Latest News

January 12, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • What can be done about Big Tech?
  • The World is Watching
  • Biden's pick
  • Banned by Facebook


Mike Huckabee

What can be done about Big Tech?

By Mike Huckabee

With Big Tech companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon acting in concert to crush Parler and silence conservative political speech, the big question is, what to do about it? Rep. Devin Nunes has called for a RICO investigation, but with the DOJ under the control of the Democrats, who benefit from the collusion (ironically!), that’s not likely to happen. Conservatives tried going to other platforms, but the Silicon Valley leftists control so much of the digital infrastructure that they can cut off any competitors’ web hosting, email service, even digital payment systems.

A bill was just introduced to scale back Section 230 protections when social media companies violate free speech rights, but I have little hope of it passing under the Democrats.

This article in the New York Post calls for federal intervention, but admits that won’t happen until at least 2024, when Republicans could take back the White House and Congress. But will they be able to when their free speech and online presence have been purged for four years?

So what can be done right now? Well, there are two things, and they’re already happening. On Monday, Parler turned to the courts, where there are now a number of Trump-appointed judges who actually care about the Constitution. Parler filed a massive lawsuit against Amazon for antitrust violations, breach of contract and unlawful business interference, and demanded that their web hosting service be reinstated. Parler says their contract with Amazon requires 30 days’ notice of termination, and they got less than one day. In fact, they found out about it from the leftwing website Buzzfeed, which apparently was told an hour before Parler was informed (now we finally have an answer to the question, “Which travels faster: an email or a virtue signal?”)

Since Parler CEO John Matze says he’s getting death threats and is afraid even to go home, and I assume those were ginned up on Twitter, then under the same standard applied to Parler, Twitter is responsible for the people fomenting death threats and should be shut down.

Let’s hope this is only the first of many, many major lawsuits against the Big Tech companies. In the meantime, there is also another way to fight back, and it’s already starting. The tech giants think that they can “disappear” 75 million Americans who voted for Trump. But 75 million angry Americans can respond by refusing to do business with them. They can turn off Facebook and Twitter and actually talk to their real friends, or read a book, go outside, spend time with their families, or do something really productive, like restarting the Tea Party movement. They can shop in person at locally-owned stores instead of on Amazon.

This whole “We don’t need no stinkin’ deplorables as customers!” attitude proved its foolishness to the companies’ shareholders on Monday when Twitter’s stock value plummeted by $5 billion in one day, losing 12% of its value (that’s its stock value; I’m not sure what other value Twitter has.)

Also on Monday, other tech stocks took a beating, with Amazon losing 2.15% of its value, Google and Apple losing over 2.3%, and Facebook dropping by over 4%.

That article assumes that this is just temporary, and they’ll bounce back. Or it could be only the beginning. Show of hands: how many of you who have left Twitter plan to go back? How many plan to give money to any of these companies as long as they’re colluding to deprive you of your Constitutional rights? Wow, not seeing any hands out there.

Ultimately, the greatest power is the power of the purse. The leftist billionaires who control these tech companies are dependent on us giving them our time and money. Yet they are so arrogant and filled with hubris that they think it’s we who are dependent on them. For instance, they actually believe that if they deplatform the #WalkAway movement, it will prevent people from walking away from the left. They’re right: people are now running away.

As far as Facebook and Twitter thinking that they're here to stay and we’re permanently dependent on them: How much time have you spent on MySpace lately?

The World is Watching

By Mike Huckabee

Leftists keep telling us that President Trump is an embarrassment to America in the eyes of other nations. Personally, I find it embarrassing that the leaders of other nations around the world, even leftwing leaders, are watching American Big Tech CEOs’ outrageous censorship of Trump and his supporters and condemning the US for its failure to protect the right to free speech.

My favorite quote, from Russian opposition leader Alexy Navalny, who calls the social media purge an unacceptable form of censorship: “Don’t tell me (Trump) was banned for violating Twitter rules. I get death threats here every day for many years, and Twitter doesn’t ban anyone.”

Also worth considering: maybe you’ve gone too far when Germany is telling you you’re acting like fascists


Biden's pick

By Mike Huckabee

It’s been reported that when she was president of Harvard’s Black Students Union, Joe Biden’s pick to run the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice invited a noted anti-Semite to speak and wrote a letter to the campus newspaper, arguing that blacks have greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities than whites because they have more melanin in their skin.

