
September 9, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing.

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Mike Huckabee

Daily Bible Verse

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

2 Corinthians 12:10

HYMNAL: He Keeps Me Singing

Author: Luther B. Bridgers


1 There's within my heart a melody;

Jesus whispers sweet and low,

"Fear not, I am with you, peace, be still,"

in all of life's ebb and flow.



Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,

sweetest name I know,

fills my every longing,

keeps me singing as I go.


2 All my life was wrecked by sin and strife,

discord filled my heart with pain,

Jesus swept across the broken strings,

stirred the slumbering chords again. [Refrain]


3 Though sometimes He leads through waters deep,

trials fall across the way;

though sometimes the path seems rough and steep,

see His footprints all the way. [Refrain]


4 Feasting on the riches of His grace,

resting 'neath His sheltering wing,

always looking on His smiling face,

that is why I shout and sing. [Refrain]


5 Soon He's coming back to welcome me

far beyond the starry sky;

I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown,

I shall reign with Him on high. [Refrain]

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.

Please submit personal prayer requests only. Avoid political statements.


I need prayers that my family will come together and actually want to be family members again. Also, that my son-in-law can prove his innocence in court. Connie Yost

Please pray for my aunt Nancy, recovering from hip surgery. And also, for my mom Patricia, hearing loss and general health. Thank you.

Well, I would just like you to pray for Beverly. I met her as I was walking around the neighborhood, as I usually do in the morning. There's a residence there with a lot of older people who have had problems over the years. She just came up to me on the street about a couple of weeks ago, very friendly and so on. This morning, I saw her on the street, drunk and loud at 7am. Didn't remember my name. Said she would be in rehab for a couple months. Gosh I hope she is OK, although frankly, I doubt it. South San Francisco.

Prayers for wisdom and discernment for Danielle, Lisa and everyone on this prayer tree; in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, health, and daughter's salvation.

Please pray for Linda S to be healed of muscle spasms on her left side and back. Thank you and God bless

Sharon-Praise the Lord for answered prayers. My minor surgery (biopsy) on August 28 went well and the results have come back as everything is normal.

Please pray for my nephew N in CA. N must sell his car, please ask the Lord with me that he is able to get all the proper paperwork, a fair price and safety meeting people interested in purchase. Thank you all so much.

Please pray for healing for my nephew Triston who is in the ICU in grave condition.

Please prayers for Joanne who is battling inoperable stage 4 breast cancer and the ravages of chemo. Thank you.

Pray for our Nation, this People; to have blinded eyes & hardened hearts opened; for Leaders who are not afraid to be, and Divine guidance & protection for them.

"Please pray that my adult son will be free of grand mal seizures with a newer they gave him. Nothing has worked thus far. Thank you."

Please pray for my daughter Jessica and her 3 children. Her husband has begun lying to family and friends about her to force her into a divorce. He has been wildly unpredictable, and it is harming her and their children. Prayers for healing discernment and peace as well as protection in the midst of these storms.

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory! Also pray for our granddaughter to be saved at a young age, as I was by His gift of grace. thank you!!

Please pray for our marriage. It's on the rocks. Thank you.

My name is Karen. Please pray for me to get a hernia operation and for healing for my ear infection. Thank you and God bless.

Levy is in need of a heart transplant; he is only a couple of weeks old and they are praying to get him healthy enough to get on the transplant list.

Pray that John Wright (54) on the streets with paranoid schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur will earnestly seek medical help and take the meds that can control his condition. Pray for a miraculous intervention before he hurts himself or others.

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. My fur child had to be put down yesterday due to being bitten by a venomous timber rattler. There was not but 10% of his quality of life that he would have. It was the hardest thing I have had to do. I know a lot of people who seem to look at pets as a pet.... but, he was my fur child, not just a pet. My heart is breaking, and I need pray. Thanks in advance!!

Please continue to pray for Tracy, my friend’s daughter. She is in her 40s and still has a lot of life to live. She is taking chemo. She is now using external oxygen. I know the Lord hears and answers prayer. Praying for all that people for whom prayer is requested.

Why wife and I go to a nursing home on Sunday and visit kall the residents passing out tracks and praying for their needs, this however this past weekend I fell in there parking lot while loading some equipment. Namely and needed to go-to the hospital for head and arm wounds. What we need is help from church members to do this work for the Lord as we are 91 and 92 years old. Thank you, Mike, for your work. May God bless you and TBN.

Pray for me and my daughter we desire to go to the COGIC convocation in November but some disturbing talk some time is hindering us from getting there.

Please pray for my daughter Vickie and myself I’m Kathy. It just seems like we’ve been against each other the last couple of years and always having problems. So please pray that we’ll start acting like a mother and daughter should. Thank you for your prayers. God bless everyone.

