seem to have put it in the same category as Hunter Biden’s laptop and pretended it didn’t exist.)
The RedState piece was written by retired U.S. Navy Capt. Joseph R. John, who’s formerly with the FBI is currently chairman of the Combat Veterans for Congress PAC.
It’s not disputed that Harris got into politics after having an affair with then-California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, Jr., who was 60 and married at the time. We know he guided her fledgling political career, which led to her being elected attorney general of California. But aside from that, I wonder how many know that when Brown ran successfully for mayor of San Francisco, he strongly endorsed Marxism and was, in turn, endorsed by the Communist Party USA. In the RedState article it states, “Willie Brown is widely regarded as one of the Chinese Communist Party’s best friends in the San Francisco Bay area.”
I don’t want anyone to be tarred with guilt by association. For example, Van Jones is mentioned in Loudon's piece and is perhaps overzealously described as a Communist, but the fact that I count him among my friends --- a brother in Christ who has been a guest on my TV show --- should never convince anyone that I share his views on politics or economics. He might be far to the left on those issues, but if Communists are atheists, he isn't either of those things.
That said, Kamala Harris has been steeped in radicalism her whole life through her closest connections. (Imagine if a conservative candidate and his family and friends had associated exclusively with John Birchers and such.) Read on to learn about the Chinese Communist ties of Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff and also of her younger sister Maya, whose close associate is one of Kamala’s major financial sponsors, the wealthy leftist Steve Phillips. (How is it that so many leftist, even Marxist, men marry very wealthy women?)
If Harris had been appointed to a federal position that required confirmation, Loudon’s article postulates, she would not have passed the background check because of her 40 years of close ties with Marxists, Communists, Maoists and Communist China. But as an elected official, she is not subject to the security clearance process. (I would add that this observation applied to Barack Obama as well.) As the article states, “Harris would never have been approved for acceptance to any of the five military service academies, been appointed to a U.S. government sub-cabinet position, or would have been approved to fill a sensitive position for a high-security defense contractor. Yet if Joe Biden were elected, Harris would be a heartbeat away from the President.”
The article goes on to cite not only Harris’ ties to the Communist Chinese, but Hunter Biden’s business dealings there. (Remember –- this came out BEFORE the election, but only conservative media were focusing on it.) As RedState says, “If the American voters read the background information [in Trevor Loudon’s article] about Kamala Harris, they would never support her election as Vice President of the United States. Joe Biden...will continue to decline in cerebral awareness; he will never be able to fill out a four-year term of office. If Biden is elected, the Socialists, Marxists and Communists who control Kamala Harris are planning to enact provisions of the 25th Amendment in order to remove Joe Biden from office, so Harris can become the first Communist President of the United States.”
Obviously, Bernie Sanders, as a Democratic Socialist, wouldn’t have been able to win the general election, but “moderate” (ha) Joe Biden, with a female and black running mate to check a couple of boxes, had a much better chance. So that’s how Kamala’s chess piece ended up where it did on the board. The moves started much earlier.
Leftists Turn On Their Own
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
The problem with trying to build a mass political movement on fringe groups that demand everyone agree with them 100% is that, sooner or later, the members of your coalition will start turning on each other. Case in point: In Fairfax, Virginia, a group of LGBTQIA+ (it’s getting longer than an eye chart) activists are condemning an otherwise solidly leftist school board member because she politely said she couldn’t 100% endorse their agenda, maybe because she’s Muslim.
Now, a full the-left-eats-its-own frenzy is afoot, complete with angry demands for the requisite groveling apology. This may be how the leftist movement will ultimately be stopped; not with a civil war, but just by their own incivility and their utter intolerance of anyone who won’t tolerate anything they demand.
Imagine if they’d found something really bad like this in the school!
Ben & Jerry's Leftist Virtue Signaling Update
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Here’s an update on the latest leftist virtue signaling by Ben & Jerry’s, the premium ice cream for wealthy, decadent socialists. I reported that the brand announced it would not sell its ice cream in “occupied Palestinian territory,” meaning certain parts of Israel, a move that got it praised by the anti-Semitic BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement. The prime minister of Israel warned parent company Unilever of “severe consequences” for its boycott decision. Well, here they come…
First of all, that article points out that no part of Israel is “occupied Palestinian territory.” Israel took over the West Bank when it won the 1967 war against Jordan and its Arab allies, and the Israelis have a claim on that territory going back to Biblical times.
More to the current point, Israeli law requires local distributors to sell products in all of Israel, so this is an illegal decision that could get Ben & Jerry’s removed from the entire nation’s store shelves. In addition, 35 US states have made it illegal to boycott Israel, which hurts both Israelis and Palestinians, so they might have opened up a legal can of worms in two-thirds of the US. Finally, a number of grocers in the New York area and beyond announced that they will stop carrying Ben & Jerry’s ice cream over this.
Moral: Don’t let radical leftists run your ice cream company if you don’t want your business to suffer a complete meltdown.
Morning Edition - July 22
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mike Huckabee
California’s Third District Court of Appeals unanimously (3-0) struck down a state law requiring nursing home workers to use people’s “preferred pronouns.” Prolonged use of someone’s non-preferred pronoun could result in fines of up to $1000 and even a year in prison. The Court quite rightly ruled this a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech.
Rick Chavez Zbur of Equality California blasted the ruling, declaring, “Let’s be clear: refusing to use someone’s correct name and pronouns isn’t an issue of free speech – it’s a hateful act that denies someone their dignity and truth.” I assume Mr/Ms/Whatever Zbur doesn’t see the irony in accusing someone else of being hateful while claiming that applying labels to others that they don’t like isn’t protected free speech. Or that just because someone declares what “their truth” is doesn’t mean that it should be illegal for others to disagree with it. A lot of liberals have no qualms with vehemently disagreeing with what I believe to be Biblical truth.
The bill’s author, Sen. Scott Wiener (I’ll risk prison by assuming Scott is a “he”) of San Francisco, of course, railed, “The court’s decision is disconnected from the reality facing transgender people” and vowed to get it overturned on appeal. I’d say that if he thinks the Supreme Court is going to uphold that law, he’s the one who’s disconnected from reality, which seems to be a chronic condition among California legislators.
Mike Huckabee
Just yesterday, I received an urgent letter from a reader –- a former teacher –- warning about the danger of leftist activism in schools. Here is what Amy had to say:
Sir, I’m a mom and a former teacher, and the direction we are going is very concerning to me. There used to be the understanding that crazy ideas would not get far. Unfortunately, now there are too many crazy ideas and they are not going away. Now we have reached the point where if you don’t stand up and disagree, then you are actually just acquiescing.
The left has created a CRT activist group for children called Diversify Our Narrative. The left are genius in how they have made activism for youth so simple that it requires absolutely no thought –- it actually works better if they don’t think.
I really feel like we need to use their template and create our own program only focused on teaching youth to be critical thinkers who evaluate the messages around them. I sound old to say this, but, back in my day, when journalism was taught, we were told to always ask who, what, when, where, and why. I think they are only taught to retweet and forward now. We have got to come up with a program that teaches critical thinking and combines that with community service and innovative solutions.
I really believe if we can get kids to start thinking and evaluating the information around them then they are not going to be as easy to turn into mindless liberal activists. I’m hoping that you might know where I can find a program that is out there like this or who I could talk to about creating this program.
Thank you so much for writing, Amy. If every kid could have a teacher like you, we’d have a lot more confidence in the future.
You’re right that it’s getting hard than ever to evaluate and determine what is “crazy.” It seems the indoctrinators of our kids are going by the principle that if everything is crazy, nothing is crazy. And they want parents to just stay out of it, which is, exactly as you say, acquiescing. One silver lining to the stormcloud of COVID is that kids and parents spent more time at home together. Kids started getting their lessons online at home, where parents often got a glimpse of their “classrooms” and were appalled at what they saw being taught. It took a few brave parents to stand against cancel culture and speak out, and now there are nationwide networks of parents working to fight leftist indoctrination in schools.
You are also very perceptive to say the activists’ goal is to separate ideology and activism from thought. In George Orwell’s book “1984,” there’s a Newspeak term called “duckspeak,” which means literally to quack like a duck, without thinking at all. It’s considered to be a good thing –- “doubleplusgood,” in fact. Here’s how Orwell described it:
“The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. For the purposes of everyday life, it was no doubt necessary, or sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgment should be able to spray forth the correct opinion as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets...Ultimately, it was hoped to make articulate speech issue from the larynx without involving the higher brain centers at all. This aim was frankly admitted in the Newspeak word “duckspeak,” meaning ‘to quack like a duck.’ [This word was] a warm and valued compliment.”
This is what they’re trying to do to kids. There’s no real thought involved in calling someone a “Nazi” or a “white supremacist” --- kids don’t even know what that really is. They don’t know what “capitalism” and “socialism” are, either. All such words have been conveniently redefined. We looked up “Diversify Our Narrative”; here’s the website:
It says on their home page that they’re involved in 1) grassroots activism/policy change, 2) curriculum creation, 3) leadership development, and 4) educational resources and support. This is a new organization; they say that since June 2020, they’re in 800+ school districts. They're partnered with Generation UP, which fights for the College For All Act (free college); Bay Area Student Activists; the NFL (I am not kidding); and Justice In The Classroom –- check out their website at
One strategy used by the proponents of Critical Race Theory is to name a study based on its principles something else and then deny they’re teaching CRT. Take a look at these sites, and it’s easy to see that this is just the same old leftist indoctrination, with the same cascade of buzzwords, perfect for duckspeak.
For example, the stated mission of Diversify Our Narrative is “to fight to be anti-racist and to encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity among our student bodies through the inclusion of racially diverse, anti-racist texts in USA schools; to work towards racial justice, educational equity and community power.” They address issues such as “systemic racism and microaggressions.” They “create curriculum centered around anti-racist teaching practices in the classroom.”
We also scrolled down their page of lesson plans, and this pretty much says it all…
While high school students in other countries are learning math and science, American kids taught with lesson plans from Diversify Our Narrative are learning “Exploring LGBTQ+/Immigrant Narratives Through Music,” “Analyzing Queer Dance,” “The New Jim Crow,” “Biology, Society and Policy,” “Acting Out: Resisting Policed Performances of Gender,” “The Intersection of Colonialism and Gender & Sexuality” (I am not kidding), and more.
Thanks, Amy, for bringing this to our attention. It’s true that we need to be at least as good as the left is when it comes to organizing. And YES –- you put it so well –- there needs to be a program that stresses critical thinking, community service and innovative solutions! Right now, I’d say critical thinking is the one that most desperately needs help.
For now, we wanted to alert you to this apparently very well organized group, Diversify Our Narrative. But we’ll also be working on a list of resources that offer strong lesson plans, especially for learning at home. (The best thing you can do for kids being force-fed anti-racist garbage is to take them out of their awful school.) Parents, grandparents, teachers and tutors: if you know of good curriculum plans and supplemental material for homeschoolers, please let us know, and we’ll pass that information along.
FBI Suffers New Black-Eye
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
The FBI has suffered so many black eyes lately, it must have more eyes than a housefly. And here’s the latest haymaker:
As we’re learning more about that alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, it’s looking more and more as if the FBI didn’t just get a tip and infiltrate the plot but were actively engaged from the beginning in orchestrating it and luring people into it. Attorneys are starting to question whether there would have been a conspiracy at all if the undercover agents hadn’t lured people into it. It’s getting perilously close to the definition of “entrapment.”
But that’s not all: in a separate story also cited at that link, an Inspector General’s report cited found that a then-senior FBI official had numerous unauthorized contacts with the media and accepted unauthorized gifts from the media.
As columnist Kurt Schlichter points out, in his inimitable way, it’s getting harder to buy the claim that it’s just a few bad apples at the FBI causing all the problems when all we ever hear about is barrels and barrels of bad apples and no good apples speaking up to say, “Enough! I quit!”
A New Political Circus
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Just as I expected, that “9/11-style” House committee to investigate the January 6th Capitol violence hasn’t even been formed yet, and it’s already imploded into a giant political circus.
Yesterday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two of the Republican nominees to the committee, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana, because they’d objected to certifying the Electoral votes in Pennsylvania and Arizona. This despite her already claiming that past votes would not be considered.
Pelosi’s attempt to ban Trump supporters angered House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy so much that he threatened to pull all GOP members from the committee. That would kill the “bipartisan” claim and turn it into what many of us figured it would be: a partisan show trial designed to keep publicly whipping this dead horse into hamburger as a distraction from the many things the Dems are currently screwing up.
What makes this doubly hypocritical is that Pelosi okayed Democrats Adam Schiff, who blatantly lied about having evidence of Russian collusion to justify a bogus impeachment charge, and Jamie Raskin, one of the Democrats who tried to prevent the certification of the 2016 election, back before things like that were treason, insurrection and assaults on democracy.
