
August 13, 2024

Blessings on you and your family, and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you again for subscribing.

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Mike Huckabee

P.S. The Prayer Tree delivers Monday - Friday.

Daily Bible Verse

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Psalm 121:7-8

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HYMNAL: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Author: Robert Robinson



1 Come, thou Fount of every blessing,

tune my heart to sing thy grace;

streams of mercy, never ceasing,

call for songs of loudest praise.

Teach me some melodious sonnet,

sung by flaming tongues above.

Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it

mount of God's redeeming love.


2 Here I find my greatest treasure;

hither by thy help I've come;

and I hope, by thy good pleasure,

safely to arrive at home.

Jesus sought me when a stranger,

wandering from the fold of God;

he, to rescue me from danger,

bought me with his precious blood.


3 Oh, to grace how great a debtor

daily I'm constrained to be!

Let thy goodness, like a fetter,

bind my wandering heart to thee:

prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,

prone to leave the God I love;

here's my heart, O take and seal it;

seal it for thy courts above.

The Psalter Hymnal, 1987


Prayer Tree

We are stronger together.  

Our hope is that our newsletter readers and social media followers will consider these prayer requests each day. To submit a prayer request please, go here. If you are asking for a prayer for yourself or someone else, please use a first name to make it easier for our prayer warriors.

If there is an update to a prayer request that you would like to add, please choose "prayer answered" on the prayer request form.

My brother-in-law, Barry, is dying. Pray for comfort for him and his family.

Prayer for Liz. Trying to help take care of a friend and a family member while working full time. Pray for strength and patience to do this.

My family, my one son had a brain stem stroke 9 years ago and is totally paralyzed and living with my husband and me. We just turned 70 and it is so hard. We have 2 other children whose lives seem to be falling apart because of the strain it’s putting on all of us. Names of all Jack, Janice, Jonathan, Michael, Allison and Brittany

Pray for our Bible Study Leader, Gary who suffered what is diagnosed as a stroke yesterday (Sunday morning).

For our son Rob who has autism and PTSD symptoms; we pray to know what to do for him

Please pray for PR, she's in the hospital and needs lots of prayers. Thank you

TL - I’m having vision issues and problems in my mouth. Please pray for health and healing.

Continue to pray for my wife Janet to be healed from surgery on her kidneys and she is having complications from the surgery, and I pray in Jesus Christ name for her health! She is the most unselfish woman I have ever known in my entire life!

Unspoken request for myself please.

I am asking prayers for my 2 sisters Gail and Kay, Gail had knee surgery and Kay had another hip replacement, they both have had a rough couple pf days with pain and discomfort, PLEASE PRAY for their healing.

Please pray for me, Karen, that I find a Dr. to do a hernia operation for me. Nobody will do it because the hernias are small, and they don't show up on any test. The smaller they are, the more painful. I am suffering really bad. Thank you and God bless.

Pray for my wife and her health issues as she has had multiple surgeries over her last ten years and is now trying to heal from having kidney problems! She is a great lady in Christ, and I am blessed I can be her husband in Christ to help her through her recovery! Only through Christ can she be able to do this!

Praying that these ignorant drag queens will not affect especially our children when they mocked Almighty God by making the Last Supper look like a joke or an ordinary picnic! If our children are not raised in a Godly household and they see junk like that, then they might think it’s funny to mock God and Jesus Christ! Vengeance is mine says the Lord!

For my wife who is in the hospital in Nashville Tennessee with sepsis and a weak heart condition! She is the most unselfish person I have ever known! God is the Supreme Healer!

Please pray for my oldest son, Michael, who lost his job due to downsizing. His wife lost her job also, so they now have had to buy insurance. It's very expensive, & coverage, not so good. Please Lord, keep them in good mental, physical, & spiritual health. I thank God He is keeping him free of depression. In the past, when he lost his job, he would become deeply depressed for a long time. Thank You Jesus. Thank you for all your prayers. God bless all of you.

Please, I'm asking for prayers for my two sons, Michael & James. They have not been communicating with one another. Praying God will soften their hearts & fill them with brotherly love, forgiveness, & repentance, & open the lines of communications between them. May the Lord bring harmony & fill their hearts with love. A hurting mother. Thank you for your prayers & I'm praying for others' prayer requests. God bless all who pray.

"Prayers for myself. Several health issues that I'm asking for God's healing. I'm very thankful for all He has done for me, & I'm asking Him for healing on some new ongoing physical issues, heart, high blood pressure & much anxiety. Prayers for my sons' healings from all their physical, emotional, & spiritual issues. Praying God will keep them in good health. Thanking God my husband's thyroid ultrasound came back fine.

Asking Our Lord to continue to heal my youngest son's foot, & back problems. Asking for prayers for my son James & his wife as they are teachers & start a new school year."

May God keep my son James, & his wife, Gina, safe, & guide, give them wisdom & strength in teaching the children as school starts. May God keep all teachers & children safe in this school year. So thankful for all of you who pray. May God bless, comfort, & hear all who request prayers. May God touch & bless all who diligently pray. Thank you. To God be the Glory.

