Not all leftists have hopped aboard the censorship train --- some actually are quite fond of the first Amendment and actively promote the free expression of diverse views.  The far left has gone so crazy trying to squelch whatever they choose to call “misinformation” that the term “civil libertarian” or “classical liberal” might be a better way to classify these (former?) leftists.  Glenn Greenwald, who co-founded THE INTERCEPT but resigned in 2020 after they censored one of his stories critical of Biden, is one of these.  He has no problem shredding the Democrat Party whenever he sees this as appropriate.

Matt Vespa (most definitely not a leftist) at TOWNHALL has a piece about Greenwald’s appearance January 7 on a ZEROHEDGE panel discussing January 6.  There were a variety of viewpoints represented, even Alex Jones’, and Vespa has to give credit to Greenwald for “not being afraid to discuss any issue with anyone.”

“Kanekoa the Great” and others posted on X a series of clips, entertainingly edited to turn them into a Three Stooges-style slap down, in which Greenwald deftly deconstructs the narrative that January 6 was a coup or “insurrection” and that nonviolent people deserved to be detained as “conspirators.”

Speaking of J6 protesters getting treatment they did not deserve, one incident that’s receiving attention with the release of more video was the severe facial injury caused by a rubber bullet being shot from a 40-millimeter grenade launcher right into a man’s face.

This violates Metro Police general orders.  According to veteran SWAT team supervisor and expert on excessive force Steven Hill, this equipment is designed to strike and incapacitate armed or violent individuals who are outside the range of officers.  Officers trained in its use learn that an impact to someone’s head, neck, central chest or spine can cause serious bodily injury or death.  In this case the bullet tore the man’s lip off, disfiguring him, and reportedly took some teeth with it as well.

This man was identified as 30-year-old Michael Dickinson of Philadelphia.  After he was hit, not one officer, including the shooter, intervened with any kind of medical aid, though people in the crowd were pleading that he was seriously hurt, bleeding and needed help.      

But exactly nine months later, on October 6, Dickinson did finally get the attention of law enforcement, when he was apprehended by the FBI in a pre-dawn raid and charged with multiple offenses:  "Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers, Civil Disorder, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings."

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six months’ incarceration, plus 3 years of probation and a $2,000 fine.  Yes, he HAD gotten rowdy and absolutely should not have done that, but considering he was “armed” only with a bucket of water and a paper cup, he was wildly outmatched by the cop with the grenade launcher.

LAW & CRIME’s write-up from the day after his arrest glosses over his injury, simply mentioning in passing that he had “sustained facial injuries from a rubber bullet.”  It also said the FBI had obtained his hospital records from January 6 and 7.  The news that he had been shot in the face with a grenade launcher by a Metro Police officer came later.

Today we’ve got more background information about the Georgia case, Curling v. Raffensperger, in which cybersecurity expert Prof. J. Alex Halderman demonstrated in court that he could hack into a Dominion voting system with a pen.

Interestingly, even though this trial just started on January 9, the case dates back to 2017, in the months after Trump’s shocking win.  Isn’t it amusing that in the wake of Trump’s win, it was the LEFT who were challenging the validity of voting machine results?  As we all know, it was perfectly okay to do that after the 2016 election that Hillary Clinton lost.  (Challenges to mail-in ballots used to be fine, too, because most mail-in votes were cast by the military and tended to lean GOP.)

Here’s the AP report from Day 1 of the trial, before Haldeman’s presentation.

Thanks to a report in NEWSMAX, we now know that this case was brought by a liberal activist group called the Coalition for Good Governance, which claimed that the State of Georgia’s use of voting machines using touchscreen computers --- casting votes without the verification of a print ballot --- made the vote counts susceptible to manipulation.

In 2020, Georgia went with another vendor, Dominion Voting Systems, and started using machines that along with their touchscreen provided voters with a printed ballot showing a QR code with their voting information.  But the Coalition for Good Governance asked a federal judge to order them to stop using even these machines, saying they were vulnerable to attack as well and that the QR codes could not be easily read.

The NEWSMAX piece goes back over Haldeman’s courtroom demonstration in detail.  With “five seconds and a Bic pen,” as he put it, he caused the machine to reboot into “safe mode,” which he said allows a person to “copy or change files on the voting machine, change its operating settings, or install malware.”  He told the court it’s possible to read, monitor or change “anything,” including the ballots themselves.

He also demonstrated what he could do with a $10 “smart card,” explaining that these can be programmed “to replicate cards used by poll workers, voters and technicians to access the voting machines.”  He said the voter cards can be used county-wide to “print as many ballots as you would like.”

We have to wonder if a leftist group like the Coalition for Good Governance, when they first filed suit in 2017, ever dreamed that it would one day be Trump and his supporters questioning what might have been done with electronic voting machines to “steal” the election from TRUMP in 2020.  Talk about strange bedfellows.  It seems to us that if they win their case now, they actually help support Trump’s allegations.  Recall that Trump lost in Georgia by only about 12,000 votes statewide.

It should be mentioned that the extremely litigious Dominion Voting Systems still has a defamation suit going in a Delaware court against NEWSMAX, who has chosen NOT to settle.  NEWSMAX maintains that it has acted within the proper bounds of a media organization by reporting the claims made by President Trump and his attorneys.  They also had dutifully reported Dominion’s denials of all the Trump team’s claims, and even invited the company to appear in person to rebut those claims, an invitation they say was refused.

Dominion has released a statement in response to Haldeman’s courtroom demonstration, saying that “his experiment did not happen in the real world, and he had far more than a Bic pen.”  They said the court had ordered Haldeman to be “given all the passwords, security cards, exact election files and more --- everything he would need to try to cause trouble.”  They said that doing so would require “a criminal conspiracy between an army of US election officials and thousands of in-person American voters.”  The access needed was “implausible and conspiratorial.”

Dominion also cited a conclusion by CISA (DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) that Haldeman’s claims have been “mitigated by existing election procedures,” which they say have been strengthened.

So for now, we await Haldeman’s specific response to these counter-claims by Dominion.  In the meantime, we certainly don’t mean it to be a reflection on Dominion when we say that we take anything CISA says with a grain of CISA-salt.     


As our “Justice” Department doubles down on arresting Trump supporters simply for exercising their Constitutional rights of free speech and peaceful assembly, it’s increasingly clear that the full story behind the riot on January 6 is being kept under wraps.  The DOJ has even targeted one of the journalists trying to expose it.

Attorneys representing BLAZE NEWS reporter Steve Baker say the DOJ may be embarking on a “retaliation” against him for his reporting on January 6.  We reported about a month ago that these attorneys had received a call from the DOJ saying Baker would be arrested on unspecified charges and needed to surrender himself.

According to Baker, they magnanimously moved the original surrender date of December 19 to allow him to spend Christmas with his family.  Wasn’t that nice?  Now he’s just waiting to hear.  Based on the timing, he can’t help but make the connection between their targeting of him and the January 6 stories he’s currently working on.

Baker’s attorneys concluded their press release about this with a message for the DOJ:  “If you are so convinced in the strength of your case against Steve Baker that you file charges against him in the [DC District Court], we invite you to join in a stipulation with the defense to have Steve’s case tried in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina or the Northern District of Texas.”  In other words, don’t railroad our client in a DC court, the way you’re doing with other people.

As we reported just a few days ago, it was Baker who discovered that the oddly nonchalant “man with the backpack” seen on video informing Capitol Police and Secret Service about the pipe bomb in front of DNC headquarters was himself a plainclothes Capitol Police officer.  He also found video that suggested Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus, who testified against Oath Keepers who’ve since been sentenced to decades in prison, couldn’t possibly have been where he said he was to witness what he supposedly saw.

Baker’s video examination also blew up Capitol Hill Police officer Harry Dunn’s allegations of racism directed at him by Trump supporters that day.

BLAZE MEDIA Editor-in-Chief Matthew Peterson said last month, “I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that Baker learned of his coming indictment the very same day he met with a pair of Capitol Police whistleblowers.  Nor do I believe that the Justice Department decided to press ahead as Baker has spent more than a week viewing hundreds of hours of Capitol closed-circuit TV video and unearthing previously undisclosed details about the events of January 6.”

Baker has said he’s been under federal investigation for the better part of two years following his independent reporting on January 6, which began before he started working for BLAZE NEWS.  But now, with his new report on the “man with the backpack” where the DNC pipe bomb was discovered on January 6, the DNC seems to be ramping up again.

Baker says he won’t be intimidated.  “I will continue to report the findings of my investigation into the evidence being made available to me to review.  I have followed and reported on dozens of trials of January 6 defendants, and the more I investigate, the greater is my unease at what is being done in the name of ‘justice.’”

Besides journalists such as Baker, another investigator who deserves our thanks is Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk, chairman of the House Administration Committee’s Oversight Subcommittee, which is investigating the security failures that day as well as the subsequent activities of Pelosi’s “select” J6 Committee (now thankfully disbanded).

Loudermilk told FOX NEWS Digital last week that his investigation has entered a “new phase” with renewed support from Speaker Mike Johnson, whom he says has committed “additional resources.”

Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson, who chaired the J6 Committee, and “GOP” co-chair Liz Cheney were required under House rules to archive all their digital files with the Clerk of the House so they could be available to Loudermilk’s committee but complied only about halfway.  (Par for the course --- this committee operated as though no rules applied to it at all.)  Loudermilk found that those sneaks had deleted more than 100 encrypted files from their records just a few days before the GOP took over as the majority in the House in January 2023.

So Loudermilk’s committee hired a forensics team to “scrape” hard drives to determine what they’d deleted.  The team found that 117 files had been deleted and also encrypted, under password protection.  The deleted files apparently were recoverable, so now Loudermilk is demanding the passwords. 

And he’s not done.  He also wrote letters to the general counsels for both the White House and DHS, requesting “unedited and unredacted transcripts” of their testimony to the J6 Committee.  Deadline:  this Wednesday, January 24.  Loudermilk has vowed to get to the truth of what the committee members were up to, and we get the impression he won’t rest until he does, perhaps just in time during this election year.

If you saw Dan Bongino’s Friday podcast (we linked to it on Saturday), you know one of the many odd things about the discovery of a pipe bomb outside of DNC headquarters on January 6 was that Kamala Harris was actually there, inside the building.  Why would she have been there instead of at the Capitol building when she was about to make history as the first woman of color --- first woman, period --- to be officially chosen Vice President of the United States?  And why, after her seeming brush with death, was her presence there downplayed afterwards, when the Biden administration could’ve made huge political hay with it?  Bongino can’t figure it out, we can’t figure it out, and Julie Kelly, who literally wrote the book on January 6, can’t, either.

Here are the mystifying details we know so far.  Did you know that even in the CHARGING DOCUMENTS against January 6 defendants, Kamala was wrongly said to have been at the Capitol building, rather than at DNC headquarters?  She herself has never referred to this at all.  Amazingly, not a single reporter is on record asking her about it.  (Of course, if someone dared to bring it up, she’d probably just burst into a torrent of uncomfortable laughter.)

Incidentally, those currently being detained on January 6-related charges have been suffering during the freezing weather.  As Jim Hoft at GATEWAY PUNDIT reports, these political prisoners (we call ‘em as we see ‘em) didn’t have heat or hot water for days.  No word yet on whether these conditions have improved.  The corrections officers reportedly have been wearing heavy winter jackets and hats inside the facility, but detainees reportedly were not even given an extra blanket.


The best lead-in for today’s commentary on imploding Big-Brother narratives has got to be Victoria Taft’s column for PJ MEDIA, which asks the question, “When was your red-pill moment?”

If you’ve seen THE MATRIX --- and probably even if you haven’t --- you know that being “red-pilled” means having your eyes opened to the reality that everything you’ve been told is a lie.  For many, this moment was when you learned that the FBI knew Hunter’s laptop was real in November 2019, when they confiscated it from John Paul Mac Isaac but constructed an elaborate hoax to hide the truth of it from the public, gaslighting them into thinking it was “Russian disinformation.”  Some extremely gullible people actually still believe this.

We don’t yet know for certain, but this lie might have been the most productive way in which the 2020 election was (yes) rigged.  Setting aside for the moment the possibility of hacked voting machines (we’ll get to that), a poll of six swing states by the Media Research Center following the 2020 election showed that 17 percent of Biden voters would have not have voted for him if they’d known about one or more of eight news stories about Joe Biden that the news media had failed to cover properly, including the one about him being involved in business dealings in Ukraine.

Of course, the same news media that had failed to cover the real laptop story dismissed the MRC poll as too partisan.  Phil Bump at the WASHINGTON POST couldn’t even use the word “censoring” to describe what they’d done with the laptop story; he merely called it “limiting.”  As Holt reports, the mainstream media were brought into the intel community’s “pre-bunking” of the story at the Aspen Institute in anticipation of Miranda Devine’s story in the NEW YORK POST.  The FBI prepped them to think it was Russian disinformation.  The “classic earmarks” letter signed by 51 former U.S. intel officials was another lie.

The claim that the laptop was fake was just one of many lies that might have “red-pilled” you.  How about the lie that Trump was working on behalf of Vladimir Putin, an allegation California Rep. Adam Schiff said he could back up with hard evidence that he never produced?  Or the total nonsense, pushed by Hillary Clinton, that Trump’s campaign was coordinating with Putin through electronic “pings” at Alfa Bank?  Or, on another subject, the lies from the CDC, force-fed to you on social media, about the need for “police state”-style COVID lockdowns, masks on 2-year-olds and endless vaccines and boosters to “stop transmission,” and the six-feet-apart social distancing that we later found out was pulled right out of the air?  Or that suspicions of a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were a “conspiracy theory.”  Or that Joe Biden had nothing to do with his family’s uncanny ability to vacuum up money.  The lies just go on and on.

Holt writes that such lies, as they’re gradually exposed, turn “political atheists” into “citizen activists.”  They’re sick to death of having their intelligence insulted with the constant deception and want to do something about it.

On the issue of hack-able voting machines, we’re getting closer to the truth about that, too.  Though Jim Hoft has promised an update today, he did offer a preview on Sunday in GATEWAY PUNDIT about what was revealed in a Georgia courtroom Friday.

A bit of background:  perhaps you recall that J. Alex Halderman, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, came out with a 96-page report that was unsealed by a federal district court in June of last year, attesting to the “many exploitable vulnerabilities” of the Dominion Voting Systems’ ImageCast X system.  As reported by Hoft, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had kept this report from the public for two years.

Here’s some background from June 2023 on the efforts that had been made to cover up the Haldeman Report.  Hoft had reported in June of the previous year that Obama-appointed Judge Amy Totenberg (sister of far-left NPR correspondent Nina Totenberg) was keeping it under seal.  Highly recommended reading...

But back to the present.  Prof. Haldeman wrote about his findings in a blog post on Wednesday, saying that his team’s examination of the touchscreen ballot marking devices (BMDs) showed “vulnerabilities in nearly every part of the system.”  The BMDs can be even be attacked on a large scale, over a wide area, “without needing physical access to any of them.”

Obviously, my team and I are not cybersecurity experts and can make no determination on the hack-ability of electronic voting systems.  Certainly, we can’t claim to have proof that the machines were indeed hacked in 2020 --- how could we? --- only allegations by experts that they can be.  We’re simply relating to you what these experts have testified.

But as of now, this conclusion comes not just from a 2-1/2-year-old report, but from an in-person demonstration in the courtroom on Friday.  We’ll be getting more information on this today, but Prof. Haldeman reportedly hacked a voting machine and changed the tabulation --- right in front of Judge Totenberg.  And all he used was a pen.

The demonstration came as part of a lawsuit brought by the election integrity activists at VoterGA, whose goal is to replace voting machines in Georgia with good, old-fashioned, (relatively) secure paper ballots.

We’ve been promoting old-school, non-electronic voting for a long time, nationwide, and it seems they’re making a very good case for it.  And if President Trump wants more evidence in his own cases that he had reason to doubt the outcome of the 2020 election, it looks as though he may have found some.

Speaking of the cascade of cases being brought against Trump in this election year, REVOLVER NEWS investigative journalist Darren Beattie recently echoed Tucker Carlson in calling attention to one of the biggest players all along in that game:  CNN legal analyst (surprise) Norm Eisen.  “In every high-profile effort to undermine and, really, overthrow Trump’s presidency and the Trump movement more broadly, this goes back a long way,” he said.

Eisen runs CREW, whom you’ll recall brought the lawsuit in Colorado trying to get “insurrectionist” Trump off the GOP primary ballot.  CREW was formerly run by anti-Trump activist and Clinton “fixer” David Brock, founder of MEDIA MATTERS.

As Beattie told it, Brock released a memo after Trump’s shattering 2016 win outlining what they’d do to prevent Trump from ever having a win again, at anything.  The plan was to hit the ground running to stop him at every turn.  CREW was responsible for over 100 legal actions against President Trump and his administration, starting with that ridiculous “Emoluments Clause” litigation, which was drafted before Trump was even sworn into office!

That targeting of Trump is something his attorneys apparently plan to bring up in his Mar-A-Lago “classified documents” trial, scheduled to start in May.  Judging from their brief filed last Tuesday, they seem to be gearing up to say that the case was manufactured from the beginning, a “crusade” started by the National Archives, undertaken with the aim of kneecapping Trump ahead of the 2024 election.  And, yes, they do raise the possibility of White House involvement, requesting to see communications between Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team and the Biden White House.  Details here…



RELATED READING:  Julie Kelly has written a detailed follow-up to Darren Beattie’s report on that strange video of the “discovery” of the DNC pipe bomb on January 6.  For when you have time, this is not to be missed.  Kelly also links to Dan Bongino’s podcast about it, but of course you Huckabee newsletter subscribers have already seen that.

There are times when it’s hard to write about the statements coming out of the Biden White House because the sheer gall of their transparent lies is so infuriating. Like (with a straight face) blaming the Republicans for the illegal immigration crisis that Biden deliberately caused from his very first moments in office when he started reversing all of Trump’s border policies.

Or this week, when they had the audacity to try to blame Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas National Guard for the drowning deaths of three would-be illegal immigrants in the Rio Grande because Abbott removed the purposely ineffective US Border Patrol from that area and replaced them with the state Guard.

This false narrative was started by Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cueller and amplified by the Biden White House, which falsely claimed that the Texas Guard physically blocked the Border Patrol from providing aid to the drowning migrants. The DHS said Abbott’s policies were "cruel, dangerous, and inhumane, and Texas’s blatant disregard for federal authority over immigration poses grave risks." That was in a (false) filing to the Supreme Court, as part of their appeal to stop Texas from doing the feds' duty that they refuse to do. Naturally, this story got big play in liberal media outlets.

If there’s still anyone in the media or the Democratic Party (but I repeat myself) who cares about facts, here are a few inconvenient ones:

1. Patrolling that side of the river is Mexico’s responsibility. Nevertheless, on that night, the Border Patrol alerted the Texas Military Department to a possible migrant distress situation. The TMD sent a boat to investigate and found nothing. They later saw Mexican authorities responding to an incident on their side of the river, but were told they needed no assistance.

2. Nobody on our side of the border was even notified of these tragic drownings until at least an hour after they happened. Even if the feds had still been in that area, it would have made no difference.

3. The TMD has water rescue equipment and provides medical aid to migrants when needed.

4. The Border Patrol union approved of Abbott taking control of that area, calling it a “force multiplier” that allowed them to concentrate on other areas of the border. A spokesman said, "Governor Abbott is not harming Border Patrol operations, he is enhancing them." Translation: “Thank God someone in charge is finally doing something to secure the border.”

5. In light of all this, the Biden DHS was forced to retract its slander against Abbott and Texas, which I seriously doubt will get the same coverage as the initial false accusation. Indeed, I expect Biden to add this to the repertoire of debunked lies he keeps repeating, like the “very fine people” hoax.

6. Since Biden took office, over 1,000 illegal immigrants have died trying to enter the US, not to mention all the women who’ve been raped and the children who’ve been trafficked. This White House has shown precious little concern for any of them until it found three deaths that it could exploit to falsely smear its political enemies.

If Biden and his minions want to see who is really responsible for the deaths of those three people who thought they could cross the river and easily enter the US, I assume that with all the egomania in politics, there must be plenty of mirrors in DC that they can gaze into.

Which leads me to this final, highly related fact:

7.  All 18 Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee voted unanimously to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for creating an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis by “consistently, willfully and systemically” refusing to follow the laws, abusing his authority, breaching the trust of Congress and the American people, and failing to fulfill his oath of office. They called it “a crisis that has cost the lives of thousands of Secretary Mayorkas’ fellow Americans,” thanks to the criminals and drugs that have poured in.

I suppose you can also add those to the list of deaths that the Biden Administration doesn’t care about because they’re just not politically useful.

Let’s establish at the outset that our purpose here is not to further any so-called “conspiracy theory.”  That’s not what we do by simply asking questions about a bizarre incident that still has few answers.  After the “Justice” Department has spent three years abusing the constitutional rights of thousands of rally participants to ensnare them in their J6 net, one would think they’d have revealed the identity of the pipe bomber, locked him up and thrown away the key.  Why they haven’t done this is mystifying.

We’re duty-bound to keep asking questions --- and so far, we have a perfect record of being proven right in our skepticism of official narratives.  But, in the words of REVOLVER NEWS, “That the regime has invested so much in the ‘insurrection’ story of January 6th helps explain its commensurate hostility to anyone who challenges that narrative.”  (Of course, that’s one reason we’re exclusively on Substack now!)  Any reporting that might dare to point towards government involvement is immediately dismissed as conspiracy theory.  One FBI agent-turned-whistleblower, Marcus Allen, who shared --- without even endorsing --- a REVOLVER story with his colleagues ended up having his security clearance revoked and his loyalty to the United States questioned.  Here’s that story:

Today, newly-released Capitol Hill surveillance video examined by REVOLVER NEWS --- where they actually have real journalists trying to get the real story of the J6 pipe bomber --- shows more odd and downright inexplicable behavior surrounding the discovery of the pipe bomb at the entrance to the DNC, where Vice President Kamala Harris happened to be spending time that day.  REVOLVER’s latest story gets deep into the weeds on this new video, which was finally released thanks in part to the efforts of Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, but we encourage you to take the time to review their whole report.  We’ve summarized the most important points here.

The biggest new take-away --- and the strangest part of the story --- is that from what we see on this video, there’s no sense of urgency whatsoever when the “man with the backpack” walks over to Metro Police and Secret Service cars to tell them about the pipe bomb he has noticed by a bench near the entrance to the DNC.  Until now, the “official” narrative has been that when officers were informed of this, about 15 minutes after the other bomb had been discovered at the RNC, there was an urgent scramble to find this possibly explosive device, but, curiously, that’s not what happened at all.

They were so nonchalant, they even let children walk right past the area.  Wouldn’t they have blocked it off if they were concerned there might be a live explosive device near the sidewalk?

By the way, the man in the backpack, who has never been publicly identified by investigators but simply referred to as a “passerby,” has been confirmed by THE BLAZE’s Steve Baker to be a plainclothes officer working for the Capitol Police.  Coincidentally (or not), multiple sources have told REVOLVER NEWS that the first responder to the RNC pipe bomb was a Capitol Hill security officer who had previously worked for the Capitol Police.  What are the odds?

Baker’s story elaborates on the law enforcement officers’ stunning lack of concern after being told about the pipe bomb, saying the video shows that they took a couple more minutes and “finished their lunch” before attending to the situation.   Not that they would’ve gotten any sense of urgency from the man in the backpack.  This unhurried individual had sauntered up to the driver’s side of the Metro PD patrol van, conversed, then casually walked around to the passenger side and chatted a few more seconds. Then he’d sauntered over to the adjacent black Secret Service SUV (there to protect Kamala Harris) and spoken to the driver, and then ambled off the same way he came.

Tell me, would you behave as cavalierly as the man in the backpack if you’d just spotted a pipe bomb?  And if you were in one of those two cars and cared at all about doing your job --- or even just surviving yourself --- wouldn’t you immediately jump out of your car and get everyone the (bleep) away if you thought a bomb could go off at any moment?

After the man walks away, the video camera pans to the park benches and zooms in to where the pipe bomb had been found, so apparently some communication was made to whoever was manning that camera.  But then, things get even stranger, as several Secret Service agents come into frame, standing casually very close to the pipe bomb.  A lively group of children cross the street and walk directly in front of the benches where this WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION is still sitting.  As REVOLVER NEWS reports, “The Secret Service agents don’t think to warn these children at all, but instead themselves walk right by the bench as well, without a care in the world!  You have to see it to believe it.”

After the children pass by with no warning given, the Secret Service officers stand around for about a minute longer until a Capitol Police officer walks up close to the pipe bomb and takes a picture of it.  He then gives a thumbs-up sign to the Metro and Secret Service agents a little way down the sidewalk.  About the only way to explain this bizarre behavior is to say they all knew the bomb was inert and wouldn’t go off, but how would they possibly know that?  And if they did know that, why did they call in a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” it just a few minutes later?  It makes no sense.

And what do we say, class, when something makes no sense?  It means there’s a piece of information we don’t have.

The timing of the discoveries of the two pipe bombs was weird as well.  From REVOLVER:  “...If the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb was not related to some special urgency to look for an explosive device at the DNC in the immediate aftermath of the first [so-called] ‘RNC’ pipe bomb [NOTE:  it was closer to the nextdoor Capitol Hill Club] being reported, we are faced with a nearly impossible coincidence. This would require us to accept not only that the DNC pipe bomb somehow lay out in the open for over 17 hours undiscovered (by motorists, pedestrians, the DNC security guard, and Secret Service), but that the man in the backpack just happened to discover the DNC bomb (that had been laying undiscovered for 17 hours) barely 15 minutes after the first pipe bomb was reported. This is a very strange and remarkable coincidence indeed, and it underscores the critical need to identify and question the man in the backpack to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb.”

The detailed REVOLVER piece also goes back over the finding of the “RNC” pipe bomb and the unlikelihood that the events surrounding the discovery of both bombs would fall together as they did.  It also examines officials’ bewildering year-long lie about Kamala being at the Capitol building when she was really at the DNC office, supposedly with her life at risk.  Worth the time.

Also, Darren Beattie at REVOLVER NEWS has just done an interview with Tucker Carlson, and in the first 20 minutes that you can see without a subscription, he discusses the strange new video and talks us through the craziness we see.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a block on a new Texas law requiring publishers to designate books as having either sexually relevant or sexually explicit content before they can be sold to public schools. Publishers sued to overturn the law, claiming it’s “unduly burdensome, logistically unattainable, and risked pushing some businesses out of the public school market” (Heaven forbid anyone should be pushed out of the business of exposing minors to porn.) The Appeals panel sided with them, claiming that it violates the publishers’ First Amendment rights.

That seems a bit bewildering, considering it doesn’t ban the sale of books, it just requires the labeling of their contents before they can be sold to schools and seen by children. Does this mean that the Hollywood movie rating label system that restricts audiences under 13 or 17 from seeing certain films is also unconstitutional? Here are more details on the case…

The law’s creator, state Rep. Jared Patterson, said a number of attorneys worked on the bill and reviewed Supreme Court cases in writing it, and they will appeal. He said the law isn’t about censoring characters or stories, but “content that is just radically vulgar and obscene.” He gave an example from a book found in Dallas school libraries that was described as “inappropriately crude and even pornographic,” but I’m not going to repeat it here. You can click the link and read it yourself if you’re over 17.

I wonder what the Founders would say if they knew that one day, a major political party in power in America would interpret the First Amendment to mean that you could censor and jail people for criticizing the government, but giving pornography to school children is free speech?

If you’ve read our commentary from yesterday about the video of the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb on January 6 and agree with us that something was very wrong, you’ll be gratified to know that former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino thinks so, too.  And because he smells a rat, he made this strange video the entire subject of his Friday podcast.  What we see on video makes no sense to him, either.

As thoroughly well-versed in law enforcement and Secret Service protocol as he is, he’s in a position to know when something’s “off.”  And he simply can’t explain the abnormal reaction of these agents to the tip-off that there’s a bomb nearby.  Even the tipster’s behavior, he observes, is oddly relaxed.

To cite just a few of the questions this video raises, why would the agents just be meandering around instead of taking fast, professional action, especially since, as we would come to know almost a year later, the soon-to-be Vice President of the United States was in that building?  Why was she there in the first place?  Why would the administration lie for almost a year and claim she was in the Capitol building, a more logical place for her to be that day, and had to be evacuated from there?  Why would agents not immediately cordon off the area near the bomb instead of letting a group of children (!) walk right by.  Why, these officials acted as if they knew the bomb wouldn’t really go off.  How on earth would they have known that?  And if they did know that, why did they send in the little robot bomb defuser?  Was that possibly just for show?

All this is a head-scratcher for Bongino, who not only asks the same questions we did but seems to be about 97.9 percent sure of the answer.  We’ll tell you one thing:  it’s not “conspiracy theory” to be asking questions about this mystery and for real journalists to try to find the answers themselves.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Newsletter Notes

18 stories

3,240 words

Reading time: About 15 minutes

“Huckabee” Preview

Join me tonight for a special “The show must go on!” episode of “Huckabee” on TBN (You’ll see what I mean when you tune in.) My news-making guests include Rep. Jim Jordan and Sen. Josh Hawley. Platinum-selling country singer/songwriter Granger Smith will tell us why he walked away from the music business to become a minister. And we’ll have some inspiring music from Grammy-winning artist Victory.

Just curl up in front of your warm TV tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, or Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

More on the March

Friday, thousands of pro-life supporters defied the snow and frigid temperatures to gather in Washington, DC, for the annual March For Life. Fox News has some of the highlights, including speeches by House Speaker Mike Johnson and University of Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh.

Here’s more on the event and Harbaugh’s appearance from Breitbart News.

New Hampshire update

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, a judge threw out another attempt to block Trump from the ballot by the defenders of "our democracy."  Here’s more on that and the reactions, including Sen. Tim Scott’s decision to endorse Trump.


Friday, divorce attorneys for the wife of Georgia Trump special prosecutor Nathan Wade filed court documents that include bank and credit card records to support the claim that Wade went on lavish trips and cruises with DA Fani Willis. But they don’t show whether they shared a room or Willis reimbursed Wade.

Willis is trying to get a subpoena from Wade’s wife Joycelyn quashed, but her attorneys called her legal arguments “disingenuous and specious.” Hardly the first time that's been said of her legal arguments.

Also, since playing the racist and sexist cards against a fellow black woman probably wouldn’t work, Willis tried attacking Wade’s wife with the Democrats' favorite fallback smear: accusing her of trying to discredit her to help Donald Trump. Yes, I’m sure that helping Trump is the reason she’s divorcing her husband and asking questions about his alleged mistress and the nearly $700,000 in payments approved by her that he allegedly conveniently forgot to mention to her.

About that crazy J6 pipe bomber video that makes no sense...

If you’ve read our commentary from yesterday about the video of the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb on January 6 and agree with us that something was very wrong, you’ll be gratified to know that former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino thinks so, too.  And because he smells a rat, he made this strange video the entire subject of his Friday podcast.  What we see on video makes no sense to him, either.

As thoroughly well-versed in law enforcement and Secret Service protocol as he is, he’s in a position to know when something’s “off.”  And he simply can’t explain the abnormal reaction of these agents to the tip-off that there’s a bomb nearby.  Even the tipster’s behavior, he observes, is oddly relaxed.

To cite just a few of the questions this video raises, why would the agents just be meandering around instead of taking fast, professional action, especially since, as we would come to know almost a year later, the soon-to-be Vice President of the United States was in that building?  Why was she there in the first place?  Why would the administration lie for almost a year and claim she was in the Capitol building, a more logical place for her to be that day, and had to be evacuated from there?  Why would agents not immediately cordon off the area near the bomb instead of letting a group of children (!) walk right by.  Why, these officials acted as if they knew the bomb wouldn’t really go off.  How on earth would they have known that?  And if they did know that, why did they send in the little robot bomb defuser?  Was that possibly just for show?

All this is a head-scratcher for Bongino, who not only asks the same questions we did but seems to be about 97.9 percent sure of the answer.  We’ll tell you one thing:  it’s not “conspiracy theory” to be asking questions about this mystery and for real journalists to try to find the answers themselves.


The Media Research Center uncovered a plan by the Biden DHS to skew the 2024 election using our taxpayer dollars against us. By perverting an anti-terrorism program, they not only plan to brand Trump and his supporters as terrorists to silence them in the media, but also to fund “education” seminars to train leftist teachers to spread their bile; and to pay people to write blog posts about how dangerous Trump and MAGA people are to America and how they must be stopped. The MRC even has a list of some of these DHS-funded propaganda pieces that have already appeared, but of course, were not labeled as paid political ads.

Victoria Taft at PJ Media has that list and far more details about the Biden Administration’s latest attempt to utilize the political communications tactics pioneered by Joseph Goebbels.

The Biden White House spews false border narratives

There are times when it’s hard to write about the statements coming out of the Biden White House because the sheer gall of their transparent lies is so infuriating. Like (with a straight face) blaming the Republicans for the illegal immigration crisis that Biden deliberately caused from his very first moments in office when he started reversing all of Trump’s border policies.

Or this week, when they had the audacity to try to blame Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the Texas National Guard for the drowning deaths of three would-be illegal immigrants in the Rio Grande because Abbott removed the purposely ineffective US Border Patrol from that area and replaced them with the state Guard.

This false narrative was started by Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cueller and amplified by the Biden White House, which falsely claimed that the Texas Guard physically blocked the Border Patrol from providing aid to the drowning migrants. The DHS said Abbott’s policies were "cruel, dangerous, and inhumane, and Texas’s blatant disregard for federal authority over immigration poses grave risks." That was in a (false) filing to the Supreme Court, as part of their appeal to stop Texas from doing the feds' duty that they refuse to do. Naturally, this story got big play in liberal media outlets.

If there’s still anyone in the media or the Democratic Party (but I repeat myself) who cares about facts, here are a few inconvenient ones:

1. Patrolling that side of the river is Mexico’s responsibility. Nevertheless, on that night, the Border Patrol alerted the Texas Military Department to a possible migrant distress situation. The TMD sent a boat to investigate and found nothing. They later saw Mexican authorities responding to an incident on their side of the river, but were told they needed no assistance.

2. Nobody on our side of the border was even notified of these tragic drownings until at least an hour after they happened. Even if the feds had still been in that area, it would have made no difference.

3. The TMD has water rescue equipment and provides medical aid to migrants when needed.

4. The Border Patrol union approved of Abbott taking control of that area, calling it a “force multiplier” that allowed them to concentrate on other areas of the border. A spokesman said, "Governor Abbott is not harming Border Patrol operations, he is enhancing them." Translation: “Thank God someone in charge is finally doing something to secure the border.”

5. In light of all this, the Biden DHS was forced to retract its slander against Abbott and Texas, which I seriously doubt will get the same coverage as the initial false accusation. Indeed, I expect Biden to add this to the repertoire of debunked lies he keeps repeating, like the “very fine people” hoax.

6. Since Biden took office, over 1,000 illegal immigrants have died trying to enter the US, not to mention all the women who’ve been raped and the children who’ve been trafficked. This White House has shown precious little concern for any of them until it found three deaths that it could exploit to falsely smear its political enemies.

If Biden and his minions want to see who is really responsible for the deaths of those three people who thought they could cross the river and easily enter the US, I assume that with all the egomania in politics, there must be plenty of mirrors in DC that they can gaze into.

Which leads me to this final, highly related fact:

7.  All 18 Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee voted unanimously to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for creating an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis by “consistently, willfully and systemically” refusing to follow the laws, abusing his authority, breaching the trust of Congress and the American people, and failing to fulfill his oath of office. They called it “a crisis that has cost the lives of thousands of Secretary Mayorkas’ fellow Americans,” thanks to the criminals and drugs that have poured in.

I suppose you can also add those to the list of deaths that the Biden Administration doesn’t care about because they’re just not politically useful.

A somewhat positive Trump ruling

In a somewhat positive but predictably lenient ruling, Judge Tanya Chutkan sided with Donald Trump’s attorneys and ordered “special counsel” Jack Smith to stop issuing discovery demands to the defense while the case has been stayed. But of course, she found enough wiggle room in the language of her own order to deny their demand that Smith be held in contempt of court, as any other prosecutor who blatantly violated a court order would have been.

I wonder if the language of her ruling would have been so malleable if the situation were reversed, and it was Smith demanding that Trump’s attorneys be held in contempt for ignoring Chutkan’s orders? I’ll let you ponder that puzzler.

Amicus brief filed

In other Trump lawfare news, on Thursday, three former US Attorneys General filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court, opposing efforts to keep him off the ballot under the 14th Amendment. They argue that the people pushing this are misrepresenting the meaning of the Amendment, which clearly does not apply to Presidents, and if the SCOTUS rules in their favor, it “would create a precedent with ruinous consequences for our democratic republic.”

Interesting detail: One of the Attorneys General is Bill Barr, one of Trump’s most outspoken critics. But apparently, he loves the Constitution more than he dislikes Trump. Let’s hope all the people like that vote in November.

Related: A judge in Washington State rejected a 14th Amendment challenge and ruled that Trump will remain on the ballot there.

Hearing scheduled

The Georgia judge overseeing Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ crackpot RICO case against former President Trump and his associates has scheduled a hearing into allegations that Willis has an improper personal, financial and professional relationship with her special prosecutor, Nathan Wade.

I expect irony alarms to go off all over the place when Willis starts complaining about how unfair and traumatic it is to be hauled into court to face accusations of improper conduct by her political enemies. Especially when they have more evidence of actual wrongdoing that she does.

A firestorm

Milford Regional Medical Center in Massachusetts set off a firestorm after a video was posted online of chief medical officer Dr. Peter Smulowitz warning potential patients that they may be denied care if they make comments that might be offensive about “others’ race, ethnicity, accent, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other personal traits.” This also includes “body language” or a “hostile tone of voice.” So I guess you can be denied medical care if someone thinks you don’t look or sound woke enough.

This is allegedly to protect the hospital’s “safe, caring and inclusive environment.” Funny, doesn’t sound very safe, caring or inclusive to me. I thought hospitals were supposed to include anyone who, you know…needs a hospital! They’re turning away patients for not being politically correct enough? Who’s running this place, Jimmy Kimmel?

Luckily for the sick and injured, they will get a chance to explain themselves. Hope they can do it quickly before they bleed out.

I see that this video is now “unlisted” on the hospital’s YouTube channel. I would advise everyone in the area to unlist this hospital from their emergency contacts list.

Appeals Court upholds block on new Texas law

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a block on a new Texas law requiring publishers to designate books as having either sexually relevant or sexually explicit content before they can be sold to public schools. Publishers sued to overturn the law, claiming it’s “unduly burdensome, logistically unattainable, and risked pushing some businesses out of the public school market” (Heaven forbid anyone should be pushed out of the business of exposing minors to porn.) The Appeals panel sided with them, claiming that it violates the publishers’ First Amendment rights.

That seems a bit bewildering, considering it doesn’t ban the sale of books, it just requires the labeling of their contents before they can be sold to schools and seen by children. Does this mean that the Hollywood movie rating label system that restricts audiences under 13 or 17 from seeing certain films is also unconstitutional? Here are more details on the case…

The law’s creator, state Rep. Jared Patterson, said a number of attorneys worked on the bill and reviewed Supreme Court cases in writing it, and they will appeal. He said the law isn’t about censoring characters or stories, but “content that is just radically vulgar and obscene.” He gave an example from a book found in Dallas school libraries that was described as “inappropriately crude and even pornographic,” but I’m not going to repeat it here. You can click the link and read it yourself if you’re over 17.

I wonder what the Founders would say if they knew that one day, a major political party in power in America would interpret the First Amendment to mean that you could censor and jail people for criticizing the government, but giving pornography to school children is free speech?

Spot-on perfect

Why am I not at all surprised to learn that Adam Schiff’s latest crusade is a bill to protect rats?

FYI: This is not a defense of glue traps, which have been banned in many places for being needlessly cruel and unhygienic. Still, you have to appreciate how spot-on perfect it is that the person who’s the face of being kind to rats is Adam Schiff.

Photo of the Day!

First Lady Jill Biden visited Hunter High School in Utah, where she set the Internet rolling with laughter by being photographed under a big banner reading, “HUNTER HIGH.” Not exactly a state secret.

Taking flak

Super Bowl organizers are taking flak for announcing that this year’s opening ceremony will include performances of the National Anthem, “America the Beautiful,” and “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” which has become known as the “black national anthem” in the wake of the BLM movement.

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with the song, which is a hymn of thanksgiving dating back to 1900. It’s just that many people believe it’s being used as a tool to foster racial divisiveness because black people don’t need a separate national anthem. They already have a national anthem. It’s called “The Star-Spangled Banner,” and the whole point of America is that we all share it together.

Kurt Schlichter’s Latest:

He’s a DeSantis supporter, but he recognizes that Trump is going to be the nominee. He also warns that Republicans need to put aside their resentments and hurt feelings and start working together, because if you care about the continued existence of America, the ONLY thing that matters is that the next President be a Republican.

So true

Good article from Derek Hunter about how the media is no longer in the business of finding the truth and reporting it; they’re in the business of unquestioningly broadcasting Democratic Party lies. And he brings the evidence to prove it.

RIP Peter Schickele (aka P.D.Q. Bach)

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I am very sad to have to report that composer and classical music satirist Peter Schickele has died at his home in Bearsville, New York, at 88.

Many people might not realize that he was a serious composer whose works were performed by such prestigious artists as the New York Philharmonic and the Minnesota Opera. He also wrote scores for films such as “Silent Running” and musical numbers for Broadway. But he was reportedly a bit irked that he would always be best known for creating his musical alter ego, history’s most questionable classical composer, P.D.Q. Bach – the “last and by far the least” of Johann Sebastian Bach’s 20-odd children, “and certainly the oddest.”

Known as the Spike Jones of the classical world, Schickele was inspired by pianist/comedian Victor Borge. He created hilarious parodies and pastiches of classical works allegedly by Bach’s misfit offspring, with titles such as “Concerto for Two Pianos vs. Orchestra” and “Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice,” “an opera in one unnatural act.” He also became famous for his entrances to concerts, such as swinging down from the balcony on a rope or being chased down the aisle by a gorilla. He won five Grammy Awards, one for his serious classical works and four for Best Comedy Album, including “Oedipus Tex and Other Choral Calamities” and “Music for an Awful Lot of Winds and Percussion.”

And like Spike Jones, who gave us the Latrine-o-phone (a musical toilet seat), he invented such bizarre instruments as a combination trombone and bassoon called the Tromboon, and the “left-handed sewer flute,” which was made of plumbing pipes.

While he might have sometimes felt overshadowed by his creation, he deserves a place in the classical music hall of fame, not just for his serious works but for his brilliant parodies, which introduced more people to classical music than anyone since Bugs Bunny. RIP.

I Just Wanted to Say

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Our January Reader Goal

January 20, 2024

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

Let’s establish at the outset that our purpose here is not to further any so-called “conspiracy theory.”  That’s not what we do by simply asking questions about a bizarre incident that still has few answers.  After the “Justice” Department has spent three years abusing the constitutional rights of thousands of rally participants to ensnare them in their J6 net, one would think they’d have revealed the identity of the pipe bomber, locked him up and thrown away the key.  Why they haven’t done this is mystifying.

We’re duty-bound to keep asking questions --- and so far, we have a perfect record of being proven right in our skepticism of official narratives.  But, in the words of REVOLVER NEWS, “That the regime has invested so much in the ‘insurrection’ story of January 6th helps explain its commensurate hostility to anyone who challenges that narrative.”  (Of course, that’s one reason we’re exclusively on Substack now!)  Any reporting that might dare to point towards government involvement is immediately dismissed as conspiracy theory.  One FBI agent-turned-whistleblower, Marcus Allen, who shared --- without even endorsing --- a REVOLVER story with his colleagues ended up having his security clearance revoked and his loyalty to the United States questioned.  Here’s that story:

Today, newly-released Capitol Hill surveillance video examined by REVOLVER NEWS --- where they actually have real journalists trying to get the real story of the J6 pipe bomber --- shows more odd and downright inexplicable behavior surrounding the discovery of the pipe bomb at the entrance to the DNC, where Vice President Kamala Harris happened to be spending time that day.  REVOLVER’s latest story gets deep into the weeds on this new video, which was finally released thanks in part to the efforts of Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie, but we encourage you to take the time to review their whole report.  We’ve summarized the most important points here.

The biggest new take-away --- and the strangest part of the story --- is that from what we see on this video, there’s no sense of urgency whatsoever when the “man with the backpack” walks over to Metro Police and Secret Service cars to tell them about the pipe bomb he has noticed by a bench near the entrance to the DNC.  Until now, the “official” narrative has been that when officers were informed of this, about 15 minutes after the other bomb had been discovered at the RNC, there was an urgent scramble to find this possibly explosive device, but, curiously, that’s not what happened at all.

They were so nonchalant, they even let children walk right past the area.  Wouldn’t they have blocked it off if they were concerned there might be a live explosive device near the sidewalk?

By the way, the man in the backpack, who has never been publicly identified by investigators but simply referred to as a “passerby,” has been confirmed by THE BLAZE’s Steve Baker to be a plainclothes officer working for the Capitol Police.  Coincidentally (or not), multiple sources have told REVOLVER NEWS that the first responder to the RNC pipe bomb was a Capitol Hill security officer who had previously worked for the Capitol Police.  What are the odds? 

Baker’s story elaborates on the law enforcement officers’ stunning lack of concern after being told about the pipe bomb, saying the video shows that they took a couple more minutes and “finished their lunch” before attending to the situation.   Not that they would’ve gotten any sense of urgency from the man in the backpack.  This unhurried individual had sauntered up to the driver’s side of the Metro PD patrol van, conversed, then casually walked around to the passenger side and chatted a few more seconds.  Then he’d sauntered over to the adjacent black Secret Service SUV (there to protect Kamala Harris) and spoken to the driver, and then ambled off the same way he came.

Tell me, would you behave as cavalierly as the man in the backpack if you’d just spotted a pipe bomb?  And if you were in one of those two cars and cared at all about doing your job --- or even just surviving yourself --- wouldn’t you immediately jump out of your car and get everyone the (bleep) away if you thought a bomb could go off at any moment?

After the man walks away, the video camera pans to the park benches and zooms in to where the pipe bomb had been found, so apparently some communication was made to whoever was manning that camera.  But then, things get even stranger, as several Secret Service agents come into frame, standing casually very close to the pipe bomb.  A lively group of children cross the street and walk directly in front of the benches where this WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION is still sitting.  As REVOLVER NEWS reports, “The Secret Service agents don’t think to warn these children at all, but instead themselves walk right by the bench as well, without a care in the world!  You have to see it to believe it.”

After the children pass by with no warning given, the Secret Service officers stand around for about a minute longer until a Capitol Police officer walks up close to the pipe bomb and takes a picture of it.  He then gives a thumbs-up sign to the Metro and Secret Service agents a little way down the sidewalk.  About the only way to explain this bizarre behavior is to say they all knew the bomb was inert and wouldn’t go off, but how would they possibly know that?  And if they did know that, why did they call in a bomb-safe robot to “defuse” it just a few minutes later?  It makes no sense.

And what do we say, class, when something makes no sense?  It means there’s a piece of information we don’t have.

The timing of the discoveries of the two pipe bombs was weird as well.  From REVOLVER:  “...If the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb was not related to some special urgency to look for an explosive device at the DNC in the immediate aftermath of the first [so-called] ‘RNC’ pipe bomb [NOTE:  it was closer to the nextdoor Capitol Hill Club] being reported, we are faced with a nearly impossible coincidence. This would require us to accept not only that the DNC pipe bomb somehow lay out in the open for over 17 hours undiscovered (by motorists, pedestrians, the DNC security guard, and Secret Service), but that the man in the backpack just happened to discover the DNC bomb (that had been laying undiscovered for 17 hours) barely 15 minutes after the first pipe bomb was reported. This is a very strange and remarkable coincidence indeed, and it underscores the critical need to identify and question the man in the backpack to learn more about the circumstances surrounding the discovery of the DNC pipe bomb.”

The detailed REVOLVER piece also goes back over the finding of the “RNC” pipe bomb and the unlikelihood that the events surrounding the discovery of both bombs would fall together as they did.  It also examines officials’ bewildering year-long lie about Kamala being at the Capitol building when she was really at the DNC office, supposedly with her life at risk.  Worth the time.

Also, Darren Beattie at REVOLVER NEWS has just done an interview with Tucker Carlson, and in the first 20 minutes that you can see without a subscription, he discusses the strange new video and talks us through the craziness we see.


Help me fight back against Big Tech censorship. If you would like to subscribe to the daily, advertisement-free version of my newsletter for $5 monthly or $36 annually, on Substack, go here.

100 Days

January 17, 2024

Guy Benson at has a round-up of the disgusting pro-Hamas, anti-Israel rallies around the US, marking 100 days since the horrifying October 7th attack on Jews in Israel.

As these protesters have become more emboldened by authorities’ refusal to make them obey the law, their disruptions hit a new low on Saturday night when a mob of them gathered outside the White House. They waved Palestinian flags while chanting, “Ceasefire Now," "Free, Free Palestine," and "Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around," showing their support for attacks on ships by Iran-backed Houthi militants.

The situation escalated when the protesters damaged the fence around the White House, and staffers and journalists inside were relocated to ensure their safety. As many pundits noted, if they’d been wearing red MAGA caps, they would have been arrested, branded as “insurrectionists” and imprisoned for years, but chances are they will face zero consequences for their open support of terrorists, threats and vandalism of the White House, and interfering with government business.

Maybe they were extra mad because on Friday, Biden admitted that the Houthis are terrorists. The Trump Administration had designated them as terrorists, but Biden revoked that designation. Apparently, he mindlessly revoked everything Trump did without any regard for why it was done, under the theory that “Trump BAD!,” which explains a lot of the disasters we’re dealing with today.

Related: Hamas released footage of three hostages that confirms they were alive, but it’s not clear when they were filmed. The terrorists added ominously, “Tomorrow we will inform you of their Fate.”

These are just three of over 130 hostages who are still being held by Hamas. As Bob Hoge rightly says at the link, if these pro-Hamas protesters really cared about ending the war, they’d be demanding that Hamas release its hostages, not that Israel surrender.

Also related: These pro-terrorist leftists might think they can get away with being public menaces with no consequences, but they’re learning quickly that they’d better not mess with Texas.

I wrote about this last week, but it’s an urgent enough threat and hasn’t gotten enough attention that I’ll link to this article about it as well.

It’s about the new Labor Department rule set to take effect in March that will obliterate contract and gig workers, likely costing millions of people their jobs. It’s based on California’s horrible AB5 law that has decimated gig workers in that state. No surprise: the architect of AB5, Julie Su, was put into the DOL as acting Labor Secretary by Biden to do just this, in yet another example of Democrats never being held accountable and always failing upward.

Su claims it will protect contract and gig workers (“I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you!”), but it will actually destroy their jobs, especially harming small businesses, entrepreneurs and people who need flexible hours, including single moms, younger workers and the disabled. Who will it help? The labor unions who own the Democratic Party, who will get more members when some workers are forced to become employees, and the many more who are left unemployed will be eliminated as competition.

The article is a must-read not only for what it tells you about this looming new threat, but how to take action to stop it. You’ll also be interested to learn that for all the propaganda about how its opponents are greedy rightwingers who hate the workers, there are a number of quotes from leftwing sources, including Andrew Cuomo, the Daily Kos, Willie Brown and the California NAACP, all denouncing the original AB5 law as terrible, asinine, shameful, a disaster and a catastrophe. So of course, Joe Biden wants to take it nationwide.

Related: Here’s more on how the Democrats’ alleged attempts to “help” the workers, like the AB5 law and steep increases in the minimum wage, are hastening the move toward automation and robotics replacing human workers. “Congratulations, you got a raise! The bad news: you’re fired. No need to thank us!”

So now Biden is building the wall, asking Mexico to keep migrants on their side of the border, and redesignating the Houthis as terrorists.

Also, his DOJ finally, at long last, admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.

Apparently, their argument for reelecting Joe instead of Trump will be that after three years, he’s finally realized that Trump was right about everything.

Reminder: Know who falsely told us for years that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” that Trump colluded with Russia, that Joe Biden knew nothing about his son’s business deals, that there was an ethics agreement preventing Hunter from knowing who was buying his “art,” etc. etc. etc.? The same media outlets that are so obsessed with airing only “The TRUTH” that they refuse to show Trump’s speeches: CNN and MSNBC.

Get the feeling that there’s about as much truth in their alleged “news” reporting as there is actual cheese in a spray can of pasteurized, processed, cheez-food product?


January 17, 2024

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s historic record victory in the Iowa Caucuses (add another stat: he won 98 of 99 counties, losing the 99th by only one vote), the DeSantis and Haley campaigns are trudging on to New Hampshire, but they’re reminding me more and more of the movie, “Dead Man Walking.” Vivek Ramaswamy already dropped out and endorsed Trump. And as of Tuesday, Asa Hutchinson is officially out of the race. 

Ironically, one of the other big stories out of Iowa is the huge meltdown by media and Hollywood leftists over Trump’s win, and the shameful and hypocritical refusal to air his victory speech by fake news purveyors CNN and MSNBC. I guess they think they can spend from now until November claiming they’re protecting “the truth” by suppressing one of the two major candidates, the same way they suppressed the truth about Hunter’s laptop in 2020. Between the media refusing to air anything Trump says and playing along with the White House hiding Joe Biden in the basement, this could be the quietest presidential campaign in history!

Personally, I thought Trump gave an excellent speech. It was gracious, unifying and forward-looking. In fact, as I explained to Sean Hannity last night on Fox News, I believe that’s the real reason these DNC flunkies like Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper are terrified of letting their viewers hear Trump: They’re not scared of their viewers being swayed by a crazy, ranting, racist, Nazi dictator. They’re scared to death that they’ll realize he’s nothing like that and they’ve been bamboozled.

They’re afraid Americans will see Trump is a lot like them: he loves America, he likes working people and people of faith that they disdain and look down on, and he wants to fix the endless messes Biden and his ilk have created and “Make America Great Again.”

I also think the reason the media and the Democrats keep saying “Maga” as if it’s an obscene word instead of using the phrase it stands for is that it’s hard to scare people by telling them someone is too extreme about wanting to make America great again. Especially when we all now know that the alternative is to vote for Biden and the Democrats, the MASA extremists: “Make America Suck Already.”

Having dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy called on DeSantis and Haley to do the same. He said that at this point, they would “do this country and this party a service by stepping aside to make sure that we’re focused on not only nominating Donald Trump but getting this country back and reviving those founding revolutionary ideals."

He added, "Especially Ron DeSantis, of the two of them, will have an important role to play in the future of this country and leading this nation. I believe that." I’ll let you interpret that how you will.

Photo credit: Fox News

Trump Wins Iowa

January 17, 2024

As expected, Donald Trump won a record victory in the Iowa Caucuses. He took 51% of the vote, smashing George Bush’s previous record of 41%. And his 29.8% margin of victory over second placer Ron DeSantis obliterated Bob Dole’s record winning margin of 12.8%. Nikki Haley came in third at 19.1% (she declared that this is now a “two-person race,” but it’s unclear who that second person is that she's referring to.) Vivek Ramaswamy was fourth with 7.7%, and as I predicted, he started the post-Iowa field-thinning by dropping out and endorsing Trump.

Interestingly, Texas pastor and little-known candidate Ryan Binkley won 774 votes for 0.7%. That's four times more support than the 191 votes and 0.2% taken by Asa Hutchinson.

There was some controversy early on that drew complaints from the DeSantis campaign after the AP called the race for Trump with less than 1% of the vote in and people still caucusing. They’re right to complain about that, but it didn’t seem to make much difference in the long run.

DeSantis and Haley say they’re moving on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, although Haley announced that she won’t participate in any more GOP debates.

But Newt Gingrich says it’s already time to stick a fork in it. He told Fox News that despite all the lawfare, slander and censorship thrown at Trump, "He's the nominee. Get over it – He is the nominee. He's going to win the nomination. The news media doesn't want to say that because they need to somehow hype ‘please watch us while we go through this charade’."

He said there is no viable path for a second-place candidate to come from behind and win: "[Y]ou get to be the leading ‘irrelevant’ or the second ‘irrelevant’ or the third ‘irrelevant’, but nobody is going to be number two because he is going to dominate totally if you look at the country at-large."

Despite claims that Trump will alienate women voters, an AP poll found that he actually got more support from GOP women in Iowa (54%) than from men (53%.) One red flag that the campaign will need to address is that his support was much higher among rural women than suburban women (59% to 40%), who are an important factor in the November vote. He’ll need to work hard to dispel the phony Boogey-man image that the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have created, and convince suburban women that it’s not in their best interests to keep voting for high crime, open borders, endless wars, eroded Constitutional rights and a terrible economy.

The media reacted to Trump’s crushing victory exactly the way you’d expect: by having a full-scale tantrum worthy of a two-year-old in the Walmart candy aisle.

Trump’s victory speech was actually rather moderate and mature. He called for unity, praised his rivals for their efforts, and talked about how he planned to begin making America great again by ending the rising threats abroad, fixing the economy and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. He even said he wasn’t going to go too hard on Joe Biden, although he then referred to him as the worst President in history. But by Trump’s standards (and considering the evidence), I’d say that IS going easy on him.

But if you were trying to watch the speech on CNN or MSNBC (and why would anyone do that?), you couldn’t, because they cut away from it. Instead, they filled the time with their far-left talking heads ranting against Trump and his supporters. Like Joy Reid complaining that there are too many white Christians in Iowa. Or CNN’s Jake Tapper, who claimed that Iowans “believed the lie” (what, that CNN is a news channel?) and that Trump was spouting “anti-immigrant rhetoric” when he said he would start deporting the millions of illegal aliens Biden has allowed to cross our open border.

This is a good example of how liberals only win arguments by changing the definitions of words. An illegal alien is not an “immigrant.” Immigrants respect America’s laws and follow the system to become US citizens, and are among our best and most patriotic citizens. Literally anybody can cross an open border illegally, which is the problem. By the way, polls show that a majority of Americans agree with those Trump policies they’re demonizing, including securing the border and deporting illegal aliens.

Even more hilariously, MSNBC’s tiny viewing pool was treated to Rachel Maddow piously intoning about how they made the painful decision not to show Trump’s speech because they’re so devoted to airing the truth. She then went into a weird diatribe about how Trump is a dangerous fascist but his supporters are even worse. You might recall that fascism is a political doctrine in which the government dictates which views are allowed to be expressed. You might also recall Ms. Maddow as the professional fabulist who misled her viewers for years, feeding them ever-wilder “Russian collusion” conspiracy theories that all turned out to be horse manure.

So why is this lying hypocrite still employed by MSNBC? I like my writers, but if they’d tainted my reputation by pushing a lot of patent rubbish for two years, I would have fired them. Whenever I see Maddow now, it’s like seeing a flashing neon sign reminding me not to believe a word I hear on MSNBC.

As laughable as these histrionics are, they do offer a serious lesson in how this campaign is going to play out, and it shows that Trump and the GOP will have to be clever and diligent in cutting through the attempts to silence and censor their message. These people are terrified, but not that Trump will be a fascist dictator (he was already President for four years, and I notice none of them ended up in a gulag.)

They’re terrified that if Americans see Trump unfiltered by them, it will undo three years’ worth of their efforts at creating a straw man and standing between him and the public to keep people from seeing who he really is: a man who was once the most popular celebrity on NBC before he announced for President as a Republican, and overnight, magically transformed into a racist, Nazi monster. They’ll also use the “We can’t let Hitler speak!” dodge as an excuse for Biden not to “lower himself” to debate Trump, as if he possibly could.

To quote Newt Gingrich: “Get over it!”

To save you (and me) the annoyance of having to watch this bilge, Nick Arama at did it for us and recapped it, and he has my eternal gratitude. He also makes the correct observation that despite all the claims that the Republicans are “extremists,” there are only a handful of extremists on the fringe of the rightwing, while they are the animating force of the modern Democratic Party.


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What the White House has maintained publicly about Hunter Biden’s “art” sales is very different from the real story, according to gallerist and art dealer Georges Berges’ transcribed interview before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees last week.  I know this is going to shock you, but --- are you sitting down? --- it appears the White House lied about this.

John Solomon at JUST THE NEWS has the update, but here’s what we already knew:

There apparently was no “ethics agreement” that Berges ever saw, no system to make sure Hunter and the first family never knew who his high-dollar buyers were, as White House spokesperson Jen Psaki had maintained there was.

According to Berges, Hunter knew who the buyers were for 70 percent of his “art.” 

Hunter netted about $900,000 from the sales, in a period spanning more than two years.

The buyers were mostly Democrat donors, one of whom, Elizabeth Naftali, received a prestigious commission appointment.  She has said she bought one painting before her appointment and the other one after.  The most high-volume buyer of all was “sugar brother” Kevin Morris, whom Hunter had met not long before at a donor event.  In addition to being a wealthy Hollywood attorney and producer with millions to spend on Hunter, he also happened to be an art collector --- who knew?

Morris had an unusual agreement with the dealer in which he personally paid Berges’ 40 percent commission on the sales.  As we’ve previously noted, that should have been the tip-off to Berges that something wasn’t quite kosher.

All that was bad enough, but now that Solomon has seen the full transcript of Berges’ interview, there’s more to this story:

Berges told the congressional committees that President Biden both called and met him at the White House during the time he was representing Hunter’s “art” to potential buyers.  Also, Hunter requested that he be informed of who the buyers were, negating even the idea of an ethics agreement.

“I believe in the first contract, he [Hunter] was able to know who the buyers were,” he told them.  That was in 2020.  “I don’t know how it was phrased or --- but I remember that there --- that that was the difference.”  When asked if that was the normal kind of agreement, he said, “That part was different.  Normally, the gallerist does not let the artist know who the collectors are.”  In fact, when asked how many of the other artists he represents now (totaling 15) wanted to know the identity of purchasers, Berges said none of them.  About a year later, Berges said, in a subsequent deal, they did change the agreement to say that Hunter was not to be told.

But the most interesting part is that President Biden himself was making contact with Berges.

When asked by a House investigator if he’d had contact with the President, he said he had.

“Okay.  And was that in person or on the phone or both?” the investigator asked.

“Both,” Berges answered.

When asked when and where the in-person meeting was, Berges said, “At the White House, during Hunter’s --- Hunter’s daughter getting married.”

The phone call was placed by the President to Berges, ostensibly to (yes, we know this sounds strange) congratulate Berges’ daughter for finishing camp.

The President has repeatedly denied having contact with any of Hunter’s business associates, though testimony from former business partner Devon Archer wildly contradicts those denials.  Obviously, Joe Biden spoke with Berges on at least those two occasions.  Yet according to Berges, the subject of the “ethics” agreement never came up in conversation, with Joe or anyone else at the White House.  From Berges’ interview transcript: 

Investigator: “When you’re seeing in the press that the White House is putting in certain safeguards regarding an ethics agreement but you’ve had no conversations with the White House, I mean, did you ever say to Hunter Biden, ‘Hey, where’s this coming from?”

Berges: “I might have.  I probably did, yeah.”

I: “And do you remember what he said to you?”

B: “I don’t --- I do remember being surprised.”

I: “Why were you surprised?”

B: Because I hadn’t had any communication with the White House about an agreement.”

Oh, and one other detail.  If you were wondering how Hunter made the connection with Berges to represent his “art” in the first place, that was made through Lanette Phillips, who is (surprise) a Joe Biden fundraiser.  Hunter made his first sale in December 2020, shortly before his father would take office.

In related news, Berges also told the committees that he’s decided not to renew his contract with Hunter, despite making $1.5 million in sales of Hunter’s “art” to 10 people.

Working with Hunter “hasn’t been the best decision for me,” he said.  “I never expected the whole security issue or the death threats and people assuming political affiliation, which was completely wrong.  It was a little bit more than I could chew...obviously, I kind of wanted my life back.  So I haven’t agreed to renew that contract now.”

It’s sad to see that some on the political fringes may have dealt unfairly with Mr. Berges and even threatened violence against him.  It seems he understandably regrets getting involved with the Bidens and would like to stay as far away from politics as he can.  Let’s wish him the best in that endeavor.

Hunter’s felony gun case just got more serious as well, with the breaking news that his lie about drug use on an official gun purchase form is backed up not just by what he wrote in his book BEAUTIFUL THINGS but by actual cocaine residue on the brown leather pouch in which he kept the gun.  That gun has been held as evidence since 2018, and the white powder, according to a court filing, could still clearly be seen when the gun was examined again in 2023, when the residue was finally tested.  So the feds have had this evidence for five years, and we’re just now hearing about it.