To be clear, I would support a legitimate, transparent, bipartisan investigation of what happened on January 6th, but Democrats seem determined to prevent that from happening. Come to think of it, you could say the same thing about the election.
Related: A new Rasmussen survey finds that only 49% of Americans support Nancy Pelosi’s investigation of the January 6th Capitol riot, but 66% want last year’s Black Lives Matter riots investigated. That includes 67% of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities.
Also, 51% believe politicians who downplayed the Capitol violence deserve criticism, while 62% believe the same about elected officials who downplayed the 2020 riots and looting.
I guess these people just don’t understand that riots are only to be taken seriously when they happen near Nancy Pelosi.
Evening Edition - July 22
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Fauci Back In The Hot Seat
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Who says there’s nothing entertaining on TV anymore? Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci was back in the hot seat before the Senate, and it got blistering when Sen. Rand Paul, who is also a doctor, drilled down on his reported funding and support for “gain of function” virus research. That’s when viruses from sources like…let’s say, bats…are altered in the lab to make them more transmissible to humans, so that their effects can be studied.
In years past, Fauci made comments about the benefits of such dangerous experiments outweighing the risks, and it’s believed that the NIH under Fauci funded such research. If it turns out that COVID originated in the Wuhan lab, Paul wants Fauci to take partial responsibility for those risks that resulted in a deadly pandemic. He also quoted Fauci’s emails in which colleagues expressed fears that that was the case, but he publicly dismissed them. Fauci angrily accused Paul of not knowing what he was talking about. But Paul replied that Fauci can call him a liar, but he didn’t produce any facts that contradicted him. There are more details and video here:
Later, Sen. Paul told Sean Hannity that he will ask the DOJ for a criminal referral against Fauci for lying to Congress.
In further Fauci news, the doc says he agrees with the American Academy of Pediatrics that it’s “reasonable” to require all children older than two to wear masks all day at school.
I’m not a doctor. I don’t even play one on TV, like some people I could name. But I’ve already written at length about the many problems with making children wear masks for hours, from developmental issues to forcing them to breathe dangerous levels of CO2 to all the bacteria and viruses that get on the masks and are then pressed tightly over their mouths and noses. Here are a couple of links as reminders. I hope someone forwards them to Dr. Fauci and the AAP.
Delta Variant Worries
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
If you’re one of the many millions of Americans who have money in stocks through a 401K, IRA or small day-trading account (No, AOC, all market investors aren’t greedy capitalist billionaires), then you might be panicking over the recent plunge in the market. I can’t give you financial advice or assure you that all will be well, but I can safely say that over time, a diversified portfolio of stocks tends to grow, despite periodic drops. And I can explain why this current plummet is due almost entirely to the incompetence of the current occupants of the White House.
The Biden Administration has been all over the map with its chaotic messaging about COVID, stoking fear of the Delta variant to try to goose lagging vaccination numbers. This fear and confusion have spooked the market due to worries that the government might impose another pointless economic lockdown. I have to assume that at some point, the truth will prevail and the market will rebound (if Biden doesn’t K.O. it with inflation, which is another story.) Here are some facts about the current situation to help calm the artificial panic.
Contrary to what President Biden claimed, the Delta variant is NOT “deadlier” than the original virus. Just as with most viruses, it’s mutated to a form that spreads easier, since it’s trying to stay alive as there are fewer and fewer potential hosts, thanks to vaccines and natural immunity in those who’ve recovered. But it’s actually less dangerous than the original virus.
As the Wall Street Journal reports, the recent spike in cases in the UK has not resulted in hospitalizations or deaths anywhere near those of the original pandemic. The previous peak in the UK came in January with a seven-day average of 50,000 cases, out of which 40,000 required hospitalization and there were 1,000 deaths. The latest surge was 25,000, with 2,000 hospitalized and an average daily death rate of less than 20.
Bottom line: the Delta variant can kill and must be taken seriously, but it is not deadlier than the original. While no vaccine is 100% effective, the new cases are mostly among the unvaccinated and those without natural immunity. The vaccinated who do catch it are more likely to have mild symptoms. A case could be made that shutting down the economy again, with the attendant bankruptcies, suicides, depression, drug abuse and postponed medical care for other problems, would be deadlier than the virus.
I won’t tell someone else that they have to get vaccinated, but know that these are the risks you’re taking, and they’re serious. But it’s not the apocalypse. The spike is caused by the virus itself fighting against dying out. The worst thing the Administration could do is exactly what they’re doing: shredding their own credibility by trying to incite a needless panic.
To paraphrase FDR, the virus may be scary, but we can only make it worse if our leaders gin up fear of fear itself. I miss the days when Democrat Presidents occasionally said things that made sense.
Jeff Bezos Makes News...Twice
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, billionaire founder Jeff Bezos returned safely from a trip to the edge of space on one of his Blue Origin private spacecrafts. Immediately afterward, he announced that he was giving $100 million, no strings attached, to leftwing CNN commentator Van Jones and celebrity chef Jose Andres. He calls it his “Courage and Civility Award.” They are free to give the money to their own charities or non-profits or to others’.
Andres runs a charity called World Central Kitchen that provides food to victims of natural disasters, so I can see how the money will be well-spent there. However, the grant to Jones raised criticism and eyebrows.
Full disclosure: while Van and I couldn’t be further apart on political issues, I consider him a friend and a Christian brother, and he is that rare liberal who will put aside politics to work across the political spectrum for good causes. Here’s a segment from “Huckabee” on TBN where he was my guest and we talked about his series “The Redemption Project.” If he uses the money for causes like this, then I can’t get too exercised about it.
What has some people questioning the appropriateness of the grant was the wall-to-wall positive coverage of Bezos on CNN, but that was going on well before the awards were revealed. Maybe with Trump gone, they’re desperate for anything to talk about. On the other hand, considering CNN’s ratings, I could understand why they’d want to suck up to any billionaire who’s handing out money.
CRT Advocates Try A Different Tack
July 22, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Now that parents are catching on and rising up against the racist indoctrination of their children by schools pushing Critical Race Theory, those behind it are trying to deny that’s what they’re doing, even as they continue to push for the same goals. In short, they’re talking softly, but carrying on the same shtick.
Here’s an example of an organization like that. It’s being promoted by the Biden Department of Education, and while it’s deliberately vague about whether it pushes CRT, here’s a quote from its board chairwoman that should give you a clue or two: "If you don’t recognize that White supremacy is in everything we do, then we got a problem. I want us to be feared."
There’s a lot more at the link. I don’t think these radicals should be feared, because that might keep people from speaking out against them. Instead, they should be exposed and removed entirely from our school system.
Update On Those Texas House Democrats
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Update on those Texas House Democrats who fled Austin to prevent a quorum on an election integrity bill and avoid doing their jobs:Evening Edition - July 21
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - July 21
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Hunter Biden's Art Is In The News
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Will wonders never cease? The Washington Post ran a genuinely funny op-ed spread of parody “Hunter Biden paintings,” the point being to mock what an obvious influence-peddling scam his “art” career is.
Of course, that got them some criticism of their own from readers wanting to know where their concern about Hunter’s corruption was when they were burying the story of his laptop revelations during the campaign. I guess it’s “safe” to make fun of his efforts to profit from his dad’s power, now that his dad is safely IN power.
In a related story, a Pulitzer Prize-winning art critic says that Hunter’s art is so bad that it wouldn’t even fetch $1,000 on its own merits, while it’s being offered for sale for up to $500,000.
On this one, I have to defend Hunter. I’ve seen some of what passes for valuable modern art these days. If it really were that bad, it would definitely be selling for up to $500,000.
Making Money Isn't Capitalism When AOC Does It
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to be taking a page from Bernie Sanders and many others who failed at everything in life before becoming socialist politicians and then they somehow turned into millionaires. AOC has signed a deal to sell a line of "AOC" and “Tax the Rich” merchandise on her popular social media pages. Now, listen to her try to explain how making money through private enterprise isn’t capitalism when she does it. Unlike her merch, it’s priceless.
On a more serious note, AOC’s attempt to sorta voice solidarity with the Cuban people while not actually denouncing their oppressive communist government and instead blaming America and denouncing Trump did not go over well with a former Democrat House member from Miami. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell gave her a scolding and a civics lesson on Twitter.
Will that be enough to convince Cuban-Americans to vote for Democrats again? With Biden ordering the Coast Guard to make sure they’re the only asylum seekers on Earth who are actually turned away from America, I wouldn’t count on it.
The Pressure To Move Left
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
It’s an age-old problem in Washington that whenever conservative Justices actually join the Supreme Court, pressure immediately gets put on them to move to the left. It comes from the media, their colleagues, and the people they lunch and golf and attend cocktail parties with. Some (looking at you, John Roberts) seem to sprint to the left, others inch leftward, and only a rare few, like Justice Thomas, stick to their principles despite all the slings and arrows hurled at them. And of course, when they do move left, this is described by the media as the Justices “evolving” and “growing.”
Those of us who think of moving leftward as the wrong direction for America consider that “devolving.” And despite all the wails from the media about the “far-right drift” of the Supreme Court, there were plenty of disappointments among the few victories for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the most recent term. Here’s a recap of that term, along with an account of what happened when former Vice President Pence pointed to the appointment of conservative judges as a great victory at the Family Leader leadership summit in Iowa. The audience wasn’t buying it.
Not since Ford introduced the Edsel has so much hype been followed by so much disappointment.’s the kind of case for which I hope those allegedly conservative Justices will be able to find their principles: Incoming college freshman Olivia Sandor was denied admission to BYU Hawaii and lost the $200,000 scholarship she’d earned because she asked to be exempted from the state COVID vaccination mandate. The reason: she has serious medical issues (she was paralyzed from the waist down for over a month due to Guillain-Barre Syndrome after getting a vaccine in 2019), and her doctors advised her not to get the jab and even wrote her a letter to exempt her, but to no avail.
Sandor says she’s now without a school or scholarship and has nowhere to turn. Personally, I’d turn toward the office of the best attorney I could find. I know one court already ruled that colleges could require it, but would this case be a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act? Might be an argument worth pursuing.
"The Left Destroys Everything It Touches" Updates
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
(1.) The California state board of education has decided to postpone for 10 months the implementation of a new “social justice”-oriented math curriculum. It rejects the idea of some people having natural gifts for math, would end advanced courses such as AP Calculus, and make teachers use math class to promote “sociopolitical conscience” and social and environmental issues.
The postponement came after the board received massive backlash from critics who said the new curriculum would politicize math in “a potentially disastrous way.” It would block gifted kids from rising to positions such as engineer, where they could get rockets into the sky and build bridges properly. And it would uproot long-proven, effective math methods in an attempt to “build a mathless Brave New World on a foundation of unsound ideology.” Of course, to the people pushing it, that’s their mission statement in life. Judging from “progressive” ideas about economics, I have a feeling most of them are still nursing a grudge about making F’s in math.
(2.) Say, do you know how President Biden wants all government agencies to go to 100% electric vehicles, and then force all Americans to do the same? Well, the Democrat-led city of Philadelphia led the way in 2016 by buying a fleet of 25 electric Proterra buses.
But if you’re waiting for one of those buses, brace yourself for a long wait. The city transit authority SEPTA has already removed the entire fleet from service due to “structural and logistical problems;” i.e., the batteries didn’t hold a charge long enough for the bus routes and were so heavy, they were cracking the buses’ chassis.
The city paid $24 million for the electric buses, partly subsidized by a $2.6 million federal grant, so all taxpayers got stuck with some of the bill (get used to that feeling.) The buses were introduced when they were rolled out into the 2016 DNC Convention with the boast that the city was “plugging into an emissions-free future."
They should’ve known better than to believe that anything that came out of a Democratic Convention was going to lead to a better future or less hot noxious gas.
The Pentagon and the DNC, continued
July 21, 2021
Mike Huckabee
On Tuesday, at the request of one of our readers, we expanded on the testimony given in June by Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in which he --- just like the DNC, coincidentally --- blamed the breach at the Capitol on January 6 on Trump supporters’ “white rage” and anti-constitutionalism.
RELATED READING: The Pentagon Speaks From Phony DNC Playbook
Tuesday evening on TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT, Tucker included a segment on something we’d discussed in our commentary, the focused military indoctrination currently going on within the ranks. “Biden has gone much farther than any other President,” he said, “to politicize every federal agency, and that includes, terrifyingly, the military.”
The Defense Department has been ordered to direct its attention at American citizens, including our own military, as Biden’s Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin states outright that some of our enemies “lie within our own ranks.”
The contractor with whom the Defense Department is working to stamp out these domestic “white supremacist” enemies is called Moonshot CVE (“Countering Violent Extremism”), a contractor based out of London. If you would like to read in great detail about how they operate, here is a long article, for when you have time. Warning: it might keep you awake at night.
The folks at Moonshot are the ones who have been looking into the online history of American soldiers to ferret out “extremist” views. So, what exactly are those extremist views?
