
In its latest Orwellian move, the Biden Department of “Justice” is trying to prevent three Christian colleges and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities from intervening to defend themselves in a lawsuit challenging the religious exemption to Title IX protections of LGBTQ students. The DOJ claimed in the filing that it could “vigorously defend” the constitutionality of the exemption. But the next day, they amended the filing to read “adequately defend.” And by “adequately,” they actually mean “inadequately,” like a boxer who throws the fight.

Biden is already on record as being hostile to religious freedom protections and for kowtowing to the radical LGBTQ lobby. The idea that his DOJ would protect those freedoms on behalf of Christian colleges, and that they shouldn’t even be allowed to have a say in their own defense, sounds like something out of a banana republic where the defense attorney is also the prosecutor.

Related: In a VIP article that’s unfortunately behind a paywall at, Tyler O’Neil warns Evangelical Christians that Burger King has jumped on the “Pride Month” float. All this month, 40 cents from the sale of every CkKing chicken sandwich will be donated to the LGBTQ activist group, the Human Rights Campaign.

O’Neil points out that the HRC supports the Democrats’ “Equality Act” that would gut the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and is partnered with the Southern Poverty Law Center in its campaign to defame conservative Christian nonprofits like the Alliance Defending Freedom as anti-gay “hate groups.” So every chicken sandwich Christians buy at Burger King this month will fund a group that wants to take away their rights.

Say, you know who has the best chicken sandwich? Popeyes.

Before this week is over, I want to draw your attention to two major stories that, to their shame, the biased media have barely mentioned, if at all. The fact that you’ve heard something like them before, and the media have covered them up before, doesn't make the latest cover-ups any less appalling.

The first is the leak of private taxpayer data from the IRS by the left-leaning group ProPublica.

As Larry Kudlow points out at the link, it’s very convenient that this was leaked just as a leftwing, “tax the rich” campaign is gearing up. Yes, I get that we’re all curious to find out how much income tax these wealthy people paid (although it’s misleading, since many don’t live off of straight taxable income), and it’s fun to rant and rage if you think they aren’t paying enough.

But that’s not the real outrage here. What you should be furious about is that someone in the IRS, the government agency entrusted with the most personal information that the government forces citizens to share – their income, what they spend it on, medical expenses, etc. – leaked that private information for partisan purposes. Echoing the days when the IRS tampered with the 2012 elections by targeting and denying nonprofit status to Tea Party groups, this is an example of someone in one of the most powerful government agencies, with the power to intrude into every aspect of our lives, weaponizing that power for partisan purposes.

(And while we’re at it, hats off to Bryan Preston at PJ Media for asking: if these IRS records were hacked, then why haven’t social media platforms banned ProPublica? Twitter cut off the New York Post for reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop on grounds that they don’t allow hacked material to be distributed, but that laptop wasn’t even hacked; it was left at a repair shop until it became the owner’s property.)

There should be an immediate Congressional investigation to find out who committed this unconscionable leak so that they can be fired and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, to serve as an example to others. I know it’s easy to say, “Who cares about those rich guys?” Well, the Tea Party organizers weren’t rich. They were just average Americans trying to have a say in their government. If the IRS can abuse its power to harm billionaires and working class conservatives alike, then nobody is safe until they’re brought to heel.

Biased Media Ignores Latest Hunter Biden Laptop Revelations

By Mike Huckabee

The other major story that liberal media outlets covered this week like a blanket covers a stained sheet was the latest toxic leakage from Hunter Biden’s laptop. The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN all dutifully ignored revelations by the Daily Mail of Hunter’s emails in which he repeatedly called his white lawyer by the “n-word.”

While that story is the juiciest (or would be, if the media covered racism on their own side), these stories are arguably more important:

The New York Post reported that even though Joe Biden claimed to know nothing about his son’s foreign business deals, the then-Vice President attended a dinner at Café Milano on April 16, 2015, where he met Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates of Hunter’s. The Washington Post tried to debunk that, but the writer of the New York Post piece hit back pretty hard.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop show he was instrumental in setting up a consulting deal between Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that was paying him big bucks, and two Democratic consultants who are currently under investigation for violating foreign lobbying laws.

And just prior to the 2016 election, the former Ukrainian prosecutor told the Obama State Department that a lobbying firm linked to Hunter Biden and Burisma had pitched him that they could get him access to high levels of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, when it was assumed she’d be the next US President.

You can find more details on all these corruption stories at the links. And here, Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media asks us to imagine the nuclear-level media reaction if any of these stories had involved Donald Trump’s kids.


Despite a number of state Attorneys General launching legal challenges to President Biden’s pointless killing of the Keystone XL Pipeline project, it now appears that it is really quite sincerely dead. The developer, Canada’s TC Energy Corp, and the provincial government of Alberta say they’re abandoning the project. Alberta invested more than $1 billion in it thanks to the US commitment that Biden undid with a stroke of his executive order pen.

This decision will anger Canada, destroy American jobs, and make America less energy independent and fuel more expensive. It won’t even help the environment, since the oil will still have to get to the refineries, only via CO2-spewing trucks instead of a carbon-neutral pipeline. It’s obvious that the Wall Street Journal reporter quoted at the link was struggling to find some coherent justification for Biden’s actions: “It is a victory for environmentalists who have campaigned to block new pipeline construction as a way to limit oil consumption that contributes to global warming.”

News flash: blocking pipeline construction will not limit oil consumption. That’s like thinking that if you blow up the lunch wagon at your workplace, you’ll eat less. No, you’ll just put the driver out of a job, and you’ll still have to eat lunch. But now, you’ll have to obtain it in a more expensive, inconvenient way because, just like the US economy, your body still needs fuel.

While the Keystone XL Pipeline now seems DOA, some wags on the Internet suggested one possible way that it might be revived: Canada could declare itself part of Russia, and then Biden would approve the pipeline.

The other major story that liberal media outlets covered this week like a blanket covers a stained sheet was the latest toxic leakage from Hunter Biden’s laptop. The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN all dutifully ignored revelations by the Daily Mail of Hunter’s emails in which he repeatedly called his white lawyer by the “n-word.”

While that story is the juiciest (or would be, if the media covered racism on their own side), these stories are arguably more important:

The New York Post reported that even though Joe Biden claimed to know nothing about his son’s foreign business deals, the then-Vice President attended a dinner at Café Milano on April 16, 2015, where he met Ukrainian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates of Hunter’s. The Washington Post tried to debunk that, but the writer of the New York Post piece hit back pretty hard.

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop show he was instrumental in setting up a consulting deal between Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that was paying him big bucks, and two Democratic consultants who are currently under investigation for violating foreign lobbying laws.

And just prior to the 2016 election, the former Ukrainian prosecutor told the Obama State Department that a lobbying firm linked to Hunter Biden and Burisma had pitched him that they could get him access to high levels of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, when it was assumed she’d be the next US President.

You can find more details on all these corruption stories at the links. And here, Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media asks us to imagine the nuclear-level media reaction if any of these stories had involved Donald Trump’s kids.

Criticizing Fauci

June 11, 2021

From the earliest days of the pandemic, I have been reluctant to assume the worst of authorities who got things wrong about COVID-19. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that since it was a new and deadly disease, they were trying to give the public the best advice they could, given what they knew at the time while battling a steep learning curve.

However, the recent release of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails has revealed that on a number of vital issues, we weren’t always given the best data they had at the time. Sometimes we were given the data that served a preferred narrative, even when those giving it out knew that it was at the very least highly questionable, and when it could even lead to more misery and deaths (endless lockdowns, ever-shifting mask advice, silencing doctors who were having success with readily-available drugs, etc.

That’s why it was so irritating when Dr. Fauci tried to dismiss the perfectly justified criticism he’s receiving by claiming that any questioning of him is an attack on “science.” No matter what his fan club at MSNBC thinks, he is not the walking embodiment of science. Actual scientists have their statements challenged all the time. That’s why real science is never really “settled.”

As you might imagine, Fauci’s critics in the media and politics went to town on his hubristic “I am science” defense:

But to be fair, they’re not scientists. So here’s an actual scientist, Stanford University medical professor and epidemiologist Dr. Jay Bhattachrya, offering his informed opinion on Dr. Fauci: his “credibility is entirely shot.”

Well-Deserved Blowback

June 11, 2021

New York Times editorial board member and MSNBC contributor Mara Gay sparked well-deserved blowback by saying that during a weekend trip to Long Island, she saw “dozens of American flags,” which was “just disturbing.” She apparently assumes those are owned by Trump supporters (admittedly, probably a safe bet), and claims they were sending a message: "This is my country…not your country. I own this." She went on to regurgitate more liberal buzzwords, including, of course, “whiteness.”

Well, I assume those Long Islanders do own their own flags, and the poles, yards and pickup trucks they’re mounted to. But I think the “It’s not your country” message came right out of her own paranoid noggin. She should be counting her lucky stars that when she goes out into the country where she lives, the flags she sees are American flags. They’re flown by the kind of people who join the military and fight to protect all our rights. That includes the First Amendment, which gives the New York Times editorial board the right to badmouth America, insult the flag, and make fools of themselves in print every day.

On that subject, as columnist Mike LaChance reminds us, Ms Gay is the same New York Times writer who once said that the $500 million wasted by Mike Bloomberg on his presidential run could have been divided up to give every American $1 million. It was actually closer to one dollar. But at the rate he's spending money, Joe Biden might hit that mark.

Outrageous IRS Leak

June 11, 2021

Before this week is over, I want to draw your attention to two major stories that, to their shame, the biased media have barely mentioned, if at all. The fact that you’ve heard something like them before, and the media have covered them up before, doesn't make the latest cover-ups any less appalling.

The first is the leak of private taxpayer data from the IRS by the left-leaning group ProPublica.

As Larry Kudlow points out at the link, it’s very convenient that this was leaked just as a leftwing, “tax the rich” campaign is gearing up. Yes, I get that we’re all curious to find out how much income tax these wealthy people paid (although it’s misleading, since many don’t live off of straight taxable income), and it’s fun to rant and rage if you think they aren’t paying enough.

But that’s not the real outrage here. What you should be furious about is that someone in the IRS, the government agency entrusted with the most personal information that the government forces citizens to share – their income, what they spend it on, medical expenses, etc. – leaked that private information for partisan purposes. Echoing the days when the IRS tampered with the 2012 elections by targeting and denying nonprofit status to Tea Party groups, this is an example of someone in one of the most powerful government agencies, with the power to intrude into every aspect of our lives, weaponizing that power for partisan purposes.

(And while we’re at it, hats off to Bryan Preston at PJ Media for asking: if these IRS records were hacked, then why haven’t social media platforms banned ProPublica? Twitter cut off the New York Post for reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop on grounds that they don’t allow hacked material to be distributed, but that laptop wasn’t even hacked; it was left at a repair shop until it became the owner’s property.)

There should be an immediate Congressional investigation to find out who committed this unconscionable leak so that they can be fired and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, to serve as an example to others. I know it’s easy to say, “Who cares about those rich guys?” Well, the Tea Party organizers weren’t rich. They were just average Americans trying to have a say in their government. If the IRS can abuse its power to harm billionaires and working class conservatives alike, then nobody is safe until they’re brought to heel.

“We have to pass the bill, so you can find out...what is in it.”

That was Nancy Pelosi talking to her colleagues about the monstrous “Affordable” Care Act. And, of course, they did pass it, on a slim, completely partisan vote, without even knowing the details of what they were passing. How could they? The bill, like too many “comprehensive” bills, ran thousands of pages.

But today, I’d like to talk about the content of another such comprehensive bill that has just passed the Senate, originally called the Endless Frontier Act. It’s designed to compete technologically with China, which certainly is a laudable goal, and the name “Endless Frontier” sounds great in that context. However, in medical research, there are some frontiers that we should think about long and hard before we cross, if indeed we ever do.

Our curiosity about the development of this bill started building on Thursday, when Tammy Bruce on FOX NEWS PRIMETIME did a segment on its potential to fund research on “chimeras,” organisms that combine the DNA of humans and other animals. What??

Here is the report by Charles Creitz at FOX NEWS, featuring Bruce’s segment, which includes her interview with guest Lara Logan.

The Endless Frontier Act was introduced by New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, which alone sends up red flags. But it got bipartisan support, with six Republican and seven Democrat co-sponsors. The final 1,445-page bill passed the Senate Friday, after being “rebranded” by Schumer as the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act. Who could be against innovation and competition?

But one thing the Chinese apparently are working on is this kind of trans-species research. In fact, as Bruce reported, they’ve actually created human-monkey embryos that lived 20 days in a lab. So are we going to compete with China on THAT kind of innovation? What could possibly go wrong?

In May, numerous amendments were introduced. One of them, brought by GOP Sens. James Lankford of Oklahoma, Steve Daines of Montana and Mike Braun of Indiana, would have outlawed the type of experimentation that hybridizes human and animal DNA through bioengineering, sometimes called “chimera” research.

Some scientists call this area of experimentation “Pandora’s Box,” with good reason. We’ve already seen how research from Chinese labs –- in this case gain-of-function manipulation on coronaviruses –- can inflict disaster on the world. Recall that funding for gain-of-function was banned during the Obama administration, but that it happened anyway when the NIAID (National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease) funded an intermediary group that, in turn, funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

But the amendment to Schumer’s bill outlawing the funding of “chimera” research did not pass. And the Senate went on to pass their “comprehensive” bill without it.

I'm sure there are some excellent provisions in this bill, but how could any pro-life Republican senator have possibly supported it, absent that amendment? Without it, we might very well be funding research using human embryos and other fetal tissue. But the bill passed 68-32; do the math.

Think those experiments aren't going on? Wrong.

Here’s a report by Tyler Olsen at FOX NEWS from May 19, when Republicans were proposing their various amendments to the bill. Any concern about fetal tissue or "chimera" research was not mentioned.

At the time, the bill was to cost $130 billion, and Republicans chafed at that. The Republican Study Committee in the House had dubbed it “the Endless Pork Act,” which I’m sure is accurate. Yet some Republicans thought it didn’t go far enough and needed important amendments. “As it stands,” said Florida Sen. Rick Scott, “much of the Endless Frontier Act will not effectively counter Communist China’s aggression. A slush fund to universities with little security and oversight isn’t the answer.” He had proposed amendments, he said, to “secure American innovation, protect our national security, hold China accountable and put American interests first.”

At that time, Sen. Bill Hagerty of Tennessee said, “While I am still reviewing the hundreds of pages that comprise this legislation, it is my belief that this bill will need to be seriously improved through the amendment process to attract broad support. Enhancing U.S. research and development is an important part of countering Communist China, but that alone is not enough for the Senate to say it has checked the box and held the regime accountable.”

The story gives examples of amendments several Republican senators backed. Ted Cruz, for instance, backed amendments banning China from controlling American radio stations (good idea!); adding money for the extraction of rare earth minerals (which we need to end our dependence on China); blocking the sharing of nuclear technology with China (thank you); and addressing the issue of Chinese spies at American universities, including Confucius Institutes, which happen to be in the news today for another reason.

Sen. Cruz ended up voting “no” on the final bill.

One House aide, a Republican, told FOX NEWS that China “is really breathing a sigh of relief” because the bill, as much as it costs, won’t do much. He said it should require disclosure for all think tanks that are funded by the Chinese government (of course it should!) and also sanction the CCP’s United Front Work Department. Good idea; here’s what the UFWD does.

A later story from May 27 by Sam Dorman of FOX NEWS gets to the meat of what happened with the “chimera” amendment: “The Senate narrowly rejected an amendment geared towards criminalizing research that created chimeras, or human-animal hybrids, in expectation that the federal government could lift a moratorium on funding for those projects.” This would have been a way to provide a check on the National Institutes of Health possibly lifting its moratorium on “chimera” research.

On a party-line vote, 48 Republicans approved the amendment. Sens. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Thom Tillis of North Carolina inexplicably did not vote. WHERE WERE THEY? And the one Democrat who might have defied his party, Sen. Joe Manchin, didn’t vote, either. These three could have made the difference.

Currently, the International Society for Stem Cell Research has guidelines that we should all find reassuring (too bad you can’t hear the sarcasm in my voice right now): “This research must proceed incrementally, stopping at well-defined timepoints to assess the degree and scope of chimerism during development before proceeding to full gestation, if full gestation is one of the well-defined goals of the research. To avoid unpredictable and widespread chimerism, researchers should endeavor to use targeted chimerism strategies to limit chimerism to a particular organ system or region of the gestating chimeric animal.”

Feel better? It occurs to me that the way we put our bills together is, itself, kind of like making a chimera. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, sometimes it dies, or maybe just part of it dies, but let’s see what we come out with in the end. It might be something that should never see the light of day.

Radical Left Nazis

June 11, 2021

As someone who has visited Israel many times, as well as Europe’s former concentration camps, I have always been appalled at how lightly people toss around terms like “Nazi” and “Hitler” to tar their political opponents. It’s an insult to Holocaust victims to belittle their suffering to score cheap political points.

