
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 651-675 of 1536

  • William Lou Lozano

    01/07/2021 01:20 AM

    What an ugly & disappointing end to the most productive & controversial presidency in my lifetime of 80 plus years. DJT an American president who revealed the truth about Washington DC & the axis of evil. Neither could handle the truth.

  • Kenyon Brooks

    01/07/2021 01:19 AM

    This is an Antifa false flag event. Four busloads of Antifa were escorted by armed, uniformed paramilitary in unmarked black SUVs near the Capitol grounds on Tuesday afternoon. Clear video taken by Trump supporters’ cell phones shows them leaving the busses and checking into a hotel. We were set up, ladies and gentlemen, and the Capitol Police were in on it.

  • Kathy Morawe

    01/07/2021 01:13 AM

    Sir, a local resident of DC reported that stashes of bricks, gas, and other items were found hidden in various places around the Mall. I've also read reports from BLM/Antifa supporters advising to infiltrate Trump Supporters/gatherings dressed as we dress, and not in the typical all-black garb that they usually wear. In various news clips, I noticed point-tipped helmets a-la German SS Troops, kneepads, etc. Who dresses like that? Those individuals came with an agenda, and dressed to fulfill it. Trump Supporters ARE law-abiding citizens, and don't act as rioters act. I fully believe that BLM/Antifa were intermingled in the crowd, and were the ones who incited and were responsible for today's trouble.

  • Craig Robert Bishop

    01/07/2021 01:09 AM

    While everyone can agree what happened today was sad and completely out of line. I can not agree with the accepted cause (Trump and only Trump). Flash back to Pelosi tearing up Trump’s speech or Maxine Waters yelling for supporters to shout and disrupt Trump supporters at restaurants and public gatherings. Months and months of rioting, looting, and harassment with not one word of condemnation from leading Democrats or silent Republicans. Pile on a complete censorship from Big Tech and once (long ago) news outlets (TV, Cable, and Newspaper) and never forget that Trump and his supporters have endured four plus years of falsified impeachment proceedings and illegal wire taps based on false accusations derived from a Dossier paid for by a sitting a Secretary of State (Mind you no one but one lawyer has even had to answer for). Then on top of all this you have an election that has multiple accepted Federal Election laws circumvented and a large number of statistical anomalies backed up by a multitude of affidavits from first hand witnesses that risked a lot. What reasonable person would not want to at the very least investigate but the general public is suppose to rollover and accept the determination that there’s no validity to any of these whistleblower’s testimony when it never reached the light of day in a courtroom.
    And now the the easy thing is to put 100% of the blame on one person. I think it is time that Washington take a long look in a mirror and reflect on the massive amount of responsibility for today’s actions. You remove the voice of 74 million voters (either perceived or real), and you demonstrate that illegal actions by high ranking politicians and subordinates can go without ever having a price to pay. Then witness everyday citizens that go to jail or are punished for much more minor crimes. Then expect the general public to not notice that we have a two tier criminal justice system.
    While looking at that mirror, take a look at the approval ratings of Congress.
    Then and only then can blame be distributed in an fair manner for this sad display of public behavior
    Be very careful, this Nation is sitting on a powder keg that needs to be handled and resolved with a great deal of care and across the board respect. Thanks and God Bless the great United States.

  • Patricia de la Tejera

    01/07/2021 01:07 AM

    Was the Trump rally I filtrated by antifa actifists?

  • Judy Radley

    01/07/2021 01:04 AM

    What good is law and order when we have played by the rules, AND THE CHEATERS STILL WIN!!! I am more aghast at Pence betraying America! I'd be pissed too!!!! Why is it that law abiding citizens are raked over the coals when those terrorist BLM and ANTIFA get away with it all!!?? I am appalled and totally disgusted too with Pence and those in the Supreme Court who are too chicken to take on those evil liberal socialists! They deserve to be run by China now as they didn't stand up for America when it was needed! I will never vote again! It doesn't matter what our votes are, we get cheated anyway!!! Time to move out of America! And to Israel or Australia! America is gone now and never to be back the same again!!! I am so upset and glad my family are gun owners because I think we will need to protect ourselves now against the Hitlers of America!!!! It was NOT inexcusable, it is called SELF-DEFENSE TO DEFEND OUR COUNTRY FROM ALL THE DOMESTIC TERRORISTS IN BOTH PARTIES!!!!