Tucker reported what we had said, that they searched for phrases such “the truth about Black Lives Matter.” “If you wanted to know the truth about Black Lives Matter, you were, by definition, a white supremacist, and an enemy of the United States,” he observed.
You see, no one is even supposed to ASK about BLM. Yesterday, we dared suggest that it deserves the same scrutiny as any other organization, which, I suppose, makes us –- at least to Moonshot CVE and the new leaders of the U.S. military –- incorrigible, detestable, deplorable RACISTS.
“The outcome is contrived,” said Tucker’s guest, radio host Vince Coglianese. The only reason they’d include a question such as that would be to rig the outcome of a study, he said.
Moonshot CVE, he said, showed us what they’re about when they released a study in June about white supremacy in the United States, as determined by search trends. In that study, they happen to have included that same phrase, “the truth about Black Lives Matter.” This is something that anyone, of any skin color or political persuasion, might be searching for, for a variety of reasons.
In fact, my own researchers, given that they look high and low for information on just about any topic you could think of –- from any perspective that might possibly be weighing in –- would be very likely to search a phrase such as this. If they had, would that make them white supremacists?
No. Just no.
It would make them...inquisitive, curious, interested. Anybody looking at the varied online search history of my researchers would be mystified as to their personal political proclivities. But if Moonshot wanted to take some searched-for phrase out of context and tar them falsely with extremist beliefs, they certainly could. And so they could with our soldiers.
In fact, when one of us did a search on “white supremacy u.s. military,” this is the first article that came up. We include a link to it for illustrative purposes only; the article itself is a big steaming load of leftist propaganda about how the U.S. military is full of white nationalist extremists. It says that white supremacism in the military is “a problem that threatens both to compromise the integrity of the military and endanger the society it purports to defend.” Feel free to be as offended as we are by this statement, especially if you are in the military or have loved ones who are. If soldiers hate anything, it might be the attempt --- by those they are sworn to defend --- to paint them as racists and domestic terrorists.
This is far from the only article of this type, either, as we checked out articles in THE NEW YORK TIMES and VANITY FAIR. We’ll spare you --- you would thank us, believe me.
We prefer this take on the subject from THE DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION.
As Coglianese suggested on Tucker’s show, doing an online search for such a phrase might even mean you’re a member of Black Lives Matter yourself, trying to find out where on earth $90 million that was raised by the national organization disappeared to. Does that make you a white supremacist? No, it makes you fiscally responsible.
Maybe you’re just wondering about the ideological beliefs supporting BLM, after hearing one of its leaders speak of being a “trained Marxist" or others among its leadership express support not for the Cuban people but for the Communists trying to keep them in their place. In other words, it likely has nothing to do with race at all.
Coglianiese said he’s never seen anything like the current politicization of the military and says it’s “completely out of control.” Asking questions = extremism. Free inquiry = extremism. “It’s getting worse,” he said.
In order to further the left’s narrative about white supremacy in America, they have spread it worldwide, with the Biden administration, through Secretary of State Antony Blinken, even saying it wants the United Nations Human Rights Council to get involved in investigating our country’s “systemic racism.” In case you weren’t aware, some of the new members of the Human Rights Council are (get ready) China, Russia, Pakistan, Senegal, Malawi and Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast). Does this strike you as a little...infuriating? The fact that China and Russia are even ON the Human Rights Council makes no sense, let alone that they, to the delight of the left, are being put in the position of judging our country. And our current leaders actually want that.
Our country should be the bastion of freedom right now. We should be welcoming those who risk their lives to escape Cuba, as they would be political prisoners if they returned. We should have a well-functioning legal immigration system with rules that everyone understands and respects. We should be pressuring China to stop their blatant human rights violations, their enslavement and persecution of religious minorities. We should be known as the nation with a military that fights to preserve freedom for all, regardless of skin color (which is what they DO). In other words, we should be that shining city on a hill. And we could be, if only…
Evening Edition - July 20
July 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - July 20
July 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Texas Dems Update
July 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Five of those Texas House Democrats who fled to DC to prevent a quorum for an election integrity bill have now tested positive for COVID-19, after tweeting photos of themselves on their plane with no facemasks, as is required for everyone else, and meeting with top Democrat officials, including the Vice President. But then, they obviously believe rules are for the little people.
Stephen L. Miller had some fun on Twitter with these fugitive super-spreaders by turning the Dems’ own hyperbolic rhetoric against them:
While we’re all enjoying their hypocrisy on everything from mask mandates to opposing the filibuster for the Senate but not for themselves to claiming they’re standing up for Texas citizens while shirking their jobs and costing Texas citizens over $40,000 a day, they might have actually done one real service to America. They’ve inspired Sen. Lindsay Graham to follow their example.
Graham says he’s been inspired by them to decide that if the Democrats try to force through a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure bill” on a reconciliation vote that does nothing to rebuild infrastructure but that fuels inflation, funds a leftist wish list and opens the floodgates of illegal immigration, Republicans will simply leave and deny the Senate a quorum.
Hey, Democrats are praising the Texans, so they must be fine with it, right? Besides, denying the Democrats a quorum might be the only way to stop it, since some Republican Senators are lining up to be rolled.
The Pentagon Speaks From Phony DNC Playbook
July 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A reader has called our attention to one part of an opinion piece published by THE EPOCH TIMES, “The Left’s Loyalty Test, and the Coming Enforcement of It,” by James Bowman. Specifically this is an oh-so- carefully-phrased testimony by Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that happened to perfectly reflect the DNC talking points about the Capitol breach on January 6.
The testimony appears about halfway through the piece. Here’s the entire op-ed, from July 1. Yes, I know that was three weeks ago, but it remains as pertinent as it was that day. (Note: It’s a “premium” report, which means it’s through a subscription that is well worth signing up for.)
Bowman's piece starts with an account of how language has been changed over the past few decades to give convenient (for the left) new meanings to terms such as “lie” as well as new boundaries for “decent opinion” largely set by THE NEW YORK TIMES. The author gained a preliminary understanding of this discipline during the Clinton administration, but as he writes here, it wasn’t until he heard Gen. Milley testify at the budget hearing in June that “all the pieces of the puzzle came together” and he understood the far-reaching implications of cancel culture.
Recall that Gen. Milley was asked why he studied the works of Marx, Lenin and Mao and why he now supports the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) to our armed forces. His response was mystifying.
“I want to understand white rage,” he testified. “I’m white and I want to understand it. So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America? What caused that? I want to find that out? I want to maintain an open mind here, and I do want to analyze it. It’s important that we understand that, because our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and guardians, they come from the American people. So it’s important that the leaders now and in the future do understand it.”
If you’d like to read the entire transcript, here it is.
Gen. Milley was clearly trying to imply that the Capitol breach was caused by “white rage” and also by a desire to overturn the Constitution.
I want to know: Why is Gen. Milley, the figure who represents all branches of our military, parroting the exact –- the EXACT –- message of the Democratic National Committee, a message that happens to be fraudulent? Surely he isn’t that clueless.
Let’s start first with the idea that entering the Capitol was an attempt to subvert the U.S. Constitution. That’s baloney –- it was just the opposite. The people rallying that day were strong constitutionalists, deeply concerned that their beloved Constitution might have been subverted. They understandably did not trust the vote count in key counties. (As we have learned since and are still learning, they had good reason for that.) They suspected targeted cheating at worst, unconstitutional tinkering at best. But they were told that their arguments were “moot,” that no one, not even the Supreme Court, would hear their complaints, and that they couldn’t do anything about it so they’d just better just shut up.
And now they see that the new administration can’t wait to subvert the Constitution in other ways, such as federalizing elections to prevent states from guarding against fraud.
I've said from the start that what marchers did at the Capitol Building, even if it was urged on by outside forces as it appears to have been, was terribly ill-advised and made matters worse --- much worse. But that’s not to say that their motives weren’t commendable. They wanted to protect the Constitution, not overturn it.
So, where did Gen. Milley get the idea that Trump supporters wanted to subvert the Constitution? Is he really that clueless? Or is he doing the bidding of the left?
And is it possible for him to be even MORE clueless? Perhaps, on the issue of “white rage,” he is. This phony narrative, likewise, is straight out of the DNC playbook. Just because Trump supporters at the Capitol were mostly white does not mean, by any stretch, that race had anything to do with this. And Bowman agrees, when he says:
“Race, I daresay, never entered their heads in this connection, but it has been attributed to them as their motivation on the basis of the previous Democratic talking point, itself based on a bare-faced lie about what Donald Trump had said about the ‘very fine people’ in Charlottesville in 2017, that the former President was a ‘white supremacist.’” In other words, Gen. Milley is perpetuating a hoax.
Bowman points out that the left, “which is now in the saddle and rides both government and media,” is working to establish in our minds that opposition or even disagreement with them will be regarded by the state as a security threat. And we have it straight from the mouth of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
To quote Bowman, this is “as good as an admission that he [Gen. Milley] is also prepared to allow his troops, suitably purged of subversive elements, of course, to be used as enforcers of the one-party, totalitarian rule that the Democrats would like to see as our future.” Is Bowman going too far? I don’t think so.
Monday evening on FOX NEWS PRIMETIME, Brian Kilmeade had a good segment on the military’s strange preoccupation with the political views of its own soldiers. Reportedly, the Pentagon has been working with an “extremism analyst company” to dig through the online history of troops to find evidence of what they term “white supremacist” views. One phrase they search for is “the truth about Black Lives Matter.” As FOX NEWS reports, their search implies that questioning the motives of the BLM movement “is a disinformation narrative perpetuated by white supremacist groups to weaponize anti-BLM sentiment.” That is flat-out wrong; BLM deserves the same scrutiny as any other group.
Former Air Force Lt. Commander Matthew Lohmeier, who says he lost his post after questioning the rise of “diversity issues” in the military, was Kilmeade’s guest. He said very little surprises him any more when it comes to the Pentagon’s focus on “rooting out white extremism and white supremacy.” He questioned the value of using search terms to determine the views of those serving in uniform.
Lohmeier has a new book, IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION, and in researching it, he determined that BLM, going back to 2015, is “an exceptionally politicized project,” with goals such as dismantling the nuclear family and opposing Judeo-Christian values. What does any of this have to do with race?
He says the company the Pentagon hired to examine soldiers’ social media posts is British and “affiliated with former President Obama.” Politicized statements from soldiers on the left appear not to be undergoing scrutiny. But, of course, those soldiers aren’t...racists!
Lohmeier’s book looks like an excellent examination of neo-Marxism within our armed forces, by someone who’s had a taste of that. Gen. Milley should read it.
Pay Attention To South Africa
July 20, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I know Americans usually don’t care much about the internal problems of other countries, but what’s happening in South Africa right now is both a tragedy and a cautionary tale we’d do well to heed.
Sunday would have been the late Nelson Mandela’s birthday, but his dream of a peaceful, multi-racial South Africa has crumbled, with the nation torn by riots, looting, rising radical political parties, racial demonization of whites, staggering unemployment and the jailing of the former President. One woman ruefully tweeted that an entire shopping mall had been looted with the only thing untouched being the bookstore.
And why should this spreading implosion of South Africa be of concern to Americans? Because, as this article from Revolver News explains in depth, it was the first nation built on the concepts of Critical Race Theory, and this is where it’s sadly led.
Absolute PROOF of America’s Greatness! | Huckabee
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Morning Edition - July 19
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - July 19
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...How are the left-wing media controlling the news?
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A reader wrote in to ask, “How are the Democrats/left controlling social media and news? I truly don’t understand how this is happening and would appreciate your thoughts.”
It did seem to happen almost overnight, didn’t it? It was as if all the chess pieces were in place to take over most popular methods of communication. But this has been at work in media for a long time, just as it has been on college campuses and in corporations that suddenly appear “woke,” arranged by people who want nothing less than to control us all. They plan to take down this country and establish what they want. They’re focused like a laser beam, and they’re well on their way to doing this.
It is 100 percent about power: they think that they, as the “virtuous,” the socially aware, are going to be on the winning side and get all the favors while the other half of the country, the “deplorables,” will be at their mercy. That, to them, is “justice.” The “reckoning.” And in order to stop this unraveling and repair the damage we first have to know what their mechanisms are.
Coincidentally, FOX NEWS weekend host Pete Hegseth was on LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN on Sunday to talk with Mark about the imminent threat. Levin has a new book called AMERICAN MARXISM, in which he writes, “Our challenge today is just as crucial and urgent [as it was in Revolutionary days], and in many ways, more complicated. We did not ask for this confrontation, but it is here. And, in truth, like the early days of the Revolutionary War, we are losing. Unfortunately, most of the country has been caught flat-footed and remains unengaged.”
“We’ve reached the point where we’re either going to live in a free society or we’re not,” he says.