It came out in court yesterday because Hunter, in his allegation of selective prosecution (not kidding), tried to say there was no proof he’d actually had a drug problem.  Surprise!

Here are the amusing details.  It’ll be interesting to see if Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell re-thinks his aggressive courtroom strategy, as it doesn’t seem to be working well with this client.

FOX NEWS has more on the indictment itself.

Finally, in a quick update on the still-possible contempt of Congress charge --- though Hunter says he’ll comply after all, given a new subpoena --- the House Rules Committee has paused consideration of that charge while a new closed-door deposition date is negotiated.

As House Oversight Chairman James Comer said on Tuesday’s HANNITY, “I think what’s happened over the last few days is, Abbe Lowell has realized that we have won.  We are in a position to win in court...We have done everything by the book...So now, Abbe Lowell’s come back, basically begging, and offering for Hunter Biden to be deposed without any condition.”

“...This is about Joe Biden,” he continued.  “Hunter Biden’s a key witness in the investigation.  We believe that at the end of the day, if we make every effort to bring Hunter Biden in, that will help solidify the final report that we’re gonna issue to the American people.”  And if the interview falls through, Hunter WILL be held in contempt.

Hunter Epilogue:  If you’re (understandably) suffering from Hunter News Overload, at least read this headline.  Then fall to the floor, laughing helplessly.

The Media Reacts

January 17, 2024

The media reacted to Trump’s crushing Iowa victory exactly the way you’d expect: by having a full-scale tantrum worthy of a two-year-old in the Walmart candy aisle.

Trump’s victory speech was actually rather moderate and mature. He called for unity, praised his rivals for their efforts, and talked about how he planned to begin making America great again by ending the rising threats abroad, fixing the economy and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. He even said he wasn’t going to go too hard on Joe Biden, although he then referred to him as the worst President in history. But by Trump’s standards (and considering the evidence), I’d say that IS going easy on him.

But if you were trying to watch the speech on CNN or MSNBC (and why would anyone do that?), you couldn’t, because they cut away from it. Instead, they filled the time with their far-left talking heads ranting against Trump and his supporters. Like Joy Reid complaining that there are too many white Christians in Iowa. Or CNN’s Jake Tapper, who claimed that Iowans “believed the lie” (what, that CNN is a news channel?) and that Trump was spouting “anti-immigrant rhetoric” when he said he would start deporting the millions of illegal aliens Biden has allowed to cross our open border.

This is a good example of how liberals only win arguments by changing the definitions of words. An illegal alien is not an “immigrant.” Immigrants respect America’s laws and follow the system to become US citizens, and are among our best and most patriotic citizens. Literally anybody can cross an open border illegally, which is the problem. By the way, polls show that a majority of Americans agree with those Trump policies they’re demonizing, including securing the border and deporting illegal aliens.

Even more hilariously, MSNBC’s tiny viewing pool was treated to Rachel Maddow piously intoning about how they made the painful decision not to show Trump’s speech because they’re so devoted to airing the truth. She then went into a weird diatribe about how Trump is a dangerous fascist but his supporters are even worse. You might recall that fascism is a political doctrine in which the government dictates which views are allowed to be expressed. You might also recall Ms. Maddow as the professional fabulist who misled her viewers for years, feeding them ever-wilder “Russian collusion” conspiracy theories that all turned out to be horse manure.

So why is this lying hypocrite still employed by MSNBC? I like my writers, but if they’d tainted my reputation by pushing a lot of patent rubbish for two years, I would have fired them. Whenever I see Maddow now, it’s like seeing a flashing neon sign reminding me not to believe a word I hear on MSNBC.

As laughable as these histrionics are, they do offer a serious lesson in how this campaign is going to play out, and it shows that Trump and the GOP will have to be clever and diligent in cutting through the attempts to silence and censor their message. These people are terrified, but not that Trump will be a fascist dictator (he was already President for four years, and I notice none of them ended up in a gulag.)

They’re terrified that if Americans see Trump unfiltered by them, it will undo three years’ worth of their efforts at creating a straw man and standing between him and the public to keep people from seeing who he really is: a man who was once the most popular celebrity on NBC before he announced for President as a Republican, and overnight, magically transformed into a racist, Nazi monster. They’ll also use the “We can’t let Hitler speak!” dodge as an excuse for Biden not to “lower himself” to debate Trump, as if he possibly could.

To quote Newt Gingrich: “Get over it!”

To save you (and me) the annoyance of having to watch this bilge, Nick Arama at did it for us and recapped it, and he has my eternal gratitude. He also makes the correct observation that despite all the claims that the Republicans are “extremists,” there are only a handful of extremists on the fringe of the rightwing, while they are the animating force of the modern Democratic Party.


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“This may be the most significant instance of the United States government turning against its own citizens that we’ve encountered in our lifetime.”

That’s the conclusion of a must-read new piece in REVOLVER NEWS that brings together an array of details showing what the administration, some members of Congress, and the law enforcement bureaucracy have done (and continue to do) to American citizens in furtherance of their own political agenda.  “What’s emerging,” they say, “is a chilling image of a rogue and desperate regime willing to go to any lengths, including imprisoning innocent Americans, to keep its grip on power and punish its political enemies.”

Anyone who thinks that’s hyperbole needs to take a look at what they’ve put together over long months through the magnificent reporting of Julie Kelly and Darren Beattie.  For when you have time, here’s “The Essential REVOLVER NEWS January 6 Reading List” that they assembled two years ago.  Most of this background information should be familiar to longtime newsletter readers, as we’ve covered it in detail.  But what a great compendium to share with family, friends and acquaintances who might not be as well-versed in what really happened.  (Also highly recommended: Kelly’s eye-opening book, titled “JANUARY 6:  How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right.”)

This administration’s mad power-lust, fueled as it was by TDS, was even turned on a former President of the United States, especially during the past two years, when they decided it was permissible to commit a shocking armed raid on Mar-A-Lago a few months before the 2022 election.  We would add that the blatant targeting of Trump is one big reason why so many Republicans so strongly back him today, as seen in last night’s Iowa caucuses.  He’s seen as THE leader who can and will get in there and fix this unholy and most decidedly un-American mess.

On Monday, Kelly and Beattie appeared on Sebastian Gorka’s podcast, stunning Gorka with some of their latest details.  Kelly delves into the matter of DC U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and his leftist political agenda.  Recall that Graves is also one of two Biden-appointed prosecutors who refused to allow Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to prosecute Hunter Biden in their districts.  Graves is supervising ALL the J6 cases.

It should be noted that before and after her book came out, Kelly personally attended the trials of the various J6 defendants and read all the court filings and legal judgments, so she has a good idea of the mindset of the actors involved, particularly Judge Tanya Chutkan.  Reading her orders, one can see the twisted “logic” behind punishing people innocent of any violent or even provocative act.  In her mind, she had already convicted anyone who was there as being part of the “insurrection,” just for being at the rally at all.  It was essentially a blanket condemnation.

Gorka started his interview by observing the government is “upping the ante” as the January 6 narrative is crumbling, with Graves announcing in a big presentation just days ago that “you’re committing a felony even if you didn’t go into Congress.”  As we’ve discussed, in his zeal to double the number of his J6 indictments and keep the stack of cases growing, this prosecutor is fine with putting someone in prison just for standing in the wrong spot outside the building.  But Kelly said this legal strategy is really not new (note the aforementioned Judge Chutkan), citing the conviction of Enrique Tarrio, who was charged with obstruction of an official proceeding and trespassing (!) even though he wasn’t anywhere near the Capitol building on January 6.  The man was in a Baltimore hotel.  He got 22 years in prison.

“But what Matthew Graves did last week was really egregious,” Kelly said.  “...This is the centerpiece of Joe Biden’s presidential re-election campaign, and Matthew Graves, another partisan disguised as a prosecutor, did his part with that egregious hour-long presentation.”

Now view that in light of something else that happened this week, the sentencing of Ray Epps, who is clearly seen on video yelling at the top of his lungs multiple times the day before the rally for the crowd to “go INTO the Capitol!!!”  (The crowd didn’t go for it; sensing a trap, they started chanting, “Fed!  Fed!  Fed!”)  Unbelievably, Epps got a suspended sentence of less than a year --- no jail time at all --- when others have received astonishing sentences of 20-plus years in prison.

Gorka also brought up something new this week that we haven’t addressed yet:  the insistence by a Pentagon source that Gen. Mark Milley was the “architect” of the events of that day, as he’s the one who obstructed the deployment of National Guard troops that had been green-lighted by President Trump.  Col. Earl G. Matthews, a former Guardsman now serving in the Army Reserve, called Milley “the Don Barzini of the Deep State.”

As senior military advisor to the President, Gen. Milley had no legal role in the chain of command, according to Matthews.  But he managed to exploit relationships and run it as “his own feudal possession.”  Read what Matthews said about the role played by Army leadership on J6 --- not wanting to appear as if they were cooperating with President Trump in any way --- and you’ll see another chunk of the government’s narrative fall to the ground.

Even with all this, Beattie --- who deserves credit for coining the term “fed-surrection” --- informed Gorka that “the cracks in the official narrative are far more severe even than what you’ve described,” though he didn’t have time in that brief podcast to get into it in detail.  He said that with Ray Epps’ slap on the wrist, “they’re trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, tie up loose ends” and that Epps “would have been Central Casting for their fake insurrection narrative,” a hulking 6’3” former Marine in camo and a Trump hat.  On the day of the rally, Epps skipped Trump’s speech in favor of directing people to the Capitol building.  And at just the right moment, Epps found himself “magically pre-positioned right at that initial breach point, whereupon he whispers in a man’s ear and two seconds later, the initial breach occurs [with the barriers being moved].”

After this was accomplished, Epps texted his nephew to say he’d “orchestrated” it.  Epps had been the head of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers and on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, but he was dropped from that and ended up doing softball interviews with THE NEW YORK TIMES and 60 MINUTES while other J6-ers were held without bail.  Beattie, wording it as nicely as possible, concluded that Epps is “not an authentic actor.”

The REVOLVER NEWS piece brings up yet another example of the crumbling J6 narrative.  Remember former Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson, the official that Pelosi’s committee made sure it did NOT talk to?  And Special Agent David Lazarus, whose testimony helped put Oath Keepers in prison but who appears to have perjured himself after newly-released J6 video shows he couldn’t have been in the right place to witness what he testified about?

Johnson (a hero in our book) posted an “EMERGENCY UPDATE!!!” on X with the news that Capitol Hill Police Chief Thomas Manger --- whom he called “arguably the most corrupt politician in the country,” which is saying something --- has decided to do no internal investigation of Lazarus’ allegedly false testimony.  The rug is getting pretty lumpy with all that stuff swept under it.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

P.S. Just a reminder: The Morning Edition, delivers Monday-Saturday

Daily Bible Verse

12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12 KJV

Newsletter Notes

14 stories

3,353 words

Reading time: About 16 minutes


In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s historic record victory in the Iowa Caucuses (add another stat: he won 98 of 99 counties, losing the 99th by only one vote), the DeSantis and Haley campaigns are trudging on to New Hampshire, but they’re reminding me more and more of the movie, “Dead Man Walking.” Vivek Ramaswamy already dropped out and endorsed Trump. And as of Tuesday, Asa Hutchinson is officially out of the race. 

Ironically, one of the other big stories out of Iowa is the huge meltdown by media and Hollywood leftists over Trump’s win, and the shameful and hypocritical refusal to air his victory speech by fake news purveyors CNN and MSNBC. I guess they think they can spend from now until November claiming they’re protecting “the truth” by suppressing one of the two major candidates, the same way they suppressed the truth about Hunter’s laptop in 2020. Between the media refusing to air anything Trump says and playing along with the White House hiding Joe Biden in the basement, this could be the quietest presidential campaign in history!

Personally, I thought Trump gave an excellent speech. It was gracious, unifying and forward-looking. In fact, as I explained to Sean Hannity last night on Fox News, I believe that’s the real reason these DNC flunkies like Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper are terrified of letting their viewers hear Trump: They’re not scared of their viewers being swayed by a crazy, ranting, racist, Nazi dictator. They’re scared to death that they’ll realize he’s nothing like that and they’ve been bamboozled.

They’re afraid Americans will see Trump is a lot like them: he loves America, he likes working people and people of faith that they disdain and look down on, and he wants to fix the endless messes Biden and his ilk have created and “Make America Great Again.”

I also think the reason the media and the Democrats keep saying “Maga” as if it’s an obscene word instead of using the phrase it stands for is that it’s hard to scare people by telling them someone is too extreme about wanting to make America great again. Especially when we all now know that the alternative is to vote for Biden and the Democrats, the MASA extremists: “Make America Suck Already.”

Vivek’s Recommendation

Having dropped out of the race and endorsed Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy called on DeSantis and Haley to do the same. He said that at this point, they would “do this country and this party a service by stepping aside to make sure that we’re focused on not only nominating Donald Trump but getting this country back and reviving those founding revolutionary ideals."

He added, "Especially Ron DeSantis, of the two of them, will have an important role to play in the future of this country and leading this nation. I believe that." I’ll let you interpret that how you will.

Biden reminds us Trump was right

So now Biden is building the wall, asking Mexico to keep migrants on their side of the border, and redesignating the Houthis as terrorists.

Also, his DOJ finally, at long last, admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.

Apparently, their argument for reelecting Joe instead of Trump will be that after three years, he’s finally realized that Trump was right about everything.

Reminder: Know who falsely told us for years that Hunter’s laptop was “Russian disinformation,” that Trump colluded with Russia, that Joe Biden knew nothing about his son’s business deals, that there was an ethics agreement preventing Hunter from knowing who was buying his “art,” etc. etc. etc.? The same media outlets that are so obsessed with airing only “The TRUTH” that they refuse to show Trump’s speeches: CNN and MSNBC.

Get the feeling that there’s about as much truth in their alleged “news” reporting as there is actual cheese in a spray can of pasteurized, processed, cheez-food product?

Hostage Update

Hamas released their threatened follow-up to video of three hostages, this time allegedly showing the dead bodies of two of the hostages, Yossi Sharabi, 53, and Itai Svirsky, 38.

The video also included footage of university student Noa Argamani, 26, being forced to read a script blaming their deaths on Israeli air strikes.

An IDF spokesman said that at least one of them, Svirsky, was definitely not killed in an Israeli strike. He said, “That is a Hamas lie. The building in which they were held was not a target and it was not attacked by our forces. We don't attack a place if we know there may be hostages inside."

Hamas wants very much for the story to be “Israel is killing innocent people with their strikes on Hamas.” The real story is that after 100 days, Hamas is still holding hostages under intolerably dangerous conditions and trying to use them to avoid surrendering. The truth hasn’t changed since day one: if they really wanted the firing to cease, they would release their hostages unharmed and surrender. Until then, everything they say should be universally scorned.

Desperation sets in

The attacks on Trump are getting so desperate, they’re hysterical. Watch a heckler accuse a pro-Trump speaker in Iowa of supporting racism. The speaker was black Texas Rep. Wesley Hunt.

A terrible law that Joe Biden wants to take nationwide

I wrote about this last week, but it’s an urgent enough threat and hasn’t gotten enough attention that I’ll link to this article about it as well.

It’s about the new Labor Department rule set to take effect in March that will obliterate contract and gig workers, likely costing millions of people their jobs. It’s based on California’s horrible AB5 law that has decimated gig workers in that state. No surprise: the architect of AB5, Julie Su, was put into the DOL as acting Labor Secretary by Biden to do just this, in yet another example of Democrats never being held accountable and always failing upward.

Su claims it will protect contract and gig workers (“I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you!”), but it will actually destroy their jobs, especially harming small businesses, entrepreneurs and people who need flexible hours, including single moms, younger workers and the disabled. Who will it help? The labor unions who own the Democratic Party, who will get more members when some workers are forced to become employees, and the many more who are left unemployed will be eliminated as competition.

The article is a must-read not only for what it tells you about this looming new threat, but how to take action to stop it. You’ll also be interested to learn that for all the propaganda about how its opponents are greedy rightwingers who hate the workers, there are a number of quotes from leftwing sources, including Andrew Cuomo, the Daily Kos, Willie Brown and the California NAACP, all denouncing the original AB5 law as terrible, asinine, shameful, a disaster and a catastrophe. So of course, Joe Biden wants to take it nationwide.

Related: Here’s more on how the Democrats’ alleged attempts to “help” the workers, like the AB5 law and steep increases in the minimum wage, are hastening the move toward automation and robotics replacing human workers. “Congratulations, you got a raise! The bad news: you’re fired. No need to thank us!”

Homeschool here we come!

It’s good to know that some high schools are still teaching students about the Declaration of Independence. But at one Maine public high school, that means assigning students to write their own “declaration of independence” from their parents, government, systemic racism, inequity, sexism, homophobia, etc. etc.

This is why parents should declare independence from public schools.

Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place:

Wishing that Joe Biden would decide not to run, but dreading having to find a replacement. They know the natural choice would be VP Kamala Harris, but she’s truly awful at the job and even more unpopular than Biden (although that might not currently be true, since his approval rating just hit a subterranean 33%.) Yet if they dump her, they’d be accused of passing over a minority female and insulting the all-powerful gods of DEI. This is why she’s sometimes called “Joe Biden’s best insurance policy.”

If you want to know just how deep a hole they’re in with Harris, check out the quotes from a new book about her, from members of her 2020 presidential campaign staff, Even the people whose job was to get her elected admit that they realized, “This person should not be President of the United States.”

Houthi and the Blowhards update

Here’s more from Todd Starnes about the pro-Hamas/pro-Houthi riot/insurrection Saturday outside the White House. At least, that’s what the Democrats in Washington call things like that, if the participants are wearing red caps instead of waving Palestinian flags. Starnes confirms my immediate suspicions: “No arrests were made.”

Batteries freeze

I’ve devoted quite a bit of space recently to cataloguing the many, many problems with electric vehicles that the Biden Administration is trying to force down our throats. But here’s one that came as an unwelcome surprise this week to EV owners in the path of the big Arctic chill. Turns out when it’s cold, batteries go dead. And when it’s really, really cold, you can’t even recharge them. Good luck!

To quote the owner of one of many dead Teslas in Chicago, "This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously."

Yes, I know. If you read my newsletter, you would’ve known that before you bought it. You also would have known that those same words would apply to everything Joe Biden would do as President.


Big congratulations to Madison March, who just became the first active duty Air Force officer to win the title of Miss America.

She represented Colorado, and she’s a pilot select who just graduated the Air Force Academy. She said, "I'm very excited to be able to represent women who can break stereotypes in both fields,” and “You can achieve anything. The sky is not the limit, and the only person that’s stopping you is you.”

I toss her a big salute for her accomplishments, and for finally letting me write a story about someone in the military who wears an evening gown and is not a man.

Huck’s Hero Hulk News!

Sunday night in Tampa, a 17-year-old girl was in a car crash, and her vehicle flipped, pinning her inside. Luckily, the driver right behind her stopped and came to her rescue, pulling her out of the car. That driver: wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan!

I wonder if she thought she bumped her head and was hallucinating?

Also a hero: Hulk’s passenger, U.S. Marine Jake Rask, who joined in the rescue. A big salute to them both.

White House lies again; President Biden personally visited with Hunter’s “art” dealer

What the White House has maintained publicly about Hunter Biden’s “art” sales is very different from the real story, according to gallerist and art dealer Georges Berges’ transcribed interview before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees last week.  I know this is going to shock you, but --- are you sitting down? --- it appears the White House lied about this.

John Solomon at JUST THE NEWS has the update, but here’s what we already knew:

There apparently was no “ethics agreement” that Berges ever saw, no system to make sure Hunter and the first family never knew who his high-dollar buyers were, as White House spokesperson Jen Psaki had maintained there was.

According to Berges, Hunter knew who the buyers were for 70 percent of his “art.”

Hunter netted about $900,000 from the sales, in a period spanning more than two years.

The buyers were mostly Democrat donors, one of whom, Elizabeth Naftali, received a prestigious commission appointment.  She has said she bought one painting before her appointment and the other one after.  The most high-volume buyer of all was “sugar brother” Kevin Morris, whom Hunter had met not long before at a donor event.  In addition to being a wealthy Hollywood attorney and producer with millions to spend on Hunter, he also happened to be an art collector --- who knew?

Morris had an unusual agreement with the dealer in which he personally paid Berges’ 40 percent commission on the sales.  As we’ve previously noted, that should have been the tip-off to Berges that something wasn’t quite kosher.

All that was bad enough, but now that Solomon has seen the full transcript of Berges’ interview, there’s more to this story:

Berges told the congressional committees that President Biden both called and met him at the White House during the time he was representing Hunter’s “art” to potential buyers.  Also, Hunter requested that he be informed of who the buyers were, negating even the idea of an ethics agreement.

“I believe in the first contract, he [Hunter] was able to know who the buyers were,” he told them.  That was in 2020.  “I don’t know how it was phrased or --- but I remember that there --- that that was the difference.”  When asked if that was the normal kind of agreement, he said, “That part was different.  Normally, the gallerist does not let the artist know who the collectors are.”  In fact, when asked how many of the other artists he represents now (totaling 15) wanted to know the identity of purchasers, Berges said none of them.  About a year later, Berges said, in a subsequent deal, they did change the agreement to say that Hunter was not to be told.

But the most interesting part is that President Biden himself was making contact with Berges.

When asked by a House investigator if he’d had contact with the President, he said he had.

“Okay.  And was that in person or on the phone or both?” the investigator asked.

“Both,” Berges answered.

When asked when and where the in-person meeting was, Berges said, “At the White House, during Hunter’s --- Hunter’s daughter getting married.”

The phone call was placed by the President to Berges, ostensibly to (yes, we know this sounds strange) congratulate Berges’ daughter for finishing camp.

The President has repeatedly denied having contact with any of Hunter’s business associates, though testimony from former business partner Devon Archer wildly contradicts those denials.  Obviously, Joe Biden spoke with Berges on at least those two occasions.  Yet according to Berges, the subject of the “ethics” agreement never came up in conversation, with Joe or anyone else at the White House.  From Berges’ interview transcript:

Investigator: “When you’re seeing in the press that the White House is putting in certain safeguards regarding an ethics agreement but you’ve had no conversations with the White House, I mean, did you ever say to Hunter Biden, ‘Hey, where’s this coming from?”

Berges: “I might have.  I probably did, yeah.”

I: “And do you remember what he said to you?”

B: “I don’t --- I do remember being surprised.”

I: “Why were you surprised?”

B: Because I hadn’t had any communication with the White House about an agreement.”

Oh, and one other detail.  If you were wondering how Hunter made the connection with Berges to represent his “art” in the first place, that was made through Lanette Phillips, who is (surprise) a Joe Biden fundraiser.  Hunter made his first sale in December 2020, shortly before his father would take office.

In related news, Berges also told the committees that he’s decided not to renew his contract with Hunter, despite making $1.5 million in sales of Hunter’s “art” to 10 people.

Working with Hunter “hasn’t been the best decision for me,” he said.  “I never expected the whole security issue or the death threats and people assuming political affiliation, which was completely wrong.  It was a little bit more than I could chew...obviously, I kind of wanted my life back. So I haven’t agreed to renew that contract now.”

It’s sad to see that some on the political fringes may have dealt unfairly with Mr. Berges and even threatened violence against him.  It seems he understandably regrets getting involved with the Bidens and would like to stay as far away from politics as he can.  Let’s wish him the best in that endeavor.

Hunter’s felony gun case just got more serious as well, with the breaking news that his lie about drug use on an official gun purchase form is backed up not just by what he wrote in his book BEAUTIFUL THINGS but by actual cocaine residue on the brown leather pouch in which he kept the gun.  That gun has been held as evidence since 2018, and the white powder, according to a court filing, could still clearly be seen when the gun was examined again in 2023, when the residue was finally tested.  So the feds have had this evidence for five years, and we’re just now hearing about it.

It came out in court yesterday because Hunter, in his allegation of selective prosecution (not kidding), tried to say there was no proof he’d actually had a drug problem.  Surprise!

Here are the amusing details.  It’ll be interesting to see if Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell re-thinks his aggressive courtroom strategy, as it doesn’t seem to be working well with this client.

FOX NEWS has more on the indictment itself.

Finally, in a quick update on the still-possible contempt of Congress charge --- though Hunter says he’ll comply after all, given a new subpoena --- the House Rules Committee has paused consideration of that charge while a new closed-door deposition date is negotiated.

As House Oversight Chairman James Comer said on Tuesday’s HANNITY, “I think what’s happened over the last few days is, Abbe Lowell has realized that we have won.  We are in a position to win in court...We have done everything by the book...So now, Abbe Lowell’s come back, basically begging, and offering for Hunter Biden to be deposed without any condition.”

“...This is about Joe Biden,” he continued.  “Hunter Biden’s a key witness in the investigation.  We believe that at the end of the day, if we make every effort to bring Hunter Biden in, that will help solidify the final report that we’re gonna issue to the American people.”  And if the interview falls through, Hunter WILL be held in contempt.

Hunter Epilogue:  If you’re (understandably) suffering from Hunter News Overload, at least read this headline.  Then fall to the floor, laughing helplessly.

More Whoppers from Fani

Another day, another lie told by Fulton County DA Fani Willis, who’s now spouting her self-serving whoppers in church. While doing that on Sunday, she blamed criticism of her and her Trump special prosecutor/alleged boyfriend Nathan Wade on racism, claiming that they were criticized because they’re black while the two white prosecutors who were paid the same weren’t criticized.

Problem: Not only were those prosecutors not involved in an alleged illicit relationship that enriched them at taxpayer expense, they also weren’t paid anywhere near as much as Wade. The Daily Caller has the details:

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

P.S. Just a reminder: The Morning Edition, delivers Monday-Saturday

Daily Bible Verse

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.

He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved.

Psalm 62:5-6 KJV

Newsletter Notes

12 stories

4,348 words

Reading time: About 20 minutes

Trump wins Iowa

As expected last night, Donald Trump won a record victory in the Iowa Caucuses. He took 51% of the vote, smashing George Bush’s previous record of 41%. And his 29.8% margin of victory over second placer Ron DeSantis obliterated Bob Dole’s record winning margin of 12.8%. Nikki Haley came in third at 19.1% (she declared that this is now a “two-person race,” but it’s unclear who that second person is that she's referring to.) Vivek Ramaswamy was fourth with 7.7%, and as I predicted, he started the post-Iowa field-thinning by dropping out and endorsing Trump.

Interestingly, Texas pastor and little-known candidate Ryan Binkley won 774 votes for 0.7%. That's four times more support than the 191 votes and 0.2% taken by Asa Hutchinson.

There was some controversy early on that drew complaints from the DeSantis campaign after the AP called the race for Trump with less than 1% of the vote in and people still caucusing. They’re right to complain about that, but it didn’t seem to make much difference in the long run.

DeSantis and Haley say they’re moving on to New Hampshire and South Carolina, although Haley announced that she won’t participate in any more GOP debates.

But Newt Gingrich says it’s already time to stick a fork in it. He told Fox News that despite all the lawfare, slander and censorship thrown at Trump, "He's the nominee. Get over it – He is the nominee. He's going to win the nomination. The news media doesn't want to say that because they need to somehow hype ‘please watch us while we go through this charade’."

He said there is no viable path for a second-place candidate to come from behind and win: "[Y]ou get to be the leading ‘irrelevant’ or the second ‘irrelevant’ or the third ‘irrelevant’, but nobody is going to be number two because he is going to dominate totally if you look at the country at-large."

Despite claims that Trump will alienate women voters, an AP poll found that he actually got more support from GOP women in Iowa (54%) than from men (53%.) One red flag that the campaign will need to address is that his support was much higher among rural women than suburban women (59% to 40%), who are an important factor in the November vote. He’ll need to work hard to dispel the phony Boogey-man image that the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have created, and convince suburban women that it’s not in their best interests to keep voting for high crime, open borders, endless wars, eroded Constitutional rights and a terrible economy.

The Media reacts

The media reacted to Trump’s crushing victory exactly the way you’d expect: by having a full-scale tantrum worthy of a two-year-old in the Walmart candy aisle.

Trump’s victory speech was actually rather moderate and mature. He called for unity, praised his rivals for their efforts, and talked about how he planned to begin making America great again by ending the rising threats abroad, fixing the economy and rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure. He even said he wasn’t going to go too hard on Joe Biden, although he then referred to him as the worst President in history. But by Trump’s standards (and considering the evidence), I’d say that IS going easy on him.

But if you were trying to watch the speech on CNN or MSNBC (and why would anyone do that?), you couldn’t, because they cut away from it. Instead, they filled the time with their far-left talking heads ranting against Trump and his supporters. Like Joy Reid complaining that there are too many white Christians in Iowa. Or CNN’s Jake Tapper, who claimed that Iowans “believed the lie” (what, that CNN is a news channel?) and that Trump was spouting “anti-immigrant rhetoric” when he said he would start deporting the millions of illegal aliens Biden has allowed to cross our open border.

This is a good example of how liberals only win arguments by changing the definitions of words. An illegal alien is not an “immigrant.” Immigrants respect America’s laws and follow the system to become US citizens, and are among our best and most patriotic citizens. Literally anybody can cross an open border illegally, which is the problem. By the way, polls show that a majority of Americans agree with those Trump policies they’re demonizing, including securing the border and deporting illegal aliens.

Even more hilariously, MSNBC’s tiny viewing pool was treated to Rachel Maddow piously intoning about how they made the painful decision not to show Trump’s speech because they’re so devoted to airing the truth. She then went into a weird diatribe about how Trump is a dangerous fascist but his supporters are even worse. You might recall that fascism is a political doctrine in which the government dictates which views are allowed to be expressed. You might also recall Ms. Maddow as the professional fabulist who misled her viewers for years, feeding them ever-wilder “Russian collusion” conspiracy theories that all turned out to be horse manure.

So why is this lying hypocrite still employed by MSNBC? I like my writers, but if they’d tainted my reputation by pushing a lot of patent rubbish for two years, I would have fired them. Whenever I see Maddow now, it’s like seeing a flashing neon sign reminding me not to believe a word I hear on MSNBC.

As laughable as these histrionics are, they do offer a serious lesson in how this campaign is going to play out, and it shows that Trump and the GOP will have to be clever and diligent in cutting through the attempts to silence and censor their message. These people are terrified, but not that Trump will be a fascist dictator (he was already President for four years, and I notice none of them ended up in a gulag.)

They’re terrified that if Americans see Trump unfiltered by them, it will undo three years’ worth of their efforts at creating a straw man and standing between him and the public to keep people from seeing who he really is: a man who was once the most popular celebrity on NBC before he announced for President as a Republican, and overnight, magically transformed into a racist, Nazi monster. They’ll also use the “We can’t let Hitler speak!” dodge as an excuse for Biden not to “lower himself” to debate Trump, as if he possibly could.

To quote Newt Gingrich: “Get over it!”

To save you (and me) the annoyance of having to watch this bilge, Nick Arama at did it for us and recapped it, and he has my eternal gratitude. He also makes the correct observation that despite all the claims that the Republicans are “extremists,” there are only a handful of extremists on the fringe of the rightwing, while they are the animating force of the modern Democratic Party.

A postscript on Martin Luther King Jr. Day:

The FBI put out a tweet honoring MLK, and was immediately eviscerated by Twitter (X) users and Community Notes, which reminded us that “The FBI engaged in surveillance of King, attempted to discredit him, and used manipulation tactics to influence him to stop organizing. King’s family believe the FBI was responsible for his death.”

Kudos to Mark Hemingway for reminding us that “the man in LBJ's (White House) responsible for monitoring King and disseminating the illegal recordings to humiliate him was none other than beloved progressive PBS icon Bill Moyers.”

Related: I find that most leftist attacks on Trump tell you far more about the attacker than about Trump. For instance, on Monday, Trump’s campaign put out a simple cartoon on social media, showing Iowans how to vote in the Caucuses.

The leftist website Mediaite managed to twist this into both an accusation of ignorance and disrespect about Martin Luther King Jr. Day (apparently, you’re not supposed to tweet about anything else on that day, and/or it’s horrific not to include the “Jr.,” which prompts me to ask, if that’s so necessary, why is it frequently abbreviated as “MLK Day” rather than “MLKJ Day”?) and a weird sexual controversy because the cartoon character didn’t have genitalia.

What kind of sick cartoons did these people’s parents let them watch as kids, and is that why they turned out the sad way they did?

100 days

Guy Benson at has a round-up of the disgusting pro-Hamas, anti-Israel rallies around the US, marking 100 days since the horrifying October 7th attack on Jews in Israel.

As these protesters have become more emboldened by authorities’ refusal to make them obey the law, their disruptions hit a new low on Saturday night when a mob of them gathered outside the White House. They waved Palestinian flags while chanting, “Ceasefire Now," "Free, Free Palestine," and "Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around," showing their support for attacks on ships by Iran-backed Houthi militants.

The situation escalated when the protesters damaged the fence around the White House, and staffers and journalists inside were relocated to ensure their safety. As many pundits noted, if they’d been wearing red MAGA caps, they would have been arrested, branded as “insurrectionists” and imprisoned for years, but chances are they will face zero consequences for their open support of terrorists, threats and vandalism of the White House, and interfering with government business.

Maybe they were extra mad because on Friday, Biden admitted that the Houthis are terrorists. The Trump Administration had designated them as terrorists, but Biden revoked that designation. Apparently, he mindlessly revoked everything Trump did without any regard for why it was done, under the theory that “Trump BAD!,” which explains a lot of the disasters we’re dealing with today.

Related: Hamas released footage of three hostages that confirms they were alive, but it’s not clear when they were filmed. The terrorists added ominously, “Tomorrow we will inform you of their Fate.”

These are just three of over 130 hostages who are still being held by Hamas. As Bob Hoge rightly says at the link, if these pro-Hamas protesters really cared about ending the war, they’d be demanding that Hamas release its hostages, not that Israel surrender.

Also related: These pro-terrorist leftists might think they can get away with being public menaces with no consequences, but they’re learning quickly that they’d better not mess with Texas.

Kerry steps down

It was announced that John Kerry is stepping down as President Biden’s “climate czar” and will instead work on Biden’s reelection campaign. Ironically, his no longer taking private jets to climate conferences all over the world may represent the biggest reduction in CO2 emissions that this Administration has yet achieved.

I wish Kerry just as much success with Biden’s presidential campaign as he brought to his own.

Willis responds

Fulton County DA Fani Willis has finally responded – sort of – to allegations that she enriched herself with tax money by paying big bucks to her unqualified, married boyfriend Nathan Wade to act as Trump special prosecutor, and he, in turn, spent some of the money on lavish trips with her.

She didn’t respond in legal fashion, nor did she deny the allegations. But she did go in front of a friendly crowd at a black church and play the race card like crazy.

Willis insinuated that the accusations are racially motivated because the other two special prosecutors are white and only she and Wade, who are black, are accused of wrongdoing. Yes, but maybe that’s because the other two prosecutors had nothing to do with all that corruption mentioned in the first paragraph.

Defying any bolts of lightning from above, Willis declared in church, "You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world. The Lord is completing us, we are not perfect. We need your prayers, we need to be allowed to stumble. We need grace. We are all flawed, sinners, unworthy, imperfect, damaged."

Much of that is true. However, these allegations aren’t just about personal sins and shortcomings, they’re also about public corruption and illegality. What is flawed, unworthy, imperfect and damaged is her case. As for personal sins, you can’t expect forgiveness for them while refusing to admit you committed them.

Chris Queen at PJ Media also has some good comments on this transparently self-serving speech and how disgusting it was that it came in a church during what was supposed to be a day honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who stood up to real racism.

A “grave injustice” in Florida

A 19-year-old illegal alien in St. Johns County, Florida, is accused of causing the death of a sheriff’s officer who was trying to detain him and is facing charges of resisting an officer with violence and manslaughter. But while he hasn’t been in the US for long, either he’s already learned a lot about our system (possibly from listening to Fani Willis), or his lawyer certainly has. 

His attorney is threatening a lawsuit over this “grave injustice” against his client, whom he claims “was a victim of police brutality. He was a victim of racial profiling. He was a victim of violation of his fourth, fifth, and sixth amendment constitutional rights. Those who are responsible for this abuse will be held accountable.”

The officer remains dead, but at least we can be comforted in knowing that the illegal alien accused of causing his death enjoys all those Constitutional rights guaranteed to US citizens. And since we’re holding people other than him accountable for this, how about Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas?


As part of its “diversity and inclusion” initiative, the Federal Aviation Commission is actively seeking to hire people with “targeted disabilities,” including “hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism."

I’m sure nervous flyers will be comforted to know that the agency in charge of airline safety will be staffed by people with psychiatric problems and severe intellectual disabilities. If it’s good enough for the White House, it’s good enough for the FAA.

Reporting the news

Back in November, we reported on the shooting and wounding of three Palestinian students in Burlington, Vermont. I said then that if they were targeted for being Muslim, that was a deplorable hate crime and should be condemned and prosecuted, but we didn’t know. That didn’t stop a number of media talking heads and politicians, including President Biden, from charging ahead and framing it as an Islamophobic hate crime and the shooter as a deranged MAGA type.

Well, we finally know the real story, and surprise! It doesn’t fit the preferred media narrative. The accused shooter is reportedly a mentally-unstable leftist and Hamas sympathizer who likely had an episode, ran outside in a rage and shot the young men as they were passing his house without even knowing who they were.

Again, this is why we don’t report news until we know what happened. Other people ought to try that sometime.

Rand: Proof Fauci needs to go to prison

After last week’s House testimony in which Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted that pandemic-era social distancing regulations were based on zero science, and that the lab leak hypothesis was not a “conspiracy theory,” in between claiming not to recall salient facts over a hundred times, Sen. Rand Paul is citing the testimony as vindication for his long-standing argument that Fauci should go to prison.

Sen. Paul said that for making one of the worst public health decisions “in the entire history of the world,” Fauci “should just be pilloried.” But trying to silence discussion of the lab leak theory and denying knowing anything about it to Congress while privately admitting his concerns is a different story. He said, “For his dishonesty, frankly, he should go to prison. If you lie to Congress, and you’re dishonest, and you won’t accept responsibility.”

He’s right, but unfortunately, we’ve seen in recent years that if you are among a certain favored political circle, you can lie all you want to Congress and face no consequences. That’s our new pandemic.


By Pat Reeder

We've just lost another familiar TV face that generations of us have grown up watching. Joyce Randolph, who played Trixie, the wife of Ed Norton (Art Carney) on the original classic sitcom “The Honeymooners,” died Saturday in her New York apartment at 99.

You are forgiven if you were surprised to hear she was still alive, since her co-stars Jackie Gleason, Art Carney and Audrey Meadows all passed away quite a while ago, the most recent being Carney in 2003. Although she had worked before in summer stock with Meadows, Gleason hired her after seeing her on a Clorets commercial. Of the four main characters, she had the least to do, once joking that her favorite episodes were any “in which I had more than six or seven lines.”

Although she never played Trixie with Gleason again after the original “Golden 39” episodes, she did revive the role along with Meadows as Alice Kramden for a cameo on the 1991 sitcom, “Hi, Honey, I’m Home.”

Her TV resume may not be extensive, but if you’re going to be known for one role in a show that lasted only one season, you couldn’t do better than being part of the main cast on what many consider the greatest sitcom of all time. RIP.

The J6 case against the GOVERNMENT grows as official narrative falls apart

“This may be the most significant instance of the United States government turning against its own citizens that we’ve encountered in our lifetime.”

That’s the conclusion of a must-read new piece in REVOLVER NEWS that brings together an array of details showing what the administration, some members of Congress, and the law enforcement bureaucracy have done (and continue to do) to American citizens in furtherance of their own political agenda.  “What’s emerging,” they say, “is a chilling image of a rogue and desperate regime willing to go to any lengths, including imprisoning innocent Americans, to keep its grip on power and punish its political enemies.”

Anyone who thinks that’s hyperbole needs to take a look at what they’ve put together over long months through the magnificent reporting of Julie Kelly and Darren Beattie.  For when you have time, here’s “The Essential REVOLVER NEWS January 6 Reading List” that they assembled two years ago.  Most of this background information should be familiar to longtime newsletter readers, as we’ve covered it in detail.  But what a great compendium to share with family, friends and acquaintances who might not be as well-versed in what really happened.  (Also highly recommended: Kelly’s eye-opening book, titled “JANUARY 6:  How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right.”)

This administration’s mad power-lust, fueled as it was by TDS, was even turned on a former President of the United States, especially during the past two years, when they decided it was permissible to commit a shocking armed raid on Mar-A-Lago a few months before the 2022 election.  We would add that the blatant targeting of Trump is one big reason why so many Republicans so strongly back him today, as seen in last night’s Iowa caucuses.  He’s seen as THE leader who can and will get in there and fix this unholy and most decidedly un-American mess.

On Monday, Kelly and Beattie appeared on Sebastian Gorka’s podcast, stunning Gorka with some of their latest details.  Kelly delves into the matter of DC U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves and his leftist political agenda.  Recall that Graves is also one of two Biden-appointed prosecutors who refused to allow Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to prosecute Hunter Biden in their districts.  Graves is supervising ALL the J6 cases.

It should be noted that before and after her book came out, Kelly personally attended the trials of the various J6 defendants and read all the court filings and legal judgments, so she has a good idea of the mindset of the actors involved, particularly Judge Tanya Chutkan.  Reading her orders, one can see the twisted “logic” behind punishing people innocent of any violent or even provocative act.  In her mind, she had already convicted anyone who was there as being part of the “insurrection,” just for being at the rally at all.  It was essentially a blanket condemnation.

Gorka started his interview by observing the government is “upping the ante” as the January 6 narrative is crumbling, with Graves announcing in a big presentation just days ago that “you’re committing a felony even if you didn’t go into Congress.”  As we’ve discussed, in his zeal to double the number of his J6 indictments and keep the stack of cases growing, this prosecutor is fine with putting someone in prison just for standing in the wrong spot outside the building.  But Kelly said this legal strategy is really not new (note the aforementioned Judge Chutkan), citing the conviction of Enrique Tarrio, who was charged with obstruction of an official proceeding and trespassing (!) even though he wasn’t anywhere near the Capitol building on January 6.  The man was in a Baltimore hotel.  He got 22 years in prison.

“But what Matthew Graves did last week was really egregious,” Kelly said.  “...This is the centerpiece of Joe Biden’s presidential re-election campaign, and Matthew Graves, another partisan disguised as a prosecutor, did his part with that egregious hour-long presentation.”

Now view that in light of something else that happened this week, the sentencing of Ray Epps, who is clearly seen on video yelling at the top of his lungs multiple times the day before the rally for the crowd to “go INTO the Capitol!!!”  (The crowd didn’t go for it; sensing a trap, they started chanting, “Fed!  Fed!  Fed!”)  Unbelievably, Epps got a suspended sentence of less than a year --- no jail time at all --- when others have received astonishing sentences of 20-plus years in prison.

Gorka also brought up something new this week that we haven’t addressed yet:  the insistence by a Pentagon source that Gen. Mark Milley was the “architect” of the events of that day, as he’s the one who obstructed the deployment of National Guard troops that had been green-lighted by President Trump.  Col. Earl G. Matthews, a former Guardsman now serving in the Army Reserve, called Milley “the Don Barzini of the Deep State.”

As senior military advisor to the President, Gen. Milley had no legal role in the chain of command, according to Matthews.  But he managed to exploit relationships and run it as “his own feudal possession.”  Read what Matthews said about the role played by Army leadership on J6 --- not wanting to appear as if they were cooperating with President Trump in any way --- and you’ll see another chunk of the government’s narrative fall to the ground.

Even with all this, Beattie --- who deserves credit for coining the term “fed-surrection” --- informed Gorka that “the cracks in the official narrative are far more severe even than what you’ve described,” though he didn’t have time in that brief podcast to get into it in detail.  He said that with Ray Epps’ slap on the wrist, “they’re trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, tie up loose ends” and that Epps “would have been Central Casting for their fake insurrection narrative,” a hulking 6’3” former Marine in camo and a Trump hat.  On the day of the rally, Epps skipped Trump’s speech in favor of directing people to the Capitol building.  And at just the right moment, Epps found himself “magically pre-positioned right at that initial breach point, whereupon he whispers in a man’s ear and two seconds later, the initial breach occurs [with the barriers being moved].”

After this was accomplished, Epps texted his nephew to say he’d “orchestrated” it.  Epps had been the head of the Arizona chapter of the Oath Keepers and on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, but he was dropped from that and ended up doing softball interviews with THE NEW YORK TIMES and 60 MINUTES while other J6-ers were held without bail.  Beattie, wording it as nicely as possible, concluded that Epps is “not an authentic actor.”

The REVOLVER NEWS piece brings up yet another example of the crumbling J6 narrative.  Remember former Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson, the official that Pelosi’s committee made sure it did NOT talk to?  And Special Agent David Lazarus, whose testimony helped put Oath Keepers in prison but who appears to have perjured himself after newly-released J6 video shows he couldn’t have been in the right place to witness what he testified about?

Johnson (a hero in our book) posted an “EMERGENCY UPDATE!!!” on X with the news that Capitol Hill Police Chief Thomas Manger --- whom he called “arguably the most corrupt politician in the country,” which is saying something --- has decided to do no internal investigation of Lazarus’ allegedly false testimony.  The rug is getting pretty lumpy with all that stuff swept under it.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

With every week leading up to the 2024 election, we find out more about how the left --- with the help, of course, of some so-called “moderates” --- are trying to pull the strings leading up to it.  Those full-of-themselves Ivy League grads ensconced in the halls of power really do assume Trump supporters are dimwitted, undereducated, unsophisticated rubes who can barely use a knife and fork in public and have no clue that the super-genius Ruling Elite are using lawfare against Trump to rig the election right in front of us and save us all from the imaginary Hitler they’ve created.  They hardly try to hide what they’re doing.  (Those of us who dare to write about this and let them see we have a clue --- many, many clues ---are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.”)

And yet, as they tell it, we’re the “threat to democracy.”

It’s increasingly clear that Trump would not be facing the variety of courtroom hit-jobs he is now if he weren’t running for President and also polling spectacularly against Biden.  And the most chilling part of all is the emerging hard evidence that both the Biden White House and Pelosi’s House “Select” J6 Committee have been involved in the coordination of these attacks, including Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ sprawling RICO case.  This cannot be allowed to stand; if it does, our so-called “Republic” is over, killed by the power-mad left.

In the words of Victor Davis Hanson, writing for AMERICAN GREATNESS, “We should dispense with the tired narrative that four conscientious state and federal prosecutors—independently and without contact with the Biden White House or the radical Democrats in Congress—all came to the same disinterested conclusions that Donald Trump should be indicted for various crimes and put on trial during the campaign season of 2024.”

On the bright side, VDH says the left are in a “doom loop,” in that the more unwarranted grief they give Trump, the more he rises in the polls.  Trump’s benefiting from it because WE’RE ON TO THEM, and we also know that Trump, of all the candidates, will be in the best position to do something about it once he’s in the White House.  We see his actions not in the context of vengeance or retribution, as Democrats like to say, but of justice and reform.

VDH goes into the stunning revelations of Fani Willis’ corruption and machinations in the Fulton County case --- you’re probably up to speed on all that, but his column is a good refresher --- and predicts it will end with Willis’ resignation and indictment of both her and her boyfriend.  “Both have made a mockery of their indictment of an ex-president,” he said, “and if the allegations are true, will be disbarred and prosecuted.”  Let it be so.

The other three indictments are even weaker, he says.  We’ve seen in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Trump and the Trump Organization --- eagerly attended daily by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned on “getting Trump” and who must not have any other crime to deal with in her state --- that Trump did exactly what virtually every other big-city real estate developer does in obtaining financing.  Nothing unusual about it at all.  And no financial institution dealing with him had made any complaint about this, ever.

As for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s raid and prosecution of Trump over so-called “classified” documents being retained at Mar-A-Lago, VHS points out that “Trump was the first ex-president in history to be indicted for a dispute with archivists over the status and security of removed classified files.”  Bill Clinton did it (classified tapes in a sock drawer); Obama did it (with no one challenging him, naturally); Biden did it (a whole lot, in a variety of non-secure places, and he didn’t even have presidential declassification power.)  “Such disagreements,” VDH says, “were historically adjudicated bureaucratically rather than criminally, and certainly not with performance-art FBI swat raids into an ex-presidential residence.”

As for the other Jack Smith prosecution, the January 6 case, VDH sums it up thusly: “...True insurrectionists do not instruct protestors to assemble peacefully and patriotically. Insurrectionists themselves do not try to overthrow governments while unarmed and accompanied by bare-chested buffoons with cow horns and slow-moving septuagenarians draped in American flags.”  He points out that there were perhaps 150-200 FBI plants getting in on the action, and that in some cases, security guards were acting as doormen, waving nonviolent rally attendees right in.  You’ve followed these cases well enough to know that most of them are travesties.

Ultimately, it’s those on the left, not Trump, who are destroying the precedents and traditions of our system of government.  It’s their “endless miscarriages of justice,” VDH says, that are “the real threat to constitutional government.”  And the less effective they are at taking him down, the more desperate they become.  We would add that this is true even though the Trump they despise is mostly a creation of their own fevered minds that bears little resemblance to the actual person.

The column is a must-read.

Speaking of Democrats, as opposed to President Trump, being the real threat, NBC News has a report on how some leftist groups are planning a “quasi-military” coup if Trump is elected.  The plan is 1) to hamstring him legally (nothing new there) to keep him from fulfilling his agenda, and 2) to convince military officials not to comply with Trumps’ orders.  One of the people involved in this plan is reportedly Mary McCord, whose name you’ll recall from the Obama administration but who is now executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of a participating organization called Democracy Forward.  Since he’s presumably talking about doing this after Trump has been duly elected President, what exactly are “the American people” needing to fight back for?  After all, they ELECTED HIM.

Tell us again, who is the real threat to our system of government?   Hint:  It’s not Trump.

Here’s more about the Deep State showing their hand from Nick Arama at…

Trump’s primary opponents will likely glom on to this story and use it to warn voters away from such a “divisive” and “chaotic” figure.  But choosing a different nominee will not stop this.  Guaranteed, the left will use these same tactics against any conservative running on the GOP ticket.  That person will be painted as “Trump’s proxy” or even “worse than Trump.”




Speaking of the J6 committee, Newt Gingrich has a great commentary about Liz Cheney’s involvement with the testimony of star witness Cassidy Hutchinson --- remember our recent report on her highly unusual “errata” sheet changing her testimony?  Newt spares no words.

Things may get rocky for members of that committee.  For when you have time to digest it, this is a must-read article about coordination among the Trump prosecutors and J6 committee members as well as the White House.  From the timeline, it appears Biden has had his hands in all four prosecutions.  Oh, and Mary McCord’s name turns up again.

Here’s a piece offering rebuttals on major Trump hoaxes.  If you know people who still believe garbage like the “fine people” hoax, the “Russia collusion” hoax, the “Muslim ban” hoax, and the “mocking-a-reporter’s-disability” hoax, this would be good for them to see.

Finally, here’s some historical perspective on Jack Smith’s prosecution team and their political slant.  One of his prosecutors, Ray Hulser, is the same staffer who in 2014 “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation even though a well-placed confidential source said two foreign governments had attempted to buy influence with Hillary ahead of her 2016 run for President.  He shut down investigations that were already going on in three FBI field offices.  Nothing to see, folks!



Be sure and watch Mark Levin’s remarkable opening monologues from both Saturday and Sunday if you missed them.  They both concern all the lawfare and relentless election interference we’re seeing.  At the time of this writing, Sunday’s hadn’t been posted yet on the FOX NEWS site, but here’s the link to Saturday’s.  Very powerful stuff; no additional comment necessary.



The Iowa Caucuses

January 15, 2024

 We are just hours away from the Iowa Caucuses which will be the first real test of the 2024 Presidential Election.  Having won the caucuses in 2008, I do understand some things about them and their importance.  You will hear some of the know-it-all news commentators talk about how irrelevant the caucuses are and how that the winner of the caucuses don’t often end up being the nominee.  That may be, but the Iowa caucuses do a couple of things that the know-it-alls forget:  First, it’s not that the caucuses always pick the winner.  It’s that the caucuses eliminate some of the candidates that the media had picked to be the winners.  It’s not as much about winning them as it is about not LOSING.  In 2008, my victory there was the undoing of Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani, and Fred Thompson.  In 2012, when Rick Santorum had a surprise victory, it was the beginning of the end for Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and Michelle Bachman.  In 2016, it was the night that put Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in virtually a 2 man race and forecast the demise of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and me.

So yes, it will be important to see who comes out of Iowa with momentum, but the real story will be who crashes against the rocks and will never seriously sail again.  Perhaps some will limp forward to New Hampshire or South Carolina, but the race will become populated with fewer candidates soon after Iowa.

And the caucuses are not like any election process.  There is no early voting.  No machine tabulations.  No late night boxes suddenly discovered.  On what is often one of the coldest nights of the winter, people have to leave their homes and assemble in public places like a school, church, city hall, community center, or gymnasium.  Once there, candidates or their representatives make final pitches for the votes.  People are asked to physically indicate who they support by going to a section of the facility.  They will vote on a ballot, but the numbers are known and reported immediately.  There is none of the drama of waiting 2 weeks after the election to determine who won.

And because the first in the nation primary in New Hampshire is just a week and a day later, most of the candidates who believe they still have a shot will get on airplanes that very night and arrive in New Hampshire in the early morning hours of the next day.  In 2008, when I won the caucuses, we enjoyed a wild celebration of our supporters by shocking the world with the victory and then around midnight boarded a chartered plane filled with our campaign workers, press (many of whom hadn’t bothered to pay attention to me before) and supporters like Chuck Norris and his wife who campaigned with me for several months in the race.  People asked me where Chuck sat on the plane and I told them, “Wherever he wanted to.”  We arrived in New Hampshire around 4am, went to a hotel to freshen up, and then I started nonstop back to back press interviews with media from all over the world that lasted for almost 4 straight uninterrupted hours.  There is no “day off” or resting.  If you are still in the hunt, you continue the grueling pace of a campaign.  Our team went months without eating a meal at a table with silverware or ordering from menus.  We ate every meal from a paper sack in a car or bus while traveling to the next event.  The best way to describe a campaign is to live off cold pizza and hot Cokes.  If there is glamour in it, most of us never experienced it.

But this insane process is how we start the process to pick the leader of the free world.  It’s messy, at times disgusting, and beyond exhausting for most of us who engage in it.  But it’s better than having a gunfight or a military coup d’état to pick a President.

Hey, if you’re a political junkie, or even if you’re not, pay attention to the events of the next 10 days.  You might not yet know who will be President, but you will probably know some folks who most certainly will NOT be President.  And that’s the part of this that the know-it-alls in the media mob never really understand.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

11 Shall thy lovingkindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in destruction?

Psalms 11:88 KJV

Newsletter Notes

14 stories

4,589 words

Reading time: About 21 minutes

Monologue: The Iowa Caucuses

We are just hours away from the Iowa Caucuses which will be the first real test of the 2024 Presidential Election.  Having won the caucuses in 2008, I do understand some things about them and their importance.  You will hear some of the know-it-all news commentators talk about how irrelevant the caucuses are and how that the winner of the caucuses don’t often end up being the nominee.  That may be, but the Iowa caucuses do a couple of things that the know-it-alls forget:  First, it’s not that the caucuses always pick the winner.  It’s that the caucuses eliminate some of the candidates that the media had picked to be the winners.  It’s not as much about winning them as it is about not LOSING.  In 2008, my victory there was the undoing of Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani, and Fred Thompson.  In 2012, when Rick Santorum had a surprise victory, it was the beginning of the end for Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, and Michelle Bachman.  In 2016, it was the night that put Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in virtually a 2 man race and forecast the demise of Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and me.

So yes, it will be important to see who comes out of Iowa with momentum, but the real story will be who crashes against the rocks and will never seriously sail again.  Perhaps some will limp forward to New Hampshire or South Carolina, but the race will become populated with fewer candidates soon after Iowa.

And the caucuses are not like any election process.  There is no early voting.  No machine tabulations.  No late night boxes suddenly discovered.  On what is often one of the coldest nights of the winter, people have to leave their homes and assemble in public places like a school, church, city hall, community center, or gymnasium.  Once there, candidates or their representatives make final pitches for the votes.  People are asked to physically indicate who they support by going to a section of the facility.  They will vote on a ballot, but the numbers are known and reported immediately.  There is none of the drama of waiting 2 weeks after the election to determine who won.

And because the first in the nation primary in New Hampshire is just a week and a day later, most of the candidates who believe they still have a shot will get on airplanes that very night and arrive in New Hampshire in the early morning hours of the next day.  In 2008, when I won the caucuses, we enjoyed a wild celebration of our supporters by shocking the world with the victory and then around midnight boarded a chartered plane filled with our campaign workers, press (many of whom hadn’t bothered to pay attention to me before) and supporters like Chuck Norris and his wife who campaigned with me for several months in the race.  People asked me where Chuck sat on the plane and I told them, “Wherever he wanted to.”  We arrived in New Hampshire around 4am, went to a hotel to freshen up, and then I started nonstop back to back press interviews with media from all over the world that lasted for almost 4 straight uninterrupted hours.  There is no “day off” or resting.  If you are still in the hunt, you continue the grueling pace of a campaign.  Our team went months without eating a meal at a table with silverware or ordering from menus.  We ate every meal from a paper sack in a car or bus while traveling to the next event.  The best way to describe a campaign is to live off cold pizza and hot Cokes.  If there is glamour in it, most of us never experienced it.

But this insane process is how we start the process to pick the leader of the free world.  It’s messy, at times disgusting, and beyond exhausting for most of us who engage in it.  But it’s better than having a gunfight or a military coup d’état to pick a President.

Hey, if you’re a political junkie, or even if you’re not, pay attention to the events of the next 10 days.  You might not yet know who will be President, but you will probably know some folks who most certainly will NOT be President.  And that’s the part of this that the know-it-alls in the media mob never really understand.

Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King Day, the federal holiday honoring his birth on January 15, 1929. While some of the activities planned for today may be postponed due to inclement weather, we shouldn’t let that stop us from honoring his memory and accomplishments today.

As a boy growing up in the South in the 1960s, I saw the pernicious effects of racism firsthand, and was inspired by the Rev. King’s faith, courage and eloquence, his message of brotherhood and his dream of a colorblind society where Americans weren’t separated by race and where people were judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 

He was not a “social justice activist” in the current sense, nor just an eloquent speaker. He was a preacher, one of the greatest ever. He didn't give political speeches, he gave sermons. And like all great sermons, they relied on the teachings of the Gospel to inspire his listeners to renounce the grievous sin of racism and follow, as Lincoln put it, “the better angels of our nature.”  He taught us that as God created us all in His image, hating someone for the way they look is a sin against God. 

Today, when we celebrate the man who did so much to achieve the goal of recognizing and repudiating that sin, it’s more important than ever to remember what he said, because in recent years, his legacy has been under intense assault. A movement has arisen that’s tearing America apart by yanking from the ash heap of history such terrible ideas as judging people solely by skin color, bringing back segregated spaces and blaming children for the sins of their fathers. This racial separatist poison is the opposite of the Rev. King’s message, and any attempts to co-opt his name to promote it are detestable.

I’m sure that today will bring many speeches that will try to use the Rev. King’s name to cynically promote divisive political and racial agendas. Instead of listening to them, go to the source. Listen to his original “I Have A Dream” speech, and see if it sounds anything like the anti-American nightmare these charlatans are promoting.

I have no doubt, as well, that if Dr. King were alive today, many on the left would be seething over his support of Israel. Rep. John Lewis quoted King as saying, "When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism." Lewis said King also said in 1968 that "peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality."

Here's more on that subject from John Solomon at Just The News. I wonder if anyone at the liberal media outlets will quote those prophetic words today?

And here are some comments from a woman I’m honored to call my friend, the Rev. King’s niece, Alveda King. This was written last year, but it’s just as timely today.

Last bit of Caucus news

There was little in the news over the weekend other than coverage of the Iowa Caucuses and who’s going to win, what it will mean and will Democrats try to skew the results by crashing the GOP caucuses, since they apparently have no choice for President in their Party.

That presents a dilemma for us, since, unlike major media outlets, we have an archaic policy that we don’t comment on news that hasn’t happened yet, and the Caucuses start later today. They might even be delayed by dangerous frigid weather (wags are calling the caucuses “The North Poll”), although I’ve never known that to keep Iowans from showing up.

Frankly, I see no point in obsessing over polls that might or might be accurate when the vote is going to be taken within 24 hours. So I’ll just pass along this story, which actually already happened. The winter weather forced Donald Trump to cancel two planned rallies in Iowa Saturday, so he held a virtual rally. You can watch that here if you like:

If you don’t have time to watch it, here’s a post that Trump put on Truth Social about all the wars that Biden is getting us involved in.

This weekend on “Huckabee” on TBN, my monologue was about what the media know-it-alls always get wrong about the Iowa Caucuses. Here it is, and this is from someone who’s been through two of them as a candidate, and won one of them.

By the way, that link is to the entire show, so if you missed it, or want to see it again (it was a great one!), just keep watching.

Another Hunter theory

After pulling some baffling grandstanding in Congress, Hunter Biden must’ve gotten the riot act read to him by his dad’s reelection campaign. That’s the only explanation I can think of for how quickly he did a 180 and agreed to comply with a House subpoena and testify after arrogantly defying it. Although Bonchie at has another theory: Hunter really is so stupid and arrogant that he thought he could get away with bullying Congress and face no consequences.

His attorney Abbe Lowell tried to finesse the turnabout by blaming Congress and claiming that the original subpoena was invalid on a technicality, but if they give Hunter his umpteenth mulligan by forgetting all this unpleasantness and issuing a new subpoena, he’ll comply with that one. Law professor Jonathan Turley calls this the “Say it nicer” dodge.

This is why Lowell is such a top Democrat attorney: he finds loopholes the way mice find holes in your house’s siding. Unfortunately for Hunter, unlike his dad, House Republicans aren’t in the business of handing out endless mulligans. They’re pressing forward with contempt charges.

Taking heat

Nikki Haley is taking heat (pun intended, as always) over comments she made that seemed to give credence to the idea that the overwhelming illegal immigration to the US is due to people fleeing the effects of “climate change.” As noted at the link, there is scant evidence of that, with the Center for Immigration Studies reporting in 2019 that crop yields in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala actually increased in recent years, even tripling and quadrupling in some places. In areas where they declined, it had nothing to do with the climate.

To be fair, Haley’s comments weren’t new but came in 2017 when she was being confirmed by the Senate as Trump’s UN ambassador and was asked about that subject. She replied, “If confirmed, the role that climate change plays in refugee flows is an issue I look forward to assessing, and assisting refugees is a U.S. policy in which I look forward to engaging.” In short, she didn’t say she bought it, she just said she’d look into it.

As to whether she believes it now, that’s unclear, although she did recently confirm that she thinks “climate change” is not a hoax. So I’d say that to find out whether she really believes that all those hordes of people flowing over our border from all over the world are here because it’s too hot where they came from, someone should just try asking her now.

NeverNikki from Rand

Speaking of Nikki Haley, Sen. Rand Paul hasn’t endorsed any presidential  candidate, but he made headlines by posting a looong thread on Twitter (X) this week about the one Republican he would absolutely NEVER support and why. If you guessed Trump, guess again.

Here’s a link to the full original Twitter thread:

He even launched a website called, which gives you an idea of how committed he is to this position.

3 terms

China has been doing a lot of threatening and saber-rattling at Taiwan recently, but I’m happy to report that Taiwanese voters told them where to put it. William Lai was just elected President of Taiwan, winning an unprecedented third term for the pro-Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party and defeating the candidate of the pro-China party by over 7 points.

While this likely signals more threats from China, China expert Gordon Chang told Fox News Digital, "The results are in, and Taiwan’s voters stood up to China and all its war talk of recent weeks. Free people, living just a hundred miles from the menacing Chinese state, refused to be intimidated." Good for them, and I was very glad to see that they didn’t fall for this attempt to undermine Taiwan from within by electing a candidate who was more concerned with China’s best interests than his own nation’s.

Let’s hope American voters go back to doing that in our next election.

Disturbing new poll

A new ABC News poll claims that a slight majority of Americans wants the Supreme Court to ban Donald Trump from being on the ballot or to let the state bans stand. This is disturbing, considering that Trump has not only not been convicted of any disqualifying crime, he hasn’t even been indicted for one. And if today’s leftist prosecutors could possibly make that case, they would have by now. So we’re being told that a majority of Americans believe people should be barred from running for office just because their political opponents’ level groundless charges at them. Yikes!

