
December 6, 2024

HYMNAL: The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power

Author: Civilla D. Martin


1. The blood that Jesus once shed for me,
As my Redeemer, upon the tree;
The blood that setteth the prisoner free,
Will never lose its power.


It will never lose its pow’r,
It will never lose its pow’r;
The blood that cleanses from all sin
Will never lose its power.


2. It gives us access to God on high,
From far off places it brings us nigh;
To precious blessings that never die,
It will never lose its power. [Refrain]


3. It is a shelter for rich and poor,
It is to Heaven the open door;
The sinner’s merit forevermore,
It will never lose its power. [Refrain]


4. And when with all the blood washed throng
We sing in glory redemption’s song;
We’ll pass the glorious truth along,
It has never lost its power. [Refrain]


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