The media now are essentially the mouthpiece for the movement to take down America. It wasn’t that long ago when anyone saying that would have been ridiculed. Levin says it was created through “hybridized” or “Americanized” forms of Marxism, “tailored to our country, tailored to our system.” Look at the original mission statement of Black Lives Matter, he says, and it’s easy to see that it’s full of Marxist theory. It’s completely anti-growth and anti-capitalist, using racism as a pretext. I would add that there are other pretexts for government control, such as “climate science” and COVID-19.
Levin finds it significant that the first action Joe Biden took as President was to shut down an oil pipeline. They attacked energy, he said, because energy “provides and serves the energy of our economic system and makes everything else possible in this country. [When ] you control energy, you control the so-called environment, you control the budget, you control the constitutional system, you control EVERYTHING.”
Right now, they control most of the media –- what we call the “mainstream media” or “legacy media” –- and this control goes against a core principle upon which our nation was established. Our founders knew we had to have a free press if the people were going to govern themselves. That doesn’t mean the press in 1800 could be counted on to bring “the facts” --- far from it. But it couldn’t be censored, either.
So, what has happened to the media? Levin traces it back to education, the way journalism schools have indoctrinated their students. “Journalism has changed completely,” he says. “It’s always been liberal, but now it’s out of the closet. People you see on CNN, MSNBC, even on the big networks, would never have made it 30-40 years ago. You would have had responsible executives who would have said, ‘Okay, look. Cut it out. I know we feel this, and I know this is our way, but we’re destroying our brand as a free press.”
Levin continues: “So we do not have a free press. We have a free opinion, if you’re a leftist, but we don’t have a press. We have propaganda mills.” Much of his book is apparently spent talking about THE NEW YORK TIMES.
For generations, journalism schools have been turning out indoctrinated “reporters” set on fundamentally transforming America. Colleges used to teach them how to inform Americans –- the individuals in their own households reading their papers at the kitchen table –- but the mission has changed. Any focus on the individual is gone. It’s now on government, indoctrination, identity groups, sharing approved content, centralized control. Anyone who dares to even question the official word on such issues as the election or the virus is tagged as a destabilizer or even insurrectionist.
Ironically, it’s those in control who are the real insurrectionists, as they’re trying to take all the power, and by whatever means at their disposal.
It became easy for them control news content once they were ensconced in editorial offices in New York and Los Angeles. Add social media to the mix –- with their current ability to censor anything deemed “misinformation” and to monitor and even ban us –- and their control is virtually complete. We’ll need reform legislation or a major Supreme Court decision to change that.
Levin has a section in his book on what I spoke about above; he calls this new agenda-driven reporting “public journalism.” He says that at one time, journalists at least tried to do the right thing, but now they have an agenda. “Look who they hire as news people,” he says, after mentioning ABC’s George Stefanopoulos, who leapfrogged right from the Clinton White House to the newsroom. “Mostly Democrats, but definitely leftists,” Levin notes. Donald Trump exposed this completely, he says. But they go right on; for example, covering for Biden while working for his radical agenda.
And now, as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki openly admitted, we’ve got the White House colluding with Big Tech to thwart the spread of “misinformation.” “You shouldn’t be banned from one platform and not others” if you provide misinformation, she said. Really? Would that by any chance include the “misinformation” that COVID-19 might have come from a Chinese lab? That was misinformation, until it wasn’t.
The good news: most people no longer trust the media. That trust has eroded for decades, and now its level is downright pitiful, especially for TV news. In case you didn’t see it, here’s a poll we reported on yesterday. The media are distrusted only slightly less than Congress!
Still, to function as a republic, we must have sources for real information, not phony narratives. Reform of education is the long-term solution, but for now, just as we need to pull kids out of bad schools, we must also turn to uncensored alternative media, and the sooner the better.
Recommended reading:
BREAKING THE NEWS: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, by Alex Marlow (editor-in-chief of BREITBART NEWS)
SLANTED: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism, by Sharyl Attkisson
THE SMEAR: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote
President Trump Criticizes Biden Over Vaccines
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Former President Trump put out a statement criticizing the way President Biden is handling convincing Americans to get vaccinated against COVID. Because of the media’s prime directive that Trump is always wrong and to blame for all bad things, this is being spun as Trump promoting the anti-vaccination movement, which he wasn’t at all (you can read his statement here for yourself):
As noted, why would Trump, who got the vaccine himself, urged Americans to take it, and rightly takes credit for getting it developed so quickly, back the anti-vaccination movement?
The big story about the lagging vaccination numbers is just how much Democrats themselves have had to do with them. Most of their arguments are based on mockery and condescension rather than facts, and that works with some people, but it’s backfiring big time at convincing people to get vaccinated. To begin with, the idea that the “vaccine hesitant” are a bunch of dumb, anti-science Trump voters is not only insulting, it’s patently false.
A Kaiser poll in May found that only 20% of those hesitant to get vaccinated were Republicans, with 19% being Republican-leaning Independents. 41% were Democrats or Democrat-leaning Independents, and 20% pure Independents or undesignated. So reluctance to get vaccinated spans the political spectrum and might even lean slightly Democrat.
And who’s to blame for that? Biden and Kamala Harris might want to check out the nearest mirror. The press pretends to forget (and Biden probably has forgotten), but Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Cuomo and other top Democrats spent much of the 2020 election campaign casting suspicions on any vaccine developed under Trump (see the media’s prime directive, above.) Harris said flat-out that she would refuse to take it. Here are a couple of strolls down Memory Lane…
That first link up above to also includes a video montage of Biden and Harris throwing shade at vaccines. Of course, that was before they got elected. Then they got the vaccines even before taking office and immediately began taking credit for them. They also began sending other mixed messages, like continuing wearing masks and social distancing even after getting vaccinated, and flip-flopping on issues like the effectiveness of facemasks.
Other attempts to force/convince people to get the jab, from threatening them with loss of rights to sending government reps to our doors to offering $1 million lottery jackpots, have also predictably backfired. The first two simply reinforce the idea that this is more about increasing government power than public health, and the third…well, when you offer someone one miiiiiillion dollars to inject something into their body, you have to expect the reaction to be, “Keep that stuff away from me!”
Incidentally, if only rightwing Republicans are unvaccinated, why is there a surge in cases in Los Angeles? Is that a hotbed of Trump supporters?
Full disclosure: I got the vaccine because having previous lung issues and having lost friends to COVID, I thought it was the best choice for me. But I wouldn’t force it on anyone else. I try to present accurate information and let people make up their own minds. And despite the media narrative, it seems that’s exactly what people are doing.
A study by MIT found that many vaccine hesitant people made decisions that were highly informed, scientifically literate and sophisticated. They examined the date carefully and arrived at the conclusion that because of their age, health status or locations, the risk wasn’t sufficient. The government could try countering that respectfully with fact-based counter-arguments, but it’s easier to assume they’re just morons and treat them as such with orders, bribes and threats of punishment.
Unfortunately, the people in charge now have played politics with this disease so much, and they’ve declared their claims to be absolute truth that may not be questioned (only to see that get reversed over and over again…here’s the latest example)…
…that they’ve flushed their credibility down the porcelain convenience. Like anything else that goes down there, once it’s gone, it’s awfully hard to retrieve.
Be Careful What You Wish For
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
The president of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, reaffirmed that Laurel Hubbard will be allowed to compete in the women’s weightlifting competition, despite having “transitioned to being female” just eight years ago at age 35.
Apparently, the rules (a word he repeats so many times, he must think it’s a magic talisman) say this is perfectly proper because Hubbard’s testosterone level is beneath the limit – and of course, having all that male testosterone through three-and-a-half decades of physical development couldn’t possibly have afforded “her” an unfair advantage.
However, from all the verbal tap-dancing around the word “rules” and Bach’s admission that said rules might get a second look later on, I think it may finally be dawning on the virtue-signaling IOC members just how outrageously unfair this is, and how monumentally bad it’s going to look on international TV. I did try to warn the transgender activists that they should be careful what they demand with this one because if they got it, it might shine the world's biggest spotlight on the outrageous unfairness of their position.
TERRIFYING Poll Numbers for Biden | Breakdown | Huckabee
July 19, 2021
Your Monday Liberal Narrative Buster
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A new Rasmussen survey finds that 53% of Americans say that cracking down on gang activity would be more effective at ending the violent crime wave than restricting legal gun ownership. Only 35% believe the opposite, with 12% not sure.
Maybe Democrat politicians prefer to focus on legal gun owners because it’s so much easier than dealing with actual criminal gangs. For instance, it was recently noted that due to record retirements by police fleeing the hostile liberal political leadership of Chicago, gang members now outnumber cops there by about 117,000 to 13,000, or nearly 10-1.
I wish the social workers who are replacing cops the best of luck in convincing 10 gang members each to hand over their illegal weapons.
Mike Huckabee
“Fight The Power” Updates
July 19, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Angry parents are scoring some victories against the left using schools to indoctrinate children. In Fairfax, Virginia, the superintendent who gutted merit-based standards and did away with the entrance exam to get into the nation’s top high school (leading to a huge drop in acceptance of Asian-American students) has resigned after two groups of parents sued for anti-Asian discrimination.
After getting a tidal wave of negative feedback, the Biden Department of Education reeled back some of its plans to impose "America's racist" history lessons and reaffirmed parents’ right to have a say in local school curricula.
And in Russell County, Virginia, the school board voted unanimously to reject the state board of education’s transgender policies that would force schools to accept whatever a student claims his/her/xir gender to be, regardless of the student’s biology. State officials claim the local board is in violation of the law. But the Founding Freedoms Law Center, which is challenging them in court, says it’s the state policies that are legally problematic and that infringe on numerous fundamental rights of parents, teachers and students.
Bottom line: fighting back against the leftist takeover of schools is working, so keep it up. To quote the late Nancy Reagan, “Just say no!”
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A new poll by Bright Line Watch and You Gov found that a shockingly large number of Americans would be okay with their state seceding from the United States to form a union with more like-minded states.
It’s interesting how easily people flip-flop on the idea of secession. For instance, liberals want to tear down statues of Confederate soldiers because they were treasonous traitors for trying to secede. Then, when Trump was elected, some liberals seriously argued that California should secede. But when some conservative counties wanted to secede from California, secession became unthinkable again.
Of course, as the story notes, this wasn’t a carefully thought-out response (they didn’t phrase it as, “Would you like to have a civil war?”), but the answers are still disturbing for what they tell us about the fractious times in which we live.
Sadly, the left has done a very good job of attacking patriotism and undermining national unity, miseducating young people about America’s history and ideals, abusing government power and turning Americans against each other to advance their political goals. Social media has also had a cancerous effect on national unity and identity, allowing people to live inside bubbles of group-think where they never engage civilly with anyone who disagrees with them and hide behind the anonymity of screen names to threaten and demonize others.
This is why, more than ever, parents need to take back control of schools, so that young generations can again learn why America is such a great nation, and why truly oppressed people risk their lives to come here and wave American flags when they demonstrate for freedom.
That history should also include lessons about the most trying times, like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, when Americans put aside all their bickering and stood together because an attack on any of us is an attack on all of us. Teach them that when the Twin Towers fell in New York City, Texans stood in line to donate blood, and nobody gave a thought to whether their red state blood might be saving a blue state resident. We were all Americans then. We still are. We just need to be reminded more often, without having to suffer a national tragedy to have it brought home to us.
Jen Psaki’s SHOCKING Admission | FOTM | Huckabee
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Ye Shall Know Them By Their Fruits
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Biden’s VP Kamala Harris, put in charge of border security, allowed a massive surge of illegal immigration to go on for 140 days before telling Guatemalans not to come to the US. His Secretary of State took only 2 days to tell Cubans who might try to flee here from brutal communist oppression not to come to the US. And while the Administration is tying the hands of ICE and the Border Patrol, they're sending in the Coast Guard to block any Cubans from getting here.
Roger Simon at the Epoch Times has a blistering op-ed about how the Biden Administration is turning its back on Cuban pro-freedom protesters while (in an eerie echo of Obama’s desertion of Iranian pro-freedom protesters) removing sanctions on Iran and kowtowing to the Mullahs to get them to reenter Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal.
The full article is behind a paywall, but if you’re not a subscriber, that Instapundit link has a substantial excerpt, including this opening, which deserves to be quoted far and wide:
“If I hadn’t left the Democratic Party years ago, I would leave it now. Their namby-pamby, lip-service reaction to the uprising of the Cuban people against 62 years of brutal communist oppression is shameful beyond words.”
Morning Edition - July 18
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...VP Harris Insults Rural America
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
For reasons that make no sense, Democrats are dead set against requiring a person to have a photo ID in order to vote. The “idea” of an “ID” is simple enough—you should vote, but your vote should be protected by making sure you are the person doing the voting. If someone votes your ballot, they are stealing it from you.