Then again, this is an ABC News poll of “adults” with a sample of 25% each of Democrats and Republicans and 41% Independents, so I wouldn’t give it much credence. Still, the fact that any American would go along with something so un-American is disturbing. The Founders knew that in a pure, majority-rule democracy, it’s easy for demagogues to inflame the passions of the majority into trampling the rights of the minority. So ironically, this story is a good example of why the Founders deliberately did NOT give us a “democracy.”

Judge dismisses Trump lawsuit

A federal judge dismissed Donald Trump’s lawsuit against the New York Times and three of its reporters and ordered him to pay their nearly $400,000 in legal fees. This is over a story that exposed his confidential tax records, bank statements and other private information provided to the Times by his Trump-hating, MSNBC-appearing niece, Mary Trump. The suit alleges that reporters gave Mary a burner phone and convinced her to smuggle Trump’s private and confidential financial records out of an attorney’s office and hand them over to them.

The case shows how hard it is for a public figure to sue a media organization, and how hard it is for Trump to win any court case in New York. But it’s not entirely over yet. Trump’s case against his niece Mary was not dismissed. He’s pressing on with that. His attorney Alina Habba said they’re pleased that the court has affirmed "the strength of our claims against Mary and is denying her attempt to avoid accountability."

A big pinata full of corruption

Fulton County, Georgia, DA Fani Willis’ absurd RICO case against Trump and his associates is starting to resemble a big pinata full of corruption that just keeps spilling more sleaze onto the floor every time someone taps it.

I’ve already reported on how she allegedly hired her unqualified, married paramour Nathan Wade as special prosecutor for the Trump case and signed off on paying him an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money that he turned around and spent on luxury trips and cruises with her. And that his estranged wife has subpoenaed Willis to testify in their divorce trial. And that they appear to have colluded with the Biden White House and the January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee in crafting their charges. Now, here are the latest droppings from the sleaze pinata:

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan has launched an investigation into Willis and Wade for politically-motivated probes and potential misuse of federal funds (the Fulton County DA’s office gets millions in federal grants and he wants to know if that money benefitted Willis via Wade.)

And documents from Wade’s divorce case show that his wife Jocelyn claims she’s unemployed and in dire financial need after 26 years as a stay-at-home mom. She also says Wade didn’t tell her he pocketed over $650,000 from this case that he was spending on Willis, even as he kept withdrawing funds for himself from their joint account, leaving it overdrawn and his wife with no money or financial support. Sounds like a great guy.

Again, I’ll say it: I hope he didn’t spend all that money on trips for him and Fani because I have a feeling he’s going to owe his ex-wife an awful lot of it.

Prediction: Biden’s basement strategy to return

I’m not going to try recapping everything that happened when President Biden was sent out amongst the people in an attempt to shore up his reelection campaign. I’ll just send you to this summary by Nick Arama at and predict that we will very soon see a return to the 2020 campaign strategy of hiding him in the basement.

Irony of Ironies:

Meet the flour company that’s so woke, it hates whiteness.

About those “pro-Palestinian” protesters here in the US…

We keep being told that they’re not anti-Semites, Jew-haters, anti-American or terrorist supporters. No, perish the thought! They’re just humanitarians who CARE about the suffering of the Palestinian people.

So how did a mob of them in New York react to the strikes on Houthi militants who have been launching unprovoked missile and drone attacks on ships in the Red Sea? Surprise! They sided with the attackers and chanted, “US and UK, go to Hell!”

Please remember this the next time someone gives you a song and dance about their true motives. And remember that when someone tells you exactly what they are and what they stand for, believe them.

The left thought they could put one over on us.  WRONG.

With every week leading up to the 2024 election, we find out more about how the left --- with the help, of course, of some so-called “moderates” --- are trying to pull the strings leading up to it.  Those full-of-themselves Ivy League grads ensconced in the halls of power really do assume Trump supporters are dimwitted, undereducated, unsophisticated rubes who can barely use a knife and fork in public and have no clue that the super-genius Ruling Elite are using lawfare against Trump to rig the election right in front of us and save us all from the imaginary Hitler they’ve created.  They hardly try to hide what they’re doing.  (Those of us who dare to write about this and let them see we have a clue --- many, many clues ---are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.”)

And yet, as they tell it, we’re the “threat to democracy.”

It’s increasingly clear that Trump would not be facing the variety of courtroom hit-jobs he is now if he weren’t running for President and also polling spectacularly against Biden.  And the most chilling part of all is the emerging hard evidence that both the Biden White House and Pelosi’s House “Select” J6 Committee have been involved in the coordination of these attacks, including Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis’ sprawling RICO case.  This cannot be allowed to stand; if it does, our so-called “Republic” is over, killed by the power-mad left.

In the words of Victor Davis Hanson, writing for AMERICAN GREATNESS, “We should dispense with the tired narrative that four conscientious state and federal prosecutors—independently and without contact with the Biden White House or the radical Democrats in Congress—all came to the same disinterested conclusions that Donald Trump should be indicted for various crimes and put on trial during the campaign season of 2024.”

On the bright side, VDH says the left are in a “doom loop,” in that the more unwarranted grief they give Trump, the more he rises in the polls.  Trump’s benefiting from it because WE’RE ON TO THEM, and we also know that Trump, of all the candidates, will be in the best position to do something about it once he’s in the White House.  We see his actions not in the context of vengeance or retribution, as Democrats like to say, but of justice and reform.

VDH goes into the stunning revelations of Fani Willis’ corruption and machinations in the Fulton County case --- you’re probably up to speed on all that, but his column is a good refresher --- and predicts it will end with Willis’ resignation and indictment of both her and her boyfriend.  “Both have made a mockery of their indictment of an ex-president,” he said, “and if the allegations are true, will be disbarred and prosecuted.”  Let it be so.

The other three indictments are even weaker, he says.  We’ve seen in Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecution of Trump and the Trump Organization --- eagerly attended daily by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who campaigned on “getting Trump” and who must not have any other crime to deal with in her state --- that Trump did exactly what virtually every other big-city real estate developer does in obtaining financing.  Nothing unusual about it at all.  And no financial institution dealing with him had made any complaint about this, ever.

As for Special Counsel Jack Smith’s raid and prosecution of Trump over so-called “classified” documents being retained at Mar-A-Lago, VHS points out that “Trump was the first ex-president in history to be indicted for a dispute with archivists over the status and security of removed classified files.”  Bill Clinton did it (classified tapes in a sock drawer); Obama did it (with no one challenging him, naturally); Biden did it (a whole lot, in a variety of non-secure places, and he didn’t even have presidential declassification power.)  “Such disagreements,” VDH says, “were historically adjudicated bureaucratically rather than criminally, and certainly not with performance-art FBI swat raids into an ex-presidential residence.”

As for the other Jack Smith prosecution, the January 6 case, VDH sums it up thusly: “...True insurrectionists do not instruct protestors to assemble peacefully and patriotically. Insurrectionists themselves do not try to overthrow governments while unarmed and accompanied by bare-chested buffoons with cow horns and slow-moving septuagenarians draped in American flags.”  He points out that there were perhaps 150-200 FBI plants getting in on the action, and that in some cases, security guards were acting as doormen, waving nonviolent rally attendees right in.  You’ve followed these cases well enough to know that most of them are travesties.

Ultimately, it’s those on the left, not Trump, who are destroying the precedents and traditions of our system of government.  It’s their “endless miscarriages of justice,” VDH says, that are “the real threat to constitutional government.”  And the less effective they are at taking him down, the more desperate they become.  We would add that this is true even though the Trump they despise is mostly a creation of their own fevered minds that bears little resemblance to the actual person.

The column is a must-read.

Speaking of Democrats, as opposed to President Trump, being the real threat, NBC News has a report on how some leftist groups are planning a “quasi-military” coup if Trump is elected.  The plan is 1) to hamstring him legally (nothing new there) to keep him from fulfilling his agenda, and 2) to convince military officials not to comply with Trumps’ orders.  One of the people involved in this plan is reportedly Mary McCord, whose name you’ll recall from the Obama administration but who is now executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of a participating organization called Democracy Forward.  Since he’s presumably talking about doing this after Trump has been duly elected President, what exactly are “the American people” needing to fight back for?  After all, they ELECTED HIM.

Tell us again, who is the real threat to our system of government?   Hint:  It’s not Trump.

Here’s more about the Deep State showing their hand from Nick Arama at…

Trump’s primary opponents will likely glom on to this story and use it to warn voters away from such a “divisive” and “chaotic” figure.  But choosing a different nominee will not stop this.  Guaranteed, the left will use these same tactics against any conservative running on the GOP ticket.  That person will be painted as “Trump’s proxy” or even “worse than Trump.”


Speaking of the J6 committee, Newt Gingrich has a great commentary about Liz Cheney’s involvement with the testimony of star witness Cassidy Hutchinson --- remember our recent report on her highly unusual “errata” sheet changing her testimony?  Newt spares no words.

Things may get rocky for members of that committee.  For when you have time to digest it, this is a must-read article about coordination among the Trump prosecutors and J6 committee members as well as the White House.  From the timeline, it appears Biden has had his hands in all four prosecutions.  Oh, and Mary McCord’s name turns up again.

Here’s a piece offering rebuttals on major Trump hoaxes.  If you know people who still believe garbage like the “fine people” hoax, the “Russia collusion” hoax, the “Muslim ban” hoax, and the “mocking-a-reporter’s-disability” hoax, this would be good for them to see.

Finally, here’s some historical perspective on Jack Smith’s prosecution team and their political slant.  One of his prosecutors, Ray Hulser, is the same staffer who in 2014 “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation even though a well-placed confidential source said two foreign governments had attempted to buy influence with Hillary ahead of her 2016 run for President.  He shut down investigations that were already going on in three FBI field offices.  Nothing to see, folks!


Be sure and watch Mark Levin’s remarkable opening monologues from both Saturday and Sunday if you missed them.  They both concern all the lawfare and relentless election interference we’re seeing.  At the time of this writing, Sunday’s hadn’t been posted yet on the FOX NEWS site, but here’s the link to Saturday’s.  Very powerful stuff; no additional comment necessary.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Remember all those inconvenient questions we had about Dr. Anthony Fauci and the CDC during the pandemic, the ones that kept getting us blocked and ad-banned for promoting “misinformation?” Well, once again, we were right.

Like when we reported that there was no scientific basis for “social distancing,” i.e., thinking that standing six feet apart would stop the spread of an airborne virus. Well, in testimony given this week by Fauci during a closed-door House hearing, he reportedly admitted that the six-foot distancing was likely not based on any data and the guidance promoting it “sort of just appeared.’”

Fauci also testified that the “lab-leak” theory of COVID’s origin that he reportedly tried hard to quash was, in fact, not a conspiracy theory (that’s another thing that got people banned for “misinformation.”) In addition to claiming not to recall various things over 100 times, Fauci also “repeatedly played semantics with the definition of gain-of-function” in an effort to continue denying that the government funded research that made viruses more contagious.

Republican Rep. Michael Cloud of Texas remarked on Fauci’s “amazing ability” to either forget what happened or dodge responsibility – for instance, blaming vaccine mandates on school districts which were threatened with lawsuits if they didn’t impose them.

House panel chairman Rep.  Brad Wenstrup of Ohio said “the policies and mandates he promoted may unfortunately increase vaccine hesitancy for years to come.” Indeed, we’re already seeing wide resistance to vaccines, even non-mRNA flu vaccines, because Fauci and his associates have so destroyed public trust in government health agencies. 

He may “not recall” what he did to cause this – the widespread censorship and totalitarian dictates that crushed Constitutional rights, destroyed people’s lives and businesses, and set back students by years, most of it based on false assurances of expertise -- but the rest of us should ever forget it.

Not surprisingly, Robert Kennedy Jr. had some choice words to say about Fauci’s conveniently erratic memory and admissions that his policies were unsupported by data. RFJ Jr. tweeted, “More made-up science. If you doubted it back then, you were ridiculed as anti-science, censored, silenced. Now it becomes clear: ‘Trust the science’ really means “Obey authority.’”

Yesterday, the Labor Department reported that the year-to-year consumer price index rose by 3.4% in December. It was 3.1% in November, and economists had predicted 3.2%.

This resurgence of inflation has experts worried that the Fed won’t start reducing interest rates, as hoped. It’s also more bad news for the Biden reelection campaign, since he’s hilariously running on the claim that Bidenomics has fixed the inflation problem.

Even 3.1% inflation is higher than the Fed’s target of 2%, and higher than inflation under Trump. This is also another 3.4% price hike on top of the double-digit price hikes that have already been baked in during the first two years of Biden’s term. When the liberal talking heads claim to be mystified by why Americans aren’t giving Biden credit for the great economy, they should consider that people’s grocery bills are twice what they were three years ago while Biden is bragging about bringing inflation down to 3 percent.

Related: South Carolina Democrat Rep. James Clyburn bemoaned to MSNBC that Americans are listening to “disinformation” and just can’t “grasp” how great a job Biden has done as President.

Also related: Chris Matthews on MSNBC urged urban liberals to vote so they can save democracy by outvoting rural Americans, whom he compared to crazy cult members and terrorists and accused of exhibiting “rural rage.” Gee, I wonder why this guy doesn’t have his own show anymore?

Actually, the only real “rage” I see these days is coming from the left. Maybe they’re just upset at having to live in the cesspools that the Democrats they keep voting for have turned their cities into.

Also also related: Here’s an example of the kind of Matthews-approved liberal elite brain trusts that are running our cities. San Francisco’s city council voted 8-3 to demand that Israel call a ceasefire in Gaza.

My favorite Twitter comment on this was “Israel just voted to demand that San Francisco clean up all the drug needles and human feces.”

It’s really a tragedy what our cities have become under leftist misrule. The YouTube movie critic The Critical Drinker recently said something about LucasFilm and Disney that could apply to every blue city in America, but especially San Francisco: they’re organizations founded by geniuses and inherited by morons.

A Soap Opera

January 12, 2024

Even I was surprised at how quickly the idiotic Georgia RICO prosecution of Donald Trump and his associates devolved into “House of Cards” mixed with “Days of Our Lives.”

It’s only been a couple of days since the bombshell court filing by one defendant accusing DA Fani Willis of unethical behavior for allegedly appointing her less-than-qualified secret paramour Nathan Wade as the special counsel, signing off on exorbitant pay for him, then profiting from it by accompanying him on lavish vacations and cruises. Then we learned that she likely coordinated the assault on Trump with the Biden cabal thanks to her boo actually filing for an expense reimbursement for the trip to the White House! That was all bad enough, but it seems that with each passing hour, this farce gets worse. Hang on while I try to recap the latest absurd twists in this sordid saga.

First, Politico reports that Willis colluded with Nancy Pelosi’s one-sided and illegally-formed January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee to get tips on prosecuting Trump, then allegedly used a procedural trick to keep the defendants from learning that as part of discovery. This concealing of evidence alone could be enough to get the cases thrown out.

Follow The Money: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that since January of 2022, Willis’s DA office has paid Wade nearly $654,000That not only makes him likely the highest-paid prosecutor in the state (despite his lack of experience in that job), it’s also far more than the $186,000 a year that the state’s Supreme Court Justices are paid.

Instapundit has some interesting comments from an anonymous Atlanta attorney who is familiar with some of the players and who spills the beans on what those in the local legal community are saying…

Now, some soap opera twists: Willis is accused of beginning her affair with Wade before he filed for divorce from his wife. The estranged wife “pounced” (to use the media’s favorite term) and has already subpoenaed Willis to testify in their divorce proceedings. I hope Wade saved some of that money because it sounds like he’ll soon be giving up a big chunk of it.

And to put the cherry on top of this manure sundae, here’s a report from Chris Queen at PJ Media about some of the other questionable hires and Democrat political connections in Willis’ office that would appear to be expressly forbidden by Fulton County’s policy on conflicts of interest.

Related: Now that Georgia DA Fani Willis has been revealed as an (“alleged”) corrupt political actor who might be guilty of a RICO charge herself, I’m starting to wonder if making scurrilous attacks on Donald Trump comes with a karmic boomerang – or maybe Trump is just blessed with an “I’m rubber, you’re glue” gene. That might explain why one of the chief figures who’s been trying to get him removed from ballots around the nation for his alleged “crimes” that he was never even indicted for has himself just been arrested on federal tax fraud charges.

A good clue that Hunter Biden had no intention of actually staying and answering questions for the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday during the meeting he and his buddies crashed was that he needed to high-tail it right back to Los Angeles, to enter a plea in his tax case out there.

Hunter pleaded not guilty to nine federal tax charges, three of them felonies, on Thursday, and will go to trial starting June 20.  This will be right in the middle of President Biden’s re-election campaign (such as it is).  Of course, there’s always the possibility that a plea deal is forthcoming, but that really does look doubtful.  As we’ve seen, Hunter and his legal team are very much into grandstanding, and Hunter may think a trial is just the thing.  (We have to wonder, though, if the Biden campaign, not to mention Joe’s legal team, isn’t about ready to wring his neck.)  A trial will also add more meat to the documentary about Hunter being produced by “sugar daddy” Kevin Morris.

The next hearing in the case is set for March 27.  The verdict in the case will probably hit just a couple of months before the DNC Convention in August (which, for the record, we don’t think is going to nominate President Biden, anyway, for a number of reasons).

Hunter is charged with failure to pay $1.4 million in income taxes, despite being awash in money that he spent shall-we-say frivolously.  It was paid back, not by him but by big-time Democrat donor Morris during Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign for President, not long after the two met at a donor event.  (Note:  are congressional committees continuing to look into potential FEC violations connected to this payoff?  It sure looks like a campaign contribution, as it was obviously done as a “clean-up on Aisle 5” to help pave the way for Joe to run.)

Hunter met with the federal judge in Los Angeles for about 30 minutes and was described as “somewhat stoic” and “relatively relaxed.”  Abbe Lowell is still trying to proceed as if that earlier, now-dead plea deal involving Special Counsel David Weiss in Delaware is still operative: “We have a resolution that things happened.  It’s an unusual situation when the government says you don’t have a contract, and we say we do.”

No, Mr. Lowell, you don’t.  (And give us a break.  That comment is as inane as the one saying Hunter wants a public hearing because he’s all about “transparency.”)  As an attorney on Weiss’s team said in the courtroom, “Pleas fall through all the time.”

You know how hard it is to scrape up money that the federal government is mostly going to shovel down various ratholes.  That’s especially true if you are self-employed or a small business owner and have to write that check yourself.  Hunter Biden is accused of paying NOT his taxes but (according to the Department of “Justice”)…

-- $1.6 million+ in ATM withdrawals

-- $683,000+ for “payments to various women”

-- $397,000+ for clothing and accessories

-- $188,000+ on adult entertainment

-- $237,000+ on health, beauty and pharmacy products

And this isn’t for all the years Hunter didn’t pay taxes --- just the years that the statute of limitations hasn’t run out on.  The really big years when Biden was raking it in from being on the Burisma board aren’t included.

Hunter’s also being charged with federal firearms violations in Delaware after lying about drug use on his official application to buy a gun.

Last night on FOX NEWS, Trace Gallagher spoke with former deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo, who’s now a Berkeley law professor, about Hunter going to trial in a California court.  His answer isn’t what you might have expected.

“I think it’s actually crazy for Hunter and his lawyer to go to trial,” he said.  “This is a disaster for his father and his family.  Every day that this trial goes on, every day this story continues, it’s painting a story of somebody who didn’t pay their taxes --- $1.4 million?  Over several years?  As we’ve seen in early reports, people go to jail.  Regular Americans who engage in this same kind of defiance of federal tax law go to jail.  Sometimes they go to jail for years.  Is Hunter Biden really going to try to beat the Justice Department on a claim that he’s been singled out, Yoo asked, when he’s really getting special treatment because his name is Biden?

As for Hunter’s surprise appearance at Wednesday’s contempt hearing in DC, Gallagher asked Yoo about what appears to have been a mistake by Hunter --- his tacit acknowledgement in answer to a question that his father had spoken on Speakerphone with his business associates at dinner.  When President Biden was asked earlier by FOX NEWS’ Peter Doocy if he’d done this, Biden told him the accusation was “not true” and that Doocy had asked “a lousy question.”

Yoo sees this as another example of Hunter’s “terrible judgment.”

“I’m sure he thinks he’s being aggressive with Congress and the courts --- he’s just compounding all the problems he’s created for his father’s political and legal situation.  Here he’s saying things which are drawing his father into hot water, are contradicting things that his father is saying, but also, more importantly, raising the specter that his dad IS involved in influence-peddling, that his dad might have received corrupt money, and now is even trying to --- maybe --- have [Hunter] not prosecuted for contempt of Congress, or not have his dad’s Justice Department do so, which will only feed the fires of the impeachment investigation that’s been going on in Congress.”


As for charging Hunter with contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with a subpoena for a closed-door session like everybody else, Jonathan Turley suggests that Democrats might want to “reconsider the costs” of voting against that resolution.  It’s a little late now, because Wednesday the full House voted to hold Hunter in contempt with (surprise!) every Democrat opposing the motion.

“Once again,” he says,” the party is short selling an institutional asset that they are likely to need in the near future if they retake the House.  (Editorial aside:  this scenario is hypothetical, of course.  If the Democrats actually do retake the House, this country is likely done for, whether Democrats “short sell” or not.)

By refusing to hold Hunter in contempt, Turley argues, Democrats establish “that in the future, when Democrats are in control, witnesses will be able to unilaterally refuse to appear for depositions with committee staff and to dictate the conditions under which they will appear for testimony.”  In other words, they’re diluting their own power.

Turley reminds his readers of other times the Democrats have done this, such as with their expedient rule change to allow most presidential nominees to be confirmed by a simple majority vote.  They finally extended this even to Supreme Court nominees, and lived to regret it when they didn’t have the filibuster to block Trump nominees Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett.

Turley offers a host of other examples in this highly recommended column.

William McGurn made similar observations in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (by subscription, but you can and MUST read it at the link), and went on to talk about something called “inherent contempt,” which doesn’t require cooperation from the ‘Justice’ Department.  It hasn’t been exercised since 1934, he said, but either chamber of Congress has the power to bring Hunter to the floor and try him there.  If he’s found guilty, they can detain him under their own authority.  How about that?

This authority was established in 1821 by the Supreme Court in Anderson v. Dunn, in which the justices held that it was essential to Congress’ ability to function as a legislative and deliberative body.  Without this power, they ruled, Congress would be “exposed to every indignity and interruption that rudeness, caprice, or even conspiracy, may meditate against it.”  That’s amazing --- how did these justices see 2024 in their crystal ball?

On Tuesday, I appeared on NEWSMAX to say that Fulton County, Georgia, DA Fani Willis should be disbarred and all the charges against Trump dropped in his election interference case.

At that time, news had broken that a co-defendant in the case, Michael Roman, alleges that Willis should be disqualified from the case because she had been having an improper relationship with a (married) special prosecutor, private attorney Nathan Wade, whom she had named to assist in securing the Georgia grand jury indictment against Trump.  According to the motion, she did this despite having attorneys in her office who were perfectly capable of prosecuting the case.  Wade, on the other hand, had never prosecuted a felony RICO case before. He seems to have been hired for...other reasons.

As reported in NEWSMAX, “The motion argues that Willis’ failure to disclose her alleged relationship with the special prosecutor while paying him for his work on the Trump case with funds he allegedly used to go on extravagant vacations with the DA could amount to honest services fraud, as well as ‘a predicate act which could result in a RICO charge against both the district attorney and the special prosecutor.’”

So, how ironic would it be if, after working to make this huge, ludicrous RICO case against Trump and an array of his associates, Willis herself got charged with a legitimate RICO violation?  They just keep accusing Trump of the things they’re doing themselves.  Here’s what I had to say about it yesterday…

Huckabee: Fani Willis scandal huge in Trump Georgia case - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee

But as it turns out, the grift and marital hanky-panky were just the tip of the iceberg that is about to wham into Willis’ whole operation and likely sink it.  What they’ve been doing is much, much worse.  Can someone this corrupt be disbarred twice?

By now, you probably know that Willis is accused of using tax money to take exotic trips to the Caribbean, Florida and Napa Valley and even go on two cruises together with Wade.  According to Roman’s motion, “Since being appointed as special prosecutor, the special prosecutor has been paid an estimated almost $1,000,000.00 in legal fees...The district attorney’s yearly salary, including state and county supplements, is $198,266.66.”

A big question is how specifically Willis herself is benefitting financially from the money being paid to her very “special” special prosecutor.

President Trump, in DC on Tuesday for an important hearing on presidential immunity, responded to the news, saying the Georgia case is now “totally compromised.”

Alina Habba appeared on HANNITY Tuesday night to say that if the allegations against Willis are true, “that is so disturbing on so many levels.”  Taxpayer dollars in Georgia are being used to subsidize Willis’ boyfriend, “who is now teamed up with her to persecute and prosecute Trump.”

“...When I thought we couldn’t get any lower, when I thought we really couldn’t attack him any more, with literally no self-respect and dignity, we have this.  We have a woman who’s now bringing in somebody who’s her boyfriend, paying him quadruple, ten times what she’s making...and [they] vacation on taxpayer dollars, and then in their spare time talking about going after Trump.”

“If this is true,” Habbas said, “if she really was using taxpayer dollars to funnel [to] vacations, and then go after Trump, completely disregarding ethics...[committing] selective prosecution, going after someone as a target and then teaming up with your friends, the only RICO I see is the RICO with the DAs and AGs that is happening.  The conspiracy is not a conspiracy at all.  We have Soros-backed, and other funders that we’ve seen that are backing these individuals, and they are coordinating, they are profiting, and they are becoming famous politically; their agenda is all the same:  Get Trump.  That is the only RICO case I see here.”  

“...Donald Trump has done nothing wrong, and they have intentionally done this in order to interfere with an election because they can’t beat him in the polls.”

If something about the romantic angle sounds familiar, perhaps you’re reminded of the FBI’s Peter Strzok and paramour Lisa Page getting all steamy at the thought of taking down Trump during the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, pushing the Russia Hoax “insurance policy.”  For people who hate Trump, this effort is apparently a powerful aphrodisiac.

I digress.

Anyway, Athena Thorne at PJ MEDIA wrote about the story broken by the ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION.  Fulton County records show that DA Willis approved payments of $654,000 in legal fees to alleged boyfriend Wade since January 2022, and he did receive the money.

It gets shadier.  Willis hired Wade to help her “get Trump” on November 1, 2021.  On November 2, he filed for divorce.  Apparently, their affair had predated his hiring and has continued throughout their work on the case.

"The district attorney and the special prosecutor…suffer from irreparable conflicts of interest, and have violated their oaths of office under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct and should be disqualified from prosecuting this matter," declares the court filing.

But in THE MOST corrupt part of this --- yes, it gets worse --- the motion alleges improper coordination between the DA’s office and Biden’ s White House.  We can be sure of this because the “special” special prosecutor, who apparently is not the brightest bulb in the box, filed for reimbursement and documented a meeting with the White House counsel (!!!) about the case.

Willis hasn’t denied the allegations in this motion but through a spokesperson said she would address the situation “through appropriate court findings.”  So, she suddenly cares about being “appropriate”?

Victoria Taft, also at PJ MEDIA, has dug deeper on the issue of Willis’ team conspiring with the White House to prosecute Trump and says that “White House fingerprints couldn’t be more clear when one starts connecting these dots.”

Biden has denied that the White House is involved in this in any way, but that denial has to be right up there with the one about never speaking to Hunter’s business associates or knowing anything about the family business.  Any denial from Biden now, about anything, is laughable.  So now we have a President of the United States conspiring with his own “Justice” Department and regional law enforcement to take down the one political opponent whom polls show would beat him handily this coming November.  As one pundit posted on X, “Banana republic if you can keep it.”

Constitutional law expert Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, cites “clear, obvious coordination” between Biden’s White House and the DOJ to bring charges against Trump.  He’s called for immediate hearings of the House Judiciary Committee to look into the connections between Biden’s White House and all four of the cases, under three prosecutors, that have been brought against Trump, not just Willis’ case.  He appears to have evidence on White House coordination with Alvin Bragg’s New York “fraud” case as well.

According to Davis, Wade sent a bill for one White House counsel meeting and also for two other meetings at the White House --- one of these BEFORE the RICO indictment of Trump was sought.

Be sure to read Taft’s piece, as this is where you’ll see the documentation of Wade’s activities.  Can it get any lower than this?  Stay tuned.

Biden's busy Monday

January 11, 2024

President Biden had a busy Monday, between demonizing Trump and Republicans, eulogizing the late Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, pandering to black voters, dealing with pro-Palestinian protesters from his own party who have zero respect for others or their surroundings, and stabbing Israel in the back – sometimes, all at once. Nick Arama at has a good round-up…

Two details worthy of special notice: Arama points out that Biden tried to blame the racist shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on Trump even though it happened in 2015 when Trump wasn’t President, but Biden was Vice President.

Also, when these pro-Palestinian nutjobs tried to block the street entrance to Love Field Airport in Dallas where Biden was landing, the Dallas Police quickly removed them and arrested some of them. Take notes, other cities. And a word of advice to these protesters: Don’t try blocking any highways in Texas unless you want to find out how it feels to be an armadillo.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Matthew 10:16 KJV

Newsletter Notes

15 stories

3,924 words

Reading time: About 18 minutes

Hunter Biden pulls another stunt; no “ethical plan” for sale of his “artwork”

Apologies in advance for the preponderance of Hunter Biden news in today’s newsletter.  There’s just so much, and it speaks so loudly of the corruption that is the current administration.  Let’s get started…

Wednesday morning, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s “mark-up” meeting on a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress was crashed by...Hunter Biden himself.  He walked in flanked by lead attorney Abbe Lowell and the person who is paying for Lowell, Hunter’s “sugar brother” and wealthy Hollywood attorney/producer Kevin Morris, and the three of them took seats.  Of course, they’d brought a large entourage and camera crew into the room as well.

Was Hunter there in response to his subpoena?  No.  This was a stunt that was over in just a few minutes, as the meeting-crashers quickly walked right out again, unwilling to sit through the outspoken comments from Reps. Nancy Mace and Marjorie Taylor-Greene.  MT-G appeared ready to start asking questions of Hunter right then, but Hunter wasn’t there to do that.

Morris seemed highly entertained by the spectacle.  He’s been working for months producing a documentary on Hunter, and the little circus he and his friends created was surely intended to be a part of that.  He looked pleased.

And it WAS entertaining, as Mace revealed a sharp sense of humor.  “My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today?” she quipped.  “That’s my first question.  Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege.  Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a subpoena to be deposed --- what are you afraid of?  You have no balls to come up here.”

Our one quibble with that is that she might have called it “political privilege.”  President Trump’s white family has never been spared the responsibility to testify --- in the very kind of closed-door depositions that Hunter is trying to dodge now.

Hunter and his entourage streamed out of the room in a flash when Greene took the floor; she didn’t even have time to ask one question.  “I think it’s clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that Hunter is terrified of strong conservative Republican women because he can’t even face my words as I was about to speak to him,” she said after they were gone. “What a coward.”

We’re not sure if the “strong conservative Republican women” issue is a factor for Hunter, as it would be surprising if Hunter had ever even talked to one in his whole life.  (Maybe it would have helped.)  My guess is that he would’ve been out the door just as fast if Chairman James Comer had started questioning him.

Abbe Lowell gave a statement to the press after they left that was his usual steaming load, going on about how willing they’d been to participate in a public hearing.  (Given Hunter’s quick exit from this one, we wonder about that!)  He says they don’t want a closed door because this is “a tactic that Republicans have repeatedly misused in their political crusade to selectively leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said.”  He said Hunter doesn’t want to participate in a hearing in which Republicans can “distort, manipulate or misuse that testimony.”

That is, to use some of our favorite highly technical legal jargon, a hoot.

Once again, we have a big Democrat accusing Republicans of doing what THEY do.  How many hours and hours of closed-door testimony have members of the Trump family had to put on the record?  How much testimony was taken behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Kangaroo Kommittee, later to be presented during public hearings in highly edited form?  As far as we can see, it’s the Democrats who specialize in obtaining massive amounts of testimony in secret and then cherry-picking and leaking it.  So Lowell is, to use another favorite technical term, full of it.  He has no grounds to reject this congressional subpoena and absolutely does not get to dictate the terms.

This is the second stunt Lowell has pulled on behalf of Hunter.  On December 13, the day he was scheduled to be deposed behind closed doors, Hunter delivered a press conference outside the building instead.  Kevin Morris was there that day, too.  Recall that the outdoor space had been reserved by California Rep. Eric Swalwell, who has no business being in Congress at all after getting touchy-feely with a Chinese spy.

Now, on to breaking news about the money paid for Hunter’s “artwork.”  George Berges, owner of the Manhattan gallery that was selling Hunter’s paintings, told House impeachment investigators that three of the purchasers were prominent Democrat donors.

Well, who did anyone think would buy them --- art lovers??

Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali was already known to have bought his work, two months after Joe Biden became President, and she later was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission.  The major buyer was...(drum roll, please)...”sugar brother” Morris, who also happens to be an art collector.  What are the odds?

[Interesting side note:  Naftali’s niece was among the first American hostages to be released by Hamas as part of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and the terror group.]

According to a report in THE MESSENGER, Hunter knew who his buyers were.  Sources said he found out on his own, rather than being told by Berges.  But Berges apparently was unaware of any plan to keep the Bidens in the dark about who was buying.  After interviewing Berges, the Oversight Committee called this “an ethics nightmare.”

Maryland Rep. Jame Raskin stepped in to defend President Biden, saying Joe had no knowledge of these art sales.  “It’s not illegal to buy and sell abstract art in America,” he said.

No, it’s not, unless it’s being used as a way to launder bribe money.  In Jonathan Turley’s new column, he writes about the frequent reassurances from Jen Psaki that “there was a special ethical plan in place with the gallery to prevent Hunter from knowing who purchased the art.”  Berges, though, says he was never contacted by the White House about this and that Hunter knew who had purchased “roughly 70 percent” of the value of his art.

Turley points out that Berges was reading news accounts of this “special ethical plan” and knew there wasn’t one but never objected to this alleged misrepresentation.  He just sold paintings and gave money to Hunter.  Berges might not have told Hunter who bought them, but, as we’ve all known from the beginning because we’re not stupid, it was easy for Hunter to find out.  The buyers must’ve found SOME way to let him know, like maybe a note in that year’s Christmas card.

Oddly, when Kevin Morris bought paintings, he paid the dealer’s commission as well.  As Turley says, “The strange arrangement reinforces the view that this was all a sham, from the alleged ethics plan to the purchases themselves.”  He notes that Morris was a major Democrat donor who had only briefly known Hunter when he started paying all his bills.  The column is a must-read.

Prayers and condolences

We extend our prayers and condolences to former First Lady Melania Trump and her family on the death of her mother, Amalija Knavs. Melania tweeted that her mother was “a strong woman who always carried herself with grace, warmth, and dignity. She was entirely devoted to her husband, daughters, grandson, and son-in-law. We will miss her beyond measure and continue to honor and love her legacy."

Time to take the blinders off

Those who claim the idea of a two-tiered “justice” system is a rightwing conspiracy need to take their blinders off, especially after the developments of the past week.

First, we had the DC Court of Appeals unanimously ruling that January 6th defendants could be convicted of “disruptive and disorderly conduct” even if they were just standing there doing nothing. That was followed by an announcement that the Biden DOJ would expand its jihad against J6 protesters to hunt down people who did nothing more than walk past the Capitol (apparently, the lawn was a restricted area, as if anyone could’ve known that.)

This blatant attempt to terrify Republicans into not daring to ever question an election the Democrats won was then topped by news that J6 defendant Ray Epps had been given the staggering sentence of…probation, $500 restitution, and 100 hours of community service.

This is from a “justice” system that’s thrown other J6 defendants into federal prison for years, some of whom weren’t even in DC at the time. Epps is on video from that day, aggressively inciting Trump supporters to go into the Capitol, with some bystanders warning others not to listen to him and calling him “a fed.” Epps and the government have denied that, yet it took years for him to face any charges, and now, he’s been let off not with a slap on the wrist but a kiss on the hand, by the same prosecutors who are trying to put conservative grannies into prison for over a decade for praying outside an abortion clinic.

Here's a write-up by Beege Welborn at on this story that would be laughable if it weren’t so transparent and infuriating.

It includes an examination of how the AP framed the story, soft-pedaling what Epps did and sympathetically tut-tutting that the poor baby was “targeted by right-wing conspiracy theories.” I’m sure many people will consider this verdict as confirmation that those “conspiracy theories” were correct. And the coverage of it will only reinforce another “right-wing conspiracy theory” that the media are also on the payroll of the feds. Although I’m willing to believe that they’re campaign volunteers.

And another one bites the dust:

A federal judge in Nevada threw out an attempt to bar Trump from the ballot, in this case ruling that the plaintiff didn’t have standing to bring the suit. Details at the link. Let’s all hope the SCOTUS boots this nonsense for good soon so that we can get on with having an election based on the Democrats’ worst nightmare: letting people vote for the candidate of their choice.

Another court case seemed to go less positively for Trump on Tuesday, as his attorneys argued to a three-judge panel (two of them Biden appointees) of the DC Court of Appeals that he had immunity from prosecution for acts taken in his official duties as President. The judges seemed skeptical, peppering them with questions right off the DNC hotline, like asking if he should get immunity if he ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political opponent. Let’s hope they rule quickly so it can be appealed to the SCOTUS where it might be taken more seriously.

By the way, I’m not an attorney, but I probably would have answered that question like this: “That’s irrelevant because ensuring elections are conducted legally is part of the President’s official duties. While the current Administration might disagree, assassinating your political opponents is not.”

Christie drops out

Wednesday, Chris Christie dropped out of the GOP presidential race, acknowledging that there’s no path forward to victory for him. He also declined to endorse another non-Trump candidate.

I’m not going to list all the cruel double-entendre headlines like “Field thins,” because I don’t think that’s very classy. Still, Christie didn’t exactly bow out with class, as his farewell speech played the same one-note as his campaign: viciously attacking Donald Trump and his own party for voting for Trump.

He even managed to get caught on a hot mic slamming Nikki Haley’s campaign, which is really hurling rocks from a glass house.

Christie’s departure prior to Iowa makes a good point about the Iowa Caucuses. A lot of pundits sneer that Iowa isn’t a reliable indicator of who will win the nomination. That’s true: I won Iowa in 2008 and didn’t become President – sadly for America, I like to think. But that’s not the point. Iowa might not choose the ultimate winner, but it does narrow the field by showing us who has no chance to win. That’s a vital function in itself. Watch my TBN TV show this weekend; I plan to talk more about this.

Iowa: A Debate and a Townhall

Last night, with the Iowa Caucuses drawing near, CNN hosted a debate between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis, while Fox News hosted a townhall with Donald Trump.

I’m not going to go into all the details of both, since it would take up the whole newsletter. But here’s a good recap from of the high points of the Haley-DeSantis fracas:

Personally, I thought that both had good moments, but DeSantis was better at laying out policies while Haley spent too much time attacking her opponent and pushing a website that supposedly exposes his “lies.” The word “lies” has lost all meaning in modern politics; it’s hurled at anyone who expresses an opinion you disagree with or changes his/her mind in light of new information. When I send you to a website for more info in this newsletter, it's to save my space and your time; but when someone’s debating, I’d like to hear what they think in their own words, like, right now.

I thought the best comment came from Bob Hoge at, who wrote, “I know this is a GOP debate, but still not enjoying two Rebubs attempting to rip each other into shreds. Neither of them is the problem. Biden is, and he’s driving America off a cliff. How about we talk about that?”  But of course, we couldn’t, because…”This is CNN!”

Hoge's comment came from Redstate’s live-blog of the debate and Trump’s town hall. If you’d like to read some enjoyable commentary, you can scroll back through it all here:

As for Trump’s townhall, the major news that came out of it was that he said he already has a VP pick in mind, but didn’t reveal who it was. He also denied charges that his second term would be about “retribution,” saying he would be too busy making the economy great, and I assume, cleaning up the giant mess created by Biden and his handlers. But I hope his disavowal of retribution doesn’t mean he won’t fire and/or prosecute a lot of people who greatly deserve it. Removing unelected, deep state power abusers isn’t retribution, it’s a vital part of “making America great again.”

At this writing, Fox has yet to post the entire townhall online, but here’s a three-minute distillation from Politico, which covers some important points, even if it leaves out some of Trump's best and most important points (hey, it’s from Politico.) I notice that a lot of the commenters mentioned how amazing it was just to see a President who is capable of speaking about issues extemporaneously without having a giant teleprompter in front of him.

NYC chooses illegal aliens over students

With a dangerous winter storm set to hit New York City, officials there moved 2,000 illegal aliens from the tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field to the gym at James Madison High School. The students will have to stay home and undergo “virtual classes” so that their school can be taken over by people who shouldn’t be here in the first place (thanks, Joe Biden!)

While a lot of New Yorkers are complaining about this, maybe they should look on the bright side. If those kids went to school in New York, they’d probably be miseducated into voting for Democrats who are responsible for this. At least now, they get to see firsthand the dreadful effects of Democrat policies. Maybe that and avoiding New York school will help them grow up smarter so they don’t vote like their parents.

New Epstein documents released

The last set of Jeffrey Epstein court documents were released, and they include some allegations of sex trafficking involving prominent names. Among them are the late New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (who can’t defend himself), Alan Dershowitz (those allegations have already been debunked and retracted), Richard Branson, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and even Donald Trump. Previous releases exonerated Trump, with witnesses saying they’d never seen him at Epstein’s home or on his island.

At the link, Bonchie of reports that one Epstein accuser claimed Trump had sexual relations with an unnamed friend of hers at Epstein’s home “on regular occasions,” and that she had sex tapes of him, Clinton and others.

However, many media outlets are blaring the Trump accusation but leaving out or burying the part where she retracted the claims in 2019. The New Yorker reported then that she admitted to having “invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had ‘evidence that would come out if he harmed me.'”

I tend to believe that if there were any incriminating tapes of Trump, the Biden DOJ would have leaked them long ago.

Fauci forgets

Dr. Anthony Fauci was grilled Monday about the government’s pandemic-era failures in a closed-door hearing by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. While the testimony was not made public, the Committee chairman reported that Fauci claimed more than 100 times not to recall details surrounding “pertinent COVID-19 information or conversations.”

Hey, cut him some slack. Maybe he suffered brain damage from breathing so much CO2 while wearing three facemasks.

Dad of the new year

A big salute to this New York dad who stood up to obnoxious, traffic-blocking pro-Palestinian protesters and made them move out of his way so he could get to his daughter – yet he also resisted the temptation to run over them. I think they got the idea, though, that he would go through all of them with his fists if he had to, and they stepped aside.

Better take this as a red flag: Americans – even New Yorkers -- are getting fed up with your garbage, and their patience is at an end. You want a ceasefire? Tell your friends in Hamas to give up their hostages and surrender. Problem solved.

Less than impressive evidence

The more hysterical the Democrats get with their claims about the mortal dangers of Donald Trump, the less impressive their evidence is. One of the latest assaults came from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, who released a report that claims Trump is compromised by taking money from foreign governments (yes, this is the party of Joe and Hunter Biden, but we’ll put that irony aside for now.)

The report claims that Trump’s businesses raked in $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during the first two years of his term. Ooh, sounds incriminating! But hold on, the Daily Caller looked at the details:

Turns out the majority of that money came from one Chinese bank that had been renting office space in Trump Tower since 2008, years before Trump even ran for President. And we know how tough Trump was on China, so that didn’t buy any favors. Nine of the countries paid less than $10,000 to Trump businesses, with one, Cyprus, paying just $590, or about five hours’ pay for Hunter Biden from that Ukrainian energy company.

Committee member and notorious blowhard Jamie Raskin called these numbers evidence of “the Trump family’s staggering corruption.” But the director of the Government Accountability Institute replied, “The difference between Trump’s foreign income and Biden’s foreign income is that Trump had legitimate goods and services to sell and was tough on China while the Bidens did not have any legitimate business and Joe has been weak on China.”

And of course, the minor detail that Trump donated all of his companies’ profits from foreign businesses to the US Treasury, just like he donated his entire presidential salary back to the government. Biden isn’t doing that, but he should. In fact, he should be paying us for having to endure his presidency and all the rubbish from his supporters, like this.

“The Party of Science!”

A group of environmental activists in Bristol, England, demanded an end to gas-powered cars by vandalizing a car. They slashed its tires, painted “CLIMATE CRIMINAL” on the door and stuck a leaflet under the wiper telling the owner, “Your gas-guzzler kills.” 

It was a Tesla.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Electric car vandalised by climate activists in Bristol (

That’s “These go to 11” stupid. I’d compare these people’s intelligence to a bag of rocks, but I’m afraid the rocks would sue me.

Related: I wonder if, after these morons finished their jihad against gas-guzzling electric cars, they went home and enjoyed some special “plant-based peanut butter”?

Line of the Day!

Greg Gutfeld agrees with Michelle Obama: “We can’t have politicians who behave like children. Democrats will try to transition them.”

Headline of the Day!

From Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media: “Georgia Trump Haters Are Getting Their Fani Handed To Them”

Well worth reading the whole thing, especially the part where he says that the loathsome people who think hating Trump gives them the moral high ground “have long struck me as a collection of bottom-feeders who would sell their mothers for beer money.”

“Mary Poppins” Star Glynnis Johns Dies at 100

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder

I’m sad to have to report that British actress Glynnis Johns died last week at an assisted living home in Los Angeles of natural causes at the age of 100.

Johns appeared in many films over her long career, including “The Court Jester” with Danny Kaye, “While You Were Sleeping,” “The Sundowners” (for which she got an Oscar nomination as Best Supporting Actress) and probably her most famous role, as the mother, Mrs. Banks, in “Mary Poppins.” She also had a renowned stage career, but she said that she put her personal life first, knowing she could always come back to her work.

She holds a special place in my heart as the co-author of “Hollywood Hi-Fi,” the book about unlikely celebrity singers ( Glynnis Johns was a unique case: someone who couldn’t sing all that well, but that very trait resulted in the creation of one of the greatest standards of all time, and the only big pop hit ever written by Broadway icon Stephen Sondheim.

In 1973, Johns was set to star in the original Broadway production of Sondheim’s “A Little Night Music.” Sondheim had to write a song for her, and he thought she had a lovely voice, but she had a limited range and couldn’t hold long notes. So he wrote a song taking those vocal limitations into mind. It was “Send In The Clowns.” Perhaps because it was simple rather than one of his usual complicated, tongue-twisting compositions, it became his most popular song, covered by countless real singers from Frank Sinatra to Judy Collins.

And that’s how Glynnis Johns being a not-great celebrity singer gave us one of America’s greatest songs. RIP.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

The more hysterical the Democrats get with their claims about the mortal dangers of Donald Trump, the less impressive their evidence is. One of the latest assaults came from Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, who released a report that claims Trump is compromised by taking money from foreign governments (yes, this is the party of Joe and Hunter Biden, but we’ll put that irony aside for now.)

The report claims that Trump’s businesses raked in $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during the first two years of his term. Ooh, sounds incriminating! But hold on, the Daily Caller looked at the details:

Turns out the majority of that money came from one Chinese bank that had been renting office space in Trump Tower since 2008, years before Trump even ran for President. And we know how tough Trump was on China, so that didn’t buy any favors. Nine of the countries paid less than $10,000 to Trump businesses, with one, Cyprus, paying just $590, or about five hours’ pay for Hunter Biden from that Ukrainian energy company.

Committee member and notorious blowhard Jamie Raskin called these numbers evidence of “the Trump family’s staggering corruption.” But the director of the Government Accountability Institute replied, “The difference between Trump’s foreign income and Biden’s foreign income is that Trump had legitimate goods and services to sell and was tough on China while the Bidens did not have any legitimate business and Joe has been weak on China.”

And of course, the minor detail that Trump donated all of his companies’ profits from foreign businesses to the US Treasury, just like he donated his entire presidential salary back to the government. Biden isn’t doing that, but he should. In fact, he should be paying us for having to endure his presidency and all the rubbish from his supporters, like this.

I’ve long reported on the many drawbacks of electric vehicles that Biden is trying to hide as his Administration tries to force us all into them. Fortunately, consumers are catching on fast, and EV sales are tanking. Car makers are panicking over their losses while surveys show many people who bought an EV say they’ll never do that again and plan to go back to ICE cars.

But in case you need more reason to doubt Biden’s dictate that “EVs are the future,” here’s a new wrinkle: EVs are much heavier than gas-powered cars because the batteries account for anywhere from 1,000 to nearly 3,000 pounds, depending on the vehicle. That’s caused a 2011 study by UC economics professor Michael Anderson to resurface. It found that heavier cars make collisions far more dangerous. Being hit by a car that weighs 1,000 pounds more than your own increases your odds of being killed by 47 percent!

When Obama said to never underestimate Biden’s ability to BLEEP things up, I didn’t know that it would someday also mean that he’d become the worst car designer since Homer Simpson.


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just knocked down the Biden Department of Energy’s efforts to force us to replace our washing machines and dishwashers with more expensive “green” appliances.

Eleven states sued over the regulations, and the court agreed with them that it was "unclear how or why DOE thinks it has any statutory authority to regulate 'water use' in dishwashers and washing machines," and even if they had the authority, their rule was "arbitrary and capricious" since their standards are causing Americans to use more energy and water as they have to wash things multiple times to get them clean.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who led the lawsuit, said, "There is no fourth branch of government sanctioned in the United States Constitution. Federal bureaucrats can't just tell you what kind of appliances you have to use." Let’s hope this encourages more legal pushback on the other unconstitutional micro-management efforts by unelected bureaucrats, from taking away our gas stoves and heaters to trying to outlaw gas-powered cars.

Andrew Bailey is one of the true champions fighting against federal assaults on individual rights, including the case that exposed Deep State collusion with social media to silence conservative speech. My interview with him on last weekend’s episode of “Huckabee” on TBN is a must-see:

Court Victory News

January 11, 2024

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just knocked down the Biden Department of Energy’s efforts to force us to replace our washing machines and dishwashers with more expensive “green” appliances.

Eleven states sued over the regulations, and the court agreed with them that it was "unclear how or why DOE thinks it has any statutory authority to regulate 'water use' in dishwashers and washing machines," and even if they had the authority, their rule was "arbitrary and capricious" since their standards are causing Americans to use more energy and water as they have to wash things multiple times to get them clean.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who led the lawsuit, said, "There is no fourth branch of government sanctioned in the United States Constitution. Federal bureaucrats can't just tell you what kind of appliances you have to use." Let’s hope this encourages more legal pushback on the other unconstitutional micro-management efforts by unelected bureaucrats, from taking away our gas stoves and heaters to trying to outlaw gas-powered cars.

Andrew Bailey is one of the true champions fighting against federal assaults on individual rights, including the case that exposed Deep State collusion with social media to silence conservative speech. My interview with him on last weekend’s episode of “Huckabee” on TBN is a must-see:

Apologies in advance for the preponderance of Hunter Biden news in today’s newsletter.  There’s just so much, and it speaks so loudly of the corruption that is the current administration.  Let’s get started…

Wednesday morning, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s “mark-up” meeting on a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress was crashed by...Hunter Biden himself.  He walked in flanked by lead attorney Abbe Lowell and the person who is paying for Lowell, Hunter’s “sugar brother” and wealthy Hollywood attorney/producer Kevin Morris, and the three of them took seats.  Of course, they’d brought a large entourage and camera crew into the room as well.

Was Hunter there in response to his subpoena?  No.  This was a stunt that was over in just a few minutes, as the meeting-crashers quickly walked right out again, unwilling to sit through the outspoken comments from Reps. Nancy Mace and Marjorie Taylor-Greene.  MT-G appeared ready to start asking questions of Hunter right then, but Hunter wasn’t there to do that.

Morris seemed highly entertained by the spectacle.  He’s been working for months producing a documentary on Hunter, and the little circus he and his friends created was surely intended to be a part of that.  He looked pleased.

And it WAS entertaining, as Mace revealed a sharp sense of humor.  “My first question is who bribed Hunter Biden to be here today?” she quipped.  “That’s my first question.  Second question, you are the epitome of white privilege.  Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a subpoena to be deposed --- what are you afraid of?  You have no balls to come up here.”

Our one quibble with that is that she might have called it “political privilege.”  President Trump’s white family has never been spared the responsibility to testify --- in the very kind of closed-door depositions that Hunter is trying to dodge now.

Hunter and his entourage streamed out of the room in a flash when Greene took the floor; she didn’t even have time to ask one question.  “I think it’s clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that Hunter is terrified of strong conservative Republican women because he can’t even face my words as I was about to speak to him,” she said after they were gone. “What a coward.”

We’re not sure if the “strong conservative Republican women” issue is a factor for Hunter, as it would be surprising if Hunter had ever even talked to one in his whole life.  (Maybe it would have helped.)  My guess is that he would’ve been out the door just as fast if Chairman James Comer had started questioning him.

Abbe Lowell gave a statement to the press after they left that was his usual steaming load, going on about how willing they’d been to participate in a public hearing.  (Given Hunter’s quick exit from this one, we wonder about that!)  He says they don’t want a closed door because this is “a tactic that Republicans have repeatedly misused in their political crusade to selectively leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said.”  He said Hunter doesn’t want to participate in a hearing in which Republicans can “distort, manipulate or misuse that testimony.”

That is, to use some of our favorite highly technical legal jargon, a hoot.

Once again, we have a big Democrat accusing Republicans of doing what THEY do.  How many hours and hours of closed-door testimony have members of the Trump family had to put on the record?  How much testimony was taken behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Kangaroo Kommittee, later to be presented during public hearings in highly edited form?  As far as we can see, it’s the Democrats who specialize in obtaining massive amounts of testimony in secret and then cherry-picking and leaking it.  So Lowell is, to use another favorite technical term, full of it.  He has no grounds to reject this congressional subpoena and absolutely does not get to dictate the terms.

This is the second stunt Lowell has pulled on behalf of Hunter.  On December 13, the day he was scheduled to be deposed behind closed doors, Hunter delivered a press conference outside the building instead.  Kevin Morris was there that day, too.  Recall that the outdoor space had been reserved by California Rep. Eric Swalwell, who has no business being in Congress at all after getting touchy-feely with a Chinese spy.

Now, on to breaking news about the money paid for Hunter’s “artwork.”  George Berges, owner of the Manhattan gallery that was selling Hunter’s paintings, told House impeachment investigators that three of the purchasers were prominent Democrat donors.

Well, who did anyone think would buy them --- art lovers??

Elizabeth Hirsch Naftali was already known to have bought his work, two months after Joe Biden became President, and she later was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission.  The major buyer was...(drum roll, please)...”sugar brother” Morris, who also happens to be an art collector.  What are the odds?

[Interesting side note:  Naftali’s niece was among the first American hostages to be released by Hamas as part of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and the terror group.]

According to a report in THE MESSENGER, Hunter knew who his buyers were.  Sources said he found out on his own, rather than being told by Berges.  But Berges apparently was unaware of any plan to keep the Bidens in the dark about who was buying.  After interviewing Berges, the Oversight Committee called this “an ethics nightmare.”

Maryland Rep. Jame Raskin stepped in to defend President Biden, saying Joe had no knowledge of these art sales.  “It’s not illegal to buy and sell abstract art in America,” he said.

No, it’s not, unless it’s being used as a way to launder bribe money.  In Jonathan Turley’s new column, he writes about the frequent reassurances from Jen Psaki that “there was a special ethical plan in place with the gallery to prevent Hunter from knowing who purchased the art.”  Berges, though, says he was never contacted by the White House about this and that Hunter knew who had purchased “roughly 70 percent” of the value of his art.

Turley points out that Berges was reading news accounts of this “special ethical plan” and knew there wasn’t one but never objected to this alleged misrepresentation.  He just sold paintings and gave money to Hunter.  Berges might not have told Hunter who bought them, but, as we’ve all known from the beginning because we’re not stupid, it was easy for Hunter to find out.  The buyers must’ve found SOME way to let him know, like maybe a note in that year’s Christmas card.

Oddly, when Kevin Morris bought paintings, he paid the dealer’s commission as well.  As Turley says, “The strange arrangement reinforces the view that this was all a sham, from the alleged ethics plan to the purchases themselves.”  He notes that Morris was a major Democrat donor who had only briefly known Hunter when he started paying all his bills.  The column is a must-read.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Newsletter Notes

15 stories

3,050 words

Reading time: About 14 minutes

Where was Austin? Now we know…

We finally know why Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin disappeared from his job for a week: he had to undergo surgery for prostate cancer. That’s a serious medical condition, and putting aside the political firestorm over this, I want to offer him our sincere prayers for a complete recovery.

Meanwhile, this latest news has raised even more questions, like, “Who was in charge when he was under general anesthesia?” and “Why was urgent cancer surgery called ‘elective’?” and the ever-popular “Why wasn’t anyone at the White House informed?”

Here’s a round-up of the latest developments and questions, courtesy of

Related: Sen. Tommy Tuberville would like to remind us that Austin was the same person who lectured him for months about how he was harming “military readiness” by holding up promotions until the military stopped illegally funding abortions.


As if we needed another reason to distrust the media, a shocking new revelation has appeared that will likely be buried by the media.

Remember how some media outlets tried to excuse the behavior of their “journalists” in Gaza who seemed to be colluding with Hamas in the October 7th attack on Israel? They claimed they were just doing their jobs when they got swept up in the events, etc.?

Well, as Bonchie at reports, “According to Honest Reporting, a UK media watchdog, two ‘journalists,’ both of whom did freelance work for the AP and Reuters at the time, live-streamed themselves showing off pictures of the atrocities, with one even bragging that he had helped take Israelis hostage.” One of them also boasts about being there from the beginning and encourages Gazans to cross the border into Israel even as Hamas terrorists were slaughtering innocent Jews, calling it a once-in-a-lifetime event that won’t happen again. Let's hope Israel makes sure of that.

I would tell you what I think, but Bonchie already summed it up perfectly: “There are no journalists in Gaza. There are simply terrorist sympathizers who are allowed to cosplay as journalists.”

Biden’s busy Monday

President Biden had a busy Monday, between demonizing Trump and Republicans, eulogizing the late Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, pandering to black voters, dealing with pro-Palestinian protesters from his own party who have zero respect for others or their surroundings, and stabbing Israel in the back – sometimes, all at once. Nick Arama at has a good round-up…

Two details worthy of special notice: Arama points out that Biden tried to blame the racist shooting at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston on Trump even though it happened in 2015 when Trump wasn’t President, but Biden was Vice President.

Also, when these pro-Palestinian nutjobs tried to block the street entrance to Love Field Airport in Dallas where Biden was landing, the Dallas Police quickly removed them and arrested some of them. Take notes, other cities. And a word of advice to these protesters: Don’t try blocking any highways in Texas unless you want to find out how it feels to be an armadillo.

Court Victory News:

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals just knocked down the Biden Department of Energy’s efforts to force us to replace our washing machines and dishwashers with more expensive “green” appliances.

Eleven states sued over the regulations, and the court agreed with them that it was "unclear how or why DOE thinks it has any statutory authority to regulate 'water use' in dishwashers and washing machines," and even if they had the authority, their rule was "arbitrary and capricious" since their standards are causing Americans to use more energy and water as they have to wash things multiple times to get them clean.

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who led the lawsuit, said, "There is no fourth branch of government sanctioned in the United States Constitution. Federal bureaucrats can't just tell you what kind of appliances you have to use." Let’s hope this encourages more legal pushback on the other unconstitutional micro-management efforts by unelected bureaucrats, from taking away our gas stoves and heaters to trying to outlaw gas-powered cars.

Andrew Bailey is one of the true champions fighting against federal assaults on individual rights, including the case that exposed Deep State collusion with social media to silence conservative speech. My interview with him on last weekend’s episode of “Huckabee” on TBN is a must-see:

Howard Beale was right

UPDATE! I reported on the National Parks Service plan to remove a historic statue of Pennsylvania founder William Penn from a Philadelphia park and promote “inclusion” by replacing it with info about indigenous tribes (FYI: “inclusion” would mean ADDING info about the tribes, not erasing other aspects of history to make way for it.) That plan so infuriated locals that even the Democrat Governor protested. And guess what: the woke remake has been canceled. The statue of Penn will remain.

Or as the NPS put it, “The preliminary draft proposal, which was released prematurely and had not been subject to a complete internal agency review, is being retracted.” Riiiiight. Probable reality: “We’d hoped to sneak this past you before anyone noticed, but we got caught.”

Howard Beale was right: Letting these people know you’re mad as h*ll and you’re not going to take it anymore actually works.

California Republicans (if there are any left), mark your calendars:

The special election to replace Kevin McCarthy has been scheduled for a bit later than expected. It will take place on March 19th, not March 5th (the day of the general primaries.)

We will see

I don’t cover a lot of the January 6th stories here because it’s hard to separate truth from propaganda and legitimate areas of inquiry from conspiracy theories. But when a member of the House Homeland Security and House Oversight and Reform Committees says that investigators believe there were “well over 200” FBI “assets” embedded on January 6th, some dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol and waving real Trump supporters in, and that he expects this will lead to criminal referrals but only once there’s a President who will “clean house,” then it might be worth listening to him…

Speaking of that, the FBI’s claim that it’s going after even more people on January 6th charges, for such heinous felonies as walking on the grass outside the Capitol, is not going over well with the general public. Particularly considering all the actual violent criminals, terrorists, drug gangsters, violent Antifa rioters and Hamas-supporting radicals that they keep ignoring.

A bad habit that needs fixing

I already wrote about the underlying red flags that undermine the roses and sunshine that the media and the White House are giving us about reported jobs numbers. But this is yet another Bidenomics warning signal that hasn’t been mentioned yet: the government’s habit of releasing better-than-expected jobs numbers, then later quietly “correcting” them downward. Here’s a report on how, during the first 11 months of 2023, the BLS overestimated the number of jobs created by 439,000.

Unfit for office

Not that it will get past the Senate, but good for House Republicans who plan to introduce articles of impeachment against our MIA Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, for “high crimes and misdemeanors” that have “jeopardized the lives of the American people.” And there's not just one incident; they have a smorgasbord of reasons why he’s unfit for office.

How to respond

It’s always fun to watch a member of the regime media try to force a Republican to repeat a leftist talking point (“Deny that you’re an ‘election denier’ and confirm that Joe Biden was really elected President”), and instead, the Republican forces her to admit that she actually has no actual knowledge of what she’s talking about and is just repeating DNC talking points.

FYI, I would have also accepted this response: “I’ll say that if you’ll admit the 2016 election was legitimate and Trump was really elected President.”

Food Recall Alert!

From my writers Pat and Laura, who have 12 rescued shelter parrots: The FDA has issued a recall of a widely-distributed parrot seed diet sold at Walmart and other major stores. It's 3-D Pet Products' Premium Parrot Food sold in a clear plastic canister. There's a danger of salmonella that can harm both parrots and humans. Check this link for more info, and Pat and Laura urge you to feed your parrots a better diet than this anyway.

A new EV wrinkle to Biden’s plans for the future

I’ve long reported on the many drawbacks of electric vehicles that Biden is trying to hide as his Administration tries to force us all into them. Fortunately, consumers are catching on fast, and EV sales are tanking. Car makers are panicking over their losses while surveys show many people who bought an EV say they’ll never do that again and plan to go back to ICE cars.

But in case you need more reason to doubt Biden’s dictate that “EVs are the future,” here’s a new wrinkle: EVs are much heavier than gas-powered cars because the batteries account for anywhere from 1,000 to nearly 3,000 pounds, depending on the vehicle. That’s caused a 2011 study by UC economics professor Michael Anderson to resurface. It found that heavier cars make collisions far more dangerous. Being hit by a car that weighs 1,000 pounds more than your own increases your odds of being killed by 47 percent!

When Obama said to never underestimate Biden’s ability to BLEEP things up, I didn’t know that it would someday also mean that he’d become the worst car designer since Homer Simpson.

Not so crazy

You’ve probably heard the rumor that Democrats are letting millions of illegal aliens enter the US because they want to count them as part of the population to keep more Congressional districts and cement themselves into power. This is, according to them and the media, a crazy, wild-eyed, unsubstantiated, rightwing conspiracy theory, so I would never, ever repeat it here.

But here’s a video of New York Democrat Rep. Yvette Clarke basically admitting it…

Bookmark Alert!

Global Christian Relief has created a much-needed, first-of-its-kind database to record threats to religious freedom and violence against Christians worldwide.

