
October 2019

Date Title
10/9/19 It's a kangaroo court, and Adam Schiff is Captain Kangaroo
10/9/19 Today's Newsletter October 9 Edition
10/8/19 Dems on Impeachment: It's to make sure "the proper party remains in power"
10/8/19 Evening Edition - October 8
10/8/19 Today's Newsletter October 8 Edition
10/7/19 Today's Newsletter October 7 Edition
10/7/19 Transgender horror stories
10/7/19 Evening Edition - October 7
10/7/19 Some badly needed perspective on Trump and Ukraine
10/7/19 Anti-Kavanaugh book bombs
10/7/19 "Impeach Pelosi"
10/5/19 Put Up Or Shut Up Time
10/5/19 Today's Newsletter October 5 Edition
10/4/19 Evening Edition - October 4
10/4/19 Today's Newsletter October 4 Edition
10/4/19 WE KNEW IT! Rosenstein was assisting Mueller, and other revelations
10/3/19 Today's Newsletter October 3 Edition
10/3/19 Evening Edition - October 3
10/3/19 Another whiff of Schiff: We KNOW he lied about the "whistleblower"
10/2/19 Democrats will push back on Barr with all they've got
10/2/19 Evening Edition - October 2
10/2/19 Today's Newsletter October 2 Edition
10/1/19 Democrats trying to shut down Giuliani, Barr, Pence
10/1/19 Today's Newsletter October 1 Edition

September 2019

Date Title
9/30/19 The Left eat their own
9/30/19 Keep after it, Rudy G --- you're saying what needs to be said!
9/30/19 Today's Newsletter September 30 Edition
9/30/19 California idiocy
9/28/19 The “Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Impeachment” story
9/28/19 Today's Newsletter September 28 Edition
9/28/19 Evening Edition - September 28
9/27/19 Today's Newsletter September 27 Edition
9/27/19 Thoughts after Adam Schiff's House Intelligence Committee hearing
9/26/19 Anti-Trump "whistleblower" aided by "Whistleblower Aid"
9/26/19 Today's Newsletter September 26 Edition
9/26/19 Evening Edition - September 26
9/25/19 UPDATE: Transcript released
9/25/19 The show must go on: Pelosi announces impeachment "inquiry" with no House vote
9/25/19 Today's Newsletter September 25 Edition
9/24/19 "Whistleblower" scandal circling back on Dems like an ACME boomerang
9/24/19 Today's Newsletter September 24 Edition
9/24/19 Evening Edition - September 24
9/23/19 Evening Edition - September 23
9/23/19 Hysteria over Ukraine "whistleblower" story obscures something big
9/23/19 Today's Newsletter September 23 Edition
9/22/19 Evening Edition - September 22
9/21/19 Today's Newsletter September 21 Edition
9/20/19 “ISIS: It’s Always the Last Place You Look!” Dept.
9/20/19 "Whistleblower" story may blow whistle on the Bidens
9/20/19 A surprising new poll...
9/20/19 Ilhan (Who's Your Daddy?) Omar
9/20/19 Affordable health care
9/20/19 California blames religion for this problem...
9/20/19 Today's Newsletter September 20 Edition
9/19/19 Former aide to Comey writes book defending the indefensible
9/19/19 Nobody knows you as well as the folks back home
9/19/19 Today's Newsletter September 19 Edition
9/19/19 Evening Edition - September 19
9/18/19 Today's Newsletter September 18 Edition
9/18/19 Dems' "Russia" narrative in big trouble; media try to help
9/18/19 Huck PAC donates to conservative candidates
9/18/19 Evening Edition - September 18
9/17/19 Evening Edition - September 17
9/17/19 Andrew McCabe update, as NOT reported by The New York Times
9/17/19 Another Kavanaugh revelation
9/17/19 Today's Newsletter September 17 Edition
9/16/19 Evening Edition - September 16
9/16/19 AG Barr has draft of Horowitz report; what happens now?
9/16/19 Today's Newsletter September 16 Edition
9/14/19 Today's Newsletter September 14 Edition
9/13/19 Special Edition - The charges faced by Andrew McCabe (and these aren't about Trump)
9/13/19 Despite Democrat obstruction, Trump is solving crisis on border
9/13/19 Today's Newsletter September 13 Edition
9/13/19 Evening Edition - September 13
9/12/19 Federal judge sides with CAIR
9/12/19 Protecting Northam
9/12/19 Follow-up: Reader responses to Joe Biden commentary
9/12/19 Winning in North Carolina
9/12/19 Remembering September 11
9/12/19 Evening Edition - September 12
9/12/19 NRA slapped with lawsuit
9/12/19 John Bolton out
9/12/19 Laura Ainsworth replies to letter from pro-choice Christian
9/12/19 California is protecting Planned Parenthood
9/12/19 Today's Newsletter September 12 Edition
9/12/19 “A Very Brady Renovation”
9/11/19 Today's Newsletter September 11 Edition
9/11/19 Evening Edition - September 11
9/11/19 At last, Mike Flynn is getting the defense he deserves!
9/10/19 Today's Newsletter September 10 Edition
9/10/19 The North Carolina special election
9/10/19 Evening Edition - September 10
9/9/19 Evening Edition - September 9
9/9/19 Pete Buttigieg speaks for God: A MUST-READ follow-up
9/9/19 Today's Newsletter September 9 Edition
9/8/19 Evening Edition - September 8
9/7/19 Mayor Pete: Lecturing America, one Christian at a time
9/7/19 Evening Edition - September 7
9/7/19 Today's Newsletter September 7 Edition
9/6/19 Today's Newsletter September 6 Edition