However, I’ve noticed that the media have a glaring double standard on this. Leftists can call conservatives Nazis all day long and nobody bats an eye. But if someone points out legitimate similarities between today’s radical left like Antifa and the tactics of the Nazis, they risk fierce condemnation and even losing their jobs, like actress Gina Carano.

That’s why this story poses a quandary: I don’t like Nazi analogies. I know that as a conservative, I’ll probably get attacked for making one. But when the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association publishes an article called “On Having Whiteness” by psychoanalyst Donald Moss, arguing that simply being white is a “malignant, parasitic-like condition” that makes white people hate and terrorize others, and for which there “is not yet a permanent cure”…how can that not bring to mind Nazi-era propaganda blaming all of Germany's problems on Jews and calling them parasites? If you trade out “white” for “Jew,” it’s virtually indistinguishable from “Mein Kampf.”

At least I can take comfort that I won’t be the only one attacked for pointing out the obvious, as you can see at the link. Others called it pure hatred, sick and evil, and racist psychobabble. One doctor said it made him want to throw his psychology degree in the garbage.

Shockingly, that was actually considered a “research paper,” based on accepted tenets of “Critical Race Theory” (which is why CRT needs to be kicked out of schools.) It even appeared in a peer-reviewed journal, meaning that other psychologists actually read that piece of vile, racist insanity and decided it was worthy of publication. That should forever destroy the credibility of “peer-review” in the psychiatric field.

Meanwhile, some peers of this author are much wiser about that garbage than he is. Meet the black Columbia University professor who’s urging any parents who are truly anti-racist to take their kids out of a New Jersey private prep school that’s adopting CRT before they’re taught that the essence of a person is “cringing, hostile group identity against oppression.”

In Loudon County, Virginia, where schools are pushing this racist propaganda, one brave teacher, Lilit Vanetsyan, became a celebrity overnight after a video went viral of her confronting the school board and accusing them of running “indoctrination camps” where kids are taught to hate themselves or others because of skin color and to “root for socialism by the time they get to middle school.”

Finally, check out this MUST-SEE video of a mom who survived China's Cultural Revolution blasting the Loudon County school board for promoting the same kind of bullying, brainwashing and thought crimes she had to endure under communism.

For those who despair that America is lost and it’s too late to save her, some proof that you can fight back and win…

After Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced that she would not grant interviews to white reporters, the Daily Caller and Judicial Watch sued her for unconstitutional racial discrimination. A federal judge has now ordered Lightfoot to file a sworn declaration clarifying her interview policy. I’d say she’d better make it good, because the policy already seems pretty clear, and pretty clearly racist.

Her attorneys argued that the document isn’t necessary because the policy is no longer in effect. Wait, so if you declare you’ve now stopped acting like a racist, everything’s copacetic and we can just move on from there? I don’t think that argument would fly with Mayor Lightfoot’s fellow liberals these days.

Tuesday, a judge ordered the reinstatement of a Leesburg, Virginia, high school PE teacher who was suspended for refusing to use students’ “preferred pronouns.” He told a school board meeting that he is a committed Christian who believes you cannot change the sex you were born into and that transgender treatments for minors are child abuse. He said forcing him to endorse transgenderism not only violates his religious conscience but forces him to lie to his students.

The judge ruled that his statement was protected free speech and the school couldn’t prove it caused any significant disruption to school operations. The school’s attorney claimed they had to suspend him because they feared backlash from parents. I’m curious to know if they actually polled the parents to find out how many agree with him.

Eight Minneapolis residents are suing the City Council for causing a spike in violent crime by defunding the police and failing to do their duty to provide a minimal level of policing to guarantee public safety. With the city’s leftist alleged leaders refusing to lead, citizens had no choice but to step up and do it themselves.

On their behalf, community activist Cathy Spann said, “We are here, together in unison, to say enough is enough. I am here today to say it is about all of us coming together to make a difference to stop the gun violence that is in our city -- downtown, south, north. We are stopping it. We are no longer asking for a plan. We are the plan."

Meanwhile, business owners in Baltimore have their own plan for dealing with the destruction wrought by their leftist, anti-police City Council. Since the government refuses to do its job of ensuring public safety, the businesses are refusing to pay their taxes to fund the useless government. It's being described as the "Baltimore Tea Party," only the "T" they're throwing overboard stands for "taxes."

The San Antonio city council member who spearheaded the attempt to block Chick-fil-A from the city airport, accusing them of being a “symbol of hate” for donating to Christian charities, lost his seat in Saturday’s run-off. It’s not clear whether the winner will be any better or if that issue played a major role, but either way, he’s off the city council. And thanks to him, Texas now has a new state law barring religious discrimination in government contracts, and the state Supreme Court is reviewing a lawsuit against San Antonio filed under it. So his term on the City Council actually did accomplish something good, even if it was completely inadvertent.

Botched Assignment

June 10, 2021

How badly has Vice President Kamala Harris botched her first big assignment, to clean up the disaster President Biden created on the border? Let me count the ways…

(1.) As of today, she’s had the assignment for 78 days and has yet to even visit the border…(2.) When asked about that by a reporter, she laughed oddly and said she hadn’t visited Europe either, as if she’s in charge of keeping Frenchmen from swimming across the Atlantic to enter New Jersey illegally…(3.) She went to Guatemala and was greeted by protesters with signs reading “Trump won,” “Go home” and “Guatemala is pro-life”…(4.) She claimed the root causes of illegal immigration were climate change and hostility to LGBTQ people…(5.) The President of Guatemala personally contradicted her by telling “Face the Nation” that the cause of the surge was Biden undoing Trump’s border security policies.

And now, to make it an even half dozen: she’s done such a lousy job that even the Biden White House is letting it be known that they are frustrated, perplexed and “not thrilled” with her inexplicably incompetent performance.

At this rate, she really needs to up her game if she ever hopes to take over the job of being President from Jill Biden.

Interesting Op-Ed

June 10, 2021

There’s a very interesting op-ed in the Wall Street Journal by First Things editor R.R. Reno. It’s at the link, but behind a paywall. So if you’re not a subscriber, I’ll just recap the major points.

It’s called “Why I Stopped Hiring Ivy League Graduates.” This is hardly shocking if you’ve been keeping up with all the horror stories coming out of these elite schools lately about leftist administrators and faculty indoctrinating students with socialism, Critical Race Theory and anti-Americanism, and campuses being run by mobs of leftist cry-bully students who want to silence and punish anyone who expresses a “painful” and “problematic” opinion that differs from theirs.

But many parents still dream of their kids going to Harvard or Yale because they’re coasting on their rapidly crumbling reputations for excellence. They think that Ivy League sheepskin will mean a lifetime of prosperous employment, so they pony up the outrageous tuition. But according to Reno, your kids might be better off spending a fraction as much to attend a state college.

He says he’s found that many recent Ivy League grads who apply for jobs with his company fall into one of three categories: (1.) Oversensitive, thin-skinned narcissists who make inflammatory accusations at the drop of a hat; (2.) Those so cowed by fear of accusations of racism or some other offense that they remain silent if there’s any risk in speaking up; or (3.) Those who actually have the gumption to fight back, mostly conservatives, but who are so used to having to fight that they seem to have PTSD and have developed a habit of aggressive counterpunching.

None of those traits are helpful as part of a team that has to deal with the real world. The Ivies used to train students to be leaders. Now, they may still attract top level students, but they coddle and encourage the dysfunctional ones while attacking and abusing the normal ones. For all the money students pay to go there, the schools don’t add value, they reduce it.

Reno suggests that students who want to learn how to be leaders and prosper in the real world attend schools such as Hillsdale College, Thomas Aquinas College, Wyoming Catholic College and the University of Dallas, as well as large state schools and their satellite campuses. He says their students are more likely to get good educations, to learn to accept the authority of those with more experience, and not to be deformed by toxic political correctness.

And I would add, don’t worry about all the Ivy Leaguers who are unfit to work in the real world. I’m sure they’ll find lucrative jobs in politics or the media.

Obama Defends CRT

June 10, 2021

Democrats are so worried about the public waking up to the threat of Critical Race Theory in schools and demanding an end to it that they trotted out former President Barack Obama to poo-poo their concerns. In his patented condescending fashion, Obama dismissed parents who are upset that their kids are being taught toxic, divisive, racist hate-mongering by claiming that it’s just “right-wing media” like Fox News (the favorite bogey man of the left) “stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a changing America.”

First of all, I think people are right to fear anyone who wants to change America into a Marxist dystopia where people are judged entirely by their skin color. And if America’s white population are paranoid racists who fear a changing America, then who elected him President twice? It wasn’t blacks, they’re only about 13% of the population.

In fact, even his supporters in deep blue places such as Manhattan and New Jersey are standing up against CRT, not out of irrational fear but out of perfectly rational fear. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans of any race want to see the “changing America” that the racist, Marxist radicals pushing CRT want to impose on us.

But take heart: the fact that the Democrats feel the need to employ Obama giving us one of his “I’m so disappointed in you” lectures is a great sign that they’re the ones who are afraid. And when power-mad politicians are afraid of the people, that’s a good thing.

Biden's Economy

June 10, 2021

Are They Really That Dumb Or Do They Think We Are? President Biden (oh, let’s be real: his staffers) put out a tweet and a Washington Post article, both under his name, bragging that in his first four months in office, his American Rescue Plan and his vaccination strategy have “created” over 2 million jobs, far more than Reagan or Trump created in their first four months, and the economy is “growing” faster than any time in the past 40 years.

Hoo-boy! Where to start?!

Well, first of all, let’s note that Reagan and Trump didn’t inherit a booming economy that was reopening after a pandemic lockdown. They inherited moribund economies created by the policies of, respectively, Jimmy Carter and Obama/Biden. So naturally, it took a while to get the rusty engine of job creation up and running again.

Secondly, at the risk of quoting Obama, “Joe, you didn’t build that!” The jobs now being “created” were actually created under Trump and are simply bouncing back. They only went away because states mostly run by Democrats managed to stretch “two weeks to flatten the curve” into a yearlong-plus forced economic shutdown.

Fortunately, they can’t keep that up any longer because of the vaccines (also created and distributed under Trump) that Biden is also taking credit for. In fact, the jobs might be coming back even faster if Biden’s American Rescue Plan weren’t paying people more to stay unemployed than to work. Many of those 2 million jobs Biden is taking credit for were only “created” because red states rescinded that policy, which Biden wants to continue until September and other Democrats want to continue to the end of time.

In short, Biden taking credit for “creating” those jobs is like someone demanding the “Lifeguard of the Year” award because he stopped holding someone head-down in the toilet.

Roger Kimball at the Spectator has more on this and other Biden Administration fantasies and illusions, and how the media will credulously cover them, all expressed most amusingly at the link:

Coach John McDonnell, legendary track/field coach at the University of Arkansas has died at the age of 82. He is the most successful coach in NCAA history, led the Razorbacks to 40 National Championships in Track/Field, and trained and coached numerous Olympic athletes to Bronze, Silver, and Gold Medals.

He was born and raised in Ireland, and never lost his love for his homeland or the accent that be brought with him when he came to the United States as a college student.

Long-time UA Athletic Director Frank Broyles had a knack for spotting coaching talent and saw the untapped genius in Coach McDonnell and hired him for the program when he had limited experience. It proved to show the uncanny ability of Frank Broyles to see greatness in others and the brilliance of Coach McDonnell in turning the Arkansas program into the envy of the nation.

On a personal note, during my days when I was training for and running marathons, I invited Coach McDonnell to the Governor’s Mansion for a lunch to honor him for his achievements. Many of his former standout athletes came to pay tribute to their mentor. For me, it was an excuse to have the privilege of being in the presence of someone I admired. He was the consummate Christian gentleman, but what a delight to sit back and just listen to Coach Johnny Mac and his former track stars reminisce. The love and respect his athletes had for him was testament to his firm discipline, but loving care of those he coached. The greatest tribute of him was said by one of his runners, who simply said, “We TRUSTED Coach Mac.”

To his family, thank you for sharing him with us. We are all better because he was among us. Our condolences to you and our gratitude to God for creating and cultivating such a choice servant of the Kingdom!

Twitter Hypocrisy

June 9, 2021

Unintentional Joke of the Day! Or possibly the millennium. After Twitter banned the President of Nigeria for a tweet threatening stern consequences for young protesters who are launching arson attacks on government offices and police stations, the government of Nigeria retaliated by banning Twitter from the entire country.

You’re right, that’s hilarious (without Twitter, I’ll bet the people of Nigeria get smarter, nicer and more tolerant almost overnight), but I haven’t even gotten to the really funny part yet. Here’s Twitter’s response to being banned from Nigeria (warning, you might want to sit down to keep from falling over laughing):

“We are deeply concerned by the blocking of Twitter in Nigeria. Access to the free and #OpenInternet is an essential human right in modern society. We will work to restore access for all those in Nigeria who rely on Twitter to communicate and connect with the world. #KeepitOn."

So Twitter now admits that in banning Donald Trump, they are denying an American President an essential human right. Likewise, every time they ban a conservative for expressing a conservative viewpoint, or any American for expressing an opinion counter to the unquestionable authority of whatever “experts” their “factcheckers” rely on, they have denied those people an essential human right in modern society.

As you might imagine, a number of prominent conservatives had a field day with Twitter’s bone-jarring hypocrisy, and you can read a round-up of their replies at the link above. A couple of favorites: James Woods, who has been suspended from Twitter on various occasions, replied, “If irony were a food, Twitter could cure hunger overnight.”

And referring to the left’s argument that if you don’t like Twitter’s biased censorship, you can build your own social media platform, one anonymous user told Twitter, “Just build your own Nigeria then.”

Personally, I think Twitter’s hypocrisy speaks for itself, but then, it long has. Aside from Trump and conservatives, what about the way Twitter denies this essential human right to Iranians? Twitter is also officially banned in China, yet Twitter blocked people for questioning China’s official story on the origins of COVID-19. Why did they deny people’s essential human right to be on Twitter to protect a regime that denies the essential human right to be on Twitter?

And while I don’t endorse feminist author Naomi Wolf’s extreme tweets about COVID-19 vaccines, like that they enable you to “time-travel,” isn’t it even more extreme to ban her permanently with no right to appeal, thereby depriving her forever of an “essential human right?” Critics accuse her of spouting crazy, dangerous nonsense, but Hollywood is full of people who do that and they never get banned from Twitter.

I stay on Twitter because it is a good way to reach people, but I’ve also built up my own website, newsletter, TV show, podcast and accounts on many other social media platforms, just in case. To cite some country wisdom, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Especially not a basket that draws more loons than a porch light draws moths.

Still more proof that Twitter and CNN are not real life, so stop treating them as if they are:

A survey by the American Enterprise Institute’s Survey Center of American Life found that most Americans don’t cut off their friends over political disagreements. In fact, most don’t even talk about politics to their friends.

Only 21% say that they discuss politics at least a few times a week, while 55% talk politics less than a few times a month. That held true for both Democrats and Republicans. Both said party affiliation is not a prerequisite for being friends with someone; however, both are likely to have more friends who share the same party as they do.

Interestingly, 53% of Republicans say they have at least some friends who are Democrats, while only 32% of Democrats have friends who are Republicans. Only 15% of Americans have ever ended a friendship over political differences. But the further left you go, the more likely someone is to cut off a friend for having different political views. 28% of liberals have done that, compared to only 10% of conservatives. 33% of liberal women have done that. And the most intolerant of all are extreme liberals or “progressives.” 44% of these crusaders for tolerance have ended a friendship over political differences, making them exactly twice as intolerant as extreme conservatives (22%.)

This won’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention recently to leftist media, social media or activists, all of whom live to gin up hatred and cancellation of anyone who disagrees with them by even a smidgeon. Someone needs to have a sincere talk with them about how they’re letting political extremism warp their priorities, narrow their minds and drive away their friends. Unfortunately, that would take someone who doesn’t agree with them on everything, and they no longer talk to anyone like that.

I told you about the New York City psychiatrist who spoke to the Yale School of Medicine and declared all white people irredeemably racist, said they “make my blood boil” and are “out of their minds,” and that she fantasies about "unloading a revolver into the head of any White person" who gets in her way. That understandably brought backlash against Yale for hosting her. They’re trying to distance themselves from her comments, while she’s just laughing off the criticism (I’m not a psychiatrist but I understand that inappropriate laughter is also a sign of mental illness, just like uncontrollable rage.)

She should know that among her critics is Dr. Carol Swain, who is both African-American and a retired Princeton professor. Dr. Swain called her comments outrageous and hate-filled, as well as ridiculous, unprofessional, un-American and “probably illegal,” and declared her unfit to practice medicine. Yes, I’d say that’s pretty spot-on.

Of course, this isn’t the first time Dr. Swain has stood up to crazed leftists trying to divide Americans and spread racial hatred. Here she is on “Huckabee” on TBN from 2017, talking about attacks on her for that very reason.

