As expected, President Biden will issue half a dozen executive orders related to gun control today. Here’s the AP write-up of that story.
And here’s a list of the six measures from a preview released by the White House.
Since these arrived just before our press time, I haven’t had time to research them in detail yet. Suffice to say that they probably will enrage both Second Amendment supporters and gun control zealots. The latter will probably complain that they don’t go far enough. For instance, two of them are to issue “proposed rules” involving “ghost guns” and stabilizer stocks, which will likely be challenged in court if they’re put into effect. One orders the DOJ to publish “model ‘red flag’ legislation” for states, but Biden can’t order states to adopt it. One orders the DOJ to issue an annual report on firearms trafficking (big whoop.) One says the Administration will “invest in evidence-based community violence interventions” (if they wanted to do that, they’d reverse all the defunding of police.)
Finally, Biden will nominate David Chipman as Director of the BATF. That’s not even an executive order, it was just a to-be-expected nomination of an anti-gun activist who was previously involved in the Branch Davidian trial, following the botched government raid of a religious compound in Waco that left 76 people dead.
Biden, like Obama before him, has proven that he will issue executive orders that illegally make or change laws, but these seem fairly timid considering some of his previous EOs. Maybe he knows that the opposition is fierce and well-funded, and will immediately get a judge to halt any orders that violate the Second Amendment. Any real gun control law changes will not only have to pass muster with the courts, they’ll also have to pass Congress.
These orders strike me as a little red meat tossed out to the gun-grabber lobby of the party, full of sound and fury but not signifying all that much, because they really can’t. But don’t expect their target audience (if I’m still allowed to use the word “target”) to be satisfied with them.
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