Ladies and gentlemen, the “party of science!”

Banned by Facebook

By Mike Huckabee

Facebook has permanently banned a clothing retailer called Patriotic Me for alleged violations of terms of service, but the company can’t get anyone from Facebook to explain what they did wrong.

The business was started by a wife and mother who sells non-partisan clothes with patriotic themes, such as the American flag. A portion of every sale goes to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation, a charity to help injured veterans and first responders (I’ve had the founder of that group on “Huckabee” as a Huck’s Hero:

Sales are down by 94% because Facebook has cut off their traffic, and the owner can’t get through to any live human to explain why so that they can correct it. Let’s hope the increased exposure forces Facebook to respond and relent. In the meantime, here’s the shop’s website, which at least is still allowed to be online.

Pelosi blames "whiteness"

By Mike Huckabee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blamed last week’s violent protest inside the Capitol on “whiteness” and people placing "whiteness over democracy."

I think she has a point. All the power in Washington is concentrated in one racist organization whose leaders are two wealthy white men, ages 70 and 78, and a very wealthy white woman who’s 80. They all refuse to relinquish their power to younger, more diverse challengers. In the name of eradicating the corrosive power of whiteness, I call on them to resign immediately.

Well, maybe not the 78-year-old white guy. He’ll probably be replaced by a younger woman of color pretty soon anyway.



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Comments 76-100 of 100

  • Paul Kern

    01/12/2021 11:51 PM

    A couple of thoughts I would like to share.
    First, Nancy must hate herself as she is what we in the South would call " white trailor trash"
    Second I see a disturbing trend by many "religious" experts who once supported our President. Many are now becoming sharks. Attacking Donald because he is not the savior they wanted. Not the soyboy they attempted to turn him.
    I see a lot of hus actions have really exposed them for the Pharisees they are. The Christian lawyers are accepting and promoting fake news that there were only Trump's supporters who caused any trouble whe the preponderance of evidence exposes their lies!
    Jefferson warned us if we became a nation of lawyers. I knew a lawyer who twisted a letter I wrote to put a sex offender back on the streets with no supervision!
    Thomas Jefferson wa

  • Silvia Pye

    01/12/2021 11:38 PM

    I have never been on Twitter and never will ever condone their actions. I am about to cancel my Facebook account because I believe Zuckerberg is a Mega Maniac and I will not accept his censorship because I myself have been censored on Facebook. Both Twitter and Facebook have become a danger to our country by stifling free speech. They are the enemy from within.
    Gov. Huckabee please keep doing doing what you are doing.
    I tape your show every week. We need your perspective

  • Esther Rothenberg

    01/12/2021 11:33 PM

    Gov. Huckabee you are absolutely right. I had an account with Twitter but never really went on nor do I intend to ever again. I came to this country from war torn Europe when I was only 4 years old. I was taught to love this country and I do. Of all the teachers I have had in my life, my father to his dying day said that America is the best country in the world and he meant every word of it. He said how could I ever have anything meaning a home and a business in any country but this. You see when my parents came to this country, they had nothing and they were illiterate. They went to night school, they learned and grew in this wonderful country of ours and by all standards they lived the American dream. My brother and I worked very hard to become professionals. At no time did we ever feel that we could not express ourselves. At no time did we ever feel that we would be put on lists to be dealt with later. We always loudly proclaimed that this was a free country and we could say anything without reprisals. It has now sadly changed. Instead of freedom, there is fear. Instead of free speech there is censorship. We were always taught to tell the truth and heaven help you if you ever lied. That was not tolerated in our house. We always accepted the consequences of our actions. What I am seeing is the dismantling of democracy and it truly breaks my heart. I feel at times that I am sitting at the Mad Hatter's tea party where nothing makes sense and the mad queen is running around yelling "off with their heads" all the while the Cheshire cat sits on the limb of a tree smiling. There is a lot of symbolism there. I have seen an 80 year old woman who herself should have been impeached for trying to impeach a president with evidence full of lies. A witch hunt that makes the witch hunts in Salem look tame. I have heard nothing but lies come out of Pelosi's mouth and in her desire to retain her position bring a covid patient into the Capitol. Having done all these things, how, can anyone believe that she is normal? I have heard about dirty politics but she takes it to an unbelievable level . How do we get her out congress is what I would like to know? All of this takes away from the fact that the election in my humble opinion was stolen. How do we right a wrong? How do we teach people the value of decency, honesty, loyalty and fair play? I have seen barely any of that lately. Getting off twitter not a problem, even getting off face book is not a problem. I have never encountered so many vile and vicious people in my life it would be a pleasure to relieve myself of their craziness. Thank you for your service Gov. and for all you do.