Casting further doubt on the natural, animal origin theory of COVID-19, a new Oxford University study found that there were no bats or pangolins sold at Wuhan wet markets between May 2017 and the first COVID cases in 2019. (FYI: the university already had this data from a study of a different disease, which I assume is why the Chinese government couldn’t prevent them from gathering it.) The authors say bats are rarely consumed in central China (most of the photos of them in markets are actually from Indonesia), and there is a pangolin trade, but not in Wuhan.

Interestingly, the study did find 38 species of animals were sold in Wuhan, either as pets or for human consumption, including badgers, raccoon dogs, hedgehogs, peacocks and reptiles, but no bats or pangolins. I’m hoping most of those were pets.

So bats and pangolins appear to be off the suspect list for starting the pandemic, which throws even more suspicion onto the rats in Beijing.

There’s an article by Michael Dahlen at THE OBJECTIVE STANDARD that tells you everything you need to know about the “woke social justice” movement and anti-racism. It’s long, so find some time, but it’s a must-read.

Read this, and you’ll understand why "wokeness" as expressed in Critical Race Theory is such a threat, and why it has so quickly taken over academia and corporate life. There is absolutely no way to oppose it --- or even to insufficiently support it --- without being accused of racism and punished accordingly. This is a philosophy that’s designed to be impervious to rational argument, because, hey, it associates rationality with white supremacy. If you try to come at it with facts or reason –- which is very easy to do –- that only proves what a white supremacist you are. It’s like the mass hysteria associated with the Salem witch trials: “You are a witch! Better for you just to come out and say so. If you say you’re NOT a witch, that proves to us all the more that you ARE a witch.”

“Oh, and we don’t need evidence," they continue. "We can take your most innocuous statement, maybe from many years ago, and choose to be offended by it, or pretend we know your mind even better than you do and can tell what you really meant by it.”

This philosophy is a house of cards that can’t stand up to debate for five minutes. That’s why they built a protection into it: it doesn’t allow debate.

What “anti-racism” (actually, racism) does is flip the old white-over-black power structure of generations past into reverse. Instead of trying to extinguish oppression, as we’ve been working for many years to do, it asserts that oppression is always with us and always will be, no matter what, in EVERYTHING. And now, they say, it’s time for those “of color” (non-white) to be paid back by white people. White people were on the top; now they’re going to be on the bottom, and we will “guilt” them into going along with this. They believe we are in the time of “racial reckoning.”

What I don’t see “anti-racists” acknowledging is that this philosophy has turned them into the very thing they used to hate when it was white people doing it. THEY are the racists now, only they’ve re-defined “racism” so that in their own minds, they’re not. Language, you see, is a societal construct. And they get to control the language now.

They get to write the dictionary. That’s why we have to call these activists what they want and use their choice of 57 different pronouns to refer to them, but they also get to call us things like “cis-gendered,” even if that’s the last thing we want to be called. This is the new Newspeak. And there's new terminology we're all expected to learn.

Speaking of George Orwell, here’s a three-paragraph excerpt from the article that telegraphically shows how twisted and Orwellian the new “woke” social justice is...


“In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, the ruling socialist party had three slogans: War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. To say that social justice ideology is Orwellian is an understatement: Reality is a social-linguistic construct—truth is culturally subjective—objectivity is a Western bias—knowledge is a power game—upholding American values is a microaggression—speech is violence—initiating violence is self-defense—earned success is privilege—equal treatment is privilege promoting—argumentation is privilege preserving—disagreement is fragility—merit is unfair—the rule of law is unjust—protecting individual rights is subjugation—individualism is racism—race neutrality is racist—racial discrimination against whites is ‘anti-racist’—color blindness is a preference for whites—diversity of thought is white supremacy—whiteness is domination—being white is to be complicit in racism—being male is to be complicit in sexism—science is racist and sexist—masculinity is toxic—everything is oppressive.

“This is...wholesale intellectual corruption—the corruption of language, thought, and communication. Social justice ideology is brainwashing young minds. It’s rotting our cultural institutions. It’s sowing strife, division, animus.

"Recall that social justice activists want individuals purged for questioning BLM, purged for defending law enforcement, purged for saying “all lives matter,” purged for supporting peaceful protests over riots. They call for abolishing the police. They defend rioting and looting (or commit it themselves). They block, harass, and shut down speakers. They reflexively slander their adversaries as racists, fascists, Nazis, misogynists, or white supremacists."


I hope you’ll read this entire article. You’ll understand how deeply “anti-racists” hate America and how hard they’re trying to burn down every social convention. All must be “sacrificed on the altar of gendered racial identity.” And if you think this is some kind of fringe movement, think again. It’s infected popular culture, academia, corporate business, even the military and government agencies. A society based on this philosophy would be an absolute nightmare, a disaster of epic proportions. But we can beat this back, if we only have the courage to be vocal about it, and ABSOLUTELY REJECT IT. DO NOT SIT QUIETLY.

I’ll end with a few more quotes from the article –- about CRT'S rejection of reason and how we can and MUST fight against this –- hoping, again, that you’ll read the whole article.


“The thuggish, authoritarian behavior of social justice activists follows not only from the specific tenets of their ideology, but from one of their deepest philosophic premises: the postmodernist rejection of reason. When facts, logic, science, and objectivity are off the table, the only alternatives are smears, deceit, intimidation, and violence....

“The only antidote to a corrupt, irrational philosophy is a rational philosophy, one upholding reason, logic, objectivity, and free will, one extolling the value and reality of the individual, one recognizing that the individual is defined and should be judged by his choices, actions, and character, not by his race or gender.168 Such a philosophy, moreover, is the only antidote to racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice.

“Now more than ever, such a philosophy must be articulated, defended, and tirelessly fought for as if our rights, our freedom, and our nation depend on it—because they do.”

The FBI announced that an international sting called Operation Trojan Shield has accomplished one of the biggest busts of all time, taking down about 800 international criminals in 48 hours. It also resulted in the destruction of more than 50 drug labs, and the seizure of 250 guns, 55 luxury cars, $32 million worth of drugs and $48 million in various currencies. And it was all thanks to the crooks being more addicted to texting than a 14-year-old girl.

The feds realized that crooks rely on stripped-down devices with no phones or GPS so they can’t be traced, but they can access highly-encrypted text messaging services. So unbeknownst to the criminals, the FBI created such a service, called it ANOM, and touted it as the most secure ever created. Before long, it was being used by more than 300 criminal syndicates in 100 countries. After gathering more than 27 million messages' worth of evidence, 9,000 officers converged Monday on 700 locations in the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand to make raids and arrests.

ANOM has been shut down, but as the story at the link notes, criminals will now have to worry whether the next communications service they join will have someone spying on their every word. Hey, join the club, pals!

The anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, which defames Abe Lincoln with each mention of its name, also defamed the heroes of D-Day by comparing them to the equally misnamed Antifa (that stands for “anti-fascist,” even though they actually use fascist methods to attack anyone who disagrees with their radical ideology and falsely brand them “fascists.”)

To his everlasting shame, Brian Williams on MSNBC actually devoted some of his airtime to promoting this slanderous propaganda.

It was so jaw-droppingly outrageous that the website, which chronicles stories that sound like the Babylon Bee but are actually true, wrote it up:

I recommend as a must-read, to keep this ridiculous claim from ever taking root in your brain, this write-up from Instapundit, which includes the real history of the Antifa movement that started in Germany in the early 1930s.

Even then, they were a misleadingly named group of communist radicals whose primary goal was to destroy capitalism and who defined all other pro-capitalist parties in Germany as “fascists” so they could claim to be fighting fascism. In that regard, at least, the current Antifa does resemble some people who were around decades ago, but certainly not the heroes of D-Day.

This is a good example of why, when you are entrusted with power, you shouldn’t squander that trust for political reasons. It undermines your ability to take principled stands when people know your own principles are less than solid:

President Biden, on behalf of the US, joined with the European Union in condemning the arrest of dissident blogger Roman Protasevich, who had for months supported and encouraged protests of Belarus’ autocratic leader, Alexandr Lukashenko. After his arrest, Protasevich appeared on TV to recant his previous views and voice support and praise for Lukashenko, leading many to believe he’d been tortured or coerced. Of course, Biden was right to condemn his arrest.

But that gave Russian President Vladimir Putin an opening to remind the world that Biden’s DOJ is prosecuting everyone who entered the Capitol on January 6th, even those not accused of doing anything violent. Putin said, “These are not looters or thieves, these people came with political requests,” and Biden is trying to jail them for protesting what they believed to be corrupt actions by the government. And as the linked story reminds us, the government has used social media and other surveillance state methods to track down those people and jail them, while letting leftist protesters who actually did commit violence and vandalism of government property go free.

I’m from the “two wrongs don’t make a right” school, so I’m not going to dismiss what happened in Belarus or let the violent Capitol protesters off the hook. But Biden did hand Putin the stick to whack him with through his and his party’s own hypocritical double standard on anti-government protests (great when we protest the other side, treason and insurrection when they protest us.) I want our President to be able to take firm moral stands in the world, but first, he has to behave in a way that gives him a leg to stand on.

"KKK Princess"

June 8, 2021

Ellie Kemper, star of “The Office” and “The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt,” broke under pressure from the Twitter mob and issued a groveling apology and a confession of her “white privilege” and made a donation to BLM.

And what was her heinous, racist crime? Someone found out that in 1999, when she was 19 years old, she participated in a beauty pageant that she didn’t know used to exclude blacks – a policy they did away with 20 years before she entered and a full year before she was even born. For this, she was vilified on Twitter, the cesspool of basement-dwelling “social justice warriors,” who branded her a “KKK princess.”

She made a serious strategic error in playing along with this. Now that they smell blood in the water, they’ll dig through everything she ever said and did, searching for more things they can twist to try to force more apologies from her, because apparently, their own lives are so empty, they have nothing better to do with their time than get jollies from bullying people.

I assume she must have thought she had to do this, since she works in Hollywood, the natural habitat of clueless rich leftists. (Don’t believe me? Check out Cher’s latest tweet, in which she furiously demands that the wrong Senator be driven from office for refusing to abolish the filibuster. As Jonah Goldberg notes, it's a perfect example of the yawning gap between liberals’ intensity of feelings and their actual knowledge of the issues:

In a world in which Ms. Kemper didn’t fear being blacklisted over a false allegation, she would have told her attackers to get a life or ignored them. Or if she really never wanted to work in Hollywood again, she could have pointed out that every current member of the Democratic Party is supporting an organization with a shameful history of defending slavery, white supremacy, lynchings, the KKK and Jim Crow laws.

They say that things start in California and spread eastward to other states (lately, that’s meant leftist political ideas that are like spreading scarlet fever.) But let’s hope we’re seeing the beginnings of an opposite trend in the east that will move westward: New Yorkers who’ve had enough of incompetent leftist Bill DeBlasio's rule, with its attendant violence, filth and lawlessness, appear to be on the verge of rejecting the “progressive” governance that’s regressed the city from its safe, vibrant Giuliani comeback years to the bad old days of the 1970s.

The leading candidate is former law enforcement officer Eric Adams, who is ahead of Andrew Yang, but both are promising to reinvigorate the NYPD. Meanwhile, far-left, blame-the-police “Democratic” Socialist candidate Maya Wiley, who just got the enthusiastic endorsement of AOC, is at 9%. After getting a good, hard dose of what rule by these people really means, I’m amazed that 9% want more of it. Are 9% of NYC residents professional criminals?

As the linked article also notes, an internal study for the Democratic Party is warning that these policies they think are so popular with minorities are not. Whoever would have guessed that blacks and Hispanics don’t necessarily like having their neighborhoods destroyed by rioters and criminals, or paying twice as much for a gallon of gas as they did a year ago, or having biological males taking their daughters' sports trophies away and coming into their locker rooms?

Some other blue cities to the east of NYC are also starting to wake up and smell the smoke from what used to be safe, clean neighborhoods before their idiot leaders defunded the police.

Naturally, Democrats are incapable of admitting leftist policies don’t work, despite the fact that they’ve been tragic failures everywhere they’ve been tried since forever. A New York Times writer hilariously blamed the bad news from the study not on the Democrats' failed policies, but on Republicans for pointing out the awful results of their policies.

Hey, if my constant pointing out of the horrific failures of leftism have in any way helped convince New Yorkers or any other blue state or city residents to elect competent, pro-police, non-America-hating officials, I couldn’t be happier! However, I suspect it’s more likely that they’re just tired of being robbed, looted and shot at.

The latest large corporate entities that have prioritized leftist virtual signaling over the beliefs of their core customer base are…

Country Music Television (CMT), which is promoting the “Wear orange to support gun control” campaign. Many viewers – make that “former viewers” – are telling them bluntly that they only wear orange when they go deer hunting.

Pizza Hut is under fire for funding a fifth grade social studies “Critical Race Theory” curriculum that resulted in a shocking video of Brooklyn school children parroting the race-based, anti-American hatred they’ve been spoon-fed.

Incidentally, this isn’t just being used in Brooklyn; it’s even infiltrated to places like Iowa. Click the link to find out if your kids are being exposed to it. Also, it’s not just Pizza Hut: there’s a link to a list of a couple of dozen big companies that are also funding the teaching of racist CRT poison to our kids, including Intel, Ford, Ralph Lauren and, yes, Disney.

While we’re on the subject, here are some wise words from Dennis Prager to parents on the single best thing Americans can do to protect their kids and retake America from the hateful radical left.

The Supreme Court also gave the Biden Administration a reality smackdown on illegal immigration.

The Biden DOJ, a lot of liberal Congress members such as Elizabeth Warren, and 17 Democrat state Attorneys General were all lobbying the Court to make a loophole in the law part of immigration law. The case involved an illegal immigrant who was granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) because it would be dangerous for him to return to El Salvador. He wanted to apply for Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) and get a green card to work here legally.

He (and all those Democrats) wanted the Court to rule that having TPS status for any reason qualified you to apply for permanent residency. Had he prevailed, this would have allowed up to 400,000 people who hold TPS status to become permanent residents, even those who came here illegally.

But the SCOTUS ruled that the law was clear: LPR status requires “admission” into the US, defined to mean “the lawful entry of the alien into the United States after inspection and authorization by an immigration officer.” The plaintiff had gone through none of that because he entered illegally.

It must’ve crushed the Democrats that the ruling was unanimous (9-0) and written by liberal Justice Elena Kagan. The Court noted that changing laws is the job of Congress, not the Court. Indeed, a bill to do this passed the House, but is stalled in the Senate (it has one of those famous Democrat “noble titles” – “The American Dream and Promise Act” – not the “Legalize 400,000 Immigrants Even If They're Here Illegally Act.”) So now, brace for a big push for the Senate to pass that, although it’s unlikely to survive the filibuster, if the filibuster survives.

Court analysts noted that this is the latest in a string of unanimous SCOTUS decisions. While they are actually fairly common, that’s usually in cases that aren’t controversial.

There’s speculation that the SCOTUS might be sending a message to Democrats who want to pack the Court by adding four more liberal Justices that it won’t do any good: if they had to, they could come together and strike down anything that blatantly violates the rule of law and the Constitution by 9-4.

Cookie Politics

June 8, 2021

On her way to visit the Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, Vice President Kamala Harris passed out cookies shaped like her head to the press. Considering that she was trying to get them to believe the root causes of the illegal immigrant surge are things like “violence against LGBTQ people” and “climate change,” I’d say fudge might’ve been more appropriate.

Fortunately, Giammattei wasn’t swallowing her fudging. In an interview aired Sunday on “Face the Nation,” he explained precisely what’s causing the surge: Joe Biden.

Giammattei said when Biden reversed Trump’s strict border security policies, “The message changed to, ‘We are going to reunite families and we are going to reunite children.’ The very next day, the coyotes here were organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”

Too bad Harris didn’t just watch “Face the Nation.” It could’ve saved her a trip to Guatemala. And the taxpayer money her trip cost could have paid for something more useful, like, say, her first trip to the US border. Or finishing the wall.

Almost every day, there's news about election fraud. It’s just not being widely reported.

In perhaps the biggest story, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin has announced he won’t vote for the so-called “For The People Act,” which we call the “Legalize Vote Fraud Act.” He rightly says that forcing it through by way of the partisan reconciliation process will further divide the country. And he's right --- if anything could, this is it. The bill runs over 800 pages and, for good reason, has zero GOP support.

Manchin also said he won’t vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster. His reasoning is consistent: it would have given total power to one party that has only a tiny edge in votes.

Thank you, Sen. Manchin, for standing up for bipartisanship and elections that reflect the will of the people. You've said you don’t want either party --- even your own --- to have absolute power, and we applaud you for that.

Here’s what Sen. Manchin said in his home state newspaper, THE CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL.

“Do we really want to live in an America where one party can dictate and demand anything it wants, whenever it wants?” Manchin wrote. (Note: most Democrat politicians would answer YES!) “I have always said, ‘If I can’t go home and explain it, I can’t vote for it.’ And I cannot explain strictly partisan election reform or blowing up the Senate rules to expedite one party’s agenda.”

“For as long as I have the privilege of being your U.S. senator,” he continued, “I will fight to represent the people of West Virginia, to seek bipartisan compromise no matter how difficult and to develop the political bonds that end divisions and help unite the country we love.”