  • Willie Ragusa

    01/07/2021 01:04 AM

    I do not believe that Trump supporters would do this to our President. The Left is evil and the only way they could combat such an outpouring of support was to pretend to be Trump supporters and behave the same way they did when they burned down cities and destroyed businesses. It is obvious to everyone that this was a fraudulent election. They didn’t even try to hide it. I know President Trump has had to battle many enemies, but I believe now that most of the GOP is corrupt. Why won’t any of them even look at the proof? I strongly believe in the Constitution and I am sure that we are not expected to accept the results of a fraudulent election!

  • Kevin Pandil

    01/07/2021 01:02 AM

    Dear Mike Huckabee,
    This is what I think, I think that the Capital Breach was a done as a show, Maybe by the FBI, Or the CIA. The reason I say this is the media all came out with the same story at the same time. Most of the congressmen were using the same story to justify the fraud election. Is what I see.

    The MO of antifa is to yell at the police, and then make there move, this time they had help from someone inside. They showed people destroying looked like camera equipment, that is just not a President Trump supporter. Same story with in minutes of it happening. It's so obvious now.

    President Trump supporters probably got caught up in it. I'm thinking there is NO reason to vote any more.

    Happy New Year, I mean it's a new year.
    Victim of felony election fraud,
    Kevin Pandil
    Mesa, AZ

  • Marilyn Hansen

    01/07/2021 01:01 AM

    You damn well know these were NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS DOING THIS TODAY!!!!! It wasALL CHOREOGRAPHED BY THE LEFT!!!! Period.

  • Paul Martin

    01/07/2021 01:00 AM

    I watched the C-SPAN coverage (via the link you provided) from the start and for some hours, and while there was a lot of anxiety and fear expressed, there was very little -- actually nothing -- to backup the obviously exaggerated claims of any "Trump incited", "rioting mob" or "violent protesters". One thing WAS clear: the vast majority of "protesters" were well behaved, non-threatening, non-violent and mild-mannered protesters. In fact, none of the video clips showed anything other than peaceful protesters. And while it is clear, from blog and twitter postings, that there was a limited number of individuals who were behaving very badly, details and evidence are almost non-existent (beyond a few VERY short video clips) for anyone to accurately assess what exactly happened and who did what. A former FBI agent on site, observing events, reported that he saw a bus load of "Antifa thugs" arriving early on, and his assessment was that they were there to pretend to be violent Trump supporters. Yes, we conservatives are committed to law-abiding behaviour and we always condemn lawlessness, but we must not allow ourselves to be manipulated into agreeing with the lying leftist narrative, or condemning our fellow conservatives for accusations of "crimes" without proof -- a 7 second or 11 second video clip is often misleading and it certainly does NOT tell us who was misbehaving -- donning a MAGA hat and/or carrying a Trump flag is NOT a definitive identifier, especially where we have reason to believe there were infiltrators working hard to discredit this massive crowd of very "conservative" people. We conservatives have an undesirable tendency to be publicly critical of one another, and leftists do everything they can to trigger the discord among us. Sure, we can think that Trump might have been better to resist criticism of Pence, or that you might have been better to resist criticism of Trump, etc., but we need to be cautious about going public, especially if we are not careful to be very clear and precise. I for one think President Trump's frustration with V.P. Pence was justified, that he could and that he should have done more than he did, especially knowing there is no tomorrow for a just outcome. I think most of us were disappointed. It is one thing for him to believe he does not have the authority to choose electors, but he can make suggestions that would guide the next steps to be taken, like taking up the call for a 10 day investigation of election irregularities, or at least to make a call for submissions of evidence to be brought before the joint session, to provide the "substance" behind the elector objections, for everyone to consider, after which they could separate for internal debates, rather than having separate debates without the evidence. As for the violence, of course we all condemn it, but I certainly hope they arrest the violators -- if they do, I will be very interested see if we ever get the details on their identities, their personal associations and their history of prior arrests. Your commentaries and values are a breath of fresh air, and I always appreciate your information and insights, but you might want to try being a little more supportive of the "good guys", and a little less fatalistic in your response to a blatant coup of your country. Perhaps I'm being a little harsh, but I do believe this is a pivotal time in history, where we cannot expect to win back "tomorrow", what is lost "today".

  • Edward Vanover

    01/07/2021 01:00 AM

    To paraphrase a Democrat line for the current President and regarding the "President Elect":
    "Not MY President!"
    Not now.
    Not ever.