Georgia DA Fani Willis’ corruption involves the White House

On Tuesday, I appeared on NEWSMAX to say that Fulton County, Georgia, DA Fani Willis should be disbarred and all the charges against Trump dropped in his election interference case.

At that time, news had broken that a co-defendant in the case, Michael Roman, alleges that Willis should be disqualified from the case because she had been having an improper relationship with a (married) special prosecutor, private attorney Nathan Wade, whom she had named to assist in securing the Georgia grand jury indictment against Trump.  According to the motion, she did this despite having attorneys in her office who were perfectly capable of prosecuting the case.  Wade, on the other hand, had never prosecuted a felony RICO case before. He seems to have been hired for...other reasons.

As reported in NEWSMAX, “The motion argues that Willis’ failure to disclose her alleged relationship with the special prosecutor while paying him for his work on the Trump case with funds he allegedly used to go on extravagant vacations with the DA could amount to honest services fraud, as well as ‘a predicate act which could result in a RICO charge against both the district attorney and the special prosecutor.’”

So, how ironic would it be if, after working to make this huge, ludicrous RICO case against Trump and an array of his associates, Willis herself got charged with a legitimate RICO violation?  They just keep accusing Trump of the things they’re doing themselves.  Here’s what I had to say about it yesterday…

Huckabee: Fani Willis scandal huge in Trump Georgia case - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee

But as it turns out, the grift and marital hanky-panky were just the tip of the iceberg that is about to wham into Willis’ whole operation and likely sink it.  What they’ve been doing is much, much worse.  Can someone this corrupt be disbarred twice?

By now, you probably know that Willis is accused of using tax money to take exotic trips to the Caribbean, Florida and Napa Valley and even go on two cruises together with Wade.  According to Roman’s motion, “Since being appointed as special prosecutor, the special prosecutor has been paid an estimated almost $1,000,000.00 in legal fees...The district attorney’s yearly salary, including state and county supplements, is $198,266.66.”

A big question is how specifically Willis herself is benefitting financially from the money being paid to her very “special” special prosecutor.

President Trump, in DC on Tuesday for an important hearing on presidential immunity, responded to the news, saying the Georgia case is now “totally compromised.”

Alina Habba appeared on HANNITY Tuesday night to say that if the allegations against Willis are true, “that is so disturbing on so many levels.”  Taxpayer dollars in Georgia are being used to subsidize Willis’ boyfriend, “who is now teamed up with her to persecute and prosecute Trump.”

“...When I thought we couldn’t get any lower, when I thought we really couldn’t attack him any more, with literally no self-respect and dignity, we have this.  We have a woman who’s now bringing in somebody who’s her boyfriend, paying him quadruple, ten times what she’s making...and [they] vacation on taxpayer dollars, and then in their spare time talking about going after Trump.”

“If this is true,” Habbas said, “if she really was using taxpayer dollars to funnel [to] vacations, and then go after Trump, completely disregarding ethics...[committing] selective prosecution, going after someone as a target and then teaming up with your friends, the only RICO I see is the RICO with the DAs and AGs that is happening.  The conspiracy is not a conspiracy at all.  We have Soros-backed, and other funders that we’ve seen that are backing these individuals, and they are coordinating, they are profiting, and they are becoming famous politically; their agenda is all the same:  Get Trump.  That is the only RICO case I see here.”  

“...Donald Trump has done nothing wrong, and they have intentionally done this in order to interfere with an election because they can’t beat him in the polls.”

If something about the romantic angle sounds familiar, perhaps you’re reminded of the FBI’s Peter Strzok and paramour Lisa Page getting all steamy at the thought of taking down Trump during the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, pushing the Russia Hoax “insurance policy.”  For people who hate Trump, this effort is apparently a powerful aphrodisiac.

I digress.

Anyway, Athena Thorne at PJ MEDIA wrote about the story broken by the ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION.  Fulton County records show that DA Willis approved payments of $654,000 in legal fees to alleged boyfriend Wade since January 2022, and he did receive the money.

It gets shadier.  Willis hired Wade to help her “get Trump” on November 1, 2021.  On November 2, he filed for divorce.  Apparently, their affair had predated his hiring and has continued throughout their work on the case.

"The district attorney and the special prosecutor…suffer from irreparable conflicts of interest, and have violated their oaths of office under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct and should be disqualified from prosecuting this matter," declares the court filing.

But in THE MOST corrupt part of this --- yes, it gets worse --- the motion alleges improper coordination between the DA’s office and Biden’ s White House.  We can be sure of this because the “special” special prosecutor, who apparently is not the brightest bulb in the box, filed for reimbursement and documented a meeting with the White House counsel (!!!) about the case.

Willis hasn’t denied the allegations in this motion but through a spokesperson said she would address the situation “through appropriate court findings.”  So, she suddenly cares about being “appropriate”?

Victoria Taft, also at PJ MEDIA, has dug deeper on the issue of Willis’ team conspiring with the White House to prosecute Trump and says that “White House fingerprints couldn’t be more clear when one starts connecting these dots.”

Biden has denied that the White House is involved in this in any way, but that denial has to be right up there with the one about never speaking to Hunter’s business associates or knowing anything about the family business.  Any denial from Biden now, about anything, is laughable.  So now we have a President of the United States conspiring with his own “Justice” Department and regional law enforcement to take down the one political opponent whom polls show would beat him handily this coming November.  As one pundit posted on X, “Banana republic if you can keep it.”

Constitutional law expert Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, cites “clear, obvious coordination” between Biden’s White House and the DOJ to bring charges against Trump.  He’s called for immediate hearings of the House Judiciary Committee to look into the connections between Biden’s White House and all four of the cases, under three prosecutors, that have been brought against Trump, not just Willis’ case.  He appears to have evidence on White House coordination with Alvin Bragg’s New York “fraud” case as well.

According to Davis, Wade sent a bill for one White House counsel meeting and also for two other meetings at the White House --- one of these BEFORE the RICO indictment of Trump was sought.

Be sure to read Taft’s piece, as this is where you’ll see the documentation of Wade’s activities.  Can it get any lower than this?  Stay tuned.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6 KJV

Newsletter Notes

9 stories

3,499 words

Reading time: About 16 minutes

We aren’t lying about the border

Monday, “Homeland Security Secretary” Alejandro Mayorkas held a press conference near the US-Mexico border, where he accused his critics of lying about him and insisted that “Some have accused DHS of not enforcing our nation’s laws. This could not be further from the truth.” I haven’t been so convinced since Joe Biden declared Trump to be the enemy of democracy as he tried to have him imprisoned and banned from ballots.

In the midst of record illegal immigration with millions of border crossers swarming into the US, Mayorkas blamed Congress for not funding Biden’s plan to deal with illegal immigrants, which would have spent even more taxpayer money on apprehending and processing illegal entrants, then releasing them inside the US and giving them bus fare to wherever they want to go to await their court date that they likely won’t show up for nearly a decade from now.

Meanwhile, the President of Mexico made heavy demands for help in curbing illegal immigration, including $20 billion and work permits for 10 million Hispanics. Funny, Trump was able to make them cooperate using the immense leverage we have over their economy. I guess they know a pushover when they see one.

This is a plan that House Speaker Johnson should declare dead-on-arrival. I’m hopeful that he will, judging by how he responded on Tuesday morning to the Biden Administration’s attempts to blame the border catastrophe on Republicans.

Johnson told Fox News Digital, “Since his first day in office, President Biden and his administration have worked to systematically undermine America’s border security.” He listed more than 60 Biden actions, from halting border wall construction to expanding catch-and-release inside the US, that “manipulated the federal bureaucracy to open our borders to illegal immigrants, human trafficking, fentanyl, and potential terrorists. The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe."

Johnson said, "The President must use his executive authority to repair what he has broken. I am calling on him to do so." Fat chance of that, but at least it sounds as if he won’t fall for passing Biden’s latest effort to fund even more illegal immigration under the guise of fighting illegal immigration.

Related: Because sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying, the Babylon Bee perfectly sums up the Biden Administration’s efforts to prevent Texas from doing the job on the border that they’re supposed to be doing but won’t.

I didn’t see this coming

Well, here’s something I never expected to see: an accusation of actual, scandalous wrongdoing coming out of the ridiculous Trump RICO trial in Georgia. Except it doesn’t involve Trump or his associates.

Former Trump campaign official Michael Roman has filed a motion for charges against him to be dropped and for political hatchet woman/county DA Fani Willis, special prosecutor Nathan Wade and the entire DA’s office to be disqualified from further prosecution of the case.

Roman’s motion accuses Willis and Wade of having an improper, clandestine romantic relationship that began before the case started and included taking vacations and cruises together; and that she had no legal authority to appoint him as special prosecutor. He further claims that they have profited significantly from this case at the expense of taxpayers, and that they “have violated laws regulating the use of public monies, suffer from irreparable conflicts of interest, and have violated their oaths of office under the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct.”

I can’t verify the truth of those charges, and at this time, we’re still waiting for Willis to respond. But I just hope I’m not drinking coffee in front of my computer when she claims it’s an outrage to take innocent behavior and try to twist it into a crime.

Notice 703

If you’re on Social Security, you’ve likely received or will soon receive a Notice 703. That’s a letter from the Social Security Administration, warning that your Social Security benefits may be taxable and providing a worksheet to help you figure out how much of your SS checks for 2023 that they’re going to demand you give back in April.

Many recent retirees may be in for a shock at tax time, since they naturally figured that their Social Security wouldn’t be counted as new taxable income. After all, it’s NOT. It’s your own money that you already paid taxes on years or even decades ago. The government took it on the promise that they’d give it back to you with interest when you retired. But thanks to a tax reform bill in the ‘80s, it started being considered taxable income if you continue working and earning other pay.

So to be clear: The politicians spent like drunken sailors on shore leave (apologies to drunken sailors for comparing them to politicians), driving inflation through the roof and forcing Americans to continue working into their 70s and beyond because Social Security doesn’t cover basic living expenses. Now, they punish the elderly for continuing to work to survive by claiming that the pay they earn makes them wealthy plutocrats who don’t need to keep all of their Social Security, so they tax a big chunk of it back.

And how much do you have to earn to reach that plutocrat level? A whopping $25,000 if you’re single and $32,000 if you’re married and filing jointly. FYI: that’s not adjusted gross income. That’s TOTAL income before any deductions. It also includes any pension payments, dividends or other savings or investment income.

FYI: Here’s why retirees have to keep working until they die. The Blaze reports that since Biden took office, retirement accounts have lost 25% of their value (an estimated $1 trillion net loss.) In the third quarter of 2023 alone, pension plans lost $3.3 trillion. And due to Bidenflation, the average American family has lost the equivalent of about $7300 in annual income.

For years, there have been moves in Congress either to eliminate this unconscionable soaking of seniors or at least to greatly raise the outdated income threshold to reflect the huge inflation of recent years. Thus far, nothing has come of them. We should all let our representatives know that it’s long past time to end this monstrous double taxation of Social Security payments and stop forcing struggling seniors to pay for the government’s spendaholism.

Ohio News

UPDATE: After inexplicably vetoing a bill to ban “gender-affirming” (actually the opposite) mutilations of children and bar men from women’s sports, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on Friday signed an executive order that pretty much repeats the first part of that ban. Of course, executive orders can be reversed much easier than laws.

This also makes little sense if he really believes, as he said, that such a ban inserts the government between children and their parents making the best medical decisions for them. Never mind that permanently mutilating a child with unnecessary elective surgery and chemicals is NEVER in the child’s best interests, or that certain medical facilities that provide “trans” procedures to minors have become notorious for deliberately misleading parents on the consequences or cutting them out of these decisions entirely.

Paula Bolyard has more at the link, and let’s hope the Ohio legislature clears up the confusion by overriding his veto.

Positive Court Decision Round-up:

For people who accuse their opponents of being authoritarian dictators, the Democrats sure don’t have much respect for Constitutional rights, the rule of law or the court system. Fortunately, we do still have a court system that occasionally defends those things.

For example, on Friday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a challenge by the Biden Administration to Idaho’s new law banning abortion except to save the life of the mother, but they allowed the law to go into effect. This puts on hold the Biden White House’s attempt to force Idaho ER doctors to perform abortions, even if it violates their religious or ethical beliefs. And FYI, despite hyperbolic claims from the pro-abortion lobby, the Idaho law does not consider removing miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies as abortions.

Also, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dissolved a hold placed on a new California law, banning the carrying of firearms in most public places. A lower court allowed the law to go into effect on January 1st, despite the fact that it is in direct violation of the Supreme Court's 2022 Bruen ruling that the right to carry a gun in public places for self-defense is protected by the Second Amendment. The judge who originally stayed the law called it unconstitutional, “sweeping, repugnant to the Second Amendment, and openly defiant of the Supreme Court.”

The case will be heard in April. Let’s hope the full appeals court throws out this law and saves the SCOTUS the trouble.

When the law was allowed to go into effect, an attorney for the plaintiffs said, “The right to carry in California was unconstitutionally eliminated for almost a week.” Meanwhile, California officials began declaring just about every public place as a “gun-free zone,” meaning that nobody but criminals could carry guns in them.

The liberals in California defied the SCOTUS and the Constitution and imposed this clearly unconstitutional law anyway in the name of “safety.” It would be nice if they were at all concerned for the safety of law-abiding citizens who need guns to protect themselves from all the criminals they’ve let run wild.

Least Surprising News Of The Day:

New data shows that illegal aliens have less than a 5% chance of being deported under Biden.

Huck’s Hero Final Salute:

Let’s all pause to give a final salute to one of the true heroes of World War II, who passed away last week at 104.

During his extraordinary service with the British military, Major Mike Sadler was a gunner and anti-tank specialist, he parachuted into France after the D-Day landings, worked with the UK intelligence service MI6, was captured by the Nazis and escaped, and had part of Antarctica named after him. But most impressive, he was the last surviving member of the original SAS (Special Air Service.)  In that capacity, he taught himself to navigate by the stars and became chief navigator to SAS founder David Stirling. He became known for his “superhuman” ability to lead long-range missions through the deserts of North Africa, once leading a 100-mile trek through the shifting sands with no maps and no water.

Go to the link to read his astonishing life story and see the photos of him in his youth. This is what a real hero looks like.

Silly Woke Nonsense of the Day!

The British Film Institute sparked a mocking backlash by announcing that it would start putting “trigger warnings” on 1960s James Bond movies, because they “reflect views prevalent in its time, but will cause offence today (as they did then).”

As Chris Queen points out, “It's long past time for the ruining of our cultural classics to come to an end.” He asks, who was offended by 007 in the 1960s? “Grubby Communist henchmen? Megalomaniac billionaires’ intent on taking over the world? SMERSH? SPECTRE? (Someone should tell the BFI that both of those organizations are fictional) …Sexy Japanese secret agents, rifle-toting henchmen on skis, mute Korean butlers with razor-brimmed hats…?”

I’m old enough to remember when Sean Connery as 007 was called “the man every woman wanted and every man wanted to be.”  I guess liberals today think that every woman wants a woke feminist man, and every man wants to be a woman.

Campaign 24: Here come the Obamas!

You probably saw the story in yesterday’s newsletter about President Obama taking a lunch with President Biden before the holidays to express concern with how the Biden campaign was going and to advise him to surround himself with different people.  Obama reportedly expressed anxiety about a possible Trump return to power.

But what we didn’t get into yesterday was the question of why that story would appear now.  It first appeared in the WASHINGTON POST, in a piece by Tyler Pager, and so would have been leaked there, perhaps by someone in the White House, perhaps by someone allied with the Obamas (though I may repeat myself).

WAPO reported that Obama “suggested to Biden’s advisers that the campaign needs more top-level decision-makers at its headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, or else must empower the people already in place.  Obama hasn’t recommended specific individuals but did mention David Plouffe, who managed Obama’s 2008 race, as the type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign.

“During the lunch,” the report said, “Obama noted the success of his re-election structure in 2012, when some of his top presidential aides, including David Axelrod and Jim Messina, left the White House to take charge of the re-election operation in Chicago.”

So, here we go.  Putting an Obama-style campaign in place.  Will it eventually be moved to Chicago to work for...someone else?

“Obama also recommended that Biden seek counsel from Obama’s own former campaign aides,” WAPO reported, “which Biden officials say they have done…”  In conversations with Biden’s associates, Obama has been even more explicit about the need to be more “agile.”

Matt Margolis in PJ MEDIA made the point that Biden’s problem isn’t his campaign --- it’s his record of utter failure.  But he doesn’t tie Biden’s catastrophes to this insidious involvement of the Obamas in his presidential race.  We hypothesize a direct connection.

Biden’s gonna be out, you know.  And stories about the Obamas’ involvement in the ‘24 race appear to be very strategically timed.

AXIOS wrote about the WAPO story, mentioning that “Biden and his allies will spend over $1 billion this year telling voters Trump is terrible.”  It occurs to me that if Trump really had been so terrible as President, they wouldn’t HAVE to spend a billion dollars to convince voters of that!  We’d all just know.  They’re spending that much money because the situation is the opposite:  we know that Trump was right about so many things and made some great decisions as President.

According to their report, top Democrats who’d been thinking the Biden campaign was being too complacent were relieved at Biden’s speech, because they liked the horrid thing.  They called the speech the campaign’s “we get it” moment.  So expect to see a lot more darkness and lying about Trump and January 6.

AXIOS likes to answer for its readers the question of “why it matters?”  In this case, they say it reflects a need by “someone” to “light a fire” under Biden’s campaign people.  But we don’t think that quite captures it.  The “someone” is most likely Obama, and the fact that this story was leaked to WAPO at this particular time reflects the Obamas’ strategy for their own comeback.

Adding to the picture of the Obamas’ growing involvement, Sean Hannity reported Monday night that Michelle Obama appeared in a recent wide-ranging interview on what is billed as “the Number One health and wellness podcast” to express her own Trump-fear, which she said keeps her up at night.

“I am terrified about what could possibly happen [in the next election],” she said on the Jay Shetty “On Purpose” podcast, “because our leaders matter.  Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways that I --- sometimes I think people take for granted.  You know, the fact that people think that government, you know, doesn’t even do anything.  And I’m like, ‘Oh, my God!  Does government do EVERYTHING for us.  And we cannot take this democracy for granted.  And sometimes I worry that we do.  And those are the things that keep me up.”

Never mind her disturbing observation that government does everything for us.  Michelle, without mentioning Trump by name, launched into problems with the tone of messages, and we know exactly who she’s talking about: “The tone and tenor of the message matters.  We just can’t say...the first thing that comes into our minds.  That is not authenticity to me.  That’s childish, and we see childish leadership right before us --- what that looks like and how that feels, where someone is just base, and vulgar and cynical in a leadership position.  It doesn’t trickle down well.  You know, that just begets more of that.”

It’s as we’ve said for a long time: that if Michelle were running against Trump, she would be offered up as the nation’s “healer,” the strong but gentle antidote for the rawness that is Trump.  She reinforced that image during this interview.

“I think we are obligated to model,” she said, “for those of us that have a platform, because it resonates.  And I want to resonate good.  I want to resonate reason and compassion and empathy.  And that’s more important than my feelings. ‘Cause my feelings, I can take care of those.”

“That’s a master class in communication,” Shetty responded with an admiring chuckle.  Michelle’s combination of empathy and energy “is so empowering for everyone who’s listening and watching.”  Tellingly, she said she learned this perspective “on the campaign trail.”

Michelle also made it clear that after living so closely with the leader of the free world, she knew a LOT.  Some of it she didn’t want to know, and it kept her up at night.

She did a skillful cleanup job on remarks she’d made years ago about “not loving my country.”  “People will distort you whenever they can,” she said, obviously not thinking about how relentlessly the Democrats distort Trump.  She said people tried to “other-ize” her and her husband, as “the first black people,” accusing her husband of “being a terrorist” (what, not a Russian agent?), labeling her as “an angry black woman,” etc.  It was “to make people afraid of us,” which is “a strategy that gets played again and again and again.”  (What, like calling someone a dictator and a threat to democracy?)

She oh-so-pleasantly dropped a nasty dig at Trump at the end: “I mean, the bars [levels of expectation] are different for people in life.  That I’ve learned.  This is the thing about being an ‘other’ [as in, being black].  You learn how to be excellent all the time, because you can’t be ‘less than.’  Other people can.  Other people can be indicted a bunch of times and still run for office.  Black men can’t.” This teaches you to be good, she said, and you end up benefiting from that “extra resilience.”

“But it’s still not fair.” 

By the way, if Michelle would like to see a list of black men who were indicted and went on to run for office (and win), we’ll see what we can do.  For now, two words:  Marion Barry.

Certainly, the Obamas aren’t getting involved in this campaign for Biden’s sake.  The Obamas famously can’t stand the Bidens.  Besides, President Biden has his own problems with “tone” these days, most recently in his dark, divisive, foreboding speech at Valley Forge.  Michelle didn’t mention THAT, of course, but we all know it’s true.

The opening to Michelle’s podcast interview, which runs a little more than an hour, looks like a brief promotional piece for her.  Watch about the last ten minutes and tell me she’s not running for President, and essentially a socialist one.  Low-information voters who know little about Obama-style leadership and the REAL “threat to democracy” currently residing in DC thanks in large part to him will be mightily impressed.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Related: I didn’t want to say much more about Biden’s kick-off speech last Friday for his 2024 Scaremongering Tour, but this blog post from John A. Lucas that analyses Biden’s Kim Jong Un-like propaganda tactics, expose some of the outrageous lies Biden spouted, and sums it up as the “worst presidential speech ever,” is well worth reading.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

You probably saw the story in yesterday’s newsletter about President Obama taking a lunch with President Biden before the holidays to express concern with how the Biden campaign was going and to advise him to surround himself with different people.  Obama reportedly expressed anxiety about a possible Trump return to power.

But what we didn’t get into yesterday was the question of why that story would appear now.  It first appeared in the WASHINGTON POST, in a piece by Tyler Pager, and so would have been leaked there, perhaps by someone in the White House, perhaps by someone allied with the Obamas (though I may repeat myself).

WAPO reported that Obama “suggested to Biden’s advisers that the campaign needs more top-level decision-makers at its headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, or else must empower the people already in place.  Obama hasn’t recommended specific individuals but did mention David Plouffe, who managed Obama’s 2008 race, as the type of senior strategist needed at the Biden campaign.

“During the lunch,” the report said, “Obama noted the success of his re-election structure in 2012, when some of his top presidential aides, including David Axelrod and Jim Messina, left the White House to take charge of the re-election operation in Chicago.”

So, here we go.  Putting an Obama-style campaign in place.  Will it eventually be moved to Chicago to work for...someone else?

“Obama also recommended that Biden seek counsel from Obama’s own former campaign aides,” WAPO reported, “which Biden officials say they have done…”  In conversations with Biden’s associates, Obama has been even more explicit about the need to be more “agile.”

Matt Margolis in PJ MEDIA made the point that Biden’s problem isn’t his campaign --- it’s his record of utter failure.  But he doesn’t tie Biden’s catastrophes to this insidious involvement of the Obamas in his presidential race.  We hypothesize a direct connection.

Biden’s gonna be out, you know.  And stories about the Obamas’ involvement in the ‘24 race appear to be very strategically timed.

AXIOS wrote about the WAPO story, mentioning that “Biden and his allies will spend over $1 billion this year telling voters Trump is terrible.”  It occurs to me that if Trump really had been so terrible as President, they wouldn’t HAVE to spend a billion dollars to convince voters of that!  We’d all just know.  They’re spending that much money because the situation is the opposite:  we know that Trump was right about so many things and made some great decisions as President.

According to their report, top Democrats who’d been thinking the Biden campaign was being too complacent were relieved at Biden’s speech, because they liked the horrid thing.  They called the speech the campaign’s “we get it” moment.  So expect to see a lot more darkness and lying about Trump and January 6.

AXIOS likes to answer for its readers the question of “why it matters?”  In this case, they say it reflects a need by “someone” to “light a fire” under Biden’s campaign people.  But we don’t think that quite captures it.  The “someone” is most likely Obama, and the fact that this story was leaked to WAPO at this particular time reflects the Obamas’ strategy for their own comeback.

Adding to the picture of the Obamas’ growing involvement, Sean Hannity reported Monday night that Michelle Obama appeared in a recent wide-ranging interview on what is billed as “the Number One health and wellness podcast” to express her own Trump-fear, which she said keeps her up at night.

“I am terrified about what could possibly happen [in the next election],” she said on the Jay Shetty “On Purpose” podcast, “because our leaders matter.  Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways that I --- sometimes I think people take for granted.  You know, the fact that people think that government, you know, doesn’t even do anything.  And I’m like, ‘Oh, my God!  Does government do EVERYTHING for us.  And we cannot take this democracy for granted.  And sometimes I worry that we do.  And those are the things that keep me up.”

Never mind her disturbing observation that government does everything for us.  Michelle, without mentioning Trump by name, launched into problems with the tone of messages, and we know exactly who she’s talking about: “The tone and tenor of the message matters.  We just can’t say...the first thing that comes into our minds.  That is not authenticity to me.  That’s childish, and we see childish leadership right before us --- what that looks like and how that feels, where someone is just base, and vulgar and cynical in a leadership position.  It doesn’t trickle down well.  You know, that just begets more of that.”

It’s as we’ve said for a long time: that if Michelle were running against Trump, she would be offered up as the nation’s “healer,” the strong but gentle antidote for the rawness that is Trump.  She reinforced that image during this interview.

“I think we are obligated to model,” she said, “for those of us that have a platform, because it resonates.  And I want to resonate good.  I want to resonate reason and compassion and empathy.  And that’s more important than my feelings. ‘Cause my feelings, I can take care of those.”

“That’s a master class in communication,” Shetty responded with an admiring chuckle.  Michelle’s combination of empathy and energy “is so empowering for everyone who’s listening and watching.”  Tellingly, she said she learned this perspective “on the campaign trail.”

Michelle also made it clear that after living so closely with the leader of the free world, she knew a LOT.  Some of it she didn’t want to know, and it kept her up at night.

She did a skillful cleanup job on remarks she’d made years ago about “not loving my country.”  “People will distort you whenever they can,” she said, obviously not thinking about how relentlessly the Democrats distort Trump.  She said people tried to “other-ize” her and her husband, as “the first black people,” accusing her husband of “being a terrorist” (what, not a Russian agent?), labeling her as “an angry black woman,” etc.  It was “to make people afraid of us,” which is “a strategy that gets played again and again and again.”  (What, like calling someone a dictator and a threat to democracy?)

She oh-so-pleasantly dropped a nasty dig at Trump at the end: “I mean, the bars [levels of expectation] are different for people in life.  That I’ve learned.  This is the thing about being an ‘other’ [as in, being black].  You learn how to be excellent all the time, because you can’t be ‘less than.’  Other people can.  Other people can be indicted a bunch of times and still run for office.  Black men can’t.” This teaches you to be good, she said, and you end up benefiting from that “extra resilience.”

“But it’s still not fair.” 

By the way, if Michelle would like to see a list of black men who were indicted and went on to run for office (and win), we’ll see what we can do.  For now, two words:  Marion Barry.

Certainly, the Obamas aren’t getting involved in this campaign for Biden’s sake.  The Obamas famously can’t stand the Bidens.  Besides, President Biden has his own problems with “tone” these days, most recently in his dark, divisive, foreboding speech at Valley Forge.  Michelle didn’t mention THAT, of course, but we all know it’s true.

The opening to Michelle’s podcast interview, which runs a little more than an hour, looks like a brief promotional piece for her.  Watch about the last ten minutes and tell me she’s not running for President, and essentially a socialist one.  Low-information voters who know little about Obama-style leadership and the REAL “threat to democracy” currently residing in DC thanks in large part to him will be mightily impressed.  Don’t say you weren’t warned.



Related: I didn’t want to say much more about Biden’s kick-off speech last Friday for his 2024 Scaremongering Tour, but this blog post from John A. Lucas that analyses Biden’s Kim Jong Un-like propaganda tactics, expose some of the outrageous lies Biden spouted, and sums it up as the “worst presidential speech ever,” is well worth reading.

First, the story of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s secret weeklong hospitalization following unrevealed elective surgery grew into a bigger scandal over the weekend when it became known that not only was the public not informed, even the Biden White House and the White House National Security Council were kept in the dark. For the past week, with wars and terrorist threats raging around the world, we effectively had no Defense Secretary on the job and nobody in the White House even knew it.

To be fair, considering how badly both Austin and Biden do their jobs, for the military to have no leadership at all was probably preferable to being led by either one of them. Still, when it comes to leadership, the United States military and the American people deserve better than nothing.

Derek Hunter at writes that this, among other recent stories, shows that not even Democrats respect Biden or trust his competence.

He notes that there are only a couple of reasons why this info would be kept from the President. One is that the Pentagon thinks Biden is such a nonentity that they didn’t feel the need to inform him. Another is that they wanted to keep him out of the loop so he wouldn’t step in and make things even worse. Neither speaks highly of Biden or what those close to him think of his abilities.

Meanwhile, Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media reminds us of what a useless disaster Austin has been as Defense Secretary, putting more emphasis on infesting the military with wokeness and trans activism than on winning wars. As for his mysterious surgery, Kruiser suggests, “Maybe he was having a procedure to have his pronouns changed.”

Another area in which Democrats are struggling mightily to keep Loopy Joe out of the loop is his own reelection campaign. Not only are people mocking his attempts to scare us into thinking January 6th was the worst attack in history and Trump is Hitler reincarnated, but his own campaign volunteers are un-volunteering in droves.

It seems that they are appalled that Biden doesn’t share their “values,” which apparently include siding with the murderous terrorists of Hamas against Israel.

As Matt Margolis at PJ Media notes, even Barack Obama is reportedly “extremely concerned” about the fecklessness of Joe’s reelection campaign (he shouldn’t be surprised; everything Joe touches loses all its feck.) Obama is reportedly “working behind the scenes with Biden’s aides and allies” to arrange for campaign officials “to have the authority to make decisions independently, without the need for approval from the White House.”

So his own campaign staff wants us to reelect a President who’s not even consulted on decisions about his own campaign because he’d just screw things up? Well, there’s a vote of confidence!

The Experts Speak!

January 8, 2024

The “experts” predicted that once the large field of GOP presidential contenders started winnowing down, they’d stop splitting the anti-Trump vote and Trump’s wide lead would dwindle to his hardcore MAGA base of 35%. Well, the field is now down to only three serious contenders (Trump, Haley and DeSantis – Christie should drop out; I’d say his audition for a job at CNN is already accomplished. And Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media says the perfect job for Vivek Ramaswamy would be Trump’s press secretary, based on how deftly he filets biased reporters…

…And here he is, doing it again…)

Yet according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, with the vote mostly now split in just three ways, Trump is currently at nearly 63%.

Of course, I always warn people not to put too much faith in polls, particularly not those that are taken before a single primary vote has been cast. But it seems clear that the Democrat lawfare effort to destroy Trump with bogus felony charges and frivolous lawsuits has backfired bigly, enraging fair-minded Americans and rallying them to Trump. Anyone who might disapprove of porn in schools, wide open borders or abortion up to the age of weaning must look at the legal persecution of Trump by these leftist zealots and think, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

It might also be a factor in black voters turning away from Biden (the idea that the criminal justice system is always fair and unbiased against system outsiders doesn’t play very well with that demographic.) But of course, that could just be due to the fact that Biden is a horrible, horrible President.

Related: This news will have Democrats rushing to squeeze some Play-Doh. A new survey by the Daily Mail finds that Biden’s support among young women aged 18-29 has plummeted by 18 points since last June, from 60% to 42%.

This is the “Life of Julia” demographic, the young women that Democrats condescendingly view as dependent on Big Daddy government. They’re the main reason the expected 2022 red wave was blunted. The Dems think they’re single-issue voters (abortion), so I guess they think they’ll forever overlook issues like inflation, crushing interest rates, rampant crime and having their rights systematically stripped away from them in order to appease the trans cult.

We can expect the Dems to react to this news with panic, and by turning up to 11 the shrill accusations that Trump will take away abortion rights (he’s actually pretty moderate on that issue, while it’s the Dems who’ve become extremists and back unlimited abortion far beyond any laws in Europe) or that he’s a Hitler-like dictator. I would hope that any women who are old enough to remember when he was President for four years might remember that it was a time of widespread peace and prosperity, law and order, dismantling of government power, restoration of individual rights and the first Administration in years that started no new wars.

Still, as the article predicts, the left hopes that young women will come around to voting for Biden as “the lesser of two evils.” I hope I am never in the same room with anything that could be described as a greater evil than this presidency.

I reported Friday that a higher-than-expected 216,000 jobs were added in December, which set the Biden White House and its media water carriers to trumpeting the miracle of Bidenomics that the poor deluded public mysteriously fails to appreciate. I also pointed out that 55,000 of those new jobs were in government, which is hardly a good sign for a strong private sector economy.

Now, Matt Margolis has dug deeper into the numbers, and he warns that they’re not as rosy as depicted – in fact, they might even verge on “catastrophic.”

First, the unemployment rate of 3.7% did not go down. That’s 0.3% higher than last January and 0.2% higher than in the last month before the pandemic under Trump. Margolis points out that “there was also a 0.3 percentage point decline in both the labor force participation rate and the employment-population ratio,” meaning that “the percentage of the nation’s working-age population actually decreased in December,” despite it being a traditionally strong month for temporary hiring.

The hiring was mostly concentrated in just a handful of fields, including (as I noted) government, health care, social assistance and construction. Government accounted for 24% of nonfarm payroll jobs. While professional, scientific, and technical services added 25,000 jobs in December, that’s still far below the 2022 monthly average of 41,000. And “Employment in temporary help services declined in December, shedding 33,000 jobs, and has lost 346,000 jobs since March of 2022.” 

Biden touts himself as the great job creator by taking credit for every existing job people returned to after the COVID lockdowns ended. But even counting all those Trump-era jobs as his own creation, employment is still well below where it was trending before the COVID lockdowns disrupted it.

But here are the really catastrophic numbers: “According to the BLS, the number of full-time workers went from 134,727,000 in November to 133,196,000 in December. That’s a whopping 1.531 million decline.” And while the government reported 216,000 jobs added in December, the Zero Hedge website pointed out that “the far more accurate Household Survey showed that the number of Employed workers actually collapsed by an unprecedented 683K, the biggest drop since the US economy was shut down by COVID!”

This is why the spin from the White House and the media about the miracle of Bidenomics is about as effective as wheels spinning on ice. If you’re in government (and if you are, congrats on your big pay raise) or a green lobbyist or a highly-paid media talking head, the Biden economy is doing great for you. For everyone else, to paraphrase Larry L. King, they know when someone is urinating on their boots and telling them it’s a rainstorm.

After President Biden’s shameful, lie-filled speech at Valley Forge, we considered running a full transcript and going into detail picking apart all the huge whoppers in it, but, frankly, it seemed as though such a bad speech from such a bad President just didn’t warrant all that stinking work.  Really, aren’t you just sick of the “insurrection” lie at this point?  We KNOW it’s not true. A recent poll found that nearly half of Americans have woken up to the realization that it’s not true. We know that this has shifted into a fake campaign strategy for the Democrats, built on sand.  (Will it stand upright just long enough to get Trump off the ballot, in the name of “democracy”?)

But that campaign has to stretch through most of this year.  So the “insurrection” lie has to keep growing, to keep Trump-phobia going!  And the DOJ is ready to provide more manure to grow it in, in the form of new charges for “thousands” more January 6 protesters, coming courtesy of DC U.S. Attorney Michael Graves.  As Julie Kelly reports, Graves warned last week that he’d be coming after anyone else who “stood on government property.”  She adds, though, that “recent court activity could shut down his latest crusade of terror.”

Graves is the prosecutor overseeing the government’s “unprecedented and ongoing criminal investigation into the four-hour disturbance that has so far resulted in the arrest of 1,200 Americans,” Kelly reports.  All those cases.  And this could not have been more political.  Last week, on January 4, the same day Biden launched his first J6-themed campaign ad, Graves --- whom you might recall worked for Biden’s 2020 campaign and is himself a Biden appointee --- gave an hour-long press briefing to a handful of reporters.

His remarks were in the same inflammatory tone of Biden’s J6 speech, with some of the same whoppers included.  Points for keeping the narrative consistent, even though it’s by lying.

“On January 6, 2021, the United States lost control of the grounds around the Capitol and most of the Capitol itself,” he said from his office.  “In scenes reminiscent of a medieval battle, officers engaged in hand-to-hand combat with members of the invading force.”

“Invading force” --- get it?  Not Americans exercising their First Amendment rights in a massive protest that some took too far?  Graves was lying.

He claimed that this was the “largest single day mass assault on law enforcement in our nation’s history.”  That, too, was a lie.

And did you know that DC juries have not acquitted EVEN ONE J6 defendant?  They’re all found guilty as charged, sometimes even up-charged!  Graves bragged about this, and unfortunately, this part of his briefing was true.

To enlarge his net even wider, Graves warned that he’s targeting thousands more people who didn’t even go inside the Capitol that day.  Apparently, they only need to have been standing in the wrong spot, under 18 U.S. Code 1752, which criminalizes knowingly entering or remaining on restricted buildings or grounds.  According to Kelly, almost all the J6 defendants so far have been hit with misdemeanor charges related to this.

To make these charges stick, the government is “stuck” with the argument that the grounds around the Capitol were automatically restricted because Vice President Mike Pence was supposedly there.  But defense attorneys have been prohibited from interviewing Pence’s Secret Service detail to find out exactly where he was, especially after he was reportedly evacuated at 2:20 PM.  The charges rise or fall with Pence’s location, so...why??

The government maintains Pence was on a loading dock on Capitol property, but why not let Biden’s security detail say so under oath?  Might they be trying to maintain a lie about Pence’s location so that all those people can be charged with entering a restricted area?  There’s nothing wrong with skepticism about their story and demanding it be cleared up, given that the DOJ lied in charging documents (!) for nearly a year about VP-elect Kamala Harris’ location that afternoon.  They maintained all that time that she was in the Capitol building when it turned out that, curiously, she was at Democratic National Committee headquarters --- you know, where one of two pipe bombs had been placed by...well, some mystery person they still haven’t identified (!), at least publicly.

Think of it, they’re jetting all around the country to raid people’s houses and arrest them by the thousands for merely standing near the Capitol building on that day, yet the government still can’t tell us who planted those pipe bombs.  They could at least feign a little interest in doing that.

Kelly points out what should be obvious to all:  that people being expected to know Pence was in or at the building and that therefore the Capitol LAWN was “restricted” is absurd.  But our current government traffics in absurdity.

And that appears to be why DC judges and juries have gone right ahead and convicted J6 defendants on this trespassing offense.  They DON’T CARE if their argument is absurd --- they figure they’ve already won on jury selection.  These convictions include defendants who got there after the initial barriers and signage had been removed, which happened early on, shortly after 1 PM.  So for all the rest of the afternoon, protesters had no clue they were in a restricted area.

But it’s on appeal that these prosecutions based on Pence’s location start developing some cracks.  Kelly discusses a couple of cases in which appeals are showing the government hasn’t met its burden of proof.  It might be that to make this charge stick on appeal, prosecutors will have to prove that each defendant, individually, somehow had divined that Pence was there.  I hope you’ll read her article for the encouraging details.

Of course, as she points out, Jack Smith is still accomplishing his main goal, which is entirely political.  His mission, she says, is “accelerating the government’s campaign of fear related to January 6 and its relentless criminalization of political activity.”

Which brings us back to Biden’s cringe-inducing Valley Forge speech.  No, we didn’t go through the nasty thing line by line and highlight all the lies you can already catch.  Instead, let’s go to law professor Jonathan Turley’s must-read column for THE HILL, in which he says this speech proves conclusively that Biden is “no George Washington. 

However, I’d go much further than that bit of understatement and say Joe’s the opposite of George Washington.  Washington famously cared nothing for his own power and glory.  And, seriously, do you think anyone would ever think to create a story about Joe Biden as a boy, the point of which was that he “cannot tell a lie”?

Millions of voters have been pondering this narrative and are now rejecting the “insurrection” schtick.   To Democrats’ dismay, it’s seeming more in hindsight like a “protest that got out of hand for some people.”  And isn’t Biden laying on the Hitler/dictator comparisons a little thick, considering it’s his administration that’s arresting and detaining thousands of political prisoners, weaponizing the government to silence opposing speech, and trying to take his #1 opponent off the ballot, by imprisonment if necessary?  One quote that’s been going around since the speech is, “January 6, 2021…a day that will live in hyperbole.”

As Turley points out, “The speech is a masterpiece of contradiction.  Biden started by denouncing how Donald Trump’s campaign is ‘only about him’ [reminds us of what they kept repeating about him at the DNC convention in 2016], and ‘obsessed with the past.’  He then spent virtually all of the speech obsessing about Trump and January 6, 2021.”

All Biden has to run on is what can only be called Trumped-up fear.  Evil Trump will destroy democracy!  And Trump isn’t really even running against Biden himself --- he’s running against... democracy!  In Turley’s words, it takes an act of “willful blindness” to mentally remove Biden’s name from the ballot and put in “Democracy.”

As for Biden’s ridiculous claim to be the defender of free speech, Turley notes that you have to go all the way back to John Adams to find a President who was as anti-free speech as Biden is.  Could be, but WWI-era Democrat Woodrow Wilson offers stiff competition...

“For Biden to run on free speech is about as convincing as Bill Clinton running on abstinence,” he says.

See, the best way we can deal with this nonsense is to mock it mercilessly.   Thanks, Prof. Turley; we love a great line.

Speaking of mocking Biden’s Valley Forge speech that proved he has nothing to run on but fear itself, that seems to be reaction it’s getting much to the shock of the Democrats and their media lapdogs.

Here’s a round-up of some scathingly entertaining commentary on it, first from Roger Kimball at American Greatness, who reports that Biden’s histrionic speech is being rightly “laughed at, guyed, ridiculed, and satirized” by Americans who are starting to view J6 more as a hoax than an insurrection. He quotes the J6 defendant who moved Nancy Pelosi’s lectern. Calling himself “Lectern Leader” on Twitter (X), he tweeted a photo of the incident with the comment, “Throwback to the time I brought America to its knees by moving furniture tens of feet and became king.”

Robert Spencer at PJ Media also has a terrific skewering of Biden’s “Scare voters stupid so they’ll reelect me” speech. 

He notes that Biden claimed Trump is speaking “the same exact language used in Nazi Germany.” Kimball replies, “What? Trump speaks German now?” He calls that slam “as ineptly stated as it is inaccurate.” He also shares this tweet from Donald Trump Jr.: “Happy Fake Insurrection Day!!! The first ever insurrection with armed tour guides and unarmed participants!”

PS – When even former Attorney General and thorn-in-Trump’s side Bill Barr is blasting Biden’s DOJ for unconscionably overcharging people over January 6th, you know you’ve lost a large part of the nation.

January 6th Legal News

January 8, 2024

This past weekend brought some welcome news in the fight back against the politicization of the justice system. First, Judicial Watch has filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the government on behalf of the husband and estate of Ashli Babbett, the protester shot at point black range and killed by Capitol police officer Lt. Michael Byrd. Babbitt was unarmed, surrounded by cops, and her empty hands were in the air. She was posing no threat to Byrd before he shot her dead.

Yet he was not only not charged, the entire case was whitewashed. The Capitol Police cleared him of any wrongdoing, and he was treated like a hero in liberal media circles, despite his record of unsafe handling of firearms.

Judicial Watch has dug up some shocking info on Byrd’s history of mishandling guns that had yet to be revealed, such as that he’d had his police powers revoked on more than one occasion for failing to meet or complete semi-annual firearms qualifications requirements. Also, his police powers were once revoked after he shot at his car while off-duty as some teenagers were stealing it, and stray bullets hit the sides of houses.

Despite Biden’s repeated false claims of multiple deaths of police officers on January 6th, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said, “The only homicide on January 6 was the unlawful shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. Her homicide by Lt. Byrd is a scandal beyond belief.”

Let’s hope the civil court system will finally bring some justice that the Biden “Department of Justice” refused to pursue.

And in another J6 lawsuit, a defendant is seeking to overturn the charges on the basis of selective prosecution. He says the DOJ gave the mysterious figure Ray Epps a sweetheart deal, charging Epps with a single misdemeanor, while they charged him with eight felonies and ignored the same mitigating factors.

That second case is a good example of our two-tiered justice system, where the same party that turned a blind eye to hundreds of violent BLM and Antifa riots across America continues to treat anyone who was even in the general vicinity of the Capitol that day like John Dillinger. The intelligence agencies that were too distracted to see the October 7th Hamas attack coming have devoted three years to tracking down and charging over a thousand people, throwing not just the book but the entire law library at them, in what is now the largest investigative and prosecutorial campaign in US history. It would be nice if they went after the drug cartels with that much drive.

Here’s an example of one of those violent insurrectionists, whose convictions for doing things that video showed he clearly didn’t do was just upheld by totally impartial Judge Tanya Chutkan, who’s also overseeing one of Jack Smith’s cases against Trump.

By the way, Trump’s attorneys have formally requested that Smith be cited for contempt of court for continuing to press discovery demands even though the case has been halted pending appeal, a clear violation. Anyone want to bet that she’ll actually hold Smith accountable?

FYI, Smith is also continuing to use propaganda to try to poison public opinion and taint the jury pool, you know, like non-contemptuous prosecutors do.

Well, I think that’s enough about January 6th for now. But if the Democrats insist on running on that all through 2024 (because that and unfettered abortion are literally all they’ve got to run on), this should give them an idea of how it’s going over.


Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.

With gratitude,

Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

Thus says the Lord,
    your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
“I am the Lord your God,
    who teaches you to profit,
    who leads you in the way you should go.

Isaiah 48:17 ESV

If you have a favorite Bible Verse you want to see in our newsletter, please email [email protected].

Newsletter Notes

7 stories

2,974 words

Reading time about 14 minutes

Today’s theme in the news is “Don’t tell Joe Biden, he’ll only make it worse.”

First, the story of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s secret weeklong hospitalization following unrevealed elective surgery grew into a bigger scandal over the weekend when it became known that not only was the public not informed, even the Biden White House and the White House National Security Council were kept in the dark. For the past week, with wars and terrorist threats raging around the world, we effectively had no Defense Secretary on the job and nobody in the White House even knew it.

To be fair, considering how badly both Austin and Biden do their jobs, for the military to have no leadership at all was probably preferable to being led by either one of them. Still, when it comes to leadership, the United States military and the American people deserve better than nothing.

Derek Hunter at writes that this, among other recent stories, shows that not even Democrats respect Biden or trust his competence.

He notes that there are only a couple of reasons why this info would be kept from the President. One is that the Pentagon thinks Biden is such a nonentity that they didn’t feel the need to inform him. Another is that they wanted to keep him out of the loop so he wouldn’t step in and make things even worse. Neither speaks highly of Biden or what those close to him think of his abilities.

Meanwhile, Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media reminds us of what a useless disaster Austin has been as Defense Secretary, putting more emphasis on infesting the military with wokeness and trans activism than on winning wars. As for his mysterious surgery, Kruiser suggests, “Maybe he was having a procedure to have his pronouns changed.”

Another area in which Democrats are struggling mightily to keep Loopy Joe out of the loop is his own reelection campaign. Not only are people mocking his attempts to scare us into thinking January 6th was the worst attack in history and Trump is Hitler reincarnated, but his own campaign volunteers are un-volunteering in droves.

It seems that they are appalled that Biden doesn’t share their “values,” which apparently include siding with the murderous terrorists of Hamas against Israel.

As Matt Margolis at PJ Media notes, even Barack Obama is reportedly “extremely concerned” about the fecklessness of Joe’s reelection campaign (he shouldn’t be surprised; everything Joe touches loses all its feck.) Obama is reportedly “working behind the scenes with Biden’s aides and allies” to arrange for campaign officials “to have the authority to make decisions independently, without the need for approval from the White House.”

So his own campaign staff wants us to reelect a President who’s not even consulted on decisions about his own campaign because he’d just screw things up? Well, there’s a vote of confidence!

Day 1 Plans

Former President Trump wrote an op-ed in which he said that if elected again, on day one, he will reverse all of Biden’s immigration policies and restore a secure border. He will then start a massive deportation initiative and invoke a 1798 law called the Alien Enemies Act “to remove known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States.”

I look forward to hearing all the anguished cries about Trump invoking archaic laws from the same people who are trying to keep him off the ballot with an amendment targeted at veterans of the Confederacy.

Least Surprising News of the Day!

A new study finds that only 3.4% of American journalists identify as Republicans.

Also surprising: Only 36% admit to being Democrats.

Feel-good story to start your week:

Congratulations to Andrew and Bertha Kowalczyk of Fenton, Missouri, who last week celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary. Click the link to read their remarkable lifelong love story and see a heartwarming video.

Digging deeper on job creation

I reported Friday that a higher-than-expected 216,000 jobs were added in December, which set the Biden White House and its media water carriers to trumpeting the miracle of Bidenomics that the poor deluded public mysteriously fails to appreciate. I also pointed out that 55,000 of those new jobs were in government, which is hardly a good sign for a strong private sector economy.

Now, Matt Margolis has dug deeper into the numbers, and he warns that they’re not as rosy as depicted – in fact, they might even verge on “catastrophic.”

First, the unemployment rate of 3.7% did not go down. That’s 0.3% higher than last January and 0.2% higher than in the last month before the pandemic under Trump. Margolis points out that “there was also a 0.3 percentage point decline in both the labor force participation rate and the employment-population ratio,” meaning that “the percentage of the nation’s working-age population actually decreased in December,” despite it being a traditionally strong month for temporary hiring.

The hiring was mostly concentrated in just a handful of fields, including (as I noted) government, health care, social assistance and construction. Government accounted for 24% of nonfarm payroll jobs. While professional, scientific, and technical services added 25,000 jobs in December, that’s still far below the 2022 monthly average of 41,000. And “Employment in temporary help services declined in December, shedding 33,000 jobs, and has lost 346,000 jobs since March of 2022.” 

Biden touts himself as the great job creator by taking credit for every existing job people returned to after the COVID lockdowns ended. But even counting all those Trump-era jobs as his own creation, employment is still well below where it was trending before the COVID lockdowns disrupted it.

But here are the really catastrophic numbers: “According to the BLS, the number of full-time workers went from 134,727,000 in November to 133,196,000 in December. That’s a whopping 1.531 million decline.” And while the government reported 216,000 jobs added in December, the Zero Hedge website pointed out that “the far more accurate Household Survey showed that the number of Employed workers actually collapsed by an unprecedented 683K, the biggest drop since the US economy was shut down by COVID!”

This is why the spin from the White House and the media about the miracle of Bidenomics is about as effective as wheels spinning on ice. If you’re in government (and if you are, congrats on your big pay raise) or a green lobbyist or a highly-paid media talking head, the Biden economy is doing great for you. For everyone else, to paraphrase Larry L. King, they know when someone is urinating on their boots and telling them it’s a rainstorm.

Biden’s “Valley Forge” speech was one big snow job

After President Biden’s shameful, lie-filled speech at Valley Forge, we considered running a full transcript and going into detail picking apart all the huge whoppers in it, but, frankly, it seemed as though such a bad speech from such a bad President just didn’t warrant all that stinking work.  Really, aren’t you just sick of the “insurrection” lie at this point?  We KNOW it’s not true. A recent poll found that nearly half of Americans have woken up to the realization that it’s not true. We know that this has shifted into a fake campaign strategy for the Democrats, built on sand.  (Will it stand upright just long enough to get Trump off the ballot, in the name of “democracy”?)

But that campaign has to stretch through most of this year.  So the “insurrection” lie has to keep growing, to keep Trump-phobia going!  And the DOJ is ready to provide more manure to grow it in, in the form of new charges for “thousands” more January 6 protesters, coming courtesy of DC U.S. Attorney Michael Graves.  As Julie Kelly reports, Graves warned last week that he’d be coming after anyone else who “stood on government property.”  She adds, though, that “recent court activity could shut down his latest crusade of terror.”

Graves is the prosecutor overseeing the government’s “unprecedented and ongoing criminal investigation into the four-hour disturbance that has so far resulted in the arrest of 1,200 Americans,” Kelly reports.  All those cases.  And this could not have been more political.  Last week, on January 4, the same day Biden launched his first J6-themed campaign ad, Graves --- whom you might recall worked for Biden’s 2020 campaign and is himself a Biden appointee --- gave an hour-long press briefing to a handful of reporters.

His remarks were in the same inflammatory tone of Biden’s J6 speech, with some of the same whoppers included.  Points for keeping the narrative consistent, even though it’s by lying.

“On January 6, 2021, the United States lost control of the grounds around the Capitol and most of the Capitol itself,” he said from his office.  “In scenes reminiscent of a medieval battle, officers engaged in hand-to-hand combat with members of the invading force.”

“Invading force” --- get it?  Not Americans exercising their First Amendment rights in a massive protest that some took too far?  Graves was lying.

He claimed that this was the “largest single day mass assault on law enforcement in our nation’s history.”  That, too, was a lie.

And did you know that DC juries have not acquitted EVEN ONE J6 defendant?  They’re all found guilty as charged, sometimes even up-charged!  Graves bragged about this, and unfortunately, this part of his briefing was true.

To enlarge his net even wider, Graves warned that he’s targeting thousands more people who didn’t even go inside the Capitol that day.  Apparently, they only need to have been standing in the wrong spot, under 18 U.S. Code 1752, which criminalizes knowingly entering or remaining on restricted buildings or grounds.  According to Kelly, almost all the J6 defendants so far have been hit with misdemeanor charges related to this.

To make these charges stick, the government is “stuck” with the argument that the grounds around the Capitol were automatically restricted because Vice President Mike Pence was supposedly there.  But defense attorneys have been prohibited from interviewing Pence’s Secret Service detail to find out exactly where he was, especially after he was reportedly evacuated at 2:20 PM.  The charges rise or fall with Pence’s location, so...why??

The government maintains Pence was on a loading dock on Capitol property, but why not let Biden’s security detail say so under oath?  Might they be trying to maintain a lie about Pence’s location so that all those people can be charged with entering a restricted area?  There’s nothing wrong with skepticism about their story and demanding it be cleared up, given that the DOJ lied in charging documents (!) for nearly a year about VP-elect Kamala Harris’ location that afternoon.  They maintained all that time that she was in the Capitol building when it turned out that, curiously, she was at Democratic National Committee headquarters --- you know, where one of two pipe bombs had been placed by...well, some mystery person they still haven’t identified (!), at least publicly.

Think of it, they’re jetting all around the country to raid people’s houses and arrest them by the thousands for merely standing near the Capitol building on that day, yet the government still can’t tell us who planted those pipe bombs.  They could at least feign a little interest in doing that.

Kelly points out what should be obvious to all:  that people being expected to know Pence was in or at the building and that therefore the Capitol LAWN was “restricted” is absurd.  But our current government traffics in absurdity.

And that appears to be why DC judges and juries have gone right ahead and convicted J6 defendants on this trespassing offense.  They DON’T CARE if their argument is absurd --- they figure they’ve already won on jury selection.  These convictions include defendants who got there after the initial barriers and signage had been removed, which happened early on, shortly after 1 PM.  So for all the rest of the afternoon, protesters had no clue they were in a restricted area.

But it’s on appeal that these prosecutions based on Pence’s location start developing some cracks.  Kelly discusses a couple of cases in which appeals are showing the government hasn’t met its burden of proof.  It might be that to make this charge stick on appeal, prosecutors will have to prove that each defendant, individually, somehow had divined that Pence was there.  I hope you’ll read her article for the encouraging details.

Declassified with Julie Kelly
DOJ Threatens to Charge "Thousands" More J6 Trespassers
In a brazen act of political theater worthy of an ethics investigation, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves gave an hourlong rehash of the events of January 6 to a handful of reporters last week. Graves, a Biden 2020 campaign advisor who was appointed by Biden in November 2021, is overseeing the Department of Justice’s unprecedente…
Read more

Of course, as she points out, Jack Smith is still accomplishing his main goal, which is entirely political.  His mission, she says, is “accelerating the government’s campaign of fear related to January 6 and its relentless criminalization of political activity.”

Which brings us back to Biden’s cringe-inducing Valley Forge speech.  No, we didn’t go through the nasty thing line by line and highlight all the lies you can already catch.  Instead, let’s go to law professor Jonathan Turley’s must-read column for THE HILL, in which he says this speech proves conclusively that Biden is “no George Washington.”

However, I’d go much further than that bit of understatement and say Joe’s the opposite of George Washington.  Washington famously cared nothing for his own power and glory.  And, seriously, do you think anyone would ever think to create a story about Joe Biden as a boy, the point of which was that he “cannot tell a lie”?

Millions of voters have been pondering this narrative and are now rejecting the “insurrection” schtick.   To Democrats’ dismay, it’s seeming more in hindsight like a “protest that got out of hand for some people.”  And isn’t Biden laying on the Hitler/dictator comparisons a little thick, considering it’s his administration that’s arresting and detaining thousands of political prisoners, weaponizing the government to silence opposing speech, and trying to take his #1 opponent off the ballot, by imprisonment if necessary?  One quote that’s been going around since the speech is, “January 6, 2021…a day that will live in hyperbole.”

As Turley points out, “The speech is a masterpiece of contradiction.  Biden started by denouncing how Donald Trump’s campaign is ‘only about him’ [reminds us of what they kept repeating about him at the DNC convention in 2016], and ‘obsessed with the past.’  He then spent virtually all of the speech obsessing about Trump and January 6, 2021.”

All Biden has to run on is what can only be called Trumped-up fear.  Evil Trump will destroy democracy!  And Trump isn’t really even running against Biden himself --- he’s running against... democracy!  In Turley’s words, it takes an act of “willful blindness” to mentally remove Biden’s name from the ballot and put in “Democracy.”

As for Biden’s ridiculous claim to be the defender of free speech, Turley notes that you have to go all the way back to John Adams to find a President who was as anti-free speech as Biden is.  Could be, but WWI-era Democrat Woodrow Wilson offers stiff competition...

“For Biden to run on free speech is about as convincing as Bill Clinton running on abstinence,” he says.

See, the best way we can deal with this nonsense is to mock it mercilessly.   Thanks, Prof. Turley; we love a great line.

Speaking of mocking Biden’s Valley Forge speech that proved he has nothing to run on but fear itself, that seems to be reaction it’s getting much to the shock of the Democrats and their media lapdogs.

Here’s a round-up of some scathingly entertaining commentary on it, first from Roger Kimball at American Greatness, who reports that Biden’s histrionic speech is being rightly “laughed at, guyed, ridiculed, and satirized” by Americans who are starting to view J6 more as a hoax than an insurrection. He quotes the J6 defendant who moved Nancy Pelosi’s lectern. Calling himself “Lectern Leader” on Twitter (X), he tweeted a photo of the incident with the comment, “Throwback to the time I brought America to its knees by moving furniture tens of feet and became king.”

Robert Spencer at PJ Media also has a terrific skewering of Biden’s “Scare voters stupid so they’ll reelect me” speech.

He notes that Biden claimed Trump is speaking “the same exact language used in Nazi Germany.” Kimball replies, “What? Trump speaks German now?” He calls that slam “as ineptly stated as it is inaccurate.” He also shares this tweet from Donald Trump Jr.: “Happy Fake Insurrection Day!!! The first ever insurrection with armed tour guides and unarmed participants!”

PS – When even former Attorney General and thorn-in-Trump’s side Bill Barr is blasting Biden’s DOJ for unconscionably overcharging people over January 6th, you know you’ve lost a large part of the nation.

Social media explained...

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Due to bad weather in both Iowa & Little Rock tomorrow, the plane we were to use to get there & back for the @realDonaldTrump

events is unable to go & we have to cancel. I hope IA caucus goers turn out next week and send a MAGA message by voting for @realDonaldTrump


See you in Iowa?

Sarah (the fine new Gov of Arkansas) & I are headed to Iowa Monday to campaign for Donald Trump ahead of caucuses. I hope you can make it to one of these events:

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee ( in Ottumwa, Iowa

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee in Des Moines, Iowa (

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

14 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

John 14:1-2 ESV

Newsletter Notes

12 stories

3,216 words

Reading time: About 15 minutes

SCOTUS agrees to review the Colorado Supreme Court’s ballot decision

Friday, the Supreme Court agreed to review the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision removing Donald Trump from the state ballot. It’s on an expedited schedule for a February 8th hearing, and questions were not limited, which I hope means they will address the entire range of nonsense claims about insurrection and the 14th Amendment, and throw all of this garbage lawfare on the ash heap of history where it belongs. Then we can get back to letting Americans decide for themselves who to vote for. That is, if the guardians of “our democracy” in the Democratic Party don’t come up with some other harebrained scheme to interfere with their right to vote.

Related: A judge in Wyoming just threw out an attempt to block Trump from the ballot over the 14th Amendment ban on “insurrectionists.”

Well, it’s that most sacred of days on the Democrat’s holy calendar:

January 6th, a darker date than Pearl Harbor Day and 9/11 combined, when Democrats would be flying their American flags at half-staff if any of them still flew the American flag.

Expect to hear endless dark and divisive speeches from President Biden on down to the lowest bowels of Congress (that would be the Squad) and the media (MSNBC), about how a group of unarmed Trump supporters, many of whom were milling around taking selfies, were engaged in an “insurrection” to overthrow the United States government. And of course, how only voting for Democrats can save “our democracy.” The hype grows bigger every year. By this time next year, I expect DC to have a January 6th Day Parade, with giant balloons of Liz Cheney and Adam Schiff, which like the real things will be filled with hot gas.

But is all this balloon juice and wailing and gnashing of teeth over January 6th actually working to convince the public that the GOP is the party of riots and undermining elections? It appears that all the government and media efforts to dominate the news and shut down opposition speech have only raised more questions and suspicions. To paraphrase one of those old dead, white guys who supposedly has nothing to teach us, “Methinks they dost protest too much.”

After three years of endless caterwauling over the January 6th “insurrection” and Trump’s “false, unsubstantiated claims” of a rigged election, a new Suffolk University/USA Today survey found that Americans’ skepticism about J6 and the 2020 election is actually rising.

The percentage who think the J6 protesters were criminals has dropped from 70% shortly after it happened to only 48% today. One-third say the DOJ’s legal actions against them should be reversed. Most surprising, the number who say they “went too far, but had a point” has risen from 24% to 37%. The poll also found that a rising number of Americans are concerned that ballots won’t be accurately cast and counted this November. You can find all the numbers at the link above.

For the record, I’ve said from the beginning that anyone who actually committed rioting or acts of violence in the Capitol should face the full legal consequences. But that doesn’t mean that every aunt and uncle in a MAGA cap who walked past the Capitol that day should be hounded into prison by politicized prosecutors who are more jealous than Inspector Javert in “Les Miserables.”

January 6th Legal News:

This anniversary weekend also brought some welcome news in the fight back against the politicization of the justice system. First, Judicial Watch has filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the government on behalf of the husband and estate of Ashli Babbett, the protester shot at point black range and killed by Capitol police officer Lt. Michael Byrd. Babbitt was unarmed, surrounded by cops, and her empty hands were in the air. She was posing no threat to Byrd before he shot her dead.

Yet he was not only not charged, the entire case was whitewashed. The Capitol Police cleared him of any wrongdoing, and he was treated like a hero in liberal media circles, despite his record of unsafe handling of firearms.

Judicial Watch has dug up some shocking info on Byrd’s history of mishandling guns that had yet to be revealed, such as that he’d had his police powers revoked on more than one occasion for failing to meet or complete semi-annual firearms qualifications requirements. Also, his police powers were once revoked after he shot at his car while off-duty as some teenagers were stealing it, and stray bullets hit the sides of houses.

Despite Biden’s repeated false claims of multiple deaths of police officers on January 6th, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said, “The only homicide on January 6 was the unlawful shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. Her homicide by Lt. Byrd is a scandal beyond belief.”

Let’s hope the civil court system will finally bring some justice that the Biden “Department of Justice” refused to pursue.

And in another J6 lawsuit, a defendant is seeking to overturn the charges on the basis of selective prosecution. He says the DOJ gave the mysterious figure Ray Epps a sweetheart deal, charging Epps with a single misdemeanor, while they charged him with eight felonies and ignored the same mitigating factors.

That second case is a good example of our two-tiered justice system, where the same party that turned a blind eye to hundreds of violent BLM and Antifa riots across America continues to treat anyone who was even in the general vicinity of the Capitol that day like John Dillinger. The intelligence agencies that were too distracted to see the October 7th Hamas attack coming have devoted three years to tracking down and charging over a thousand people, throwing not just the book but the entire law library at them, in what is now the largest investigative and prosecutorial campaign in US history. It would be nice if they went after the drug cartels with that much drive.