Amen. And thanks, West Virginians, for making your feelings known about this. I would also add that this bill, by federalizing elections when the Constitution leaves elections to the states, is blatantly unconstitutional.

Mollie Hemingway, whose book about the 2020 election is due out in September, appeared on SUNDAY MORNING FUTURES with Maria Bartiromo to talk about what we know so far.

She noted something former President Obama said last week: that in our focus on election reform, Republicans are trying to “rig” the elections going forward. (Once again, accuse us of what YOU are doing.) I would characterize what he said as not just wrong but downright offensive.

Obama was speaking at The Economic Club of Chicago when he spoke in sharp condemnation of the voting reform laws passed in Georgia and Florida and under consideration in Texas and other states. Here’s a strong opinion piece in the WESTERN JOURNAL about Obama’s presentation, including the video. Read on in the article to see what Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said about the risk posed to Texas by the push to send out mail-in ballots to every registered voter currently on the rolls.

By the way, Republicans in the Georgia House have gone further than passing election reform. They’ve also approved a resolution censuring Secretary of State Brad Raffensperget, saying that he failed to perform his duties “in accordance with the laws of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.” The document itself makes good reading.

According to this document, Raffensperger’s failure stems from the settlement agreement he entered into with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Republicans accused him of “undermining the security of our elections by allowing mass mailings of absentee applications by his office and third parties [!] which created opportunities for fraud and overwhelmed election offices; rendering accurate signature matching nearly impossible; allowing ballot drop boxes without proper chain of custody; and ignoring sworn affidavits and disregarding evidence of voter fraud.”

Details are in this EPOCH TIMES premium story.

If you’re really into the 2020 statistical anomalies suggestive of election fraud, we recommend this piece from REVOLVER about what appears to have happened in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. (And no, it doesn’t make us “conspiracy theorists” to want to examine this.) Former President Trump is calling for a Maricopa-style election audit in Pennsylvania, saying the vote was rigged. There should be one.

As Mollie Hemingway said, tens of millions of Americans saw the election as rigged “when laws were changed about how to control and protect our elections, or, sometimes...the courts just intervened or rogue election officials changed the processes by which we make sure that ballots are correct and should be counted.” Indeed, attorney Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie (the firm that paid Fusion GPS for the Steele “dossier”) might very well be the one individual most responsible for the outcome of the 2020 election, just by traveling around the country and getting states to ignore their own laws, the Constitution be damned. It all made cheating easier, regardless of whether or not the machines got hacked.

Hemingway also noted the practice by Big Tech companies of shoveling outside money to county election officials, essentially “privatizing our election process.” The biggest example of this that we know of is the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. This money had strings attached; for example, money that went to counties in Wisconsin paid for unsupervised dropboxes in locations determined by...CTCL.

Bartiromo recalled the various locations on Election Night where counts were abruptly stopped and picked up again in the morning. Of course, the most infamous of these, at which a skeleton crew of election tabulators continued counting into the night, unobserved, after the building had been evacuated because of a nonexistent burst pipe, was in Fulton County, Georgia, at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta.

“The whole problem with absentee voting and mail-in balloting is that we don’t even know how many ballots are out there,” Hemingway said. “This is a big concern for people who care about election fraud, ‘cause you need to be able to trust elections to have a republic.” And we can't.

Moving on...the Maricopa audit is working at good pace, with 60 percent of the ballots counted so far. But as the Arizona GOP tweeted Friday, “Democrats aren’t just trying to stop the audit, they are using it to raise millions of dollars from Big Tech and Corporate Cronies, grab power, finance campaigns, and further their anti-American agenda.” Well, of course they are.

Finally, Mike Lindell hasn’t backed down one iota –- that means "infinitesimal amount" –- on his claims of fraud. We had to go looking for his most recent video and finally found, on his own website, a choice edit that deals with his latest findings. I’ll tell you, it’s much easier to find the so-called “debunkings” (which aren't) than it is to find the videos themselves. And once you see this, you’l be wary of how simple it might be for China to hack into voting machines. The huge take-away is that to have secure elections, we have to go back to old-school paper-and-pen ballots. Stop electronic voting NOW.

Saturday, former President Trump returned to the political spotlight with a nearly 90-speech at the GOP state convention in North Carolina. The speech was vintage Trump, as he listed his Administration’s accomplishments and blasted Biden’s policy disasters. He also called on Republicans to fight for election integrity laws and to keep Critical Race Theory out of schools.

The speech also contained some hard news, such as his daughter-in-law Lara Trump announcing that she will not run for Senate in North Carolina, followed by Trump endorsing state Rep. Ted Budd for the seat.

Trump also called on all nations to band together to present China with a bill for $10 trillion for the cost of the pandemic, and for them to collectively cancel any debt they owe to China as a down payment.

Here’s the speech in full on YouTube (watch it while you can!):

And here’s a good write-up of the speech by Jeff Crouere at

Incidentally, all the leftist politicians, prosecutors, deep staters and tech billionaires who are conspiring like mad to try to keep Trump from running for President again might suffer a brain embolism when they hear this suggestion for something he could do that would probably be much easier to accomplish: becoming Speaker of the House.

Democrats breathed a sigh of relief last week and started boasting that they’re in great shape after they pulled out all the stops and won a special election in a New Mexico Congressional district that they won in 2020 by 23 points. Well, not so fast…

Saturday, there was a mayoral election in McAllen, Texas, a border city with an 85% Hispanic population. In a surprise, the mayor’s seat flipped from Democrat to Republican GOP county chairman Javier Villalobos.

Analysts say it may be a sign that Hispanics who supported Trump aren’t just Trump voters and have shifted away from the Democrats. Or it may be a sign that they’ve seen up close and personal the disaster wrought by Biden’s open border policies. Either way, it’s good news for the people of McAllen, but bad news for the Democrats.

Trump accuses Democrats of rigging the 2020 election: he’s banned from all social media platforms, accused of insurrection and promoting a “Big Lie” and branded an enemy of democracy. Obama accuses Republicans of “rigging the game” by passing basic election integrity laws such as showing ID, and he’s still on social media and hailed as America’s conscience.

But outdoing Obama in the double standards sweepstakes is CNN’s Jake Tapper. Tapper declared to the New York Times that he would not ask for interviews with any Republican who questioned the 2020 election because they are “Big Liars” who are trying to undermine democracy. When it was pointed out to him on Twitter that his bookers had tried to book Sen. Josh Hawley 18 times since January 6th, including just five days before, he blamed it on his bookers and still insisted that no Big Liar who claims presidential elections can be stolen will be allowed on his show.

That gave his critics the opening to point out that Tapper had pushed the debunked “Russian collusion” story about Russia stealing the 2016 election for two years. He also wrote a book called “Down and Dirty: The Plot to Steal the Presidency” that accused George W. Bush of stealing the election from Al Gore. So by his own standards, Jake Tapper should ban himself from the Jake Tapper show.

I predict that would lead to a big uptick in ratings.

Remembering D-Day

June 7, 2021

While we were taking our day of rest on Sunday, the world commemorated the 77th anniversary of D-Day, the biggest seaborne invasion in history and likely the most complex military operation of all time. Somehow, a massive invasion involving over 300,000 troops was kept secret until the moment it began on the beaches of Normandy.

Of the Allied troops who stormed the beaches or parachuted behind enemy lines, thousands were killed or injured by relentless gunfire from the entrenched German snipers’ positions. But they fought on and eventually prevailed, gaining a foothold in France and marking the turning of the tide of World War II in Europe.

Here are two articles from Fox News about both D-Day then and the 77th anniversary events.

Here is the website of the National D-Day Memorial with more information.

Here are two fine blog articles about D-Day, the second giving some information about the less-well-known Juno Beach Landings.

And this is a must-read article by Rick Moran at PJ Media about Sunday’s anniversary commemorations in France.

Because of the pandemic, live events were still very limited, with only one D-Day veteran attending the ceremony at the Normandy American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer. That was 96-year-old American Charles Shay, who lives in Normandy.

Shay said, “In France, people who remember these men, they kept them close to their heart. And they remember what they did for them. And I don’t think the French people will ever forget.”

Sadly, many young Americans are in danger of forgetting because they’re not being taught accurate American history. It’s hard to push a narrative about America being evil when you have to tell students how many Americans willingly risked their lives and limbs to stop the Nazis and save innocent people they’d never met on the other side of the world. As Moran rightly points out, the word “courage” has been devalued in our modern age, as it’s applied to everyone from celebrities admitting their drug problems to comedians insulting the President.

But the anniversary of D-Day is a reminder of what true courage really is. It’s doing the right thing, even when it requires charging head-on into the face of death. D-Day veterans often shun the title of “hero,” but nobody is more deserving of it. And nobody is more deserving of being remembered and honored long after their lives are over, and long after all of our lives are over.

It looks as if the Democrats’ hopes have been dashed for shoving HR1, their Legalize Vote Fraud Act (they call it the “For The People” Act, but my name for it is far more accurate), through Congress with one tie-breaking Senate vote. It’s thanks to West Virginia Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin.

It was already iffy whether they’d be able to hide it inside a bill that could pass through reconciliation and not be subject to the 60 votes needed to end a filibuster. Both Manchin and Arizona Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema are under heavy fire from the left for opposing their dream of doing away with the filibuster - an incredibly short-sighted power grab that would surely come back to bite them, just as ending the filibuster for judicial nominees did, but long-term planning is not the strong suit of liberals.

But Manchin made it clear that even if they could pass HR1 with 50 Senate votes, they won’t have 50 because he won’t vote for it. Manchin said, “The right to vote is fundamental to our American democracy and protecting that right should not be about party or politics. Least of all, protecting this right, which is a value I share, should never be done in a partisan manner.” He said the current debate on how to hold elections “is not about finding common ground, but seeking partisan advantage,” and “partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy — it will destroy it.”

He added that any bill about voting rights should be the result of Democrats and Republicans working together, or “we risk further dividing and destroying the republic we swore to protect and defend as elected officials.” HR1 is a purely Democrat invention opposed by 100% of Republicans.

As for passing it by doing away with the filibuster, that’s also a no-go. Manchin said, “It has been said by much wiser people than me that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Well, what I’ve seen during my time in Washington is that every party in power will always want to exercise absolute power, absolutely. Our founders were wise to see the temptation of absolute power and built in specific checks and balances to force compromise that serves to preserve our fragile democracy.”

It's rare to see someone in Washington these days say something that wise or take a stand on principle in the face of an onslaught of angry personal attacks and threats from his own party. In fact, that’s so wise that I’m sure it will result in an even bigger onslaught of angry personal attacks and threats. He should take that as verification that he is absolutely doing the right thing.

And just to prove how 180 degrees out of phase with reality the pushers of HR1 are, here’s former Obama aide Ben Rhodes actually using the anniversary of D-Day to compare proponents of HR1 to the Normandy Invasion troops and Republicans who oppose it to the Nazis.

Free College Tuition

June 7, 2021

I’ve sometimes taken flak for defending Bill Maher, but even though we’re usually diametrically opposed on the issues, sometimes he’s undeniably right (you know, when he agrees with me), and he’s one of the few people left on the liberal side with the guts to actually speak up and call the leftists on their nonsense.

I don’t know if Bill is getting more conservative or if the left is just getting more nonsensical (I strongly suspect the latter), but he’s been doing it a lot more often these days. Here’s the latest example, from his HBO show Friday, where he ripped into both President Biden’s plans to give everyone “free” college tuition and the overall uselessness of today’s universities in general. (Warning: Contains the kind of language used by Bill Maher.)

On the same subject, here’s a thought-provoking article by a Michigan Congress member and a university president, listing 13 reasons why “free” college tuition is a bad, self-destructive idea that will harm students, colleges, taxpayers and America in the long run.

My fellow Americans: Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our allies were crossing the Channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far.

And so, in this poignant hour, I ask you to join with me in prayer:

Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.

Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.

They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph.

They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest-until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men's souls will be shaken with the violences of war.

For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and good will among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home.

Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.

And for us at home -- fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters, and brothers of brave men overseas -- whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them--help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice.

Many people have urged that I call the Nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our efforts.

Give us strength, too -- strength in our daily tasks, to redouble the contributions we make in the physical and the material support of our armed forces.

And let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be.

And, O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee; Faith in our sons; Faith in each other; Faith in our united crusade. Let not the keenness of our spirit ever be dulled. Let not the impacts of temporary events, of temporal matters of but fleeting moment let not these deter us in our unconquerable purpose.

With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogancies. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.

Thy will be done, Almighty God.


Rep. Alexandria “Don’t Call Me AOC” Ocasio-Cortez offered forth some more of her renowned wisdom this week, declaring that there’s no evidence that insane Democrat policies like doing away with bail or defunding the police have caused the skyrocketing crime waves in blue cities. No, she insists that if we want less crime, we need to build fewer jails.

This inspired a brilliant idea for me, too: if we don’t want any more pandemics, we need to build fewer hospitals. Think about it: what’s the #1 sign of a pandemic? Hospitals full of patients. No hospitals, no patients; and no patients, ipso facto, no pandemic!

Sorry, having to listen to nonsense like this got me thinking like a liberal for a minute.

AOC claims there’s no evidence that the rise in crime was caused by leftist policies, but that’s like saying you see no evidence that a flood was caused by a rainstorm, just because you slept through the rainstorm. At the risk of suggesting something that might be beyond her abilities, I’d suggest she try connecting the dots. Read this article from the Wall Street Journal about the horrific conditions being suffered by minorities in cities that defunded the police and allowed rioters and looters to run riot.

It points out that in Minneapolis, between January 1st and last week, homicides were up 108% from the same period last year, shootings were up 153%, and carjackings up 222%. Similar crime spikes have been seen in other blue cities with similar policies, including New York, L.A. and Chicago. Perhaps most horrifying of all, shootings of children in Minneapolis are up 171%. The grandmother of a 10-year-old boy who’s fighting for his life asked why nobody is mad and protesting that; is it only because a cop didn’t shoot him?

In a darkly ironic twist, the area known as “George Floyd Square” is now described as a burned-out, desolate, isolated, police-free zone where residents live in fear and senior citizens sleep in their bathtubs to try to avoid being shot through their windows. The WSJ article notes that Democrats blame this crime wave on the pandemic, but it actually started after the George Floyd riots, which began two months after the pandemic shutdowns began.

To be fair, AOC does have a bit of a point buried under her usual illogical verbiage. If someone is genuinely mentally ill, they should be in a hospital or care facility rather than jail (of course, it was leftists who insisted that it was a violation of civil rights to involuntarily institutionalize people and gave us the epidemic of mentally ill homeless people.) It probably would help reduce some crimes if we focused more on root causes such as preventing drug abuse or street gangs. But without the threat of possible jail time, some would sincerely seek help while others would just play the system to see what they could get away with.

Ironically, the only reforms that would truly make a difference are things that AOC and her comrades would virulently oppose.

First, improve inner city schools. We all know how bad many urban public schools are, and Democrats have recently given us a perfect example of how they prioritize teachers’ unions over the students. With the endless lockdowns, poor minority students have suffered the most, since many can’t afford the Internet or tutors. Want to help them avoid falling into drugs and crime? Help them get better educations. And I mean real educations, not teaching them that they can never get ahead because America is racist.

Next, a reform I know AOC would hate: bring back traditional, Judeo-Christian values.

Leftists lament that in crime-ridden urban neighborhoods, many young people have no respect for life, but they want to put an abortion clinic on every corner. They want new government programs to deal with gangs of young males who grew up without fathers, while demonizing marriage, dismissing the importance of fathers and incentivizing having kids out of wedlock (the founders of Black Lives Matter have openly stated that one of their goals is the destruction of the nuclear family, which is the #1 culprit in the destruction of black lives over the past half-century.) AOC wants a slew of new government programs to provide every need even as leftists wage war on churches that used to provide such charitable assistance, along with the spiritual guidance to help people overcome their demons, understand that God loves them, and get on their own feet so they no longer need charity.

If AOC really wants to rebuild families, instill respect for life and help people overcome sin and temptation, I’m actually with her. I just seriously doubt that she’d approve of the only things that would actually accomplish those goals.

Speaking of AOC, she actually blamed the still-unrepaired damage to her grandmother’s home in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria on “systemic injustices” and Donald Trump. That led conservative commentator Matt Walsh to launch a GoFundMe account to raise money to pay for AOC’s grandmother’s home repairs, since AOC can afford a Tesla but can’t seem to cover her grandmother’s handyman bills. He suggested giving $499, the monthly cost of a Tesla lease.

It was picked up by other conservatives eager to rub AOC’s nose in it (Ben Shapiro, for instance, pledged $499), and the fund rose to $104,153.

But someone in AOC’s family said her grandmother would not take the money, so it’s being refunded. Apparently, AOC won’t accept voluntary help from conservatives. She’ll only accept help in the form of taxes taken from them by force.

A graduating senior at Lake Highlands High School in Dallas is getting showered with praise from liberal celebrities and politicians, including Hillary Clinton, for using her valedictorian speech to promote abortion rights and denounce Texas’ “heartbeat” abortion limit law.