  • Jessie Virginia Willis

    01/07/2021 01:00 AM

    It is a shame that violence broke out and a lady was killed. I feel there was fraud but how we can prove it, I don't have and answer. Our country is divided and I don't believe Biden can put us back together with his bull dog Harris waiting to take over. I can't understand why God is allowing this to happen but I am trusting His will will be done in our lives. I am just hurting from all this.


    01/07/2021 12:59 AM

    It was not the Trump Supporters. It was Antifa and the BLM. They were dressed like Trump supporters and came into the crowd. The Capital Police knew exactly who they were and they escorted them in. Trump Supporters and Christians are not violent! You know that Mike!

  • gene kellermeyer

    01/07/2021 12:59 AM

    Is there really any surprise? This has been stewing for years! It is the product of years of the most corrupt and divisive administration(Obama-Biden) in the history of this great nation. President Trump was elected by a vast number of working class citizens, many of whom had never voted before. For four years we have witnessed knowingly false clams pursued by hateful despicable leaders and media sycophants who are so separated from the truth and devoid of any morals that our founders took as a matter of fact that there is a level of frustration that is being ignored by the people that are its cause. Judging by the reactions of egomaniacs like Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer that do not have the wisdom that is necessary to properly lead this nation. The greatest problem is that they have turned their backs on God, believing falsely that He has no place in our government. Any response would be appreciated
    Gene Kellermeyer

  • Karen McClure

    01/07/2021 12:56 AM

    I do not agree with the violence and am not sure it was started by Trump supporters. I think it could have been a setup by Antifa dressed as Trump supporters or persons paid ( Soros)to start trouble possibly? Smells fishy to me. All protests up to now have been peaceful! I am angry and frustrated over this election! I love this country and my heart is aching tonight because I believe America is going down and I can’t stop it! I prayed! I organized group prayer many times before the election and since the election. I know God has a plan, but I am so distraught! They have stolen this election and something should be able to rectify it!! Who wouldn’t be frustrated and angry! I’m very angry at Lyndsey Graham also for his comments! I sure hope God sends a wonderful person to run against him next time in the primary. I had to vote for him this time. Lesser of two evils! I know a lot of SC folks who feel the same!!
    President Trump sent out the tweet, but his account was frozen from the media adding what he had said about fraud is what I heard? Violence never accomplishes anything! But I noticed that the Mayor of DC immediately called in the National Guard! Why did this not happen when cities were being burned and looted! It should be the same for either side! Kamala Harris told the looters and violent people not to stop!! The world is upside down!
    We are up the creek without a paddle! It seems everyone Trump supported let him down, even The Supreme Court! I was so disappointed in them! Nobody would stand together with the representatives and senators who stood up for the truth!! Sad is what it is! I am especially sad for my children and grandchildren! God help us! ??????????

  • Liz Townsend

    01/07/2021 12:56 AM

    I’’m not sure the Trump people broke into the Capital today. I lean more to believing paid thugs staged this break in. Sad for all of us today. Only God can help us now. Bless you and your family.

  • Peter I Juve

    01/07/2021 12:54 AM

    Gov. Huckabee, thanks for all you do for GOD and country. Terrible time and day. I think Trump condemned it quite hard enough. Brown shirts of the dems burned/stole/killed and destroyed all summer with no condemnation and actual 'media' support. And quite possibly, blm and antifa thugs could have infiltrated the Trump supporters today and perpetrated the violence making Trump and his supporters look bad. Trump supporters never behaved like this during many previous gatherings. Satan is smart and so are his pawns. Isaiah 5:20 is in full throttle. The satanic dems will give us over to the new world order very shortly. Only true revival can save this country, but I think with 63M babies butchered and counting, judgment is going to fall with full force. God gave Judah 19 yrs (605BC to 586BC) to repent (Tophet) before falling to Nebuchadnezzar's 2nd visit. We have had 19 yrs since our first warning, 9/11/01. Now the CCP virus plus dems will 'change' (destroy) the USA....unless GOD says no. 2 Chron. 7:14!

