
July 23, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing.

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Mike Huckabee

P.S. The Prayer Tree delivers Monday - Friday.

Daily Bible Verse

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Requesting help

We are in need to 150 additional subscribers before the end of July. The Morning Edition and the Prayer Tree are reader-supported publications. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a paid subscriber for $5 monthly (cancel anytime) or $36 annually ($3 monthly):

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HYMNAL:  O Worship the King

Author:  Robert Grant


1 O worship the King all-glorious above,
O gratefully sing his power and his love:
our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days,
pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.


2 O tell of his might and sing of his grace,
whose robe is the light, whose canopy space.
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
and dark is his path on the wings of the storm.


3 Your bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
it streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
and sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.


4 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
in you do we trust, nor find you to fail.
Your mercies, how tender, how firm to the end,
our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!


5 O measureless Might, unchangeable Love,
whom angels delight to worship above!
Your ransomed creation, with glory ablaze,
in true adoration shall sing to your praise!

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.

Please pray for my daughter in law Danielle and son Nick to be able to conceive and carry a healthy baby.

Please pray for my husband, he's going in for a endoscopy/colonoscopy on Monday, July 29, 2024 because he's not eating and his Gastroenterologist and family doctor want to know why he's not eating as much. He currently weighs 100lbs and is 5'6, and he looks so gaunt. Thank you.

Our daughter Sarah and her family, for strength through this, and that her faith does not fail

A friend dealing with prolonged mental illness and declined physical health. Please pray for Kathy. Strength to get through this time, to lean on her Savior’s arms and that she might be able to be home soon. She is so drained.

Pain and weakness. And depression. JoAnn

I am requesting prayers to bring my daughter back to me. Lesi and I have not spoken in over a year, and I am heartbroken. She needs prayers to soften her heart and find a path back into my life. Thank you to everyone.

Steve - My husband is having heart problems - Pray for his doctors

Please pray for my daughter, Sarah. She struggles with addiction to alcohol and has experienced lots of consequences (relationships fractured, lost jobs, family pain, children wounded emotionally). Lord help us!

Requesting prayers for my oldest son, Michael, who recently lost his job due to downsizing. His wife lost her job also, so they now have to buy insurance. It's very expensive, & coverage, not so good. Please Lord, keep them in good mental, physical, & spiritual health. I thank God He is keeping him free of depression. In the past, when he lost his job, he would become deeply depressed for a long time. Thank You Jesus. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all of you.

Please, I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Michael & James. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, repentance, & open the lines of communications between them. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. Thank you for your prayers & I'm praying for others' prayer requests. God bless all who pray.

Please pray for Bryson. May God will deliver him from using drugs & alcohol. We know Jesus can & will deliver him. He knows Jesus & doesn't think Bible says it's wrong to use drugs. He has a 3 1/2 daughter, & a 10-month-old son. I'm also requesting prayers for guidance and healing for our granddaughter Meagan's marriage. Many obstacles on the way. Husband using drugs. Praying God will deliver him from drugs & alcohol & save their marriage. May God open the eyes of his heart and let him see how Meagan & his children need him, love him, & want him whole. Lord, help him become the father & husband he needs to be. They need help to raise their children in a Godly Christian home.

Prayers for myself. Several health issues that I'm asking for God's healing. He is constantly healing me, I'm very thankful for all He has done for me. I'm asking Him for healing on some new ongoing physical issues, & anxiety. Prayers for my sons' healings from all their physical, emotional, & spiritual issues. Praying God will keep them in good health. Thanking & Praising the Lord for good results on my husband's scan results. So thankful for all of you who pray. May God bless, comfort, & hear all who request prayers. May God touch & bless all who diligently pray. Thank you. To God be the Glory.

I'm asking for continued prayers for my cousin Brendi. She just finished her radiation treatment after her breast cancer surgery. May she receive total healing from this dreaded disease. I would like to add two other cousins, Joaquin, & Aquiles, who are needing Our Lord's healing physically, spiritually, and to know Jesus as their personal savior. Healing for our next-door neighbor, Ron, and for another friend, Cheryl, with numerous serious health issues, & Audrey. Need to add Fran also. Prayers for Melody, & for Jeff. Thank you for all your prayers. Praying for all who request prayers. He hears our prayers. Thank You Lord.

Prayer for GL that he be flooded with the Holy Spirit and that the Lord will free him from Satan's grip. He is sliding downhill quickly and his health is very much in jeopardy. Please Lord free him from his addiction. Thank you all.

My 36 year old daughter has been diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for soul, successful surgery and healing.

Asking for prayers for Brian, Cherrie and Ava. God knows the details. Thank you all and may God bless us all!

Prayers for supernatural healing for Nancy and Nancy and everyone on this prayer tree in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

"Please pray for healing for baby Faith, Pastor Doug, Doreen, Ann, Kay, Jane, babies Lucas & Indie, Rev Lance, Norma & Duayne, Bob & Sandra, Toney, my son Rob & myself. Pray for USA, Israel, & Ukraine. Pray for Kris to pass his exam for nursing school. Pray for the Olympics. Pray for revival ! Thank you & God bless you !"

My name is Karen. Please pray for me to get surgery for my hernia! Thank you and God bless!

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory!

I was laid off today and am stunned and very disappointed. My family is very supportive but it sure is a hard day. No one likes to be told they're not needed. Praying I can trust God and realize He sees my worth, no matter how others feel. Thank you!

Please pray for me and show me the way for future decisions. I need a house perfect for me. Lord you know the need.

Lord bless Chris’s heart & blood pressure to be normal. By Your stripes and the blood You shed on the cross Chris is healed! Bless her not to be overwhelmed by the big meeting Wednesday as she presides as secretary in Jesus name Amen

Our friend has been in and out of the hospital since January with infection and pneumonia. Please pray for this family for strength and healing.

"Please pray for healing of my bladder problem. "

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, dealing with death in the family.

Prayer for Vicki, the tenant was a no-show and so she is in deep financial

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for praying, reading and singing along!

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