I’m fairly well known and most places I go, I’m recognized and called by my name before I even sign in at the front desk. This happens at the airport, at a doctor’s or dentist’s office, and at a bank when I wish to withdraw funds. Even so, without a photo ID, I couldn’t see a doctor, fly on a plane, or pay for groceries with a check. I couldn’t take out a loan, check into a hotel or rent a car, or pick up baseball tickets at the will-call window. In most cities I couldn’t even enter a large office building. So why the heartburn about having a photo ID to vote?
The argument that it’s racist to require the ID for voting is not just laughable—it’s insulting to people of color to assume they are somehow less capable than white people to function in our current world. Black or brown people are as smart as I am, and I know they too go to doctors, hospitals, hotels, office buildings, and fly on planes. To suggest that obtaining or using a photo is just too complicated for a black or brown person is outrageous and denigrating. Do Democrats really think so little of minorities? It’s not racist to ask ALL people, whatever color they are, to have a photo ID when they vote. It is 100% racist to insinuate that a minority person is too dumb or lacks the basic life skills to obtain or use a photo ID.
Vice President Kamala Harris insulted people in rural America this week by saying that a photo ID would be too much to ask of people in rural parts of the country, because if we had to make a photo copy (or as she said if we had to Xerox our ID or go to Kinkos), we wouldn’t have the ability to do that.
She needs to visit rural America more. She might be surprised to find out we have electricity, running water, paved roads, cable tv indoor plumbing, and yes, even connections to the INTERWEB! We even wear shoes and store-bought britches. Heck, a bunch of us have even been to an airport and flown on those big jet planes. And we even have toilet paper. If we run out, we have the NY Times, since the Sears catalog no longer gets printed. I’ll bet she doesn’t even know that we quit using horse drawn carriages years ago and drive big ol’ fancy cars like the folks in California. Now I admit, we ain’t all as fancy as the folks in CA where she comes from. We still sometimes use plastic straws, eat real ribeye steaks instead of tofu, and believe that church is more essential than a casino or topless bar. And if the VP wants to come down for a visit, we can show her that all our folk no matter what color—know how to get and use photo ID. And we also know how to get and use a cast iron skillet and this might really mess her up—we know how to get and use a rifle, shotgun, or pistol. Most of us would never think of using those things on people unless they are dumb enough to try and invade our homes or threaten our families. And then it’s not us that will need a photo ID. It’s the dumb son of a gun who tried to break into our house. He’ll need a photo ID so the authorities can notify the next of kin.
DACA Ruling Stuns Democrats
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Friday, a federal judge ruled in favor of Texas and eight other red states in ending Obama’s DACA program (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.) It’s the program that prevents the deportations of illegal immigrants who were brought here as children. Currently, there are about 650,000 people enrolled, and while the judge didn’t remove protections from them, he said there can be no more applicants.
The ruling stunned Democrats and their media handmaidens, but it shouldn’t have. I’ve been writing for years about why DACA is unconstitutional. Even Obama himself said he didn’t have the power to do it before he went ahead and did it anyway. Since then, it’s been treated as untouchable holy writ, despite the fact that it was plainly unconstitutional and even its creator said so.
While critics will wail about the cruelty and unfairness of the ruling, how you feel about the law is irrelevant. As Governor of Arkansas, I saw no point in sending people who had been brought here as children, raised as Americans and gone to school on the taxpayers’ dime to be deported to where they couldn’t even speak the language just as they were about to become productive taxpayers. But the judge was only doing his job of upholding the Constitution. He made it clear that if Congress wants to create DACA, then Congress has to do it. Creating immigration laws is their job, not the President's.
Ironically, they could have done so years ago. This article talks about how President Trump unsuccessfully tried to undo Obama’s unconstitutional version of DACA and was thwarted by courts with far less regard for the Constitution. He actually wanted to pass a legitimate form of DACA, but Democrats in Congress were so furious that they lost the 2016 election, they refused to work with Trump even on things they wanted, like DACA or infrastructure spending. Now, what they call “infrastructure” and Obama’s version of DACA are both in jeopardy because they childishly ignored the rules, demanded more than was reasonable and just wanted to attack.
Why am I reminded of this Aesop fable?...
Evening Edition - July 18
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...News That Might Get Me Banned
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Things that might get me banned for reporting: A study in Israel found that out of 7,700 new cases of COVID in the latest wave, 72 (less than 1%) were people who had the disease and got reinfected. About 3,000, or 40%, were people who had been vaccinated (it’s not clear which vaccine they got.)
When you factor in that 835,792 Israelis have had COVID and recovered and nearly 5.1 million have been vaccinated, that means that vaccinated people were 6.72 times more likely to get infected than people with natural immunity.
Of course, this still means that only a little over three thousand out of nearly 6 million people who were either vaccinated or previously infected got it, so that’s still awfully low. But it doesn’t sound like a very solid argument for forcing people who’ve already had it to get vaccinated.
Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee
The White House Fight To Stop "Misinformation"
July 18, 2021
Mike Huckabee
White House press secretary Jen Psaki not only revealed that the Administration is colluding with Facebook to ban people who spread what they decide is “misinformation,” but she doubled down by claiming that if you’re banned from one social media platform, you should be banned from all of them. Note to college students who like to call everyone they dislike a “fascist”: this is actual fascism.
Unfortunately for this plan, unless Biden is able to impose actual fascism, he can’t prevent private companies from doing whatever they want, like welcoming all the customers that dumb social media platforms turn away because they care more about promoting leftist political agendas than serving customers and making money. I doubt that Parler, Rumble, MeWe and all the other alternative outlets that are popping up like weeds to challenge the Big Tech monopolies will be quite so willing to turn away millions of customers because Joe Biden doesn’t like what they’re saying.
Along those lines, GETTR, a new social media platform co-created by former Trump spokesman Jason Miller, has added 1.5 million users in record time before most Republicans have even heard of it.
Ironically, if you could be banned from the media for dispensing misinformation, Jen Psaki would be out of a job.
Morning Edition - July 17
July 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - July 17
July 17, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Morning Edition - July 16
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...NYC School Principal Under Investigation
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
A New York City school principal is under investigation and may lose her job because she allegedly let her hostility toward white people inspire her to try to divide the faculty by race to get the minorities to conspire with her to fire white teachers.
Here’s the good news in the story: 83% of the teaching staff – including whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Jews – signed a complaint against the principal, saying she’s a vindictive bigot who tried to divide them against each other by race, and they “no longer have confidence” in her ability to lead the school.
I would like to believe that about 83% of teachers in a lot of schools realize how poisonous all this racial division is but are afraid to speak up out of fear of the loud-mouthed 17%. Let’s hope they take inspiration from these teachers of all races who had enough and dared to say, “No more!”
Evening Edition - July 16
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Seeing double in Fulton County: a follow-up
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
First, a reader comment about our Fulton County story...
From Michael:
I would like to ask if this could be forwarded to some groups I am in. I am a Georgia voter. Fulton County is the most crooked county in Georgia, and that has been true for a long time. I would like to publicize this as far as I could.
Yes, by all means! Here is the link to that report again.
Since the shock of what we saw at State Farm Arena on Election Night 2020, we’ve been getting an increasingly clear picture of what was likely going on. Fulton County officials have been as uncooperative and non-transparent as it gets, and it’s hard to believe they’d behave this way if they didn’t have something to hide.
Since Tucker Carlson reported on the duplicate ballot scans Wednesday night, there’s been an all-out war declared to try to get him off the air at FOX NEWS. This is an organized effort called #TuckerIsKillingUs, featuring a video montage suggesting that his advice, particularly on the virus and medical issues, is irresponsible and will get people killed.
Author and communications expert Scott Adams, the creator of the “Dilbert” cartoon strip, said Thursday in his “Coffee With Scott Adams” podcast that if significant fraud in the Trump-Biden race can be proved, “Trump’s your next President.” (That doesn’t mean he would be rightfully installed as President before 2024, but it does mean he’d win the next election if he chose to run.) No wonder leftists are pulling out all the stops to keep auditors from seeing everything.
“If Tucker’s reporting holds up,” he said, “Trump’s your next President, because it will be too delicious to keep him out of office.” The danger they saw in a Trump first term –- meaning the danger to the system they have in place –- would be “on steroids” in a second term, he said, because Trump wouldn’t have to worry about getting re-elected. “I don’t think Republicans would be able to resist letting a rabid dog into the house with their enemies. I feel like, if the pit bull wants to kill somebody, and you need somebody killed --- figuratively speaking, not actually killing people --- I feel like it’s gonna be too hard to resist.”
He said that, in general, people make decisions based on how they feel, not primarily on policy. “How would you feel,” he asked, “if you believed that the election was fraudulent, and even if it didn’t change the final outcome, they tried really hard [to cheat for Biden]?”
“That’ll get you to the election, won’t it?”
A story in RedState supports his view. In special elections in Georgia, Alabama and Wisconsin, Republicans “overperformed” compared to the 2020 election. And it was in Georgia, a state currently under the magnifying glass for its conduct in 2020, that we saw this the most. Republicans came out in force in a suburban Atlanta district that had seen the GOP vote share dip to an all-time low just under a year ago. (I won’t speculate on how accurate that vote count was.) Voters swung 22 points back to the GOP.
The Democrats were so taken aback that “Fair Fight,” the organization headed by failed gubernatorial candidate and “voting rights” activist Stacey Abrams, tweeted this: “Tonight, Georgia Republicans won a Republican district, just like Georgia Democrats will continue to win our Democratic state. The election was an opportunity for us to protect voters in the midst of unprecedented attacks on the freedom to vote across the country.”
They also tweeted this nugget of racism: “While the Georgia GOP’s spin factory kicks into high gear, they continue running scared from the voters of color across the state who defeated them last November and again in January.”
Of course, she was referring to the proposed voting law in her own state of Georgia. Polls show that most people, of all colors, are for such safeguards as photo IDs for voters. But the Democrat leadership is desperate to stop any attempts to keep elections honest, so they’re manufacturing the necessary outrage. Here’s a great opinion piece on that, also from RedState.
Georgia's Republican secretary of state Brad Raffensperger is seeing the writing on the wall for Fulton County, and on Thursday he called for the firing of top elections officials there. He says that elections director Richard Barron and voter registration chief Ralph Jones have got to go.
“Every time we think we’ve reached the peak of Fulton County’s election mismanagement issues, more comes to light,” he told THE EPOCH TIMES. You’d think that line would have come from Tucker Carlson or perhaps us, but no, it came from the Georgia secretary of state.
Still, though, his office is trying to maintain that fraud did not occur. Carter Jones said that double-counting is not evidence of fraud. “Fulton is so poor at handling the actual process that if they had actually tried to rig the election, they would have bungled it and we would have found out,” he said.
Jones is the one who was in charge of monitoring issues real-time on Election Day. His handwritten notes contain words such as “chaos,” “confusion,” and “a massive chain of custody problem.” Why would chain of custody be important except to safeguard against cheating?
He cited many more problems. THE EPOCH TIMES has all the shocking details here in a “premium” story, well worth signing up for.
Truly, Election Night was an absolute horror show in Fulton County, Georgia. If what happened there affected just their own local races, one could argue that they deserve what they get if they can’t manage their elections better than that. But, through cheating or incompetence or (most likely) a combination of both, they played an important role in inflicting the Biden administration on the whole country.
And, yes, I’d say that’s a firing offense.
Communism Is A Vicious, Inhuman System
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
President Biden must’ve gone off-script yesterday because he finally said something about Cuba, and communism in general, that I agree with:
"Communism is a failed system, universally failed system, and I don't see socialism as a very useful substitute, but that's another story."
Dana Loesch’s response, which you can see at the link, is a bit more accurate and much blunter, so I’ll let you click to read that. I’ll just agree with her that it’s more than a failure, it’s a vicious, inhuman system that’s been responsible for oppression, starvation and mass murder everywhere it’s been tried. Let’s hope this statement is a baby step toward Biden realizing the full truth about communism and actually doing something to help people who are trying to stand up against it in places like Cuba and Hong Kong.
In the meantime, I expect Bernie Sanders and the Squad to remain as silent about this latest Biden quote as they have been about all those Cubans rising up against their tyrannical socialist government.
Related: Here is one of Kurt Schichter’s typically hilarious but brutal commentaries about Cuba and why our elite leaders would rather side with the socialist dictators than the freedom-demanding people.
Schlichter goes down a checklist of recent actions by our own federal government that sound eerily like the nation that Cubans want to flee: Controlling information and debate, targeting political opponents with law enforcement, encouraging children to report thought crimes by their parents to the government, etc. He arrives at this chilling conclusion:
“Look at Cuba today, and you see America tomorrow.” Except that Americans still have the power to prevent that, if they’ll just get together and do it.
I might have to ask Kurt Schlichter about this topic when he’s my guest this weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN.