  • Roger King

    01/07/2021 12:52 AM

    Although the capital intrusion was wrong in so many ways there is a much bigger issue as play. Right now half of the country thinks there was massive election fraud that stole a landslide victory from President Trump and gave it to Basement Biden. Once all the courts basically refused to even hear the election fraud and the GOP bailed two things happened. First, the Democrats realized their fraud would never be investigated and criminally charged. So they now free to do more of it, gain unfettered power and rule as a single party in a totalitarian way. The other half realize their vote will only count if the fraudsters allow it. Once this once sacred right is removed there is nothing to keep the power hungry Democrats from quickly consolidating power into a totalitarian system. They thought they had it will Hillary but now will never allow a Democratic loss in critical positions These are honest feelings which are being proven by the Big Tech censorship, MSM, lack of action of multiple Democratic crimes by the DOJ and FBI. The right feels totally abandoned and confused why the republic has so suddenly abandoned normal main stream Americans. Mike, this election isn't like other ones, it’s very different and by the time those sticking their heads in the sand wake up, it will be way too late. At this point, other than secession or a Civil War our Republic will never be restored. Those that are optimists may think it will be OK but they better keep their eyes open.


  • Dennis Sharp

    01/07/2021 12:51 AM

    Have you considered Antifa infiltration? How better to blame President Trump?

  • Charla McKernan

    01/07/2021 12:50 AM

    How do we know these rioters were truly Trump supporters & not Antifa. Is it true Antifa arrived in DC in 3 buses days preiously?

  • Cathy Cooper

    01/07/2021 12:49 AM

    Although I don’t condemn violence, all I saw were mostly peaceful protestors walking, sitting & standing with flags. The few that broke through the windows & walked around the Capitol building weren’t stealing, burning or hurting anyone. They were just tired as we all are of the corrupt politicians that have stolen from us for years & now destroying our country & taking away our freedoms. If we wait till Biden’s inauguration, it will be too late to do anything.????????

  • Jeannie MacAdams

    01/07/2021 12:48 AM

    Yes, Gov'nor, yer right. Today not only was a sad day for America and an embarassment in front of the world, but also a pass for blm/antifa crazies who likely organized the entire thing.

  • Julie Franck

    01/07/2021 12:48 AM

    We elect people to government office because they supposedly can do some good, and they can make a difference for the common man and our country. The Republicans that currently hold office should be tarred and feathered in the village square - mostly they are an embarrassment for not fighting back when they could have.

    This election was disappointing for many reasons. Trump's comments helped to seal the deal against him. He was a guy who did great things for our country, but he turned a lot of people off.

    I've lost all faith in all politicians and in 98% of the general public. I think it's time to re-direct my attention elsewhere. Not that I thought Trump was a shining example of a president, but he did get things done for our benefit - which is a lot more than I can say for most of the previous White House occupants. The voters seem to be idiots. I do believe Trump killed it himself with his rhetoric and then the media sealed the deal. So now we watch Rome burn. Or, maybe the trumpets will sound and we'll all be whisked away. I like that.

    I really can't waste my time on this sort of thing. It's a HUGE distraction from what we are supposed to be doing - looking to God for solace and peace in this world...promoting His love and mercy. I'm going to try very hard to get on track with that and ignore this quicksand we're standing in. I will continue to pray for our government and its leaders (as I fear for the damage they'll now be doing). I will look for ways to show God's love as best I can, and try very hard to not get swept away with the likes of what we just experienced (and that will be a struggle, but I believe that's the devil's handiwork).

    These are my thoughts. I say try to shake this off and look forward to your own personal happier days ahead. I am.

  • Karen Coryell

    01/07/2021 12:48 AM

    What looks like over a million supporters of President Trump spent most of two days being peaceful in spite of anti-Trump counter protests and harrasment, no decent honest coverage of anything pro-Trump or conservative. Antifa said they would infiltrate and they did, timing their monstrous disruptions to coincide with the Senate and House certification process. Why was anyone surprised? In short, they weren't. The President's communications platforms were yanked out from under him when he most needed to be heard and the media inflamed it all by decrying his "non-action" at a critical time. This whole farce was a set-up. In one coordinated swoop, the left completed their coup, from the wide open vote totals changing in Georgia to the timed attacks on the capital to the media playing up their narrative, it was planned. We are too naive and trusting and we let our country be taken from within. This will become all too apparent all too shortly.

  • Laura Young

    01/07/2021 12:43 AM

    I abhor violence. That being said, I have seen numerous posts on FB stating that Antifa and BLM showed up in busloads to engage the Trump supporters. We know that there are people paid to do just that. And they were extremely successful today. I fear for my country. If it isn't a civil war by this time next year, it'll be a Chinese takeover. The signs are all there.