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With their Biden pardons, Dems now must testify before Congress.

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Say it Ain't So, Joe

1. Pre-emptive pardons for Biden family and associates cover him with disgrace.

Lawfare Update

Update on pardoned J6-er who was killed in altercation with police.

August 1, 2021

Thanks to all who wrote concerning the story of the father whose son has been "detained" for months after the Capitol breach and our follow-up concerning a letter critical of the dad. Here's one we found particularly insightful and would like to highlight, from Terry...

Dear Gov. Huckabee:

First of all, I am extremely grateful for your daily newsletters, which are a primary source of news for me, as well as for your TV show that provides a variety unmatched in that medium.

I'm moved to write concerning what is being said about the events of January 6 by people on both ends of the spectrum who seemingly value inflammatory hyperbole over rational discussion of what actually happened. Your own remarks have consistently been even-handed and well thought out, it seems to me.

Conservatives are wearily accustomed to the distortions and outright falsehoods voiced by people like the chair of the Joint Chiefs and the Capitol Police officer who testified this week before the House committee. As onerous as those remarks are to us, some statements I've seen in your reader comments bother me almost as much. They amount to heaping fuel on the fire that the left wants to keep burning. The criticism leveled at the letter from the detainee's father was to me excessive and uncalled for.

Believing in an unrealistic and idealized view of Jan 6 is certainly their prerogative, but conservatives who do so need to realize the grave harm still being done to the movement they purport to represent.

This response is somewhat lengthy I know so I will end here. Once again, thanks for providing a forum for rational discussion.

Terry Allen

Pekin, IL

Dear Terry:

Thank you so much for writing. This is a point we've been trying to make ever since the event took place. It's easy to understand why Trump supporters were fed up --- especially after even the Supreme Court refused to look at evidence --- and why some of them were ready to blow and desperately wanted to make a statement, but to understand this is not the same as approving of it or defending it.

The way they chose to make their statement caused tremendous long-term harm to conservatives, by playing right into the left's hands. We should know by now how the left will twist whatever they can to further their own narrative, which in this case was that Trump supporters are crazy right-wing "insurrectionists" who want to "subvert democracy." Conservatives attended that rally because they want to PROTECT democracy. Think that case ended up being made? No, it did not.

Letters such as yours might help more conservatives see that we have to not just fight, but FIGHT SMART. Thanks again.

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Comments 11-20 of 28

  • Steven Bukosky

    08/08/2021 03:28 PM

    I believe it was in The Epoch Times that I saw a video of an interview where known Antifa antagonists were involved in the break-in. Kindling is just a bunch of wood but is easily ignited when someone puts a match to it. Kindling being we who are fed up and the match is the Antifa antagonists. Partial truth is not the truth. What is the Whole Truth?

  • Mike Ungerman

    08/08/2021 03:24 PM

    David Horowitz, who knows and understands American communism very well, has said that leftists are often disingenuous, and do not even believe their own arguments. In one article he described their bad faith thus:
    'An SDS radical once wrote, "the issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution." In other words, the cause --whether inner city blacks or women -- is never the real cause, but only an occasion to advance the real cause, which is the accumulation of power to make the revolution.'

    So what is the use of arguing with them? They only use ideas and arguments as weapons, and the truth or falsehood of the ideas is not even important to them. They only care about expedience.

    Read Arthur Koestler's novel Darkness At Noon. It gives good depiction of this attitude.

  • Rexford O. Ames

    08/08/2021 03:06 PM

    Just One Question. Are we" Americans", "Republicans" or "Democrats?

  • Rexford O. Ames

    08/08/2021 03:04 PM

    January 6, 2021 makes no sense. I believe "events" as a rule are planned way in advance of whatever that event is? Jan 6 is no different. What I find interesting is the planning, depth the planners did to create such a chaos and confusion by the Press and even , you sir. Took the value as being right was actually incorrect. You as well as many others " Rightfully" condemned that action, without any real knowledge as to who, what,when,were and how the event was set up in the first place. Example: Cameras were in place long before the event. Yet no pictures were taken of the individuals on the steps waiting for a crowd to show up. Who were those people. Some say the F.B.I, Some indicate that, even though President Trump . did in fact request that the National Guard be at the steps of the Capital and was refused! A Request ,by the Capitol police, was made to to the Speaker of the House: Nancy Pelosi , she denied the request. That was the first indicator that this was a planned event.
    Will there be an independent Investigation into this matter? Absolutely not.
    By all the corruption that the F.B.I. and the Intelligence Agencies have displayed. There is no one to investigate anything of matter , fairly, openly and with no hidden agenda. Not going to happen. Heck: Even the United States Supreme Court, refused any examination of the Fraud during the 2020 Election cycle. Even a respected Judge in Washington D.C. held Retired General Flynn , hostage for Months.
    Justice, LAW. Fair and Impartial.
    I have grave doubts in that Process.

  • suzanne Schwartz

    08/08/2021 02:53 PM

    Praying for Truth to be told and lies to be exposed ASAP!

  • Karen Fesler

    08/08/2021 02:37 PM

    I agree with you, Governor as well as Terry. The Jan
    6 event gave the Left the ‘evidence’ they needed to paint conservatives and more specifically Trump voters as the radical right.

    The tragic legacy of that day is the stil I explained death of Ashli Babbitt and the reason for the number of self inflicted deaths by US Capitol Police officers.

    I am not a conspiracy theorist at heart, but there has to be more to all of this. Of course we will never know.

    Thank you.

  • Charles Sigars

    08/08/2021 02:03 PM

    You seem to be advocating that we turn the other cheek and just roll over.

  • Carol Fraser

    08/08/2021 01:51 PM

    My question regarding January 6 in DC. I have read that 4 Capitol police officers have taken their life. Is that true? If so, why? Is anyone looking into this? It seems a high ratio of suicides compared to what would normally be expected. Trying to find the truth I. The mess.

  • Larry

    08/08/2021 01:49 PM

    Mike, I enjoy your newsletters each day. One suggestion: use something other than the KJV--it is archaic to most readers. Even though I grew up with it, it is so out of date. The NKJV is in modern language translation, as are many others.

  • Charlotte Anne Miller

    08/08/2021 01:38 PM

    Dear Mike Huckabee,

    Thank you so much for all that you do for us and for standing up for what is right, always. We need more people like you!

    Charlotte Miller

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