Here’s an example of one of those violent insurrectionists, whose convictions for doing things that video showed he clearly didn’t do was just upheld by totally impartial Judge Tanya Chutkan, who’s also overseeing one of Jack Smith’s cases against Trump.

By the way, Trump’s attorneys have formally requested that Smith be cited for contempt of court for continuing to press discovery demands even though the case has been halted pending appeal, a clear violation. Anyone want to bet that she’ll actually hold Smith accountable?

FYI, Smith is also continuing to use propaganda to try to poison public opinion and taint the jury pool, you know, like non-contemptuous prosecutors do.

Well, I think that’s enough about January 6th for now. But if the Democrats insist on running on that all through 2024 (because that and unfettered abortion are literally all they’ve got to run on), this should give them an idea of how it’s going over.

National Bird Day

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

This weekend marks one of the most important dates of the year. I refer, of course, to January 5th, which was National Bird Day.

It’s a day established to appreciate the beauty that birds bring to the world, and to call attention to the cruelty of the international bird smuggling trade and bird breeding mills, and the plight of pet birds that are kept in captivity without proper care. Parrots especially are likely to fall victim: people buy them because they're colorful or they (might) talk. They don’t realize they aren’t décor; they’re as intelligent as a four-year-old child and need a great deal of attention and interaction. But they can be great pets and even become part of the family. Plus, having bird cages can actually make the New York Times useful again.

This day is a big deal to my wife/co-writer Laura Ainsworth and I because we’re bird lovers who share our home with a dozen rescued parrots and cockatoos, and we support a number of parrot rescues, including the Oasis Sanctuary, Wings of Love, Ricki's Rescue, Mango's Haven and more. We'd like to remind you that pet rescue is not just for dogs and cats: there are many pet bird shelters that desperately need support. Parrots can live up to 70 years and are often shuffled from owner to owner. Their vet bills and other expenses are very high (as we know well.)

Also, if you want a parrot because you think it would be funny to teach it to curse, please DON’T! These birds often need to be rehomed. If you teach a parrot to curse, you greatly diminish its odds of finding a future loving home. Some people even punish the bird by locking it away when it doesn’t even know what it’s done wrong. Teaching a parrot to curse is straight-up animal cruelty.

If you've ever thought of adopting a parrot, please check out these shelters online. There are many sweet, beautiful, intelligent birds who have been through heartbreaking experiences at the hands of people, but they can blossom into fantastic, trusting friends with a little love and attention.

And that includes the special needs ones, like those taken in by Ricki’s Rescue in Florida. Here's an essay I wrote about a little disabled cockatiel named Rosey who was the light of our lives.

Finally, if you're sick of hearing about Taylor Swift, here's another singer that we believe is much better:

“Free and Fair Elections”

A reminder that President “Free and Fair Elections” is not only using every tactic to keep his Republican opponent off the ballot, he’s also trying to keep his Democratic challengers off the primary ballot.

The Democrats view both voter choice and “a woman’s right to choose” the same way that Henry Ford viewed customer choice for the Model T: “It comes in any color you want, as long as it’s black.”

Epstein update

As the Jeffrey Epstein documents continue to be released, the first batch showed that, despite the hopes and false narratives of Democrats, the testimony exonerated Trump, with witnesses saying they’d never seen him at Epstein’s homes or on his island, nor had one of them ever given him a massage. Bill Clinton, however, didn’t come out so well, with one recounting that Epstein had once said that Bill “likes them young.”

Juanita Broaddrick had a comment on that disclosure, and since I’m sure that many liberal media outlets that claim to be champions of women who’ve been victimized (but are really just party mouthpieces) will not report what she said, I will:

A new jobs report

The Labor Department reported this morning that 216,000 jobs were added in December, which is higher than expected.

Of course, due to years of fiscal mismanagement and profligate spending by the government, we now have a no-win situation where strong hiring means the Fed might have to keep interest rates painfully high to tamp down the economy and prevent another inflation surge. Considering 52,000 of those new hires are government jobs, I seriously doubt that anyone’s learned any lessons.

The Experts Speak!

The “experts” predicted that once the large field of GOP presidential contenders started winnowing down, they’d stop splitting the anti-Trump vote and Trump’s wide lead would dwindle to his hardcore MAGA base of 35%. Well, the field is now down to only three serious contenders (Trump, Haley and DeSantis – Christie should drop out; I’d say his audition for a job at CNN is already accomplished. And Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media says the perfect job for Vivek Ramaswamy would be Trump’s press secretary, based on how deftly he filets biased reporters…

…And here he is, doing it again…)

Yet according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls, with the vote mostly now split in just three ways, Trump is currently at nearly 63%.

Of course, I always warn people not to put too much faith in polls, particularly not those that are taken before a single primary vote has been cast. But it seems clear that the Democrat lawfare effort to destroy Trump with bogus felony charges and frivolous lawsuits has backfired bigly, enraging fair-minded Americans and rallying them to Trump. Anyone who might disapprove of porn in schools, wide open borders or abortion up to the age of weaning must look at the legal persecution of Trump by these leftist zealots and think, “There but for the grace of God go I.”

It might also be a factor in black voters turning away from Biden (the idea that the criminal justice system is always fair and unbiased against system outsiders doesn’t play very well with that demographic.) But of course, that could just be due to the fact that Biden is a horrible, horrible President.

Related: This news will have Democrats rushing to squeeze some Play-Doh. A new survey by the Daily Mail finds that Biden’s support among young women aged 18-29 has plummeted by 18 points since last June, from 60% to 42%.

This is the “Life of Julia” demographic, the young women that Democrats condescendingly view as dependent on Big Daddy government. They’re the main reason the expected 2022 red wave was blunted. The Dems think they’re single-issue voters (abortion), so I guess they think they’ll forever overlook issues like inflation, crushing interest rates, rampant crime and having their rights systematically stripped away from them in order to appease the trans cult.

We can expect the Dems to react to this news with panic, and by turning up to 11 the shrill accusations that Trump will take away abortion rights (he’s actually pretty moderate on that issue, while it’s the Dems who’ve become extremists and back unlimited abortion far beyond any laws in Europe) or that he’s a Hitler-like dictator. I would hope that any women who are old enough to remember when he was President for four years might remember that it was a time of widespread peace and prosperity, law and order, dismantling of government power, restoration of individual rights and the first Administration in years that started no new wars.

Still, as the article predicts, the left hopes that young women will come around to voting for Biden as “the lesser of two evils.” I hope I am never in the same room with anything that could be described as a greater evil than this presidency.

A small court Trump victory

In a small court Trump victory, a California judge dismissed “with prejudice” (meaning it can’t be brought into court again) an attempt to keep Trump off the state ballot. It was based on a plaintiff’s novel complaint that watching the January 6th riot on TV caused him such trauma that Trump was guilty of “negligent infliction of emotional distress.” The judge said that law has a two-year statute of limitations. But what if it took the plaintiff three years to work up the courage to come out of his safe space?

Blaming someone else

In the Democratic Party’s never-ending effort to blame the Biden-created border crisis on anyone other than Biden (and even some liberal media outlets are finally starting to see through that), New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that he will sue the bus companies that transport illegal aliens from Texas to New York. He wants them to pay $700 million for the costs of providing hotel rooms, food, etc. to their passengers.

Legal analysts call it a ridiculous and frivolous lawsuit that will just waste more taxpayer money in legal fees. The bus companies are doing nothing wrong. It was Biden who decided that these people should be allowed to enter the US and go anywhere they want; transporting them there is the bus companies’ job. Adams should sue Biden, but that would be placing the blame where it belongs.

I will be watching this lawsuit carefully, though. If the courts rule that bus companies have to pay the hotel and meal bills for their passengers after they get off, I’ll be doing all my traveling by Greyhound from now on!

“Huckabee” Preview

Join me tonight for a news making episode of “Huckabee” on TBN. I’ll have a report on my recent trip to Israel where I visited with victims of the October 7th attack with Yael Eckstein of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and we even had to take shelter from a rocket attack ourselves at one point. I’ll also talk to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, who’s leading a landmark social media censorship case against the Biden Administration. You’ll also meet a Huck’s Hero with a great idea for all dads (moms, too.) And we’ll have terrific entertainment from comic Jeff “Big Daddy” Wayne and country star Niko Moon.

Be there tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, or Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

David Soul RIP

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder

As we were going to press yesterday, word came that actor David Soul died late Thursday night at 80.

Soul was best known for playing Detective Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson on the buddy cop series “Starsky & Hutch” (Starsky was Paul Michael Glaser) from 1975 to 1979. He had previously played one of the Bolt brothers on the series, “Here Come The Brides,” and he appeared in the Dirty Harry movie, “Magnum Force” and the TV horror film, “Salem’s Lot.” He continued as a working actor for years, forging a new career as a stage star in London’s West End, including the hit musical “Blood Brothers.”

A bit of trivia other obits likely won’t mention: In 1983, Soul starred in an NBC series that lasted only five episodes. It was called “Casablanca,” and he played Rick Blaine, the role Humphrey Bogart played in the classic movie ("Play it again, Huggy Bear.")  It was one for the Bad Idea Hall of Fame.

Since I’m the co-author of “Hollywood Hi-Fi” (, a book about singing celebrities, I must also mention that he parlayed his “Starsky & Hutch” fame into teen idol success, landing a #1 hit in the US in 1976 with “Don’t Give Up On Us.” He also scored five hit singles in the UK and eventually released five albums. RIP.

(By the way, since this news will probably make you curious, both Glaser and Antonio Fargas, who played “Huggy Bear,” are still alive.)

I Just Wanted to Say

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Tomorrow is the big day

January 5, 2024

January 6th, or "Democrat Christmas." It's when President Biden will launch into his January 6th “Scare people so senseless that maybe they'll vote for me again” tour. But we already got a preview in the form of his first campaign ad.

Not surprisingly, it doesn’t tout a single positive accomplishment of Biden’s tenure, since I guess they couldn’t think of one, either. It’s yet another dark, scary, divisive piece of fiction designed to demonize Trump and anyone who supports him as “insurrectionists” and threats to “our democracy.” This is an actual quote from Biden in the ad: “I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted.”

So says the guy who is trying to jail his political opponent and block him from the ballot even as a write-in candidate, so that Americans aren’t allowed to vote for the candidate of their choice and have it counted. Got any mirrors around the White House, Joe?

I would go into more detail on this reprehensible piece of propaganda that’s further beneath a President than the White House sub-basement, but fortunately, Robert Spencer at PJ Media already did a great job of eviscerating it. Here’s his op-ed on the ad that he calls “as dishonest and embarrassing as you’d expect.”

With tomorrow’s anniversary of the “worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together” January 6th “insurrection” looming, nobody seems to have noticed that there was an “insurrection” staged in the California state Capitol in Sacramento this week. A mob of radicals occupied the Capitol, shut down the first day of the session, blocked official business from taking place, forced lawmakers to flee, and refused to leave even after the lights were turned out.

But it turns out that they were leftist, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, so they were allowed to leave peacefully with no arrests made. This was one of the “good” insurrections. Never mind!

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

12 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1 KJV

Newsletter Notes:

13 stories

3,503 words

Reading time: About 16 minutes

Tomorrow is the big day:

January 6th, or "Democrat Christmas." It's when President Biden will launch into his January 6th “Scare people so senseless that maybe they'll vote for me again” tour. But we already got a preview in the form of his first campaign ad.

Not surprisingly, it doesn’t tout a single positive accomplishment of Biden’s tenure, since I guess they couldn’t think of one, either. It’s yet another dark, scary, divisive piece of fiction designed to demonize Trump and anyone who supports him as “insurrectionists” and threats to “our democracy.” This is an actual quote from Biden in the ad: “I’ve made the preservation of American democracy the central issue of my presidency. I believe in free and fair elections and the right to vote fairly and have your vote counted.”

So says the guy who is trying to jail his political opponent and block him from the ballot even as a write-in candidate, so that Americans aren’t allowed to vote for the candidate of their choice and have it counted. Got any mirrors around the White House, Joe?

I would go into more detail on this reprehensible piece of propaganda that’s further beneath a President than the White House sub-basement, but fortunately, Robert Spencer at PJ Media already did a great job of eviscerating it. Here’s his op-ed on the ad that he calls “as dishonest and embarrassing as you’d expect.”

California insurrection

With tomorrow’s anniversary of the “worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together” January 6th “insurrection” looming, nobody seems to have noticed that there was an “insurrection” staged in the California state Capitol in Sacramento this week. A mob of radicals occupied the Capitol, shut down the first day of the session, blocked official business from taking place, forced lawmakers to flee, and refused to leave even after the lights were turned out.

But it turns out that they were leftist, anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protesters, so they were allowed to leave peacefully with no arrests made. This was one of the “good” insurrections. Never mind!

A tragic Iowa shooting

In our continuing series of stories on facts refusing to conform with liberal narratives, news came Thursday of a tragic school shooting in the Des Moines suburb of Perry, Iowa. The 17-year-old shooter killed a sixth-grader and wounded five people including the principal before killing himself. I hope you will join me in praying for the victims and their families. As is usually the case in such situations, activists were chomping at the bit to blame the NRA and Republicans and exploit the tragedy for political purposes.

The inconvenient truth: The shooter was reportedly an LGBTQ student who identified on social media with “he/they” pronouns and the term “gender fluid,” and used a female avatar. He reportedly had been bullied and posted disturbing social media posts that should’ve been taken as a red flag, but weren’t. They’ve since been scrubbed from the Internet. Conservative commentators are predicting that now that we know the shooter was LBGTQ and possibly on drugs that affect your physical and emotional states, all questions will end and news reporting will quietly disappear.

The Mexican cartels are making money

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green reports that the Mexican cartels are making up to $32 million a week in only one of nine sectors of the border, just from trafficking humans into the US. That doesn’t even count their profits from all the fentanyl that’s killing Americans.

Extremely Related: The House Homeland Security Committee is formally moving ahead with impeachment proceedings against DHS Secretary Alejandro “The Border Is Secure” Mayorkas.

Shocking video

Shocking video hit the Internet Wednesday of Clark County, Nevada, felony battery defendant Deobra Delone Redden attacking Judge Mary Kay Holthus after she denied him parole.

Moments before the attack, Redden asked for leniency, saying, “I’m not a rebellious person.” But when the judge made it clear she wasn’t going to let him go, the hulking Redden suddenly came flying over the bench and smashed Holthus into a wall. It took several male court personnel to punch and wrestle him into submission. Holthus was injured but declined hospitalization. Redden is now facing more felony charges.

A court spokesperson said they are reviewing all their safety protocols. Maybe start with having armed court officers on duty, just as every court should when dealing with violent criminals. 

I can’t help wondering if Redden is just the latest of many violent criminals who have been taught by lenient leftist DAs that they have a right to keep attacking people and being freed countless times, and that no matter what they do, they will never face accountability. He may be shocked to learn that in blue cities, criminals are only allowed to repeatedly attack private citizens, not members of the legal system that keeps freeing them.

A surprise ending

Speaking of the public’s exhausted patience with coddling criminals, a story out of Texas has reached a surprise ending. We reported a year ago on the case in Houston where a robber entered a taqueria brandishing a pistol and demanding everyone’s money. As he was leaving, a customer pulled his own gun and shot him – nine times. The robber’s gun turned out to be a toy, but the customer didn’t know that. The customer left, but later turned himself in to authorities.

Liberal Houston has one of those Soros-funded DAs, so everyone expected the customer to be charged with murder for continuing to fire after the threat had been eliminated (it’s astounding how these prosecutors are always able to cooly determine the exact moment when a threat has been eliminated so much more accurately than the person who was actually facing the threat in real time.) But to prevent complaints of political retribution, the DA turned the case over to the Harris County grand jury, which is composed of randomly-selected citizens. They just reached a decision:

They found that shooting the armed robber nine times was not outside the permissible area for use of force and “no-billed” the shooter. He will not be charged. Welcome to Texas.

As the writer Streiff at observes, “Rather than indict, you get the feeling that the grand jury would have carried the shooter down to the bar and bought him drinks all night.”

While it’s tragic that anyone had to die for such a stupid reason, let this be a message to leftist DAs and to all Democrat office holders in general: decent, law-abiding Americans have had enough of their garbage and have reached their Popeye stage: “That’s all I can stands, and I can’t stands no more!!”

Good Legal News

The election integrity group True The Vote won a landmark court case against Stacey Abrams’ laughably-named group “Fair Fight,” which sued them for challenging the eligibility of voters in the 2021 Georgia Senate runoff election. The judge ruled that their actions did not violate the Voting Rights Act. Well, of course not: imagine being dumb enough to think that legally challenging a George election is some kind of crime!

True The Vote called the lawsuit an attempt to use lawfare and intimidation to bully Americans into giving up their rights to free speech, to actively participate in the electoral process and to lawfully petition their government “in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.” The victory comes after three long years of litigation.

I don’t know if Abrams will try to appeal, but I’ve never known her to admit that she’s lost, so we’ll see.

The perfect definitions of “DEI” and ESG.”

The late Beatle John Lennon had a habit of saying things that ticked off people. Sometimes, he was off-base; other times, he said what needed to be said but nobody else dared say it.

I dare say that if he were alive today, he would be very proud of his son, Sean Ono Lennon, who just stuck a finger in the eye of the wokesters by giving us the perfect definitions of “DEI” and ESG.”

More Dumb Evil Idiots:

How the Biden Administration used Americans’ tax dollars to help Lebanon create a safe haven for Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran to train for and plan the October 7th attack without Israeli intelligence finding out about it. Throw yet another item on the mountain of foreign policy issues that Biden has been wrong about.

Mass Migration from Blue States to Red States

I have long believed (I might be wrong, though it seldom happens) that my radio show was the first to use the cost of renting a U-Haul to gauge whether people were moving in or fleeing a particular place (if people are fleeing, the cost to rent a truck to move there is much lower, since U-Haul will subsidize you just to get some of its trucks back in stock.) This is why it costs so much more to rent a moving truck from L.A. to Dallas than to rent the same truck from Dallas to L.A. Nobody's going in the latter direction.

Now, here’s confirmation that that informal rule works: U-Haul announced that, for the fourth year in a row, California has topped its Growth Index list for having the largest net number of outbound residents (well, at least Gavin Newsom can claim he’s #1 in growth for something.) For the third straight year, U-Haul reports that Texas had the highest number of people moving in, and that doesn’t even count the millions streaming across the border since 2021.

This isn’t just a simple popularity contest. It’s an important finding from the “laboratory of states,” proving that people are voting with their feet to reject leftist policies and embrace conservative policies. Census data shows that California lost a net 75,000 residents in 2023 alone.

Michael Barone at sifted through Census numbers for the three years since the pandemic and found more interesting trends:

The West Coast is shrinking: Since April 2020, California has lost 573,000 people (previously, it had gained population every year since the 1849 Gold Rush, proving that leftist policies can turn even gold into manure.) Washington has gained just 108,000 people, Alaska only 32 (!), and Oregon and Hawaii have lost residents.

The biggest population losses came in blue states with the densest metro areas, including California, New York, Illinois and DC. To be fair, these places also have the densest leadership.

Meanwhile, almost all the population growth has been in the Southern states, which added over 3.8 million people fleeing from high taxes, woke regulators and COVID tyranny.

This mass migration from blue to red states could have far-reaching political consequences, particularly if the escapees resist voting for the same bad ideas that drove them to flee. Blue states may be losing their clout in DC as they lose population, and thus House seats, to red states. The bad news: blue states are turning bluer, with the remaining Republicans having little hope of ever turning around their decline. This is another reason why Democrats want to wave in millions of illegal immigrants, then demand to count them in the Census when apportioning Representatives.

A 2023 Bright Spot

2023 was a disastrous year for Hollywood, but there were a few hits and bright spots, and one of them just came in 2024: “Sound of Freedom” just made it into the top 10 biggest box office hits of the year, edging out the Taylor Swift concert movie, which received a ringing endorsement from the Chinese state-run media outlet, Global Times.

What happens today?  Supposed to be Colorado ballot certification.

Today, January 5, is supposed to be the day the Colorado secretary of state certifies the ballots.  So it looks as though the ballots will have to be certified with Trump’s name on them.  Even so, unless/until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in, we don’t know if they’ll be able to get away with not counting Trump votes, as the Colorado Supreme Court has determined they don’t have to count legally-cast votes, at least the write-in ones.  And if they don’t have to count write-in votes, why should they necessarily have to count Trump votes at all?  (We’re not attorneys but find the question intriguing.)

By the way, in shocking-but-not-surprising breaking news, the totally objective and nonpartisan Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who publicly supported taking Trump off the ballot, attended a private fundraiser for Biden in November.  The state attorney general was apparently there, too.  Here you go.  This is what we’re up against...

While awaiting a ruling from SCOTUS on the decision to remove Trump from their state primary ballot, Trump released a looooong analysis on “X” including all the documented ballot hanky-panky surrounding the ‘20 election.  The implication:  any sane person in his position would think the election had been stolen from him.  If it wasn’t, they sure were working feverishly for nothing.

And surely that will be part of Trump’s defense if it comes to that.  Special Counsel Jack Smith is alleging that Trump willfully committed fraud when he said the election was stolen and made moves to have the allegations looked into.  By putting all this out, Trump is saying he truly believes the election WAS stolen from him, and that once you go through all this, you’ll likely think so, too.

The problem, of course, is that those who already believe Trump is guilty will find some way to discredit (in their minds) all of this evidence.  But as Kanekoa the Great, who posted all this, says, “I look forward to fact-checkers debunking this, citing sources from the corporate media that spent four years claiming Trump was a Russian agent and dismissing Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation.”

And, voila, there’s already one such post, from “Grok,” and it’s particularly amusing.  Why, he informs us that Trump’s allegations have been debunked by none other than “PolitiFact, a Pulitzer-Prize-winning website,” and also (hold your breath) the BBC.  And the results were certified by Congress in 2021.  And multiple recounts in swing states such as Arizona and Georgia (recounts of the same ballots that were counted before), “have confirmed Biden’s win.”  Well, that’s good enough for me!


This reaction was inevitable.  Kanekoa simply says, “I encourage you to review the numerous citations in this report and reach your own conclusions.”

Here are summaries of just a few examples:

Wisconsin was called by 20,682 votes.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled dropboxes illegal under Wisconsin law, and they had plenty of them in pre-determined locations, funded by outside groups.  It was election commissioner Meagan Wolfe who unilaterally declared dropboxes could be used, but the commission never voted to establish this.  You’ll want to read the decision by Justice Rebecca Bradley, as well as about the other ways they apparently “faked the vote” in Wisconsin.

Then scroll down and you’ll see Pennsylvania, which was called by a margin of just 80,555 votes.  Later it was determined that there were 121,240 more votes cast than there were voters.

Then there are Arizona and Georgia; what a mess.  We can’t have another election that’s as much of a mess as this one was.  It’s too bad that Trump released this at the same time the Epstein “names” were dropped, as the media can now conveniently ignore it all.

(Side Note: I’ve long said that you don’t even need claims of hacked voting machines or trucks full of fake ballots to be suspicious of the 2020 election. The way the media and the government colluded to silence conservative voices and suppress negative news about Democrats to tilt the table, while Democrats across America waged legal warfare to illegally change voting laws without legislative approval so deeply undermined public trust that it was inevitable that many people would refuse to believe the results before they were even announced. One of the pillars of American society that keeps so many people of widely diverse views united is faith in the honesty of our elections, and the Democrats have been swinging a wrecking ball at it for years.)

Speaking of Georgia, as we previously mentioned, True the Vote just won a decisive legal victory there, in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of “Justice.” As announced in their press release, “a federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.”

Their release is a must-read, and it includes a link to their video, “The Georgia Story Through the Eyes of True the Vote.”  Their president is Catherine Engelbrecht, a dear friend.

Dr. John Gentry, a Georgetown University professor who was a CIA analyst for 12 years, is worried about the “significant problem” of politicization of the intel community and confident that those agencies will try to interfere with the 2024 election in ways similar to their efforts in 2020.

He’s researched this topic, past and present, for his new book, “NEUTERING THE CIA:  Why US Intelligence vs. Trump Has Long-Term Consequences.”  That sounds like one for the top of the reading list.  As he said to FOX NEWS Digital, “My guess is that the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will re-emerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like.”  Downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was “clearly political,” he said, as a highly placed source told him “in no uncertain terms” that it was done “explicitly” with “intent to help the Biden campaign.”

He’s been reading the tea leaves in recent weeks and says former intel officials are likely to resume their political activity against Trump “or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year...The activities of the ‘formers’ have resumed already, a bit earlier than expected.” (This is consistent with what we’ve been saying about trying to set aside the conflict by choosing someone else.  How foolish --- they’ll do this regardless of our choice. In fact, they’re already trying to remove other Republicans who questioned the 2020 election from the ballot using the “insurrection” canard, and never mind that Democrats have also questioned every election they’ve lost for decades.)

Gentry blamed DEI culture for the politicization of the CIA by shifting their attention away from day-to-day operations to “woke” policies.  (He must be familiar with those CIA recruiting films, too!)   We can thank President Obama for a huge step in that direction, Gentry said, courtesy of an executive order that pushed it.  Two other top-level activists were former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

We want to see what he says in his book about “soft totalitarianism,” which he says they were actually starting to talk about (in those actual words) during the Obama administration.

The interview with Gentry doesn’t get into solutions, as is so often the case.  Let’s hope his book does.  In the meantime, we’ll offer a few starting tactics going into this year...






Finally, as of this writing, we still haven’t heard from the U.S. Supreme Court about Colorado.  Jonathan Turley said on Wednesday that if the Court doesn’t come back with some answer, the Colorado court could seek to “moot” (temporarily) the appeal and avoid review.

This is a must-read column.  You’ll detect the deep note of sadness as Turley watches our country going through so much lawfare in so many states.

See you in Iowa?

Sarah (the fine new Gov of Arkansas) & I are headed to Iowa Monday to campaign for Donald Trump ahead of caucuses. I hope you can make it to one of these events:

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee ( in Ottumwa, Iowa

Team Trump Iowa Faith Event featuring Governor Sarah Sanders and Governor Mike Huckabee in Des Moines, Iowa (

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Dear Reader,

Government and Big Tech working together to censor conservative views, is a big reason why we changed things up and moved my newsletter to Substack.

A Substack subscription-based newsletter allows my team and I to focus on what matters: the writing and the research we do to back up the writing, instead of worrying about censorship, or what Google is saying about me, how they are handling advertising on our website or whether or not my work shows up when you search for it.

To keep the newsletter going, we have setup a monthly goal of identifying 800 new subscribers in January. WE HAVE 667 TO GO.

If you can afford to do so, please subscribe here

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To become a paid subscriber of my politics newsletter it is $5 monthly or $36 annually. I email daily and my politics newsletters usually take 10-15 minutes to read. I cover the news of the day and the liberal media. I write about the upcoming elections and dive deep on the Biden scandals. I will also share my opinion of the Trump indictment. I don’t think you will regret reading my newsletter regularly, so please consider subscribing today.


Mike Huckabee

David Soul RIP

January 5, 2024

As we were going to press today, word came that actor David Soul died late Thursday night at 80.

Soul was best known for playing Detective Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson on the buddy cop series “Starsky & Hutch” (Starsky was Paul Michael Glaser) from 1975 to 1979. He had previously played one of the Bolt brothers on the series, “Here Come The Brides,” and he appeared in the Dirty Harry movie, “Magnum Force” and the TV horror film, “Salem’s Lot.” He continued as a working actor for years, forging a new career as a stage star in London’s West End, including the hit musical “Blood Brothers.”

A bit of trivia other obits likely won’t mention: In 1983, Soul starred in an NBC series that lasted only five episodes. It was called “Casablanca,” and he played Rick Blaine, the role Humphrey Bogart played in the classic movie ("Play it again, Huggy Bear.")  It was one for the Bad Idea Hall of Fame.

Since I’m the co-author of “Hollywood Hi-Fi” (, a book about singing celebrities, I must also mention that he parlayed his “Starsky & Hutch” fame into teen idol success, landing a #1 hit in the US in 1976 with “Don’t Give Up On Us.” He also scored five hit singles in the UK and eventually released five albums. RIP.

(By the way, since this news will probably make you curious, both Glaser and Antonio Fargas, who played “Huggy Bear,” are still alive.)

Shocking video hit the Internet Wednesday of Clark County, Nevada, felony battery defendant Deobra Delone Redden attacking Judge Mary Kay Holthus after she denied him parole.

Moments before the attack, Redden asked for leniency, saying, “I’m not a rebellious person.” But when the judge made it clear she wasn’t going to let him go, the hulking Redden suddenly came flying over the bench and smashed Holthus into a wall. It took several male court personnel to punch and wrestle him into submission. Holthus was injured but declined hospitalization. Redden is now facing more felony charges.

A court spokesperson said they are reviewing all their safety protocols. Maybe start with having armed court officers on duty, just as every court should when dealing with violent criminals. 

I can’t help wondering if Redden is just the latest of many violent criminals who have been taught by lenient leftist DAs that they have a right to keep attacking people and being freed countless times, and that no matter what they do, they will never face accountability. He may be shocked to learn that in blue cities, criminals are only allowed to repeatedly attack private citizens, not members of the legal system that keeps freeing them.

Speaking of the public’s exhausted patience with coddling criminals, a story out of Texas has reached a surprise ending. We reported a year ago on the case in Houston where a robber entered a taqueria brandishing a pistol and demanding everyone’s money. As he was leaving, a customer pulled his own gun and shot him – nine times. The robber’s gun turned out to be a toy, but the customer didn’t know that. The customer left, but later turned himself in to authorities.

Liberal Houston has one of those Soros-funded DAs, so everyone expected the customer to be charged with murder for continuing to fire after the threat had been eliminated (it’s astounding how these prosecutors are always able to cooly determine the exact moment when a threat has been eliminated so much more accurately than the person who was actually facing the threat in real time.) But to prevent complaints of political retribution, the DA turned the case over to the Harris County grand jury, which is composed of randomly-selected citizens. They just reached a decision:

They found that shooting the armed robber nine times was not outside the permissible area for use of force and “no-billed” the shooter. He will not be charged. Welcome to Texas.

As the writer Streiff at observes, “Rather than indict, you get the feeling that the grand jury would have carried the shooter down to the bar and bought him drinks all night.”

While it’s tragic that anyone had to die for such a stupid reason, let this be a message to leftist DAs and to all Democrat office holders in general: decent, law-abiding Americans have had enough of their garbage and have reached their Popeye stage: “That’s all I can stands, and I can’t stands no more!!”

Good Legal News

January 5, 2024

The election integrity group True The Vote won a landmark court case against Stacey Abrams’ laughably-named group “Fair Fight,” which sued them for challenging the eligibility of voters in the 2021 Georgia Senate runoff election. The judge ruled that their actions did not violate the Voting Rights Act. Well, of course not: imagine being dumb enough to think that legally challenging a George election is some kind of crime!

True The Vote called the lawsuit an attempt to use lawfare and intimidation to bully Americans into giving up their rights to free speech, to actively participate in the electoral process and to lawfully petition their government “in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.” The victory comes after three long years of litigation.

I don’t know if Abrams will try to appeal, but I’ve never known her to admit that she’s lost, so we’ll see.

Today, January 5, is supposed to be the day the Colorado secretary of state certifies the ballots.  So it looks as though the ballots will have to be certified with Trump’s name on them.  Even so, unless/until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in, we don’t know if they’ll be able to get away with not counting Trump votes, as the Colorado Supreme Court has determined they don’t have to count legally-cast votes, at least the write-in ones.  And if they don’t have to count write-in votes, why should they necessarily have to count Trump votes at all?  (We’re not attorneys but find the question intriguing.) 

By the way, in shocking-but-not-surprising breaking news, the totally objective and nonpartisan Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, who publicly supported taking Trump off the ballot, attended a private fundraiser for Biden in November.  The state attorney general was apparently there, too.  Here you go.  This is what we’re up against...

While awaiting a ruling from SCOTUS on the decision to remove Trump from their state primary ballot, Trump released a looooong analysis on “X” including all the documented ballot hanky-panky surrounding the ‘20 election.  The implication:  any sane person in his position would think the election had been stolen from him.  If it wasn’t, they sure were working feverishly for nothing.

And surely that will be part of Trump’s defense if it comes to that.  Special Counsel Jack Smith is alleging that Trump willfully committed fraud when he said the election was stolen and made moves to have the allegations looked into.  By putting all this out, Trump is saying he truly believes the election WAS stolen from him, and that once you go through all this, you’ll likely think so, too.

The problem, of course, is that those who already believe Trump is guilty will find some way to discredit (in their minds) all of this evidence.  But as Kanekoa the Great, who posted all this, says, “I look forward to fact-checkers debunking this, citing sources from the corporate media that spent four years claiming Trump was a Russian agent and dismissing Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation.”

And, voila, there’s already one such post, from “Grok,” and it’s particularly amusing.  Why, he informs us that Trump’s allegations have been debunked by none other than “PolitiFact, a Pulitzer-Prize-winning website,” and also (hold your breath) the BBC.  And the results were certified by Congress in 2021.  And multiple recounts in swing states such as Arizona and Georgia (recounts of the same ballots that were counted before), “have confirmed Biden’s win.”  Well, that’s good enough for me!

This reaction was inevitable.  Kanekoa simply says, “I encourage you to review the numerous citations in this report and reach your own conclusions.”

Here are summaries of just a few examples:

Wisconsin was called by 20,682 votes.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled dropboxes illegal under Wisconsin law, and they had plenty of them in pre-determined locations, funded by outside groups.  It was election commissioner Meagan Wolfe who unilaterally declared dropboxes could be used, but the commission never voted to establish this.  You’ll want to read the decision by Justice Rebecca Bradley, as well as about the other ways they apparently “faked the vote” in Wisconsin.

Then scroll down and you’ll see Pennsylvania, which was called by a margin of just 80,555 votes.  Later it was determined that there were 121,240 more votes cast than there were voters.

Then there are Arizona and Georgia; what a mess.  We can’t have another election that’s as much of a mess as this one was.  It’s too bad that Trump released this at the same time the Epstein “names” were dropped, as the media can now conveniently ignore it all.

(Side Note: I’ve long said that you don’t even need claims of hacked voting machines or trucks full of fake ballots to be suspicious of the 2020 election. The way the media and the government colluded to silence conservative voices and suppress negative news about Democrats to tilt the table, while Democrats across America waged legal warfare to illegally change voting laws without legislative approval so deeply undermined public trust that it was inevitable that many people would refuse to believe the results before they were even announced. One of the pillars of American society that keeps so many people of widely diverse views united is faith in the honesty of our elections, and the Democrats have been swinging a wrecking ball at it for years.)

Speaking of Georgia, as we previously mentioned, True the Vote just won a decisive legal victory there, in their legal battle against Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight, legal teams led by Marc Elias, and the Biden Department of “Justice.” As announced in their press release, “a federal court in the Northern District of Georgia today affirmed that citizens have the right to lawfully petition their government in support of election integrity without fear of persecution or prosecution.” 

Their release is a must-read, and it includes a link to their video, “The Georgia Story Through the Eyes of True the Vote.”  Their president is Catherine Engelbrecht, a dear friend.

Dr. John Gentry, a Georgetown University professor who was a CIA analyst for 12 years, is worried about the “significant problem” of politicization of the intel community and confident that those agencies will try to interfere with the 2024 election in ways similar to their efforts in 2020.

He’s researched this topic, past and present, for his new book, “NEUTERING THE CIA:  Why US Intelligence vs. Trump Has Long-Term Consequences.”  That sounds like one for the top of the reading list.  As he said to FOX NEWS Digital, “My guess is that the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will re-emerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like.”  Downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was “clearly political,” he said, as a highly placed source told him “in no uncertain terms” that it was done “explicitly” with “intent to help the Biden campaign.”

He’s been reading the tea leaves in recent weeks and says former intel officials are likely to resume their political activity against Trump “or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year...The activities of the ‘formers’ have resumed already, a bit earlier than expected.” (This is consistent with what we’ve been saying about trying to set aside the conflict by choosing someone else.  How foolish --- they’ll do this regardless of our choice. In fact, they’re already trying to remove other Republicans who questioned the 2020 election from the ballot using the “insurrection” canard, and never mind that Democrats have also questioned every election they’ve lost for decades.)  

Gentry blamed DEI culture for the politicization of the CIA by shifting their attention away from day-to-day operations to “woke” policies.  (He must be familiar with those CIA recruiting films, too!)   We can thank President Obama for a huge step in that direction, Gentry said, courtesy of an executive order that pushed it.  Two other top-level activists were former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

We want to see what he says in his book about “soft totalitarianism,” which he says they were actually starting to talk about (in those actual words) during the Obama administration.

The interview with Gentry doesn’t get into solutions, as is so often the case.  Let’s hope his book does.  In the meantime, we’ll offer a few starting tactics going into this year...






Finally, as of this writing, we still haven’t heard from the U.S. Supreme Court about Colorado.  Jonathan Turley said on Wednesday that if the Court doesn’t come back with some answer, the Colorado court could seek to “moot” (temporarily) the appeal and avoid review.

This is a must-read column.  You’ll detect the deep note of sadness as Turley watches our country going through so much lawfare in so many states.

I have long believed (I might be wrong, though it seldom happens) that my radio show was the first to use the cost of renting a U-Haul to gauge whether people were moving in or fleeing a particular place (if people are fleeing, the cost to rent a truck to move there is much lower, since U-Haul will subsidize you just to get some of its trucks back in stock.) This is why it costs so much more to rent a moving truck from L.A. to Dallas than to rent the same truck from Dallas to L.A. Nobody's going in the latter direction.

Now, here’s confirmation that that informal rule works: U-Haul announced that, for the fourth year in a row, California has topped its Growth Index list for having the largest net number of outbound residents (well, at least Gavin Newsom can claim he’s #1 in growth for something.) For the third straight year, U-Haul reports that Texas had the highest number of people moving in, and that doesn’t even count the millions streaming across the border since 2021.

This isn’t just a simple popularity contest. It’s an important finding from the “laboratory of states,” proving that people are voting with their feet to reject leftist policies and embrace conservative policies. Census data shows that California lost a net 75,000 residents in 2023 alone.

Michael Barone at sifted through Census numbers for the three years since the pandemic and found more interesting trends:

The West Coast is shrinking: Since April 2020, California has lost 573,000 people (previously, it had gained population every year since the 1849 Gold Rush, proving that leftist policies can turn even gold into manure.) Washington has gained just 108,000 people, Alaska only 32 (!), and Oregon and Hawaii have lost residents.

The biggest population losses came in blue states with the densest metro areas, including California, New York, Illinois and DC. To be fair, these places also have the densest leadership.

Meanwhile, almost all the population growth has been in the Southern states, which added over 3.8 million people fleeing from high taxes, woke regulators and COVID tyranny.

This mass migration from blue to red states could have far-reaching political consequences, particularly if the escapees resist voting for the same bad ideas that drove them to flee. Blue states may be losing their clout in DC as they lose population, and thus House seats, to red states. The bad news: blue states are turning bluer, with the remaining Republicans having little hope of ever turning around their decline. This is another reason why Democrats want to wave in millions of illegal immigrants, then demand to count them in the Census when apportioning Representatives.

President Biden plans to spend January 6th making speeches about how Trump is a threat to “our democracy” and that America is facing an existential threat, not from the millions of unvetted Third World illegal aliens pouring across our border thanks to him and bringing drugs and exotic diseases with them, but from “white supremacy.”

It shows how desperate Biden is, with polls showing that even the most loyal Democrat voting blocs, like blacks and Hispanics, are abandoning him and his failed policies. The Democrats have built up this second-string riot (not nearly as destructive as the ones they approved of in 2019) as worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together. Now, they shake it like a voodoo doll to try to scare voters into reelecting them so they can keep imposing their toxic policies. Why, if January 6th never happened, they would’ve had to instigate it themselves! Nah, that’s crazy talk...

Here are a few pieces of friendly advice for Biden or whoever actually loads the speech onto his Teleprompter:

This time, as you call Trump “Hitler” and demonize half the population as threats to the state, try not to do it while waving your arms in front of a blood red backdrop festooned with military symbols. Also, stop saying you’re “protecting democracy” by pulling every underhanded, unconstitutional trick in the book to block Americans from voting for whomever they want. And finally, while I know this is likely beyond your abilities to comprehend, if you’re going to act like the leader of one-third of the federal government, at least please learn that we’re a republic, not a democracy.

If you force yourself to watch this clown show, please ponder the immortal words of H.L. Mencken as you do: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Related Must-Read: Vivek Ramaswamy dropped a ten-megaton truth bomb on a Washington Post reporter who was trying to push the Democrats’ “white supremacy” line on him. Because, naturally, nobody is whiter than Vivek Ramaswamy.

On Wednesday, President Trump appealed the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that found him ineligible to be on the primary ballot in that state.  Those justices, 4-3, claimed he engaged in and incited an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, and is thus prevented by the 14th Amendment from running for any office.

It asks SCOTUS this question:  “Did the Colorado Supreme Court err in ordering President Trump excluded from the 2024 presidential primary ballot?”

This appeal is no surprise to anyone who knows President Trump, and in case anyone misread him, his attorneys announced their intention shortly after the Colorado ruling.  And on December 27, the Colorado GOP, joined by six voters and the secretary of state’s office, also filed a petition for immediate review by the Supreme Court.

The significance:  President Trump remains on the ballot unless SCOTUS were to reject the petition by January 4 or otherwise rules against Trump.

January 4 --- that’s today!

Why so soon?  In that state, it’s the day before certification of the ballots for the primary.  January 5 is the deadline for the Colorado secretary of state to certify all those ballots, and it cannot be changed.  Once they’re certified, no challenge is allowed.  As they say, it is what it is.

Catherine Yang at THE EPOCH TIMES has an informative report on the President’s legal argument.  They say that over the past few months, more than 60 (!) lawsuits and administrative challenges have been filed against him to keep him off the ballot.  All of these are based on allegations that Trump engaged in insurrection and is therefore disqualified from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

“First, the events of January 6, 2021, were not ‘insurrection’ as that term is used in Section 3,” Trump’s petition reads. The amendment was passed after the Civil War, and insurrection was understood to mean “the taking up of arms and waging war upon the United States,” they argued. More than 600,000 died in the war, and “focus on war-making” in the text was the “logical result. 

(As you certainly know, this amendment was ratified after the Civil War, to prevent those who had picked up their guns and literally waged war against the United States from serving in public office.  And even they could be permitted that privilege again with a two-thirds vote of Congress.)

“By contrast, the United States has a long history of political protests that have turned violent. In the summer of 2020 alone, violent protestors targeted the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, for over 50 days, repeatedly assaulted federal officers and set fire to the courthouse, all in support of a purported political agenda opposed to the authority of the United States.”

They also argue that the courts don’t have jurisdiction on this question: “Indeed, every federal court that addressed this issue with regard to the eligibility of President Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, and Senator Ted Cruz held that the issue was for Congress and not the federal courts.”

Of course, you know that Maine Secretary of State Shanna Bellows singlehandedly decided that Trump couldn’t be on the GOP primary ballot up there.  (And, gosh, something tells me she’s not even in the GOP!)  Surely knowing how far over the line she had gone, she did at least put her dastardly plan on hold: “I will suspend the effect of my decision until the Supreme Court rules on any appeal or the time to appeal has expired.”

For when you have time, the NEW YORK POST has a more detailed story that we highly recommend…

Attorney General Bill Barr has made it clear he does not want Trump to get the GOP nomination, but said this week that “the efforts to knock him off the ballot are legally untenable, politically counterproductive, and, most ominously, destructive of our political order.”  I wonder if he’s considered, though, that for the left, being “destructive of our political order” is not a bug; it’s a feature!

They also could backfire and help Trump, a scenario that, knowing Barr, likely motivates his words as well.

“As a legal matter,” he said, “states do not have the power to enforce the disqualification provision of the Fourteenth Amendment by using their own ad hoc procedures to find that an individual has engaged in an insurrection.”  It’s Congress --- not the individual states ---who has the authority to do that, he said.

Our whole election system could “collapse in chaos,” he warned, if each state uses its own definition of insurrection and its own procedural standards to block candidates.

He had additional words of criticism, specifically for the left: “[This effort] is much like the left’s previous schemes to sidetrack or defeat Trump politically through legal ploys that stretched the law beyond its proper bounds...Nothing is more destructive to democracy than for one faction to try to win in the political arena by disenfranchising its adversaries.”

As you know, Special Counsel Jack Smith did not specifically charge Trump with insurrection, and he certainly would’ve done that if he thought it would stick.  Instead, he charged him with four other felonies:

--- conspiracy to defraud the United States

--- “conspiracy against rights” 

(If you read the description at the link, you’ll find it sounds very much like what Jack Smith is trying to do!)

--- conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding

--- “obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding”

The Supreme Court is going to be ruling on two of these charges soon, in the case United States v. (Joseph) Fischer (one of the OTHER J6 defendants)…  As legal analyst Margot Cleveland says, ”It is likely a majority of the Supreme Court will rule that the ‘crimes’ the special counsel charged are not crimes at all.”

If you’d like to get into the weeds on statutory interpretation and how it relates to Trump’s J6 case, we recommend taking time with her article.  Cleveland says a reasonable prosecutor would put the brakes on Trump’s criminal trial until the issues about these charges can be resolved by the Supreme Court, but that the special counsel and the district court “have both proven themselves anything but reasonable and have revealed their real goal is to obtain a conviction against Trump before the 2024 election, which is now less than a year away.”  Smith may be trying Trump on charges that don’t even exist, she says, lamenting that half the country doesn’t seem to care.

The Epstein List

January 4, 2024

Despite legal attempts to delay its release, documents were released Wednesday from a 2015 civil lawsuit, revealing the names of some prominent people who had contact with the late billionaire financier/Democrat donor/sex criminal, Jeffrey Epstein.

So far, the names released haven’t included any big surprises. We’ve heard most of them before, including Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, the late John Glenn and law professor Alan Dershowitz. The biggest takeaway from the story involves Bill Clinton, identified repeatedly in the redacted documents as “John Doe #36.” The documents include testimony from one witness that Epstein once told her that Clinton “likes them young, referring to girls.” But she said she had no recollection of ever seeing Clinton on Epstein’s notorious island.

Here are some more names, including a new famous one: magician David Copperfield. Copperfield was once accused of sexually assaulting a teen model, but he’s just described in these documents as having performed some magic tricks at dinner.

As for the references to Dershowitz having contact with Epstein, a number of those came from when he was acting as his attorney. As he reminded Sean Hannity, a woman who damaged his reputation by accusing him of having illicit relations with Epstein’s girls recanted and admitted she may have misidentified that person after he presented proof that he couldn’t have been in those places at the times she described.

Dershowitz also rightly pointed out that many people had professional dealings with Epstein for years before news of his sick sexual activities became public, so just being seen with him in public isn’t proof of wrongdoing.

As for Trump, despite the left’s efforts to connect him to Epstein’s perverted activities, the testimony revealed that a witness denied ever seeing Trump in Epstein’s homes, office or island. Their only known interaction was when Epstein reportedly acted creepy toward the teenage daughter of a Mar-A-Lago member at a public event, and Trump had him thrown out and permanently barred from his resort. Which seems to prove that Trump figured out what Epstein was and did something about it long before anyone else, while prominent Democrats just kept sucking up to him.

Stay tuned, this is a breaking story, and more documents will be released soon…

As is so often the case, the facts keep refusing to comply with liberal media narratives. For instance, there was a shooting by a man at the Colorado Supreme Court. Obvious liberal narrative: Crazy MAGA Republican attacked the Justices for ordering Trump off the ballot!

Inconvenient truth: An armed man fleeing a car crash where he pulled a gun on the other driver shot his way into a building that happens to house the state SCOTUS and other agencies. It happened in the middle of the night when nobody was there. No apparent connection to the Trump ruling has been found.

Example #2: US Capitol Police detained a man who was caught carrying a brick, a butcher’s knife and a machete at the Capitol. Hopeful liberal narrative: Another MAGA insurrection! 

Inconvenient truth: He was an illegal alien from Venezuela who was already detained by the Border Patrol in 2022 and (of course) released. He was arrested at the Capitol before his court hearing date even rolled around. He was turned over to immigration authorities where he’s facing removal proceedings. But I would wager you’d need a machete just to hack through all the roadblocks the Biden White House has put up to keep from sending him back.

If today you are thinking of attending Harvard in the fall of 2024 as a four-year undergraduate, a three-year law student or even a two-year year graduate student in one of the university’s pricey professional schools, can I ask you something? Before expending the time, money and effort needed to move your stuff to the Cambridge (MA) 02138 area code, let me briefly relate one of my first “lessons learned” as a grad student there nearly a half-century ago.

Walking into the austere elegance of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, I was greeted a small sign prominently displayed next to the only parking space for miles around: DON’T EVEN THINK OF PARKING HERE! That silent scream was effective. On these august grounds the newcomer had the immediate impression not only of academic rank (maybe the Dean Himself?) but also of larger political portents (Senator Edward Kennedy was even then preparing to run for Camelot II). Novices better watch your step, sample the ambience and see where you had landed. Hey, wasn’t that former Governor Mike Dukakis leading a class?

I eventually took a course with the affable former Governor, years before he went on to become a Democratic presidential candidate: But the Harvard of that day was an elite institution in every possible way. Truly distinguished scholars were everywhere. My foreign policy class was team-taught by Graham Allison (founding Dean) and Ambassador Joseph Nye. Professors Earnest May, Richard Neustadt and Thomas Schelling taught Presidential Politics; each having written definitive volumes on that subject. The unstated message to every student: Enjoy your access to these great and near-great scholars but in return give us your best. Like a prequel to The Paper Chase, Harvard demanded critical thinking on every paper and in every class. Fortunately, I had been honing these classic skills as an intelligence officer; my term paper for Allison and Nye even predicted the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan weeks before it happened.

The real tests, however, would come much later, while teaching cadets at West Point, advising the Army’s senior leadership, and serving as Dean of the National War College. When confronted by those complex realities, judgment is not contained in the briefing books prepared for a hearing or the painstaking position papers prepared by high-priced lawyers. Just one month ago, nothing that Claudine Gay relied on when congressional leaders called her to accountability would have been more effective than an honest answer, stripped bare of any self-serving platitudes. Of all people, shouldn’t a black woman have sympathized with the fears of a persecuted religious minority – and on the campus where she reigned supreme? After her egregious plagiarism finally caught up with her this week, any remaining questions about Ms. Gay were resolved by her resignation statement, which should have been entitled, “It’s All About Me.” (I stopped reading after her first paragraph, which used the I-word four times.)

But here is the crunch-point for anyone thinking about attending Harvard. How much institutional damage has Claudine Gay done – or is much of the iceberg still lurking beneath the surface? Even as the legacy media ruminated about “conservative entrapment,” Bill Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square capital and a prominent Harvard donor, suddenly went public with a 4,000-word jeremiad on Twitter/X. After a blistering tutorial on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), “a powerful movement that has not only pervaded Harvard but the educational system at large,” Ackman charged that this ideology had corrupted Gay’s selection as president.

“The Corporation board…selected the wrong president and did inadequate due diligence about her academic record despite Gay being in leadership roles at the University since 2015…The Board failed to create a discrimination-free environment on campus exposing the University to tremendous reputational damage, to large legal and financial liabilities, Congressional investigations and scrutiny, and to the potential loss of Federal funding, all while damaging the learning environment for all students.”

He concluded, “It is time we restore Veritas to Harvard and again be an exemplar that graduates well-informed, highly educated leaders of exemplary moral standing and good judgment…”

Final point: While Bill Ackman deserves high praise for candor and courage, you may want to wait before booking that return cabin on the Titanic!

COL (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point faculty member, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9 NIV

Newsletter Notes

8 stories

3,117 words

Reading time: About 15 minutes

The two-tiered justice system

In our never-ending series of stories about the two-tiered justice system, in which Republicans have the whole bookmobile thrown at them while Democrats are never held accountable for anything, the good news that Claudine Gay finally is resigning as president of Harvard has been undercut by word that she will remain on the faculty at an annual salary of nearly $900,000. So in case you’re wondering why Harvard tuition is so high, it’s because they have to keep paying over 12 times the median US household income to leftists who promote racial divisiveness, cover for anti-Semitism and commit blatant plagiarism, rather than firing them.

And here’s a good round-up from Instapundit of how the liberal media is attempting to couch Gay’s resignation as a racist conservative plot, rather than the justified consequences of her own words and actions.

As Brandon Morse at notes, the Associated Press apparently thinks that none of the stuff Gay did was wrong, even though it violates their own stated rules -- but pointing it out is.

Cherry on top: Even her resignation letter was flagged for containing plagiarism.

Never ending

Meanwhile, here’s yet another sobering example of how the legal persecution of conservatives never, never ends…

More double standards:

While Republican George Santos was removed from the House over charges that haven’t come to trial yet, and Trump is being removed from the ballot for a crime for which he’s never even been charged, Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez remains in the Senate. And the jaw-dropping charges against him (accepting cash and gold bars to shill for Egypt’s government) just got worse. New charges have been added of accepting bribes and gifts to benefit Qatar.

Worth reading just for Menendez’s attorney’s full-throated defense of his innocent, unfairly maligned client. Come on, man! We all have gold bars lying around our houses, don’t we?!

Sometimes, You’ve Just Gotta Laugh:

Elaini Kounalakis, the Democrat Lt. Governor of California, wrote to the Democrat Secretary of State, urging her to “explore every legal option” to remove Trump from the Republican primary ballot. She claimed this anti-democracy move was to protect “the fundamental pillars of our democracy," but that’s not even the funny part. She went on to declare that the Constitution "is clear": A presidential candidate must "not be an insurrectionist," and "must be 40 years old."

Uh, excuse me? Those of us who’ve actually read the Constitution thought it said candidates had to be 35 years old.

Well, I guess that like her grasp of the 14th Amendment and the definition of “insurrection,” that’s “close enough for government work!”

The Epstein list

Despite legal attempts to delay its release, documents were released Wednesday from a 2015 civil lawsuit, revealing the names of some prominent people who had contact with the late billionaire financier/Democrat donor/sex criminal, Jeffrey Epstein.

So far, the names released haven’t included any big surprises. We’ve heard most of them before, including Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, the late John Glenn and law professor Alan Dershowitz. The biggest takeaway from the story involves Bill Clinton, identified repeatedly in the redacted documents as “John Doe #36.” The documents include testimony from one witness that Epstein once told her that Clinton “likes them young, referring to girls.” But she said she had no recollection of ever seeing Clinton on Epstein’s notorious island.

Here are some more names, including a new famous one: magician David Copperfield. Copperfield was once accused of sexually assaulting a teen model, but he’s just described in these documents as having performed some magic tricks at dinner.

As for the references to Dershowitz having contact with Epstein, a number of those came from when he was acting as his attorney. As he reminded Sean Hannity, a woman who damaged his reputation by accusing him of having illicit relations with Epstein’s girls recanted and admitted she may have misidentified that person after he presented proof that he couldn’t have been in those places at the times she described.

Dershowitz also rightly pointed out that many people had professional dealings with Epstein for years before news of his sick sexual activities became public, so just being seen with him in public isn’t proof of wrongdoing.

As for Trump, despite the left’s efforts to connect him to Epstein’s perverted activities, the testimony revealed that a witness denied ever seeing Trump in Epstein’s homes, office or island. Their only known interaction was when Epstein reportedly acted creepy toward the teenage daughter of a Mar-A-Lago member at a public event, and Trump had him thrown out and permanently barred from his resort. Which seems to prove that Trump figured out what Epstein was and did something about it long before anyone else, while prominent Democrats just kept sucking up to him.

Stay tuned, this is a breaking story, and more documents will be released soon…

You could see this coming up Sixth Avenue:

President Biden plans to spend January 6th making speeches about how Trump is a threat to “our democracy” and that America is facing an existential threat, not from the millions of unvetted Third World illegal aliens pouring across our border thanks to him and bringing drugs and exotic diseases with them, but from “white supremacy.”

It shows how desperate Biden is, with polls showing that even the most loyal Democrat voting blocs, like blacks and Hispanics, are abandoning him and his failed policies. The Democrats have built up this second-string riot (not nearly as destructive as the ones they approved of in 2019) as worse than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 put together. Now, they shake it like a voodoo doll to try to scare voters into reelecting them so they can keep imposing their toxic policies. Why, if January 6th never happened, they would’ve had to instigate it themselves! Nah, that’s crazy talk...

Here are a few pieces of friendly advice for Biden or whoever actually loads the speech onto his Teleprompter:

This time, as you call Trump “Hitler” and demonize half the population as threats to the state, try not to do it while waving your arms in front of a blood red backdrop festooned with military symbols. Also, stop saying you’re “protecting democracy” by pulling every underhanded, unconstitutional trick in the book to block Americans from voting for whomever they want. And finally, while I know this is likely beyond your abilities to comprehend, if you’re going to act like the leader of one-third of the federal government, at least please learn that we’re a republic, not a democracy.

If you force yourself to watch this clown show, please ponder the immortal words of H.L. Mencken as you do: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Related Must-Read: Vivek Ramaswamy dropped a ten-megaton truth bomb on a Washington Post reporter who was trying to push the Democrats’ “white supremacy” line on him. Because, naturally, nobody is whiter than Vivek Ramaswamy.

Trump appeals to SCOTUS on Colorado ballots; decision needed today!

On Wednesday, President Trump appealed the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court a ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court that found him ineligible to be on the primary ballot in that state.  Those justices, 4-3, claimed he engaged in and incited an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021, and is thus prevented by the 14th Amendment from running for any office.

It asks SCOTUS this question:  “Did the Colorado Supreme Court err in ordering President Trump excluded from the 2024 presidential primary ballot?”

This appeal is no surprise to anyone who knows President Trump, and in case anyone misread him, his attorneys announced their intention shortly after the Colorado ruling.  And on December 27, the Colorado GOP, joined by six voters and the secretary of state’s office, also filed a petition for immediate review by the Supreme Court.

The significance:  President Trump remains on the ballot unless SCOTUS were to reject the petition by January 4 or otherwise rules against Trump.

January 4 --- that’s today!

Why so soon?  In that state, it’s the day before certification of the ballots for the primary.  January 5 is the deadline for the Colorado secretary of state to certify all those ballots, and it cannot be changed.  Once they’re certified, no challenge is allowed.  As they say, it is what it is.

Catherine Yang at THE EPOCH TIMES has an informative report on the President’s legal argument.  They say that over the past few months, more than 60 (!) lawsuits and administrative challenges have been filed against him to keep him off the ballot.  All of these are based on allegations that Trump engaged in insurrection and is therefore disqualified from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

“First, the events of January 6, 2021, were not ‘insurrection’ as that term is used in Section 3,” Trump’s petition reads. The amendment was passed after the Civil War, and insurrection was understood to mean “the taking up of arms and waging war upon the United States,” they argued. More than 600,000 died in the war, and “focus on war-making” in the text was the “logical result.”

(As you certainly know, this amendment was ratified after the Civil War, to prevent those who had picked up their guns and literally waged war against the United States from serving in public office.  And even they could be permitted that privilege again with a two-thirds vote of Congress.)

“By contrast, the United States has a long history of political protests that have turned violent. In the summer of 2020 alone, violent protestors targeted the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, for over 50 days, repeatedly assaulted federal officers and set fire to the courthouse, all in support of a purported political agenda opposed to the authority of the United States.”

They also argue that the courts don’t have jurisdiction on this question: “Indeed, every federal court that addressed this issue with regard to the eligibility of President Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, and Senator Ted Cruz held that the issue was for Congress and not the federal courts.”

Of course, you know that Maine Secretary of State Shanna Bellows singlehandedly decided that Trump couldn’t be on the GOP primary ballot up there.  (And, gosh, something tells me she’s not even in the GOP!)  Surely knowing how far over the line she had gone, she did at least put her dastardly plan on hold: “I will suspend the effect of my decision until the Supreme Court rules on any appeal or the time to appeal has expired.”

For when you have time, the NEW YORK POST has a more detailed story that we highly recommend…

Attorney General Bill Barr has made it clear he does not want Trump to get the GOP nomination, but said this week that “the efforts to knock him off the ballot are legally untenable, politically counterproductive, and, most ominously, destructive of our political order.”  I wonder if he’s considered, though, that for the left, being “destructive of our political order” is not a bug; it’s a feature!

They also could backfire and help Trump, a scenario that, knowing Barr, likely motivates his words as well.

“As a legal matter,” he said, “states do not have the power to enforce the disqualification provision of the Fourteenth Amendment by using their own ad hoc procedures to find that an individual has engaged in an insurrection.”  It’s Congress --- not the individual states ---who has the authority to do that, he said.

Our whole election system could “collapse in chaos,” he warned, if each state uses its own definition of insurrection and its own procedural standards to block candidates.

He had additional words of criticism, specifically for the left: “[This effort] is much like the left’s previous schemes to sidetrack or defeat Trump politically through legal ploys that stretched the law beyond its proper bounds...Nothing is more destructive to democracy than for one faction to try to win in the political arena by disenfranchising its adversaries.”

As you know, Special Counsel Jack Smith did not specifically charge Trump with insurrection, and he certainly would’ve done that if he thought it would stick.  Instead, he charged him with four other felonies:

--- conspiracy to defraud the United States

--- “conspiracy against rights”

(If you read the description at the link, you’ll find it sounds very much like what Jack Smith is trying to do!)

--- conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding

--- “obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding”

The Supreme Court is going to be ruling on two of these charges soon, in the case United States v. (Joseph) Fischer (one of the OTHER J6 defendants)…  As legal analyst Margot Cleveland says, ”It is likely a majority of the Supreme Court will rule that the ‘crimes’ the special counsel charged are not crimes at all.”

If you’d like to get into the weeds on statutory interpretation and how it relates to Trump’s J6 case, we recommend taking time with her article.  Cleveland says a reasonable prosecutor would put the brakes on Trump’s criminal trial until the issues about these charges can be resolved by the Supreme Court, but that the special counsel and the district court “have both proven themselves anything but reasonable and have revealed their real goal is to obtain a conviction against Trump before the 2024 election, which is now less than a year away.”  Smith may be trying Trump on charges that don’t even exist, she says, lamenting that half the country doesn’t seem to care.

An Open Letter to Prospective Harvard Students: “Don’t Even Think of Coming Here!”

By Kenneth Allard

If today you are thinking of attending Harvard in the fall of 2024 as a four-year undergraduate, a three-year law student or even a two-year year graduate student in one of the university’s pricey professional schools, can I ask you something? Before expending the time, money and effort needed to move your stuff to the Cambridge (MA) 02138 area code, let me briefly relate one of my first “lessons learned” as a grad student there nearly a half-century ago.

Walking into the austere elegance of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, I was greeted a small sign prominently displayed next to the only parking space for miles around: DON’T EVEN THINK OF PARKING HERE! That silent scream was effective. On these august grounds the newcomer had the immediate impression not only of academic rank (maybe the Dean Himself?) but also of larger political portents (Senator Edward Kennedy was even then preparing to run for Camelot II). Novices better watch your step, sample the ambience and see where you had landed. Hey, wasn’t that former Governor Mike Dukakis leading a class?

I eventually took a course with the affable former Governor, years before he went on to become a Democratic presidential candidate: But the Harvard of that day was an elite institution in every possible way. Truly distinguished scholars were everywhere. My foreign policy class was team-taught by Graham Allison (founding Dean) and Ambassador Joseph Nye. Professors Earnest May, Richard Neustadt and Thomas Schelling taught Presidential Politics; each having written definitive volumes on that subject. The unstated message to every student: Enjoy your access to these great and near-great scholars but in return give us your best. Like a prequel to The Paper Chase, Harvard demanded critical thinking on every paper and in every class. Fortunately, I had been honing these classic skills as an intelligence officer; my term paper for Allison and Nye even predicted the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan weeks before it happened.

The real tests, however, would come much later, while teaching cadets at West Point, advising the Army’s senior leadership, and serving as Dean of the National War College. When confronted by those complex realities, judgment is not contained in the briefing books prepared for a hearing or the painstaking position papers prepared by high-priced lawyers. Just one month ago, nothing that Claudine Gay relied on when congressional leaders called her to accountability would have been more effective than an honest answer, stripped bare of any self-serving platitudes. Of all people, shouldn’t a black woman have sympathized with the fears of a persecuted religious minority – and on the campus where she reigned supreme? After her egregious plagiarism finally caught up with her this week, any remaining questions about Ms. Gay were resolved by her resignation statement, which should have been entitled, “It’s All About Me.” (I stopped reading after her first paragraph, which used the I-word four times.)