I could only imagine what their reaction would be if someone used a valedictorian speech to promote pro-life beliefs and denounce the atrocity of abortion. In fact, we don’t have to imagine. Officials at a Michigan high school tried to censor a girl’s valedictorian speech just because she referred to her Christian faith in it. She planned to say that her "future hope is found in my relationship with Christ. By trusting him and choosing to live a life dedicated to bringing His kingdom glory, I can be confident that I am living a life filled with purpose and meaning. My identity is found by what God says and who I want to become is laid out in Scripture.”

The principal reportedly told her, "These are your strong beliefs, but they are not appropriate for a speech in a school public setting." (Unlike promoting abortion, I suppose.) Fortunately, the principal backed down after receiving a letter from lawyers at the First Liberty Institute, demanding that the student be allowed to exercise her First Amendment rights. They said graduation speeches are private speech, not government speech subject to separation of church and state.

So, I wonder when this student will get her congratulatory tweets from Hillary and the rest, lauding her for standing up for her rights, not backing down and speaking truth to power? I won’t be holding my breath. One thing I’ve noticed about liberals is that they’re always ready to defend free speech, as long as you’re saying something they agree with.

For the record, I don’t think the first girl should have given a pro-abortion speech, but I also don’t think she should have given an anti-abortion speech either (the other girl’s speech wasn’t about public policy, it was about her personal religious beliefs that affect her plans for the future, which is an appropriate topic for a graduation speech.) The audience wasn’t there to have someone’s politics inflicted on them, they were there to see a graduation ceremony. Anyone who’s the valedictorian should be smart enough to know that.

Today's Must-Read

June 6, 2021

Jen Van Laar at reports that one of the highest-ranking defectors ever from China has been working for three months with the Defense Intelligence Agency. This defector reportedly has provided extensive, detailed knowledge of China’s special weapons programs, including bioweapons and the origin of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

US intelligence reportedly now believes that China is trying to produce variants of the virus to suggest that it came from bats to cover up the fact that it came from a lab. They still believe at this point that it escaped accidentally, but was allowed to spread.

Inside sources claim that information from the defector is what led to the sudden crisis of confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci. Also, it’s reported that the defector was kept in the DIA’s Clandestine Services Network and knowledge of him/her was kept from the FBI, CIA, State Department and other agencies out of concern that there are Chinese spies or sources in those agencies (I’d say that’s a pretty safe bet.) Even FBI Director Christopher Wray was reportedly kept out of the loop and suddenly “ambushed” with the information.

Oh, come on: if you can’t trust Christopher Wray, who can you trust? That’s sarcastic, of course. It’s like saying you can trust the word of the Chinese government, and who’d be dumb enough to do that?

In a related story, Dr. Fauci says that the recent attacks on him are "very much an attack on science."

I agree that science has been under attack, but not from the people criticizing Dr. Fauci.

Excellent News For America! And it comes from such a dry source that most people would find it boring: “Parliamentary procedure.” You might have snoozed through the discussions of that in school, but parliamentary procedure might possibly save America from being “transformed” into a leftist dystopia.

Chuck Schumer had hoped to use “reconciliation,” the process of passing a budget bill with only 51 votes to avoid a Republican filibuster, to force the Democrats’ radical wishlist onto America. That includes the “For The People Act” that would legalize vote fraud, and the “PRO Act” that would destroy freelance and gig worker jobs. Schumer hoped to stuff them into the gargantuan “infrastructure” bill that would spend trillions of dollars on things that have nothing to do with infrastructure. But last week, the Senate Parliamentarian quietly issued a new ruling: “You can’t do that.” Reconciliation is for tax and budget issues only, and you can’t use it just to avoid a filibuster. So it’s back to the drawing board, or one hopes, the garbage heap, for these destructive radical bills.

At the risk of being called a nerd, I say, “Three cheers for parliamentary procedure!”

Now, let’s wait for the Democrats to declare it a form of white supremacy.

Democrats are celebrating a landslide win Tuesday in a special election for an open seat in New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District. State. Rep. Melanie Stansbury defeated Republican State Sen. Mark Moores by nearly 25 points, 60-36%. The Democrats were sweating over this race because losing it would mean (A.) an even narrower House majority and (B.) bad prospects for the 2022 elections. But now they’re crowing that the Democrats are “stronger than ever” and people are rejecting Republicans’ “fear-mongering” about their policies.

Yeah, that’s the official line. Here’s the real takeaway from this:

This is the safest of safe Democrat seats. It’s in solid blue Albuquerque, and Biden won it just seven months ago by 23 points. A Libertarian and an Independent siphoned off 4% of the vote, which means that Stansbury’s actual margin of victory over all challengers was 20 points, a 3-point drop in the bluest of safe blue seats in a low-turnout election.

To get to that margin, the Democrats did everything they possibly could, including an endorsement from President Biden, visits from state and national big names like First Lady Jill Biden, and outspending Moores on advertising by 2-1. Analysts are now saying that a victory of more than 15 points should make Democrats “very happy.” But winning by 15 points, or even 20 points, after going all-out in a safe district they’d just won in November by 23 points? That don’t impress me much. In a close district where Republicans really fight for it, losing three points could mean losing the seat; and the races like that in 2022 will far outnumber the Dems’ microscopic majority margin.

Oh, and one other thing: when Republicans slam Democrats for opening up the borders to let in drug gangsters and other criminals they refuse to arrest and deport; and for defunding the police while releasing criminals from jails, going away with bail and refusing to prosecute rioters, resulting in record leaps in violent crime; pointing all that out isn’t “fear-mongering.” It’s just alerting the voters to the fact that their opponents are nuts.

In today’s game of “Just Imagine If Trump Had Said This,” here’s President Joe Biden expounding inexplicably on why there are so many biracial couples in TV commercials…

And Biden not only believes that black people don’t know how to obtain IDs or get online, he now informs us that black entrepreneurs “don’t have lawyers. They don’t have accountants.”

To be fair, since Biden also thinks that the greatest terrorist threat to America, more than radical Islamists or Antifa, is white supremacists, maybe he just believes it’s still the 1940s.



June 3, 2021

Anyone who argues that President Biden isn’t embarking on a more radical third term of Obama should take it up with someone who obviously believes that: Barack Obama.

Obama pointed out that Biden is appointing people from his Administration, reinstating his policies and essentially, “finishing the job.” Considering that Obama vowed to “fundamentally transform” America, and that many people were horrified at what he was transforming it into, the phrase "finishing the job" carries ominous echoes of "The Godfather." Anyone who bought the line that Biden was going to be a moderate centrist working across the aisle was conned worse than Bernie Madoff’s clients.

Latest examples: say goodbye to small hometown banks and Alaskan oil…

"Smart Diplomacy"

June 3, 2021

In case you missed it, and no, there’s nothing funny about this story: Iran will soon be getting a new President. The nation President Biden thinks is reasonable enough that we can deal with them and send them piles of our money that won’t be spent on funding terrorism and advancing their nuclear weapons ambitions has decided that its next President will be Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline Muslim cleric who took part in the mass murder of more than 30,000 dissidents in 1988 and who opposes conciliation with the West. He’s currently the Chief Justice who recently sentenced Iranian wrestling champion Navid Afkari to be executed, like many others, for peaceful protest of the clerics’ regime.

Before you ask how the Iranian people could elect such a person as their leader, note that they had no say over it. Raisi is the choice of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the unelected members of the Guardian Council. As the linked story notes, they fear the rising opposition of the people to their brutal reign and want to make sure they keep the suppression turned up to 11.

I wish America were doing more to help the good people of Iran overthrow these murderous monsters, but that would require having an American President who recognizes Iran’s illegitimate leaders for what they are and who puts sanctions and pressure on them instead of trying to bribe and appease them into acting like civilized human beings with billions of dollars that they will undoubtedly use for more suppression of their own people and terrorism against Israel and throughout the world.

Or as the Democrats call that, “smart diplomacy.”

Heck of a job, experts!


June 3, 2021

In his two-word (“Told you”) response to the email revelations about Dr. Fauci, Sen. Rand Paul added the hashtag #FireFauci, and he might get his wish. Even the Biden White House must sense that Fauci has suddenly become a liability. One anonymous White House official told Human Events Senior Editor Jack Posobiec that they are actively discussing an “exit strategy” for him. Stephen Green of PJ Media called that a headline that should have been from April, 2020.

And in a turn of events that reminds me of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s self-congratulatory book about how well he handled the pandemic, a pre-sale web page for an upcoming book by Dr. Fauci suddenly disappeared from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The publisher, National Geographic Books (which was also planning a documentary about Fauci) claims that the announcement was simply “premature.” No kidding!

The book is (was?) to be titled “Expect the Unexpected.” Well, at least you can’t accuse him of lying about that.

RELATED:  Do you think Dr. Fauci should be removed from his position advising President Biden due to his past statements about mask wearing and the coronavirus' origin? VOTE HERE.

As we reported in February, Dominion Voting Systems is suing Mike Lindell and MyPillow for $1.3 billion for defamation. Now, in a new filing, Dominion is focused on going after the company itself –- deeper pockets, of course –- by arguing that MyPillow is liable for Mike Lindell’s allegations about them.

I’m not a lawyer, but it seems to me that Lindell was speaking very much as an individual when he made allegations about the lack of security surrounding the Dominion voting machines. He’s definitely a man on a mission, and I’m not talking about the mission of selling pillows, sheets and mattress toppers. Yet Dominion is arguing that this is really just about selling lots of bedding –- that Lindell has been waging a “defamatory marketing campaign” in his capacity as “the MyPillow guy.” They say he’s “integrating bogus election fraud claims with an extensive marketing campaign for the pillow company.” They couldn't be more wrong.

They point to his online store, in which he uses promo codes such as “FightForTrump.” My thought is that if Lindell is appealing to his right-wing clientele, it’s because he’s had to say goodbye to just about all of his other clientele over the election issue. I would assume that conservative Trump-supporters are pretty much all he’s got left.

“The law is clear that corporations can be held liable for the defamatory statements their employees make within the scope of their employment and furtherance of the company’s business,” their attorneys wrote. They argued that a jury could infer that Lindell was acting as the company’s agent and “exploited lies about Dominion to market MyPillow products.”

Lindell, however, had already claimed to have lost tens of millions of dollars in retail partnerships. Recall that major retailers such as Bed, Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s discontinued his products. MyPillow has also said in its own defense that Lindell sincerely believed his claims.

Lindell had asked the judge in the case, U.S. District Judge Carl John Richards, to dismiss Dominion’s lawsuit against him. But with this latest filing, Dominion is now asking him to move their suit forward.

What has bothered me about Dominion, and still does, is that they insist they have “publicly available facts and evidence” disproving the claims against them, and that the statements against Dominion have been “rebutted by the evidence,” while refusing to turn such evidence over to auditors. For example, they continue to withhold the administrative passwords for the machines used in Maricopa County, Arizona, to those who are currently conducting the audit there. My understanding is that these passwords would enable auditors to thoroughly investigate whether or not the machines are hackable and might have contributed to a rigged election. Dominion is trying to have it both ways: deny the charges but withhold their evidence.

It’s challenging to find stories in the news about Lindell and his claims that don’t dismiss them out of hand and call them false and “debunked.” To date, no one has debunked them. If you read this story in BUSINESS INSIDER, keep in mind that there’s some editorializing, such as the statement that “Lindell has continued to levy falsehoods against Dominion in interviews and rallies.” The accuracy of Lindell’s claims is yet to be determined. So, who’s defaming whom?

In other election fraud news, RealClearInvestigations has a detailed expose about how Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan paid $350 million to a progressive group called the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which, in turn, distributed those millions to cities and towns across America and worked with election officials to conduct their elections just so. We’ve previously reported on the use of this money to pay for unsupervised ballot dropboxes in locations chosen by CTCL, but this article reveals other ways in which they were involved. It’s long, but worth your time.

According to the story by Stephen Miller, “In exchange for the money, elections divisions agreed to conduct their elections according to conditions set out by the CTCL, which is led by members of the New Organizing Institute, a training center for progressive groups and Democratic campaigns.”

A partner with CTCL, the Center for Civic Design, actually helped design absentee ballot forms and instructions, crafted voter registration letters for felons, and tested automatic voter registration systems. In Michigan, they worked alongside “progressive activist groups.” In Georgia (yes, Georgia) and Utah, they worked directly with elections offices.

This type of funding has apparently never been done before. Does anyone see a problem here?

It gets worse. Even Facebook got into the act, producing a webinar and guide to help election officials engage voters, specifically targeting low-income people and minorities, “helping Democratic candidates win key spots all over the U.S.”

According to court documents filed by the conservative law firm the Thomas More Society, the CTCL allowed election officials in Green Bay, Wisconsin, to use the grant money to buy vehicles to transport “voter navigators,” who were used to “assist” voters at their front doors, answering questions and witnessing ballot signatures. They also “cured” absentee ballots that lacked signatures, addresses, etc.

In Georgia, agents from CTCL trained poll workers. I can’t help wondering if they trained the small team of ballot tabulators who stayed behind in the State Farm Arena in Fulton County late on Election Night after other workers, including the poll watchers, had been dismissed over a bogus water leak. Hadn’t their “training” included the fact that they weren’t supposed to count votes without supervision?

The infuriating examples go on and on. Erick Kaardal, a lawyer with the Thomas More Society, says, “It was a pay-to-play scheme, where in exchange for taking this money, the CTCL gets to tell them how to run the election. And it’ll happen again in 2022.”

This use of private funds to control how elections are run has got to be stopped –- now. State legislatures will have to pass laws to stop it, because in the absence of such laws, some judges are enabling it to continue. For example, in Texas of all places, U.S. District Judge Amos Mazzant III, an Obama appointee, ruled in favor of this kind of funding, and apparently his stance is typical. He said, “Ultimately, plaintiffs complain that people with different political views will lawfully exercise their right to vote. That is not a harm. That is democracy.”

Wrong. The practice he ruled in favor of is HARMING DEMOCRACY.

“Fauci Ouchie!”

June 3, 2021

Wednesday’s news gave new meaning to the term, “Fauci Ouchie!” The Washington Post and Buzzfeed obtained via the Freedom of Information Act thousands of emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci about the COVID-19 coronavirus, and they shattered the godlike aura the media have built up around Fauci like a hammer going through a plate glass window.

There’s so much in the more than 3,000 emails that I can’t detail it all here, but here are a few major stunners:

* Credible scientists told Fauci early on that the virus appeared bio-engineered and likely came from a lab, and he took actions to squelch that story. Many suspect it would have been embarrassing or far worse for him if the public knew of his role in promoting “gain of function” research to make viruses more transmittable to humans, something he allegedly lied about under oath…

* He knew that masks weren’t needed if you weren’t sick, and the masks people were buying were ineffective because the virus is so small it passes right through them. Some studies even showed that masks could make transmission worse. Yet Fauci kept pushing them, even to the point of suggesting wearing two at once (here’s some more on that)…

* Physicist Erik Nielsen sent him recommendations of two drugs that could help, one being Hydroxychloroquine. Yet when Trump said that and was attacked by the media as if he just made it up, Fauci did nothing to defend him…

* Fauci was in regular contact with billionaires Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, the latter about setting up a Facebook “information hub” to squelch “disinformation.” We now know that includes things like the possible Chinese lab origins of the virus that were not disinformation but that were simply inconvenient to the officially approved narrative.

Stephen Green at PJ Media quotes a commentator who points out that Zuckerberg was emailing Fauci about messaging ideas while giving $400 million to an organization that got out the vote in key Democrat battleground districts and deplatforming people who complained about it. Green writes, “You don’t have to be paranoid to see an information-controlling/data-hoovering social media giant working in cahoots with the public health bureaucracy to both shape a narrative and to unseat a sitting president.”

For a more detailed overview, the Legal Insurrection blog did a good job of laying out excerpts from the most important emails, explaining what’s in them, and providing samples of reactions. columnist and attorney Marina Medvin tweeted, “Fauci has singlehandedly transformed medical science into political science. This level of medical deceit to effectuate political control is unprecedented in American history.”

And Ben Shapiro called Fauci the "(Chief Justice) John Roberts of public health: a guy trying to protect an institution without regard to the purpose of the institution itself.”

Tucker Carlson at Fox News tore into this story as vindication of his long time criticism of Dr. Fauci.

Sen. Rand Paul, who endured death threats from the Fauci cult for questioning his claims and accusing him of perjury, tweeted the most succinct reply to the torrent of email revelations:

“Told you.”

I’m sure it pained WaPo and Buzzfeed to have to report this, because it means the people they denigrated, dismissed and censored for being purveyors of disinformation and debunked conspiracy theories are now looking correct on practically all counts. WaPo is trying to finesse its crawlback by not admitting that they’d been wrong in condemning skeptics of China’s government as crackpots and bigots (as one commentator pointed out, why is it anti-Chinese bigotry to suspect the communist government made the virus in a lab, but not anti-Chinese bigotry to assume it came from Chinese people eating bats?)

