The Supreme Court also gave the Biden Administration a reality smackdown on illegal immigration.
The Biden DOJ, a lot of liberal Congress members such as Elizabeth Warren, and 17 Democrat state Attorneys General were all lobbying the Court to make a loophole in the law part of immigration law. The case involved an illegal immigrant who was granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) because it would be dangerous for him to return to El Salvador. He wanted to apply for Legal Permanent Residency (LPR) and get a green card to work here legally.
He (and all those Democrats) wanted the Court to rule that having TPS status for any reason qualified you to apply for permanent residency. Had he prevailed, this would have allowed up to 400,000 people who hold TPS status to become permanent residents, even those who came here illegally.
But the SCOTUS ruled that the law was clear: LPR status requires “admission” into the US, defined to mean “the lawful entry of the alien into the United States after inspection and authorization by an immigration officer.” The plaintiff had gone through none of that because he entered illegally.
It must’ve crushed the Democrats that the ruling was unanimous (9-0) and written by liberal Justice Elena Kagan. The Court noted that changing laws is the job of Congress, not the Court. Indeed, a bill to do this passed the House, but is stalled in the Senate (it has one of those famous Democrat “noble titles” – “The American Dream and Promise Act” – not the “Legalize 400,000 Immigrants Even If They're Here Illegally Act.”) So now, brace for a big push for the Senate to pass that, although it’s unlikely to survive the filibuster, if the filibuster survives.
Court analysts noted that this is the latest in a string of unanimous SCOTUS decisions. While they are actually fairly common, that’s usually in cases that aren’t controversial.
There’s speculation that the SCOTUS might be sending a message to Democrats who want to pack the Court by adding four more liberal Justices that it won’t do any good: if they had to, they could come together and strike down anything that blatantly violates the rule of law and the Constitution by 9-4.
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