But here is the crunch-point for anyone thinking about attending Harvard. How much institutional damage has Claudine Gay done – or is much of the iceberg still lurking beneath the surface? Even as the legacy media ruminated about “conservative entrapment,” Bill Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square capital and a prominent Harvard donor, suddenly went public with a 4,000-word jeremiad on Twitter/X. After a blistering tutorial on DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), “a powerful movement that has not only pervaded Harvard but the educational system at large,” Ackman charged that this ideology had corrupted Gay’s selection as president.

“The Corporation board…selected the wrong president and did inadequate due diligence about her academic record despite Gay being in leadership roles at the University since 2015…The Board failed to create a discrimination-free environment on campus exposing the University to tremendous reputational damage, to large legal and financial liabilities, Congressional investigations and scrutiny, and to the potential loss of Federal funding, all while damaging the learning environment for all students.”

He concluded, “It is time we restore Veritas to Harvard and again be an exemplar that graduates well-informed, highly educated leaders of exemplary moral standing and good judgment…”

Final point: While Bill Ackman deserves high praise for candor and courage, you may want to wait before booking that return cabin on the Titanic!

COL (Ret.) Ken Allard is a former West Point faculty member, Dean of the National War College and NBC News military analyst.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Trump Legal Updates

January 4, 2024

As expected, Donald Trump’s lawyers appealed the unilateral move to try to keep him off of Maine’s ballot by unelected Democrat Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, which automatically stayed her order for at least a couple of weeks.

A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed three of five counts against Trump and two January 6th rioters in a civil lawsuit by the girlfriend of late Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. She’s trying to hold Trump responsible for his death, which was ruled by the medical examiner to be from “natural causes” due to a stroke suffered the day after the January 6th violence, although he did claim the events “played a role in his condition.”

I can maybe see stretching that vague finding far enough to sue the others who actually pepper-sprayed Sicknick. But no rubber band has ever been invented that could stretch from that tenuous connection to blaming his death on Trump for telling people to “protest peacefully and patriotically.” Still, the judge allowed two of the counts for conspiracy to violate civil rights to move forward instead of throwing them out, too.

That’s been one of the great frustrations for me of all this anti-Trump lawfare: no matter how patently ridiculous the charges may be (like that Georgia case accusing people of “racketeering” for doing their job of scheduling a phone call between the President and the Governor), we’ve yet to see one judge have the integrity and spine to say what should have been said to all of these prosecutors from day one: “I’m dismissing this garbage case, which is clearly just election interference, and fining you for abusing your powers and wasting this court’s time with it.”

Former President Trump and former (thank goodness!) Representative Liz Cheney got into a spitting match on Twitter (X) this week. I assume Ms. Cheney must’ve been grateful for any publicity, since hating Trump is now the only reason anyone wants to talk to her anymore.

Trump unleashed a long screed, accusing Cheney of illegally deleting and destroying much of the evidence from the January 6th hearings that he needs to defend himself against the Jack Smith indictments…

Cheney responded that Trump was lying, and that his lawyers had all the J6 Kommittee (my spelling) evidence and testimony plus the full Kommittee report. That conveniently glosses over several facts, such as: the Kommittee was stacked and called only witnesses hostile to Trump who were not even allowed to be cross-examined; vast amounts of video testimony, witness transcripts and Secret Service texts somehow got “deleted;” and the Kommittee’s final report was a garbage-in/garbage-out political document, not an objective finding from a legitimately-formed House Committee. If Pelosi had followed the rules, Cheney wouldn’t have even been on the Kommittee; she rejected the Republicans chosen by the GOP Leader as required, replacing them with anti-Trump ringers Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. 

If you’d like to see some enjoyable replies from X users to Cheney’s lies about Trump lying, rounded up a few.

I don’t know why TCM releases its “In Memoriam” video in mid-December because there are usually some deaths of famous people before the end of the year, and sadly, this year was no exception. Among those who passed over the Christmas-New Year’s week were two famous comedians and a highly-honored actor.

British actor Tom Wilkinson died Saturday of undisclosed causes at 75. He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for “In The Bedroom” and Best Supporting Actor for “Michael Clayton.” He also appeared in dozens of hit films, including “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” “Batman Begins,” “The Full Monty,” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

Stand-up comic Shecky Greene died Sunday in Las Vegas of natural causes at 97. Greene appeared in a number of sitcoms and movies, and was a frequent performer on the old variety shows and Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show.” But his real stomping ground was Las Vegas. He was one of the few performers who was allowed to “go long” (within reason) if he felt like it. Usually, casino bosses strictly enforce show lengths to ensure the crowd leaves the theater and gets back to gambling ASAP. But they knew Shecky drew in the high rollers who would gamble anyway, so they gave them what they wanted.

And last Tuesday, Tommy Smothers of the Smothers Brothers died at home in California at 86, following a battle with cancer.

While the Smothers Brothers are probably best remembered for the controversy over their 1960s CBS series, that was only a small part of a career that spanned decades. Tom and his younger brother Dick started as a folk music act, but they said they didn’t know many songs, so they started doing humorous banter (“Mom always liked you best!”), which took over the act and made them stand out in the self-serious folk music scene. They cut over a dozen albums and even did a short-lived sitcom in 1965 with the ‘60s high concept of Tom being Dick’s dead brother/guardian angel.

“The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” debuted in 1967 and was an immediate hit with younger audiences. It was the first show to feature hip musical acts like The Who (it’s the show where Keith Moon put explosives in his bass drum without telling anyone and destroyed Pete Townshend’s hearing), and one of the first to feature hippie/pot jokes and do songs and sketches critical of the Vietnam War. It gave a first break to such writers as Steve Martin, Bob Einstein (aka “Super Dave Osborn”) and Mason Williams (“Classical Gas.”) But the controversial political content was too much for CBS, which fired Tom and Dick, sparking a lawsuit. Little remembered is the fact that they actually brought the show back more than once, but its moment had passed. They went on to other endeavors, including live shows, the Broadway hit “I Love My Wife,” Tommy’s winery and his later fame with kids as “The Yo-Yo Man,” showing off his trick yo-yo skills.

Dick Smothers later said that they were actually moderates, and if you look back at the show, its political satire is pretty tame compared to what we see now. It was just the first to do it. Years later, in accepting an honorary Emmy, Tommy jokingly thanked his writers for getting him fired.

I’d recommend checking out some of their albums of folk music-based humor, like “Curb Your Tongue, Knave,” or the funny children’s album, “Aesop’s Fables The Smothers Brothers Way.” And if you want a reminder of my favorite bit from their CBS TV show, look for a copy of the LP “Pat Paulsen For President.” Paulsen’s deadpan bumbling speeches are still a hilarious send-up of a certain type of clueless politician who could actually end up being President these days.

Now that 2024 is here, a number of new laws passed in the last year will be taking effect, and that means that red states should brace themselves for an even bigger onslaught of refugees fleeing blue states.

Like Illinois, where porn is being mandated in schools and public libraries…

…California, where court rulings upholding the Second Amendment apparently mean nothing…

And a number of states where various pro- and con- laws will be taking effect on the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in the name of the “trans” movement.

Of course, being in a red state doesn’t necessarily mean your kids are safe from that. As that last linked story details, a new law in Iowa to ban sexually-explicit gender propaganda from elementary schools was blocked by a federal judge (apparently, gay porn in third grade is now a constitutional right), as was an Idaho law banning irreversible, experimental “gender” procedures on minors.

Disappointingly, citizens in Ohio didn’t even need a federal judge to swoop in and stop them from protecting children, since Republican Gov. Mike DeWine did that himself. He vetoed a bill that would have banned transgender treatments and procedures on minors and banned males from competing in girls’ school sports.

DeWine attempted to put a conservative justification on it, saying, “Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government, knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, the parents.” But that doesn’t apply here. Not even parents are allowed to expose their children to dangerous quackery. There are all sorts of laws protecting children from bad decisions by parents, even allowing states to take away custody.

I think you can tell how the Governor has been misled by trans radicals and medical activists by the fact that he called this butchery by their garbage term, “gender-affirming care.” Actual gender-affirming care would mean giving confused prepubescent kids the counseling they need to help them accept their natural genders, not convincing them God made a mistake and put them in the wrong bodies, but with enough chemicals and surgery, Dr. Frankenstein can fix that for them.

There’s an effort underway to override that veto, and more power to it. Meanwhile, here's more on that subject from Bonchie at

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.

This is the first of two newsletter parts from me today.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Ephesians 4:5-6

Harvard prez resigns

Following even more accusations of plagiarism, not to mention students passing on acceptance to Harvard for schools with better reputations like Florida State, Claudine Gay announced that she will resign as president of Harvard University. Naturally, she blamed racism, which she blames for everything. That skill seemed to be her only qualification for getting hired as president of Harvard in the first place.

A reminder: She was one of three college presidents who were blasted for their refusal to condemn anti-Semitism during House testimony. The other two were white, there were calls for all of them to resign, and the first one to go was the white president of UPenn, who quit weeks ago. That leaves only the president of MIT, who is white and also facing strong calls to resign. Racism in 2023 is very confusing.

Food For Thought:

Michael Walsh offers a series of “self-evident” truths for 2024, some of which will set leftists’ heads ablaze.

I particularly like these three:

“Most sane people already have a religion and do not need tyrannical Leftism as a substitute for lack of faith.”

“The more they talk about ‘our democracy,’ the faster they mean to get to mob rule, whose end result is always dictatorship.”

“The major American universities are hotbeds of fraudulence. They should be dissolved, their teaching ranks purged, their administrators blacklisted, their tuition refunded and their endowments confiscated to pay off student loans.”

Polio returns

Democrats always claim that it’s Republicans who want to “turn back the clock.” So why is it that Democrat policies are threatening to bring back polio…

And introducing other long-eradicated, Third World-style diseases into the 21st century US?

Let’s hope this is a good omen for more similar stories to come in 2024:

A federal appeals court just threw out a conviction by the Biden DOJ of former Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry for lying to the FBI (FYI: apparently, it’s not illegal when they lie to us.) The judge wrote:

“Fortenberry’s trial took place in a state where no charged crime was committed, and before a jury drawn from the vicinage of the federal agencies that investigated the defendant. The Constitution does not permit this. Fortenberry’s convictions are reversed so that he may be retried, if at all, in a proper venue.”

So they destroyed a Republican’s career and reputation by unconstitutionally charging him with a process crime in front of a rigged jury of biased DC liberals? Why, that doesn’t sound like the Biden DOJ that Merrick Garland is always describing. More details at the link, including the interesting tidbit that the three judges deciding this were appointed by Obama and Biden.

“Thanks, Gavin!”

In February, a new California law takes effect mandating a raise in the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. And it’s already showing results: Pizza Hut announced that it’s laying off 1200 delivery drivers because they can’t afford to pay that much.

This is expected to be just the first in a wave of layoffs of drivers from other chains, not to mention a major incentive for replacing in-store workers with robots and automated ordering kiosks. As one conservative commentator noted, it’s a reminder that the real minimum wage is zero. It’s also a reminder of what Ronald Reagan famously said: “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.”

Some good news for the new year:

You’ll finally be getting a pay raise to catch up to all the inflation caused by federal spending.

Oops, sorry, my bad:

That only applies if you’re a federal government employee. The rest of you will just have to work harder to pay for food, energy and the higher taxes you’ll need to pay to cover the raises for all those federal employees.

Brace yourself

Unlike most media outlets, we have a policy of not commenting on stories that haven’t happened yet. But just so you’ll be braced against the potential shock, there’s a report going around that when documents related to the late billionaire sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein are released this week, the “John Doe 36” who’s mentioned over 50 times will be revealed to be Bill Clinton.

I know: Shocking, right?

Message to Red State Governors: Get Ready

Now that 2024 is here, a number of new laws passed in the last year will be taking effect, and that means that red states should brace themselves for an even bigger onslaught of refugees fleeing blue states.

Like Illinois, where porn is being mandated in schools and public libraries…

…California, where court rulings upholding the Second Amendment apparently mean nothing…

And a number of states where various pro- and con- laws will be taking effect on the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in the name of the “trans” movement.

Of course, being in a red state doesn’t necessarily mean your kids are safe from that. As that last linked story details, a new law in Iowa to ban sexually-explicit gender propaganda from elementary schools was blocked by a federal judge (apparently, gay porn in third grade is now a constitutional right), as was an Idaho law banning irreversible, experimental “gender” procedures on minors.

Disappointingly, citizens in Ohio didn’t even need a federal judge to swoop in and stop them from protecting children, since Republican Gov. Mike DeWine did that himself. He vetoed a bill that would have banned transgender treatments and procedures on minors and banned males from competing in girls’ school sports.

DeWine attempted to put a conservative justification on it, saying, “Ohio would be saying that the state, that the government, knows better what is medically best for a child than the two people who love that child the most, the parents.” But that doesn’t apply here. Not even parents are allowed to expose their children to dangerous quackery. There are all sorts of laws protecting children from bad decisions by parents, even allowing states to take away custody.

I think you can tell how the Governor has been misled by trans radicals and medical activists by the fact that he called this butchery by their garbage term, “gender-affirming care.” Actual gender-affirming care would mean giving confused prepubescent kids the counseling they need to help them accept their natural genders, not convincing them God made a mistake and put them in the wrong bodies, but with enough chemicals and surgery, Dr. Frankenstein can fix that for them.

There’s an effort underway to override that veto, and more power to it. Meanwhile, here's more on that subject from Bonchie at

Surprise, Surprise!

Andrea Campbell, the Democratic Attorney General of Massachusetts, has decided that the Democratic Mayor of Boston violated no racial discrimination laws in holding an official city party that excluded white officials.

Here’s law professor Jonathan Turley on Campbell’s unique interpretation of anti-discrimination laws, that it’s okay for officials to racially discriminate as long as the public isn’t invited.

Campbell, who is black, may be interested to know that her reasoning was also part of the notorious Supreme Court decision, Plessy v. Ferguson, which ruled that “separate but equal” accommodations for the races are constitutional because “some people simply find the ‘commingling’ of races to be ‘unsatisfactory.’”

“Duh” Headline of the Day:

“Yale Junior Says Grade Inflation a Good Thing.”

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

When last we saw the news about Special Counsel Jack Smith --- and I hope you didn’t spend much of your Christmas week thinking about HIM --- Santa had disappointed him badly by giving him an order from the Supreme Court declining to rule on Trump’s presidential immunity without letting the DC Circuit Court rule first, as they would normally do for any other person besides you-know-who. 

In his all-out effort to railroad President Trump before the ‘24 election, Smith thought it was fine to cut out a step in the process.  In the interest of time, you know.  And besides, this is Trump, who doesn’t deserve the rights of...well, any other American citizen you can point to.  We’ve got to stop Trump from becoming President again because he’s the reincarnation of HITLER!  Why, if he became President again, he would literally declare himself dictator, the way he did last time.  Oh, wait, he did nothing like that.  Still, he might try to get other candidates’ names taken off the ballot!  No, come to think of it, that’s the Democrats.  Never mind.

“Is this [Supreme Court ruling] going to upset the plans of Jack Smith?” law professor Jonathan Turley asked earlier this month.  “Yeah!”

So let’s see how Smith is doing, coming into the New Year.  Well, in his zeal, he appears not to have taken any time away from his work saving “our democracy.”  In the hours before 2023 became 2024, he made an appellate filing saying that Trump is “a danger to the American republic.” As reported in the NEW YORK SUN, “The special counsel reckons that the ‘Founders did not intend and would never have countenanced’ the expansive vision of presidential immunity propounded by Mr. Trump.’

“Rising to high rhetorical dudgeon, Mr. Smith declares that Mr. Trump’s invocation of the protections of the office he once held ‘threatens the democratic and constitutional foundation of our Republic.’” (At least a Democrat finally remembered we’re a republic, not a democracy.)

Smith’s brief reprises his core allegation that Mr. Trump “conspired to use knowingly false claims of election fraud with the goal of overturning the legitimate results” of the last election and “disenfranchising millions of voters.” 

While Mr. Smith allows that presidents are shielded from civil liability for their official conduct, he maintains that “any burdens of post Presidency criminal liability have minimal impact on the functions of an incumbent and are outweighed by the paramount public interest in upholding the rule of law through federal prosecution.” 

He also argues that the double jeopardy argument doesn’t apply simply because Trump was acquitted of insurrection in his impeachment, saying Trump can still be prosecuted for the underlying acts.  (Curiously, Smith didn’t charge Trump with insurrection while charging him with CONSPIRACY to commit insurrection.)

Smith brought up a point made by one of President Clinton’s attorneys, Nicole Seligman, during Clinton’s Senate impeachment trial, who argued that if the Senate acquitted the President (they did, of course), he could still be prosecuted in criminal court, like any other citizen, after his presidency was over.

Smith cited the “rigorous standards to prove criminal offenses and evidentiary limitations that would come into play” with the prosecution of a President.  Now, that’s one of those statements that should come with its own laugh track.  By now we’ve all seen the “rigorous standards” this special counsel holds himself to.

Here’s the full story at the NEW YORK SUN…

Now let’s move to the current status of state-by-state efforts to simply have President Trump dropped from primary ballots. Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking on NEWSMAX on New Year’s morning, said the Supreme Court should strike down “unanimously” these states’ attempts to block him in this way.  A party-line vote will be seen as --- what else? --- political, and Chief Justice Roberts can’t let the court be seen as acting on this out of partisanship.

“There’s a lot of people who criticized the Chief Justice John Roberts,” he said, “but one thing you cannot criticize him for is his ability to amass a majority on the Court.  He said that what’s going on inside Roberts’ head right now is this: “How can this be resolved with unanimity because the Court cannot be made to look political.”

He fears that a split decision could be so divisive that it could cause one of those “black swan” events, similar in power to COVID and the BLM riots, for disrupting the ‘24 election. “The Court can’t take sides in a political dispute,” he said.  The Court has the final word on what the Constitution means, and that final word needs to be articulated with unanimity, not an easy task when you have six conservatives and three liberals.”  He’s hoping the liberals can rule with the majority, that they will see the dangers of taking the right to vote out of Americans’ hands under the guise of a so-called “insurrection” that wasn’t one. 

Napolitano is hopeful, saying that “something happens when you have a lifetime job, something divorces you from the political process and causes you to focus on just the meaning and values and history of what you’re interpreting, in this case the 14th Amendment.”  Well, let’s pray he’s right, as university professors have lifetime tenure and it doesn’t seem to be helping there.

You can imagine what Napolitano had to say about Shenna Bellows, the Democrat secretary of state in Maine who singlehandedly took Trump off the ballot in that state.  “She’s in the process of printing ballots almost literally as we speak,” he said, sometime in the next few weeks.  She may very well have thought that she could catch the Republicans flatfooted and print the ballots without his name on [them] before there’s even time for an appeal.  That would be a gross abuse of her office.”

The Supreme Court has to weigh in in Maine, he said, because the “Constitution has to mean the same thing in all states of the Union,” not 51 different things. 

“It’s a crazy situation that they have in Maine,” he said, “whereby a single unelected official can decide who gets on the ballot and who doesn’t --- without charges, without a trial, without a jury, without any conviction, without any finding of fault on the part of Donald Trump.”

All in the name of protecting “our democracy.”   

Here’s some background on Bellows.  Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung sums it up well:  “The Maine secretary of state is a former ACLU attorney” (correction: director of the state ACLU, but not an attorney), “a virulent leftist and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat who has decided to interfere in the presidential election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden.  We are witnessing, in real time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter.”

HUMOR BREAK!  Here’s the BABYLON BEE’s take on the above observation.  Democrats are NOT stealing the election in secret!  They’e doing it right out in the open, so there!

Even the legal analyst at CNN, Elie Honig, cast shade on Bellows’ decision to take Trump’s name off the primary ballot in Maine. Sure, the Constitution is clear that if you “engage in insurrection, and you’re out,” he said.  The complicated part is “who gets to decide, and by what process.”

He explained that “if you look at the hearing, and she details this in the ruling, they heard from one fact witness, a law professor. She based her ruling on a lot of documents, but also YouTube clips, news reports, things that would never pass the bar in normal court. She’s not a lawyer, by the way. It’s a smartly written decision, clearly consulted with lawyers, but this is an unelected– she’s chosen by the state legislature. Chosen, elected by the legislature, but not democratically elected.”

“Clearly consulted with lawyers.”  Wouldn’t it be fun to know if she consulted with congressional attorneys for the J6 Kangaroo Kommittee?  After all, that’s the kind of “evidence” they were using in their staged and scripted “hearings.”

Last week on Sean Hannity’s show, former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard had similar words for Bellows, sounding the alarm about Democrats who “will stop at nothing” to maintain power.  And she’s right --- when have they ever backed down?

And, importantly, it’s not just Democrats.  (Please heed this warning when considering other GOP candidates.)  Gabbard noted that “efforts to sideline Trump extend beyond the Democratic Party, with some Republicans ‘threatened by’ his departure from ‘their establishment ways.’”  She didn’t name names, but I’m sure you can think of a few.  Some of them are running for President. 

From her interview with Pete Hegseth:

Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord and depart from evil.

Proverbs 3:7 KJV

Newsletter Notes

8 stories

3,307 words

Reading time: About 14 minutes

Breaking News

Two people were killed and numerous others injured when a deranged man drove a car full of explosives into a crowd leaving a New Year’s Eve concert in Rochester, New York. At first, authorities suspected terrorism, but they’ve reportedly ruled that out after finding a suicide note. They believe it was an insane act of an emotionally-disturbed man. More details at the link.

Israel-Hamas War Update

Over the holidays, useful idiots around the nation continued to try Americans’ patience by attempting to block holiday travel and disrupt Christmas and New Year’s celebrations with their moronic support of Hamas and demands for a ceasefire. I doubt the truth will penetrate their cement skulls, but it’s Hamas that’s refusing to agree to a ceasefire. In fact, here’s the latest on how Hamas is trying to use ceasefires to drag out the war and continue to hold hostages and get more terrorists released.

The IDF also announced Monday that it has killed Adil Mismah, a Hamas commander who took part in the October 7th attack. They also struck a target run by Hamas and Islamic Jihad and confiscated a substantial amount of weapons.

Meanwhile, the intensity of fighting in the northern Gaza Strip has started to wind down, and Israel is allowing some Israelis to return to their homes within a few miles of Gaza.

Tragically, we learned over the Christmas break that 70-year-old Israeli-American Judith Weinstein Haggai, who was believed to have been taken hostage, was actually killed by Hamas during the October 7th attack. Her husband, Gadi Haggai, was previously confirmed dead. It was thought that they were taken hostage, but apparently, they were both killed in the attack and Hamas had been holding their bodies. Yes, that’s who you’re supporting, Ivy League protesters.

Melania Trump update

One of the more reprehensible traits of the leftist media is the way they threw away the notion of not attacking a politician’s family when it came to Trump. They ran ugly rumors about his young son Barron and viciously attacked his wife Melania every time she appeared in public. She was a beautiful woman, an ex-model and one of our most fashionable First Ladies, yet she never appeared even once in four years on the cover of a major women’s or fashion magazine. That should give you an idea of the lockstep leftist “mean girls” mindset of those publications. When she did appear recently at Roselyn Carter’s funeral, they couldn’t even show enough respect for Mrs. Carter not to use the occasion to criticize Melania.

So it’s hardly a surprise that she would avoid public appearances, although they also use that as grist for concocting nasty rumors. Well, former President Trump revealed why Melania hasn’t been seen in public much lately: he said her 78-year-old mother, Amalija Knavs, is “very ill.” He added, “Hopefully, she’ll be recovering,” but admitted, “It’s a tough one, a very tough one.”

I know you will join me in sending prayers and positive thoughts for Mrs. Knavs’ complete recovery because, unlike so many people in the leftist press, you are good people who haven’t let politics completely erode your sense of human decency.

Swatting politicians

When Maine’s Secretary of State Shanna Bellows decided to declare herself judge, jury and executioner and remove Trump from the ballot for committing a crime he hasn’t even been charged with, she probably thought it would result in cheers and confetti raining down on her. Instead, she’s getting rightly slammed.

There’s now a motion in the legislature to impeach her…

And on Friday, her home was “swatted,” making her one of a number of prominent politicians to fall victim to the latest dangerous prank of making a fake 911 call to report a shooting or violent crime so that armed cops show up at someone’s house. This is something that calls for a major crackdown before someone gets injured or killed. Over the past few weeks, it’s also happened to Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Brandon Williams and Kevin Miller, and even to the New York estate of George Soros.

Although it’s possible the caller didn’t intend to swat Soros. Maybe he just called 911 to complain about all the shootings and violent crimes that are the direct result of George Soros and the operator misunderstood.

Biden is setting records

You can’t say the Biden White House isn’t setting records. CBS News reports that as of December 27th, border agents reported 225,000 migrant encounters, a new monthly record. That doesn’t include the roughly 50,000 entrants they process at legal ports of entry each month or the remaining four days of the month. Added together, it’s likely we saw a staggering invasion of 300,000 border crossers in just one month.

As CBS put it, these numbers highlight “the magnitude of the extraordinary migration crisis the Biden administration is grappling with.” I believe they meant to say, “the magnitude of the extraordinary migration crisis the Biden administration deliberately caused.” You’re welcome.

Final Celebrity Farewells of 2023

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder (

I don’t know why TCM releases its “In Memorium” video in mid-December because there are usually some deaths of famous people before the end of the year, and sadly, this year was no exception. Among those who passed over the Christmas-New Year’s week were two famous comedians and a highly-honored actor.

British actor Tom Wilkinson died Saturday of undisclosed causes at 75. He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for “In The Bedroom” and Best Supporting Actor for “Michale Clayton.” He also appeared in dozens of hit films, including “The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” “Batman Begins,” “The Full Monty,” and “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”

Stand-up comic Shecky Greene died Sunday in Las Vegas of natural causes at 97. Greene appeared in a number of sitcoms and movies, and was a frequent performer on the old variety shows and Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show.” But his real stomping ground was Las Vegas. He was one of the few performers who was allowed to “go long” (within reason) if he felt like it. Usually, casino bosses strictly enforce show lengths to ensure the crowd leaves the theater and gets back to gambling ASAP. But they knew Shecky drew in the high rollers who would gamble anyway, so they gave them what they wanted.

And last Tuesday, Tommy Smothers of the Smothers Brothers died at home in California at 86, following a battle with cancer.

While the Smothers Brothers are probably best remembered for the controversy over their 1960s CBS series, that was only a small part of a career that spanned decades. Tom and his younger brother Dick started as a folk music act, but they said they didn’t know many songs, so they started doing humorous banter (“Mom always liked you best!”), which took over the act and made them stand out in the self-serious folk music scene. They cut over a dozen albums and even did a short-lived sitcom in 1965 with the ‘60s high concept of Tom being Dick’s dead brother/guardian angel.

“The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour” debuted in 1967 and was an immediate hit with younger audiences. It was the first show to feature hip musical acts like The Who (it’s the show where Keith Moon put explosives in his bass drum without telling anyone and destroyed Pete Townshend’s hearing), and one of the first to feature hippie/pot jokes and do songs and sketches critical of the Vietnam War. It gave a first break to such writers as Steve Martin, Bob Einstein (aka “Super Dave Osborn”) and Mason Williams (“Classical Gas.”) But the controversial political content was too much for CBS, which fired Tom and Dick, sparking a lawsuit. Little remembered is the fact that they actually brought the show back more than once, but its moment had passed. They went on to other endeavors, including live shows, the Broadway hit “I Love My Wife,” Tommy’s winery and his later fame with kids as “The Yo-Yo Man,” showing off his trick yo-yo skills.

Dick Smothers later said that they were actually moderates, and if you look back at the show, its political satire is pretty tame compared to what we see now. It was just the first to do it. Years later, in accepting an honorary Emmy, Tommy jokingly thanked his writers for getting him fired.

I’d recommend checking out some of their albums of folk music-based humor, like “Curb Your Tongue, Knave,” or the funny children’s album, “Aesop’s Fables The Smothers Brothers Way.” And if you want a reminder of my favorite bit from their CBS TV show, look for a copy of the LP “Pat Paulsen For President.” Paulsen’s deadpan bumbling speeches are still a hilarious send-up of a certain type of clueless politician who could actually end up being President these days.

A Pearls Before Swine New Year

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 01, 2024 - GoComics

Dems’ New Year’s resolution: to get Trump off the ballot

When last we saw the news about Special Counsel Jack Smith --- and I hope you didn’t spend much of your Christmas week thinking about HIM --- Santa had disappointed him badly by giving him an order from the Supreme Court declining to rule on Trump’s presidential immunity without letting the DC Circuit Court rule first, as they would normally do for any other person besides you-know-who. 

In his all-out effort to railroad President Trump before the ‘24 election, Smith thought it was fine to cut out a step in the process.  In the interest of time, you know.  And besides, this is Trump, who doesn’t deserve the rights of...well, any other American citizen you can point to.  We’ve got to stop Trump from becoming President again because he’s the reincarnation of HITLER!  Why, if he became President again, he would literally declare himself dictator, the way he did last time.  Oh, wait, he did nothing like that.  Still, he might try to get other candidates’ names taken off the ballot!  No, come to think of it, that’s the Democrats.  Never mind.

“Is this [Supreme Court ruling] going to upset the plans of Jack Smith?” law professor Jonathan Turley asked earlier this month.  “Yeah!”

So let’s see how Smith is doing, coming into the New Year.  Well, in his zeal, he appears not to have taken any time away from his work saving “our democracy.”  In the hours before 2023 became 2024, he made an appellate filing saying that Trump is “a danger to the American republic.” As reported in the NEW YORK SUN, “The special counsel reckons that the ‘Founders did not intend and would never have countenanced’ the expansive vision of presidential immunity propounded by Mr. Trump.’

“Rising to high rhetorical dudgeon, Mr. Smith declares that Mr. Trump’s invocation of the protections of the office he once held ‘threatens the democratic and constitutional foundation of our Republic.’” (At least a Democrat finally remembered we’re a republic, not a democracy.)

Smith’s brief reprises his core allegation that Mr. Trump “conspired to use knowingly false claims of election fraud with the goal of overturning the legitimate results” of the last election and “disenfranchising millions of voters.” 

While Mr. Smith allows that presidents are shielded from civil liability for their official conduct, he maintains that “any burdens of post Presidency criminal liability have minimal impact on the functions of an incumbent and are outweighed by the paramount public interest in upholding the rule of law through federal prosecution.” 

He also argues that the double jeopardy argument doesn’t apply simply because Trump was acquitted of insurrection in his impeachment, saying Trump can still be prosecuted for the underlying acts.  (Curiously, Smith didn’t charge Trump with insurrection while charging him with CONSPIRACY to commit insurrection.)

Smith brought up a point made by one of President Clinton’s attorneys, Nicole Seligman, during Clinton’s Senate impeachment trial, who argued that if the Senate acquitted the President (they did, of course), he could still be prosecuted in criminal court, like any other citizen, after his presidency was over.

Smith cited the “rigorous standards to prove criminal offenses and evidentiary limitations that would come into play” with the prosecution of a President.  Now, that’s one of those statements that should come with its own laugh track.  By now we’ve all seen the “rigorous standards” this special counsel holds himself to.

Here’s the full story at the NEW YORK SUN…

Now let’s move to the current status of state-by-state efforts to simply have President Trump dropped from primary ballots. Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking on NEWSMAX on New Year’s morning, said the Supreme Court should strike down “unanimously” these states’ attempts to block him in this way.  A party-line vote will be seen as --- what else? --- political, and Chief Justice Roberts can’t let the court be seen as acting on this out of partisanship.

“There’s a lot of people who criticized the Chief Justice John Roberts,” he said, “but one thing you cannot criticize him for is his ability to amass a majority on the Court.  He said that what’s going on inside Roberts’ head right now is this: “How can this be resolved with unanimity because the Court cannot be made to look political.”

He fears that a split decision could be so divisive that it could cause one of those “black swan” events, similar in power to COVID and the BLM riots, for disrupting the ‘24 election. “The Court can’t take sides in a political dispute,” he said.  The Court has the final word on what the Constitution means, and that final word needs to be articulated with unanimity, not an easy task when you have six conservatives and three liberals.”  He’s hoping the liberals can rule with the majority, that they will see the dangers of taking the right to vote out of Americans’ hands under the guise of a so-called “insurrection” that wasn’t one. 

Napolitano is hopeful, saying that “something happens when you have a lifetime job, something divorces you from the political process and causes you to focus on just the meaning and values and history of what you’re interpreting, in this case the 14th Amendment.”  Well, let’s pray he’s right, as university professors have lifetime tenure and it doesn’t seem to be helping there.

You can imagine what Napolitano had to say about Shenna Bellows, the Democrat secretary of state in Maine who singlehandedly took Trump off the ballot in that state.  “She’s in the process of printing ballots almost literally as we speak,” he said, sometime in the next few weeks.  She may very well have thought that she could catch the Republicans flatfooted and print the ballots without his name on [them] before there’s even time for an appeal.  That would be a gross abuse of her office.”

The Supreme Court has to weigh in in Maine, he said, because the “Constitution has to mean the same thing in all states of the Union,” not 51 different things. 

“It’s a crazy situation that they have in Maine,” he said, “whereby a single unelected official can decide who gets on the ballot and who doesn’t --- without charges, without a trial, without a jury, without any conviction, without any finding of fault on the part of Donald Trump.”

All in the name of protecting “our democracy.”   

Here’s some background on Bellows.  Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung sums it up well:  “The Maine secretary of state is a former ACLU attorney” (correction: director of the state ACLU, but not an attorney), “a virulent leftist and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat who has decided to interfere in the presidential election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden.  We are witnessing, in real time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter.”

HUMOR BREAK!  Here’s the BABYLON BEE’s take on the above observation.  Democrats are NOT stealing the election in secret!  They’e doing it right out in the open, so there!

Even the legal analyst at CNN, Elie Honig, cast shade on Bellows’ decision to take Trump’s name off the primary ballot in Maine. Sure, the Constitution is clear that if you “engage in insurrection, and you’re out,” he said.  The complicated part is “who gets to decide, and by what process.”

He explained that “if you look at the hearing, and she details this in the ruling, they heard from one fact witness, a law professor. She based her ruling on a lot of documents, but also YouTube clips, news reports, things that would never pass the bar in normal court. She’s not a lawyer, by the way. It’s a smartly written decision, clearly consulted with lawyers, but this is an unelected– she’s chosen by the state legislature. Chosen, elected by the legislature, but not democratically elected.”

“Clearly consulted with lawyers.”  Wouldn’t it be fun to know if she consulted with congressional attorneys for the J6 Kangaroo Kommittee?  After all, that’s the kind of “evidence” they were using in their staged and scripted “hearings.”

Last week on Sean Hannity’s show, former Hawaii congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard had similar words for Bellows, sounding the alarm about Democrats who “will stop at nothing” to maintain power.  And she’s right --- when have they ever backed down?

And, importantly, it’s not just Democrats.  (Please heed this warning when considering other GOP candidates.)  Gabbard noted that “efforts to sideline Trump extend beyond the Democratic Party, with some Republicans ‘threatened by’ his departure from ‘their establishment ways.’”  She didn’t name names, but I’m sure you can think of a few.  Some of them are running for President. 

From her interview with Pete Hegseth:

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter.

Happy New Year! Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! Today, if you have a moment, leave me a comment about something you read. Comments help me fine tune what I am writing, and they show that we have an active community of readers.


Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Psalms 118:8 KJV


I hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break for one more day.

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Happy New Year!

Here are some stories you might have missed…

What Went Wrong in 2023 | Monologue | Huckabee

Humorist Dave Barry's annual year-in-review column...

Don Wildmon RIP

Just learning that Don Wildmon died this week. I first met him in the late 70's. He was a wonderful Christian servant who took a stand for decency & ended up leading a movement. What a legacy! An authentic soul who loved God, family, & country.

A legacy of faithfulness, a love of family: Don Wildmon (

Mike Huckabee to Newsmax: 'River to the Sea' Parrots Are 'Idiots' |

Returning from a visit to the Hamas-attacked areas of southern Israel, former Arkansas GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee said on Newsmax that the urgency to support Israel is "far worse" than anyone in America is being told.

"When I hear people in the United States going around screaming, 'From the river to the sea,' I just want to say you're the biggest idiots that ever breathed air," Huckabee said Tuesday on "Wake Up America." "Do you not understand that this is a war of evil? These are not just people who are oppressed. Hamas and the Palestinian people in Gaza, they voted for the nonsense.

Read more here.

One of my favorite writers is Don Feder at the Washington Times and here is why:

Move the United Nations to Gaza - Washington Times

RIP Original Dixie Chick Laura Lynch

By “Huckabee” pop culture guru Pat Reeder

In tragic news on Christmas weekend, word came that bassist/singer Laura Lynch, a founding member of the Dixie Chicks, was killed instantly in a head-on collision Friday afternoon on a highway near El Paso. Another driver was trying to pass someone, entered her lane and hit her head-on. That driver is being treated for non-life-threatening injuries. Lynch was 64.

Lynch was part of the band from its beginnings as a cowgirl/bluegrass quartet consisting of her, guitarist/vocalist Robin Lynn Macy and sisters Emily and Martie Erwin. She became lead singer when Macy left, then was replaced by Natalie Maines when the Erwins decided to go in a more commercial direction. Personally, I always preferred the original group, both musically and because, having mutual friends in the Texas music industry, I didn’t have a very positive impression of Natalie Maines.

Many people don’t realize that the Dixie Chicks were one of the most popular bands in Dallas for years before Natalie appeared. We used to eat Italian food while watching them play at Joey Tomatoes’ restaurant. I was also in the audience when they performed at the Bronco Bowl on Garrison Keillor’s “American Radio Company,” an off-shoot of “Prairie Home Companion.” They played great Texas music like “Cow-Cow Boogie” and “Thank Heavens for Dale Evans.”

After leaving (or being removed from) the group, Laura married a Texas Lottery winner and retired from music to raise their daughter. I noticed that some sick idiots in the comments on the NY Post page made awful, inhumane remarks based on her alleged unpatriotic political views, even though the article makes it clear that she left the band years before Natalie made her anti-Bush comments. Lynch sang the National Anthem with the group at a Texas Rangers game when Dubya owned the team, and she was on record expressing her deep admiration for him.

Laura appeared on three albums with the Dixie Chicks before they went commercial/political, and they’re really terrific. They’re hard to find, but you can listen to them on YouTube. Here’s an example of a cut with her on lead vocals called “Little Ol’ Cowgirl.”

She was a talented lady who deserved more recognition than she received. She certainly doesn’t deserve attacks for things she never said. We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to her family. Rest in peace.

Latest Presidential Words of Wisdom:

President Biden told the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

Here’s my question: When Disneyland installs a Joe Biden robot in their Hall of Presidents, how will they tell if it’s malfunctioning?

The Miracle of Bidenomics:

According to a survey by LendingClub, 62% of American adults were living paycheck-to-paycheck in December, up from 58% in March.

That might explain why Walmart is introducing a new feature at its self-service checkouts. It’s the option to “buy now, pay later” in installment payments over three to 24 months on basic items other than groceries.

You know people are hurting financially when they have to finance basic purchases at Walmart. My question is, how much longer before they’re doing it with groceries, too, and people are still trying to pay off a corn dog they ate two years ago?

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading my newsletter. We will resume our regular newsletter tomorrow.

A Judeo-Christian nation

January 1, 2024

One of the big hot button issues on the left these days is any suggestion that America is a Judeo-Christian nation built on Biblical principles. To them, America is all about “diversity,” which means any religion is welcome except that of the majority of Americans since the beginning of our history. They will also argue that the Founders were not Christians, even if it means grabbing the thinnest reed of circumstantial evidence and waving it like a baseball bat. I think this is evidence that they learned even less in history class than they did in economics class.

In my book “The Three C’s That Made America Great,” my co-author Steve Feazel and I compiled a mountain of evidence of the importance of the Bible and Christianity to America’s heritage. Not just in the many Christian sects that came here in the early days seeking religious freedom, but deeply rooted in the culture and the foundations of our government and school system. Here are just a few examples. See if this sounds like the thinking of a group of closet atheists…

Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote that “The Bible…should be read in our schools in preference to all other books from its containing the greatest portion of that kind of knowledge which is calculated to produce private and public temporal happiness.”

Fellow signer Samuel Adams wrote of the importance of “inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity…In short of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.”

The “Father of American Scholarship and Education,” Noah Webster, wrote, “In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed…No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

While the Revolutionary War was raging, it was nearly impossible to import Bibles. Philadelphia Magazine publisher Robert Aitken requested that Bibles be printed in America to be used in schools. So in 1782, the Continental Congress approved the printing of what became known as the Aitken Bible, the first English Bible printed in America. That’s right: CONGRESS…printed the BIBLE…so it could be used in SCHOOLS! I can already hear liberals’ heads exploding at that revelation. The Bibles even included a statement that the US Congress “recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.”

In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, laying the groundwork for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin to become states. It includes this statement on education: “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Today’s leftists and atheists would dismiss these as the opinions of some early American figures that were somehow swept away by the Constitution and its nonexistent “separation of church and state” clause. However, even after the Constitution was ratified, none of that was rescinded and the Bible continued to be used in public schools.

Among those outside of government, there was little disagreement about the importance of religion, the Bible and Judeo-Christian morality as the bedrock of American culture. In 1831, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in the US to write his landmark work, “Democracy in America.” He declared that the first thing that struck him was “the religious aspect of the country,” and the longer he stayed, the more he perceived “the great political consequences” resulting from it.

De Tocqueville wrote that “there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America,” and it “must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions,” “for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it.” He said he was certain that Americans “hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society.”

He further noted the unique importance of Christianity in making freedom the foundation of America’s government: “In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.”

Maybe that’s why, throughout the 1800s, no legal challenge to the Bible or morality being taught in public schools was ever raised. It took nearly 200 years for liberals to “discover” that the Founders weren’t really Christians, the nation wasn’t really built on Biblical principles of morality and justice, and the writers of the Constitution actually meant to ban Bibles from public schools.

I’ve shown my evidence for my argument. What’s theirs, other than “We feel that’s how it should be, and we found some activist liberal judges who agreed with us”?

(Partially adapted from “The Three C’s That Made America Great” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel:

Buy our book: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

“The Separation of Church and State” is one of the biggest rallying cries among the left in the US. It’s like the Easter Bunny of Constitutional principles: Everybody’s heard of it, but it doesn’t really exist.

Everything said in the Constitution about religion is contained in the First Amendment, which protects five different fundamental rights in one sentence. Here’s what the Constitution says about religious rights, in its entirety:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Note that it doesn’t say you can’t bring your Bible to school, or say a prayer on public property or put Christmas decorations in a public park. In fact, all those things would fall under NOT prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

As for banning the establishment of religion, that doesn’t mean banning any expression of faith on government property. Leftists have cited that fallacy to demand that prayers be removed from public meetings, chaplains removed from the military, and even barring Christians from holding federal office. But what that “establishment” clause means is that there can be no official state religion, like the Church of England. It doesn’t mean all religious expression must be banished (or “separated”) from government, it just means the government can’t say, “This is the one true religion” and favor it above others.

Back before they “canceled” him for being a slaveowner, liberals loved to claim that Thomas Jefferson himself coined the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state.” That’s true, but he wasn’t talking about barring people of faith from government or expressions of faith from the public square. That phrase came in his 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, affirming to them that “religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God,” and the First Amendment’s “wall of separation” barred the government from making any laws establishing a state religion or interfering with the free exercise of religious expression.

This was made clear by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1853, when it explained that the phrase “establishment of religion” “referred, without doubt, to that establishment which existed in the mother-country…endowment at the public expense, peculiar privileges to its members, or disadvantages or penalties upon those who should reject its doctrines or belong to other communities…They intended, by this amendment, to prohibit an ‘establishment of religion’ such as the English Church presented, or anything like it. But they had no fear or jealousy of religion itself, nor did they wish to see us as an irreligious people.”

Can you even imagine that a people who risked everything to take the dangerous journey to America to seek religious freedom, or their second-generation descendants, would create a government that banned people of faith?

Yet since the 1960s, we’ve seen liberal Supreme Courts ridiculously declare it unconstitutional for a student to pray aloud over his school lunch (that violates both freedom of religion and speech); or to erect a war memorial in the shape of a cross; or to display religious-themed artwork in schools even if it’s classic art; or to ask a kindergarten class whose birthday Christmas celebrates; or for a public cemetery to have a planter in the shape of a cross because if a non-Christian sees it, it might cause “emotional distress” and constitute an “injury-in-fact.”

If you can’t have religious-inspired art or books about religion in public schools, then you’ve just eliminated basic education about vast swaths of the entire history of humankind, as well as one of the most important influences on modern society. Students who attend such schools will come out of them as ignorant of art, history and civilization as anti-religion activists are about the Constitution.

You can buy my book here:  The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV


I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

“Huckabee” Preview

I hope you had a great Christmas-New Year’s week! We’ll be back on Monday with a recap of this week’s news and all the latest headlines.

In the meantime, be sure to join me tonight for a very special New Year’s Eve edition of “Huckabee” on TBN! We’ll see out the old year with a couple of my all-time favorite guests, Dr. Phil McGraw and the king of celebrity impressionists, Rich Little. I’ll take a look back at the best of 2023 (yes, there were some “bests," on our show, at least), and laugh with the final “In Case You Missed It” of the holiday season. The First Lady of Southern Cooking, Miss Daisy King, will share a black-eyed pea recipe to get your 2024 off to a lucky start. And we’ll welcome in the new year with a fantastic musical performance by Tre Corley and the Music City Connection.

The celebration gets started tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

My latest trip to Israel

The week before Christmas I traveled to war-torn Israel to meet with Israeli officials, soldiers in the battle, survivors of the unprovoked Hamas terrorist massacre of civilians, and families of hostages taken by Hamas on October 7.

I’ve been traveling to Israel for over 50 years with my first trip there in July of 1973, been there close to 100 times and have taken thousands of people there on pilgrimages.  I’ve been there during conflicts including an Intifada and the 2014 war with Gaza.  But this trip was unlike any other I’ve taken.  Joel Rosenberg, best-selling author and host of the Rosenberg report here on TBN co-hosted a small delegation that included former Senator and Governor of Kansas and US Ambassador Sam Brownback, former US Ambassador Ken Blackwell, Samaritans Purse Board Member and pastor of one of the largest churches in the US Skip Heitzig and Lenya Leitzig, a noted author and speaker. 

While on the flight there on El Al Airlines, the only airline flying into Israel from the US right now, a flight attendant recognized me and hugged me for traveling there to show support.  And a couple whose 22-year-old son and American citizen has been held hostage since Oct 7 came to me to thank me for going and standing with Israel and gave me a dog tag in honor of their son who they had not heard from or about in over 74 days at that time.  I have worn it since then and will until he comes home to them.  Hostages from over 25 countries and every religion were taken hostage by Hamas.

A hostage village was set up in Tel Aviv, where families can gather, and people of Israel can go and pray.  I found the poster for Omer Neutra, the son whose parents I had met the day before on the flight and sent a picture of me with a poster of their son and sent it to them.  We met with several families whose loved ones are being held hostage.  It was heartbreaking to hear first-hand their grief, uncertainty and bewilderment as to why their children, brothers, or parents had been taken from them.  They all hoped for the best, but understandably feared the worst.

We visited the front lines of the war zone and walked through the devastated kibbutz of Kfar Aza, one of the first communities savagely attacked by Hamas.  The barbarian atrocities inflicted upon babies, little children, young families and elderly people are unmentionable on TV.  You’ve heard of some of the ways Hamas sought to murder, mutilate, rape, and humiliate civilian Jews simply waking up on a Shabbat morning to the sound of bullets, bombs, and rockets.  But it actually was much worse.  The uncivilized and crazed killing was made worse by the fact that the terrorists of Hamas wore cameras on their bodies to record the slaughter and celebrate it with great glee.  Imagine how depraved one must be to place a live baby in an oven in front of its parents and to joyfully murder the entire family—children first and then the parents, but only after violently raping the females and mutilating their bodies.  With body parts and dead bodies strown about the blood-stained homes, demon-filled Hamas terrorists then casually raided refrigerators and cabinets for food or their homes for possessions of value.  And when the so-called peaceful Palestinians from Gaza knew that the villages had been neutralized from any living Jew, they themselves crossed over and looted the homes with the corpses of the families still there, having to step across the mutilated bodies to grab what valuables they could from people the monsters they voted for had just hours earlier killed.

I met with an Israeli major who I had met last August when he escorted me through the military base where military dogs are trained.  The highly trained dogs are a major part of the forward operating mission to root out Hamas cowards hiding in the tunnels of Gaza. 

I met with my dear friend and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews, Yael Eckstein who you see on our show as IFCJ is one of our show’s faithful partners.  While at lunch in Tel Aviv, sirens summoned us to the bomb shelter where we were having lunch even as we heard overhead the Israeli Iron Dome defense system intercept rockets from Hamas intended to kill Jewish civilians.  Thank God, the Iron Dome worked.  Israelis deal with that several times a day, every day.  Once was enough for me!

I also met with my longtime friend and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  I assured him of the support of the Christian community of America for Israel and the Jewish people during a time of need.  I can’t think of anyone who could better lead Israel during this critical threat to their existence than this Prime Minister. 

The trip was so intense, I didn’t have time to process all I had seen and heard.  Not until I got home did the emotional impact begin to sink in.  Throughout the Christmas festivities with my church and family, I sometimes suddenly was filled with unexplained emotion and fought back tears hidden deep in my soul that were there for many of my Jewish and Israeli friends who were going through a living hell that erupted from the very heart of Satan.  We are witnessing something that isn’t political, social, economic, or geographical.  It’s a spiritual war of Evil vs. Good, and my only comfort is in reading the end of the book and knowing that in the end, God overcomes.  Evil, death, and hate is forevermore relegated to an everlasting hell, and those of us who have placed our trust and our very lives in the hands of the one God will forever experience an everlasting life.

“The Separation of Church and State”

“The Separation of Church and State” is one of the biggest rallying cries among the left in the US. It’s like the Easter Bunny of Constitutional principles: Everybody’s heard of it, but it doesn’t really exist.

Everything said in the Constitution about religion is contained in the First Amendment, which protects five different fundamental rights in one sentence. Here’s what the Constitution says about religious rights, in its entirety:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Note that it doesn’t say you can’t bring your Bible to school, or say a prayer on public property or put Christmas decorations in a public park. In fact, all those things would fall under NOT prohibiting the free exercise of religion.

As for banning the establishment of religion, that doesn’t mean banning any expression of faith on government property. Leftists have cited that fallacy to demand that prayers be removed from public meetings, chaplains removed from the military, and even barring Christians from holding federal office. But what that “establishment” clause means is that there can be no official state religion, like the Church of England. It doesn’t mean all religious expression must be banished (or “separated”) from government, it just means the government can’t say, “This is the one true religion” and favor it above others.

Back before they “canceled” him for being a slaveowner, liberals loved to claim that Thomas Jefferson himself coined the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state.” That’s true, but he wasn’t talking about barring people of faith from government or expressions of faith from the public square. That phrase came in his 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Association, affirming to them that “religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God,” and the First Amendment’s “wall of separation” barred the government from making any laws establishing a state religion or interfering with the free exercise of religious expression.

This was made clear by the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1853, when it explained that the phrase “establishment of religion” “referred, without doubt, to that establishment which existed in the mother-country…endowment at the public expense, peculiar privileges to its members, or disadvantages or penalties upon those who should reject its doctrines or belong to other communities…They intended, by this amendment, to prohibit an ‘establishment of religion’ such as the English Church presented, or anything like it. But they had no fear or jealousy of religion itself, nor did they wish to see us as an irreligious people.”

Can you even imagine that a people who risked everything to take the dangerous journey to America to seek religious freedom, or their second-generation descendants, would create a government that banned people of faith?

Yet since the 1960s, we’ve seen liberal Supreme Courts ridiculously declare it unconstitutional for a student to pray aloud over his school lunch (that violates both freedom of religion and speech); or to erect a war memorial in the shape of a cross; or to display religious-themed artwork in schools even if it’s classic art; or to ask a kindergarten class whose birthday Christmas celebrates; or for a public cemetery to have a planter in the shape of a cross because if a non-Christian sees it, it might cause “emotional distress” and constitute an “injury-in-fact.”

If you can’t have religious-inspired art or books about religion in public schools, then you’ve just eliminated basic education about vast swaths of the entire history of humankind, as well as one of the most important influences on modern society. Students who attend such schools will come out of them as ignorant of art, history and civilization as anti-religion activists are about the Constitution.

A Judeo-Christian nation

One of the big hot button issues on the left these days is any suggestion that America is a Judeo-Christian nation built on Biblical principles. To them, America is all about “diversity,” which means any religion is welcome except that of the majority of Americans since the beginning of our history. They will also argue that the Founders were not Christians, even if it means grabbing the thinnest reed of circumstantial evidence and waving it like a baseball bat. I think this is evidence that they learned even less in history class than they did in economics class.

In my book “The Three C’s That Made America Great,” my co-author Steve Feazel and I compiled a mountain of evidence of the importance of the Bible and Christianity to America’s heritage. Not just in the many Christian sects that came here in the early days seeking religious freedom, but deeply rooted in the culture and the foundations of our government and school system. Here are just a few examples. See if this sounds like the thinking of a group of closet atheists…

Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence, wrote that “The Bible…should be read in our schools in preference to all other books from its containing the greatest portion of that kind of knowledge which is calculated to produce private and public temporal happiness.”

Fellow signer Samuel Adams wrote of the importance of “inculcating in the minds of youth the fear and love of the Deity…In short of leading them in the study and practice of the exalted virtues of the Christian system.”

The “Father of American Scholarship and Education,” Noah Webster, wrote, “In my view, the Christian Religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed…No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian Religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

While the Revolutionary War was raging, it was nearly impossible to import Bibles. Philadelphia Magazine publisher Robert Aitken requested that Bibles be printed in America to be used in schools. So in 1782, the Continental Congress approved the printing of what became known as the Aitken Bible, the first English Bible printed in America. That’s right: CONGRESS…printed the BIBLE…so it could be used in SCHOOLS! I can already hear liberals’ heads exploding at that revelation. The Bibles even included a statement that the US Congress “recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.”

In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, laying the groundwork for Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin to become states. It includes this statement on education: “Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Today’s leftists and atheists would dismiss these as the opinions of some early American figures that were somehow swept away by the Constitution and its nonexistent “separation of church and state” clause. However, even after the Constitution was ratified, none of that was rescinded and the Bible continued to be used in public schools.

Among those outside of government, there was little disagreement about the importance of religion, the Bible and Judeo-Christian morality as the bedrock of American culture. In 1831, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville arrived in the US to write his landmark work, “Democracy in America.” He declared that the first thing that struck him was “the religious aspect of the country,” and the longer he stayed, the more he perceived “the great political consequences” resulting from it.

De Tocqueville wrote that “there is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America,” and it “must be regarded as the foremost of the political institutions,” “for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it.” He said he was certain that Americans “hold it to be indispensable to the maintenance of republican institutions. This opinion is not peculiar to a class of citizens or a party, but it belongs to the whole nation and to every rank of society.”

He further noted the unique importance of Christianity in making freedom the foundation of America’s government: “In France I had almost always seen the spirit of religion and the spirit of freedom marching in opposite directions. But in America I found they were intimately united and that they reigned in common over the same country.”

Maybe that’s why, throughout the 1800s, no legal challenge to the Bible or morality being taught in public schools was ever raised. It took nearly 200 years for liberals to “discover” that the Founders weren’t really Christians, the nation wasn’t really built on Biblical principles of morality and justice, and the writers of the Constitution actually meant to ban Bibles from public schools.

I’ve shown my evidence for my argument. What’s theirs, other than “We feel that’s how it should be, and we found some activist liberal judges who agreed with us”?

(Partially adapted from “The Three C’s That Made America Great” by Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel)

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2023 was BAD, Here’s Why 2024 Will Be BETTER | FULL EPISODE | Huckabee

Watch my tv show here: 2023 was BAD, Here’s Why 2024 Will Be BETTER | FULL EPISODE | Huckabee - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee



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"Huckabee" Preview

December 30, 2023

I hope you had a great Christmas-New Year’s week! We’ll be back on Monday with a recap of this week’s news and all the latest headlines.

In the meantime, be sure to join me tonight for a very special New Year’s Eve edition of “Huckabee” on TBN! We’ll see out the old year with a couple of my all-time favorite guests, Dr. Phil McGraw and the king of celebrity impressionists, Rich Little. I’ll take a look back at the best of 2023 (yes, there were some “bests," on our show, at least), and laugh with the final “In Case You Missed It” of the holiday season. The First Lady of Southern Cooking, Miss Daisy King, will share a black-eyed pea recipe to get your 2024 off to a lucky start. And we’ll welcome in the new year with a fantastic musical performance by Tre Corley and the Music City Connection.

The celebration gets started tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

Proverbs 16:9 KJV


I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


“Huckabee” Preview

I hope you had a great Christmas-New Year’s week! We’ll be back on Monday with a recap of this week’s news and all the latest headlines.

In the meantime, be sure to join me tonight for a very special New Year’s Eve edition of “Huckabee” on TBN! We’ll see out the old year with a couple of my all-time favorite guests, Dr. Phil McGraw and the king of celebrity impressionists, Rich Little. I’ll take a look back at the best of 2023 (yes, there were some “bests," on our show, at least), and laugh with the final “In Case You Missed It” of the holiday season. The First Lady of Southern Cooking, Miss Daisy King, will share a black-eyed pea recipe to get your 2024 off to a lucky start. And we’ll welcome in the new year with a fantastic musical performance by Tre Corley and the Music City Connection.

The celebration gets started tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

How a small gesture can grow over time into a cherished family Christmas tradition

Angie from Wyoming shared a wonderful story of how a small gesture can grow over time into a cherished family Christmas tradition:

“My mother began a Christmas tradition over 60 years ago when she was a young mother. At times I think she wishes she would not have started it, but there is no stopping it.

Years ago, she found a pattern in what she believes was Better Homes and Gardens magazine for knitted Christmas stockings. She had three small children at the time and knitted each one a stocking which was personalized with their names knit into the pattern...the tradition began.

Not only has she hand-knitted Christmas stockings for several of her friends’ children as well as nieces and nephews, she has knitted stockings for all of her eight children and their spouses, 24 grandchildren and their spouses, and over 30 great-grandchildren. The Christmas stockings are such a big deal, I had to change the spelling of my oldest daughter’s name so it would fit within the parameters of the stocking pattern.

Each stocking takes weeks to complete and as the years have gone by, they are getting larger as her crippled hands knit more loosely than when she knitted her very first one. To date, the last stocking was finished days ago for my granddaughter…Someday as she grows older, hopefully she will cherish the hands and heart that created such a masterpiece.

I am grateful for my mother's selfless determination to carry on this tradition and know it hasn't been easy. I love her so much for that and am convinced I am going to have to learn to knit, not because my future grandchildren need matching stockings, but because I want her legacy of love to continue.”

PS - Angie sent me this story in 2011, so I assume she’s learned to knit by now!

A time when playing Santa Claus should have come with hazardous duty pay

Recently, police officers have become targets of hatred, assaults and even deadly violence.  Right now is a perfect time to stop and reflect on the many ways in which police officers and other first responders such as firefighters and EMTs give up their holidays so that we can enjoy ours in safety.  Many officers also go above and beyond the call of duty by performing incredible volunteer work.  One of those was a listener of mine named Randy, a retired police sergeant from Wyoming.  He shared a memory of a time when playing Santa Claus should have come with hazardous duty pay. 

Randy wrote:

"For many years, it was my distinct pleasure to assume the role of 'real Santa' at Christmas time. Though my sleigh was still a black and white sedan, my uniform changed from dark blues to a genuine Santa suit. I appeared on Christmas Eve, right at bedtime, delivering toys to needy children as well as my fellow officers…who had small children. What made this all work was the 'understanding' of the parents to make sure the kids were close to the front window upon my arrival, that they were not allowed out on the porch (where I left their gifts) until I was out of sight, and under NO circumstances were any pets to be loose.

All the parents were following Santa's instructions to the letter...until I got to my Chief's house. I gently placed (his sons') gifts on the porch (and) began to shake the bells, anticipating three squashed, tiny faces peering into the frosty night, trying to catch a glimpse of Santa. To my surprise...No faces. I shook the bells harder and added a hearty ‘HO, HO, HO!’ Still, no faces.

Now in mid-‘HO,’ I heard the front door open and a small dog barking. 'For cryin' out loud,' I muttered, as I jumped toward the driveway. If only I'd remembered the small wire fence surrounding his wife's flower bed. There was no time to pick myself up, as I heard high-pitched giggles floating on the cold night air.  A quick double combat roll placed me out of innocent eyes' way, underneath my boss's pickup truck."

Then Randy heard a noise that seemed to be very close: "I smelled the dog food on his breath a scant millisecond before he yapped out the alarm. The 'WHOA!' that jumped from my lips was cut painfully short as I rammed my head into the pickup's driveline... The thought crossed my mind to reach out and pinch off his little windpipe, but that seemed a bit ugly for Christmas Eve."

A pair of cowboy boots suddenly replaced the dog: "I recognized my boss's voice as the words, 'Merry Christmas, heh, heh, heh," settled onto the cold concrete... 'Merry Christmas, Chief,' I replied as a solitary drop of black engine oil struck me dead center in the forehead. 'THANKS FOR NOT TURNING ON THE PORCH LIGHT!'

I continued on my rounds, a black greasy racing stripe running from my white curly beard to my belt, a well-lubricated lump on my forehead. I finished just as a soft snow began to fall, covering everything in a glistening blanket of white. It seemed the perfect punctuation mark to end another Christmas on Patrol."

Thanks again for that great story, Randy.  And thanks to all the police officers and other first responders and military members who go above and beyond, and sometimes even roll underneath, to keep us all safe during the holidays and all year ‘round.

A beautiful story

One thing we all learned from “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is that it’s not how fancy your tree is that matters, it’s the love it represents.  A radio listener of mine named Vicky from California sent me a beautiful story that illustrated that as well as Charles M. Schulz did.

Vicky recalled a time years before, when her young family was desperately poor and struggling to provide Christmas for their three small children.  Her husband brought home a tree, but was so exhausted after working 14 hours, he hadn't noticed it was dead and brown on one side. 

A neighbor tried to help by giving them a little 18-inch, lighted tabletop tree.  Vickie thought it was so small and ugly, she began to cry at the thought that this shrunken thing would be their family's tree.  Just then, her little daughter began to cry, too, and hugged her. But she was crying for a very different reason.

The little girl said in awe, “That is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. Do we really get to have that as our tree this year?" 

Vicki wrote, “I had a permanent attitude change.  That night, I couldn't stop thanking our Heavenly Father enough for His blessings.”  

Thank you, Vicki. That story puts a new spin on “a little child shall lead them.” 

Anything can become a cherished memory

Beth from Texas offered a story whose moral is that anything can become a cherished memory if it’s associated with the joy of Christmas, and I do mean ANYTHING!...

“For many years, my sister (who teaches Kindergarten) and I would deliver any gifts from the Angel tree at K-Mart that had not been picked up by Christmas Eve. Many of the names were ones familiar to my sister, and we loaded up the car and put on our Santa hats and went delivering in everything from snow to rain...this to us was the true meaning of Christmas.

One place we would always stop about half-way through our deliveries was the Beasley Memorial Funeral Home - it had a drive-up viewing window in front!

The first Christmas after K-Mart closed, my sister and I were both at loose ends on Christmas Eve. I drove us over to sit in the driveway of the funeral home so it felt more like Christmas Eve. Happy to say some of our best Christmas Eves were spent sitting in that driveway! Merry Christmas to you!”

Bill Maher’s insight

From 2 weeks ago, but Bill Maher has more insight than the entire UN & most people pretending to be experts about realities of the world. Comedic brilliance!

100% accurate statement by @AriFleischer:

Make no mistake: Attempts to throw Trump off the ballot are white-collar insurrections, carried out by Democrats in powerful positions, who falsely use the "law" as a weapon. They fear a vote of the people, so they resort to this. This is an insurrection.

Watch Mike On TV

Huckabee: This makes people even more determined to vote for Trump

Watch my interview here: Huckabee: This makes people even more determined to vote for Trump - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee: This is absurd

Watch my interview here: Mike Huckabee: This is absurd - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

John 1:14


I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Never forget what it is like to be a kid at Christmas

Melvin from Oregon wrote to share memories of a couple of Christmases that were made very special, thanks to a grandfather who never forgot what it was like to be a kid at Christmas.