Requesting prayers for my oldest son, Michael, who lost his job due to downsizing. His wife lost her job also, so they now have had to buy insurance. It's very expensive, & coverage, not so good. Please Lord, keep them in good mental, physical, & spiritual health. I thank God He is keeping him free of depression. In the past, when he lost his job, he would become deeply depressed for a long time. Praying God will continue to provide income as he now works from home. May God guide him in this. Thank You Jesus. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all of you.

Please, I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Michael & James. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, forgiveness, & repentance, & open the lines of communications between them. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. Thank you for your prayers & I'm praying for others' prayer requests. God bless all who pray.

Needing prayers for myself. Several health issues that I'm asking for God's healing. I'm very thankful for all He has done for me, & I'm asking Him for healing on some new ongoing physical issues, heart, high blood pressure, digestive issues, back problems, & much anxiety. Prayers for my sons' healings from all their physical, emotional, & spiritual issues. Praying God will keep them safe & in good health. Thanking God my husband's thyroid ultrasound came back fine. Forever thankful for all He blesses me. Thank You Jesus.

Please pray for Bryson. May God deliver him from using drugs & alcohol. We know Jesus can & will deliver him. He knows Jesus & doesn't think Bible says it's wrong to use drugs. Please Lord, help him to see it's wrong to do drugs. He has a 3 1/2-year-old daughter, & a 1 year old son. I'm also requesting prayers for guidance and healing for our granddaughter Meagan's marriage. Many obstacles on the way. Husband using drugs. Praying God will deliver him from drugs & save their marriage. May God open the eyes of his heart and let him see how Meagan & his children need him, love him, & want him whole. Lord, help him become the father & husband he needs to be.

Zayden, our 1-year-old great grandson is having a second surgery in 5 months. Needing prayers that this surgery will correct the defect, & God will heal him so he will not need any more surgeries. May God guide the surgeon & his team. Healing prayers for our next-door neighbor, Ron, and for another friend, Cheryl, Martica, Audrey, Jim, Fran, Melody, Jeff, Nancy, & Judy. Praying for my sons' health, may God keep them in good physical & spiritual health. Prayers for my cousins Brendi, Aquiles, Aleida, Brenda, Josefina, & Joaquin, they need physical, & spiritual healing. May they come to know Jesus as their Savior. May God open the eyes & hearts of all who don't see the wayward ways of our nation before elections. Thank you for all your prayers. Praying for all who request prayers. He hears our prayers. Thank You Lord.

Praying for the families of the children that were killed in the school shooting in Georgia. Praying for the families of the teachers that were killed, & also those injured. May God give them comfort & healing, not only physically, but mentally. Praying there won't be any more shootings in our schools. May God protect our students & teachers in this school year. Praying hearts will be changed for those who conceive so much evil in their hearts.

Please pray for my son. He is about to undergo surgery in a week and could very well have testicular cancer. Please pray for any cancer he might have, to not spread and for his full and complete healing. In Jesus' name. Amen

Job security for Robert.

Please pray for my cousin and her family. She was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and now she has it in her trachea and liver. She will be going to MD Anderson in Houston, Texas.

For my mother, Carmen, 94 years old and has pneumonia, please pray for God to have mercy and give her peace, thank you.

Please pray for Bob, Kari, and Staci for the Lord to heal their cancers.

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, health, and daughter's salvation.

Please continue to Pray for me. God fully understands my needs. Thank you & Amen

Please pray for my aunt Nancy, recovering from hip surgery. And also, for my mom Patricia, hearing loss and general health. Thank you.

Please lift up my hubby John He is a hard worker at a nursing home, they so love him as he makes the residents smile with his singing of hymns!! In March he developed weakness in his ankles and got so bad he had to go on temp disability! He cannot do his job and they had to let him go?? He has seen a neurologist and next week will have an EMG, hoping some answers come of this test! It has been a stressful 5 months seeing him depressed because he wants to work at age 73!!! You can also pray for me as I have "struggles" dealing with Those but my love for him is foremost. His disability funding is over now and we only get by on our SS and our rent is high! I ask for healing for him and patience for both of us as each day he either goes to therapy or a chiropractor We know God is in control and He can heal! Thank you, Alice

Prayers for strength to lose weight too; in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

"My husband- Jimmy- he has a major hip problem and might end up with a hip replacement. He is in constant pain. My friend- Lisa- having radiation therapy for stage one Breast cancer. Also my brother in law- Tommy- his mind! Thank you so much!"

Please pray for my 4 years old grandson for complete healing. He was diagnosed of being mental delayed at his age. Thank you so much and God bless to all.

Our little miracle baby boy Jackson is not feeling well today. Please keep him in your prayers. He has a stuffy nose, slight fever and will not eat. He is a precious almost two year old gift from God. Thank you all so much for prayers for God's little blessing to our family. I pray each one here receives the healing touch of Jesus in whatever way is needed. Amen.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for reading the Prayer Tree and singing along!

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