In correcting their 2020 story on Sen. Tom Cotton’s questioning of the origins of the virus, WaPo adds this disclaimer: “The term ‘debunked’ and the Post’s use of ‘conspiracy theory’ have been removed because, then as now, there was no determination about the origins of the virus.”

Nice attempt at distancing yourself from your own mistake. But if, by their own admission, they knew “then” that there was “no determination about the origins of the virus,” why did they call Cotton’s questioning of it a “conspiracy theory” that had been “debunked?” They work at a newspaper; you’d think they’d understand that words mean things. I suspect it’s because liberals have gotten so into the habit of declaring things “debunked” without going to the effort of actually debunking them that they never imagined the truth would catch up to them and they’d have to take one back. Well, in this case it has.

I wonder how many other cases we’ll eventually see of people who were branded by the media as “lying liars who lie” turning out to have been telling the truth all along?

RIP Arlene Golonka

June 3, 2021

We’ve lost another of those beloved, omnipresent actors that generations of Americans grew up watching on TV. Arlene Golonka died Monday in West Hollywood at 85 after a long struggle with Alzheimers.

The bubbly blonde comic actress was best known as bakery shop clerk Millie Swanson, Ken Berry’s girlfriend on “Mayberry RFD” (she’d earlier appeared on “The Andy Griffith Show” as the same character, only named Millie Hutchins, who was engaged to stuffy county clerk Howard Sprague until they realized they had nothing in common and broke up.) But that was only the most famous of her countless roles.

After working on stage, the Chicago-born actress moved to Los Angeles, and was soon making appearances on virtually every TV show of the ‘60s and ‘70s, from the early days of “Naked City” and “Car 54, Where Are You?” through “That Girl,” “The Flying Nun” and “Get Smart,” and post-“Mayberry,” in “M*A*S*H,” “All in the Family,” “Maude,” “The Love Boat,” “Matlock,” “Murder She Wrote” and many more.

She also made a number of movie appearances, including “Hang ‘Em High,” “Airport ’77,” “The In-Laws” (hilarious, you should see it), “Love At First Bite” and “The Age of Innocence.” Her last TV appearance was in “The King of Queens” in 2005. By that time, she was mostly retired from the screen and teaching acting.

Arlene Golonka brightened every show she appeared in for many years. Fans of “The Andy Griffith Show” who have seen all the reruns a million times might want to check out the spin-off, “Mayberry RFD,” that was killed by CBS’ “rural purge” while it was still a hit, but it’s very hard to find. There is no DVD box set, and at the moment, it doesn’t appear to be on any streaming services. However, I recently watched all the episodes, in varying quality, on the video streaming site, so give it a try. You might find it relaxing, in this trying age, to spend a little time with Sam, Millie, Howard, Emmitt and Goober.

Last night, I was on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, to comment on a cartoon lesson shown to first graders as young as four at an elite prep school in New York City.

I should warn you before you click that if you watch that clip, you will see the cartoon, which is about sexual subjects you might find quite inappropriate. It's a real conundrum: I hate linking to it because it’s too adult, but I have to report what's being shown to FOUR-YEAR-OLDS! At a school that charges parents $55,000 a year.

Why was I not surprised to learn that back in the 1970s, notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a teacher at that very school?

Sadly, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Schools are replacing education with indoctrination. It’s no wonder kids are doing so badly at math, science and reading. When you’re spending most of your day being taught to hate America, sexually pleasure yourself, celebrate the LBBTQ+ agenda and judge people by their skin color, who has time to learn anything else?

Parents have to become proactive and start speaking up against this, even if they’re afraid it will cause them to be ostracized by other, liberal parents. They might be surprised to discover how many other parents agree and would welcome someone taking the lead in speaking up. Even if they don’t, it’s better to take your kids out of these schools than to stay quiet and leave them there. Find a better school (that shouldn’t be hard), home-school them, or for $55,000 a year, I bet you could find a pretty decent tutor. Leaving them in these schools is tantamount to child abuse.

And as if children aren’t getting enough of this inappropriate indoctrination in schools, when they come home and turn on the TV, they get even more of it. To celebrate Pride Month, Nickelodeon is airing an episode of the young children’s cartoon show “Blue’s Clues and You” that includes a “Pride Parade” hosted by an animated version of drag performer Nina West of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” It features cute, colorful animals representing every sexual identity group, including “queer,” “bi,” “pan,” “ace” and “trans” (a cartoon beaver with scars on its chest, apparently from having its breasts surgically removed.) This is aimed at kindergarten children. I’ll bet some of you who are adults have never even heard of some of those particular sexual designations.

I’m linking to the Christian Post write-up of this because it was one of the few media outlets that has the video posted but that points out the shocking inappropriateness of it. Virtually every mainstream media write-up of it is overwhelmingly positive, with no concerns at all about how damaging it can be to push sexually explicit ideas at children who are too young and innocent to comprehend them.

The latest study suggests that if you had even a mild case of COVID-19, your antibody levels may fall over time, but memory B cells will patrol your bloodstream for reinfection and plasma cells in your bone marrow will keep making antibodies for decades.

This would make sense, since most vaccines work by making your body think you had a particular disease, to try to mimic the immunity you get from really having it. But it brings up an important point: with so many people trying to divide Americans into two groups (vaccinated and unvaccinated), and prevent the unvaccinated from going without masks or getting on planes or even being able to afford to attend a concert, what about people who had COVID and are now naturally immune, maybe even more so than the vaccinated? Some doctors are advising them not to get the vaccine, out of concerns that it could cause complications. Should there be a third category: “Unvaccinated but immune because I had it already”?

Or maybe we should just stop putting people in categories and denying them rights, keep allowing those who haven’t had COVID to get vaccinated if they want to until we reach herd immunity (if we haven’t already), and quit trying to force people to get the shot if they don’t want to. Because forcing them to take a shot is a practice that’s about to enter the court system, and there’s a good chance it won’t survive.

Many Americans who voted for Joe Biden thought they were getting a moderate, bipartisan unifier. Instead, they’re suffering whiplash from how quickly he’s yanked the nation hard-left, with open borders, massive spending, huge tax hike proposals, a return to failed “appease our enemies” foreign policies, the destruction of America’s fossil fuel industry and more insanity from the far left wish list.

The buyer’s remorse is showing up in polls. I told you last week about a Fox News poll showing that the number of Americans who think Biden is too far left has jumped 10 points to 46%. Now, a new survey by Echelon Insights and Winning for Women finds deep concerns about Biden’s profligate spending.

Fifty-eight percent believe that "inflation, raising prices and the cost-of-living for Americans" is certain if Biden’s massive spending plans become law; 57% agreed that the tax hikes on American families his spending would require would "slow down our already fragile economy" and "jeopardize our recovery;" and 53% said his plans would "lead to an unprecedented expansion of big government."

Surprisingly, those numbers include 61% of Independents, 54% of women, 63% of women with children and even 56% of non-liberal Democrats.

So if Biden is governing far to the left of his record, his campaign rhetoric and even many of his own supporters, you have to wonder why? It’s almost as if the guy who’s running the Biden Presidency isn’t the Joe Biden who was in Washington for nearly half a century.

The editors of Issues & Insights have a theory that might explain why Joe Biden doesn’t seem to be governing like Joe Biden. Meet the person they believe is virtually the acting President, his unelected Chief of Staff known to some as “Biden’s brain,” Ron Klain.

A study of the effects of lockdowns in 10 nations found that “mandatory stay-at-home and business closures” resulted in “no clear, significant beneficial effect…on case growth in any country.” In some cases, lockdowns even made the contagion worse.

That’s largely because most workplaces took immediate steps to reduce contagion risks (masks, social distancing, constant disinfecting, improved ventilation, etc.) that most people didn’t take in their homes. On average, workers were 4 to 5 times less safe outside their workplaces than in their workplaces. But the “experts” imposed lockdowns that shut workplaces and forced people into places where they were more likely to catch the virus.

So putting aside all the ruined businesses, crushed dreams, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, lost class time and dangerously postponed medical treatments, the lockdowns were at best useless and at worst, spread the virus even more.

Heck of a job, experts!

Over the long weekend, we lost two beloved showbiz figures of the past half century, who couldn’t have been more different but who had something very important in common in their private lives.


One of the most distinctive singers of his generation, B.J. (Billy Joe) Thomas, died Saturday at his home in Arlington, Texas, at 78, after announcing in March that he’d been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.


Most remembered for his Oscar-winning hit, “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” from “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” Thomas had a decades-long string of hits in multiple genres. He broke through in 1966 with a cover of “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.” That was followed by major pop hits like “Hooked on a Feeling,” “Rock and Roll Lullaby,” “I Just Can’t Help Believing,” “Don’t Worry, Baby” and “(Hey, Won’t You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” (still the longest title of any song to hit the Billboard Hot 100.) In the ‘70s, he released “Home Where I Belong,” the first Christian album to go platinum, and became the top Christian singer of the era.  In the ‘80s, he moved into A/C and country with hits like “Whatever Happened to Old Fashioned Love” and “New Looks from an Old Lover.”


Personal note: my wife and “Huckabee” co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I live very near Arlington and saw Thomas perform at the Arlington Music Hall in 2019 before a packed house. He sounded as great as ever and we planned to see him there again in March 2020. Sadly, that show got canceled due to COVID.


Recommendation: Check out his 2013 album “The Living Room Sessions,” featuring stripped-down versions of his greatest songs with guests like Keb Mo and Vince Gill. It puts a fresh twist on his classics with the focus on his still-fantastic vocals.


Also on Saturday, actor Gavin MacLeod died in Los Angeles at 90.


MacLeod was a struggling working actor for years, playing small roles in dozens of TV shows and movies before finally landing his unexpected breakthrough as wisecracking news writer Murray Slaughter on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (his passing leaves Ed Asner and Betty White as the only surviving cast members.)


After that, he became Captain Merrill Stubing on “The Love Boat.” Critics hated it, but audiences loved it. It ran for nine seasons, spawned four specials and made MacLeod an unlikely TV star and spokesman for Princess Cruise Lines. By all accounts, MacLeod was a truly nice guy, very grateful for his success, whose bright smile on TV was genuine.


Obscure Trivia: MacLeod’s baldness, later one of his most famous features, initially kept him from getting roles, so he wore a toupee early on. He originally auditioned for the part of Lou Grant on “MTM” but realized the gruff character was wrong for him and asked to try out for nice guy Murray instead. He also declined to audition for Archie Bunker on “All In The Family” because he just couldn’t say those bigoted lines.


If you want to see him in an atypical mean guy role, check out “The Kill,” the first episode of the great detective series “Peter Gunn” (streaming free on the IMDb TV app), where he plays a ruthless gang boss.


And what did Thomas and MacLeod have in common in real life? Both had addictions (MacLeod to alcohol, Thomas to drugs and alcohol) that nearly destroyed their marriages. But both overcame their addictions and saved their marriages after becoming Christians. Outspoken about their faith, Thomas became the most popular Christian music artist of the ‘70s, and MacLeod and his wife Patti Steele hosted a Christian radio series called “Back on Course: A Ministry for Marriages.” 


Our sympathies to their families and condolences to their fans, which includes all of us here.

Censored by YouTube

June 2, 2021

Rishi Sharma has made it his life’s mission to interview World War II veterans and get their memories on video for posterity. But if the YouTube censors have their way, posterity will never see them.

Sharma told Glenn Beck that clips of some of the vets’ stories were going viral until suddenly, the numbers of views and subscribers crashed. He can’t get YouTube to explain why, but he thinks they were censored, possibly because their algorithm assumes that anything about World War II must be promoting Hitler and the Nazis, even if it’s interviews with the heroes who defeated Hitler and the Nazis.

Fortunately, just as many conservatives are leaving social media sites and returning to having their own websites (I already did that long ago), the veterans’ stories are not reliant on the Big Tech censors. You can see them at the original source, Sharma’s Heroes of the Second World War website.

I encourage you to check it out, and if it inspires you, donate to help his mission.

The bloom may be off the rose for the Black Lives Matter group. Once, they had Americans so intimidated that money was flowing to them in rivers and people were shamed and canceled just for not putting their logo on their social media accounts or daring to question their anti-cop, anti-American dogma.

But lately, the bad news has been coming thick and fast. Polls show Americans’ opinions of the group have taken a steep dive. Their co-founder, Patrisse Cullors, was criticized for buying expensive houses in mostly white neighborhoods and resigned last week. The mothers of several black people who were shot by police blasted BLM, and Cullors in particular, accusing her of taking the money and running, and BLM of using their children’s names and stories to promote their organization and make money, while doing nothing for their families or communities.

The founder of Black Lives Matter in St. Paul is also speaking out against the group, saying he discovered the “ugly truth,” that they couldn’t care less about rebuilding black families or improving education for black children.

There’s also this story out of Denver that could tarnish the group’s image further.

Leave it to the Babylon Bee to perfectly illustrate how BLM’s hold on the left may be slipping, as people finally start thinking clearly and daring to speak up for common sense again.

Last week, Miranda Devine broke the news in the NEW YORK POST that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop confirm that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with his son and a number of foreign business associates at a Washington, DC, restaurant. The dinner had been arranged by Hunter three weeks before. Invited guests included a now-deceased former mayor of Moscow famous for his corruption and also his wife, who happens to be the Russian woman who wired Hunter’s business $3.5 million for...well, something.

In case you didn’t see our report, here it is.

Since then, the story has gotten worse. Again, I want you to imagine how this would be reported if it involved Donald Trump and any of his offspring. There’s no need to tell you --- you know exactly how it would be.

In a follow-up report, the NY POST said that Joe Biden was a “regular” at Cafe Milano, the Georgetown restaurant where he dined with Hunter’s associates and which bills itself as the place “where the world’s most powerful people go.”

President Biden has repeatedly said that he's never even had a conversation with Hunter about his foreign business dealings, that there was “a wall” and that he knew nothing about them.

In an update, there’s actually a photograph that was taken of part of this group --- Joe Biden included --- and the background matches other interior shots of Cafe Milano. The image was posted in 2019, with no word on where or when it was shot, but the April 16, 2015, dinner Hunter arranged is almost certainly it. The photo shows a smiling then-VP Biden, flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and Karim Massimov, former prime minister of Kazakhstan. According to the DAILY MAIL, Hunter worked with Rakishev to find U.S. investments for his $300 million-plus fortune between 2012 and 2014.

Here’s the story, with the photo. (Note: the story says the “Bidens” are in the picture, but do you see Dr. Jill Biden, Ph.D? I don’t.)

Anyway, the media have ignored this story just as we knew they would. Over the weekend, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed the media for failing to pick up on the NY POST report. “Joe Biden lied to the American people again and again,” she said. “He told us that he never talked to his brother, never talked to his son about their businesses, and yet now we have photographs of him, now we have that laptop. And, by the way, they never denied the authenticity of that laptop. And so now Big Tech comes in, along with the media, to say we’re not gonna let the American people hear about this. I mean, can you imagine if it were a Trump that went over there and then they brought back a $1.5 billion from China or $3 million from the widow of the Russia?"

That's the question I've been asking, but, again, we all know the answer. FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND host Will Cain also sounded a lot like me when he compared the media's blatant lies about this to the lies they've perpetuated about the Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Recall that Twitter even suspended the account of the NY POST over its Hunter Biden laptop story, because they dared to suggest that Hunter’s dad knew more than he let on about his son’s foreign business activity.

But now it’s clear that the hyper-politicized social media “fact”-checkers were wrong, not the NY POST. Even so, those “fact”-checkers have the power to determine which accounts are going to be demonetized, frozen, or otherwise given black marks. Time after time, reality turns out to be diametrically opposed to what they tell us it is. As far as I’m concerned, the only thing they should be looking into at this point is their own nether regions. They’re not qualified to check anything else. I wouldn’t ask them to check my oil.

An excellent interview segment featuring Harris Faulkner and guest Will Cain is at the link. It includes a video montage of the times Biden has denied knowing anything about Hunter’s business.

“I think every single one of us would have to our television screens and ask ourselves, what is our appetite for manipulation and lies? Because you have been manipulated and lied [to] blatantly --- not even...surreptitiously, but blatantly --- for more than a year. And...the Hunter Biden laptop story arc, follows very neatly, Harris, with the ‘COVID came from the Wuhan lab’ as a conspiracy theorist idea.”

This is from their playbook, he said, the way they call these ideas “crazy talk” and “Russian disinformation” (which I would add is really getting old) even though they’re true. Cain asserted that the way both of these stories –- Hunter’s laptop and COVID –- were dealt with by the media actually manipulated a Presidential election.

Oh, no, he just gave the “fact”-checkers something else to call crazy. But it's true.

EPOCH TV has put together an outstanding video called “Hunter Biden Is Back in the News: A Look at the Media’s Cover-Up of His Laptop Scandal.” It’s a great refresher on the whole story, and it also looks specifically at the impact of the media’s coverage (or, I would say, lack of coverage, and outright censorship) on the 2020 election. It runs just under 17 minutes and is well worth your time.

