Among the many nasty surprises buried in the 2700-page “barebones” compromise “infrastructure” bill is a provision to establish a pilot program to examine the feasibility of a national, per-mile “user fee” on all motorists – i.e., a tax on every mile you drive (since Biden hasn’t made driving expensive enough already.)
Democrats are trying to brush off questions about this by claiming it’s not a tax hike, it’s just to study the possibility of a mileage tax in the future that might not ever be imposed. If you think that Democrats will go to that much trouble to workshop a big new tax and then not impose it, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas I’d like to sell you.
Here’s more waste stuffed into that bill…
It also includes a piddling $1 billion for a commission headed by Sen. Joe Manchin’s wife…
And blogger Lawrence Person also lists some not-very-infrastructurey items hidden in that bill, from state-mandated carbon reduction programs to racial quotas on broadband.
Person also includes this quote, which every Republican who supports this bill should be required to respond to, from two researchers at the Texas Public Policy Foundation: “It has just $110 billion, or less than 10% (of its spending), for what’s historically been considered infrastructure – roads and bridges. The other 90% is to fund mass transit waste, green energy nonsense and more items that the states or the private sector could do.”
I often wonder, if leftists are really that concerned about carbon emissions, why don’t they stop burning massive piles of our tax money?
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