
January 1, 2025

HYMNAL: There's a Fountain

Author: D. G. Spearman 


1 There's a fountain of blood that is flowing,
Which was opened in Christ on the tree;
In that fountain there's healing for the nations,
There is cleansing and healing for thee.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


2 There's a fountain of water that's springing,
From the depths of eternal, true love,
And the heavens are happily singing,
Of this fountain which flows from above.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


3 There's a fountain of mercy yet flowing,
Unto ev'ry dark spot in the earth;
By and by it will cleanse all creation,
Dispelling forever sin's dearth.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


4 There's a fountain of truth flowing freely,
With the crystal elixir of life,
Coming out from the mountain of glory,
And it healeth our spirits of strife.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.


5 Come, ye thirsty ones, unto this fountain,
While the waters are troubled, step in;
Come, and find in the Word perfect healing,
For all of Thy sickness and sin.
'Tis a fountain of love flowing freely,
'Tis a fountain of grace from on high;
Life eternal is found in its waters;
O, wash, and thou never shalt die.

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