As you’ll see in the video, NPR’s Managing Director for News Terence Samuels said of the Hunter story, “We don’t waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste our listeners’ and our readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

I wonder, how many times on NPR over the past five years have they pushed stories somehow linking Donald Trump, and/or Trump’s family, and Russia? How much of their listeners’ time has been wasted on story after story that turned out not to be true?

Another great point: Joe Biden himself tried to rely on the “Russian disinformation” story as a cover during two of the presidential debates when Trump brought up Hunter’s laptop. He had to be well aware that this was a fabrication.

Finally, Matt Taibbi has a great piece about the media’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, calling it even a bigger scandal than the actual story.

Taibbi shows exactly what the social media “fact”-checkers are up to, how they scrub or de-rank the real information in favor of the slanted “explainers,” which are pure propaganda. For when you have time (it’s long), his piece is one of the best choices of reading material you could make on the the subject. Aside from this, of course.

Good morning!

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! 

Today's newsletter includes:

  • Bible Verse Of The Day
  • Arizona governor vetoes voter integrity legislation
  • Red v. Blue in Florida
  • The Media's Trump Derangement Syndrome warped their perceptions and their “reporting”
  • Memorial Day coverage
  • The Biden Administration's bonkers policies
  • A Reader Writes Back...


Mike Huckabee


“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:”

Acts 13:38 KJV


Arizona governor vetoes voter integrity legislation

By Mike Huckabee

Wouldn’t you say that in Arizona, given the still-unresolved problems they had with the 2020 election –- the audit there is still going on –- it’s more important than just about anything to pass election integrity legislation?

That's what I'd say, but Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey apparently disagrees. On Friday, he vetoed 22 bills, including two of special note: one that would've prohibited the inclusion of Critical Race Theory in training for government workers, and also one designed to help ensure voter integrity. It would have outlawed the mass mailing of ballots to voters who did not request them. I call that a good start.

But it was not to be. Here’s a portion of what Gov. Ducey had to say in a tweet on Friday:

“Today, I vetoed 22 bills. Some are good policy, but with one month left until the end of the fiscal year, we need to focus first on passing a budget. That should be priority one. The other stuff can wait. Once the budget passes, I’m willing to consider some of these other issues. But until then, I will not be signing any additional bills. Let’s focus on our jobs, get to work and pass the budget.”

With all due respect, and as important as a budget is, there is some “other stuff” that mustn't wait, and any chance to sign such important legislation should not be passed up.

According to the AZ MIRROR, the Republicans failed to pass the $12.4 billion budget bill they'd worked out with the governor. They have only a one-vote majority in both houses, and the Democrats didn’t like this budget, so Republicans would've had to vote unanimously to approve it. They don’t quite have the votes yet, so they’ve adjourned till June 10.

One senator and one representative have said they won’t support this budget. These two Republicans are stuck on one provision: a proposal to get rid of the graduated state income tax brackets and replace them with a 2.5 percent flat tax. It’s estimated this would cost the state $1.9 billion. And since a cut of the tax revenue goes to cities and towns, those also would take a hit. Both legislators want them compensated for lost revenue, and they say they have some other concerns as well.

The governor’s decision to veto all 22 of those bills apparently angered both Republicans and Democrats, depending on which of the bills we’re talking about. Democrat Sen. Tony Navarrete described Gov. Ducey’s refusal to sign one prison reform bill as “a public temper tantrum fit for a toddler.”

Other bills had been more important to Republicans. One big one was the anti-CRT Senate Bill 1074, banning training for government officials “that presents any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.” This was one of the last bills to be passed before they all ended up in quicksand because of the failed budget.

And one that absolutely did not deserve to be vetoed for ANY reason was House Bill 2792, which would have made it a Class 5 felony for an election official to send a ballot to someone who hadn’t requested one. This practice should never be allowed. As reported by the AZ MIRROR, the legislation outlawing this was “a response to Democratic election officials across the country, including former Maricopa County recorder Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, who sought to send early ballots to all voters last year at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Maricopa County judge barred Fontes from carrying out his plan for the Democratic presidential preference election in March.[2020].”

The judge’s ruling came after the Arizona attorney general issued a temporary restraining order to stop Fontes from sending out the ballots. Fontes had taken it upon himself to do this, tweeting at the time, “We are in uncharted territory here.” (Indeed. All the rule changes that were made across the country during 2020 put us into uncharted territory, all right. We’re still trying to find our way out.)

The AG’s restraining order said, “Sending out unauthorized ballots will create voter confusion on the eve of an election [it was just four days prior] and could result in voters attempting to vote ballots that are not fully authorized.” Gosh, really?

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs told Fontes she understood his concern but that he didn’t have the legal authority to mail ballots to people who had not requested them. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors had determined this as well. With all this, it still took a restraining order and a judge’s ruling to stop him. The guy even held a press conference to say his office DID have authority to do this “in time of crisis.”

“I believe it is permissible to send ballots to voters,” he said, “particularly in a type of emergency that we are having now, to ensure that those fundamental rights are maintained and upheld.”

You know, I think we’ve figured out why the county recorder at the recent Board of Supervisors is not the same person who was in charge in 2020. That person is gone. We did a little digging and found there had been a website called, but nothing is online now. He ran for re-election in Maricopa County on November 3, and he lost.

Of course, we saw at the recent Maricopa County Board of Supervisors “special” meeting that his successor, Stephen Richer, is no prize, either. He’s the one who wrote the letter, unanimously approved by the Board, refusing to cooperate with the audit that had been authorized by the State Senate.

In December of last year, there was a story in AZ CENTRAL referring to Fontes as “outgoing Maricopa County recorder” (leaving January 1) and saying he was taking a job as an interim chief deputy recorder in Pima County. Oh, goody.

Apparently, the newly-elected Pima County recorder was eager to work with Fontes because “he has been leading the way in so much of the revolution of voter registration and early voting for the state,” said Gabriella Cazares-Kelly. She described him as “innovative.”

Well, that’s for sure. We’d like to add that he’s a real “take-charge individual.”

Anyway, this background is offered to make the case that it’s very important for Arizona to “right the ship” after the crazy 2020 election year and pass voter integrity laws. The least they can do is make sure ballots aren’t being mailed out to everyone on their list, requested or not, just days before an election. And Gov. Ducey should have gone ahead and signed that bill, understanding that it's at the county level in key states that national elections are won or lost.

Here’s the story as reported by NEWSMAX.

Meanwhile in Arizona, the Maricopa County election audit continues, with, I assume, a break over the Memorial Day weekend. (Of course, the ballots will be secured 24/7.) There’s really no news out of there right now, at least not that we'd consider reliable, so as soon as we have an credible update, we’ll bring it.

Red v. Blue in Florida

By Mike Huckabee

This is mostly a story about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ most likely Democrat challenger, Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried, tweeting “Florida is not a red state,” only to have it pointed out that her own Twitter bio describes her as the only Democrat in statewide elected office.

But as amusing as that is, read the full story for DeSantis’ comments from last week’s townhall with Sean Hannity, in which he claims that the overwhelming majority of people fleeing blue states for Florida are registering Republican. Let’s hope so because Colorado and Austin, Texas, provide chilling examples of what happens when leftists flee their fouled nests and then vote for the same policies and people they fled from.

Let’s hope DeSantis is right, and that the pandemic was the final straw that red-pilled (or red-stated) many longtime Democrats, who saw their businesses shut down, their rights taken away and their children’s schooling prioritized below the wishes of teachers’ unions.

If he’s correct, then the good news is that red states will be less likely to turn purple or even blue (as I’ve pointed out before, “turning blue” is often what someone does before dying.) The bad news is that it will leave the blue states in the hands of the most die-hard leftists, the ones who absolutely refuse to learn from experience. It will mean even deeper polarization between the states, and I feel true sympathy for anyone stuck in a blue state who can’t move out for some reason. I fear the crime, unemployment, filth, taxes, corruption, high cost of living and assaults on Constitutional rights are only going to get worse.

The Media's Trump Derangement Syndrome warped their perceptions and their “reporting”

By Mike Huckabee

Freddie Sayers, executive editor of, has a good article on Facebook’s censorship of any questioning of the origins of COVID-19, and how, despite their recent reversal, they have failed to learn any lessons from that and are continuing to censor other legitimate comments and questions that run counter to “official” narratives that remain unproven.

Meanwhile, Instapundit has a good round-up of some of the other recent news about the media’s red-faced crawl-back of its “fact-checkers’” flat denial that COVID-19 might have possibly escaped from the Wuhan virology lab.

This collection of stories and tweets shows you just how badly the media’s combination of Trump Derangement Syndrome and financial dependence on China warped their perceptions and their “reporting.”

It also features a new twist: they didn’t just automatically deny the lab theory because Trump raised it. A New York Times reporter has admitted that reporters (and other leftists in general) first went into kneejerk denial mode because Republican Sen. Tom Cotton raised the possibility, and they also had to automatically dismiss everything he said. So Tom Cotton was in good company with the President. Here’s a separate link to that story from the Daily Wire.

That includes Cotton’s original comments, and it’s interesting to compare what he actually said to the distorted version most media consumers received. If you listened to the liberal media (which I keep warning you not to do), you’d have thought Cotton was spouting racist, anti-Chinese conspiracy theories as if they were fact. Actually, he merely pointed out things China had said that were proven to be false, facts we had learned that undermined the official “wet market” story, and the way China was being so resistant to allowing access to doctors or investigators. He never said it came from the lab; he just said it was a possibility that deserved consideration and that shouldn’t be discounted simply because Chinese officials adamantly denied it while blocking any efforts to investigate it.

In other words, the exact same situation that prevails today. And come to think of it, the same situation that prevails in all the states where they’re trying to audit the 2020 ballots.

Memorial Day coverage

By Mike Huckabee

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend, and remembered to honor our fallen military heroes who made possible every day of freedom that we enjoy. Former President Trump released a moving statement about Memorial Day that I’m sure you’ll want to read.

President Biden and Vice President Harris also tweeted about the holiday, even though it took Harris two tries and a lot of backlash before she remembered to mention what it was really about.

This story features a lot of photos of the giant MAGA boat flotilla in Jupiter, Florida, for Memorial Day.

It also includes Biden’s comments at Arlington National Cemetery. It was fine, but the allusions to “democracy” being in peril here and abroad came across as self-serving, insulting and inappropriate. There is zero moral equivalency between Americans wanting to ensure that the 2020 vote was honest and the kind of democracy-crushing dictators our soldiers have given their lives to stop.

The Biden Administration's bonkers policies

By Mike Huckabee

After admitting there are no guarantees that some of the $150 million of our money they’re sending to Gaza won’t end up funding Hamas terrorism, the Biden Administration is taking action: they’re adding an extra $38.5 million.

And speaking of absolutely bonkers policies, having already reduced ICE deportations of illegal aliens to the lowest levels ever, the Biden DHS may consider a plan to bring ones who’ve already been deported back to the United States.

If they’re going to do that, could they at least be honest enough to stop calling it the Department of Homeland Security?

A Reader Writes Back... 

Love and look forward to your news letters but please leave out pictures of Biden, Pelosi, AOC and those idiots! Its painful to see them!

Red v. Blue in Florida

June 1, 2021

This is mostly a story about Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ most likely Democrat challenger, Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried, tweeting “Florida is not a red state,” only to have it pointed out that her own Twitter bio describes her as the only Democrat in statewide elected office.

But as amusing as that is, read the full story for DeSantis’ comments from last week’s townhall with Sean Hannity, in which he claims that the overwhelming majority of people fleeing blue states for Florida are registering Republican. Let’s hope so because Colorado and Austin, Texas, provide chilling examples of what happens when leftists flee their fouled nests and then vote for the same policies and people they fled from.

Let’s hope DeSantis is right, and that the pandemic was the final straw that red-pilled (or red-stated) many longtime Democrats, who saw their businesses shut down, their rights taken away and their children’s schooling prioritized below the wishes of teachers’ unions.

If he’s correct, then the good news is that red states will be less likely to turn purple or even blue (as I’ve pointed out before, “turning blue” is often what someone does before dying.) The bad news is that it will leave the blue states in the hands of the most die-hard leftists, the ones who absolutely refuse to learn from experience. It will mean even deeper polarization between the states, and I feel true sympathy for anyone stuck in a blue state who can’t move out for some reason. I fear the crime, unemployment, filth, taxes, corruption, high cost of living and assaults on Constitutional rights are only going to get worse.

Freddie Sayers, executive editor of, has a good article on Facebook’s censorship of any questioning of the origins of COVID-19, and how, despite their recent reversal, they have failed to learn any lessons from that and are continuing to censor other legitimate comments and questions that run counter to “official” narratives that remain unproven.

Meanwhile, Instapundit has a good round-up of some of the other recent news about the media’s red-faced crawl-back of its “fact-checkers’” flat denial that COVID-19 might have possibly escaped from the Wuhan virology lab.

This collection of stories and tweets shows you just how badly the media’s combination of Trump Derangement Syndrome and financial dependence on China warped their perceptions and their “reporting.”

It also features a new twist: they didn’t just automatically deny the lab theory because Trump raised it. A New York Times reporter has admitted that reporters (and other leftists in general) first went into kneejerk denial mode because Republican Sen. Tom Cotton raised the possibility, and they also had to automatically dismiss everything he said. So Tom Cotton was in good company with the President. Here’s a separate link to that story from the Daily Wire.

That includes Cotton’s original comments, and it’s interesting to compare what he actually said to the distorted version most media consumers received. If you listened to the liberal media (which I keep warning you not to do), you’d have thought Cotton was spouting racist, anti-Chinese conspiracy theories as if they were fact. Actually, he merely pointed out things China had said that were proven to be false, facts we had learned that undermined the official “wet market” story, and the way China was being so resistant to allowing access to doctors or investigators. He never said it came from the lab; he just said it was a possibility that deserved consideration and that shouldn’t be discounted simply because Chinese officials adamantly denied it while blocking any efforts to investigate it.

In other words, the exact same situation that prevails today. And come to think of it, the same situation that prevails in all the states where they’re trying to audit the 2020 ballots.

Wouldn’t you say that in Arizona, given the still-unresolved problems they had with the 2020 election –- the audit there is still going on –- it’s more important than just about anything to pass election integrity legislation?

That's what I'd say, but Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey apparently disagrees. On Friday, he vetoed 22 bills, including two of special note: one that would've prohibited the inclusion of Critical Race Theory in training for government workers, and also one designed to help ensure voter integrity. It would have outlawed the mass mailing of ballots to voters who did not request them. I call that a good start.

But it was not to be. Here’s a portion of what Gov. Ducey had to say in a tweet on Friday:

“Today, I vetoed 22 bills. Some are good policy, but with one month left until the end of the fiscal year, we need to focus first on passing a budget. That should be priority one. The other stuff can wait. Once the budget passes, I’m willing to consider some of these other issues. But until then, I will not be signing any additional bills. Let’s focus on our jobs, get to work and pass the budget.”

With all due respect, and as important as a budget is, there is some “other stuff” that mustn't wait, and any chance to sign such important legislation should not be passed up.

According to the AZ MIRROR, the Republicans failed to pass the $12.4 billion budget bill they'd worked out with the governor. They have only a one-vote majority in both houses, and the Democrats didn’t like this budget, so Republicans would've had to vote unanimously to approve it. They don’t quite have the votes yet, so they’ve adjourned till June 10.

One senator and one representative have said they won’t support this budget. These two Republicans are stuck on one provision: a proposal to get rid of the graduated state income tax brackets and replace them with a 2.5 percent flat tax. It’s estimated this would cost the state $1.9 billion. And since a cut of the tax revenue goes to cities and towns, those also would take a hit. Both legislators want them compensated for lost revenue, and they say they have some other concerns as well.

The governor’s decision to veto all 22 of those bills apparently angered both Republicans and Democrats, depending on which of the bills we’re talking about. Democrat Sen. Tony Navarrete described Gov. Ducey’s refusal to sign one prison reform bill as “a public temper tantrum fit for a toddler.”

Other bills had been more important to Republicans. One big one was the anti-CRT Senate Bill 1074, banning training for government officials “that presents any form of blame or judgment on the basis of race, ethnicity or sex.” This was one of the last bills to be passed before they all ended up in quicksand because of the failed budget.

And one that absolutely did not deserve to be vetoed for ANY reason was House Bill 2792, which would have made it a Class 5 felony for an election official to send a ballot to someone who hadn’t requested one. This practice should never be allowed. As reported by the AZ MIRROR, the legislation outlawing this was “a response to Democratic election officials across the country, including former Maricopa County recorder Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, who sought to send early ballots to all voters last year at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. A Maricopa County judge barred Fontes from carrying out his plan for the Democratic presidential preference election in March.[2020].”

The judge’s ruling came after the Arizona attorney general issued a temporary restraining order to stop Fontes from sending out the ballots. Fontes had taken it upon himself to do this, tweeting at the time, “We are in uncharted territory here.” (Indeed. All the rule changes that were made across the country during 2020 put us into uncharted territory, all right. We’re still trying to find our way out.)