Your Daily Leftist Narrative Smashers
July 16, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Instapundit has a round-up of the latest polls on election reforms that President Biden claims are the greatest assault on Democracy since the Civil War. I guess a lot of people want to reenact the Civil War, since it turns out that 57% want ballot harvesting banned, 70% want all mail-in ballots received by Election Day, and 76% support having to show a photo ID before voting.
Also, after taking a dip in 2019, confidence in the police has rebounded among black Americans. Meanwhile, confidence in the justice system (i.e., the DA’s and courts) is very low across all racial groups.
At the link, analysts say people have realized that the left’s “bail reform” is a failure that’s turning criminals loose to victimize people over and over; that Biden’s proposals to reduce crime are just pandering to the far-left who want to dismantle police; and that the pendulum has swung from “Defund the police” to “Wait a minute: we need more and better policing to stop this crime wave!”
If only someone had been able to predict that defunding the police and letting criminals out of jail would lead to a crime wave. Well, I guess we can’t expect our leaders to be psychic. It would be nice, though, if we could count on them not to be psychotic.
Socialism Fans: Time To Face The Truth
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Since AOC and other icons of young “Democratic socialists” are being eerily silent about the Cuban people’s uprising against socialist tyranny, I’d like to call attention to this excellent op-ed that came out last month on from Humberto Fontova.
I didn’t write about it then, but it’s suddenly become incredibly timely. Fontova begins by quoting singer Debbie Harry of the rock group Blondie, who recently performed in Havana as part of a four-day cultural exchange that was made into a film being shown outside Cuba. I’m sure the Cuban leaders think it’s great publicity for their regime.
Ms Harry mouths the typical fashionable comments of a liberal US celebrity: having previously declared that “Americans are suffering at the hands of President Trump” and denounced him as a “racist,” she lauded Che Guevarra and Fidel Castro as “fascinating, enigmatic political heroes and antiheroes in the United States for the most part. It was always very attractive to me…”
The rest of the article goes on to detail what Cuba and those “fascinating political heroes” were really like. It’s nothing like the dreamy image of Che on dorm room posters. For instance, did you know that Cuba imprisoned more black political prisoners for longer and under worse conditions than South Africa jailed Nelson Mandela? Or that 10 times the number of Cubans have died trying to escape Cuba than died trying to escape communist East Germany? Or that under her idol Fidel, simply being caught listening to “imperialist” rock music like her band makes could get you thrown into a forced labor camp guarded by machine gunners?
So why was Blondie welcomed? Because, as an unearthed Soviet KGB document from 1981 explained, “Cultural exchanges with foreign countries are our most effective propaganda.” In short, Blondie was played, and I don’t mean the records because that could get you thrown into prison in Cuba.
None of this is intended to pick on Ms Harry, who merely repeated the kind of propaganda that most showbiz liberals have been spoon-fed. But with the truth about Cuba and the way its socialist dictators have oppressed, starved and abused its people finally breaking through into the public consciousness, this is a great time to pull back the curtain and learn that it’s nothing new. It’s not because of COVID, or Trump’s sanctions, as the media would like you to believe. It’s longstanding communist tyranny and rot, the end result of all socialist regimes.
It’s time for all the Che and Fidel fans to take off their blinders and face the truth. This article is a great, eye-opening place to start.
Evening Edition - July 15
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...BLM And Leftists Prove They Know Nothing About Cuba
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
As brave pro-freedom protesters continue to rally in Cuba, some Americans are bravely standing up for Cuba’s communist dictators. For instance, it was noted that two years ago, the creator of the 1619 Project, who “don’t know much about history” (to quote the great Sam Cooke), proved she also don’t know much about anything else by praising the Cuban government for solving the problem of racism.
Nikole Hannah-Jones said, “If you want to see the most equal multi-racial democ--…It’s not a democracy — the most equal multi-racial country in our hemisphere, it would be Cuba.”
And she would be wrong (although kudos to her for actually recognizing that Cuba's not a democracy.) You’d think Cuba’s government would be colorblind and oppress all races equally, but even that isn’t true. As I noted yesterday, quoting an article at by Humberto Fontova, Cuba has imprisoned many more black political prisoners than apartheid-era South Africa and held them longer and under worse conditions than Nelson Mandela suffered.
Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter stirred outrage by praising Cuba’s communist government and blaming the US embargo for the Cuban people’s deprivations.
BLM tweeted that Cuba is being "punished by the U.S. government because the country has maintained its commitment to sovereignty and self-determination” and that Cuba has been an ally with "oppressed peoples of African descent" and protected "Black revolutionaries like Assata Shakur."
(Shakur, aka JoAnne Chesimard, was a convicted cop killer who escaped prison and fled to Cuba, where Fidel Castro granted her asylum as a thumb-in-the-eye to the US. In effect, she fled one prison for another.)
News flash to BLM: the Cuban people aren’t starving because the US won’t let them have food. They’re starving because communist systems always lead to decay, devolution and deprivation; and because, as the pro-freedom activists have made clear, if you’d bothered to listen to them, the dictators use food as a weapon, depriving people of it if they dare to protest. You know, like you’ve enriched yourselves by doing.
If you’re not like BLM or Ms. Jones and you want to know what’s really been going on in Cuba for a long time, how it led to this point, and how this uprising by the people against their oppressors has other would-be socialist tyrants with dreams of keeping the masses in line terrified, check out this MUST-READ article by Austin Bay…
And this one by Antonio García Martínez, who delivers the shocking news to liberals who visited Cuba under Obama that they were duped by a fantasy and kept in “a Potemkin Air BnB” that bore no relation to the harsh reality of the lives of Cubans under a communist dictatorship. But then, American “progressives” must be used to living in reality-denying fantasy bubbles by now.
Seeing double (ballot scans) in Fulton County, Georgia
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Okay, folks. We have some reports out of Fulton County, Georgia, regarding an investigation into the vote count that’s been going on there for the past few weeks. Those who say there’s nothing to see are either not paying attention or trying to divert yours.
We've gone one more step or two on the trail to retrace what happened on Election Night in Fulton County. It appears that many ballots were scanned at least twice. One can do an A-B comparison and see that two scanned ballots are identical in the way they were filled out. In fact, there’s really no question that they’re the same ballot. But note this one important caveat: just because a ballot was scanned twice doesn’t prove it was counted twice. Still, if ballots WERE counted more than once, this is just what it would look like, as seen in a video from Tuesday.
We all saw the security cam video of Election Night from the State Farm Arena in which election workers were feeding ballots into tabulation machines with no poll watchers at all. Again, I’m not saying it’s proven that ballots were counted twice –- but they could have been. The allegation is that entire batches were re-scanned and might have been counted more than once.
A group called VotersGA –- Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia –- got a court order in late June to obtain higher-resolution scanned images of 147,000 mail-in ballots (not the ballots themselves) and now allege that the hand-count audit that has already been done in Fulton County is “riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.” Here’s a link to their claims.
Attention would-be censors: we acknowledge that nothing we might say changes the outcome of the election. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. At the same time, if our system is to survive, we all have to have confidence in our elections going forward, and that is currently not the case. Sweeping the problems and suspected abuses under the rug is no way to earn that confidence. If there are issues that might affect election outcomes, we have to fix them.
So, to reported by THE EPOCH TIMES, the analysis by VotersGA showed that at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots were “added redundantly to the audit results.” Of those 4,255 votes, nearly 3,400 were for Biden.
And after audit tally sheets were finally turned over to them by Fulton County officials, they found seven sheets they believe were fabricated to show falsified vote totals. For example, a batch that would have gone 59 percent for Biden and 42 percent for Trump went 100 percent for Biden and 0 percent for Trump.
This is just one of the “massive audit errors” that Garland Favorito, founder of VotersGA, says they found. Recall the tiny sliver of difference between the vote counts for Biden and Trump in Georgia: out of over 4.9 million votes cast, Biden’s margin of victory was fewer than 12,000 votes statewide.
VoterGA had petitioned the court in late 2020, with Henry County Judge Brian Amero overseeing the case, to get clearance to inspect all the mail-in ballots, alleging that fraud had taken place. (Favorito was one of those who said they’d personally seen wrongdoing.) If you’d like some background, this report in THE EPOCH TIMES from a few weeks back will help.
Note that petitioners had wanted to go to the county’s ballot storage warehouse and observe as workers scanned the ballots at higher resolution and that Judge Amero had said they could, but later canceled the visit after Fulton County filed motions to dismiss the case. At every turn, Fulton County officials have been trying to block any look at the actual ballots.
Recall the security breach that happened at that warehouse. Of course, we were assured that none of the ballots had been “stolen or compromised.”
Lawyers for Fulton County argued that petitioners lack standing (the go-to argument to try to stop investigation), that they did not file in the proper way for the relief they seek, and promised that “the county will not count counterfeit ballots in future elections.” Pinky swear?
Judge Amero did dismiss several claims brought against county officials on grounds of “sovereign immunity,” but he allowed the five members of the Fulton County’s Board of Registration and Elections to be named. They might act as though they’re sovereign, but they apparently don’t qualify for immunity.
At the state level, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who has claimed there was no “widespread fraud” in the 2020 election, is referring complaints to Fulton County, but Rep. Jody Hice, who is challenging him in the next Republican primary, has called on him to resign. “In Fulton County, there is now undeniable proof of voter irregularity if not outright voter fraud,” Hice asserted.
Favorito said elected officials have known about the discrepancies they’ve found “for a long, long time” and have been covering it up.
A report in THE POST MILLENNIAL offers a good summary of what’s going on in Fulton County, and includes Tucker Carlson’s segment on it from Wednesday night.
Fourth Circuit Court Of Appeals Strikes Down Gun Law
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, in a victory for both Second Amendment rights and common sense, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the 21-year-old age requirement for legally purchasing guns.
Many of our age limit laws make little sense (you can get married at 18 but you can’t drink a beer until you’re 21, etc.), but this one was particularly onerous. You can join the military at 18 and carry high-powered weaponry onto a battlefield, but you can’t buy the kind of deer rifle that most male students in my high school used to have on a rack in the back window of their pickup trucks (and somehow, it never occurred to any of us to use them to shoot our classmates.)
The Court quite sensibly found that the Bill of Rights applies to all adult Americans upon reaching the age of 18, and Congress has no power to make an exception for the right to keep and bear arms. Judge Julius Richardson wrote, "Despite the weighty interest in reducing crime and violence, we refuse to relegate either the Second Amendment or 18- to 20-year-olds to a second-class status."
I was glad to see the Court specifically point out the logical fallacy so often cited in passing gun control laws: that just because there were more legal gun purchases and higher crime, that didn’t prove that the first thing caused the second. Congress didn’t consider illegal gun purchases, which are how most criminals get their weapons. They just reacted to crime by trying to take away the rights of law-abiding gun owners.
That’s a pretty fair encapsulation of the argument behind most gun control laws. It’s a relief to see that the Court applied reason to it and rejected it.
Morning Edition - July 15
July 15, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mike Huckabee
Moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia is once against throwing a wrench into the Democrats’ plan to ram through an orgy of spending ($3.5 trillion, much of it “progressive” wishlist stuff like legalizing millions of illegal immigrants, killing the fossil fuel industry and funding “green jobs,” something you might remember from the Obama years. It worked out so well!)
The Democrats ludicrously call this massively expensive transformative legislation a “budget bill" so they can ram it through the Senate on reconciliation without a single Republican vote. But Manchin is standing in the way by saying the words that, to a DC Democrat, are like showing a cross to Dracula: “We have to pay for all this.”
Manchin said he’s willing to look at whatever’s proposed, and he was looking forward to a meeting where President Biden was allegedly going to explain how this will all be paid for (I’d love to hear that one myself!) But Manchin pointed out that we already have a $28.5 trillion national debt, and “I’d like to start paying for it,” adding, “I think we’ve put enough free money out.”
Seriously, how is this guy still a Democrat? These days, a Democrat Senator talking about paying off debt and refusing to throw away more money is like Biden claiming to be a faithful Catholic while pushing abortion harder than Margaret Sanger.
Morning Edition - July 14
July 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Comparing Presidents
July 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I miss having a President who wildly exaggerated how good everything was. It was invigorating to hear Trump boast that we had the best economy in the universe or the strongest job growth in the history of the world. Sure, it was a little over the top, but you knew the underlying theme was true, and it made you feel good about America and think that things could only get better and not even the sky was the limit.
Flash forward, and now we have a President who wildly exaggerates how bad everything is and actively tries to make us despise and distrust our fellow Americans because of it. Tuesday in Pennsylvania, President Biden ominously claimed that asking people to show the same ID to vote that they had to show to get into the venue where he was speaking is racist oppression on the level of the Ku Klux Klan. And that a handful of rowdy pro-Trump protesters in the Capitol were a worse threat to the government than the Confederate Army during the Civil War (he hyperbolically added, “That’s not hyperbole.”)