“Christmas 1944: I am four years old and my dad is still overseas, so mom and I are staying with my grandparents. Christmas eve, it's time for me to hang up my sock. I'm just getting ready to hang it on the mantle when grandpa comes in. He has a giant sock and a big metal wash tub. I ask him what he is doing, and this is what he tells me:

‘I'm going to hang this big old sock up.’ He hangs his sock up then he puts the wash tub under the sock. He shows me that there is a hole in the toe of the sock, and it has a tennis ball in the hole. He then tells me that ‘when Santa comes tonight, he will start putting good stuff in his big old sock, and the tennis ball will fall out.’ Santa will keep stuffing his sock and the presents will fall into the wash tub, and he will get way more stuff than I will in my little old sock.

Well, I'm only four years old, but I know this ain't right. I go running to grandma and tell her that grandpa is going to cheat Santa. Grandma says, ‘Don't worry, because I know that Santa is much smarter than your grandpa is.’ So I go off to bed, but I am not happy.

Christmas morning comes. I run downstairs and see that my grandpa has a sour look on his face. I see my sock has all kinds of good stuff in it. I look at grandpa’s sock, and the wash tub is full. It has an old rubber boot with a big hole in it, a big half-rotten squash, some chunks of coal, an old broken shovel etc., etc. I guess grandma was right after all. Santa is smarter than grandpa.”

The next year, Melvin’s grandpa was still putting creativity into Christmas…

“Christmas 1945.  I am five years old, and we are still staying with my grandparents…My father was in Japan in the Second World War, his two brothers were in the European theater.  All three came home OK. I thank God for that and for all of the men that have gone before.

We are trimming the Christmas tree. Grandpa comes in, and he has all of these walnuts that he has painted silver and put a yarn loop on to hang them with. I think they’re neat, but that’s about it.

Christmas morning, I come down and start opening my presents. Grandpa says, ‘Why don't you open one of those walnuts?’ I say ‘Naw, I got to open my presents’… Well grandpa keeps after me. Finally, I say, ‘Okay!’  So I crack a walnut open, and a penny falls out. Well, NOW I'm opening walnuts!  There's dimes, nickels, and pennies.  When I get done, I have about a dollar fifty, and that’s big money in 1945.

…My grandfather thought enough of me to take the time to cut the walnuts open and take out the meat for grandma to cook with. Then he put a coin in and glued each one back together, just to make a little five-year-old boy happy on Christmas morning.

Sixty-five years later, I don't remember anything else I got that Christmas.  But I remember the walnuts and the love that went into making them. That might be something for young parents to think about... It really is the little things that count the most.” 

Thanks, Melvin, for giving us all something important to remember before we go frantically hunting for whatever the latest “hot” gift is. It’s not so much the gift that we remember years later, but the person who loved us enough to give it to us that matters.    

Christmas inspiration

Nobody is more excited about Christmas Day than children, and sometimes, it inspires them to come out with some real gems.  For instance, Mona from Kentucky wrote:

“When I was a child, we had a coal stove. One of those potbellied stoves. Of course, with those stoves, there was a small pipe that went out the ceiling so the smoke would not get in the house. I remember wondering how Santa got down that skinny pipe.  So one day I asked Mom how he got down that pipe.  I guess I really put her on the spot because she replied, “He has a house key!”  And that satisfied me.” 

Thank you, Mona, and Merry Christmas to your mom, who I bet had to answer a lot of tough questions before you grew up! 

Here’s another story of a Christmas miracle that started with the words of a child.  Tom from Louisiana wrote that he used to volunteer for the park district in Calumet City, Illinois, in a low-income area.  One year, the man playing Santa was ill, so Tom filled in.  It was a hard job, listening to the Christmas wishes of hundreds of children, knowing most of their parents were too poor to make them come true. 

One day, a little 5-year-old girl, as beautiful as a china doll, hopped up in his lap and didn’t say a word.  He asked her if she’d been good and obeyed her parents.  She said yes.  So he asked what she wanted for Christmas.  She replied, “Nothing.” 

Tom was dumbfounded.  He asked if she was sure she didn’t want anything.  She said not for herself.  But could Santa give her daddy a job?  He needed a job.  Well, Tom didn’t know how to answer that.  So he just said he’d try his best, but that was one wish Santa might not be able to fill.

But, Tom wrote:

“God works in great ways.  At the time the young girl was sitting on my lap, (a local reporter) was there taking pictures and…overheard the child’s conversation with Santa. The next day, the paper (ran a photo) of the little girl sitting on Santa’s lap with the caption ‘All she wants for Christmas is a job for her daddy’…The next day, the little girl’s father received a call and was offered a job. A day or so later, the little girl came back to see me with my favorite chocolate chip cookies and a thank you for Santa…

Till this day, and it’s been at least twenty-five years, I still tear up thinking about that little girl and her unselfish wish. Christmas is truly about miracles.” 

Thank you, Tom.  I bet that little girl was the best gift her daddy ever received. 

Deborah from Austin reminds us that Christmas can touch our souls in unexpected and lasting ways:

“It was Christmas Eve, and the man I was dating and I were out all day finishing his shopping. When it got to be evening, I said I was going to Christmas Eve service and invited him to go with me. He said he wasn't ready to go back to church because he hadn't changed his life.

I asked him again and told him, ‘You're not going to change your life until you go back to church.’ I left him and headed off to attend the service by myself. 

As I took my seat, I'd never felt so alone. I was looking down and someone sat beside me. I looked at his shoes and then up. It was him. He told me he just couldn't let me be by myself on Christmas Eve. The next year, on Christmas Eve, we were married…It has always been, and now even more so, my favorite day of the year.”

Dale from Illinois shared a memory of when his family asked for no gifts, but got the best gift ever:

“My most memorable Christmas was the one that I asked for no gifts. We didn't decorate or even put up a tree. Seven weeks earlier, we had a new grandson. He was born with heart problems and was airlifted to a hospital in Peoria, Illinois, where they did heart surgery on newborns. He spent the first five weeks of his life in Intensive Care after two open heart surgeries.

My wife and I were so grateful to God for our grandson that we accepted him as our gift. There was nothing that could compete with God's gift of healing. Our grandson made a wonderful Christmas.”

A happy memory

You’ve heard the term, a “hard candy Christmas”? Well, Kathy from Kentucky recalled a Christmas when hard candy would’ve seemed like a luxury. And “not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse” was more than could be hoped for. But somehow, it can end up as a happy memory if you can just keep your sense of humor:

“To start with, it was a Christmas I will never forget. I had married at age fourteen, partly to escape the hand of life I was dealt, with parents neither of (whom) seemed to want me or my siblings. We were shuffled from here to there, staying with family or staying alone many nights by ourselves by the time I was 11 years old.

I had married so young trying to escape and have some kind of normal family. At least that’s what I felt at the time. I was much more mature at age 14 than most 25-year-olds today. It was our second Christmas together and we didn't have very much money, but I was 16 by this time and was expecting our first of four children I would eventually have. I so much wanted to have a Christmas tree and decorate it.

Well, with my meager budget, I felt the old-fashioned way might be my best bet. My tree had a few hand-me-down ornaments that were scratched and tattered. I also managed to buy a pack of the old-fashioned icicles that looked like shredded aluminum foil shavings. In 1973, we didn't have all the new shimmering decorations.

I also took a bag of cranberries and some popcorn and strung it to make a stream of garland. I thought our little hand-cut cedar tree was beautiful. It had taken me all day to string the cranberries and popcorn. I strung them around the tree trying to cut corners so they would cover more area. Finally, the tree was decorated.

That night, I went to bed with a few little presents and a beautiful tree. At the time, we lived in an old house we rented, and there were cracks big enough that you could throw a cat through around the windows. I was used to cold houses and not-so-fine furnishings. At 16, I was doing pretty good, I thought. I just couldn't wait to show my Christmas tree and what a fine job I had done.

I woke up the next morning and walked into our simple little living room to see my tree. My heart sank, I just couldn't believe it. The mice had eaten all my popcorn and several of the cranberries! I was devastated, but after the shock wore off, my husband and I just laughed and laughed.

Even after that, I still put popcorn strings on our tree. Later, my four kids would help. The happiest Christmases I remember were ones when we had very little materially but had generosity in our hearts.

I have since gone to college with those four kids and am now a retired teacher. The one thing I always tried to teach my kids as well as my students is that it's not how much money you spend, it is about how much love and generosity is in your heart. Money does not make you happy, love does.”

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Peter Strzok is as corrupt as they get: Mike Huckabee

Watch my interview here: Peter Strzok is as corrupt as they get: Mike Huckabee - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee


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Angels are watching over us

December 28, 2023


Molly from Washington has a story about how the angels are watching over us…and sometimes, they’re not too happy with what they see!

“I remember our Christmases at home. They were magical. Although we didn't have much the rest of the year, my mother would somehow transform our house and our lives into a magical wonderland once a year. There was always snow in Virginia, and there was always Christmas all around the town. Christmas meant that we would be getting our stockings filled with goodies that we rarely, if ever, got throughout the year. We would always have a small handful of nuts, a small handful of hard candies (green and white ribbons were my favorite!) and an orange. What more could you want?

The house was decorated with all of our treasures that we had collected over the years. Mama had a village that lit up and it twinkled on a bed of white snowy cotton. The tree had beautiful lights and all of the ornaments we had made and collected. At the very top of the tree was an angel. She had golden blonde hair and there were clear strands of thin plastic that shot out all around her. When we lit her up every Christmas, it was my favorite moment! She just shimmered and seemed to have an ethereal glow. I always felt like I had just found my long-lost friend, and I knew that she would be watching over me. We always had a fresh tree, and the smell would fill the house. It was such a happy time!

It was almost Christmas of 1958. I was 11, and my brother, Jimmy, was 13. It was the first Christmas that I remember us being so excited. We didn't get a lot of presents or toys throughout the year so we always looked forward to getting our one present. This year, I was surprised to see that my brother and I had the exact same box under the tree. It was the same size, same weight, and was wrapped the same. When we shook them, they sounded the same too. There was no sound at all! We were hoping for a rattle or jingle that would give us a clue as to what was inside. Half of the fun was trying to figure out what it could be. We were truly puzzled this year. How could they buy us the same thing? He was a boy and I was a girl. The presents felt like they could have a book inside. I did not want a book for Christmas! I was always an avid reader and I did love books, but I could get them at the library or from a friend. I did not want to find a book under the tree. I decided I would just have to wait and find out.

It was two days before Christmas and my mother and stepfather went into town to do some shopping. That left Jimmy and me there alone. We were sitting there not long after they had driven out of the driveway when Jimmy suddenly had a brainstorm. Why not open the presents and see what we were getting? He was sure he could do it so nobody would know. I told him that I didn't think that was a good idea. We would surely be caught and then it would ruin our holiday. He said he was going to do it anyway. He went to the tree and began to slowly and very gently pull the tape off of one end of the present. I was watching from a distance and when he said he had it nearly open, I couldn't stand it anymore and I ran over to see what was inside. As he pulled back the paper from the end of the package, we both let out a squeal! It was a transistor radio! We were thrilled! We carefully put the tape back and put the present right where it had been.

I looked up and there was the angel staring right at me! I had just committed a great sin and all in her presence. It felt like her eyes were burning into my soul! Oh, if only I could redo the last few minutes! But it was too late. I had sinned and there was no way to change it!

Christmas morning came and everyone went downstairs to begin the celebration. I opened my sock first and popped a piece of candy in my mouth. It was so good. I was so thrilled to get some treats and I always made them last as long as I could. Then it was time to open our present. I ripped mine open and tried to look very surprised and excited. I felt so bad! I felt like a thief and liar. I was feeling so guilty and it felt like I had a 50-pound weight hanging on my back and I could not get rid of it. As I sat there, I looked up at my beautiful angel and I felt her eyes upon me once again. There seemed to be sadness in her eyes. I asked her to please forgive me. I never enjoyed the radio as much as I would have if I had waited until Christmas morning to open it! It was like a constant reminder that I was a liar! As we all gathered around the table to eat our wonderful dinner, I felt my stomach drop and I couldn't eat very much at all. I loved Christmas dinner almost as much as I enjoyed getting a present, but this year, I just couldn't get an appetite.

The following year, I waited until Christmas morning, and I got a nice coat with a fur collar. I was thrilled! My brother suggested peeking again, but I told him that I was never going to do that again! I had learned my lesson, and it was one that would last me a lifetime! I looked up at my angel, and she seemed to be glowing brighter than ever! And she seemed to have a much more peaceful look on her face. I knew then that I was forgiven, and I promised her that I would never peek at presents again!”

Thank you, Molly, for that reminder that it’s not just Santa Claus who’s watching over us to see if we’re naughty or nice.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Angels are watching over us

Molly from Washington has a story about how the angels are watching over us…and sometimes, they’re not too happy with what they see!

“I remember our Christmases at home. They were magical. Although we didn't have much the rest of the year, my mother would somehow transform our house and our lives into a magical wonderland once a year. There was always snow in Virginia, and there was always Christmas all around the town. Christmas meant that we would be getting our stockings filled with goodies that we rarely, if ever, got throughout the year. We would always have a small handful of nuts, a small handful of hard candies (green and white ribbons were my favorite!) and an orange. What more could you want?

The house was decorated with all of our treasures that we had collected over the years. Mama had a village that lit up and it twinkled on a bed of white snowy cotton. The tree had beautiful lights and all of the ornaments we had made and collected. At the very top of the tree was an angel. She had golden blonde hair and there were clear strands of thin plastic that shot out all around her. When we lit her up every Christmas, it was my favorite moment! She just shimmered and seemed to have an ethereal glow. I always felt like I had just found my long-lost friend, and I knew that she would be watching over me. We always had a fresh tree, and the smell would fill the house. It was such a happy time!

It was almost Christmas of 1958. I was 11, and my brother, Jimmy, was 13. It was the first Christmas that I remember us being so excited. We didn't get a lot of presents or toys throughout the year so we always looked forward to getting our one present. This year, I was surprised to see that my brother and I had the exact same box under the tree. It was the same size, same weight, and was wrapped the same. When we shook them, they sounded the same too. There was no sound at all! We were hoping for a rattle or jingle that would give us a clue as to what was inside. Half of the fun was trying to figure out what it could be. We were truly puzzled this year. How could they buy us the same thing? He was a boy and I was a girl. The presents felt like they could have a book inside. I did not want a book for Christmas! I was always an avid reader and I did love books, but I could get them at the library or from a friend. I did not want to find a book under the tree. I decided I would just have to wait and find out.

It was two days before Christmas and my mother and stepfather went into town to do some shopping. That left Jimmy and me there alone. We were sitting there not long after they had driven out of the driveway when Jimmy suddenly had a brainstorm. Why not open the presents and see what we were getting? He was sure he could do it so nobody would know. I told him that I didn't think that was a good idea. We would surely be caught and then it would ruin our holiday. He said he was going to do it anyway. He went to the tree and began to slowly and very gently pull the tape off of one end of the present. I was watching from a distance and when he said he had it nearly open, I couldn't stand it anymore and I ran over to see what was inside. As he pulled back the paper from the end of the package, we both let out a squeal! It was a transistor radio! We were thrilled! We carefully put the tape back and put the present right where it had been.

I looked up and there was the angel staring right at me! I had just committed a great sin and all in her presence. It felt like her eyes were burning into my soul! Oh, if only I could redo the last few minutes! But it was too late. I had sinned and there was no way to change it!

Christmas morning came and everyone went downstairs to begin the celebration. I opened my sock first and popped a piece of candy in my mouth. It was so good. I was so thrilled to get some treats and I always made them last as long as I could. Then it was time to open our present. I ripped mine open and tried to look very surprised and excited. I felt so bad! I felt like a thief and liar. I was feeling so guilty and it felt like I had a 50-pound weight hanging on my back and I could not get rid of it. As I sat there, I looked up at my beautiful angel and I felt her eyes upon me once again. There seemed to be sadness in her eyes. I asked her to please forgive me. I never enjoyed the radio as much as I would have if I had waited until Christmas morning to open it! It was like a constant reminder that I was a liar! As we all gathered around the table to eat our wonderful dinner, I felt my stomach drop and I couldn't eat very much at all. I loved Christmas dinner almost as much as I enjoyed getting a present, but this year, I just couldn't get an appetite.

The following year, I waited until Christmas morning, and I got a nice coat with a fur collar. I was thrilled! My brother suggested peeking again, but I told him that I was never going to do that again! I had learned my lesson, and it was one that would last me a lifetime! I looked up at my angel, and she seemed to be glowing brighter than ever! And she seemed to have a much more peaceful look on her face. I knew then that I was forgiven, and I promised her that I would never peek at presents again!”

Thank you, Molly, for that reminder that it’s not just Santa Claus who’s watching over us to see if we’re naughty or nice.

This Christmas Story Will Touch Your Digestive System

One thing everyone loves about the holidays is all the great foods we indulge in only once a year. Every family has its special dishes that simply must be on the table, from oyster dressing to yams with tiny marshmallows. But sometimes, they don’t make for a great combination, on the plate or in your stomach.

Kevin from Maryland wrote me that he grew up in a Norwegian family that always served the notorious fish dish, lutefisk, which he jokingly called, “the piece of Cod that passes all understanding." (The recipe involves soaking a piece of cod fish in lye for three days. Seriously.)

Kevin recalled:

“My mother, a fine teetotaling Christian who prided herself on never having alcohol in the house, was appalled the day my uncle brought a six-pack of beer as his contribution to the Christmas meal. To my mother’s horror, my father graciously accepted the libation. And so, in sullen silence, the family dinner was served...the traditional lutefisk and Godless beer.

I remember the smirk on my uncle's face as he began to eat the fish dish and wash it down with beer. My father, at the other end of the table shared in the merriment, while my poor grim-faced mother tried to remain polite...though sitting next to her, I was certain that she was asking God to strike her kin with righteous retribution.”

Now, at this point, Kevin went into some clinical details about the chemical reactions of the digestive system that I won’t relay here. Suffice to say that about half an hour into the meal, his dad and uncle suddenly excused themselves and bolted from the table. They both spent a miserable night of gastric distress, much to his mom’s quiet satisfaction.

Kevin said that was the Christmas he learned that mixing fish cured in lye with beer creates a volcanic reaction in the stomach similar to mixing vinegar and baking soda. He said it was also the year he learned that God answers prayers (his mother’s, at least.) And He's not above using science in working His will.

I want to thank Kevin for that unique story. While most of my listeners’ stories touched the heart or the funny bone, his was the only one that touched the digestive system.

Christmas is about what we give, not what we get

This story reminds us that no matter how bad off we think we are, there are others in greater need. And nothing reflects the spirit of Christmas more than someone who gives to others even when they have very little themselves. Dorothy from North Carolina wrote:

“It's been a few years ago now that through an unusual set of circumstances I met a dear Christian lady named Hilda N-----. Hilda had endured many hardships in life…Now, in her later years… she lived in abject poverty with…crippling arthritis. It was Christmas and I had a gift for Hilda. Mark and I were dating at the time and I asked him to go with me to Hilda's humble home… But it wasn't my gift that I've remembered all these was HER gift, given liberally out of her poverty, that I will never forget.

She and I had exchanged gifts, her gift to me a small ceramic bell with a cross at the top from the dollar store. And then came the moment I cherish yet today. She looked at Mark apologetically and reached down into the cushion of the chair…fumbling until she finally retrieved a small, zippered change purse. Her gnarled, misshapen fingers (terribly twisted from the arthritis) moving slowly and with painful effort, she managed to open the purse… Finally, she turned to Mark and, pulling out a folded, crumpled $1.00 bill, she held it out to him.

Her soft, quiet voice and loving manner gave eloquence to the gesture. ‘I didn't know YOU were coming so I didn't have a gift for you. Here’, she handed him the dollar bill, ‘Merry Christmas.’

Tears sprang to my eyes as I knew what a sacrifice was represented in the giving of the dollar bill. Her heart of love and her desire to share the little she had gave her gift more meaning than a purse full of gold.”

Thank you, Dorothy, and Hilda, for reminding us that Christmas isn’t about what we get, it’s about what we give.

We Have Survived Hard Times

These last few years have been tough for many people, but Anita in New Mexico reminds us that we have survived hard times before:

“In the 1950's, my stepfather suffered a severe illness. Christmas had always been ‘light weight,’ although we didn't know it; there was love to go around and a great dinner.

On Christmas Eve, the doorbell rang and there stood a group of church people, not from our church, with gifts, some wrapped, others were secondhand, but they were new to us!!!! There were more gifts than we had ever seen before, and my mother made sure some went to other homes.

I hadn't experienced such a love of giving before, and it always makes my memories of Christmas special to the point that I enjoy helping where I can and just enjoying the day with my husband with food and remembering exactly what the day is all about.”

Jerry from Florida also shared a memory of a hard time Christmas that was made wonderful by the generosity of others:

“My greatest Christmas was when I was five years old. My mother had taken my brother, sister and myself away from an abusive father, and we were on our own. To say we were poor would be an understatement. My mom rented an old house, and she supported us on a waitress’s wages. She refused to accept welfare and told us that as long as we had each other and love that we would make it. We had our own garden and even as small kids worked to help. We had so very little. Quite often, we had to drink powdered milk and eat bread and gravy three times a day. A hot dog was considered a luxury.

Christmas that year looked bleak. We had no money, but it was the happiest time of my life because we had love. Love of family and neighbors. There was one present for each of us kids that Christmas Eve as we went to bed.

On Christmas morning, we all came down to open our present. An unbelievable sight awaited us. We got to the door of the living room and our eyes widened. There were so many toys and presents that you couldn’t even hardly get in the room. Toy trucks!! Bicycles!!! Our joy and surprise were great.

We lived in a small town…Williamsfield, Illinois. Our neighbors knew we had so little. After us kids had gone to bed on Christmas Eve, the knocks on the door started. People from all over town brought things. That is the type of people I had the honor to grow up with. No government. No welfare. Just neighbors helping neighbors by living the Christian values we were all taught.

I think of that Christmas morning so long ago today and still get a smile and a tear. It was the greatest Christmas I ever had.

My mom went on to remarry to a great guy who adopted us. They worked hard to provide us a better life and live the American Dream. Mom went back to college after we were older and at the age of 38 graduated Summa Cum Laude and taught school for years. Today they live comfortably in retirement.

I think of those days and how poor we were, but I also think of the values instilled in me by a loving mother and a great community. Values that taught us about self-reliance and helping your neighbor. These were the greatest lessons learned from my greatest Christmas.”

Thank you, Anita and Jerry, for that reminder of what a difference it makes to have churches and communities that gather together to help those who are in need. We need that more than ever now, if our politicians would just stop waging war on our churches and communities.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee



I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


A Christmas miracle

It’s become a tradition for me to share this story every year during Christmas because it proves that Christmas is a time for miracles.  Not just the miracles that happened 2,000 years ago, but those that God is showing us every day if we just open our eyes and our hearts to see them. 

Back in 2011, one of my radio listeners named Sheila from Oklahoma wrote to me: 

"I was diagnosed with Hodgkins' Disease lymphoma and felt I had been given a death sentence. I believed it was the last time I would celebrate my young son's birthday, my last Thanksgiving and my last Christmas.  So everything about Christmas was vital to me. I hand-wrote personal messages to everyone on my card list, carefully selected and wrapped gifts and insisted on decorating my home alone with my son, in spite of chemotherapy.

The tree was a full-day endeavor because I was fatigued, and, of course, I had to cherish the memories of each special ornament. The two of us struggled with the lights but were almost finished with the entire tree.  I had sat down to rest (when) my son announced, 'Mom! The lights went out!'...

I know it is trivial, but it just knocked the wind out of me. I bowed my head and cried because changing the lights meant undecorating the whole tree, and I just didn't have the energy. 

'Lord,' I prayed. 'I can't do this. I need this Christmas, but I can't do this.' 

Then I heard my son gasp, and I looked up to see all the lights were on again.  And they stayed lit throughout Advent to Epiphany.  For this and many reasons, my first Christmas with cancer was my best ever."  

That terrific story contained two miracles: A simple one reminiscent of Hanukkah, in which the lights stayed on as a message that you were not alone. 

The second miracle: that story was about the Christmas of 1995.  Sheila wrote to me to share it in 2011 -- 16 years after she thought she'd seen her final Christmas! 

But wait: there’s now a third miracle. Over the years, I have often thought about Sheila and prayed that she is still alive and well. A couple of years ago, nearly a decade after she shared that story that has inspired so many, she contacted me again to tell me this:

“…I am so thankful that you have continued to share my miracles. The lymphoma relapsed in 2001 and I underwent an autologous bone marrow transplant and have been cancer-free since. I am a 25-year cancer survivor and I thank God for every day.”

Sheila, I hope that wherever you are, you are still in good health. I pray for you and thank you for sharing that inspiring story that has meant so much to me and my readers and listeners over the years.

A time for prayers and miracles

Christmas is a time for prayers and miracles, and one often follows the other. Rosalin from Virginia shared a story that proves God sometimes shows a very personal interest in us, if we’ll just ask Him into our lives. She wrote:

"Years ago, when our children were younger, we ran into hard times. It was a Wednesday morning, and Christmas was on Saturday. We had no money for Christmas gifts and no savings in the bank. My husband was home without work as a carpenter. He suggested we join hands and pray, which we did.

Three hours later, friends of ours called from New York to tell us that they'd received a large Christmas bonus from work, and God put our family on their hearts. They told us they'd sent us $350 through Western Union...not knowing of our situation. We picked up the check and went Christmas shopping. It was a GREAT lesson my children will NEVER forget!"

Thank you, Rosalin. That's a great story that none of us will ever forget!

The best gift this Christmas is giving to others

On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the One who told us, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” But on holidays like this that emphasize parties and socializing, many people feel lonely, isolated or abandoned. This became even more acute during the pandemic lockdowns. They may not realize how many people really do care about them. Let this story from Linda in North Carolina be a reminder:

"Several years ago, we had a family up the hill who were having a very rough time. They had broken glass in their windows, no heat and no prospects for a nice Christmas.

We got neighbors together and one day when they were gone, the men went up and put in new glass, bought heaters and warmed up their trailer and went to get them a Christmas tree. The ladies and kids made ornaments, went to stores and got donations of toys and clothing, food and electric blankets. We all met at the trailer, cooked, decorated, put up the tree, wrapped packages, and made beds with the new blankets then went to our home to wait for them to return.

A while later, the family came running down the hill in the snow and flew into our house, trying to tell us through tears what someone had done. The mother couldn't believe that so many people cared about them. She didn't realize it, but being able to do that for them made Christmas very special for all of us.”

Thank you, Linda, for that perfect story to remind us that the gifts that give us the most satisfaction aren’t those we get, but the ones we give to others.

Treasured Memories Of Christmas

This time of year, one of the many great holiday songs we always hear is the late, great Glen Campbell’s “Christmas Is For Children.” That sentiment was also on the minds of many of my radio listeners whose most treasured memories of Christmas were tied to childhood – either their kids’ childhoods or their own.

Some were of the “Kids Say The Darnedest Things” variety. For instance, Joe from Georgia recalled when his son was 7, their church had a pancake breakfast with a “Happy Birthday Jesus” cake for the kids, and the Lord’s Supper for adults during the Christmas Eve service. His son tugged his sleeve and asked, “Dad, why am I allowed to eat the Lord’s Breakfast but not His supper?”

An eternal theological question, my son!

There's something about the excitement of Christmas that makes children even more hilariously discombobulated. Cleve from New Mexico wrote, "At our house, we always opened our presents on Christmas morning. I remember the first year my daughters were really, really, really looking forward to Christmas. On Christmas Eve morning, they jumped out of bed, ran into the kitchen, and hollered, 'Today's the night we get up in the morning!!'"

Well, they were right: it was!

Dolores from Texas recalled that during the Depression, her parents gave her and her sister Betsy Wetsy dolls, and made a little suitcase and a whole wardrobe for them. Dolores said it was the “best Christmas ever!” The girls were so excited, they didn’t even realize until years later that those were actually their old dolls, all cleaned up. The moral: To a child, a gift doesn’t have to be new…just new to THEM.

Claudine from North Dakota shared this:

“When my kids were little, the church was getting together some toys, gifts and food items for a poor family who had just moved to our area at Christmas time. While looking in the pantry to see what we might have extras of, I asked my children what they would like to give. My daughter - then six years old - went to her room and brought down her Barbie doll complete with Barbie outfits, that she loved to play with. It was her only one. When I said, ‘Oh, honey, you don't have to give your favorite doll’, she said to me, ‘Mommy, if you just give what you don't want, it's not really giving, is it?’”

When you “give till it hurts,” as some people put it, it can actually feel pretty good. Thank you, Claudine, for reminding us that sometimes, parents can learn from children.

BettyJean from California had a favorite childhood Christmas memory that reminds us not to look a gift horse in the mouth. She wrote:

"I was born in 1928 in a small town in Montana. My mother died in 1929... (and) we were very poor...One Christmas my friend, Rex, whose parents had a restaurant in town, gave me a beautifully wrapped present. I was SOOOO EXCITED! Christmas Eve, my brother and I unwrapped our two presents. My brother watched me unwrap mine: a box of candy. And I can still hear him, 70 years later...yelling out, "DAAAAAD! THERE'S A PIECE GONE!!!!!"

I guess that proves little boys haven't really changed much in all these years!

Of course, Christmas is also a time when many of us former children experience the sadness of memories of parents who are no longer with us. I received many stories from people who were rocked by a flood of emotions at something as simple as coming across an old family decoration that their dad made, or the smell of a favorite family dish that mama used to cook. You never know what unlikely things might trigger overwhelming emotions.

For example, Linda from Texas recalled that her grandfather’s last Christmas gift to her dad just before he died was a shirt. He never wore that shirt. But he kept it hanging in his closet for the rest of his life, carefully preserved as a reminder of his dad.

Ellen from Oregon would understand that feeling. Her mother died of a brain tumor that had scrambled her thinking and sometimes made her a little exasperating. Just before Christmas, she made a big production of being driven to the post office to buy Christmas ornament postage stamps. She debated at great length before settling on the design, which she insisted on calling the “Jingle Bell stamps.” The postal clerk put three sheets of stamps in an onionskin envelope for her. Her mom proudly took them home, wrote “Christmas stamps” on the envelope, and displayed them on the windowsill for all to see. It seemed a little silly to Ellen at the time.

One month later, as she and her sisters were cleaning out their late mother’s house, Ellen came across her mom’s beloved Jingle Bells stamps in the onionskin envelope with her handwriting on it. She wrote, “I took them into the bathroom and cried.” She took the envelope with the remaining stamps home with her. Long afterward, when her husband needed a stamp, she opened the stamp drawer, saw them again, and cried again.

She began calling them the “Jingle Bell stamps,” too. There are only three stamps left, and there always will be. Ellen said she could never use them. She wrote:

“It’s almost as if when those stamps are gone, one more thread will be cut…But somehow, I know I will never give up that little onion skin envelope. Whenever I buy stamps, it will always be in sheets, and I will always tuck them into that little onion skin envelope.”

Thank you for sharing that, Ellen. And please know that you are not alone. Many of us treasure things that might seem silly to others, but they hold value beyond gold to us. There’s no reason to be embarrassed about having a reminder of your mom in the stamp drawer. But it’s even better to know that we’ll always have memories of our loved ones who’ve left us tucked safely away in our hearts.

Anything can become a cherished memory

Beth from Texas offered a story whose moral is that anything can become a cherished memory if it’s associated with the joy of Christmas, and I do mean ANYTHING!...

“For many years, my sister (who teaches Kindergarten) and I would deliver any gifts from the Angel tree at K-Mart that had not been picked up by Christmas Eve. Many of the names were ones familiar to my sister, and we loaded up the car and put on our Santa hats and went delivering in everything from snow to rain...this to us was the true meaning of Christmas.

One place we would always stop about half-way through our deliveries was the Beasley Memorial Funeral Home - it had a drive-up viewing window in front!

The first Christmas after K-Mart closed, my sister and I were both at loose ends on Christmas Eve. I drove us over to sit in the driveway of the funeral home so it felt more like Christmas Eve. Happy to say some of our best Christmas Eves were spent sitting in that driveway! Merry Christmas to you!”



Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

For more news, visit my website.



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee



I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year’s holiday with your family and friends, and don't get stuck at the airport. To allow my staff to spend the holidays with their families, we’ll be taking a break next week from the news which (I hope!) will slow down between Christmas and New Year’s.

But keep checking your email box and the Internet because we’ve prepared plenty of material in advance, including our holiday tradition: sharing some of the amazing, moving, hilarious and inspirational family Christmas stories sent to me by my radio listeners and inspired by my book, “A Simple Christmas.” Rest assured that if anything does happen in the news that cries out for comment and reportage, we’ll put down our candy canes and pumpkin pie and rush to our keyboards to cover it.  

From me, Pat, Laura, David, Chris and everyone at the Huckabee Newsletter, and all my crew from "Huckabee" on TBN, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


'The Hungry Times'

These days, too many people are trying to take religion out of the Christmas season. It sometimes makes me think, “Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do…or what they’re missing.” Maybe this letter will make it clear.

A Reverend wrote to me from Malawi:

“After having been raised up in urban North American culture, it was refreshing, but also a bit disorientating, to spend my first Christmas in Africa in 2009. There was a Baptist Church of course, but no Christmas Trees and no caroling in the streets, and no mad dash to the Mall to buy presents. The mixed congregation of ex-pats and nationals who attended the Christmas Sunday service sang the carols we were accustomed to, but there appeared to be far less excitement…

This is the ‘Hungry Times’ when most folks, aside from us ex-pats, are living off of the stored-up remnants of last year’s harvest, with an eye to how little there is left and how long until the next harvest comes in. Nevertheless, on the morning after Christmas, we were all called to return to the Church and bring food and clothing and the Word of God and prepare to visit Zomba Central Prison to distribute some hope and good cheer.

This Prison is a daunting facility built by Colonialists in the 1930's that, today, houses twice as many inmates as it was designed for. We shared the goods and the Gospel with inmates, in both men's wing and women's wing. And so, for me, began a ministry of Prison Chaplaincy in the Prisons of southern Malawi.

…It’s ‘Hungry Time" again, but I thank God that the inmates are hungry for the Gospel. In the six Prisons and Prison Farms where we work, we have seen over 240 decisions to accept Christ (including many from Muslim backgrounds) and 160 inmates Baptized and inmates are being transformed by the power of God. Some of those counseled before release are eager to return to their villages and tell others of the one who came as our Savior that first Christmas morning. And for that, I'll forever enjoy a different kind of Christmas.”

Thank you, Reverend, for sharing your unique Christmas experience with us. If you’d like to learn more about the fine work done by Emmanuel International Mission in Malawi and elsewhere, you can read about it online at

A card or a phone call could mean the world to someone

Even if you aren’t hosting a big gathering for distant friends and relatives, don’t forget to let them know you’re thinking of them and that “family” doesn’t just mean close blood relations, as Mario from Indiana reminded us:

"I grew up in Mexico in an orphanage with 40 brothers and sisters. My mom and dad, as we called them, were missionaries for 28 years. When we celebrated Christmas, we had toys and clothing, but the best gift was that mom cooked breakfast for each child according to what we wanted to eat on Christmas day.

When I asked mom why she did that, she said, "This is my gift for you guys.... Something I can do with my own hands for you." I love my mom and dad for giving us love when our real parents didn't."

Thanks, Mario, for that great reminder that it's important at the holidays also to remember and include the people who are like family to us. Even if you can’t invite them to your home, a card or a phone call could mean the world to someone who’s feeling lonely and forgotten.

Christmas memories that last forever

Joe from Oklahoma shared a special Christmas memory that sounds like something the dad in “A Christmas Story” might have pulled. Joe still vividly recalled when he was seven, and he and his two siblings rushed downstairs expecting to find stockings and gifts. Instead, they found mayhem. A toppled glass of milk, chairs thrown around, and the tree on its side.

They rushed to wake their parents, who came downstairs with crafty smiles. Joe’s dad was a police officer. He told them Santa had spilled the milk, refused to clean up after himself, and was rude to him. This had sparked a tussle that spilled out into the back yard. Then he pointed out a pile of dirt in the back yard the size of a fresh grave. Joe assured the kids that Santa escaped alive…but he said, “Rudolph will never (relieve himself) on our roof again.”

Well, I must admit, that’s one original way to create a lifelong Christmas memory for your kids! Or maybe just to scar them for life. Either way, it was unforgettable!

Annette from Texas also shared a funny Christmas memory that’s taken on serious meaning over the years.

Around the time she and her twin sister were teenagers in Pascagoula, Mississippi, in the late ‘50s, a tradition started in their small Baptist church to create a living Nativity scene. Members would dress up as all the characters of the Nativity, so that cars could drive by in reverence and awe and see the Christmas story in 3D. It took months of work, part of which was coaching teenagers on how to “be still and know God.”

However, they never could teach the live animals to be still and know God, so it could be pretty nerve-wracking, trying to stand motionless next to a live camel or goat with some less-than-reverent ideas of its own.

Luckily, Annette was given a very special role that didn’t require any animal wrangling, but it had its own unique hazards. She wrote:

“I was the angel on high – 20 feet high to be exact…When the angel climbed rickety, dark stairs at the back of the makeshift manger stall, the act itself took such fortitude and perseverance that the spotlight on her was snuffed every 15 minutes and a new angel would appear as fast as she could safely make that climb.

I prayed for all I was worth: not to fall, not to faint, and not to freeze to death…a few blocks from the Gulf, we never knew if we would have freezing cold or temps so hot at Christmas we could have worn bikinis under our angel attire – IF that would not have been a sin…But I digress. We were told that angels could not move a muscle. Even if the nose itched (or some other place), or if we felt a sneeze coming on, we HAD to remain perfectly still...Being 20 feet off the ground with arms outstretched for 15 minutes and a thin wooden support-cross hidden behind me in my white robe, I couldn't help but know—or pray for—God's presence.”

Annette said she didn’t remember having any epiphanies back then. But time and again over the years, when she needed guidance or to trust that things would work out, or to know that stillness can bring a peace that passes all understanding, she’s thought back to what she learned from her scary job, dangling over the Nativity Scene. As she put it:

“God reveals Himself to us in His son through His Holy Spirit. And I don’t need angel wings or a halo to fly to His presence. Just that hidden cross of support.”

Coming home this Christmas

A listener named Phyllis wrote that it was Christmas Eve, 1942. A young woman was waiting, pregnant and alone, for her husband of 4 months, who'd been drafted into the Army and was training to be a pilot somewhere in the Arizona desert. He had written to her that he couldn't get leave, so they would not be together on their first Christmas as husband and wife. Refusing to let herself get discouraged, she kept a light on in the window as she wrapped a few gifts.

Meanwhile, he was way off in Arizona, quietly reading letters from her, when his sergeant came into the barracks and asked what he was doing there on Christmas Eve. When he heard about the soldier’s pregnant wife, the sarge gave him permission to go home. But that was just the first obstacle down.

The young private grabbed a few belongings and raced to find any way to get back to California. But there were no more trains or buses that night. So he walked to the nearest highway and stuck out his thumb.

Somehow, he hitchhiked 450 miles home. His last ride dropped him off several miles from the cottage where his pregnant wife was. He walked the last few miles in pitch darkness, assuming that at that late hour, his wife would have long since gone to bed. But as he neared the little house, he saw the light shining in the bedroom window.

When he opened the door, he found his darling, still awake and thrilled to be in his arms again. She'd waited up for him, never giving up hope that her dearest would find some way to be home for Christmas. Phyllis wrote, "This true story was told to me by my dad before he passed away in 2000. The young couple were my parents…And I was the baby they were expecting."

I'm glad that Phyllis’ parents' faith in the power of love to overcome all obstacles was passed down to her, and I thank her for passing their family’s cherished story on to us.



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Trip to Israel

December 23, 2023

I’m just returning home from a very intense trip to Israel where I joined some other evangelical leaders in 3 days of meetings with Israeli officials, families of those who were kidnapped and taken hostage by Hamas terrorists, and survivors of the savage and barbaric attacks on innocent civilians, including babies, young mothers, elderly people, and teenagers. 

We visited Kfar Aza, one of the first communities that was overrun by Hamas where people were murdered on the morning of October 7 which should have been a quiet and peaceful Shabbat.  75 days had passed since the quiet community had been the site of some of the most uncivilized and indescribable atrocities since the Holocaust, and yet the stench of death still lingered in the air and despite attempts to clean up blood and body parts of the innocent victims, there were many reminders of how the last moments of life for these vulnerable Jewish residents of Kfar Aza were moments of pain, humiliation, and the most depraved violence that the world has ever seen.

We were escorted by military personnel from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and we were required to wear bulletproof vests and arrive via an armored bus due to the fact of it still being an active war zone.  We were less than 400 meters from Gaza and throughout our time there, the loud sounds of artillery shattered what would have otherwise been a quiet day.  Some of the shelling seemed closer than was comfortable.  After a few minutes we had gotten used to it. 

One of the first IDF soldiers I saw was a Major who I had just met and gotten to know in August of this year while visiting the military base that is used to train the dogs that the Israeli Army uses effectively for search and rescue, forward operation of attacks, and for direct defense.  He recognized me from my previous visit and we immediately struck up our conversation about the value of the dogs for such missions.   In August, we discussed the way the dogs were trained.  This time, he told me in graphic terms how the dogs were being used to save the lives of soldiers and hostages and how some had given their lives in the service of their country.

 I had the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu, a long-time friend who I’ve known for decades and visit with during most of my trips to Israel.  I’m not sure anyone else would be so uniquely prepared to lead the State of Israel as effectively as Benjamin Netanyahu.  I told him that I thought he was like Esther of whom it was said was raised up “for such a time as this.”  I assured him that Americans overall strongly support Israel and the evangelical community most certainly does for the simple reason is that we are “people of the Book,” and understand that our Christian faith is based on the foundation of the Jewish law and prophets. 


I had lunch on Thursday in Tel Aviv with Yael Eckstein, the CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.  IFCJ is an extraordinary charity that provides more direct assistance to people than even the Israeli government.  In addition to providing food and assistance to families displaced by the terror activities of both Hamas and Hezbollah, they purchased over 5500 bullet proof vests for ambulance drivers, first responders, and the community defense teams charged with defending a community against future terrorist attacks.  I’ve traveled throughout Israel with Yael and have witnessed their assistance to people in poverty.  As we were having lunch with a few influential evangelical leaders, the sirens went off and we had to hurry to the bomb shelter.  Even as we were on our way we heard the blast above us of the Iron Dome intercepting Hamas rockets directly over our heads.  Israelis have to get to used to such things.  Once was enough for me!

The short but very intense trip was sobering and left a deep emotional imprint on me.  But it was the comment of a young mother that touched me with a reality I hadn’t processed before.  She’s trying to take care of 4 children while her husband is serving in the midst of the hostilities in Gaza.  It’s hard enough to corral 4 children when her husband is there to help.  But now she is doing it alone and several times a day having to rush with her children to shelters when the sirens go off signaling another attempt by Hamas to murder Jewish civilians.  She simply said, “I’m tired.  I stay tired all day and through sleepless nights.  I wonder if I’ll ever NOT be tired.”

What Hamas has done and continues to do is EVIL.  They have not launched a military action, but an attempted genocide.  More than ever, I stand with Israel and the Jewish people in Israel and around the world so they will know they will NOT be abandoned and feel alone. 

The establishment of Israel in 1948 as the restoration of the land God gave them 3500 years ago was to insure that never again would there be a time when they couldn’t defend themselves and suffer another Holocaust.  With the insane leftist lunatics screaming “from the river to the sea!” we can no longer assume they will be safe or secure even in their own homes.  And it’s why I hope you join me in praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the resolve of the Jewish people and the government of Israel and for those of us who truly believe the Bible will give support to Israel and our Jewish friends.




Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


147 to go

We'd like to keep the newsletter going but can't if we don't reach our monthly paid subscriber goal: we have to find 167 paying subscribers by the end of this month to keep the lights on.

As a free subscriber, I hope you will consider upgrading today.

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I started this newsletter back in the fall of 2016 just ahead of President Trump's election over Hillary Clinton.  Since then, I have chronicled his presidency, a nation grappling with COVID, woke ideology, elections, more elections, Congress and finally Joe Biden's presidency.

My team and I like to say that we read the news, so you don't have to. We spend late nights and early mornings, finding news we think is important for you to read, and then we add our two cents and sometimes three cents to help frame things.

It's hard work and time consuming, but we love to do it, and I hope you like to read it enough to pay for a subscription!


Mike Huckabee

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Israel News

Here is today’s link to the latest news on Israel’s war on Hamas…

You can read all about my trip to Israel this week on my website here:

Trip to Israel - Read Mike's News Analysis - Mike Huckabee

It was announced this morning that 73-year-old Gadi Haggai has become the first American hostage to die in the conflict. He and his wife Judi held dual US-Israeli citizenship. They were shot and kidnapped by Hamas while taking a walk on October 7th. Judi is still being held hostage. Gadi was described as a man of humor who loved to make those around him laugh, and a gifted flautist who played with the IDF Orchestra. 

Allow me to point out to President Biden that he was also AN AMERICAN. An American who was shot, taken hostage, and is now dead at the hands of Hamas. Something to remember before you pressure Israel to stop doing the job that we would normally be doing if someone attacked Americans.

Over 20 nations have signed on to “Operation Prosperity Garden” to protect ships in the Red Sea from attack by Houthi militants in Yemen. Although I don’t know why ending that requires 20 nations when we apparently know who’s doing it and where they are.

PM Netanyahu reportedly asked President Biden to pressure Egypt to take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza, but the Washington Post reports that Biden told him Egypt refused. Matt Vespa at explains why Arab nations refuse to accept them in this article about some violent pro-Palestinian protesters attacking a Christmas party by black Democrats in Detroit.

SCOTUS needs to get involved

The Supreme Court might want to take a break from whatever they’re doing to order political activists and lower courts to stop trying to undermine “our democracy” and let the people vote for whomever they want. Thanks to four out of seven appointed Democrat judges in Colorado (not coincidentally, famous for legalized marijuana), we now have Democrats in 16 states trying to remove Trump from the ballot.

And because radical leftists never imagine that the damage they do to our institutions could ever come back to bite them, there are already three red states with movements afoot to boot Biden off the ballot.

That first story linked above quotes law professor Jonathan Turley as saying, “This is the way things are in places like Iran, where they have ‘ballot cleansing,’ where you have people in government tell you who’s just not appropriate for you to vote for. And we’re looking down that road.”

(For the record, Trump stated on Thursday that he is NOT an “insurrectionist,” reminding us that he urged his supporters to protest “peacefully and patriotically,” but he added that “Crooked Joe Biden is!!!”)

Granted, there are certainly examples, like the current Administration, of where letting the people choose their leaders doesn’t work out well. But it’s still better than any government-driven alternative. And you know the Colorado Supreme Court is on shakier ground than the San Andreas Fault when even Jonathan Chiat and the Washington Post editorial board are warning that this ruling stinks like three-day-old halibut.

Finally, the lawfare against Trump is even giving China an opportunity to bash the US political and judicial systems as rotten and corrupt for attempting to deny Trump’s political rights.

It’s ironic, since in China, the Communist Party routinely persecutes political dissidents and weaponizes the legal system against attorneys that challenge them, so you’d think they’d approve of how Biden is running the government.

Sad to see

I was very saddened to see that New York City’s last great Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, has had to declare bankruptcy in the wake of the outrageous $150 million defamation ruling against him. He’s also facing other debts and further lawfare cases. Details are at the link.

His attorneys said the bankruptcy filing “will afford Mayor Giuliani the opportunity and time to pursue an appeal under the supervision of the bankruptcy court to ensure all creditors are treated equally and fairly throughout the process.” Let’s hope that it does buy him some time and space until an appeals court overturns this ridiculous verdict.

Our crowded skies

A story went viral on Twitter (X) after a woman complained that illegal aliens with bags right out of the processing center were put onto her Delta Airlines flight from Phoenix to New York City.

Delta has yet to confirm or deny the story, but it’s raised questions about whether the Biden Administration is paying Delta to fly illegal border crossers to blue cities that are already struggling to deal with the huge influx of them. It would be interesting to learn if Democrats who blasted the Governor of Texas as inhumane for busing illegal immigrants north were arranging for them to fly there instead.

Another aspect of this that shouldn’t be overlooked is that these migrants are given only minimal health screenings. As the Ace of Spades blog asks, is the government hectoring us to get our 13th vaccination booster while cramming people with TB onto airplanes with us? Enquiring minds want to know.

Unconscionable, irresponsible political rhetoric

We talked about this long ago, but a New York Times report from 2022 has resurfaced on social media about how President Biden pressured Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute his political opponent, Donald Trump.

You can tell that the Dems must be panicking over the fact that Biden is pretty much the worst President ever and even their voters are starting to wake up to it. First, they censored and silenced Trump while their friendly media outlets slandered him. Then they started throwing a lot of ridiculous indictments at him to try to put him in prison. Now, they’re trying to block him from the ballot on spurious grounds. And they're now up to the true last refuge of the demagogue: they’re claiming he’s another Hitler, circulating a graphic that takes quotes out of context to try to compare them to things Hitler said. And this isn’t from some irresponsible wacko PAC, but from the actual Biden reelection campaign.

At the link, Bonchie at examines this latest disgusting tactic that doesn’t just slander Trump and his supporters but diminishes the reality of Hitler’s crimes and the suffering of the Jews he victimized. As Bonchie points out, these hysterical attacks are “like claiming that because Hitler drank water, everyone who drinks water is a genocidal maniac bent on world domination. It's dumb, pre-school-level logic.” But then, that’s the kind of logic they’ve got.

You know the Trump Derangement Syndrome has gone terminal when even Mike Godwin, the creator of Godwin’s Law (“The longer a political argument goes on online, the greater the odds one person will compare the other to Hitler”) claims that it doesn’t apply here because Trump really is like Hitler.

Sorry, but nobody needed to take Hitler’s quotes wildly out of context to make him seem like Hitler. But this is the kind of unconscionable, irresponsible political rhetoric you get when, as Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media put it, the Democrats are “rolling into an election year with an incumbent president who is less popular than chronic diarrhea.”

And yes, I think it's perfectly justifiable to compare this Administration to chronic diarrhea.

Biden is the best at this:

Well, you can’t say that Joe Biden’s Administration isn’t setting records. After letting about 8 million illegal entrants swarm into the US on the premise that they’ll be released inside our borders with an order to appear for a hearing, the immigration court backlog has now topped three million cases, and the waiting time for a court date is up to nearly a decade.

On Thursday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that “what we’re seeing on the border is not unusual.” I’d say it’s unusual to have 121,000 apprehensions and 11,000 “got-aways” during the first 15 days of the month, and to have 12,600 apprehensions within 24 hours on Monday, which is a new record. Maybe she just meant it’s not unusual for Biden.

Let’s just pray none of those people are here to commit crimes or terrorism. Maybe we’ll find out when their hearings roll around in 10 years or so, providing America is still here.

Don’t Remain Silent:

Last month, St. Mary’s College, a Catholic women’s college in Indiana, announced that it would start accepting males who “identify” as female. They claimed they “viewed it as a reflection of our college’s commitment to live our Catholic values as a loving and just community. We believed it affirmed our identity as an inclusive, Catholic, women’s college."

Well, after one month of getting an earful of what their alumni, donors and students thought of it, they’ve reversed course. The women’s college will now remain open only to women.

The moral: If you want to affirm your identity as a Catholic women’s college, then only accept Catholic women. And if you want to reflect Catholic values, don't let naked men walk around in the girls' locker rooms.

One of those stories nobody seems to be talking about, but should:

Why are foreign entities buying up so much of America’s forest and farm land?

You can keep it, California

Democrats always like to hold up California as the cutting edge of society, where things happen first, then spread to the east. But as for drinking processed sewage water, why don’t you just keep that in California?

Divine Intervention:

Thursday, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection was forced to indefinitely postpone a vote on a California-style mandate forcing residents to buy electric cars after a storm knocked out electricity to a third of the state.

It’s an excellent reminder to these overreaching, power-mad bureaucrats that in a natural disaster, electric power is the first thing to go out. And if you’re relying on electric vehicles to get the power back on, then you’re going to be dealing with it for a very looooooooooong time.

Related: Hundreds of Buick, Cadillac and Ford dealers are taking buyouts or simply refusing to carry EVs, rather than go along with the Biden Administration’s efforts to force Americans into electric cars.

The dealers don’t want to have to pay up to a million dollars to install chargers and train mechanics to work on EVs that nobody wants to buy. And maybe nobody wants to buy them because stories like this come rolling across my desk every day…

Just for laughs

This sounds like a Babylon Bee story, but since it’s from Not The Bee, I have to assume it’s real. It’s about a video that went viral of a young woman who’d been misled and confused by modern feminist/multi-gender propaganda until she did something she’d normally never do: she went on a date with an old-fashioned masculine male who insisted on paying for everything. She was so shocked that she found him really attractive that she’s suddenly rethinking all that feminist dogma she was indoctrinated with.

Related, Just For Laughs: A brother decided to use Twitter to find husbands for his two sisters. It’s snowballed to over 2.6 million views. I guess there are a lot of guys out there who don’t mind if a woman has “hippie tendencies” or a dog that’s annoying.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. 

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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


167 to go

We'd like to keep the newsletter going but can't if we don't reach our monthly paid subscriber goal: we have to find 167 paying subscribers by the end of this month to keep the lights on.

As a free subscriber, I hope you will consider upgrading today.

I wanted to offer you the ability to receive my politics newsletter for the low price of $3.75 monthly or $27 annually as a gift to yourself.  Just hit this link below, to receive my newsletter at the discounted rate:

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I started this newsletter back in the fall of 2016 just ahead of President Trump's election over Hillary Clinton.  Since then, I have chronicled his presidency, a nation grappling with COVID, woke ideology, elections, more elections, Congress and finally Joe Biden's presidency.

My team and I like to say that we read the news, so you don't have to. We spend late nights and early mornings, finding news we think is important for you to read, and then we add our two cents and sometimes three cents to help frame things.

It's hard work and time consuming, but we love to do it, and I hope you like to read it enough to pay for a subscription!


Mike Huckabee

Subscribe to The Morning Edition (

Good news

I don’t link to a lot of show business news, but I think this fits the definition of “good news,” and I’m happy to share it.

Good Reads:

Kurt Schlichter on why you should give your kids toy guns for Christmas…

Bonchie at on why Joe Biden and the Democrats are the real “threat to democracy.”

Latest Presidential Words of Wisdom:

President Biden told the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

Here’s my question: When Disneyland installs a Joe Biden robot in their Hall of Presidents, how will they tell if it’s malfunctioning?

Heartening News

I told you yesterday that applications to Harvard were down 17% from last year, but there were still more students applying than accepted. Well, that trend might also be reversing. Check out this article in the New York Post about students who were granted early acceptance to Harvard for next year, but are considering applying elsewhere because they don’t want their resumes tainted with the stink of Harvard’s bad PR and tolerance for anti-Semitism. Good for them!

And more good news: Elite Ivy League universities are quietly lowering the “donor door” level of donations that can secure admission from $20 million to $2 million as wealthy donors have started closing their checkbooks to protest the school’s teaching of anti-Semitism. Too bad they didn’t do this 20 or so years ago when they started teaching communism.

Here’s a story that I can honestly say makes me very happy:

It appears that the legal persecution of “Walk Away” founder Brandon Straka may finally be at an end.

Straka was present in Washington on January 6th, 2021, and he was targeted for outrageous false charges that would lead the uninformed to believe he was a terrorist, insurrectionist and instigator of anti-police violence. It was all a lie, and he never even entered the Capitol on that day. To make it stop, he was forced to plead guilty to lesser charges because like so many other victims of the Biden “Justice” Department, he was facing a choice of being railroaded into prison for years on trumped-up charges in a DC kangaroo court, or going bankrupt fighting the charges and then being railroaded into prison.

But if you want to hear what really happened, watch this interview with him from “Huckabee” on TBN.

Even after the federal dogs were called off, the left still couldn’t leave Straka alone (after all, he was a former liberal who started the movement of “walking away” from the Democrat Party, so he had to be punished and destroyed.) He then found himself facing civil lawsuits by several Capitol Police officers who somehow blamed him for the violence they dealt with inside the Capitol (the one he never entered.) The lawsuits were dismissed, and on Monday, his attorneys announced that the plaintiffs had folded and will not refile their claims.

As Straka pointed out, not only did he do nothing to incite violence against cops, one of the plaintiffs wasn’t even in DC that day, he was in Maryland! He wrote, “This case cost me well into six figures to defend, and hundreds and hundreds of hours of my time — which is, of course, the whole point.”

I congratulate him sincerely on finally being free from the burden of the left’s lawfare, and I hope he can look on the bright side: He has emerged stronger from this trial by fire, and he now has a story that should convince anyone who’s even entertaining the idea of walking away from today’s Democrat Party to hit the road.

House Republicans push to hold Biden administration accountable for Afghanistan debacle

With the elections approaching, the Biden White House and the media would very much like us all to forget about the tragically botched pullout from Afghanistan that cost the lives of 13 US military heroes and countless Afghan allies. But it must never be forgotten or swept under the rug. Someone needs to be held accountable, and House Republicans are still digging to get to the bottom of it.

Here's a report on some findings over the past six months of interviews:

The House Foreign Affairs Committee says the White House is (surprise) stonewalling their requests for interviews, but here’s what they’ve heard so far:

One retired Lt. Colonel said, “This whole thing has been a gutting experience. I never imagined I would witness the kind of gross abandonment, followed by career-preserving silence of senior leaders, military and civilian.”

A survey found that of the approximately 775,000 Afghan war veterans, 73% feel betrayed by the withdrawal and 67% feel humiliated. Many said the horrors they saw inflicted by the Taliban will stay with them for life. The Lt. Colonel said in the first year after the withdrawal, calls to the VA hotline spiked by 81%, and “I think we’re on the front end of a mental health tsunami.”

Meanwhile, the White House continues trying to deny responsibility and shift blame to Trump, claiming they were locked into the deal and deadline he negotiated, even though they changed both, including making inexplicable decisions that led to the collapse of the planned peaceful withdrawal.

Stay tuned, there will be much more to come, and let’s hope that the truth eventually sees daylight and those responsible are finally held to account.

Bill DeBlasio returns to the news

You might have wondered what Bill DeBlasio has been doing since he stopped destroying New York City and ended his failed presidential run. But I’ll bet you never guessed that this was what he’s doing.

Menu Anxiety

We’ve all heard of young people who were raised in bubblewrap by helicopter parents who turned them into those emotionally fragile creatures known as “snowflakes.” But the latest trepidation to afflict Gen Z makes a snowflake look like a cast iron skillet. Brace yourselves: the New York Post reports that a survey by a British restaurant chain found that 86% of Gen Z “adults” suffer some form of “menu anxiety,” or a crippling fear and anxiety over having to look at a menu, select the food they want, and convey that to another human being they don’t know.


No wonder so many restaurants are putting in self-ordering kiosks or taking orders online: their young customers are incapable of reading a menu or talking to a waiter. Personally, the only time I feel "menu anxiety" is if I accidentally walk into a vegan restaurant.

This reminds me of the hilarious routine by comedian Maureen Langan on last weekend’s “Huckabee,” about the barista who could only take an order for the item she wanted online, but not from her standing right there in line. Check it out. The laughter will help ease your depression at the thought that these people will someday be in charge of the country.

I’m so old, I remember when “Is the Pope Catholic?” was just a rhetorical question.

A metaphor for America under Biden

It’s hard to think of a better metaphor for America under the Biden Administration than the news that US Steel, a pillar of American industry that helped the USA defeat Japan in World War II, has now been bought by Japan.


The 11th Court of Appeals rejected former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows’ attempt to get the ridiculous Georgia RICO indictment of him removed to federal court, but he will likely appeal it to the Supreme Court.

The most interesting part of the story was that even while rejecting Meadows’ appeal, the judges urged Congress to rewrite the removal law so that it will apply in the future. They said if Congress doesn't act, it could lead to a dozen states trying to prosecute outgoing Administration officials over policy disagreements, with one judge calling that a “nightmare scenario that keeps me up at night.”

News flash: A lot of people are already living through that nightmare, judge. They were hoping you might wake us up from it.

Now the federal government is...arresting investigative journalists???

It sure was nice of the FBI to let investigative reporter Steve Baker wait and turn himself in after Christmas.

Actually, niceness had nothing to do with it.  He was originally supposed to surrender on Tuesday of this week, but Baker’s attorney got a call saying that because a new assistant U.S. attorney had been assigned to the case, he would have a brief reprieve and could celebrate this holiday at home.

Baker learned last week from his attorney that the “Justice” Department was charging him with federal crimes connected to his coverage of the January 6 riot.  What crimes, you ask?  Well, they didn’t really say; he’ll presumably find that out when they book him.

Coincidentally (?), he was told of this the same day he met with a couple of Capitol Police whistleblowers to examine hours of J6 video.

In October, after being under investigation for almost two years, Baker wrote about what he termed his “legal saga” for THE BLAZE.  “Like many other reporters and photojournalists --- both independent and those working directly for established media companies --- I followed the story that day where it went.  And it happened to be inside the Capitol building.”

He said that between 100 and 200 journalists were inside the building that day, either covering the event from designated areas or following the crowd inside.  He didn’t go in, he said, until well after the Senate and House had evacuated.  He caused no property damage, he said, and “made no effort to hide” what he was doing.  He did two interviews with WUSA, a CBS News affiliate in Washington DC, and later in the evening uploaded two short interviews on YouTube.

After returning home and spending five days working on a frame-by-frame analysis of his own videos, he published a 9,500-word piece on his experience, titled “What I Saw On January 6 in Washington DC.”  For when you have time, this is still available to read, on Locals…

The following month, he posted a more widely read follow-up of about 4,000 words called “Who Was ‘Up the Chain’ on January 6?”  This is an analysis, his own personal opinion, described as “the who, the how and the why of what took place on Capitol Hill that day.”  It’s certainly controversial, but in the America I know, we don’t arrest writers for being controversial.  Here is that piece…

Baker “always expected” that the FBI would contact him, as they would want to acquire his videos for their own investigation.  In July 2021, he got a call from someone who identified himself as FBI Special Agent Gerritt Doss.  Baker’s response:  “What took you so long?”

Baker could tell the FBI had been tracking his activities, because Doss said he knew he was scheduled to speak the following night at a Libertarian Party meet-up in Leesburg, Virginia, and wanted to meet.  (Yes, I know, unsettling.)  Baker said he’d be in Leesburg earlier that day, but, as his attorney would not be with him, they’d need to meet another time.  He was finally interviewed in August; you can read the details about the go-rounds with his attorney to set up the meeting and how that went.  Baker was absolutely cooperative and agreed to turn over all video.  But when his attorney asked if he could have immunity in return, that was refused.

On November 17, 2021, his lawyer called to tell him he would be charged.  According to the documents the assistant U.S. attorney had sent him, Baker was facing charges of (brace yourself) interstate racketeering and property damage.

Baffled, Baker could only think that the “racketeering” charge had something to do with news services such as HBO and THE NEW YORK TIMES using clips of his video for their own J6 documentaries.  But for it to be racketeering, he would have had to travel from Raleigh, North Carolina, to DC “with the foreknowledge of a criminal event and conspired with others to profit from it.”  Huh?

As for property damage, he’d told the feds that he stood on a bench at one point to get a better camera angle.  Turns out, federal law says, “A person may not step or climb on, remove, or in any way injure any statue, seat, wall, fountain, or other erection or architectural feature, or any tree, shrub, plant, or turf, in the [Capitol] Grounds.”

According to Baker, the assistant U.S. attorney said she had no objection to Baker continuing to exercise his First Amendment rights, but her concern was “what impact this will have with the judge who gets assigned to the case.”  What???

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, after reading a press release about his experience, called Baker and spoke with him for about 15 minutes.  Then the whole thing just went dark.  He was NOT “charged within the week,” as he’d been told.  Instead, he heard nothing at all for 20 long months, every day of which he awoke at 6AM with his heart pounding, expecting that knock at the door.

Baker had been busy traveling the country, interviewing people for a book he was co-authoring about the impact of COVID lockdowns.  But once he knew to expect an indictment, he set the project on hold and, as he said, “threw myself into the ongoing media offensive against my potential prosecution.”  He also reviewed hundreds of J6 cases and expressed dismay at some of the exaggerations and obviously false accusations in the charging documents and information that had been withheld from defense attorneys and judges.