The AG’s restraining order said, “Sending out unauthorized ballots will create voter confusion on the eve of an election [it was just four days prior] and could result in voters attempting to vote ballots that are not fully authorized.” Gosh, really?

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs told Fontes she understood his concern but that he didn’t have the legal authority to mail ballots to people who had not requested them. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors had determined this as well. With all this, it still took a restraining order and a judge’s ruling to stop him. The guy even held a press conference to say his office DID have authority to do this “in time of crisis.”

“I believe it is permissible to send ballots to voters,” he said, “particularly in a type of emergency that we are having now, to ensure that those fundamental rights are maintained and upheld.”

You know, I think we’ve figured out why the county recorder at the recent Board of Supervisors is not the same person who was in charge in 2020. That person is gone. We did a little digging and found there had been a website called, but nothing is online now. He ran for re-election in Maricopa County on November 3, and he lost.

Of course, we saw at the recent Maricopa County Board of Supervisors “special” meeting that his successor, Stephen Richer, is no prize, either. He’s the one who wrote the letter, unanimously approved by the Board, refusing to cooperate with the audit that had been authorized by the State Senate.

In December of last year, there was a story in AZ CENTRAL referring to Fontes as “outgoing Maricopa County recorder” (leaving January 1) and saying he was taking a job as an interim chief deputy recorder in Pima County. Oh, goody.

Apparently, the newly-elected Pima County recorder was eager to work with Fontes because “he has been leading the way in so much of the revolution of voter registration and early voting for the state,” said Gabriella Cazares-Kelly. She described him as “innovative.”

Well, that’s for sure. We’d like to add that he’s a real “take-charge individual.”

Anyway, this background is offered to make the case that it’s very important for Arizona to “right the ship” after the crazy 2020 election year and pass voter integrity laws. The least they can do is make sure ballots aren’t being mailed out to everyone on their list, requested or not, just days before an election. And Gov. Ducey should have gone ahead and signed that bill, understanding that it's at the county level in key states that national elections are won or lost.

Here’s the story as reported by NEWSMAX.

Meanwhile in Arizona, the Maricopa County election audit continues, with, I assume, a break over the Memorial Day weekend. (Of course, the ballots will be secured 24/7.) There’s really no news out of there right now, at least not that we'd consider reliable, so as soon as we have an credible update, we’ll bring it.

After admitting there are no guarantees that some of the $150 million of our money they’re sending to Gaza won’t end up funding Hamas terrorism, the Biden Administration is taking action: they’re adding an extra $38.5 million.

And speaking of absolutely bonkers policies, having already reduced ICE deportations of illegal aliens to the lowest levels ever, the Biden DHS may consider a plan to bring ones who’ve already been deported back to the United States.

If they’re going to do that, could they at least be honest enough to stop calling it the Department of Homeland Security?

Memorial Day coverage

June 1, 2021

I hope you had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend, and remembered to honor our fallen military heroes who made possible every day of freedom that we enjoy. Former President Trump released a moving statement about Memorial Day that I’m sure you’ll want to read.

President Biden and Vice President Harris also tweeted about the holiday, even though it took Harris two tries and a lot of backlash before she remembered to mention what it was really about.

This story features a lot of photos of the giant MAGA boat flotilla in Jupiter, Florida, for Memorial Day.

It also includes Biden’s comments at Arlington National Cemetery. It was fine, but the allusions to “democracy” being in peril here and abroad came across as self-serving, insulting and inappropriate. There is zero moral equivalency between Americans wanting to ensure that the 2020 vote was honest and the kind of democracy-crushing dictators our soldiers have given their lives to stop.

With the lockdowns winding down in most states, many Americans are chomping at the bit to get out of the house and go to beaches or parks to celebrate Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial start of summer. But let’s not forget that Memorial Day means far more than that. It’s a day set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice to provide for us the unprecedented freedom that we so often take for granted as Americans.

In a premium story in the Epoch Times, veterans talked about the meaning of Memorial Day, and all of them made it clear that it isn’t about them, but about their comrades who never made it back home. As one put it, “Veterans Day is for those who survived and retired. Armed Forces Day is for those who are still serving. Memorial Day is reserved for those who never got to take off their uniform.”

Despite the distortions of America’s history that so many people want to force into our schools, the fact is that no people in the history of the world have experienced the liberties, opportunities or prosperity that we have enjoyed as citizens of the greatest country on God’s green earth — the United States of America. I don’t say that as a biased American, but as one who has traveled the world and who can scour the pages of human history and say definitively that no nation has ever given its inhabitants the degree of freedom, security, and pursuit of happiness as has this extraordinary experiment in government called the United States.

Our Constitution is a simple, yet profound, blueprint for a government in which the ultimate power rests with the people and not with a king, a tyrant dictator, a military general, or even an elected official. The genius of our nation is that the people have been vested with the highest power, and while we temporarily grant it to those we elect, we don’t give it away (even during a pandemic.)

This great system of self-government with its separation and balance of powers and its accountability to its people has been and continues to be protected against both foreign and domestic threats by those who trade their clothes of choice for a uniform and who trade their personal liberties to accept orders from someone who outranks them.

In the process of providing that protection, in wars and other police actions over more than two centuries, more than one million of those in our military have given their lives for those of us who will enjoy this long weekend. No American should take this for granted nor ignore it. It shouldn’t be left to the Gold Star families alone to take a pause for a somber reminder of the price of our benefits of citizenship. We all owe it to them to show respect in some way for those whose deaths gave us our lives.

This year, May 8 was the 76th anniversary of World War II’s VE Day (Victory in Europe) and August 15 will be the 76th anniversary of VJ Day (Victory over Japan.) While most of the commemorative events last year and this were canceled due to the pandemic, parents should use the Internet to teach kids at home about VE Day and VJ Day.

For kids who’ve heard derogatory comments about the military, these anniversaries are a golden opportunity to teach them that the rights, freedoms and comforts they enjoy were paid for with the blood of patriots: over a million soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. To cite just one war alone, many people today unconscionably water down the meaning of the term “Nazi” by hurling it thoughtlessly at political opponents.

This Memorial Day, especially in light of the shocking rise of anti-Semitic attacks by those who are ignorant of what World War II was about, please teach your children about the real evils of Nazism and the tens of millions who died because of it. And fly your flag and give thanks and prayers for the 16 million Allied military members – over 405,000 of them Americans – who heroically gave their lives to stop it.

Memorial Day

May 31, 2021

Once a year, on the last Monday in May, we set aside a day to honor our fellow Americans who made the greatest of all sacrifices so that the rest of us could continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty and security.

Memorial Day was born after the Civil War, when families would take a day to tend and decorate the graves of Confederate soldiers. It soon spread to the North, and became known as Decoration Day. Eventually, it became a national holiday to honor all American military veterans who gave up their homes, their families, their very lives -- everything they had, or ever dreamed of having – all in sacrifice for their country. And just how many have made that ultimate sacrifice? Brace yourself:

From the Revolutionary War to the War of 1812, the Civil War and Spanish American war, World Wars I and II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the other wars, police actions and rescue missions around the world since 1776, over one million, three hundred and eight thousand Americans have died in uniform.

Imagine if all those soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen could come back to life for a Memorial Day parade. Picture them marching past in rows of ten, each row taking just 10 seconds to pass. That parade would stretch on and on, row after row, 360 rows per hour, for hour after hour, 24 hours a day, for over 15 straight days. That is the enormity of the military casualties America has experienced since 1776. That doesn’t even include the millions more who sacrificed their limbs, their sight, their peace of mind, and the best years of their lives, all for us.

Make you realize just how ignorant and slanderous it is to claim America's history is built on slavery, racism and selfishness instead of freedom, compassion and sacrifice.

Today's military members, like those before them, risk their lives to protect the cherished American principles of liberty, equality, democracy, fighting tyranny and defending the weak. Previous generations guarded these bedrock principles so that they could be passed down to us. It is now our sacred duty to preserve them for future generations.

Every year, the American Legion sells poppy pins to support veterans and their families. May 22nd was National Poppy Day this year ( I hope you bought one and are wearing it proudly. The poppy became the symbol of Memorial Day, thanks to the famous poem, “In Flanders’ Fields,” by Canadian Lt. Col. John McCrae. He wrote it in memory of his friend Alexis Helmer, whom he watched die in battle in World War I.

The poem starts, “In Flanders’ fields, the poppies blow,

Between the crosses, row on row…”

Read the poem. It's very short, but it still conveys a powerful message of the depth of those soldiers' sacrifice and the debt we owe them all.

The pandemic is waning, but there are still fewer group activities than usual available where we can gather to show our support for veterans and our gratitude to those who gave their lives to protect our freedom. But we can all proudly fly our American flags. And we can offer support to some of the many great veterans’ support organizations, such as the VFW and the American Legion.

Another great new organization with an especially timely mission is Code Of Vets, founded by Air Force Veteran, Gretchen Smith. She and a staunch supporter, the late Charlie Daniels, once appeared on “Huckabee” on TBN to talk about the group’s efforts to provide support to veterans struggling through the pandemic. You can learn more and donate at It’s tax-deductible, and with their 1% operating costs, you can rest easy knowing that 99 cents of every dollar given goes directly to help veterans in need.

And of course, one more thing we can all do from wherever we are is to stop for a moment and think of all the rows and rows of crosses in veterans’ cemeteries…say a prayer of thanks to them…and remember that each and every cross represents a genuine American hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.

McCrae’s poem ends, “To you, from failing hands, we throw the torch. Be yours, to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders’ fields.” If you really want to memorialize these greatest of American heroes, then take up the torch they passed to us. Hold it high. And NEVER let it drop.

The Daily Caller and Judicial Watch have filed a discrimination lawsuit against Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot for her refusal to give interviews to white reporters. They say it’s a violation of the news outlets’ First Amendment rights and the reporters’ 14th Amendment equal protection rights, and that it’s outrageous and unlawful for an elected official to block freedom of the press using racial discrimination.

In a statement, reporter Thomas Catenacci, who was denied an interview because he’s white, said, “Every journalist and every person who consumes the news should be concerned by Mayor Lightfoot’s actions.”

You’d think so, but then, I also thought that every journalist would be outraged at the legal persecution of the undercover reporters who exposed Planned Parenthood’s practices. That proved that most of today’s “journalists” will prioritize protecting liberal narratives and favored groups over protecting their own rights as journalists.

I predict, however, that when Mayor Lightfoot relents, or is ordered by a court to cease her racist practices, the other news outlets who employ white reporters will request interviews with her, taking advantage of the rights fought for by the conservative outlets that they refused to stand with.

Friday, despite the usual suspects (Romney, Collins, Murkowsky, Portman, Sasse and Cassidy) voting with the Democrats, the Senate Dems failed to overcome the Republican filibuster and the proposal to create a 9/11-style commission to investigate the January 6th Capitol violence was defeated. Democrats are still vowing that they will investigate and railing that “this isn’t over,” but they might want to think twice about that.

I understand that with their policies causing one disaster after another, from the border to the Middle East to the economy, they’re desperate for a straw man to whack, to distract the public’s attention from their own miserable failures. But so far, the more we’ve learned about January 6th, the worse it’s been for their side.

Their initial hyperbolic narrative was that, in the worst assault on the federal government since the Civil War, armed insurrectionists egged on by President Trump launched a lethal assault that left five people dead, including a police officer who was viciously beaten with a fire extinguisher. We now know that none of that is true. The people who launched the violence planned it long before Trump even gave his speech, in which he urged his followers to “peacefully and patriotically” protest. Nobody beat a police officer with a fire extinguisher. He died of natural causes, and all but one of the deaths were unrelated to the events at the Capitol.

Shamefully, on Friday, Hillary Clinton tweeted that Republicans were trying to cover up for a mob that “killed a policeman.” That’s either an unconscionable lie to exploit the officer’s death to slander her political opponents, or else she’s too ignorant of the facts to be commenting. The truth has been widely reported so there’s no other option.

The only violent death was the police shooting of Trump supporter Ashli Babitt, who, like all the other protesters, was unarmed. One person who was allegedly inciting others to commit violence was a known BLM agitator. Many people there that day committed no violent acts, and it appears the cops stood aside and let them walk on in. Many legal authorities believe prosecutors will have to walk back some of their initial charges for lack of evidence.

As for it being the worst assault on Congress since the 1860s, here’s a list of assaults on Congress that includes, among others, a shooting in 1954 that injured five Congressmen and two bombings, in 1971 and 1983.

Not included are the deranged Bernie Bro who hoped to change the balance of power by shooting Rep. Steve Scalise and trying to kill other Republicans, or Flight 93 on 9/11 that was reportedly headed for the Capitol before the heroic passengers took it down.

The Democrats might want to consider that if they keep picking at this scab, they might not be able to stop the bleeding. They’ll give a platform to people who were protesting because they believed the election was rigged. That could feed the growing demands for audits of ballots in swing states.

We’ve already seen that while they're raring to investigate January 6th (the only riot of the past year that they actually want to investigate), they’ll fight tooth and nail to keep anyone from investigating the election that was the basis of the Capitol assault. Do they really want to keep questions about the election in the headlines for months longer?

Besides, Americans have a host of problems they want dealt with, many of the Democrats’ own making. They don’t want all of Congress’ time taken up with endlessly rehashing a riot from last January that wasn’t as bad as the riots many Americans suffered in 2020 that the Democrats excused and defended. All things considered, the Democrats would be smart to heed their own advice and “move on.”

Now we know why the White House tried to sneak Biden’s first budget proposal out on a holiday weekend when nobody was paying attention.

It calls for spending $6 trillion, with a 25% increase in spending, partially paid for by new taxes, but still leaving a $1.8 trillion deficit. I assume that will be much larger than projected because projected revenues from big tax increases seldom materialize, since rich people didn’t get rich by handing their money over to the government. They’ll move it into shelters and out of productive investments that create jobs, which will reduce revenues even more in a vicious cycle.

The Daily Mail has a lot of numbers, most of them pretty terrifying, but I don’t like to throw a lot of numbers at you. So I’ll just suggest you click the link and brace yourself.

I will pass these along, though, just to give you an idea of the general thrust: Biden wants to spend $36 billion on “climate investments,” $2.1 billion on “gun violence,” and give $861 million to Central American nations to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration.

I’ll take care of that last one: They’re coming here because it’s so much better than where they are now. I’ll take that $861 million in cash or a money order (sorry, no checks, the fed is too overdrawn.) Don’t worry, I guarantee I’ll use the money more productively that the Central American politicians ever will.

In case you missed it: here’s video of my appearance on Fox & Friends to talk about the Biden “budget” proposal (sorry, when we’re talking about spending over $6 trillion including $1.8 trillion we don’t even have, I can’t use the word “budget” without quotes.)

Covid-News Roundup

May 30, 2021

A German research team believes they may have discovered what might be causing rare blood clots in some recipients of the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

The Washington Post’s “fact-checker” is the latest to admit that anti-Trump political bias played a factor in the media discounting and censoring questions about the coronavirus’ origin.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is under renewed fire after an article he wrote in 2012 surfaced. In it, he argued that “gain of function” research (making bat viruses more contagious to humans in a lab to help study them) could trigger a pandemic, but that the benefits of such experiments outweighed the risks. Sounds more like Dr. Frankenstein. For the record, the Obama Administration disagreed and banned gain of function research, but that can be gotten around by giving grants to labs that do it in other countries, like…well, you know.

Thanks to the sudden ease-up on censorship, we’re finally seeing a paper written by a British professor and a Norwegian scientist, claiming that COVID-19 has “no credible natural ancestor” and it was created by Chinese scientists who tried to cover their tracks by retro-engineering it to make it look as if it came naturally from bats.

I don’t know if that’s true, but the authors say they had “prima facie evidence of retro-engineering in China” for a year, but were ignored by academics and major journals. It would have been nice if we'd at least been allowed to hear their theory and look at their evidence. To paraphrase the great scientist Adam Sandler, once again, things that could’ve been brought to our attention LAST YEAR!

The makeup chain Sephora caved to the woke mob and canceled its partnership with popular social media influencer Amanda Ensing, because she was a Christian conservative who supported Trump. The accusation of her being opposed to “inclusivity” got her banned from Twitter, where she’d had over a million followers.

Now, in a blow back against the cancel mobs and corporate bullying, free speech attorney John Pierce is representing Ensing in a defamation lawsuit against Sephora. Pierce said they “picked on the wrong target,” and issued this statement:

“Ms. Ensing is intent on exposing cancel culture for what it is — a poisonous cancer that is destroying the norms of free speech and the fabric of America. Sephora and its leadership will be held accountable for globally defaming her. No matter how long and hard the fight, Ms. Ensing will make an example out of Sephora that will serve to deter other massive corporations from thinking they can simply steamroll individuals and destroying their lives for the sake of pandering to a leftist, woke and un-American mob.”

This should be fun to watch. It’s too bad people who are wrongfully censored just for expressing their political views can’t also sue Twitter. Come to think of it, why CAN’T they sue Twitter?...