Mike Huckabee
Saturday, tens of thousands of people came to Washington, DC (on their own dime, not bused in by any deep pockets activists) to join the Rev. Franklin Graham for Prayer March 2020.
Some in the mainstream media mischaracterized it as a rally of Trump supporters, but aside from some MAGA caps (which actually stood for "Make America Godly Again"), it was not. In fact, the organizers requested that there be no political signs. And even though (whether by coincidence or Divine design) President Trump was nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the SCOTUS on the same day very close by, this was a nonpartisan event for anyone who was concerned about the direction our country is heading. As Rev. Graham said, "Let's exalt the name of Jesus Christ. Let's call upon the name of Almighty God. Repent of our sins and ask God to heal our land. And that He would work in the hearts of our politicians.”
If you weren’t able to attend, you can read more, see photos and watch the replay of the live stream on video (hosted by Cissie Graham Lynch and myself) at this link.
And here is more information on Prayer March 2020 and quotes from the speeches.
Project Veritas just released a new undercover video expose of alleged voter fraud tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar. It involves accusations of vote buying and ballot harvesting to keep Omar and other members of the DFL (Democratic-Farmers-Labor Party) in power in Minnesota. This is a must-read, and more details are at the link.
Just a few lowlights: alleged ballot harvester Liban Mohamed is on video showing piles of ballots in his car and bragging about harvesting 300 that day for his brother, Minneapolis City Council member Jamal Osman (state law bars anyone from acting as a “designated agent” for more than three absentee voters.)
An anonymous whistleblower also claims that before the August primary, Omar’s ballot harvesters went to the Charles Horn Towers public housing complex and took every ballot from seniors there. She said, “They have perfected this system…They will tell you we are applying for your ballot. They take a picture of your Social Security and your driver’s license. They have a database. When the ballot comes, they track it. Sometimes, they make fake emails. They track the ballot. Then they come and pick up the ballot, unopened…They don’t give a (bleep) about any Somali…The DFL wants to win this state at all costs…and the victims is the Somali people.”
She also claims that young people and women were paid for their votes in the primary and that campaign operatives “were carrying bags of money…When you vote and they mark you off, then you get in the van, they give you the cash.”
Read the whole thing and get justifiably and non-partisanly furious. These tactics not only put corrupt politicians in power over all of us, they also cancel out legitimate votes and disenfranchise real voters. I have little faith in Minneapolis officials to investigate this (they’re too busy defunding their police department), but maybe it will finally convince FBI Director Christopher Wray that vote fraud really is a problem worth dealing with.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is under assault for having religious beliefs that leftists think will color her decisions. She already answered this attack brilliantly last year at Hillsdale College. Click this link and must-read her entire response:
In a nutshell, she pointed out that even people with no religious beliefs have personal moral convictions, and setting them aside is “a challenge for those of faith and for those who have no faith.” But it’s the job of a judge to set aside personal convictions and follow the law and the Constitution. She said it’s “a dangerous road to go down to say that only religious people would not be able to separate out moral convictions from their duty.”
In this one response, she not only shot down the loudest leftist objection to her (religious bigotry), but if they continue to press it, then they’ll be admitting that they want judges who don’t make rulings based on their personal beliefs. That would be both a tacit endorsement of non-activist judges and a rejection of all the reasons for which they are currently deifying Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I don’t have much in common politically with Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, but on ABC’s “This Week,” he made some comments that deserve to be taken seriously by his fellow Democrats.
Other Democrats are throwing ridiculous allegations at Judge Amy Coney Barrett (including claiming she’s totally unqualified and suggesting she’s a racist for…adopting two black children?), and threatening to try to disrupt and delay her confirmation hearing with procedural tactics and general tantrum-throwing. But Durbin admitted that Democrats have no power to stop her confirmation, that "we can slow it down perhaps a matter of hours, maybe days at the most. But we can't stop the outcome."
Instead, he said, "I've met with every Supreme Court nominee since I've been in the Senate. I will extend that courtesy, if she requests it, for at least a socially distanced, safe meeting, perhaps over the phone. I want to be respectful. We disagree on some things. And in terms of participating in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, I'll be there to do my job."
Even more stunning, Durbin publicly refuted Hillary Clinton’s plea to Joe Biden not to concede the election under any circumstance (like she’s apparently never conceded that she lost in 2016, and this is what that kind of denial of reality does to your mind.) Durbin said, "I respect her, I like her. But I think she's just flat-out wrong. The election itself is going to be announced, the winner will be announced at some point. If we are going to maintain a democracy, peaceful transition through an election is the only way to do it. Whoever the winner is, if it is clear and legal, that should be announced and the other party should concede." (This is assuming that Hillary was not talking about dragging out the results while enough new ballots could be “found” to win.)
Durbin’s words are a refreshing throwback to a time when political differences took a backseat to the good of the nation, and when all Americans observed the great traditions that have made America such an exceptional nation, like accepting losses, respecting other people’s right to hold different views, working across the aisle and observing a peaceful transfer of power after elections. One of the silliest stories of the past month has been the accusation that if Trump lost, he might not accept the outcome and that would be a “constitutional crisis.” Would it be worse than all the Democrats who still haven’t accepted that they lost four years ago, and are willing to burn the Constitution over it, from blowing up the Electoral College to packing the Supreme Court? They’re like children who scream that no race is “fair” unless they win it.