In late September 2022, he attended the first of three Oath Keepers trials, and this started his investigative work for BLAZE MEDIA.  He developed sources within the U.S. Capitol Police and published a three-part series called “Capitol Police Were Sacrificial Pawns on January 6.”  (One can just imagine how much the government was not liking this.)  And he worked with Tucker Carlson, offering suggestions that led to Carlson’s interview with former Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson.  (Ho boy, one can REALLY imagine how much the government was not liking THIS.)

Here’s an example of his work with BLAZE MEDIA, appearing with Glenn Beck...

In March of this year, Baker got a heads-up call from a source inside the DOJ saying some folks there were “not happy...” 

Baker continued undeterred.  Five months later, his lawyer got “the” call saying he would indeed face charges.

So, why now, after all this time?  Is this about standing on a bench, or analyzing tapes and busting myths surrounding January 6?  Baker can’t say --- doesn’t even know what the charges will be yet --- but observes that “the renewed interest from the Justice Department coincided perfectly with my discussions with BLAZE MEDIA to become a contributing investigative journalist and columnist.”  He said he’d “been poking the bear quite aggressively.”

As writers of an opinion site that has covered many facets of the January 6 riot and its metastatic aftermath, we’ve reported on a number of stories that Baker was involved in bringing to light, so with his indictment, it’s getting personal.  If the initial decision to charge him was dropped, only to be picked up when the DOJ noticed he was sniffing around where they didn’t like and decided to silence him, it means this country has about the biggest problem a so-called free republic can have. 

We do like the reaction from THE BLAZE, though.  When they heard about Baker’s pending indictment, they promoted him from contributor to full-time investigative reporter.  That’s in spite of travel restrictions placed on him after he’s charged --- he resides in Raleigh --- that will no doubt hinder his DC reporting.  Perhaps by design.  But as an attorney for one of the Oath Keepers says, “If the government believes this will silence him, we predict it will be sadly mistaken.”


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


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I started this newsletter back in the fall of 2016 just ahead of President Trump's election over Hillary Clinton.  Since then, I have chronicled his presidency, a nation grappling with COVID, woke ideology, elections, more elections, Congress and finally Joe Biden's presidency.

My team and I like to say that we read the news, so you don't have to. We spend late nights and early mornings, finding news we think is important for you to read, and then we add our two cents and sometimes three cents to help frame things.

It's hard work and time consuming, but we love to do it, and I hope you like to read it enough to pay for a subscription!


Mike Huckabee

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News from Israel

I am still in Israel, meeting with officials and the people of Israel to express my support. I just met with PM Netanyahu and plan to leave tonight. Here’s a report on my friend Yael Epstein’s Facebook page from a bomb shelter where we had to take refuge after a rocket attack struck Tel Aviv during our lunch. This is what the Israelis have to deal with every day, as fatuous bureaucrats, activists and celebrities lecture them about not fighting back.

You’ll find a report on the rockets fired at Tel Aviv at todays’ link to the latest news on the war from Fox News…

More new developments: Hamas continues to reject Israeli offers of a seven-day ceasefire in exchange for the release of hostages. According to the Wall Street Journal, Gazans are increasingly blaming Hamas for the destruction in Gaza. No word on when that obvious truth will penetrate the skulls of the pro-Hamas idiots blocking traffic and gluing themselves to things all over the West.

The leader of Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi militants who’ve been attacking ships in the Red Sea is blustering that "any American targeting of our country will be targeted by us.” In a televised statement, he declared, "We will not stand idly by if the Americans are tempted to escalate further and commit foolishness by targeting our country or waging war against it." Here’s an interesting thought experiment: try to imagine him saying that if Trump were still President.

Attention, Democrats:

This is why you shouldn’t go around flinging open Pandora’s boxes just because it feels soooooo good to stick it to Trump. Thanks to the Colorado Supreme Court deciding that four out of seven Democrat-appointed judges can deny someone access to office without due process of law, other states are now pondering which candidate, Trump or Biden, has actually done more to violate his presidential oath and render himself unfit for office.

California and Maine are talking about thwarting “our democracy” by banning Trump from the ballot. But to the Lt. Governor of Texas, the one most unfit for office would definitely be the guy who willfully refuses to do his sworn duty of enforcing border security and immigration laws and who has subjected Texas to tremendous harm due to a mass invasion of illegal aliens, drugs and violent criminals. So he’s asking why Joe Biden should be allowed to be on the ballot in Texas. Darn good question.

And if anyone answers, “That’s different, Trump is accused of insurrection!,” thanks to the Colorado Supreme Court, all red state leaders have to do is say, “Fine, then I accuse Joe Biden of insurrection.”

This is why the morons celebrating that Colorado ruling had better start hoping the Supreme Court squashes it fast and slams the lid shut on their latest Pandora’s box.

Related: The Democratic Lt. Governor of California is already calling for banning Trump from the California ballot (as if he’d have any chance of winning there anyway; by the time next November rolls around, California might be entirely populated by homeless people, criminals, illegal aliens and Stockholm Syndrome sufferers.)

Bonus points to her for calling for this in a way that conveyed more shocking ignorance of the Constitutional requirements for the presidency than even I expected of her.

It’s politicians like her who make it hard for the Babylon Bee to think up satirical news stories that are goofier than reality. But to their credit, they still manage to do it!

And this is about an entirely different subject, but still a must-see.

The standard for wrongdoing just keeps moving

It’s been very instructive to watch how Democrats keep moving the goalposts in opposite directions for themselves and their opponents. When it comes to Trump and the Republicans, an unsupported accusation of insurrection is enough to trigger the 14th Amendment, with no pesky indictments, trials or convictions even needed.

On the other hand, as mountains of evidence of Biden family corruption pile up, the standard for wrongdoing just keeps moving. It’s gone from “Joe never discussed Hunter’s business” to “Joe never benefited from Hunter’s business” to “Joe never benefited financially from Hunter’s business.” Next it will be, “You don’t have photos of Hunter handing Joe a bag of Chinese cash with a big dollar sign on it.”

John Hinderaker at the Powerline blog has had enough of this ever-shifting standard, so here, he quotes 18 U.S. Code § 201 to remind us that “Joe Biden needn’t have benefited personally to be guilty of bribery under federal law… It is bribery if a public official (Joe Biden) is influenced in the performance of any official act by a payment to ‘any other person or entity,’” and that includes his relatives.

Anyone who still wants to argue that none of this applies to Joe Biden should check out Dick Morris’ new book “Corrupt.” Here’s my interview with him from last week’s “Huckabee” (he says he considered calling it “Treason.”) He’s also offering a regularly updated e-book edition because a print edition can’t keep up with all the new corruption that’s constantly being revealed.

History Repeats Itself:

A reminder that the last time the Democrats removed a Republican from the presidential ballot in Democrat-run states, it was in Confederate states to prevent Abe Lincoln from getting elected and freeing their slaves. It didn’t work then, either.


In a “friend of the court” brief on Wednesday, former Attorney General Ed Meese and other constitutional scholars argued to the Supreme Court that Jack Smith’s appointment as Trump-targeting special counsel was unconstitutional. They say it violates the “Appointments clause” of the Constitution, which requires that his office be created by Congress.

Instead, Smith was improperly appointed to an office that doesn’t exist by Attorney General Merrick Garland, using powers he does not have. As such, his cases against Trump should be thrown out because he doesn’t have the authority to represent the United States. This will be a good test as to whether the Supreme Court cares anymore about the separation of powers and what the Constitution actually says. More details at the link.

An Initiative worth supporting

When discussing a story related to law or the Constitution, I’ll sometimes link to Cornell law professor William Jacobson’s excellent site, Legal Insurrection. If you have kids who plan to attend business school, you’ll want to know about his foundation’s latest project. It’s a database that details the CRT (Critical Race Theory) and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) initiatives at America’s top 10 business schools.

Figuring that kids already get enough of that one-sided leftist garbage in their schooling, Jacobson feels there’s no point in getting more of it from business schools. He told the College Fix, “CRT and ESG are failed ideologies which politicize and racialize education. While the study of such subjects should not be banned, there is no reason to put university resources behind promoting those topics. Almost any university purpose would be a better allocation of resources.”

Of course, the reason the left targets business schools for this brainwashing is because they want students to carry the infection to their future workplaces. And there’s no question it’s working: look at “woke Disney,” whose stock price has plummeted to less than half of what it was just a few years ago as their "woke" propaganda alienates their customer base. They’re now facing a potential stockholder revolt.

It’s bad enough that this poison is in liberal arts and law schools, but it really needs to be rooted out of business schools, and Heaven help us, medical schools. If there’s anyone you don’t want fixated on nothing but the surface color of your skin, it’s your surgeon.

Related: Here’s a great example of someone who probably got indoctrinated into leftist politics in journalism school. Fortunately. Sen. J.D. Vance was kind enough to give her a free schooling on how to do her job correctly.

The Miracle of Bidenomics:

According to a survey by LendingClub, 62% of American adults were living paycheck-to-paycheck in December, up from 58% in March.

That might explain why Walmart is introducing a new feature at its self-service checkouts. It’s the option to “buy now, pay later” in installment payments over three to 24 months on basic items other than groceries.

You know people are hurting financially when they have to finance basic purchases at Walmart. My question is, how much longer before they’re doing it with groceries, too, and people are still trying to pay off a corn dog they ate two years ago?


I find stories like this distasteful and wish I didn’t have to report on them, but ever since Biden “brought decency back,” there’s been a torrent of them. So just to let you know: it was revealed that there was an accusation of another Capitol sex tape, this one involving a staffer of a House Republican. But it was from a while back, the staffer denied it and has since left for another job, and an investigation turned up no evidence. Unless he’s Trump, an accusation with no evidence should be meaningless.

Anyway, now you know, and I’m going to move on to a topic I hope will be a little less salacious: children’s cartoons. How could that possibly be sexually suggestive?...

A sad critique

The latest blowup to hit the pop culture front involves Netflix’s popular cartoon show for preschool children, “CoComelon Lane.” The controversial scene involves a small boy putting on a tutu and tiara and dancing for his two gay dads. One of the dads encourages the cross-dressing by singing, “If you’re not sure what to choose, think about all the things you like to do. Just be you.”

Criticism of it online has been swift and harsh. But at least it’s not as shocking as the Daily Wire’s cartoon show “Chip Chilla.” That triggered a New York Times pop culture critic who accused it of promoting “the fantasy of the fun dad.” She sniped that it shows a “weirdly present” father having fun with his kids, homeschooling them, and teaching them about Moby Dick, the Roman Empire and “dead white males” like George Washington and Neil Armstrong.

I guess she found it impossible to believe that a father could care about his kids, be present in their lives, and have fun teaching them about things that are actually worth knowing. I don’t want to criticize her too much because I think maybe she doesn’t realize that she’s unintentionally revealing something very sad about her own upbringing. Maybe this is how someone ends up being a pop culture critic at the New York Times.

Trump removal from ballot in Colorado just shows us what we’re dealing with

President Biden is apparently just fine with the Colorado Supreme Court’s appallingly un-democratic and unconstitutional 4-3 decision to kick President Trump off the ballot for ‘24 and not even to allow the counting of write-in votes for him.  Why, after all, Trump is an insurrectionist, pure and simple, no doubt about it.  That’s the World According to Biden.

It was harder even than usual to make out the exact verbiage of his garbled speech at the airport in Milwaukee, but in answering a reporter’s question, he said that Trump’s insurrection was “self-evident,” “you saw it all,” and we should “let the court make that decision” about whether the 14th Amendment applies.  Trump “certainly supported an insurrection,” Biden said with a slight smile.  “No question about it.  None, zero.  And, uh, he seems to be doubling down…”

Never mind that Biden is using his presidential podium to flap his gums about an ongoing case involving his political opponent.  (At the risk of sounding like deranged climate activist Greta Thunberg, “How dare you???”)  This would’ve been our follow-up question:  Mr. President, if Trump as you say is an insurrectionist beyond any doubt --- which takes his case beyond even the “reasonable doubt” standard in a criminal trial to find someone guilty of a crime -- why hasn’t the special counsel charged him with that?

And if Biden would like to see Trump taken off the ballot in this way, before he’s been convicted or even charged with insurrection, he’d better be careful what he wishes for.  If someone’s going to be disqualified to run for office for allegedly doing something he hasn’t even been charged with, we could much more easily make the case that Biden himself is unfit.  Let’s see, would he like to hear the argument that he and his family are guilty of accepting bribes from America’s adversaries, or the one that he is cognitively unable to do his job?  Either of these accusations is incredibly serious and both are 100 percent “self-evident” to us.

This move in Colorado did open a “Pandora’s Box,” just as Trump said it would.  Since the definition of “insurrection” used in this case is so expansive and their decision has no “limiting principle,” Republicans are already talking about taking Biden off the ballot, in Colorado and other states, over his failure to secure the border against an invasion, which could be seen as supporting an insurrection.  (Biden’s utter failure at the border is another easy case to make.)  “Challenge this nonsense,” said former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis.

As for Trump, he made the point on Tuesday in Waterloo, Iowa, that he’s made throughout all of this lawfare: “They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you, and in the end, they’re not after me; they’re after you.  I just happen to be standing in their way.”

It was difficult to watch the many TV pundits justifying and even praising this “historic ruling,” as we could feel our own treasured brain cells screaming in protest.  So we’ll spare you; don’t look for those links here.  (And don’t watch THE VIEW.)  We’ll link to them when they correct themselves after the Supreme Court reverses this ruling.

Oh, wait, who are we kidding?  They’ll never correct themselves!  They’ll just express disgust with “Trump’s conservative Supreme Court” and redouble their efforts to “pack” it.  (And, yes, they’ll do this even if it’s a 9-0 decision.)

Attorney Emily Compagno, appearing on THE FIVE Wednesday afternoon, had some great thoughts, finishing with the point that “at the end of the day, all you are doing is having partisan state election boards and activist judges take away the power from the people.  Let the people decide.  All this is going to do is make everyone mad and remind everyone why activist judges hold no place in our democracy.  And for some reason, they are continuing to flourish under this administration.”

See the group’s full comments here.  (Sorry, the lead-in has a few brief clips of some of those Trump-hating TV pundits.)

Well, we all know the reason activist judges are flourishing now.  This administration thinks that taking power away from the voters is the only way they can win.  And winning is everything; it doesn’t matter how they damage the legal system as long as they control it.  But the harder they try, the more obvious and disturbing their tactics are to voters.  Trump just comes back stronger.

Alan Dershowitz could hardly believe his eyes.  “In the 60 years I’ve been practicing and teaching law, I’ve never seen a decision that’s so anti-democratic and unconstitutional, it’s absurd,” he said on NEWSMAX Wednesday.  The idea that the 14th Amendment was supposed to substitute for the impeachment provision, carefully crafted by the framers, is wrong.”

Dershowitz said the 14th Amendment clearly designates Congress as having the power to determine if someone can’t run for office. "If you want to impeach a president, if you want to make him not be able to run in the future, there's a provision. It requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate," he said. "But the idea that the framers of the 14th Amendment intended to circumvent that carefully drawn provision and simply allow any state to make up grounds for denying him the right to be on the ballot undercuts democracy."

“This is an extreme, extreme stretch,” he said.  “...Even the text of the Constitution doesn't make it applicable to the President. But the amendment itself was designed simply to prevent people who fought in the Civil War from running for certain offices."

The scariest thing about this is not that it might be upheld, as it almost certainly will not, but that some people have gone so crazy that they’re actually trying it.  When this doesn’t work, they’re going to get even crazier.  We have a situation in which some people (including in the media) have been so brainwashed, they truly believe Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler, the destroyer of democracy (when THEY’RE the ones destroying democracy).  One thing we can do about this is speak out and just tell them when they’re being absurd, as Ohio Sen. J. D. Vance did on Tuesday.  This was epic...

Jonathan Turley was back on FOX NEWS yesterday, reiterating his initial opinion that the Colorado justices weren’t just in “uncharted territory,” as they had put it, but “had sailed off the Constitutional map.”  He pointed out that three of the seven appointed justices --- ALL of them Democrats; how does this happen in a state with almost a million registered Republicans? --- wrote scathing dissents.

“I think that reaction is going to be shared by many on the Supreme Court,” he said on “Special Report,” adding that this will be a “critical challenge” for Chief Justice John Roberts.  The task of a chief justice, Turley explained, is to try for agreement; the goal is a unanimous decision.  “That would go a long way for this country,” he said, “if these justices could show that as divided as we are sometimes, that we’re still joined by a sort of common covenant of faith, as a democratic, free nation.  And what Colorado did was wrong --- it was wrong legally, but it was wrong in terms of our values.”

Did I hear that right?  Values?  Freedom?  A common covenant of faith?  Well, if three Democrat judges in Colorado could offer opinions in support of that, there’s hope that even the three most liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices will.  Maybe this time, the far-left crazies got the lighted match just a little too close to the Constitution.

IMPORTANT READING:  By the way, did you know how and by whom that Colorado lawsuit originated?  As reported by the DAILY CALLER, the legal organization behind it “has a direct link to the Biden administration.”

According to the Department of Homeland Security website, Noah Bookbinder, president and CEO of the organization Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (try not to laugh), or CREW, is also a member of the DHS Advisory Council, “tasked with giving real-time advice to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.”  Bookbinder also is a former trial attorney for the “Justice” Department’s public integrity section (again, try not to laugh).  More details here…

It was CREW that brought the lawsuit to have Trump removed from the ballot in Colorado.  Here’s their website; have a look around and see that (sarcasm alert) there’s nothing political about this crew at all…

AND ONE MORE POINT:  As longtime readers know, we’ve always said that the January 6 riot played into the Democrats’ strategy so well that if it hadn’t happened, they would’ve had to MAKE it happen.  Gradually, evidence --- not “conspiracy theory” -- has been emerging --- that they indeed “helped” a lot, particularly with their deliberate lack of security that day.  And now, this Colorado decision shows us why even their insistence on the inappropriate word “insurrection” at that time was deliberate.  The seeds were planted then.  Laura Ingraham mentioned this last night in an outstanding opening segment…


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Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee



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We'd like to keep the newsletter going but can't if we don't reach our monthly paid subscriber goal: we have to find 213 paying subscribers by the end of this month to keep the lights on.

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I started this newsletter back in the fall of 2016 just ahead of President Trump's election over Hillary Clinton.  Since then, I have chronicled his presidency, a nation grappling with COVID, woke ideology, elections, more elections, Congress and finally Joe Biden's presidency.

My team and I like to say that we read the news, so you don't have to. We spend late nights and early mornings, finding news we think is important for you to read, and then we add our two cents and sometimes three cents to help frame things.

It's hard work and time consuming, but we love to do it, and I hope you like to read it enough to pay for a subscription!


Mike Huckabee

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News from Israel

Here’s today’s link to continually-updated news on the war on Hamas in Israel (Note: I am currently in Israel to show my support and to visit with Israeli officials and victims of the October 7th attack.)

Today’s biggest news: While Israel is facing condemnation around the world for “targeting hospitals” in Gaza, the IDF released a shocking interrogation video of the head of a Gaza hospital admitting that it was used as a “safe place” for Hamas terrorists.

Kamal Adwan Hospital director Ahmad Kahlot is shown admitting that the hospital was used to hide up to 100 senior military and civilian Hamas officials at a time for up to 10 days because they knew they wouldn’t be targeted by Israel while they were in the hospital. He went on to say that he knew of 16 hospital staff members, including doctors, nurses and paramedics, who were also members of Hamas’ military wing.

Will this thermonuclear truth bomb have any effect on the dimwitted protesters accusing Israel of genocide because it’s searching hospitals for Hamas terrorists? If you believe that, you might need a mental hospital.

Israel’s representative to the UN Gilad Erdan reported that UN Secretary-General António Guterres (who has made a lot of accusatory statements about Israel) “finally” watched the graphic footage of the October 7th attack by Hamas. Erdon tweeted, "After he watched it, the Secretary-General himself said that it was humanity at its worst. Now we will see if his public statements change and if he truly understands Israel’s mission to eradicate this evil from the face of the earth and bring home the hostages."

I certainly hope so, although I still question why the leader of the UN criticized Israel for two months before he ever even watched the video of what started it.

The Epstein list

No matter how cold Christmas is this year, some powerful people are going to be sweating through it. A Republican-nominated federal judge ordered that the list of more than 170 people associated with the late sex criminal and accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein be made public.

These names have been under seal since 2019, with journalists trying hard to obtain them because the list is rumored to include some prominent names in government and business who were Epstein’s powerful friends. The sealed list has become a symbol of how the system protects the powerful. It will be made public 14 days from Monday’s ruling, barring appeals, of which I’m sure there will be many, also with the identities of the people behind them carefully hidden.

Like the continually-renewed classified status of JFK assassination documents that are now 60 years old, I can’t help wondering what there is about this list that’s so vital to national security that it must be kept hidden from the public until the end of time.

A conflict of interest revealed

Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is facing ethics violation accusations for allegedly failing to disclose income her husband received from medical malpractice consulting, which could have impacted her need to recuse herself from certain cases.

When Democrats started targeting conservative SCOTUS Justices for ethics accusations to take them off of cases, they never imagined that they would be held to the same strict standards they applied to others. This is one of many examples of how having the ability to engage in longterm thinking helps.

“This is the most election of our lifetime…”

With Joe Biden’s approval rating reaching Jack The Ripper levels and even Democrats suspecting that he’s better equipped to sit in a rocking chair than the Oval Office, his one insurance policy against being replaced is that waiting in the wings to replace him is Vice President and Czar-Of-All-Self-Created-Problems Kamala Harris. The Democrats don’t want her, either, but replacing her would mean jettisoning a black woman and angering two of their biggest identity groups.

So to remind everyone that it could (maybe) be worse if Biden doesn’t run, they sent Kamala out for a media appearance. She did not disappoint, from backstabbing Israel to dishing up a buffet of word salad worthy of Golden Corral:

Remember, in the words of Vice President Harris, “This is the most election of our lifetime,” and we “need to focus on what is happening now toward what is possible and should be possible the day after as we call it.”

Oh yes, there’s more. Take an Excedrin, then click the link above.

Our shrinking US military

There have been a lot of headlines recently about the US military’s recruitment crisis. With Biden’s weakness and incompetence upping the threat of military aggression around the world, the Pentagon is having trouble convincing young people to join. Our military is about to reach its lowest levels in 80 years. They’ve even started running recruitment ads that have a throwback, patriotic, “Top Gun” vibe designed to appeal to the sort of MAGA Americans that they’ve spent the past few years vilifying and trying to drive out of the military.

As always with the left, they have endless bogus excuses but will never admit the real problem: the effort that started with Obama and has continued under Biden to turn the US military from a patriotic, lethal fighting force into a woke social experiment has turned off young people from families with a tradition of military service, and those are the ones most needed and formerly most likely to join up. They’re actively working to destroy the military’s proud tradition of colorblind meritocracy and replace it with DEI, reverse racism and appeals to fringe identity groups, like offering taxpayer-paid transgender surgery. And their incompetent desk-jockey leaders seem to treat the troops as cannon fodder for whatever foreign misadventure they want to pursue.

Milt Harris at PJ Media has a must-read article on this subject that quotes some military veterans who tell them exactly what the problem is. Whether the top leaders will listen is an open question.

Personally, I would start by requiring that all Pentagon leaders have combat experience. I’d then bust most of the current leaders back to privates and put them in charge of peeling potatoes to give them the chance to master at least one military-related skill.


When “Squad”-associated “progressive” Democrat Rep. Greg Cesar was on the Austin, Texas, city council, he spearheaded the “defund the police” movement. He celebrated slashing the police budget by $100 million, which was (surprise!) followed by a huge crime wave. He also accused the Austin police of being a racist institution that targeted black and brown people, a charge he repeated just last week.

So imagine the cops' surprise when Cesar put in a request for enhanced police patrols around his own home last week for unknown reasons.

While the police say they protect everyone regardless of politics, Cesar is being deservedly blasted as a fraud and a hypocrite. Critics say he should pay for private security instead of denying police protection to others while requesting it for himself.

The president of the Austin Police Retired Officers Association told Fox News that their issue is “the whole, 'We hate the cops, we hate the cops, we hate the cops. Oh, please, come help us now'...He is the architect of defund the cops in Austin. He started this whole mess."

Say, maybe that’s why he thinks he needs enhanced protection!

Bye-bye reparations

The great thing about leftist policies is how well they work out…in Fantasyland. Put them into effect anywhere else, and they’re complete disasters.

Latest example: San Francisco, which thanks to decades of leftist rule has nearly apocalyptic problems to deal with, created an African American Reparations Advisory Committee. The members’ “job” was to figure out how much they thought the city owed every black person for slavery, which California never had. It must’ve been fun, sitting around on the taxpayers’ dime, dreaming up that simply by virtue of their skin color, every black person deserved a $5 million lump sum payment, all their debts erased, $97,000 a year for 250 years, and a house for $1. The cost of the $5 million payments alone was estimated at $175 billion, more than the annual budgets of 47 of the 50 states. Still, they claimed this wasn’t nearly enough.

Sadly, as always, reality eventually intruded. The committee requested a $50 million budget, reduced that to $10 million, and finally got $2 million. Now, due to cuts forced by a budget deficit caused by years of profligate spending and incompetent leftist leadership, the Reparations Committee has been eliminated. That’s right: San Francisco can’t even afford the Reparations Committee, much less the reparations!

Don’t worry, though: California’s leftist state government also thinks there should be lavish payouts for slavery reparations…oh, wait: never mind:

I hope this will serve as what Obama called a “teachable moment” about voting for politicians who promise lots of free stuff when that promise is in exchange for putting people in power who can’t even balance their own checkbooks.


A prominent LGBT activist who “identifies” as a woman, and whom the Governor of Pennsylvania sought out to endorse and campaign for him, has been charged with a litany of horrific crimes against two boys under 13, including rape.

RELATED: Breitbart lists the Top Nine Degenerate Democrat Scandals under Joe Biden, the President who was going to “bring back decency.” Kudos to Breitbart for whittling it down to only nine.

Remember Celine in your prayers

The many fans of the great singer Celine Dion will want to remember her in their prayers after reading this update from her sister about her battle with a very rare neurological disorder that’s forced her to stop performing.

A Message for John

My friend, musician and “Dukes of Hazzard” star John Schneider, talked to Fox News about how hard it will be facing his first Christmas without his wife Alicia, whom he lost this year to breast cancer.

I just wanted to share this with you, and send a message to John that those of us who know him personally and the millions who love him for the years of great entertainment he’s given us are all thinking of him and praying for him and his family to feel the joy of the Christmas season the way I'm sure Alicia would have wanted them to.

Turley: Colorado court decision to take Trump off ballot is “DEAD WRONG.”

Melissa Hart.  Monica M. Marquez.  Richard L. Gabriel.  William W. Hood III.

These four unelected Colorado Supreme Court justices, in a 4-3 ruling, are guilty of one of the most preposterous cases of judicial overreach in the history of “our democracy.”  Until this travesty can be reversed on appeal before the United States Supreme Court, our Republic is LESS democratic because of them.  Democratic principles and the Constitution founded on them have been tossed out the window.

They ruled that Trump is ineligible to be on the Colorado ballot for President under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies sworn officials who “engaged in insurrection.” This is the dream of Trump-haters who were willing to do anything, sacrifice any principle, to strike him from the ballot and nullify the choice of Americans who support him.

Oh, and if you think those voters can just write in his name, you’re in for a shock.  They thought of that, ruling that “the Secretary [of State] may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 Presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him.”

If anyone is a threat to democracy and unfit for public office, it’s these judges whose brains have been so eaten away by the TDS virus that they can’t be trusted to honor the Constitution and uphold the most basic rights.

This is election interference right out in the open.  To accomplish this, they had to contort history and the law so much that these can hardly be recognized any longer.

Let’s look at history.  As you probably know, the 14th Amendment was ratified soon after the Civil War, in 1868, for the purpose of disqualifying members of the Confederacy from holding U.S. office.  The people who wrote it had just just been through a REAL insurrection that killed hundreds of thousands of people.  I wonder if those Colorado judges have the slightest idea what that was, or if they even care.  They were just grasping at whatever they could use.

Now, as to Trump himself engaging in “insurrection.”  The barracuda currently masquerading as Trump’s special counsel would eagerly have prosecuted him for that if he thought for a minute he’d be able to make that stick, but he didn’t.  Trump not only hasn’t been convicted of insurrection, he hasn’t even been charged with it, not by the most Trump-deranged prosecutor on the planet.

Dissenting Colorado Chief Justice Brian Boatright recognized this, arguing that Colorado’s election law “was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection.  In the absence of an insurrection-related conviction, I would hold that a request to disqualify a candidate under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a proper cause of action under Colorado’s election code.”

Another dissenter, Justice Carlos Samour, said in a lengthy opinion that this suit is not a “fair mechanism” for determining Trump’s eligibility for the ballot because it deprives him of his right to due process, as he has not been convicted.  “Even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past --- dare I say, engaged in insurrection --- there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office,” he wrote.

Hard to believe we’re linking to NEWSWEEK on this, but they actually have good coverage on what the dissenters (all Democrats, incidentally) said.

In Colorado alone, there are 3.8 million voters, including close to a million registered Republicans (that ratio, by the way, gives you a clue as to what’s wrong with their Supreme Court.) And this outrage is going on all over the country.  As Kayleigh McEnany pointed out on FOX NEWS last night, there have been 31 cases seeking Trump’s’ removal from the ballot.  More than a dozen cases remain pending, some in “red” states such as Texas and South Carolina.  (One was dismissed in Florida.  Thank you, Florida.)

Well, so much for the will of the people.  In McEnany’s words, “If you can’t beat them, disqualify them.”

Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker made a great point: “This was a close call for them.  It was a 4-3 decision.  And when you take someone off the ballot and disqualify a candidate, it should be with unbelievable evidence…”  The facts are “very thin” here, he said, based on the findings of the ultra-partisan January 6 committee “from Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and others.”  Trump, he noted, told his supporters to go “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol building to make their voices heard.

“This court just ignores anything that is evidence that helps President Trump.”  He pointed out that other state Supreme Courts have looked at this issue and “nobody’s been willing to go out as far” as this one.  It’s a completely partisan attempt that the left is celebrating right now.

Of course, the U.S. Supreme Court will have the final say.  Colorado only has till January 5 (!) to have this settled, so law professor Jonathan Turley says it’ll be put on the “rocket docket.”  The U.S. Supreme Court absolutely must get involved, he says, because the Colorado Supreme Court is “dead wrong.”  To get to their opinion on this, the Colorado court had to have a “sweeping interpretation on every single issue in order to get where they wanted to go” --- except on one particular issue, that of free speech.  “Then they adopt a narrow interpretation.  They suggest that Trump DOESN’T have free speech protection.”  They even hearken back to speeches Trump made in 2016!

This opinion truly is a product of Trump-deranged minds.  As Turley says, “The factual and legal basis of this opinion is really so porous that the Supreme Court will make fast work of it.” And they'll get their chance quickly: Trump wrote to his followers, "The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these un-American lawsuits.”

“The path that this court has put us on could not be more dangerous,” according to Turley.  “...You know this country needs some healing. And what the Colorado Supreme Court did is they basically took a blow at democracy in the name of democracy...We never needed the democratic process more. We need voters to be able to make a decision. Because at some point we have to come back together.”

If this sort of thing were ever to be allowed to stand, we would no longer be recognizable as America.  As Turley has written, “Such ballot-cleansing is common in countries like Iran, where citizens await to learn which opposition candidates will be allowed to run.”  That’s why, we would add, this abomination has to be a shocking wake-up call for American voters, as it reveals just how far the left is willing to push the boundaries.  They HAVE no boundaries.  They say they care about “democracy”?  Give me a break.

Here’s what Turley wrote about the lower-court judge’s opinion in November, before the case went to the State Supreme Court.  Judge Sarah Wallace was right, he said, in rejecting the 14th Amendment argument but very wrong in her analysis when she said Trump’s speech was inciteful and unprotected.

As for legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, he had no problem calling this election rigging.  Again, an “insurrection” means taking up arms against the United States, as the South did during the Civil War.  “To remove Donald Trump from the ballot for an offense that he hasn’t even been tried or convicted of --- what is that?  It’s violating his right to due process, which happens to be guaranteed by [that] very amendment, the 14th, and elsewhere in the Constitution.”

Importantly, Jarrett also pointed out that the language in the amendment doesn’t even apply to the office of President.  Colorado officials have “brazenly manipulated the clause for purely political reasons, another example of election interference by Trump opponents.  This is an effort --- make no mistake --- to deprive Americana voters of THEIR right to make the decision as to who should be President.  It is ANTI-democratic.  It’s the equivalent of rigging the ballot box.”  Jarrett sees it as inflaming voters and further boosting Trump’s support (as it should).


RELATED:  Republican presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has said he’s removing his name from the Colorado ballot, on the principle that Republicans --- not the courts --- should be able to pick their own nominee.  He’s calling on the other GOP candidates to remove their names as well.  He sees failure to do so as “tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.”  Good for him!


Here, Vivek is included in a round-up of explosive social media reaction…

Ron DeSantis and even Trump’s staunchest Republican critic Chris Christie also slammed the decision, as did Robert Kennedy Jr., who tweeted, “Let the voters choose, not the courts!”

This outrageous ruling not only is a body blow to the rule of law and our democratic process, it also has done serious damage to America’s international standing, giving other nation’s the perfect response when we criticize their rigged elections. El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele warned that "The United States has lost its ability to lecture any other country about ‘democracy.’”


COMPARE AND CONTRAST:  This isn’t the only courtroom travesty going on.  The six alternate Trump electors from 2020 in Nevada were indicted earlier this month.

And here’s some potentially good news for several January 6 defendants, including Trump.  Watch this 7-1/2-minute video and see how the Supreme Court is getting involved...

For when you have time, here’s Julie Kelly with more on that…


FINAL WORD:  We’ll give that to President Trump, who posted on Truth Social: “‘Justice’ weaponization is a very dirty game to play, and it can have repercussions far greater than anything that Biden or his Thugs could understand. They ought to withdraw all of their Fake, Political Indictments against their Republican Opponent, me, immediately. This is a Pandora’s box, that works two ways, and it should be closed and tightly sealed RIGHT NOW.”



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Melissa Hart.  Monica M. Marquez.  Richard L. Gabriel.  William W. Hood III.

These four unelected Colorado Supreme Court justices, in a 4-3 ruling, are guilty of one of the most preposterous cases of judicial overreach in the history of “our democracy.”  Until this travesty can be reversed on appeal before the United States Supreme Court, our Republic is LESS democratic because of them.  Democratic principles and the Constitution founded on them have been tossed out the window.

They ruled that Trump is ineligible to be on the Colorado ballot for President under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies sworn officials who “engaged in insurrection.” This is the dream of Trump-haters who were willing to do anything, sacrifice any principle, to strike him from the ballot and nullify the choice of Americans who support him.

Oh, and if you think those voters can just write in his name, you’re in for a shock.  They thought of that, ruling that “the Secretary [of State] may not list President Trump’s name on the 2024 Presidential primary ballot, nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him.”

If anyone is a threat to democracy and unfit for public office, it’s these judges whose brains have been so eaten away by the TDS virus that they can’t be trusted to honor the Constitution and uphold the most basic rights.

This is election interference right out in the open.  To accomplish this, they had to contort history and the law so much that these can hardly be recognized any longer.

Let’s look at history.  As you probably know, the 14th Amendment was ratified soon after the Civil War, in 1868, for the purpose of disqualifying members of the Confederacy from holding U.S. office.  The people who wrote it had just just been through a REAL insurrection that killed hundreds of thousands of people.  I wonder if those Colorado judges have the slightest idea what that was, or if they even care.  They were just grasping at whatever they could use.

Now, as to Trump himself engaging in “insurrection.”  The barracuda currently masquerading as Trump’s special counsel would eagerly have prosecuted him for that if he thought for a minute he’d be able to make that stick, but he didn’t.  Trump not only hasn’t been convicted of insurrection, he hasn’t even been charged with it, not by the most Trump-deranged prosecutor on the planet.

Dissenting Colorado Chief Justice Brian Boatright recognized this, arguing that Colorado’s election law “was not enacted to decide whether a candidate engaged in insurrection.  In the absence of an insurrection-related conviction, I would hold that a request to disqualify a candidate under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment is not a proper cause of action under Colorado’s election code.”

Another dissenter, Justice Carlos Samour, said in a lengthy opinion that this suit is not a “fair mechanism” for determining Trump’s eligibility for the ballot because it deprives him of his right to due process, as he has not been convicted.  “Even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past --- dare I say, engaged in insurrection --- there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office,” he wrote.

Hard to believe we’re linking to NEWSWEEK on this, but they actually have good coverage on what the dissenters (all Democrats, incidentally) said.

In Colorado alone, there are 3.8 million voters, including close to a million registered Republicans (that ratio, by the way, gives you a clue as to what’s wrong with their Supreme Court.) And this outrage is going on all over the country.  As Kayleigh McEnany pointed out on FOX NEWS last night, there have been 31 cases seeking Trump’s’ removal from the ballot.  More than a dozen cases remain pending, some in “red” states such as Texas and South Carolina.  (One was dismissed in Florida.  Thank you, Florida.)

Well, so much for the will of the people.  In McEnany’s words, “If you can’t beat them, disqualify them.”

Former acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker made a great point: “This was a close call for them.  It was a 4-3 decision.  And when you take someone off the ballot and disqualify a candidate, it should be with unbelievable evidence…”  The facts are “very thin” here, he said, based on the findings of the ultra-partisan January 6 committee “from Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and others.”  Trump, he noted, told his supporters to go “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol building to make their voices heard.

“This court just ignores anything that is evidence that helps President Trump.”  He pointed out that other state Supreme Courts have looked at this issue and “nobody’s been willing to go out as far” as this one.  It’s a completely partisan attempt that the left is celebrating right now.

Of course, the U.S. Supreme Court will have the final say.  Colorado only has till January 5 (!) to have this settled, so law professor Jonathan Turley says it’ll be put on the “rocket docket.”  The U.S. Supreme Court absolutely must get involved, he says, because the Colorado Supreme Court is “dead wrong.”  To get to their opinion on this, the Colorado court had to have a “sweeping interpretation on every single issue in order to get where they wanted to go” --- except on one particular issue, that of free speech.  “Then they adopt a narrow interpretation.  They suggest that Trump DOESN’T have free speech protection.”  They even hearken back to speeches Trump made in 2016!

This opinion truly is a product of Trump-deranged minds.  As Turley says, “The factual and legal basis of this opinion is really so porous that the Supreme Court will make fast work of it.” And they'll get their chance quickly: Trump wrote to his followers, "The Colorado Supreme Court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. We have full confidence that the U.S. Supreme Court will quickly rule in our favor and finally put an end to these un-American lawsuits.”

“The path that this court has put us on could not be more dangerous,” according to Turley.  “...You know this country needs some healing. And what the Colorado Supreme Court did is they basically took a blow at democracy in the name of democracy...We never needed the democratic process more. We need voters to be able to make a decision. Because at some point we have to come back together.”

If this sort of thing were ever to be allowed to stand, we would no longer be recognizable as America.  As Turley has written, “Such ballot-cleansing is common in countries like Iran, where citizens await to learn which opposition candidates will be allowed to run.”  That’s why, we would add, this abomination has to be a shocking wake-up call for American voters, as it reveals just how far the left is willing to push the boundaries.  They HAVE no boundaries.  They say they care about “democracy”?  Give me a break.

Here’s what Turley wrote about the lower-court judge’s opinion in November, before the case went to the State Supreme Court.  Judge Sarah Wallace was right, he said, in rejecting the 14th Amendment argument but very wrong in her analysis when she said Trump’s speech was inciteful and unprotected.

As for legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, he had no problem calling this election rigging.  Again, an “insurrection” means taking up arms against the United States, as the South did during the Civil War.  “To remove Donald Trump from the ballot for an offense that he hasn’t even been tried or convicted of --- what is that?  It’s violating his right to due process, which happens to be guaranteed by [that] very amendment, the 14th, and elsewhere in the Constitution.”

Importantly, Jarrett also pointed out that the language in the amendment doesn’t even apply to the office of President.  Colorado officials have “brazenly manipulated the clause for purely political reasons, another example of election interference by Trump opponents.  This is an effort --- make no mistake --- to deprive Americana voters of THEIR right to make the decision as to who should be President.  It is ANTI-democratic.  It’s the equivalent of rigging the ballot box.”  Jarrett sees it as inflaming voters and further boosting Trump’s support (as it should).


RELATED:  Republican presidential primary candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has said he’s removing his name from the Colorado ballot, on the principle that Republicans --- not the courts --- should be able to pick their own nominee.  He’s calling on the other GOP candidates to remove their names as well.  He sees failure to do so as “tacitly endorsing this illegal maneuver which will have disastrous consequences for our country.”  Good for him!


Here, Vivek is included in a round-up of explosive social media reaction…

Ron DeSantis and even Trump’s staunchest Republican critic Chris Christie also slammed the decision, as did Robert Kennedy Jr., who tweeted, “Let the voters choose, not the courts!”

This outrageous ruling not only is a body blow to the rule of law and our democratic process, it also has done serious damage to America’s international standing, giving other nation’s the perfect response when we criticize their rigged elections. El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele warned that "The United States has lost its ability to lecture any other country about ‘democracy.’”


COMPARE AND CONTRAST:  This isn’t the only courtroom travesty going on.  The six alternate Trump electors from 2020 in Nevada were indicted earlier this month.

And here’s some potentially good news for several January 6 defendants, including Trump.  Watch this 7-1/2-minute video and see how the Supreme Court is getting involved...

For when you have time, here’s Julie Kelly with more on that…


FINAL WORD:  We’ll give that to President Trump, who posted on Truth Social: “‘Justice’ weaponization is a very dirty game to play, and it can have repercussions far greater than anything that Biden or his Thugs could understand. They ought to withdraw all of their Fake, Political Indictments against their Republican Opponent, me, immediately. This is a Pandora’s box, that works two ways, and it should be closed and tightly sealed RIGHT NOW.”



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

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Mike Huckabee


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Here’s today’s link to continually-updated news on the war in Israel from Fox News…

Among today’s top stories:

Israel reports that a strike in Gaza has killed Subhi Ferwana, a prominent financier who funneled tens of millions of dollars through his business to Hamas to support its terrorist activities.

Israel is being pressured by the UN to stop its raids of hospitals, but the IDF says Hamas is using hospitals as hiding places and ammo storage facilities and has tunnels underneath them to use them as shields.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met with Israeli officials Monday and reaffirmed U.S. support for Israel, saying he was "not here to dictate timelines of terms."

The US has begun an operation with a number of other nations to secure shipping in the Red Sea against attacks by Houthi militants in Yemen.

While Israel is facing demands for an immediate ceasefire, an IDF paratrooper named Shahar appeared on Fox News’ "America's Newsroom" Monday to explain why that is "not an option." He said:

"If we cease fire, it means that Israel ceases fire. Hamas is just going to regroup and do October 7 again and again and again until someone in the world or Israel can ensure that this never happens again and ensures that the education system, the radical jihadist education system that keeps growing up more and more terrorists, is eradicated."

If you haven’t seen it, Bill Maher made some leftist heads explode over the weekend with a segment on his TV show explaining why the students chanting “From the river to the sea” are “useful idiots,” and why many previous attempts to negotiate a peaceful two-state solution failed. It was because the Palestinian leaders refused. Maher explained in blunt terms that you can’t negotiate with someone whose unshakeable position is “You all die and disappear.”

I just arrived in Israel for a quick trip to visit with Israeli officials and survivors of the Oct 7 massacre and families of the hostages.  It’s hard to describe the savage brutality inflicted by Hamas terrorists.  We will let these dear friends in Israel know that they do not stand alone!

Message to the GOP: Turn out every vote

I always warn people not to listen to polls, especially polls taken a year in advance of an election. Right now, polls show Trump pulling ahead of Biden in key swing states, but there are two factors they don’t take into account:

1. Biden may not be the nominee, particularly not if his approval ratings keep sinking to new record lows, with 53% of Americans now saying his policies have harmed them personally. Of course, the media will not tell voters that any replacement of Biden will just double down on the same failed leftist policies…

2. In certain swing states controlled by Democrats, there has been a long process of institutionalizing vote fraud and destroying any attorneys who dare bring cases challenging elections. Here’s a story about a key swing state that Trump may already have lost, and it’s still 11 months until anyone even votes.

I don’t tell you these things to bum you out, just to warn you not to let polls make you complacent. There is no way Democrats are going to give up power, especially to Trump, without fighting like rabid badgers and pulling out every dirty trick imaginable. Republicans had better be working like mad to turn out every vote and be prepared for any contingency.

Hunter pledges to leave the country if Trump is elected

The latest semi-celebrity to claim he will leave the country if Donald Trump is elected is Hunter Biden. Problem: When you’re under indictment, fleeing the country is a felony. Authorities might want to take that “flight risk” aspect into account when deciding whether he should be running around loose.

On the other hand, if he’s like most famous Democrats, his threats to leave the country if Trump is elected are likely meaningless. Cher claimed she was going to move to Jupiter if Trump became President, but she’s still in California, which admittedly is as close to another planet as you can get.

There are some hopeful signs that the Bill of Rights is at least still clinging to life support in the court system:

After a six-year court battle, the liberal city of East Lansing, Michigan, has been ordered by a federal judge to pay $1.1 million in damages and legal fees for violating the First Amendment rights of Christian farmer Stephen Tennes by banning him from the city farmers’ market because he declined to host same-sex weddings on his family farm, Country Mill Farms.

Former US Navy Chief Gary Formhals was a volunteer and part-time employee with the Washington State Park system for over 10 years until one park visitor complained that she was outraged that his car had two Trump bumper stickers, which she described as “insurrectionalist.” The American Center for Law and Justice sued to protect his First Amendment rights. The parks department folded and agreed to rewrite its policies to protect volunteers’ free speech rights.

And the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously reinstated a lawsuit thrown out by a lower court in which four Connecticut female high school athletes sued the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for letting males who “identify” as females compete against them. The Court found that the female athletes did plausibly state “an injury in fact” by having their records, trophies and scholarships taken away by physically superior males.

The Court also ruled "that the alleged injury is plausibly redressable by monetary and injunctive relief."  I hope it’s big monetary relief, enough to shock the CIAC and related organizations into waking up out of their woke coma and recognizing biological reality.

Fleeing DC

The latest businesses to flee the disastrous governance of Democrats are the Washington Wizards basketball team and the Washington Capitals hockey team, both of which announced plans to move from downtown DC to a new sports venue in Virginia as soon as 2028. As this story makes clear, it wasn’t just due to financial inducements. Nobody wants to come to downtown DC anymore because thanks to leftwing city leaders, it’s like a crime-ridden war zone.

The move is expected to cost surrounding businesses $25 million a year in lost revenue, but I’d bet they’re already losing far more than that just to shoplifting.

Connecticut reverses course

The Democrat Governor of Connecticut is abandoning his plan to follow California’s lead in mandating that all passenger vehicles sold be electric by 2035. Aside from the fact that “following California’s lead” is right up there with “If Billy jumped off the Empire State Building, would YOU jump off the Empire State Building?” in sheer stupidity, there’s also this inherent logic problem:

You can mandate all day long that only electric cars will be sold, but you can’t mandate that people buy them. California already tried that years ago and had to back off when they realized the public wasn’t buying, but now they’re trying it again. It’s the foundational principle of leftist politics: “If at first a policy doesn’t succeed, try and fail and try and fail and try and fail again.”

The Decline of American Strength:

From “Don’t Tread On Me” to the Biden White House warning North Korea that nuking America would be “unacceptable.”

Not going away anytime soon

The UN Climate Conference in Dubai is over. And despite all the high-flown rhetoric about ending fossil fuels and flying on battery-powered airplanes charged by windmills and unicorn flatulence, activists who keep gluing themselves to things will be disappointed to learn that even the attendees at this conference eventually had to bow to the reality that fossil fuels are not going away anytime soon.

Must-Read Column:

To nobody’s surprise, Harvard’s (Should-be-fired-but-won’t-be) President Claudine Gay and her defenders have resorted to blaming racism for criticism of her being a blatant plagiarist and public apologist for violent anti-Semites. Never mind that the white Presidents of UPenn and MIT faced the same calls for their firings after their joint House testimony, and the only one that’s already gone is the president of UPenn. And she's not even a plagiarist (that we know of.)

Derek Hunter at has noticed, as have millions of Americans, the way elitist minority Democrats have learned to blame racism for any criticism and to tell other minority members that they can’t get ahead because America is irredeemably, fundamentally, systemically racist – even as they personally amass huge amounts of power, money and prestige in a system allegedly designed to “keep them down.”

Gay is hardly the only example of this staggering hypocrisy he cites, and not even the only one who has prospered hugely by denouncing all white people as oppressors while also being married to a white spouse. Let’s hope that Hunter is correct when he suggests that the number of people who fall for rich racist hypocrites claiming to be victims of racism “is getting smaller and smaller every year.”

Related: Excellent article by Andrew Sullivan on his hopes that the shocking House testimony by the three elite university presidents who couldn’t bring themselves to condemn violent anti-Semitism could finally be “the day the empress’ clothes fall off” and everyone finally sees clearly what these elite schools have become.

For all those who are shocked by these liberal schools where “words are violence” if they’re words leftists disagree with, but violence is free speech if it’s aimed at conservatives or Jews, Sullivan explains that it’s not a double standard. Thanks to the mind virus of “DEI,” he says, “There is a single standard: It is fine to malign, abuse and denigrate ‘oppressors’ and forbidden to do so against the ‘oppressed.’” By declaring the Jews to be oppressors and Palestinians to be the oppressed, they’ve just cut-and-pasted their anti-white template to use it against Israel.

Biden’s decency

The Senate staffer who videotaped himself having sex with his gay partner in a Senate hearing room has lost his job, and of course, blames it on homophobes condemning him for “who he loves,” rather than where he loves him. Like Hunter Biden blaming all his alleged crimes on Republicans, he’s just the latest Democrat to play the victim card and act as if laws don’t apply to him. But here are some laws that just might apply to him.

A salute to Kevin Downey Jr. at PJ Media for reminding us that Joe Biden, whose Administration and Party have brought us homemade gay porn in the Senate, professional gay porn in schools, drag queens twerking in small children’s faces, “trans” women flashing their fake breasts at a White House event and biological males parading around naked in high school girls’ locker rooms, ran for President in 2020 on a promise to “bring back decency.” If this is “decency,” I’d hate to see indecency.

Tear down is temporarily blocked

UPDATE: Yesterday, I reported that the Biden Defense Department was about to start tearing down the Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery because it honored Confederate soldiers. But at the last minute, Trump-appointed Judge Rossie Alston Jr. issued a temporary stay and ordered the demolition halted at least until Wednesday so that historic organizations that are suing to protect it can make their case.

Grayson Bakich at PJ Media not only has more details but some great, must-read observations, including the fact that this isn’t a monument to the Confederacy. It was erected by Woodrow Wilson in 1914 to commemorate national reconciliation and the healing of divisions after the Civil War (you can see why the Biden people would want to destroy that; stoking divisions is how they attain political power.)

He also notes that to show how far America really has progressed since the Civil War (despite Democrats’ claims to the contrary), Judge Alston is black, and he preserved the monument. Meanwhile, it was the Democrats who started the Confederacy and the Civil War and fought Abe Lincoln and the Republicans to maintain slavery, yet they now pretend that it was the Republicans who not only backed the Confederacy but still support slavery.  And one commenter makes the great point that for the Democrats, attempting to erase all traces of the Confederacy isn’t so much historical revisionism as an attempt to destroy the evidence.

HUGE: “missing binder” may expose underlying reason for Mar-A-Lago raid

Longtime newsletter readers will recall that when the Mar-A-Lago raid took place --- August 8, 2022, a date which shall live in infamy --- we speculated about what the FBI might REALLY have been looking for with their armed invasion of the former President’s home over air, land and sea.  After all, if a President has the power to declassify documents (and he does), what’s the big deal about having them in a secure location while details are being worked out with the National Archives regarding their ultimate location?  The raid seemed like an outrageous overreaction.  Could it have been, at least in part, a cover operation to try to retrieve something in particular?

Some observers suggested at the time that Trump, for his own protection, might have taken documents that showed in greater detail what the deep state --- yes, we use that term without hesitation --- had been up to with “Crossfire Hurricane” to frame him as a Russian agent.  After all, if this had been done to you and you were on your way out the White House door, wouldn’t you want to leave with whatever documentation you could get your hands on?

On Friday, CNN ran a story that certainly brought back less-than-fond memories of the Mar-A-Lago raid and our speculations at the time.  Dan Bongino brought up the story on his Monday podcast and radio show, saying it tells him that the White House, by leaking this to some of the intel community’s most cooperative scribes such as Natasha Bertrand, is “really trying to get out ahead of something” that’s about to break.  Their piece is called “The Mystery of the Missing Binder.”

The subhead:  “How a collection of raw intelligence disappeared under Trump.”

As CNN reported, “A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.”

They went on to say that the loss of this top secret binder was so concerning that intel officials briefed Senate Intelligence Committee leaders about it last year.  These members of Congress and their aides with top-secret clearance were able to review copies of its contents only at CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.

So what on earth was supposed to be inside this 10-inch-thick binder?  According to CNN, “The binder contained raw intelligence the U.S. and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.”

Ah-ha.  Here we go with Trump/Russia, all over again!  Dictated by an “official source” to one of their most dependable media outlets.

CNN reported that the binder was last seen at the White House “during Trump’s final days in office,” under the care of White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.  Trump had wanted to declassify a number of documents “related to the FBI’s Russia investigation.”  But Trump administration officials, they said, had repeatedly tried to block him from doing it, due to the ultra-sensitive nature of the raw intelligence on Russia.

As CNN tells it, things got contentious about this declassification on Trump’s chaotic last day in office.  Trump issued an order (editorial aside:  as was his right as President), and instructed that multiple copies be made and distributed to DC Republicans and right-wing journalists, but White House attorneys scrambled to have them gathered up again for additional redactions (!). Just before Biden was inaugurated, Meadows took a redacted version to the “Justice” Department for one last review, but that copy has still not seen the light of day.  “Additional copies with varying levels of redactions ended up at the National Archives,” according to CNN.

BUT...there’s reportedly an unredacted version, supposedly containing all that super-sensitive raw intelligence on Russia, that went missing that day.  “The circumstances regarding its disappearance remain shrouded in mystery,” CNN said.

Their anonymous source --- “a U.S. official familiar with the matter” --- told them the binder was not found at Mar-A-Lago when the FBI raided it.  And for what it’s worth (exactly nothing), this person also said that when they applied for the search warrant, the FBI was not specifically looking for information regarding Russia.

Of course, we know the FBI would never lie in a warrant application.

“Despite fierce opposition from his own national security officials,” CNN reported, “Trump spent years trying to declassify material that he said would prove his claims the FBI’s Russia probe into his campaign was a hoax.”  What CNN fails to mention is that we now have plenty of evidence proving just that.

In June, the “Justice” Department sought to dismiss a lawsuit by John Solomon by saying they’d already posted “most of the binder” on the FBI’s FOIA website.  But Solomon claimed the FBI had released only a small and highly-redacted portion of the binder’s contents.  In July, Meadows said in an interview with Solomon that he had turned over the documents he had --- which he made clear had been DECLASSIFIED BY TRUMP --- to the DOJ with the expectation that they would be disseminated.  They still haven’t been.

Other news (“news”) outlets such as THE NEW YORK TIMES have run with this story, with NEWSWEEK even reporting that estranged niece Mary Trump says President Trump may have “sold” the binder to Russia.  This is how low “journalism” has sunk, folks.  “There’s no evidence showing Trump sold anything to Russia,” the NEWSWEEK STORY does finally get around to saying.  Apparently, the headline writer didn’t read down that far.

Bongino says he’s got some insider information, which we personally would trust much more than an allegation from Mary Trump.  Some say that portions of the binder are “largely just some regurgitated kind of stuff you could’ve found in press releases,” but other sources have hinted to him that the binder may contain “damning information.”  Not about Russian interference to help Trump, though.

His sources tell him it was Russian interference to help HILLARY.  To help the FBI GET Trump.  Just the opposite of what we were told for years.

Bongino says he can almost guarantee that part of that binder is “fake Russian intelligence that the FBI fell for.”  The FBI was then tasked with “getting Hillary clean” before the election so then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch could let the case against her go.

This would help explain the unexplainable --- then-FBI Director James Comey’s bizarre press conference on July 5, 2016, in which he got out in front of Hillary’s various wrongdoings (mishandling thousands of classified emails, destroying evidence, etc.) and then short-circuited the case against her by saying “no reasonable prosecutor” would take the case.  She was no longer blackmail-able, and her campaign was good to go.

“The FBI does not want you to see this,” Bongino said, “and someone on the Trump team may have it.”

Why did they leak this story to CNN?  They’re seeing the polls and realizing with desperation that Trump may actually get back to the White House.  So even though he declassified the binder, they now want to accuse him of “stealing” it.  Plus, with Jack Smith and all the lawfare, they’re doing all they can to keep him off the ticket.

We’ve included the link to Bongino’s podcast; he starts talking about this at 37:00.  There’s just one question it would be great for him to answer:  If Trump has the binder, why hasn’t he gone ahead and released it?  He’s had it three years.  Is it his ace?  Why does he need to be back in the White House to play that card?

Still, our theory at the time of the Mar-A-Lago raid --- that the FBI was trying to get back some exculpatory “Russia” material that Trump had declassified and kept for his own protection --- is very likely the case.  More to come.



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One of the biggest mysteries surrounding the Biden family’s alleged financial improprieties has to do with Hunter’s “sugar brother,” wealthy Hollywood attorney/producer Kevin Morris.

Early reports about Morris’ huge outlays to Hunter made it seem as though the two were longtime best friends.  We simply assumed this was the case; after all, who else but a best buddy would step in and pay millions of dollars to Hunter to resolve the back taxes from his “Burisma” years, foot the $20,000/month bill for a Malibu beach rental and who-knows-what other lavish expenses, and even continue to pay his top-drawer DC attorneys, who in general are known for charging rates upwards of $1,000 an hour?

It was Morris who even paid to fly Hunter by private jet to his daughter’s child-support hearing in Arkansas, where he pleaded lack of funds in an effort to get the monthly payments to his daughter reduced!  (Just a thought:  maybe Hunter’s sugar daddy would like this responsibility, too --- perhaps even visit her from time to time, as the little girl’s own daddy will have nothing to do with her, not to mention her grandparents.)

But Kevin Morris was no longtime friend of Hunter’s.  News reports have consistently said they met at a Democrat fundraiser for Biden’s 2020 campaign.  Allowing that some people just “click” and become friends quickly, the two still hardly knew each other.

They had been acquainted for about TWO MONTHS when Morris paid about $2 million to settle Hunter’s overdue taxes.  It’s like something out of the movies:  a fantasy about some mysterious stranger coming forward with a suitcase full of thousand-dollar bills.  If anybody needs a rich friend/benefactor/enabler, it’s Hunter.  He can spend it faster than even he can get it.

And, of course, that was just the start of the money flow.  Morris also bought Hunter’s artwork --- that’s a story unto itself --- and was put in control of Hunter’s 10 percent share of Chinese company BHR.  That appears to have been so the Bidens could technically declare that Hunter had divested himself of ownership in Chinese companies.

So, two whole months after meeting Hunter, Kevin Morris was there to prop up all things related to his life.  That’s what Missouri Rep. Jason Smith, who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee noted to Maria Bartiromo on FOX NEWS SUNDAY yesterday.  Until Morris met Hunter, he was known mainly as a very successful Hollywood attorney who was also a big Democrat donor, two things that typically go hand in hand in Hollywood.  Then suddenly he was paying for all the outrageous expenses of someone he barely knew.

“The question is,” Smith said, “why would Kevin Morris pay almost $5 million for tax filings and also to subsidize Hunter Biden’s lifestyle?  What is Kevin Morris getting from Hunter Biden or from Joe Biden?  These are things that we need to look into,” Smith said.

And his committee has been trying to do that.  (Ways and Means is the only committee that can take a first-look into an individual’s confidential tax information.)  In October, they issued a press release saying that according to the handwritten notes of an IRS whistleblower in 2022, Delaware Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf (David Weiss’ assistant) told them she was not “personally interested” in looking into a potential campaign finance violation centering on Morris paying Hunter’s tax bill in 2020.

And James Biden, Hunter’s uncle and Joe’s brother, told FBI investigators he “didn’t know why” Morris had paid Hunter’s taxes.

You’d think both Wolf and James Biden would’ve been interested in the answer to this fascinating question.

As Jason Smith said in the press release, “One of the biggest benefits to the Joe Biden presidential campaign in 2020 was Kevin Morris trying to cover the tracks of Hunter’s mounting legal troubles.  Moreover, the American people deserve to know why, when IRS investigators smelled a potential campaign finance violation and wanted to investigate the matter further, the Justice Department moved to shut down the investigation.”

(Lesley Wolf avoided answering most of the questions put to her in a congressional interview last week.  It was also revealed that weeks ago, she had very, very quietly left the “Justice” Department.)

But just when you think this administration has gone as far as it can to show it considers itself immune from scrutiny, it goes a little farther.  And this time, the story concerns Kevin Morris.  The Ways and Means Committee asked to interview him under oath, but as Chairman Smith told Maria, his committee was advised that Morris would be out of the country from Thanksgiving through the end of the year and therefore unavailable for interviews.

Here’s the November 15 press release from the House Oversight Committee about calling for Morris’ testimony.  It includes a link to their letter to Morris.

The statement that Morris would be out of the country turned out to be a lie.  A picture has turned up of Hunter Biden’s press statement at the Capitol, taken from the side, and can you guess who is standing right there, next to fellow Hunter-enabler California Rep. Eric Swalwell, the orchestrator of the event?  That’s right, it’s Kevin Morris!  He was right there on Capitol Hill while the committee waited in vain to hear Hunter’s testimony.

“That’s Kevin Morris’ picture, alongside Hunter Biden,” Smith said.  “He...came up repeatedly among the IRS whistleblowers that came before our committee.  [He’s] an individual that we need to bring forward and ask questions to.  We’ve been working with Kevin Morris’ attorney to bring him in, but they told us that he is out of the country on vacation between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.”

So Smith must have been quite surprised to see this picture of Morris.  Smith simply commented that “it sure doesn’t look like he’s out of the country.”

Smith reminded Maria that according to an email released by the IRS whistleblowers, Morris wrote to Hunter’s tax preparer three weeks before the 2020 Super Tuesday primaries, saying that they must pay off these returns “or there will be great political risk.”  And we know that the only political risk at that time was for candidate Joe Biden.  This is what caused the IRS whistleblowers to suspect campaign finance crimes, the area which Lesley Wolf refused to let them investigate.

Maria said, “That’s amazing that Hunter Biden could go defy a congressional subpoena, set up shop right in front of the steps of the Capitol, to a press conference with the guy who’s helped pay all this stuff out, and then...walk away.”  And she’s right:  it doesn’t get much more in-your-face than this.  Smith rightly pointed that if “you or I or any other American” did this, we’d be prosecuted.  This is the reason the IRS investigators blew the whistle on it.

“The fact that Hunter Biden was supposed to be in the halls of that building, going through a congressional subpoena, through depositions, and he defied that, by standing on the steps of the Capitol and doing a press conference, the fact that he’s the President’s son and he’s doing that is creating a very severe Constitutional crisis.”

Of Kevin Morris’ whereabouts, he absolutely has been dishonest, Smith said.  “This is just a pattern that we’ve been seeing for this entire investigation.”  As for the latest bit of hairsplitting in the defense of President Biden, saying that Joe wasn’t FINANCIALLY involved in his son’s business, Smith said, “Well, let me tell you, the emails and documentation we’ve been getting from the IRS whistleblowers prove otherwise.”

The IRS whistleblowers testified that “in their ten-plus years of investigations, they’ve never seen this kind of obstruction.”  So what now?  Smith says the fact that every single Republican voted in favor of the impeachment inquiry “shows that the evidence that’s been coming forward...highlights the need for continued investigation.  And that’s in fact what we’re going to do…[through] additional tools.”  They’re still waiting, not just for key testimony, but documents and tax records that are still being withheld.

Whatever these “additional tools” are that the House vote gives the committees, they had better pack some punch.  Congress should’ve acted fast and served Morris a subpoena right there in front of the Capitol.  And Hunter already was defying a subpoena; isn’t that when you bring out the handcuffs?