(Megyn Kelly set liberal heads exploding by daring to say what many have started thinking: yes, that is hyperbole, and the “Great Attempted Insurrection of January 6th“ has gotten blown way out of proportion. It seems to get bigger every time a Democrat tells it, like a fisherman talking about the one that got away):
This is of a piece with claiming that exercising the filibuster in the Senate is an unprecedented assault on democracy (it’s only okay for the minority to block a majority vote when Texas Democrats do it.) Or that expecting men to stay out of the ladies’ room is hateful transphobic oppression. Or that the growing white supremacy movement is an even bigger threat to America than it was in the days when there actually was a growing white supremacy movement.
Biden is starting to remind me of comic Dana Carvey’s character, “The Grumpy Old Man,” who would fume about how ridiculously terrible things were back in his day, except that Biden does it when he talks about today. Only it’s very selective grumpiness: as Katie Pavlich at reminds us, he’s fulminating against Georgia election laws that are less restrictive than the ones that have prevailed for years in his own home state that he’s never criticized at all.
Democrats have to convince us that everything from the weather to showing your ID when you vote is a hair-on-fire emergency, because that’s how you get people to panic, turn against each other, and make bad rash decisions without thinking, like voting to put Democrats in charge of things. It usually doesn’t take long before people come to their senses and say, “What have I done?!”
The fact is that America does face many serious problems. We do have violent insurrectionists attacking the very foundations of our government. We have a rising tide of violent crime. We have serious problems with the economy that are threatening to get worse. And we really do have people who are trying to turn us against each other by bringing back awful racist ideas from the past, like segregation and judging people by their skin color instead of their character, and even forcing those poisonous notions onto our children.
The problem with putting Democrats in charge of fixing those things is that every last one of them is coming from their side.
Evening Edition - July 14
July 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mike Huckabee
A month ago, William M. McSwain, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, wrote to former President Trump to allege he’d been pressured by then-Attorney General Bill Barr not to investigate voter fraud and election irregularities in his state. Trump released the letter on Monday, on the eve of Biden’s visit there and what turned out to be a bizarre speech on voting rights (but I digress).
The letter was accompanied by a statement from Trump that called Barr’s actions “outrageous!”
We thought it best not to jump on this but to use the good old 48-hour rule, as it's technically hearsay about Barr. And, sure enough, Barr has since denied this. “It’s written to make it seem like I gave him a directive,” Barr said in an interview with POLITICO. “I never told him not to investigate anything.”
But with that in mind, we must at least consider what has been alleged by this former U.S. attorney.
“President Trump,” McSwain wrote, “you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania –- it was a partisan disgrace.”
He went on to say that his office had received numerous allegations of election fraud and irregularities, on Election Day and afterwards, but that Barr had instructed him not to make any public statements or put out press releases about any of that. Barr had also told him to pass any serious allegations along to the Pennsylvania AG for investigation. That would have been Josh Shapiro, who before the election tweeted “Trump is going to lose” if “all the votes are added up” in Pennsylvania.
McSwain told Trump he disagreed with those orders but followed them anyway, as he had been trained to do as a Marine infantry officer.
Recall that before the election, Barr sent a memo to all U.S. attorneys authorizing them to probe any “substantial allegations” of election irregularities before election results were certified. At the same time, though, he told them it would be “prudent” to proceed with any election integrity matters as a “preliminary inquiry so as to assess whether available evidence warrants further investigative steps.” In other words, they could stick a toe in, but they were to proceed with caution.
“While serious allegations should be should be handled with great care,” he told them, “specious, speculative, fanciful or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.”
In retrospect, this directive involves some big gray areas. For example, who gets to define “specious,” “speculative,” etc? What seems highly possible or even probable to you or me might have been labeled far-fetched by those who dreamed of, or even just assumed, a Trump loss.
As early as September 2, 2020, Barr said he was aware of “big” fraud investigations over reported issues with mail-in ballots in several states. But he also said that because the country was so closely divided, this was like “playing with fire.”
Recall also that after the election, in December 2020, Barr told the Associated Press that the DOJ had found no evidence of election fraud “on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” If only we could tell how hard he was really looking. As Jonathan Karl relates in his upcoming book, BETRAYAL, Barr said he suspected all along that there was nothing there and that “it was all bullsh**.”
But back to the present day, and McSwain’s letter to Trump. Here’s the pdf.
One reason we hesitated to run with this letter is that in it, McSwain also told Trump that he’s a candidate for governor of Pennsylvania –- the Republican in the race with “the best chance to win the general election in November 2022.” He asked for Trump’s support.
As it happens, Josh Shapiro, the state AG to whom McSwain was supposed to turn over allegations of fraud, might very well be his Democrat opponent in the governor’s race.
So keep this in mind when assessing Mr. McSwain’s allegations of election hanky-panky in Pennsylvania. Was he just trying to gain favor with Trump? He did go on to say that one of his first priorities if elected would be to modernize Pennsylvania’s election process to protect the voting rights of all citizens. “That means no ballot harvesting, unsigned ballots, undated ballots, ballots collected after Election Day (other than legitimate military and overseas absentee ballots), obstacles to poll watchers observing the counting of ballots, different rules in different counties, and, of course, no ballot stuffing of the kind I previously prosecuted," he said. "It also means responsible voter ID legislation.” All good, but certainly what Trump would want to hear.
He said he wants to make it easy to vote but hard, if not impossible, to cheat.
So, where is Bill Barr on all this, really? Is it true that he was telling a U.S. attorney not to look into charges of election fraud in Pennsylvania but to instead pass them along to someone who anticipated a Trump loss once "all the votes are added up"? Again, Barr denies ordering this.
THE EPOCH TIMES also summarized this story in a “premium” report.
The Gov. answers reader comment on Biden family grift
July 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
This letter came in response to Tuesday's story on Peter Schweizer's apparently fruitful investigation into Hunter Biden and his dad, President Joe Biden.
From Sam M (with slight editing):
Be careful of what you ask for. Getting your wish may be worse than sucking it up and sticking it out!!
Remember the constitutionally MANDATED line of succession when a President is removed by impeachment or Article 25. Do you really think Harris or Pelosi would be better? Unfortunately, the only realistic solution is to vote out the House socialists in November 2022 to get an anti-socialist Speaker of the House. At that time, we can talk about removal of corrupt or incompetent Presidents as a way to protect our Constitutional form of government.
From the Gov:
Thanks for writing, Sam. No, neither Harris nor Pelosi would be better. But remember, the Democrats are playing chess, not checkers, so we have to do so as well. Here is what the chess board looks like to us, right at this moment
A lot will happen between now and November 2022. If the Democrats think they’re going to be blown out of the water at the next election (which seems almost certain at present, considering they’ve “outed themselves” as being totally batwing crazy), they know they have to set themselves up to be in as strong a position as possible before that happens. This means acting while Congress is in their hands, while Pelosi and not a Republican speaker is in the line of succession. That’s for insurance.
“Be careful what you wish for” doesn’t really enter in, because it seems likely that before the next election, regardless of what does or doesn't come out about his family, President Biden will be removed BY THE DEMOCRATS, using the 25th Amendment. In other words, they're going to beat us to the punch.
It’s hard to imagine that they would wait till after 2022. For one thing, Biden’s appearance suggests that he’s suffering a mental decline even steeper than anticipated, and if that’s the case, they’ll have to do it fairly soon –- pretending, of course, that it’s a desperation move made in the interest of the country. For another, they’ll want to have their ducks in a row before Congress changes hands. That means putting Kamala in the White House and getting as much radical legislation passed and signed as possible. If you think this will disgust the electorate and lead to a sure Democrat loss in 2022, you’re right, but Democrats know they’re going to lose then ANYWAY, and probably by such a margin that no amount of cheating could make up for it. So, yes, Sam, we will have to suck it up...for President Kamala Harris.
What do we do then? As bone-chilling as the prospect of a President Harris might be, we have to ask if there is anything about her that rises to a charge of “high crimes and misdemeanors." This is an open question, but at the moment we don’t know of anything specific. (Of course, President Trump didn’t have anything illegal, either, but that didn’t stop the Democrats from making stuff up –- twice.) Unless we uncover something or decide to act like Democrats and hop aboard that rusty ol’ impeachment train anyway, we’re likely stuck with a President Harris, tempered to a degree by the newly-elected Republican Congress and Senate, until January 20, 2025.
The crystal ball grows dim after that, because, again, so much can happen. But the truth about the Biden family, and those covering for them, does need to come out. Thanks to tireless investigators such as Peter Schweizer, it will. Asking for that is a good thing.
Art For Sale
July 14, 2021
Mike Huckabee
I used to think that the key to getting big bucks for your art work was to die, but apparently, being the son of a President does the trick just as well. Hunter Biden’s masterpieces are reportedly for sale for up to $500,000. This is allegedly ethical because anyone who shells out those bucks will remain anonymous. And if you believe that, I have a slightly-used Rembrandt I’ll sell you for 25 bucks.
At this link, some actual art experts assess Hunter’s work for its true value. Let’s just say it’s considerably less than $500,000, unless you’re really desperate for something with colors that match your sofa.
I like the observation that its value is similar to that attached to a “sweater worn by Kurt Cobain.” I imagine Hunter’s paintings might also include traces of the same valuable substances that you’d find on Kurt Cobain’s sweater.
The good news is that you don’t have to be a President’s son to land a plum job that other people can only dream of landing. You can also be a Vice President’s step-daughter.
Evening Edition - July 13
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...The Most Important Story Of The Weekend
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
What I believe is the most important story of the weekend (and particularly appropriate, considering we’re winding up our Independence Day vacation) was the video escaping Cuba of massive anti-government protests, despite efforts by the dictatorial government to shut off the Internet and censor the news. I hope you will join me in praying for the protesters' safety and success.
The Cuban people are rightly fed up with being starved and oppressed by a communist dictatorship, and they’re demanding an end to it and chanting, “Freedom!,” “Enough!” “We want liberty!” and “We are not afraid!” Cuban “President” and communist party chief Miguel Diaz-Canel blamed the US for stoking the unrest (oh, if that were only true!) and called on “revolutionary” citizens to fight back against their fellow Cubans demanding freedom. Good luck with that.
I can’t help thinking that if Trump were still President, the White House would be doing more than trying to avoid the subject of Cubans taking to the streets to demand freedom.
RELATED READING: Mass Protests Continue In Cuba
…Or actually trying to convince us that the protesters are just worried about COVID-19. No, it’s the deadly virus of communism that they want to eradicate.
And of course, all our “Democratic” socialists in Congress who claim to speak for the people haven’t made a peep to back up the Cuban people who are risking their lives to demand an end to incompetent, oppressive, deadly socialism.
Finally, Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media has a good round-up of the shameful way in which US media outlets, many of whom spent years shining Fidel Castro’s boots with their tongues, are trying to spin and twist this story. News flash to the New York Times: “Freedom” is not an “anti-government slogan” unless you’re admitting that the government is an enemy of freedom. Second news flash: Cuba's is.
Strategy Memo Warns Democrats
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Politico obtained a strategy memo by a pro-Biden Super PAC warning that focus groups show dire tidings for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.
The focus groups found that voters don’t like rampant crime and defunding police; they don’t understand why we need to stimulate the economy by blowing trillions of dollars on Democrat wish list items dubbed “infrastructure” when the economy is doing fine wherever it’s allowed to reopen; and even Democrat voters couldn’t name a single Biden Administration accomplishment. Well, that’s understandable.
This article also touches on something I’ve often written about: that all current so-called “progressive” policies are just attempts to resuscitate terrible ideas from the dim past that failed miserably, from socialism to segregation. This article spotlights the Dems’ “PRO-Act,” the forced unionization bill that would enrich their union boss supporters while destroying freelance and contract jobs, and the Green New Deal that promises countless good-paying “green” jobs.
As noted by Stacey Lennox, this is an attempt to revert the dynamic 21st century gig economy back into an outdated model of big unions and government make-work jobs that failed to end the Depression when it was tried in the 1930s. It’s yet another reason why “progressives” should more accurately be called “regressives.”
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani has said that when the FBI came to his home with a warrant to search for electronics, he offered them his copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive and they declined to take it.
Well, the FBI might not have wanted to touch it with a 10-foot pole, but Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and bestselling author of several books on grift among the political and corporate elite, was very interested to obtain one, and he did. He said Monday on the radio with Sean Hannity that he has determined from Hunter’s emails that then-Vice President Joe Biden was a “direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s financial deals with foreign interests.
First, of course, he had to make sure this copy of the hard drive was the real deal --- that these were Hunter Biden’s genuine emails and not some elaborate fakery. It must have been a tedious job to go through thousands of messages and cross-reference them with Hunter’s Secret Service travel records, but that’s what his staff did.
