
July 25, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing.

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Mike Huckabee

P.S. The Prayer Tree delivers Monday - Friday.

Daily Bible Verse

Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

Luke 6:38

Before the end of the month

We are in need of 106 additional subscribers before the end of July. The Morning Edition and the Prayer Tree are reader-supported publications. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a paid subscriber for $5 monthly (cancel anytime) or $36 annually ($3 monthly):

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HYMNAL:  Praise Him! Praise Him!

Author: Fanny Crosby



1 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer!

Sing, O earth, his wonderful love proclaim!

Hail him, hail him! Highest archangels in glory!

Strength and honor give to his holy name!

Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard his children.

In his arms he carries them all day long.



Praise him! Praise him! tell of his excellent greatness.

Praise him! Praise him! ever in joyful song.


2 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer!

For our sins, he suffered, and bled, and died.

He our rock, our hope of eternal salvation,

hail him, hail him! Jesus, the crucified.

Sound his praises, Jesus who bore our sorrows,

love unbounded, wonderful, deep, and strong. [Refrain]


3 Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed redeemer!

Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring!

Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever!

Crown him, crown him! prophet, and priest, and king!

Christ is coming, over the world victorious.

Pow’r and glory unto the Lord belong. [Refrain]

Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.

Please pray for my mom, Patricia’s hearing to heal, and also for my aunt Nancy, healing from diabetes. Thank you.

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, dealing with death in the family.

"Prayer for Vicki, the tenant was a no-show and so she is in deep financial"

Praise God, Peters heart procedure last Friday was successful. Now we pray the flutter doesn’t return.

My Sister, Patti Dancoff is in stage 4 Cancer and needs comfort and healing.

Prayers for God’s Peace and Comfort for Alfies family.

Prayers for supernatural healing for Nancy, Nancy, Betsy, Bob and all on this prayer tree. Prayers for peace and comfort for Alfies family and all on this prayer tree in Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

Please pray for work opportunities to open up for Brian. Stress is starting to set in.

"Prayer Update: My son, Eric (49 yr), who was having neurological symptoms was diagnosed with a brain tumor and is having surgery today (7/24) to remove it. So far, additional tests do NOT reveal any other tumors in his body. We are claiming James 5:16b...""pray for one another that you may be healed."" Thank the Lord for His answers and this prayer group for faithful prayers for my son, Eric."

Please pray for my husband who has a hardened heart due to multiple wrongs that need to be righted but will likely never be due to one-sided legal decisions by the court regarding property rights and also from the political war we are living through. He cannot seem to let things go and pray instead of being grouchy and angry. Which makes life difficult for all. Also pray for our oldest son going through a divorce that’s ugly and her attorney keeps pushing the court date out for months on end instead of her coming to a rational agreement. For my youngest son who lives in Vietnam, prayers that all is well for him and his family as I do not hear from him much. Especially, prayers for our daughter who is having a female procedure on the 9th and praying all is well. Also, for President Trump to be safe and that he wins in order to bring back our great country from the depths of evil and destruction. Thank you, God is great! Thank you, Mr. Huckabee, for all you do.

Pregnant Victoria traveling keep her safe Lord and other relatives later for big reunion Saturday, Lord Your orchestration and covering! I plead the blood of Jesus over us Father Amen

For my wife who is in the hospital in Nashville Tennessee with sepsis and a weak heart condition! She is the most unselfish person I have ever known! God is the Supreme Healer!

Prayers for all those submitted a prayer request today. Prayers for a friend dealing with health issues. Pain makes them rude. Pray about that. Prayers for a place to live that is right for me. Thank you.

Prayer requested for our daughter, S, and her husband for responsibility for their finances. For salvation and for family relationships. Thank you, prayer warriors!

For my son Robert so he can get help with his autism and PTSD

A hedge of protection around President Trump, and his family.

Please pray for my brother, Danny, who is 79 years old and must undergo open heart surgery tomorrow July 25th thank you to everyone who reads this and can take a minute to pray for him.

Please pray for my brother, Denny, who is 79 years old and must undergo open heart surgery tomorrow July 25th thank you to everyone who reads this and can take a minute to pray for him.

Our health for my husband and I, me left shoulder and left knee healing, my husband heart

Cathy has stage 4 colon cancer, pray for Gods will. Blessings to all

Please pray for Bob and Janelle to stop being so hateful to their neighbors. Janelle especially needs compassion.

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory!

Prayers for healing for Reznor, Remi, Louise, Donna, Debbie, Bob and others that are needing prayers today. Praise God for answers to prayers and His Mercy and Grace. Edith

Please pray for healing for babies Faith, Lucas, & Indie, Pastor Doug, Doreen, Rev Lance, Bob & Sandra, Norma & Duayne, my son Rob , myself, Ann, Kay, Jane, Gloria, Susan & her marriage. Praise Jesus for PM Netanyahu's power & truthful speech which I pray he will get all the help Israel needs ! Pray for his safe travel back home. Pray for USA & Ukraine. Pray for the Olympics & our elections. Pray for revival in Jesus' Name! Thank you & God bless you!

Requesting prayers for my oldest son, Michael, who recently lost his job due to downsizing. His wife lost her job also, so they now have to buy insurance. It's very expensive, & coverage, not so good. Please Lord, keep them in good mental, physical, & spiritual health. I thank God He is keeping him free of depression. In the past, when he lost his job, he would become deeply depressed for a long time. Thank You Jesus. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all of you.

Please, I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Michael & James. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, repentance, & open the lines of communications between them. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. Thank you for your prayers & I'm praying for others' prayer requests. God bless all who pray.

Please pray for Bryson. May God will deliver him from using drugs & alcohol. We know Jesus can & will deliver him. He knows Jesus & doesn't think Bible says it's wrong to use drugs. He has a 3 1/2 daughter, & a 10-month-old son. I'm also requesting prayers for guidance and healing for our granddaughter Meagan's marriage. Many obstacles on the way. Husband using drugs. Praying God will deliver him from drugs & alcohol & save their marriage. May God open the eyes of his heart and let him see how Meagan & his children need him, love him, & want him whole. Lord, help him become the father & husband he needs to be. They need help to raise their children in a Godly Christian home.

Prayers for myself. Several health issues that I'm asking for God's healing. He is constantly healing me. I'm very thankful for all He has done for me, & I'm asking Him for healing on some new ongoing physical issues, heart, high blood pressure & much anxiety. Prayers for my sons' healings from all their physical, emotional, & spiritual issues. Praying God will keep them in good health. Thanking & Praising the Lord for good results on my husband's scan results, & my youngest son's foot infection, now healing. So thankful for all of you who pray. May God bless, comfort, & hear all who request prayers. May God touch & bless all who diligently pray. Thank you. To God be the Glory.

I'm asking for continued prayers for my cousin Brendi. She just finished her radiation treatment after her breast cancer surgery. May she receive total healing from this dreaded disease. I would like to add two other cousins, Joaquin, & Aquiles, who are needing Our Lord's healing physically, spiritually, and to know Jesus as their personal savior. Healing for our next-door neighbor, Ron, and for another friend, Cheryl, with numerous serious health issues, & Audrey. Need to add Fran also. Prayers for Zayden's healing, Melody, & for Jeff. Thank you for all your prayers. Praying for all who request prayers. He hears our prayers. Thank You Lord.

Please pray for my parents' house to sell. I am not being selfish. I am asking the Lord to bless them in their time of financial need. They are doing everything right. Please, please Lord bless them!!!

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for praying, reading and singing along!

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