  • Peggy Goynes

    01/12/2021 11:31 PM

    I am watching the debate on the 25th amendment resolution in the house. It appears someone needs to remind the house democrats they were elected by the people to represent them, not Nancy Pelosi. Also, I noticed some did not show up to debate but they got to vote by proxy, and yet, the taxpayers still have to pay their salaries. I am so disgusted with our government. I am appalled at the corruption and what they get away with. No one on the left is accountable for anything. They have committed treason, violated so many laws, literally slept with enemy spies, stole an election in front of our very eyes and nothing is ever done. I love my country so much. My dad and brother sacrificed and literally bled for this country so we could keep our freedoms. I am so disheartened and afraid. I do not know what to do. I know what I would like to do. What do we do? Where do we go? We, the people need answers. My grown daughter called me and said “Mom, I’m so scared”. I had to tell her I’m scared, too. I could not calm her fears or anxiety for her future. So, please, Governor, what do we do? I have called, emailed senators, representatives for the past year and have yet to get a response. But, they didn’t have any problem texting, emailing, calling for donations. Now, complete silence from them. I doubt very seriously if I will ever vote again. Thank you for giving me a chance to voice my concerns.
    Peggy Goynes

  • Kyun

    01/12/2021 11:30 PM

    We’re need Christian tech and us-stop use all of them!!

  • Donald Ray

    01/12/2021 11:29 PM

    Gov. Huckabee, what is your opinion of The Convention of States Action and do you think they can be successful in guiding our United States?

  • Rick Padgett

    01/12/2021 11:15 PM

    Thanks for your words of hope. God gifted you with that Mike.

  • Pat Sands

    01/12/2021 11:09 PM

    I wished Pelosi would go away. Guess God has a plan. Darn.

  • Dennis Zornes

    01/12/2021 11:00 PM

    This whole situation is not sustainable and will completely emplode. Trying to cancel and silence 74 million people is absolutely lunacy!

  • Renee Robertson

    01/12/2021 10:57 PM

    I want to like this!????

  • Pat Schrade

    01/12/2021 10:42 PM

    I loved reading these pieces on Evening Edition. I will be deleting my Facebook account because their philosophy does not align with my values. Where else can I find Evening Edition. Thank you for all you do to help keep freedom and justice for all alive.

  • Linda Gubson

    01/12/2021 10:39 PM

    Mike, is there anything to be worried about??

    Friends, as the leader of this group, I feel that I must share this with you. Regardless of what you believe about our country, about the election or who you voted for, I feel strongly that I must share with you what I have learned. People who know much more than I do believe that martial law will go into effect in the next couple of days. Those who live in a rural areas will be safer than people in metro areas, but according to my resources, we still all need to be prepared. Here are the things people need to do to be prepared:. 1) Pray for our country. This is a battle for our spiritual rights as well as our civil rights, and our freedom. 2) Have enough food on hand for at least two weeks, even up to a month. 3) Have medications you need for a month. 4) Have cash on hand, credit systems will be down more than likely. 5) Have on hand anything you need to run your household for a month. 6) Martial law will last between two weeks to a month. it won't be forever. During that time, stay away from major highways and major cities. 7) EBS (Emergency Broadcasting System) has been alerted and every news station in the country has to comply with broadcasting the correct information that will be coming out or they will forever lose their license to broadcast (according to the FCC). Some of them may try to skew the information anyway. Just be aware of that. 8). Keep in mind that some terrible things will happen over the next few weeks up to a month. It is IMPORTANT to KEEP the PEACE. This is a spiritual decision to trust the Lord, just as the Israelites had to do just before the Lord parted the Red Sea. 9). Military planes have been doing reconnaissance and collecting data. This is a widespread operation. Do NOT take it lightly. Be prepared and stay safe. ____ Thanks. And may the good Lord be honored and glorified in the days ahead.. ~