The travel records had been obtained by Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson as ranking member of the House Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations . And, yes, the emails line up “absolutely, 100 percent” with them. If emails say, for example, that Hunter was in Dubai on a certain date, the Secret Service records confirm he was indeed there. If the emails on this hard drive aren’t real, that would make it a truly magnificent piece of fakery. Schweizer can say with confidence that this copy of Hunter’s hard drive has been documented as real.
And, of course, Hunter hasn’t denied this, though he just can't remember for sure and he’s very dedicated to his art right now and is probably very busy blowing paint through a straw. This is a developing story, as it will take some time for GAI to put all the information together and investigate everything. There’s so much to go through, in fact, that Schweizer says it could take till the end of the year to get it all done.
They’re doing the job that the media should be doing but won’t. And they say that it will expose “disastrous dimensions” of the Biden family.
As they continue to work, “it will take on a far more sinister tone than it has even now in terms of what it says about the Biden family and and vulnerabilities of the Biden family,” Schweizer told Hannity. When Sean asked him how bad it was on a scale of one to ten, he said, “The coming revelations based on what we are in the middle of right now, on a scale of one to ten –- and you know, Sean, I’m pretty cautious about this stuff –- frankly are an eleven. It’s that bad.”
As for Hunter’s newfound career in art, it’s taking off, as some “experts” say they like it. In case you have seen his paintings, I feel the need to let you know that I am not kidding. There’s an article in the NEW YORK POST about it.
Mike Tribe, chairman of the MFA Fine Arts Department at New York City’s School of Visual Arts, told the POST, “I think it’s pretty strong –- I like it. The colors and compelling organic forms –- it’s the kind of organic abstraction that I find easy on the eyes and provokes your curiosity.”
Alex Acevedo, who owns the Alexander Gallery in Midtown Manhattan, said, “I’ve been in the art business since 1956. I’m not impressed with modern art at all. But I was floored by that guy. The palette was wonderful. The space was well-organized. I would buy a couple of them.”
If you’ve seen the paintings and think this guy is crazy, he is –- crazy like a fox. What he says next is telling: “And anybody who buys it would be guaranteed instant profit. He’s the President’s son. Anybody would want a piece of that. The provenance is impeccable.”
prov-e-nance (noun) 1. the place of origin or earliest known history of something
Thanks to their impeccable provenance, Acevedo expects that some of Hunter's pieces might end up topping $1 million.
Art consultant Martin Galindo is “not a fan,” he said, but is “very positive that he’s gonna do well in the market because the industry is very much about, what’s a simple way to put this? It’s like clout.”
“Honestly, I mean, from an aesthetic perspective, I don’t like it. But I’m sure he’s gonna do really well.”
Looking at one particular abstract of Hunter’s, he said, “Oh, my God, that looks like COVID.”
One refreshingly candid art collector who would give her name only as “Jill” used the words “nice” and “different” but said she thought “a lot of people can do that.” And then she said she wouldn’t buy any of them. “I wouldn’t pay sh** for it because he’s a criminal.”
The NEW YORK POST also ran an opinion piece by Andrea Peyser on Friday about the latest bit of news concerning Hunter’s art career –- the fact that buyers are to remain anonymous. “Hunter Biden’s art con is an insult to ethics –- and good taste,” says the headline.
Peyer takes a look at the newfound art career of someone whose artistic experience is, as far as she knows, “limited to to doodles on strip club cocktail napkins.” In October, a Soho art gallery will be putting 15 of his works on the market. But first, in September, a private “VIP” viewing will be held in Los Angeles.
“It’s the kind of high profile showing that many a talented artist who lacks Hunter Biden’s pedigree and connections could only hallucinate about.” It occurs to me that by coincidence some of these paintings do look like hallucinations, of bacteria and viruses. You’d have to pay ME half a million dollars for me to put one on my wall.
The White House is insisting that the anonymity of the buyers (even to Hunter) will ensure everything is on the up-and-up, but give me a break. That makes it even worse. It’ll be easy for the Bidens to know who “invested” in Hunter’s art. Assume that they will know. The anonymity ensures WE won’t know.
The buyer could even destroy Hunter’s “masterpiece” to make sure nobody knew about the grift. Some art lovers might consider that a public service, but it doesn’t make up for the sleaziness of this operation.
Don Trump, Jr., has speculated about what the reaction would be if one of the Trump offspring had done this while Trump was in office. We all know exactly what it would be. I’d love for Don to produce a big abstract canvas of his own and offer it for “sale,” just to make the point. He could even have a showing himself, if any gallery owner would play along, and call it “The Art of the Steal.”
Compare this new star of the art world to someone like former President George W. Bush, who studied art after leaving politics and has developed into a surprisingly adept portrait artist with a distinctive style.
Texas Democrats Are On The Run Again
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Texas Democrat legislators once again fled Austin to try to prevent a special session quorum and block passage of an election integrity bill. As usual, they claim (I’ll use the media’s favorite phrase here, only accurately for once: “without evidence”) that laws that ensure an honest election somehow suppress the votes of minorities and the disabled. This is a childish delaying tactic that won’t work in the long run.
Gov. Greg Abbott, who’s had a bellyful of childish, lawless Democrats lately, warned that there will be consequences, including arresting them the second they return to Texas and hauling them back to Austin to do their jobs. Although I think it would be more appropriate, and funnier, if they tried to return to Texas and were blocked from entering by the Border Patrol. Come to think of it, now’s a good time to extend that wall all the way around Texas.
VP Kamala Harris put out an offensively clueless tweet, comparing the runaway Democrats to the brave civil rights activists who “fought and died for our right to vote.”
(A.) Those civil rights pioneers weren’t fighting for the right to vote two, three or four times in the same election.
(B.) The only chance these Texas Democrats have of dying is if they’re shot by criminals thanks to the incompetent Democrat mayor of Washington, DC.
My Two Cents: If you don’t want to do your job of representing your constituents, then resign immediately. Also, why are these people being treated as heroes by DC Democrats? Aren’t those the same Democrats who’ve been demanding an end to the Senate filibuster because anything that allows a minority to thwart the will of the majority is an “assault on democracy”? Or does that only apply when they’re in the majority (never mind; we all know the answer to that question.)
At least the US Senate is evenly tied. In Texas, Republicans outnumber Democrats in the state Senate by 18-13 and in the House by 83-67. Talk about thwarting the will of the majority! If the Democrats keep going the way they are, it might not be long before their absence won’t even prevent a quorum.
Morning Edition - July 13
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Mass Protests Continue In Cuba
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Mass protests are continuing in Cuba against the repressive communist regime, but the government is using special forces to crack down on the protesters. Despite the attempted media blackout, there are reports of a growing list of “missing” persons.
Sen. Ted Cruz lambasted President Biden for his weak sauce response and reminded him that he said just the day before that he stands with the Cuban people and their right to peaceful assembly. So what is he going to do about the brutal crackdown?
Former President Trump also stood by the Cuban protesters and urged Biden to put some starch in his spine and do likewise.
Reminder: last April, candidate Biden said he would reverse Trump’s tough-on-Cuban-communism policies and return to Obama’s policy of engagement with the dictatorship. So how’s that working out? We should add this to the ever-growing dumpster fire of Trump policies that Biden reversed, only to have them blow up in his face.
As the world watches, and I hope continues to pray for the safety and success of the Cuban freedom fighters, here is an explanation of why they’re finally turning on the government (and no, it’s not because of COVID, although it is refreshing to hear Democrats finally admit that Cuba doesn’t have the world’s greatest health care system.) These are the words of Cuban freedom activist Marcell Felipe, who says that no matter what the media try to tell you, “The Cuban people have rejected socialism and the socialist regime for the longest time, both in exile, here in Miami, and directly on the islands”:
“The [regime] controls the means of production. The flip side to the government providing everything is that you depend on the government for everything. So they have every means of control and not just with bullets and threats, but with food. If you protest, we take away your food. And part of what we are seeing is that the government’s inability to provide even the most basic foods is now resulting in the people no longer having anything to lose.”
Instead of Critical Race Theory and other anti-American propaganda, those are words that should be taught to every American school child. Maybe then, they'd stop falling into the trap of believing the scurrilous lie that socialism is “fair” and takes care of everyone.
Leave The Flag Alone
July 13, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Last night, I was on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, discussing his report that the US Olympic Committee is considering a possible redesign of the American flag for their official documents. It would have fewer stars and stripes than the real flag.
They said it was just early brainstorming, and this was not for the flag that would actually fly at the Olympics. And I get that Olympic designers love dreaming up bad “creative” ideas (anyone remember some of these terrible Olympic mascots?
But let me save the Olympic folks a lot of trouble and grief with just four words: “LEAVE THE FLAG ALONE!” Olympic fans have had to put up with enough from athletes who are going to the Games on the US’s dime to represent the United States, but who have so little appreciation for this nation that they turn their backs or hide their faces when Old Glory flies or the National Anthem plays. They’d show more respect for the anthem of China than for their own nation.
Here are two reminders for them, and for anyone who disrespects the American flag and what it stands for:
1. One of the many great things about this nation is that if you don’t like it, you’re free to leave any time for anyplace you think is better. We have to build walls to keep people out. Only socialist tyrannies have to build walls to keep people in.
2. On that subject, while too many Americans are burning, stomping on and otherwise disrespecting the American flag because they want to turn the US into a socialist tyranny, guess what brave protesters against existing socialist tyrannies in Cuba, Venezuela and Hong Kong are waving? That’s right: the most famous symbol of freedom in history: the American flag.
Morning Edition - July 12
July 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Evening Edition - July 12
July 12, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...Sunday Standard - July 11
July 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
News you can trust...The "Former Senator"
July 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Former Missouri Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill declared that she was starting a new Fourth of July tradition in her family to watch video of the January 6th Capitol riot and insisted there needs to be an investigation because it was worse than Benghazi.
Since I hold the idiocy to be self-evident, I’ll just make three quick points:
1. Terrorists in Benghazi destroyed our diplomatic outpost in Libya and murdered four brave Americans: security contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, US Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. I list their names because too many people would like us to forget them. This was also an attack on an American government installation and the murder of US officials.
On January 6th, the only person killed was an unarmed protester shot at point blank range by a Capitol Police officer who has been absolved of any wrongdoing and is yet to identified…maybe.
2. The deaths in Benghazi were both tragic and unnecessary: the attack on the anniversary of 9/11 was predictable, pleas for more security before the attack were ignored, and pleas for backup and rescue went unanswered. The day before the Capitol violence, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser rejected an offer of federal officers to provide extra security, insisting it wasn’t needed. This was one way in which it was actually similar to Benghazi: the failure of Democrats to do their jobs.
3. I am starting a new July 4th tradition in my family as well. We will all join together and thank God that Claire McCaskill is a “former Senator.”
July 11, 2021
Mike Huckabee
Democrats have declared that the greatest danger to America is “extremists” and their media and social media handmaidens are doing everything possible to identify and silence so-called “extremists” – of course, always defining that as “rightwing extremists.” I guess they’d include this couple, who are being treated like terrorists even though they never even entered the Capitol on January 6th. They're victims of mistaken identity.
Just as many Republicans were once depicted as a “far-right” but not even Ted Kennedy was called “far-left,” only conservatives can be “extremists,” and hence “dangerous.” If you see an America-hating, communist-sympathizing Antifa mob attacking cops, looting stores or trying to burn down a federal building, you can rest easy knowing that as long as they’re on the left, at least they’re not “dangerous extremists.”
I’ve been wondering if anyone in the media was ever going to bring up the famous quote from the late Senator Barry Goldwater (smeared by the media in his day as a dangerous extremist and later lauded as a statesman): “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” So I’m glad that in this Fourth of July essay, Hannah Cox of the Foundation for Economic Education does that and reminds us that Americans have always been “extremists.”
She makes the excellent point that the Founding Fathers were, by current definitions, incredible extremists. For millennia, slavery, indentured servitude and rule by sword or divine right were the status quo. Ideas like freedom, democracy, human rights and leaders deriving their power from the consent of the governed were absolutely unheard of. Yet the Founders declared them to be both God-given and self-evident. Talk about extremists!
Ms Cox writes:
“I always find it odd that America alone is criticized for injustices such as slavery, racism, inequality, and civil rights violations. It’s as if the vast majority of people are truly under the impression these injustices only ever happened here. In truth, the entirety of human history is marred by these evils, and in many places, you’ll find much worse conditions for civil liberties to this day.”
She also makes the good point that the USA has often failed to live up to the lofty standards set out by the Founders, but there are two big differences between us and the nations that people flee to come here: we are constantly striving to make things better (and with great success, although leftwing extremists refuse to admit it), and those other nations never even attempted to live up to those standards.
Read the whole thing. It will remind you that it’s been America’s “extremists” in the causes of liberty and justice who have made this the free nation so many people are desperate to join. I’d also remind America’s leftwing extremists who hate this nation that another great thing about living in a free country is that, unlike in Cuba or China, they are free to pack up and move someplace they think is better anytime they please.