These days, too many people not only ignore those traditions, they deny that America even has great traditions or is an exceptional nation at all. Yet the things they would replace our traditions with would reduce us to the level of “world’s biggest banana republic.”
May Dick Durbin’s wise words (and courage to speak them aloud) sink into his fellow Democrats’ craniums and inspire some long-overdue soul-searching. At long last, there’s an adult in the room. (Or at least there was until he started endorsing some of the proposed changes Democrats would make if they win back the White House and Senate, but we can all save him from himself by voting to prevent that.)
The founder of Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta, Sir Maejor Page (not a typo), was arrested by the FBI on fraud and money-laundering charges for allegedly misappropriating $200,000 in donations. He’d pledged to use those donations “for George Floyd.” The FBI says he used them for food, dining, entertainment, clothing, furniture, a home security system, tailored suits and accessories and a $112,000 house (all for himself, not for George Floyd.)
PJ Media points out that, to be fair, the local branch of BLM had already branded him a con man, a camera hog and a “dangerous person with violent tendencies.” While those sound like job qualifications for many of today’s “community organizers,” they’d already thrown his group out of the Atlanta BLM branch.
That story also points out that in just three months this spring and summer, Page’s Facebook page raked in $466,000 in donations, and as PJ Media points out, it’s unclear if any of it went to any charitable endeavor at all. You might think, “Well, at least it improved one black man’s life,” but check out the Fox News link. I know nothing about his family background, but judging from his mugshot, he looks whiter than I am.
There are a lot of terms that today’s leftists toss around that they don’t seem to grasp the meaning of, like “Nazi,” “fascist,” “gender,” “impeachable offense,” “illegitimate” and “literally.” We’ll have to add “unprecedented” to the list. Every time Trump does something that many other Presidents have done, they thunder that it’s “unprecedented!”
The latest example is for him to nominate a SCOTUS Justice in an election year. As an example, I’ll cite one of the left's most prominent thinkers, actress Alyssa Milano, who tweeted, “Never before in our nation’s history has a Supreme Court Justice been nominated and installed while an election is already underway. It defied every precedent and every expectation of a nation where the people are sovereign and the rule of law reigns.”
Georgia GOP Chairman David Shaffer responded, “Except when Woodrow Wilson replaced the Chief Justice who resigned to run against him in 1916 or when Dwight Eisenhower appointed William Brennan three weeks before the 1956 election or when it happened a half dozen other times during a Presidential election year.”
The National Review’s Dan McLaughlin dug even deeper into the history. He writes, "There have been 29 such (election year) vacancies, and Presidents made nominations for all of them, in most cases promptly…In 19 cases, the President’s party held the Senate; 17 of the 19 vacancies were filled, the exceptions being the bipartisan filibuster against Lyndon Johnson’s nominees in 1968 and George Washington’s withdrawal and resubmission in the next Congress of a nominee who was ineligible to be confirmed (he’d voted to create the Court, and the Constitution made him wait until there was a new Congress seated). Nine of those 17 were confirmed before the election, and eight after. Three were confirmed in lame duck post-election sessions even though the President had just lost reelection.
If the Democrats would like some help in understanding what “unprecedented” actually means, I’ll use it in a sentence: “It would be unprecedented if one of today’s leftist celebrities did any research before tweeting.”
From Townhall.com’s Katie Pavlich.
“Harvard professor Lawrence Tribe admits on Fox News Sunday that there is nothing unconstitutional about President Trump nominating Barrett and Senate moving forward and then says, ‘But there are a lot of things in the constitution that are stupid.’ Sums up the left’s view well.”
Potential Great News: doctors in Florida think they might have found a combination of drugs that cures the COVID-19 (Chinese) coronavirus with nearly 100% effectiveness. The big question: will this finally entice Joe Biden to come out of his basement?
It’s become depressingly common for politicians to tar their opponents as Nazis, fascists or “literally Hitler.” This is not only slanderous, it’s reprehensible because it “normalizes” such characterizations and dilutes the meaning and horror of what actually happened in the Holocaust, comparing the death of six million Jews to a petty political disagreement.
Sadly, Joe Biden tried to put a new spin on this low blow by comparing President Trump to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s minister of propaganda, and his claim that if you tell a big lie often enough, the people will believe it.
This is the latest and ugliest manifestation of the canard that Trump lies all the time (you know, about the FBI being out to get him, about not actually colluding with Russia, etc.) What makes it even more jaw-dropping is that it's being used as a reason for why we need to elect Honest Joe Biden, who aside from his family’s shady financial dealings has repeatedly changed positions, denied he knew about the anti-Trump plot that we know was discussed at a meeting he attended, and who has seen his presidential aspirations repeatedly sunk by incidents of plagiarism and lying about his own background, including his academic background. The latest example is one for which nobody’s been able to find any evidence, and I’m hardly surprised.
Delaware State just confirmed that they can find no proof of Biden’s 2019 claim that he attended that school. He was the commencement speaker twice and got an honorary degree, but no, he didn’t attend a historically black college.
I look forward to tomorrow’s debate, where I wonder if Joe will channel Steve Martin and tell the audience, “I started out as a poor black child…”