Please pray for Bryson. May God deliver him from using drugs & alcohol. We know Jesus can & will deliver him. He knows Jesus & doesn't think Bible says it's wrong to use drugs. Please Lord help him to see it's wrong to do drugs. He has a 3 1/2 daughter, & a 1 year old son. I'm also requesting prayers for guidance and healing for our granddaughter Meagan's marriage. Many obstacles on the way. Husband using drugs. Praying God will deliver him from drugs & alcohol & save their marriage. May God open the eyes of his heart and let him see how Meagan & his children need him, love him, & want him whole. Lord, help him become the father & husband he needs to be. They need help to raise their children in a Godly Christian home.

Healing prayers for our next-door neighbor, Ron, and for another friend, Cheryl, with numerous serious health issues, Martica, Audrey, Jim, Fran, Melody, & Jeff. Thanking God for Zayden's healing. Prayers for my sons' health, may God keep them in good physical & spiritual health. Prayers for my cousins Brendi, Aquiles, & Joaquin, they need physical, & spiritual healing. May they come to know Jesus as their Savior. May God open the eyes & hearts of all who don't see the wayward ways of our nation before elections. Thank you for all your prayers. Praying for all who request prayers. He hears our prayers. Thank You Lord.

Prayers please for my sister's hip surgery to go without issues. And me traveling 700 , to be with her. We are in our 70's Lord cover us with your protection

Pam....has been unemployed since June...started a job, but the job was not the same as what was advertised and it was a false start. I could not continue, so I am back to being unemployed and in need of a job immediately. Please pray the God will direct my steps and provide a job that is the perfect fit and will also advance His kingdom. Thank you!

Asking for prayer for an application submitted for job relocation move to North Carolina, just want confirmation if we are being considered for internal company transfer. I know God has everything all worked out, we just had already made reservations and asked for time off for travel to an interview and was called today to cancel interview. We have to try and cancel our reservations in time to get our money back and cancel time off from work, God please show us what to do , thank you Lord for all our blessings you have given us, in Jesus’ name I pray AMEN

Please pray for my granddaughters, Emma and Ally as they start back to school after losing their mother in a terrible accident, may God, give them peace, comfort, and guidance

Continue to pray for my wife Janet to be healed from surgery on her kidneys and she is having complications from the surgery, and I pray in Jesus Christ name for her health! She is the most unselfish woman I have ever known in my entire life!

Pray for my wife and her health issues as she has had multiple surgeries over her last ten years and is now trying to heal from having kidney problems! She is a great lady in Christ, and I am blessed I can be her husband in Christ to help her through her recovery! Only through Christ can she be able to do this!

Please pray for healing for babies Faith, Lucas, & Indie, for Pastor Doug, Rev Lance, Ann, Jane, Kay, Gloria, Susan & her marriage, Bob & Sandra, Norma & Duayne, my son Rob, & myself. Pray for Gloria as she leaves for her native Nigeria for church planting as well as a clinic & school. Pray for her safety & success. She will be there until October. Pray for USA, Israel, Ukraine, our elections & a great Holy Spirit revival ! Thank you & God richly bless you !

A complete healing, and a speedy recovery for Christina who is convalescing from gall bladder surgery.

My son, Eric (49), had a repeat MRI on Saturday, 8/10/24, that showed 2 new, small tumors growing within the operative site where his primary brain tumor was removed on 7/24/24. This GLIOMASTOMA is a very aggressive, fast-growing cancer. Thank the LORD there has been no invasion into the other hemisphere of the brain or brain stem or spinal cord! Eric starts radiation & chemo therapies on Tuesday, 8/13/24. Please pray for GOD'S mercies to grant Eric the 12-14 months that the doctors have estimated for him. Please also pray for Eric's family's strength and support during this time. We all are trusting GOD'S plan for Eric. In Jesus's name.

Please pray for my aunt Nancy, recovering from hip surgery. And also for my mom Patricia, general health. Thank you.

Please continue to cry out for mercy for our adult daughters and son in law to repent and come to Jesus and back to the church to believe the Truth of Bible over evil, worldly lies and have their hearts changed from stone, cleansed and healed by Him. They need rescue, esp. younger daughters living in sin. His sheep hear His voice (John10) Amen! For our son, a godly wife in His timing and more clients to help in the healing process as a Christian counselor. For us as parents pray for trust, patience, and His righteous love (1 Cor.13) as we wait on Him, asking for His work and wisdom in saving our adult children and restoring our relationships. In Him all things possible. Grateful! Thank you in His name and for His glory! Also pray for our granddaughter to be saved young as I was.. thank you!!

Continued prayer for Sarah, who has much to do for herself and her disabled son, Tina for an autoimmune, her daughter, to return to Jesus, for Judy, who suffers from much RA pain, and the revival of her son and daughter saved but backslid. Communicate with her. Heather, dealing with death in the family.

I Just Wanted to Say

Thank you for praying, reading and singing along!

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