
Biden in Israel


Politics Archives

May 2019

Date Title
5/21/19 The "Gender Pay Gap"
5/20/19 Pelosi takes it back
5/20/19 Don't believe the polls
5/18/19 Democrats Don't WANT Mueller to Testify
5/17/19 The Fight for Life in Alabama
5/17/19 Immigration Update
5/16/19 Calm before the storm for intelligence community
5/14/19 DeBlasio close to joining race for President
5/14/19 AOC insults the audience
5/11/19 Today's Newsletter May 11 Edition
5/11/19 The most unreported story of the 2020 election
5/10/19 Yet another reader comment, this one unnecessarily huffy
5/9/19 Trump's tax returns
5/8/19 Steele told State Dept: "client" needs dossier out before Election Day
5/7/19 Attorney General Bill Barr and the problems of whistleblowers
5/7/19 The Fight for Life in New York
5/7/19 Comparing Trump and Obama's poll numbers
5/7/19 Omar blames Israel for Hamas missiles
5/6/19 Running against the economy
5/5/19 Church membership in America
5/5/19 Tune out the table pounding
5/5/19 Removing George Washington
5/5/19 Google bans conservative viewpoints
5/5/19 Price tags
5/4/19 The Gov. responds to reader comment on "Mr. Chicken"
5/3/19 Why would the NYT break this story on FBI spying?
5/2/19 AG Barr magnificent, says justice system must not be political weapon
5/1/19 AG Barr testifies before Senate Wednesday, stands up to all incoming

April 2019

Date Title
4/30/19 Mistake after mistake at NYT
4/30/19 Biden's "permanent record" under scrutiny
4/30/19 Harris struggles
4/30/19 The truth about the "Green New Deal"
4/30/19 FBI spy update: More reason to think they kept spying after Trump won
4/30/19 Fighting justice
4/29/19 The Poway synagogue shooting
4/29/19 The Governor Shares Two Reader Comments
4/26/19 Obama White House helped construct "Trump/Russia" narrative
4/24/19 Ocasio-Cortez facing backlash for claiming the VA isn't broken
4/24/19 Jared Kushner correct: special counsel more damaging than Russia
4/23/19 The tables are finally turning, as Mueller report satisfies no one
4/22/19 The Mueller report: making sense of the crazy aftermath
4/19/19 Sarah's story
4/19/19 Democrats slam Barr for doing his job, ignore Trump's legal vindication
4/19/19 Immutable laws of life
4/18/19 "Love your neighbor"
4/18/19 Notre Dame update
4/18/19 ISIS reduced to memes
4/17/19 BREAKING NEWS: Dem House committee chairs made secret anti-Trump pact
4/17/19 Standards
4/17/19 THE GOVERNOR REPLIES: Trump, Omar, and the First Amendment
4/16/19 The Assange arrest
4/16/19 A brilliant suggestion
4/16/19 A Salon thing
4/15/19 WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE MUELLER REPORT, here's some Journalism 101
4/13/19 Illegal migrants to "sanctuary cities"
4/12/19 Sleazy lawyer Michael Avenatti
4/11/19 Democrats in denial
4/11/19 Attorney Gen. Barr: "I THINK SPYING DID OCCUR."
4/10/19 Felicity Huffman pleads guilty
4/10/19 Barr appears in Congress
4/10/19 Hey Pete, why are you hating on Mike?!?
4/10/19 The lies liberals tell
4/10/19 Spartacus fights for reparations
4/10/19 Omar and 9/11
4/10/19 Issue Comparison: Trump v Harris
4/10/19 A treasure trove of evidence: JAMES COMEY WROTE IT ALL DOWN
4/9/19 The Gov. replies to reader's comment on Mueller report
4/9/19 Cool your jets Democrats
4/9/19 Leftists target Trump officials
4/9/19 Israel votes
4/9/19 Swalwell joins the race
4/9/19 More documents show why Hillary deserves indictment
4/8/19 Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is leaving
4/8/19 HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE: Devin Nunes ready with 8 criminal referrals
4/8/19 Sobering findings from the General Social Survey
4/8/19 Nancy Pelosi wins an award
4/6/19 The Democrat field for President
4/6/19 American Taliban?
4/6/19 Fighting for Life
4/6/19 President Trump is wrong about this
4/6/19 Senator Cotton urges the IRS to look into the SPLC
4/5/19 Mitch McConnell opens the nuclear door
4/5/19 Herman Cain recommended by Trump to the Federal Reserve
4/5/19 Democrats going insane waiting for Mueller report (read this instead)
4/5/19 The March Jobs Report
4/5/19 Signs the conservative base isn't asleep
4/5/19 Trump's poll numbers should worry Democrats
4/5/19 Florida Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy
4/5/19 A Tale of Two Cities:
4/4/19 ABORTION IN PENNSYLVANIA: My response to a reader
4/4/19 A new fishing expedition
4/3/19 Georgia fights for life
4/3/19 Laura Ainsworth: Time to take down Biden, so trot out the women
4/2/19 North Dakota fossil story
4/2/19 Schiff is bereft of humor and intelligence
4/2/19 Understanding socialism
4/2/19 Playing politics with disaster relief
4/2/19 AOC is "no sale"
4/2/19 Uncle Joe gets the MeToo treatment