
Latest News

June 20, 2022

Hillary Clinton gave an interview to the Financial Times that a lot of people are probably reading too much into.

The big “news” is that Hillary was asked if she would run for President again in 2024, and she replied, “No, out of the question…First of all, I expect Biden to run. He certainly intends to run. It would be very disruptive to challenge that.”

But I’d remind everyone who’s gabbing about Hillary not running that she left loopholes big enough to sail the Titanic through (yes, I’m comparing her presidential runs to the Titanic.) Note that she only ruled it out because Biden said he intends to run. A lot of Democrats want him to bow out of running for reelection before his approval rating drops below that of COVID-19. And he doesn’t have far to go.

So if he doesn’t run, there goes her only excuse not to. Besides, this is the same woman who assured New York voters when she was running for reelection to the Senate that she had no intention of leaving them high and dry to run for President. Not long after, she resigned to run for President in response to a clamorous public outcry that only she heard.

Of more interest to me was her admission that she expects Trump to run again in 2024, and the things she unintentionally revealed in talking about the Democrats’ motivations. Like saying, “Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.” (So "winning is all that matters." Not a surprise.)

She also said her priority is to ensure a Republican does not become President, declaring, “We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window.”

Okay, let’s break that down. What are the things that most people care about? Plentiful food, affordable fuel, being able to pay our bills, safety from criminals, secure borders, preventing foreign wars, keeping terrorists out of the country? The Democrats have been a Chicago Fire-level disaster on all those fronts.

She also suggested that Republicans are dangerous extremists who are a threat to “our democracy.” That can’t be just because some Republicans challenged the legitimacy of the 2020 election, since a number of Democrats did the same thing to the 2016 election, including Hillary Clinton, who repeatedly referred to Trump as an “illegitimate President.” Her recent comments suggesting that Republicans are cheating when they strategize to win the Electoral College rather than the popular vote also suggest that she doesn’t understand how the election works. And her own campaign helped concoct the biggest attempt to undermine a democratic election in history with the “Russian collusion” hoax.

As for Republican “extremists” who don’t represent American values, is it Republicans who are deliberately letting criminals take over our cities; who have thrown open our borders to illegal immigration and deadly drugs; who are forcing schools to let males invade girls’ lockers and bathrooms and let drag queens teach kindergarteners about gay sex; who have public meltdowns over nonsense like “preferred pronouns;” who are so brainwashed by transgender propaganda that they’re afraid to admit what a “woman” is; who see everything that ever happened in American history as motivated by nothing but racism and white supremacy; who have become so radical about abortion that 49 out of 50 of their Senators voted to allow it up to the moment of birth; who are so fixated on “green” energy that they’re destroying the US oil industry and driving gas to $7 a gallon; and who endlessly obsess over one riot while excusing hundreds of more violent riots? Sounds pretty “extreme” to me, and none of those are from our side.

Still, Hillary was smart enough to realize that the Democrats’ own fixation on radical niche issues like transgenderism is not helping their electoral prospects.

Her comments may seem baffling, but if you want to know what Hillary is really saying, I’ll make it easy for you. Whenever she, or most current Democratic leaders, use the phrase “our democracy,” just substitute the phrase “our grip on power.” As in, “Electing Republicans would be a disastr for (our grip on power.)”

That clears it right up, doesn’t it?

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