  • Carmen Price-Zigrang

    01/12/2021 10:28 PM

    Governor Huckabee
    Bid tech and the left are dancing because they have finally found a way to curb Trump's tweets.
    But he will find another mode to use. I have Parler, very sad that big tech have become so strong that they can silence just anyone they want. 1984 is here to stay! Will be interesting to see what Joe will do once he is in.......who is pushing him to do what he is doing? Kamala, AOC etc. someone is. I am giving him 6 months before she is the President, how much will you bet?
    With the left dominating Congress, it will be tough for anyone on the right to break big tech or
    even investigate them. Would be nice if the FCC could but might be really slim.
    We will have to be strong and fight on, stand up to them when ever we can..........hope for 2022 and maybe will have a chance to turn Congress around for the better.
    Carmen Price
    Reno, NV

  • Jim Simpson

    01/12/2021 10:22 PM

    Gov Huck -- you have outdone yourself on what to do with BIG TECH! Best article you have ever produced. Your scenario is perfect.
    Don't use their stinking sites. Hang up on them and let their stock go to Zero! Folks they are going to expose you to the PC police and your going to lose your job etc because you don't worship them. Well do as Governor says and watch what happens.

    Way to go Governor you got my VOTE for Comment of the New Year

    God Bless

  • Michael Gordon

    01/12/2021 10:14 PM

    Right as rain, Governor. Amazon, etc., will only care when their profits suffer. Here's hoping that Americans upset by Gestapo tactics and silencing of opposition take heed and stop fueling their greed and power.

  • Floyd Unger

    01/12/2021 10:05 PM

    Thank you

  • Mary Ann Karasiewski

    01/12/2021 10:05 PM

    I enjoyed the reading and the Bible verse. Thank you very much. One more thing I have been in Facebook Jail calling Pelosi a jerk

  • Chris Shivers

    01/12/2021 10:02 PM


  • Marigene Ficke

    01/12/2021 09:56 PM

    Thank you!

  • Cheryl Sunderland

    01/12/2021 09:55 PM

    So is there any more news about Rudy Guilianni being dis-barred by the left. Why isn't Nader(prominent known democrat) dis-barred for his disaster plot to Impeach our President. This is an out rage that when these Democrats are exposed for their corruption then people like Rudy get slammed hard. This is WRONG??. Cheryl S. WA

  • William Howe

    01/12/2021 09:54 PM

    Mike, I am a big fan of yours, along with several other millions, but one thing just keeps sticking in my craw. Why do you and everyone else keep referring to our great country as a democracy. We are not a democracy. If we were then LA, Chicago, Philadelphia and other big cities would definitely rule the roost. It is my understanding that we are a Constitutional Republic. No where in our founding fathers papers were we ever called a democracy.

  • Linda Wolfe

    01/12/2021 09:48 PM

    It was the democrat part's " Whitness" that inspired them to creat the KKK. It was their "Whitness" that allowed the Gran Wizard of the KKK to be a long time senator. His name was Robert Byrd, gone to meet his maker .


    01/12/2021 09:47 PM

    The world leaders and our enemies already know and are counting the days and hours until Donald Trump is gone from the White House. Then the real party begins to take shape as Joe Biden and his Administration and Nancy
    Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and all the RINOS and traitors of Donald Trump
    are smiling and drinking their champagne along with those corporations
    that hate Trump and the Social Media Giants are all smiling and laughing
    at their parties. When all of sudden all around them comes a earth shattering noises as they look at their corporations and cities are gone and nothing is left, but total destruction. After they have recovered, someone goes over and looks at a piece of rocket and it says as follows: From China and North Korea with Love to Joe Biden, Welcome to the real world.

  • William Fuhrer

    01/12/2021 09:42 PM

    Haven't had any use for apple since the APPLE IIE and don't need AMAZON so I am doing my part

  • Carol Uscilowski

    01/12/2021 09:31 PM

    Mike I wanted to let you know, if you don't already, about It's an alternative to Facebook and the set up is similar. Much easier to get around than MeWe. I just listened to the video made by the founder. They started 4.5 years ago to build their own website and server and are not under big tech's thumb. The site is very slow right now as there are (according to him) millions of people joining, I will be leaving FB soon myself although I'll never hear the end of it from my adult children.

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